f i TER st er AA i ren ---- must start now Lo nm "HowTo Manage Cuts and Burns First Aid In the Home Is Important Undoubtedly, nine out of ten household injuries are cuts, grazes and burns--with splinters, blisters and particles in the eye coming next, Cuts can be of various kinds, They are all-alike as regards treat. ment, though they are not alike in healing time, Clean cuts - heal + quickest 'and with , the least trouble, TO STOP BLEEDING Let us suppose you have been slicing vegetablés in a hurry and have cut your finger. Don't be frightened of a little blood, It will not hurt you to let the wound bleed for a few seconds, In fa, it is an advantage, as this washes the "wound from within inctead of from the outside und thus washes out the dirt, instead of washing it in. Don't wish the wound with water at all if it is a clean cut, Stop the blecding by raising the injured limb above the head and gripping fightly undermeath the wound, You will be surprized how quickly the bleeding atops. Paint with iodine around the wound and apply the gauze pad or a piece of elastic surgical plaster-cumdres=- ing. d Next in order of frequency "in the scale of injuries are burns and scalds, To deal with them, "spread "some of the tunnie acid jelly you have in your box on a piece of gauze or other dressing and apply to the injury. Cayer with a pad of cotton wool and bandage the whole. The Small Town: ~~ Where Dominion Prosperity Lies Dean of Canadian Advertising Says Reconstructicn Vierk After . - War Should Start Thera. "The second world war shouid Bulld for ibe future, industria ex- pansions skould revert back to the small towns whera Cauada's perm anent prosperity is rooted." Such fs the opinion of R. C. Smith, the dean of Canadian adverlising, wlio , early in February celebrated his birthday in Toronto. "The small towns were built by men who tad a pride in their craft and who did not feel that the pinnacle of a man's success is a white collar job. That Is the philosophy which has made a groater Canada in the past and which can build a greater Canada in the future." - A vigorous call to arms was also' sounded by Mr. Smith, "Whether in the firing. line or on the home front," he declared, "the full re sources of all Canadians must be mobilized to prepare for peace. We -to- fashion the framework of a greater Canada." -- Is Expensive Only G01 Per Cent. of Writers Get Enough.to Live On, Publisher Says you might" wriié: a book? Well; - hundreds of thousands-- maybe a millioi--ncrmal Ameri- cans a year get bitten by the no- tion they'd like to break "into print, says the New York World. Telegram. 5 STARVATION"PAY Of these aviless folk perhaps 100,000 write past page - three, The number of manuseripts ace tually dropped into the New York publishing "well annually is un. certain, bit it's probabiy high up in the tens of thousands. Yet 'only .001 per cent of the people who try their hand at writ- ing books carn more than starva. tion wage at it, one publisher . estimates. ' And among the prafeasional writers who work at it for a liv- ing the maximum earnings in good times: for 87 per cent averages $2,600 a year, according to kd. ward A. Weeks, editor of Atlantic Monthly. Even more disconcerting: Less 3) than one out of every thousand PI .. manuscripts that pass through a Jit publishing "house unsolicited ever pl reaches the inside of a book cover. ZW © VANITY. PUBLISHERS 40 . The average sales of all books % published 'js around 1,200 which (7 - looks mighty sorry in light of the Ed fact that a publisher must sell ie close to 2,600 copies fo break AgE even, ; : #f A dozen or so publishers will E bring out your book for a price, 2 say $400, Foran edition, of which' 7 - you'll get an agreed-on block of fy. copies, The other houses call them 7h fvanity publishers." Poets often 7 have to kick-in an advance to see 12 their verse in print." n----s - Keep an ordinary magnet in the sewing box--it's fine for picking up #pilled pins and needles, All1]b, and }4 