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Port Perry Star (1907-), 1 Feb 1940, p. 3

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: [ ~ - 'Ensol Treatment ; For Cancer Gets Government Aid €pecial' Grant Made To Assist Research in Dr. Henry Con. nell Foundation at © Kingston, Ontario In order to insure a continued supply of "Ensol", the cancer treat. nient developed and produced by the Dr. Hendry Connell Founda- tion at Kingston, the Omtario Gov- ornment made a special grant of from $3,000 to $4,000 to the foun- dation for the month of January, At the same time, the govern: meut's own elinic which is making additional. researches {into the treatment is being continued. It is understood that the Connell Foun: dation has been short of funds to carry on the production of "Ensol" which still 1s being distributed free. If the foundation was forced by financial reasons to discontinue the work, the Ontarlo Government clinic would have to close down for lack of supplies, OTHER MEANS OF FINANCING - Therefore Hon, Harold Kirby, Ontarlo minister of health, agreed, + nok only- to continue the work of the government clinic but to assist the foundation itself in a financial way for the month of January at least, > It was hoped that before the end of tho month the foundation would find other means of (financing Some time ago it was indicated that the duPont fiterests i. the United States had agréed, to ad- vance tke foundation $100,000, It is said, however," that this support was dependent upon the foundation socuring, from the federal govern- \ ment a permit to manufacture "En. - sol" for sale. This permit has not been forthcoming. - DOCTORS SUPPLIED FREE Some 500 doctors throughout the province are said to hay been sup- plied with *"Ensol" free. by the foundation. They, of course, collect fees from their patients but the Connell Foundation is unable to ac- cept payment without a federal per- mit, ' y Captures Skating Crown oof Lh Barbuia Ann Scott" of Ottawa carried off the Junior Canadian Women's figure skating champion- ship, Dennis Ross; also of Ottawa, carried off-top honors in the jun-; dor men's event at the Canadian _ figure skating championships held in Ottawa. Swollen Beans . Scuttle Vessel i They Get Wet and Swell After "Danish Ship Damaged by Mine --S8ink It Ate A cargo of soy beans and not a mine which badly damaged it was the reason the 11,000-ton Danish liner Canada sank off the coast of England, 3 Captain Carb Knudsen, who 'was in command of the Canada when it 'struck-a mine near Hull, Eng- land, last" November, has revealed that chances of taking the Canada into port for repairs were good until 8,000 tons of soya beans were swelled three times their size 'by sea water, . --~ _Even the steel sides of the ves- sel couldi't stop the swelling. The plates burst and the Canada sank in shallow water, where lat. er it was cut in two when another ship rammed it, YX Tummy Ache , For Burglar Pdice of Montebello, Cait, hunting a sehoolhouse burglar last week, wondered. if, they wouldnt find him with a stomach ache, The loot :™ a . Ice cream, valued at $2.70. Four bottles of milk, , Four jars of cookies, Candy, valued at' $7. ° Nite bottles of orange juice, _ Barefoot prints indicatéd the in. truder was a small boy, : Sunday School Lesson . . , LESSON V HOLDING: LIFE SACRED. (A Prin. ciple of Temperate Living Genesis 1:27:31; 1 Corlnthians 6:19 © .20; 2 Corinthians 6:16--7:1. GOLDEN TEXT: "Ye were bought with a price: glorify God there- fore In your body." 1 Cor. 6320, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time -- The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians was writ. © ten in A.D. 57, and it Is generally believed that the Second Epistle was written not many months lat- er, probably in the same year Place -- The First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians was writ ten from Epheusu. The Second was written in Macedonia, possibly 'from the city of Thessalonica. 