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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Mar 1940, p. 4

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Port Porry ":8T. PATRICK'S SUPPER The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Pres- ¥ is GL |} PAA byterian Church are holding a St. Xi Patrick's Supper in the basement of "the Church, on Tuesday, March 19th, Supper at 6 until all are served. Ad- Eyes Examined - Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where. nccessary, at reasonable prices,-- 'I. R. BENTLEY'S OSHAWA [if i K i mission, Adults 40c., Children 2bc. 4) 11 who have taken up residence on Union } i i rt 3 / A Ti « i 1 ~~ ATM | ] AA The Lions Club meets on Friday of #4 Smyth on Monday, i < Yn i Anderson is not improving in health *' as fast as her friends would wish. She WY { Mr, Anderson is also on the sick list. 3 { on Monday. { a visitor in town on Tuesday. i 'the guest of her father, Mr. Jno. W. i Crozier for the week end. U1 411 at his home, is now in Port Perry t Hospital, and 'is improving in health, Rev. R. T. and Mrs. Richards of We regret to report that Mrs. Wm. had a heart attack carly in the week. We wish for them both a speedy re- covery. Mr. J. M. McGrath of Hamilton, was a recent visitor in town, Mr. Fred Whitehead of Toronto, was a visitor in town on- Friday. _ We' welcome to our town Mr, and Mrs. Ryder ahd family of Oshawa, Ave, Mr. Will Michie of Port Colborne, called on Mr. W.E. Webster on Friday. Miss Muriel Cook of Toronto, spent he week end with her parents Mr. * Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke, Jr., on the arrival of a daughter, Mr. Gordon Toblin of Brooklin, is our new station agent. His family will be moving to town in about two months, Mr. W. E. Williams of Toronto, was Miss Bessie Crozier of Toronto, was Mr. Jno. W. Crozier who has been Mr. Jas: Read Jr. and Miss Norma Redman visited in Uxbridge on Satur- day. : RN Mr, R. C. (Robert) Turner, Innis- free, Alta., is visiting his sisters Mrs. Plumb and Mrs. Snelgrove. Mr. Turner has not been in Port Perry for FREE X . Parking . OPTOMETRIST , Afr Conditioned = ik Thursday, Friday, Saturday. MARRIED ARCH 39 ¢ ' Rn BALALAIKA A quict wedding took place at the where there's Wine, women and home of the bride's parents in Port song, starring Perry on Saturday afternoon, March Nelson, Eddy, Ilona Massey, Charles Ruggles, Frank Morgan, Lionel Atwill, Added--"MARCH OF TIME" 2nd, when Elma Ruth Reesor, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred E. Reesor, and Robert Franklin Vernon, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Vernon, were united in marriage, against a background of spring flowers and ferns. Rev. W. J. H. Smyth officiated and Miss June Sonley played the wed- ding music. During the signing of the register Miss Kate Jeffrey sang "Oh Promise Me." The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of white chiffon over satin. Her floor length veil of white tulle fell from a headdress of orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of Sweetheart Roses. Miss Dora Reesor was her sister's only at- tendant and wore a gown of pink net over taffeta and carried a bouquet of deep pink roses. Mr. Ronald Vernon was best man for his brother. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom received their guests, assisted by the bride's mother, wear- ing a gown of navy blu¢ sheer crepe and the groom's mother attired in black velvet. il The happy couple left on a short motor trip, the bride travelling in a Heaven Blue dress and hat, black coat and accessories. On their return they will reside in Port Perry. REVIVAL, Friday, at 10.45 p.m. 'IT'S A WONDERFUL WORLD starring James Stewart and Claudette Colbert. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, MARCH 11-12-13 Two Great Features: "The Shop Around the Corner." starring Margaret Sullavan and James Stewart -- and -- "JOE AND ETHEL TURP CALL ON THE PRESIDENT" with Ann Sothern, Lewis Stone and Walter Brennan Ken Soble's True or False Game on our stage every Monday night Cash awards COMING--Thurs., Fri, Sat'day; March 14-16, Ronald Colman in The Light that Failed PUBLIC NOTICE The Land Titles Act. IN THE MATTER of (i) part of Lot 1, in Concession 7 of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario and Province of Ontario; (ii) part of Lot 22, in Concession 8 of the Township of Uxbridge, in the said County of On- tario; (iii) part of Lot 22, in Conces- sion 77 of the Township of Uxbridge; (iv) parts of Lots 23 and 24, in Con- cession 7 of the Township of Ux- bridge; (v) parts of the adjoining por- tions of the original allowance for road between Concessions 7 and 8 of the: Township of Uxbridge; and (vi) parts of the adjoining portions of the original allowance for road between Lot 22, in Concession 8 of the Town- ship of Uxbridge, and Lot 1, in Con- cession 7 of the Township of Reach. All'as more particularly shown on two surveys by Speight, van Nostrand, Ward & Anderson, dated January 27, 1940, and as more particularly de- scribed in Schedule "A" annexed to the application for first registration under The Land Titles Aet, all of which have been fyled with, and-may be ex- amined in the custody of, the Local Master of Titles at Whitby Notice is hereby given that Jane Campbell, wife of Graham Campbell, of Toronto, Esquire, has applied to me |to be registered as the owner, under Land Titles Act, of the lands to which reference is above made, with an ab- solute title, subject to no charges or incumbrances and free of the liabili- 'ties, rights and interests set out in Iclauges (b), (¢) and (h) of sub-section |1 of section 23 of The Land Titles Act, i Revised Statutes of Ontarlo, 1937, chapter 174, which includes freedom from apy" public highway, Wherefore any other person or any corporation having or claiming to have, any title to or interest in the sald lands, or in-any part thereof, is required, on or before the 26th day of March 1940, to fyle a statement of his or its claim in my office, at the Land Titles Office, in the Town of Whitby, Ontario, and to serve a copy on Gor- don, Mortimer, .Kennedy Doherty, 1320 'Bay Btreet, Toronto 2, Solicitors for the Applicant, and in default every such claim will be barred, and the title of the sald Applicant may become absolute and indefeasible at law and PROSPECT | No Church service last Sunday on account of weather conditions, and no Young People's meeting on Monday as Rev. Mr. Gervan had a bad cold. Congratulations to Fred and Evelyn Navy Compare ~ Favorably over twenty years, and remarked on Stevens on the arrival of their new Pay in Army and According to figures issued by the Department of National Defence rates the' 'many improvements that have He is a Star turned from Oshawa Hospital to her taken place since then. daughter, Glad to note Mrs. Munroe has re- 4 subscriber but said he did not realize home here. hen he read of the improvements be! it ing made, just how they looked. Miss Mabel Niddery, R.N., Oshawa, is home for awhile, while Miss Verna | Niddery, R.N., of Brampton, spent the 3 Messrs.. John Dowson, William®An- [week end at home accompanied by Mr, 4 derson, Grant Gerrow, and J. E. Bott- i rel, attended the Junior play-off game yy Partridge. A letter received from Mr, Frank anderson of the R.C.A.F., by his \\ --Young Rangers vs. Oshawa Generals parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Manderson, t Oshawa last Friday night 1H ¥| SCUGOG CHAPTER, LO.D.E. says he is leaving Vancouver now to take up new duties at Alleford Bay. This is a lovely spot on the Pacific coast near Alaska. Mr. James Manderson has returned The Scugog Chapter LO.D.E. held to his work in the mines near Kirkland its March meeting on Monday, March th;-in-the- Community Rooms with-a "5 minor nasal operation.---- good attendance, the Regent, presid- ing. Two new members were received. Lake, after a short stay with his par- ients, during which time he underwent A number from here attended the Myrtle Community Club last week and report a good time, of pay in the Canadian Navy compare favorably with those in the Army. A full-fledged seaman, who is married; receives the usual $1.85 per day plus a marriage allowance for his wife of month. For a six months period of apprenticeship _his daily pay may be only $1.60 per day or a total of $67.50, with marriage allowance. Few mar- ried seamen belong to the lower rat- 4ng. Those who pre will be advanced to Rates day, or $39.00 for a 30-day month, If he has a wife she is given an allom- ance of $35.00, the combined total be- ing $74.00. a month. __ 6c. a day, or a total of $78.00 per| Those who are will be advanged to for a private soldier are $1,380 per, in equity, subject only to the reserva- | tions mentioned in section 0 of the EPSOM We are glad to see Mr. C. Clark out again after his recent illness. load from Epsom to the Y.P.U. at Mr, Frank Millman's last week. Don't forget to keep in mind the Sacred Concert for Easter in the Epsom, United Church on Thursday evening, March 21st, hy the Young Ladies' Class, eps The Women's Association meetin held at the Parsonage on Thursday o: last week was quite a success and was "well attended. They decided on. a pancake apd maple syrup sacigl in aid of the Red Cross, about April 1st. Myr, Fred Wagner of Manchester, {visited Epsom friends 20. Sunday -Owing to the weather cond tions and slippery roads there was not as as usual, suid Act. i JAMES MOORE, - Local Master of Titles Mar 14, at Whitby, Quite a number joined in the sleigh- | good an attendance at Bunday School. hE 4 - i) ondon Times", in which an evacuee egret was expressed at the passing lof-a valued member of long standing, {Mrs. Burnham, who was an Honorary {Regent of the Chapter. 