Ib. packages of Lipton's contain coupons which you can save ex. ghange for Wm. Rogets & Son Silverplate. Widte for Presaium Book &s J. Lipton age jon Bldgs, CHANGE TO LIPTON'S | fd Ts yoyex FULL FLAVOURED "eso e | How Can | 7 | BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make a good soap jelly? : A. This can be made from the scraps of soap around the house. Dissolve theso small pieces of soap fn just enough water to cover them and add one teaspoonful of borax for each pint of the mixture, Q. How can I prevent ples from overflowing in the oven? A. lusert a short piece of uncook- ed macaroni In the top of the crust," This will stop the overflow. Or do this-at the start to prevent overflowing, Q. How, can 1 prepare a solution for chapped hands? A. A good lotion for chapped hands {s one part of aqua ammonia to two parts of glycerine. Add en- ough rosewater to obtain a slight perfume, toe Q. How can I remove the odor from an empty medicine bottle? A. Fill the bottle halt full of cold water and add one tablespoon of dry mustard, Shake thoroughly, let stand for half a day, and then rinse carefully in cold water, 'Q. How can I make easier the task of boiling eggs? A. Try using .an old flour sifter for boiling the eggs. Place the sift or containing the eggs ima Kettle of boiling water. When the eggs are done, it will be easy to remove them. . Q. How can I clean jewelry? A. A solution of one-half ammon- ia, and one-half water is excellent for cleaning jewelry, Then polish with a chamois, Ss SCOUTING. .. The formation of Auti-Rumor Pa. "trols" {s one of the original war time activities of the Boy Bcouts ot Trinidad and Tobago. They alm to nip any false and alarming news In the bud, as a contribution to. ward malutenance of a steady mor- ale on those fslands, A clubroom for overseas and other Scouts in His Majesty's fore. es has been opened at Imperial Boy Scout Headquarters, Londorf. The club is open_daily from 9 am. to 11 p.m, and meals are obtainable at all hours. A special welcome {is extended former overseas Scouts. . An Xoray machine was the last valuable céntribution-of the Scouts of Montreal to the equipment of the Children's Memorial Hospital, The apparatus was purchased by the Montreal Scout "Good Turn Fund." For some years a Cub Pack and Scout Troop for the young patients of -the- hospital have been carrled on by Montreal Scouters, Scouts and Scout leaders of the Canadian West who regularly tra. vel long distances to attend meet. ings have thelr long-distance bro- thers in New. South Wales: A lady Cubmaster at Lockhart, N.S.W., cycles 28 miles cach week over the bush roads to take her Cub Pack meeting, Six Walgett Patrol Lead. N ers wheeled 114 miles to attend a Patrol Leaders' Training Course, then wheeled the -same distance home, --- | [ figliting planes of the R.ALF, Link Trainers Being Built at Gananoque For RAF. A million'and-a-half dollars are being spent in the little Ontario tow will never fly. Tho money is being spent by the British air-ministry on 2 less "planes" used to teach young pilots of 'the royal air force the intrica n of Gananoque té build planes that 00 Link trainers, the stubby, motor- te problems of piloting the modern "were arguing over whose country owned the finer navy, They asked the old Irishman in the corner to settle the argument. "The Irish have thio best navy," he sald. "In Heaven's name, where {s the Irish navy?" 'sald the other two. "And" what a feol I'd he to bo telling you when you might be a couple o - spies," said the Irlshgan, : "Some men thirst after fame, some after love and some after money." . *I know something they ail thirst after." = "What's that?" . 