Say Cold, Wet . Cycle Is Next Weather Forecasters Not Certain Whether Change Will Come This Year or Not There is no doubt about it, says the U, 8. weather bureau, it has been unusually hot and dry the last few years, : Warm Trend Has Predominated ~--- Many -people confuse 'weather and climate, F. W, Reichelderfer, ¢hief of - the bureau, explained. Weather, he said, is the condition over short periods--days, weeks, months and even several years-- while climate is average weather over a much longer period, per- haps 10 years, "During the present decade there Has been a decided tendency to dry weather 'and for more than 20 years a tendency to abnormal warmth, notwithstanding an oc. casional bad flood or cold winter," Reichelderfer said. ~ How Long To Continue? - Climate does change, but it will take records for a good many more years to prove that it has in the United States, he said," Weather burdau records, however, indicate the recent hot, dry years were just a warm phase of normal climate," How long this warm, dry, trend ~ in weather will continue, the bu- reau will not even guess. But on one point the weather experts are agreed. y It will be followed by a cooler, wetter phase, when there will be more rainfall and lower tempera- tures. Charge of Toronto Irishmen PT ; pgm Here are' members of "the "l'o- ronto-Irish- Regiment in" actiop_at _ Camp Borden.' They are charging with fixed bayanety in a motk battle under winter conditions. Seacut Dooms - * * -. ¢" Ontario Town. Village of Iroquois In Eastern Part of Province: Will Receive Com: pensation' When St. Lawrence Waterway Goes Through poe. The proposed St. Lawrence waterways scheme if completed, will wash the Eastern Ontario vil- lage of Iroquois off the map. Vil. - lagers, however, are not too un- happy about the prospect. .~To Allen McInnes, the village's oldest storckeeper, and to many other residents it will mean a holi- day. They look forward to the time "when compensation cheques | from the government will be in their hands and they will be able to seek a change. : TO REBUILD MODEL TOWN? Charles, Beauprie, principal of the high school, thinks it might * be possible to rebuild a model town on another site but uncertainty as to the future has caused hesi- tation in connection with this idea, Herbert Caldwell, owner of the village's one industry, a linen mill which employs 250 persons, said nothing would please him more than to be able to build a new plant, He likes Mr, Beauprie's {dea of a planned village, - - SEL, City Of Zinc. Bareira, in Portuguese East Af. rica, is the only town in the world built entirely of zine; All "the ~ dwelling-houses, stores, the church, . hospital and military barracks 'are "built of this metal, which is the only matérial which will' stand-up. to the extremely hot 'and damp elimate, Bareira has 2,000 inhabis tants, 'and was' biilt' int st months, J ¢ NEWS PARADE... When Joseph P. Kennedy, U, 8, Ambassador to Great Britain, sald in Washington last week that "all hell is lable to break loose in Eur- «op this spring," he voloed the opin. fon of dozens of political observers, military experts, who see the cur. rent conflict between Germany and the Allies spreading to ned fronts in' the Balkans and the Caucasus, away from tho etalemate On the Western Front ,. , THUNDER IN NEAR EAST Evidence to support this view ® continued to pile up during the war's twenty-third week , .. Land ing of a large contingent of Austra. lan and New Zealand troops at Suez was reported to have brought the total strength of British, Frencn and Turkish forces jn the Near East' to 1,000,000 men (with a po- tential strength of 3,000,000) .... Authorities close ta the Allied mili. tary missipns in Istanbul said that France planned to have 700,000 more men in Syria before long, and that Britain was preparing to mo- bilize 100,000 Arabs and 40,000 Jews in Pawestine . . , Tuckey, ally of Great Britain: and France, dismis- sed German tochnlicians from the shipyards near Istanbul for plot- ting sabotage; a reliable Turkish spurco commented subtly, "Spring is coming"... In Greece, Premier John Metaxas spoke of "the storm that is coming," and a Greek cabin- ot minister tlew to Egypt on an im- portant mission . . . German troops moved eastward into the Bohemla. . Moravia protéctorate, against the Hungarian' frontler . , . the littlo neutral countries of southeastern Europo prepared to have their con- script armies on a