0 The "Royal Visit" talkie, held under {if 'the auspices of the Chapter, on Feb. th, was a financial success proving 'the patriotic enthusiasm of the com- h unity. : i. An interesting letter was read from Mrs. M. T. Beare, who recently moved to Hanover, in which she described the ctivities of the I.O.D.E. in that town. Hanover is much larger than Port 'Perry, and the people,-many with Ger-' man names, are very friendly. RR Mrs, Comber read some current) vents clippings, one being from "The a rural district describes how the nadian soldiers had stormed their village and captured the hearts of the The meeting closed with the Nation- Anthem, ; ; (8 Twenty-five ladies of 'the United va Church énjoyed a pot luck supper at home of Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey on: lay evening, in'aid of the W:iM.S. rs. A. J. Carnegie left this week | ,And wedding bells rang out! Sue- ¢ss, happiness and the best of ,every- "thing to you and "the missus" Bob (Vernon). pay are listed below: Wife and one child: Navy, $85.50. MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the ea the Sale, there will be offered for sale. by Public Auction on THURSDAY, the 28th day of MARCH, 1940, at thefhour of two o'clock in the afternoon, at the premises of Ted Jackson, Queen Streét Port Perry, by Ted Jackson, Auction- eer, the following property, namely: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Village of Port Navy $93. AY Navy $100.50, Navy $108, - y for more than two children, up to four in number. Comparative marriage allowance ag ever, rates for wives and children in thel Army and Navy conbiied with regular Army, $86.00; Wife and two children; Army, $98; Wife and three children: Army $98; Wife and four children: pb No altéwance fs made fn the Army ; In the Navy allowance is made for children The lesson was just as goad hg e ladies of the Women's Associa. on have six quilts ready to ship to the Red Cross headquarters. Now 'they are ready to do other needy work. Congratulations to Mra and Mrs. Frank Brown. It's another girl. CHOICE COOKING APPLES LAE 25¢. a bushel : Apply to Lloyd L. Reed, (Scugog St.) Port Perry, Ont., Phone 1613 Tega PRINCE ALBERT Community Club Report The Prince Albert Community Club met again on Thursday, February 22. The program was short but delightful and consisted df an instrumental by Bill Robertson followed-by the Wilson Brothers, This was followed by dane- ing until twelve, At the next meeting there will be a debate between Man- chester and Prince 'Albert, Resolved that a good natured slouch would make a better wife than a tidy crank. We were pleased to see such a good turn- out, and 'hope to see more out next PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 7th, 1940 LAWRENCE'S Drug Store NEWS You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store KEPLER'S COD LIVER OIL FOOD A] R, huilder © and meeting. Everyone walcome, so pl tame, There will also be talent from tica, . Other items of Interest The. February meeting of the W. A.] was held at the home of Mrs, E. Me- Crae, on Wednesday afternoon with a good attendance. The President Mrs. McGregor, was in the chair and called the meeting to order with a hymn followed by a reading "If Christ came to-morrow?" written by Rev. L. Floyd, A note of thanks was read from a" friend who had received: fruit during an illness. The committee-for Red Cross work reported. on work done. On a carried motion there 1s to be a pot luck supper-at the next meet- ing to be at the home of Miss Madden. The following program in charge of Mrs. Bruce Snelgrove and Mrs. Lyle was much enjoyed: piano duet, Mrs. Snelgrove and Christina Denny; music contest led by Marion Kirby; Treasure Trail, conducted by Mrs, Lyle and Mary Vickery; and "a vocal solo by M, Thompson *'Behutiful Isle of Some- where." Lunch was served by Mrs, McCrea and Mrs. Harper, Attend- ance, 40. Proceeds $6.46 plus $4.60 from sale.of quilt, At the Y. .P, U, last Wednesday night the meeting was in charge of Miss Grace Vickery, The program consisted of vocal solo by. Mr, Albert Harper, topic taken by Mr. Toombs, and a reading by Mrs, Harper. Mrs, H. Rose of St. Catharines wag a guest at the home of her brother Mr, W, Butt last week, Miss G. Ramsay of Timmins, who is attending the Conservatory ef Music in Toronto, spent the week end with Misses Jean and Ruth Luke, - Miss R, McCrea of