'Salted peanuts." "A passenger on board ship found that he had left his- toothbrush in the washroom. Returning to recover it, he found a man using it. "Sir," he exclaimed in amaze. ment, "that is my brush you are using!" "Oh; replied the man apologeti- cally, "I'm so sorry, I though it be. longed to the boat." Doctor: "Why do you have BF 7652 tattooed on your back?" ¢ Patient: "That's not tatto: oed, doctor. That's where my wife ran Into me with the car when] was opening the garage doors." Ld ; a) 2 "A proféssor:at a famous semin. ary was addressing. the students due to take thelr departure, He had been verbose and prosy. "FinAlly, gentlemen," he conclud- ed, "remember that. when you go out into the world you will tind yourselves face to face with a lot heads." ~ He was attending a meeting An Englishman.and a Frenchman" of _peoplo--who--havs lost their of the Henpecked Club, Sudden. ly the door opened. His wife sailed In, grabbed him by the k ; - : = "collar, shook--Hlm --until----his---- Have You Heard [ i >= ; & ~ teeth rattled, and exclaimed: "What do.you mean by attend. Ing this club? You're not hen. pecked." 1 I What Science is - Doing MAY REPLACE INSULIN ~ Discovery of a substance which in laboratory investigation has ro- duced blood sugar in rabbits and monkeys and in a few cases in dia- betic individuals, is announced by Dr. J. B. Collip, head of the Bio- -chemistry Department at McGill University, a - The subgtance, prepared from a pituitary tissue, is given by the mouth, It proven effective, it would eliminate the mental discomfort and physical suffering caused by re- peated injections of Insulin fn. the treatment of diabetes, 6,000 TIMES BRIGHTER Using an odd camera which now makes round stars Into square.ones William H, Christie Yas determin. ed ithe brightness ot 18 globular star clusters, 3 "All the stars in the clusters are "hotter and more brilliant than our sun," says the Mount Wilson obser- vatory astronomer, ~ "The total brightness of the smal. ler clustors fs 6,000 times that of the sun, and that of .the larger is 600,000 times, - : "Despite their 'briljtance, only two clusters are near enough to be soen with the naked eye, ' 1) - « group of about fifty' Western On. 'ed the machine, others had their -as compared with $2,163,696, for the Machine Tricks "Poker Faces" A machine with an uncanny ab- ility at getting behind a "poker. face" and telling what's going on- there, was demonstrated to a tari policemen last week-by Dr. D. J. Wilson of the Psychology Department of the, University of Western Ontario. : Some of the offigers outsmart. secret thought bared. If there is a name for the appa- ratus it is not "lic detector," Dr. Wilson explained. It is only one of several instruments all of which are used in the so-called lie detectors of the United States, -to- measuic. emotional response: Canadian National Railways Revenues aie | The gross revenues of the all-in. clusive. 'Canadian National Rall ways system for tho week ending February 7th, 1940, were $4,369,293, corresponding week of 1939, an in. crease of $1,206,697 or 38.1%. 'WEARY DESPONDENT Cryl lls, Irritabl GIRLS; sexiseasels tant po woman tien 5 pe bam"s Vegetable Com; Ww bs ia Try Lydiak. Pinkhan's Sees I -- _ ess should designate enclosed in parenthesis. i THE Modern ~~ . Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE La * ad > Q. How should one * gulate his tips, and know whether to give a tip of a dime or a dollar?. h A, Tipping must be regulated by the contents of one's purse, It is really vulgar to be ostentatious and overdo it, When a person earns say $30 or $40 a week and goes around giving fifty cent and ong dollar tips, he should have a guardian, 2. When giving an ianformal din. ner, isn't it all right for the hos- tess to say, 'Just sit anywhere. you. wish?" i i A. No. Fhis Is very confusing. It is too much like playing the old game of "musical ehairs," The host where each guest shall sit, i Q. Would it be proper for a young young woman to sign a business letter, Miss Alice Jones? A. Yes, but the Miss should be Q. Is it all right to sign a valen- a aah GROWN IN SUNNY "It DOES taste good in a pipe!" HANDY SEALTIGHT POUCH » 15¢ ¥2-LB, ""LOK-TOP" TIN. « also packed in Pocket Tins 60¢ people prefer leaving the identity of the sender to the imagination of t t t ular rotation, t