full war foot- ing by mid-March . ., Rumania took steps to havp her army reach a strength of 1,600,000 by March , ,. Informed military sources in Tur- key said that Soviet Russia was pushing 'construction of fortifica- tions on the Caucasian *frontier with Turkey, to defend her rich oil fields against possible Allfed - Turkish attack .., So, on March 1, then, the real war may vegin, wk * 8 0% The -sudden death of Baron Tweedsmulir, beloved Governor-Gen- eral of Canada, plunged this coun- try into mourning . .. That same week news came: of the third Can- adian contingent's safe arrival in Britain . . . the people of Ontario wondered just how big the provin- clal deficit would be when Premjer Hepburn brought down. the 1939 budget report ... EEETTE 3 BS In a week fuil of fast-moving ev- ents, the following stood out as perhaps the most significant: the signing of a new trade pact between Germany and' Russla, heralding an 'exchange of goods between the two countries valued at $400,000,000 annually; the commencement of talks between representatives of" neutral nations and. the U.S, and the dispatching to European capl- tals of Sumer Welles, American Under-Secretary of State, to sound oyt officials of Italy, Germany, France and Great Britain; the speeding up 'and intensification of the Russian drive on Finland; threatened Republican uprisings jn Eire and Ulster. Wartime Fish Board Named Eleven Mémbers Will Advise Fish. eries' Minister on Orderly Supply of Canadian Fish To British Market Hon, J. E. Michaud, Fisheries. Minister, has announced formation of a Wartime Fishéries Advisory Board. : The 11-member Board will ads vise the Minister of formulation of plaps whereby the fishing in- dustry will arrange 'the orderly supply of fish to the British mark. et and at the same time reason- ably maintain existing market con- tacts, the announcement said. ~~ F. W. Wallace, editor of the - Canadian Fisherman and super- visor of the Fish Djvision of the Canada Food Board during the first Great War, is secretary of the Board. Satisfied Employe : Charles Rogers, tax collector for Nelson Township, Halton County, is a conscientious employe. At the council meeting in: Feb- ruary when his re-appointment was being. considered and . the question of salary came up, the collector sald that earlier in the year he decided to ask in« crease-when new. books were give , en him. entailing extra work, "When I used the new hbdoks - I found that it saved me much time in keeping my records and also made the work easier; so I ; am quite satisfied: with. my pres. ent' salary," sald the collector, Discarding the wearing fur-lined caps, Se ir kilts in favor of heavy khaki pants and puttees and . men of the Toronto by tanks from the Canadian Armored Fightin engaged in a mock battle under winter LEAR He i Irish Regiment, supported Vehicles training centre, conditions at Camp Borden, Op- erating in below zero weather, the tanks led the attack across a stretch of open ground, The battle carried out under the direction of Capt. G. C. Smith chief instructor for the Canadian Armored F Training Centre, was made under instructions of Col. F. 0. C., of the C.AF.V. corps.' "ighting Vehicles F. Worthington, $2,761,207 Still Lies Unclaimed in the Dominion Treasury -- Can- adian Investors Have Failed to Present: Their Government Holdings for Redemptiori on = Date of Security A fortune of close to $3,000,000 lies in the Dominion treasury awaiting claim by ihvestors who, for one reason or another, have failed to present their government holdings for redemption on the date of security. Public accounts, made available to the press, show matured and outstanding securities to the value of $2,761,207. ISSUED DURING GREAT WAR Bulk of these bonds ave. those issued during the first Great War when the idea of public investment in government securities: was something new and a great educa- tional and patriotic campaign was ; waged to induce people to buy war bonds. vd In many instances it has been learned that those who bought war bonds thought they were giving their money to the cause. One in- .stance has 'been reported of a couple framing their bond ' and hanging it in a conspicuous 'place to prove they had done their bit, with no idea of cashing interest coupons: or presenting the bond - for redemption at maturity. THOUGHT IT GIVEN AWAY Thero are cases outstanding in which subscribers to war loan is- sues obtained their interim cer tificates but never returned to ex- change their certificates for the coupon-bearing bond. Forgotten hiding- places, deaths : and bondholders who have not ie- vealed their holdings or place of deposit, destruction by fire, and patriotism or philanthropy toward the government, account for much of this volume of outstanding ma- tured securities. F or_ The Cook 2 1 tablespoon 4 tablespopna ¢.. 