27, And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. \We gather from the present chapter that God is a spirit, that he thinks, speaks, wills, and acts. The great points of con. formity to God that man possesses are reason, speech, will and power. In the reason is evolved the distinc. tion of good and evil, In the will is unfolded tliat freedom of actlon which chooses the good and refuses the evil, God formed the body of man in such a way as to make it a suitable habitation and instrument for its rational tenant. The mind and the body were compatible and complementary, It was specitically the mind of man that was created in the divine image; God is spirit ual or physical substance, and so is man's mind or soul. : Be Fruitful and Multiply 28 And God blessed them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have do minion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over every. living thing that moveth upon the earth. 29, And . God sald, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed which 1s upon tho face of all the earth, and every tree, In which is the fruit of a tree yleldlng seed; to you it shali"be for food: 30. and to ev-" ery beast of the earth, and to every bird of the heavens, and to every- thing that creepeth upon the earth, whereju there is lite, 1 have given every green herb for food; and it " 'was so. The words-spoken by God -to our first parents are in the form of a command: man is to bear _children; he is to subdue the éarth, he Is to have dominion over all liv- ing creatures; he is to live physic- ally by the herbs and fruits and cercals which God planted in the earth, Some day the whole creation will be again in perfect subjection to man, as it was ordained to be Licut. H. Z. Palmer, of the Canadian Field Artillery, son of Mrs, A. Z, and the late Col. Palmer, of Ottawa, Canada, is pictured with his -:bride, the former Peggy Crerar, daugther of Brig.-Gen. H, D, (i, Crerar, chief of staff at the: Canadian military headquarters in England, as they left St. George's, Aldershot Garrison church, after they were married. 'Trumpeters of the Royal Military College of Music, Keller Hall, stand behind them. ' at the timo of his creation (sce Ro- "mans 8:18:23). Temple of the Holy Spirit 1 Cor. 6:19. Or know ye not that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, ull ro- have -from God? and ye are not your own. Man has not only body and soul, but also spirit. Deeper down than where the soul with its conscidusness can enter, there' is a spirit-nature linking man with God. In somo people it Is nothing more than a dormant power, n pos- sibility waiting for the quickening ot the Holy Spirit (We are famil- far with the division of the temple into three parts: there was its ex- terfor with the outer court, seen by all men; the holy place, into .which alone the priest might enter; God dwelt In the holiest of holies, where none might venture nigh.) 20, For ye were bought with a ~ price; glorify God therefore In your body. The price or ransom * which Christ, our- purchaser, paid for our redemption from slavery,. was his own soul. List our bodies be God's so that throvgh our eyes d | RADIO A N D ll NOTES | NE W'S 8y MADGE ARCHER "MUSIQUIZ" CONTINUES In response to an overwhelming popular demand, expressed in hun- dreds of letters, telephone calls," etc, Ted Cott's unique Sunday at- ternoon muslquiz "So You Think You Know Music" has been restor- ed to its former spot on the Colum. bia network, Sundays at 2:30 p.m, (CPRB). Most amusing of the let ters from younger listeners: was one from a Toronto girl, who wrote" i "I have got the mumps. 1 am ~ eight years old and I'love your program, I-hope, you will get enough letters so you can be on the air again as 1 am not taking plano lessons or- any- thing about music so you see I am learning a lot .over the radlo, so 1 hope you will be on the air; and go does my mother and friends." MARCHING PAST x ° The Regimental March-past of the old 65th -- 'Leg Fusiliers de Mont-Royal" wlll be featured by the Band of the Canadian Grena- dier Guards and the Five Sin¥ing Guardsmen "On Parade" on Thurs. day "night February 8th, at 8:30 p.m., over CBL. Founded on the 18th of June, 1869, in' Montreal, it . is one of the oldest French-Canad- {an regiments In the Province of Quebec, . i WILL SING AND ACT Don Ameoche, 'former m.c. and singing star of the Chase and San- born Hour, has been signed to head a half-hour variety "and dramatic program which will go on the aif as 800n as ono of the networks can supply a suitable spot. As on the Chase and Sanborn Hour; Ameche will both sing and act on the pro. gram, ". TO BE'HEARD Feb, 2, COBY, Aoronto Mendels- sohn Choir and Toronto Symph- ony Orchestra , , , 10:30, OBI, the War and the Canadian Favor . , , 11:30 'p.m, CBL, The Northern MoSgenger .,,,, Feb. 8,'2:00 p.m, | CBL, Metropolitan Opera Company + ++ 10 p.n,,-CBL, COBY, Bernardino Molinarl conducts NBC Symphony + ++ Feb. 4, CFRB, 2:30 p.m, "So * You Think You Know: Music"? , , , 3 p.m,, CFRB, N.Y. Phil. Orchestra «+. 