abbreviation, "N. B,"? A Yes, if you wish, though many he one, who receives the valentine, Q. When children are eating at he same table with adults, should hey be served first, last, or in reg- A. Serve the children in same ro- ation as the adults, Q. What {s the meaning of the A. This {s from the Latin nota [SRD Ge ol ¥ B= J = BUCKLEY" nvestignte "BARCLAY TILE" LATEST CONTRIBUTION. to homo modernizing; casily and quickly applied; attractive color combinations for kitchen, bath. room. Edmund Hind Lumber {o., Ltd, 2579 Danforth Ave., Toronto, or your Local Lumber Dealer, BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS, ALL $9 PER HUND. red. Barred Rocks, White Leg- horns, R. Reds, . Wyandottes, New Hampshires. February and March.delivery, Carlton Hatchery, Britannia Heights, Ont. BRAY CHICKS MAKE PROFITS for wise poultry keepers. Order now. Chicks, cockerels, capons, started chicks, Bra atehery, 130 John St. N., Hamli. * on, A COMPLETE CHICK SERVICE. We have 13 purebreds, five cross. breds nonsexed chicks, sexed pul. lets, se ocke capony, start- ed chicks, older pullcts. We hatch 50,000 to 60,000 chicks every week. We: have four hatches un week, Due to this enormous production, We can save you money, Fren catalogue=und price jist on res Quest. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries, - Limited, Fergus, Ontario. BADEN GOVERNMENT. APPROV- vd Chicks at rock bottom prices. Standard Quality White Leghorns $8.95, Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shires, Hybrids $9.45, White Rocks, White Wyandottes $10.45, Heavy Breeds 90¢, Pullets $16.90, Cock- erels $6.25. Send for free circular and price list. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontarlo. BIG, HUSKY, QUALITY CHICKS, buy from a breeder who has a re- - putation for liveability, We hon- cstly believe our stock the best obtainable. White Leghorns, Bar- red Rocks, Hampshires, low prices, Niagara Poultry Far, Niagara- on-the.Lake, Ontario. BUSINESS ORHORTUNITY RADIO. ELECTRICAL STORE ~-- so 8 fon LOGICALLY POULTRY FARM Bred chicks are better value than hatchery chicks. Five breeds se- lection, 7 cents and up, farm rals- ed pullets. Circular on request. Highway Poultry Farm, RLR. No. 1, Waterloo, Ontario. CHICKS, WHITE LEGHORNS, 9c, Barred 'Rocks and New Hamp. shires 10e¢, from Government -ap- proved, blood-tested stock. Write for catalogue, Lrugedaly Poultry Farm. St. Thomas. Ont. large repair business. -- truck, saventeen hundred cash. Smut Business Brokerage, 56% Adglal e E.. Toronto. * -- ren TTT EDUCATIONAL immediately requesting sqnsation. al offerings. Tobe's Treery, Nia. zara-an-the.lake Ontarlo tine? bene, meaning "note well." ".. CLASSIFIED 'ADVERTISEMENTS . . : P - BW : HARDY APPLE VIIEHS , - gs AGENTS WANTED SEED POTATOES HARDY ABLE Links a 80 os i ARE YOU PLANNING A NEW cach. Canada's Lowest Priced Nur. BUYING, BELLING, C , KITCHEN OI BATHROOM serys 'growing 'leading varleties Truckloads. Table' Cortivied ong: © Frult Trees. Ornamentals, Write Ontarlos, Islands. Ask Hiseys, the largest potato deulers in Ontario, €4 Front St. E., Toronto. HARES, RABBITS 1 TAISE ANGORA WOOL RABBITS. Splendid profits, Good markets for wool, honest grading, top prices in the Angora Industry, Write F. A. Sutcliffe, Vice President, Federa- tion American Angora Breeders, Abercorn, Quebec, : LEGHORNS FOR SALW i SEED 0ALS ERBAN OATS, LEAF RUST RESIS- ~ ,tant,_65c per bushel. Duncan Mc- !Donald, Ethel, Ontario. STAMI'S WAN n STAMPS ON ENVELOPES, NOTH. ing after 1870. Will buy for cash. A. G. tardy, 310 Glen Manor Drive oronto. BECKER STRAIN, SINGLE CCMB dark brown-Leghorns, males $3.00, trios $6.00. Henry Becker, Water- loo. Ontario. . i MILKING MACHINES "GRADE "A" MILKER MILKS TWO cows at once into separate con: tainers. No pulsators. No old-fash- foned pipelines. Write to-day. Wil. liam I. Bawden, 21 Quebec Ave. Toronto, i MACHINERY CLEARANCE TWO ONLY ~ Brand New Whitto Portable Saw- ing outfits, steel frame, steel wheels tongue, swinging