16 tablespoons 1 cup .... 14 pint 2 cups Lo 1- pint 4 cups .. eee 1 quart 16 ounces ..... . 1 pound 4 cups pastry flour .... 1 pound 2 cups gran. sugar ..... 1 pound 2 cups butter 1 pound 4 tablespoons cocoa .... 1 ounce 1 square chocolate ........ 1 ounce 2 tablespoons liquid ...... 1 ouncg 2 tablespoons butter ....1 ounce 2 tablespoons sugar ...... 1 ounce 4 tablespoons flour ...... 1 ounce 1 gill flour . 12 cup Getting: Ready For Spring In Victoria's Inner: Harbour Yachting ds a favorite hobby for thé good folks of Victoria, B. C., and right now with the spring in full swing, toria Yacht Club are getting ready for sea, a job of work on the 42 foot yawl Minerva in Victoria's Inner Harbor, retty blonde-haired ok b while own. It's the Empress Hotel ame Beeston nthe background. Here is Roy Murdock doing gets in a job of work on her K.Cip., .leup" members of the Royal Vic- VOICE of the PRESS IS UNIVERSE SAFE? A Calitornia scientist says that the universe is safe and will ngt blow. up, We doubt, however, if iis -- Hamilton Spectator, WINTERS GO MODERN Oh, well! wo might-as well give up the idea of enjoying a good old- fashioned winter. Radio, telephone and snow ploughs keep everything rasping along just the same, ---- Tho Farmer's Advocate. A CUTE COUNTRY Ilere is a note for Canadian tra- vel agencies: H. M, Gousha of Chi- cago went into a Toronto hotel for breakfast. Ho put down an Amerl- hot $10 bill in. payment, and got $10.20 in Canadian money for his change, Said Mr, Gousha: "You may say | think you have & great country herve. It's screwy, hut kind of cute." -- Victoria Times, RAYON HELPS NORTH _ One development which may mean a gréat deal to the forest iu- Ontario generally is the increasing use of rayon, In' the United States, for instance the consumption of rayon last year was 41 per cent. greater than it was in 1938, and it is pointed out that in comparison to a consumption of wool in 1937 amounting to 353,300,- 000 pounds the United States last year used 462,300,000 pounds of ray- on. So it is_becoming a very great business, The variety of uses to whieh ft is being put is haing rapidly extend. ed, too, and that probably points to a still greater market, -- Marie Star. 'Makes Men Liars, All Women Idiots Vancouver Physician Says That's What Love Daes to You Men are liars and women are idiots -- where love is concern. ed, Dr. D, J. Millar, a physician, has been telling a "premarital clinic" under the auspices of the Vancouver Y.M.C.A. He urged prospective brides and - grooms to "use their heads" even though they be swooning with ro- mantic love. The psychology of should be given serious thought "All men are liars where love is concerned, and all women are id- iots," he said, "After all, you have to eat--and that is only. one of the many factors which enter in- to the problem of marriage. ONLY 50% MARRIAGES GO "You are all running a big chance in getting married, and [I venture to say that not more than 50 per cent of marriages, ave suc- cessful, "If. 1 were a girl | would fail for the 'man who is hard to shift in apy direction, but sticks to the path," he declared. Such a man was not likely to be a neurotic, he'told the girls. "It seems to me that the woman is usually the one who suffers. Wonien can't get along without af- fecion." v . . Indian: Sees Signs © - Qf Early Spring Spring will came early. The husk on the corn last fall was thin, The willows aye showing light orange and full bpds. Hickory nuts were left on thE trees by the squirrels before snow fell. Raspberries rip- ened again last October, There is no doubt about it. Spring will come carly. - This -is the prophecy of Chief uga India¥ of the Six Nations near Brantford, Ont. "Nobody can fool nature, and nature gives the Indian the signs of the seasons," he said. "These things tell me the snow will dis- appear early, The warm weather will follow quickly. It will be an early spring and a good spring for the Indian pepole." | QOuario UTDOORS veutrality Is going to ho respected, dustries of Algoma and of