6:30 pm, CBL, Chase and Sanborn Hour . .. 8:30 p.m, CBL, One Man's Family ., , 9 p.m, CBL Your Government and the War, ., Feb. 5, 12:30 p.m., Ontario and Quebec region Farm Broadcast ., , . 8:00 p.m.,, CFRB, Tune Up Time . , -}--+ - 8:30 p.m, CBL, With the Troops in England . ., 10:00 p.m., NBC- blue to South Ont., Little Old Hol lywood , . . Feb. 6, 8:30, CBL, In. formation Please . . , 9:00 p.m, CBL, Reginald Stewart, planist . , , 10:00 p.m, CBL, Toronto Symph- ony Orch. ,.. 9:30 p.m, CBL, Mus. , lo by Faith , ,, 10:00 p.m,, Musical Tribute to Edward MacDowell . , , Feb, 8, 8:30, CBL, On Parade , . . 9:00 p.m,, CBY and S, Ont, East. man School of Music , , , 10:30 pm, NBC - CBS - MBS, President Roosovelt addresses Boy Scouts of America, . . _ spirit, shall flash the light of his love. ~ From this lesson wo should realize anew the sanctity of the physical body in which we live, the high purpose of physical life as such, The Separated Life .2 Cor, 6:16. Aud what agreement hath a temple of God with idols? for we are a temple of the living God; even.as God said, 1 will dwell In them, and walk in them; ,and 1 will be their God, and they shall bo my people. The city of Corinth. was full of temples which were an fnslt to God. Their idols gpoko of and demanded uncleanness on the part of thelr worshippers. _ God is infinitely holy, and demaypds .. holiness on. tho part of -those.-who approach him, 17, Wherefore, come yé out from -among them, and be ye separate, -salth the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; and 1 will receive you, and will bo to you a Father, and ye shall be To me sons and daughters, saith the Lord Al mighty. This separation from the world was not to be physical and local and social, but moral and spiritual. These Corinthians wero not to migrate to o.her cities, but to keep free from tho intimacies and feYiowkhips which might ally them with idolatry, and today the Christians are to live in the world, while they are not of the world, 7: 1 Having therefore these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and : perfecting holiness in. the fear of God. As the sourco of all defilement of the flesh is sell-grat- itication, so felf-seeking is at the 'root of all defilement of the spivit, » Wise Bird Lays A Breakfast Egg A hen which prefers a_ warm . kitchen chair to a cold nest saves N. J. Detweiler, of Middlefield, 0., a shivering trip to the hen- house for his breakfast cgg. "Evéry morning about dawin,'% says Detweiler, who insists this is no yarn, "this hen scratches on the kitchen door. When I let her in s@asclimbs on a cushioned chair and a few minutes later cackles to announce that she has laid her egg." Havana, the Cuban capital, which recently celebrated its 426th anniversary, stood as a city . 100 years before the first houses were built in what was to become New York, A) FARM NOTES USE BETTER SEED Opposition to ploughing poor marginal land to provide increas. ed crop production.to meet war. . time needs, was expressed by W, R. Reek, deputy mipister of agri. culture, at' a meeting of the agri. culture committee of the Ontario Legislature, "The only way we can capitalize on hogs and dairy pro- © ducts is to produce yore. barley, oats, and mixed grains," said Mr, Reek. wy "We know definitely that by use of better seed; farmers in Ontario can step up their crop production appreciably," said Mr. Reck, THREE.GRAIN DIET . J. E. Bergey, extension special ist of the poultry department of the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph, suggests' that a single grain diet is not satisfactory for laying hens, The 5 main grains are wheat, oats, barley, corn and buck- wheat, any three of 'which should be used, but oats is the best single grain and should be one of the three used in a feed mixture, Milk is the most outstanding protein food, he said, Others may be meat, fish or liver meal. Minerals, he outlined, may include oyster shell or bone meal and for vitamins, cod liver oil, greens or vellow corn, Change Alphabet . Into "Phonobet"? An American Has Now Invented A System He Hopes to Make A Common Language; Symbols for Sounds Tho late Frank I. Vizetelly, the fumed lexicographer, onco said the English-speaking people need a new alphabet. and Johu EK. Leavitt "of Cincinnati believes he has it in Iiis "phonobet." Leavitt, a retired carpenter, ma chinist and shoe designer, defines the "phonobet" as a "scientific ar- rangement of letters in a logleal sequence according to their sound values and the vocal mechanics of their utterances." . 