steel saw frame takes 24" or 26" circular saws -- 6 HH. Hopper cooled horizontal gasoline engine, fitted. with magneto, can be used as portable power plant -- gale price, $285. The A. R. Williams Machinery Co, Ltd., 64 Front St. West, Toronto. : A) MACHINERY FOR SALE WADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS, reasonably priced, easy to operate, a money-maker wherever there are logs to be cut._\Write for free descriptive bulletin. The' A. SOLDIER'S HONOUR ROLL, AND CERTIFICATE HONOR ROLL OR CERTIFICATE of -service, beautifully designed every province and unit repre- sented. Size 16 x 22 in 7 colours, suitable for (framing, spuce (for photograph and scroll for peri. anent record. Every soldier's home needs one. Mailed to any place In Canudu, $1.00. E. -Mackintosh, photographer and copywriter. 59 Granby Street. Toronto. TURKEYS FOR SALE WHITE HOLLAND TURKEYS, Government approved and utility stock.- I'rices on application. 'Bert Irwin, Seaforth, Ontario. USED CLOTINNG SENSATIONAL BARGAINS IN USED clothing! Write for big, free iljus- trated catalogue on Men's, Ladies and Children's used clothing. Gowdy's Mail Order Department, ~831 Notre Dame. Avenue, Wignie peg. Manitoba. : WATCHMAKING LEARN WATCHMAKING AT HOME : ; A . Lid. 64 Beginners' outfits from $5. Nation- Front 8 kh A Ld, 5t al Watch, Regina, Sask. lo MEN WANTED LYONS ARE YOU THE MAN? YOU CAN February Clearance Sale have a solid business established within three months. I tired of woking to earn profits s else OWN YOUR BUSINESS and enjoy amazing pro- fits every hour selling 200 guar. anteed necessities used in every home. No Obligation. Get detalls and catalogue free, Familex Pro- ducts, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. NURSERY STOCK ad HARDIEST FRUITS, RARE ORNA. . itoba Hardy Plant Nursery, Drop- mentals. Request {llustrated cata logue and planting guide; 600 var- joties;--trees,-- shrubs; perénnial-- flowers, tested and grown at Dropmore. Order early for free booklet on new frult recipes, also 'premiuin with order. Strong plants; expert packing, guaran. teed delivery anywhere, The Man- more, Manitoba, STUDENTS NOW ENROLLING FOR courses in Matriculation, Short Story. Journalism, Shorthand and Speeeh Culture. Make use of your spare time, Write todas. Canad. fan Correspondence College, (es. tablished 1902) 229 Yonge Slreet. Toronto. ELECTRIC MOTORS ELECTRIC MOTORS SUITABLE for every: purpose. Jones & Moore Electric, 296 Adclalde Street W., Toronto. 7 OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor. matlon sent free, The Ramsay Co Registered, Patent Attorneys, 278 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada, -- OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE. IN- dustry urgently requires tralned men. Learn electric welding now. - General Welding Works, 100 Jar- vis, Toronto: New & Reconditioned FURNITURE All used furniture is completely re- conditioned, guaranteed thoroughly, clean and sold with positive moneys back guarantee of satisfactiun. repp, reversible "Matshall spring cushions, $24.50 SMART, 3 PIECE CHESTER. field -Sulte, upholstered In, blu shade velour, reversible Marshal] spring cushions. =:$35.00 BEAUTIFUL BROW ' "Hair Chesterfield Sots gage figured reversible Marshall spring $33.00 10 * PIECE | LAVING ROOM . Outfit, comprising 8 pleca Chess ._ terfleld Bulte, Bridge Lamp, 8il ~'Shade, End Table, Silk Cushlol T Silk Shade, Met .Smoking Stand, $12.50 STUDIO GOUCH, SPRING double filled mattress, makes into or two Single eds: : $17.50 8 PIECE SOLID OAK DINING room Suite, buffet, extension table and 6 leather upliolstered chairs. $24.00 SOLID OAK DINING ROOM Suite, buffet, extension table and abinet, 'extension table, leather upholstered chairs, $63.00 LARGE DIN ROOM: Suite, In rich walnut finish, huftet, = cabinet, extension table and leath« "ACKLE OR SPORTING GOODS FISHING. FISHERMEN! SEND FOR OUR new; larger, 1940 Fishing Tackle catalogue, out March 0th.. E. Manis, 171 Craig St.