Norther! Sault Ste. - marriage -was most: important and: by men and women seeking mates, - straight. and narrow and steady" Jerry Blueyes, T4-year-old Cay- By VIC BAKER WILDLIFE WHISPERINGS What do you think of the story about the rough and tough rabbit of 'the wilds that routed the béwil- dered St, Bernard ,dog the othor day at Orillia, Gordon Bartlett, "a young Orillia district farmer, tells the tale this way .,. It seems the oversized, white rabbit has been hanging around Bartlett's wood lot for scmo time aud only recently jt ventured out and bit the young far- -mer's hand, Then the other day it chased his large St. Bernard out of the bush near the woodpilo. "The poor dog-ran as if a timber wolt © were after him instbad of a mere rabbit, ona tenth his size" said Gordon. "He howled and ran with his tail between his logs while the equally startled rabbit stopped al the edgo of the clearing as | came in sight." This story has caused a lot of amusement in Orillia... And then there is tho story about the trout which stunned itself {nto un- consciousness when it bumped its head into a treo stump. Fisherman Ronald Nichols, of St. John, N.B., - tells how ho pulled "a whopper out "oof a trout stream and swears by ov. ery item of the fisherman's creeds that his story of the capture is gilt. edged, Nichols sald he was walking along the river bank, after some unsuccessful angling, and startled a large trout which dashed for the depper water, The fish bumped mto a tree root, was stunned and at floated to tho surface. Nichols re- trieved it and swears. it weighed five. and a half pounds exaetly . , . And to finish up, here is a little tip about keeping fish fresh, By dip." ping fresh fish fillets in a 0.3 per cent solution of hydrogen peroxide before re-packing in ice," an in- crease [n the keeping period of as much as; three to six days hing been realized. No change in the appear ance, odour, or flavour of the fish is caused by the treatment. We suggest you try it sometime, Barefoot Boy? ~ Not Advisable American Experts Agree Shoeless "Child Raising is a "Foofish Fad" Katherine Lenvoot, head of the children's bureau of the U. § de- partment cf. labor, why orilered torn from the report of a White House confevénge on "children a cover illustrating a shoeless lad, has found a supporter in Dr. Char- les F. Pabst, chairman of the press reference comniittee of the Kings - County Medical Socicty. Dr, Pabst, in support of Miss Lenroot's decision which provoked editorial comment in Washington sud in New York, declared that 'permitting one's children to waik barefoot is one of the "foolish fads." - . SALTER A, HAYDEN Toronto, Ont, "A HEALTH MENACE" "Like the old oaken bucket, = science reveals the barefoot boy as a health menace and a spread er of disease," Dr, Pabst said, "From a medical viewpoint Miss Lenroot did right in banning the picture, . "From a health point of view alone the barefoot boy should be relegated to the limbo of foolish fads." Dr, Pabst has written a para- phrase of John Greenleaf Whit- tier's 'Barefoot ~ Boy," entitled "Banish the Barefoot Boy." "It reads as follows: "Blessings on thee, little man, Barefoot boy with cheeks of tan, Germs will get you, it is true, Ringworm, hookworm, lackjaw, too." Litter of 18 Sets A Record' Toronto St. Bernard Gives Birth to Dozen And A Half Pups in Dog Food Factory Sophie, a purebred St. Bernhard dog, is a thoughtful mother. She gave birth last week to 18 (count 'em) puppies in a Toronto 'dog food factory. "What am I going to call them?" sald Vasso Cries, the owner, "I just can't think up enough names to go around. I'll havo to hire a book. keeper and maybe buy an adding machine to keep track of their pedi- gree." CANADIAN RECORD And how are we going to feed them all?" asked Batty Parker, se- crotary at the dog food plant, She. volunteered to feed the pups with a boltle-after -nine had "But [ didn't think there would ba so many," sho said, i Dr. Alan Secord, Toronto velér Inary thinks the litter sets a Can- adian record. "I think the world record for one litter Is 27 but I've never heard of a litter of tirat size in Canada," ho sald, or pe A | By Fred Neher "You're On Your Own This Round, Slats. : . . The Fourth Chapter Is Missing!" ) ---- By GENE BYRNES. pa REG'LAR FELLERS Getting Pinhead's Goat- WHY CANT © {ue ET THE Fi "DOLLAR BILL THAT AUNT MINNIE. GAVE ME / Rar AT figs moerned 1X3 TINY ou arrived; A aN a eh Ag rh re iE ER "