40 CHARACTERS _ARRANGED LOGICALLY Believing that a common lang. wage -- preferably English--would bo _ the greatest sinde factor in .establishing and malutaining per- petual peace throughout the world, Leatl(t has oficved his fuvention to the League of Nations, Leavitt prefers English bocuuse more than one-quarter of the peo- ple of the world use it. But he says foreigners could not master the Language until its vazaries of spel ling -and pronunciation are stand- ardizexd, WITH SPELLING AUTOMATIC The "phonobet" inclines symbols adopted to represent the "orphan sounds" that have no « ters Cin the present Buglish language It has 40 characters insted of the 26 now in nse, x "The additional @araclors, Leas vitt says, permit each letter to have its own sound and each soviil its own letter in the "phon- obet," making all pronunciation and spelling 100 per cent. anfoma- tie. . Sees Improved Fruit Outlook: Federal Farm Economist Encourag- es' Growers of Niagara All factors considered, Canadian growers of tender fruits can look ~ forward to 1940 with "a reasonable + degree ol optimism," WW. C. Hopper, chief agricultural economist for the federal department" of agricul ture told the annual convention of the Niagara Peninsula Feult Grow . ers' Association: "A general rise in the lovel of commodity prices would have a tendency to push up the prices of tender fruit" he sald "If we havo a long war and a large numbor of men are taken Into service, these Is likely to be a significant rise In the prices of all agricultural pro. ducts." POP---Boston Tea Party ..12 Enemy of es -- et ba be 2 ee aes mete TRAINING IN FRUIT HARVESTING? »The association adopted a reso lution asking the department of la bor to organize a natlonal service * program for enrolling and training young women to assist in fruit har- vesting. Another resolution asked the government to. establish a re- search station in the Niagara dis. trict to find ways and means fog fullest utilization of fruit products, » . - v By William Ferguson v | Tis Curious Woreo HAS A CT IPARATE USK FOR, EACH 1 1OIVIDUAL KERNEL, o AL; [IY] 15 A FRESH WATER. ANIMAL, BUT IT WiLL RIVER. MOUTH TO ANOTHER... TRAVEL. THROUGH SALTY STA WATER FROM ONE COPR. 1931 BY NEA SERVICE, INC. MIDNIGHT SOREN) IS NOT LIMTV.ZD TO THE TWO POLAR. AREAS/ IT CAN BE SEEN SOUTH OF: THE ARCTIC CIRCLE AND | NORTH OF CIRCLE THEORETICALLY, the midnight sun is visible only within the polar circles. but due to the fact that the earth is slightly flattened al the poles, combined with the refraction of rays near the earth's surface a person considerably south of the Arctic Circle and north - of the Antarctic Circle cab see the sun-at midnight, at certain - sons of the year I's srt PH SMT: How can poison sumac be recognized? "© MUSICAL INSTRUMENT HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Purle 13 Substitutes, - 1 Pictured 2 14 To vex. Tel S 16 It has first" THis a -- : iy gil 11 Monkey. the gods. 15 Gazelle, 16 Hops kilns. 17 Treacherous, 18 Measure. 20 To regret. 21 Small stones, 23 To lubricate, instrument 24 To burn case. incense, 41 Dyc. 26 To observe. 43 Silkworm, 45 To add to. 46 In advance. 27 It has a rich ---- quality. make of this instrument - VERTICAL 2 To emanate. -3 Made of 22 Let it stand, 25 Expression of amusement, 20 Pirate. 30 Sly-persan. 32 At this time. 33 To emulate, 34 North America. - 35 Type standard 40 Type of auto, 42 Chair rail. » 41 Frozen - desserts. EIRN IA LCA 28 Blemish, 50 Mug. 4 Circular wall, 45 Narrative 30 Southeast. 52 Male duck. 5 Back of necic, poem. 31 Surrounding 56 Wild buffalo. § Ray of the 47 Derby, conditions. 57 Root point sun, 48 To do wrong 36 Earth, covering? 7Be silent, "49 Bird. F 37 Go on 58 Kind of plum. 8 Self, 51 Upward. (music). 59 It has four 9 Nonmetallic 53 Male shee. 38 Pronoun. --_-- element, 54 Since. 39 Surgeon's 60 A famous * 10 Parrot fish. 55 Insight. oe A © By. MILLAR WATT 4 -- nr ------------ X IVE BEEN Off ERED FABULOUS] [7 SUMS TO LIVE IN AMERICA} [ror-- WHO BY ~ ¥ ' BRITAIN? THE ANTARCTIC 55°

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