-W., Montreal, Quebec, - + FILMS BEST RESULTS -- ROLLS DEVEL- oped with higloss deckled edged printa -- 25c. Jevrints 3c. Beautl- ful enlargement free. Prompt ser- vice. Excel Photos. 1266 Lanz. - downe Ave... Toronto' = FILMS -- I'RINTS FREE: ENLARGEMENT IN 8TUDIO, Folder with each order. Films de« veloped and printed by experts, 25c; reprints 10 for 25c; Nu.Way Photo Service, Station "A", onto. _-- -- FOR SALE EXCELLENT FARM LANDS, BEST districts Western Canada, reasons able prices and terms, Some wheat yields over sevanty bushels per acre. Bplendid climate. Write or sea RB." J. Rollls & Co, Ltd, la- comhe, Alberta, - = PURE BRED ANGORA RABBITS, ure breede r dollars each . ma PE Ay Tih S80 donne Ave, chine, Quebec. : ~~ Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS, Used -- New IN' REBUILT MO- Pp R.UNITS, - Hydraullo oy nches, G » rte SPECLAL TORS, Hols! hii Pa . ISSUE NO. 8-40 a PERSONAL : QUIT TUBACUCU, SNUFF, -BASBILY," Home remedy. Guaranteed. Advice Winnipeg. Inexpenslively. Testimonials. free. Bartleit's Dox 1. - IEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH and Liver troubles, Symptoms: -- Taina in right side, under shoul. or blades and, across hips, indl- gestion, gas, tonstipation, gall', trouble. Formula of doctor. 6. sults in one day! Price $5.00. Mrs, Geo. 8. Almas, Box 1073\V. Saska-- toop. Sask. a STOMACH SUPFERERS: GIVE DR. McLeod's Remedy Stomachic a chance to clear up your stomach trouble. At Drug. Stores, or write - Dr, McLeod's Stomachic Co., 558 Bathurst Street, Toronto. ¥ IBALTHI A SIMPLE PREVENTIVE of common colds, selt-applied, bas. ed on radio'principles, "static" in the nervous ystem, Corrective cir. cuits made with the hands. Effec- tive In blood pressure and heart weakness, - ete, Hasy Instructions sent on recelpt of $3.00. F. O, Fra. zee, Jantwood -Bay, Vancouver Island, B.C, FALSE TEETH LOOSENESS AND SALES MANAGER WANTED annoyance banished home by. dentist's. wonder govery or build to sers amazed. Free Infor atlon withoat. obligation. Tian olph I Whitehall aboratory, 2 Of! aronto, "DISTRICT BAL EB MANAGER TO * Supervise agents selling shoes. H. Ritchie Shoe Co., 455 Cralg St, W., Montreal. "SEED FORM SALE GOVERNMENT TESTED SEEDS rom {grower to sower) Shippe In sealed ag) properly mixed for a wonderful fay 0 oastare crop. Red Clover, Alsike, imothy, mix- ture, $13.28" per 100 Ibs. Frelght pata, Ags free, Miter Seeds, ort Dover, Ontarlo, ' tii extension table, china ay tered chalrs: $69.00 MODERN 9. PIECE DINING sulte, in beautiful 2.tone wale . Buffet, china cabinet, extene sion table, and 6 leather upholster. ed chalrs, $103.00 BEAUTIFUL SOLID WAL. nut Dining Room Suite (cost new, approximately $375) large butte i ab inet, leather upholstered chairs. 5 $59.00 ¥ SAMPLE, MODERN Chesterfield Suite (3 pleces), reg, $79. Upholstered in novelty repp, n brown, green or rust shade 'bullet type, reversibls 'Marshatl spring cushions, $69.00 MODERN BEDROOM SUITH (factory sample), in bleached wale mit finish, waterfall 'design, Vene etlan * chifforiler, full size bed, sagless - are. EEL BED IN walnut finish, sagless spring, new mattress arid large dresser in wale ° nut finish, y $39.00 MODERN BEDROOM SUITE in two.tone Jralnut finish, Dresser, chiffonler, full size bed and sage ess spring, : 2 E $45. MPLETE BEDROOM Suite, In two-tone walnut finish, dresser, chiffonier, full size bed, sagless spring, and new mattress. 0 AMPI BEDROOM ste dn the naw bleached walnut inish with waterfall fronts venétian mirrors. .- der, full size hed, sagless spring nd new matress. $39.00 CUNNINGHAM PIANO. IN mahogany case, Wonderful condls a > tion, tool wiionian Kuncum cabin. 00) 3 14.50. 6 Prec BREAK FAT Coirn n ivory enamel trimmed blac else {abla and 1 ehaten ¥e All merchandise carefully crated tor safe shipment on receipt of 'money order and sold with a positive mon- ey-hack guarantee of satisfaction. Lyons Furniture Co. : 478 Yonge St. TORONTO (3 pes), Suite, solld oak, butfet, mirror, dresser or vanity, - nd resser, ohitfon." > 'a