Oshawa. was at the home of her parents Mr, and Mrs. E. McCrea for a few days last week, Mrs. D. Warren is with her sister Mrs. Watson at the home of Mrs, M Munro, Prospect, QREENBANK © Mr, and Mrs, Norman Flewel] were in Balsover on Wednesday of last |e: ! = Mrs. L. Burnett moved to Ottawa last week, Mr. Mike Wood has joined the Royal Canadian Air Forge, Mr, and Mrs, Woodward and Frank- lin Phoenix, were in Whitby last Wed- , nesday. EN nary aR © Mrs, W. Ashton and friend of Osha- wa, at the home of Mr. Peter-Leask, on Tuesday of last week. £5 + Mrs, J, Watson visiting her brother in Lindsay last week. r. J. Lee visited My, and Mps. Boe in Oshawa last Saturday, ; Mr. Bert Dobson, Uxbridge, visita Mrs. Jas, Blair and Miss M. Blair, -last Thursday. Rev. T. Wallace was in Toronto for medical treatment. i : Glad to report Mrs, Allie Phoenix is doing 8s wel] 8s can he expected after a recent operation, "© UTICA Sorry. to report Mrs, George Ward and Mr, Russell Harper:on the sick list, We hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Frank Kendall ealled on Mrs, 'Harry Harper one day last week to see Dorothy Graham who we are glad "to report is improving after her re- cent operation. . | - Mr. Jack Geer visited with'Mr. J. Ackney, Epsom, over the week end. {_ The W._ A, have been busy with quilts and Red Cross work for the past week, We hear wedding bells ripging from ¢ Laok out hoys ~ more- than one home, this is leap year, == Perry, in the County of Ontaro, and beng composed of Lot Number One Hundred and Fifty-five. (166) on the west side of Union Avenue according to Sexton's Plan of the said Village of Port Perry. . All the said lands will be put up in one parcel, and will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. : Gift." Terms : Ten per cent. of the Jurthase money to be paid down at the time of the Sale, and the balance to be paid with. in thirty days. Le " For further particulars and condi- tions of Sale, apply to Ted: Jackson, Esq., Auctioneer, Port Soldiers' - Memorial volumes of current literature. A very Acceptable Miss Catherine; Allison of Winona, Minnesota, where she holds the im- portant position of Superintendent of the General Hospital and who is now visiting her mother, Mrs. S, E. Allison, Port Perry, has presented - to the Library 'eighty Our industrious librarian, Mrs, A, P, | other and sisters. 'Mr, J. E. Gauld, of Montreal, was he guest of his sister, Mrs, £. C. %eftrey, one day last week. is week at the Scbert House, of Brooklin, . Li ons wer¢ augmented in January J Several new members This is splendid record Arvice club is extending. - he Guest Speaker will be Rev. P. jh }V{7lor Florida where she will visit her Perry, \Ontatio, or Harris, Harrls & Wallace, Barristers, Port Perry, Ont. Dated at Port Perry this 6th day of March A.D. 1940, mar21 DIED BURNHAM, Marion 8, -- At her home, Port Perry, on Sunday, March 8, Marion 8. Hart, beloved wife of the late John Warren Burnham, and daughter of the late D'Acres W, Hart, and the late Mrs. Hart, formerly of Brantford, in her 90th year. 1 va - CUSTOM SAWING DONE The undersigned having purchased Mr. Orr Browne's Wood Sawing out- fit, is prepared to do swing promptly. and shows how this For particulars Phone 182J, or to Bob i Port Perry C4 marl MacFarlane, is busy cataloging them and placing them on the shelves, ' . This, foliowing the recent gift of Mrs. Allison of '\a number of Henty books for boys, is indeed most thoughtful and generous, These are not shabby discards but:a spléfidid selection of good reading.in excellent state of- preservation, . We wish this happy idea of helping the Library was a little more epidemic. Can it be that our townsmen have been innoculated against this infection? Some gppear to be immune to a gen- erous impulse of this nature. ; RHRUMATISM, SCIATICA, 'BACK ACHE, Lumbago sre attacked at the source by the cleaning and antiseptic action of Rumacaps. = Get them 'at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. L IN THE INT EELS W. H. Liberal Candida pi AT 8.00 Mond SPE Conant, and A Good Orchestra, Everybody Weloome, JAS. HEFFERING, Pres, AKERS--W. H. Moore, | Admiral Sharpe. MASS MEETING ~~ IN THE TOWN HALL PORT PERRY ERESTS OF . OORE te for Ontario Riding P.M, ON' ore, Hon. G.D. Community Singing Ladies Speolally Invited SAVE THE KING "~~ tonic. A vitamin and mineral supplement," i 24 Day Treatment $1.15 72 Day Treatment $2.45 ; FROSST'S AND MALT ......75¢. and $1.25 i NATIONAL COD LIVER OIL * Neo-Chemical "AND MALT ...... 49¢. and 89%. SCOTT'S EMULSION .,53¢. and 98e¢, NOVA KELP TABLETS, NEO CHEMICAL CAPSULES PURETEST COD LIV A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 ae Rexall save 79¢., $1.39 and $2.79 "$1.25 and $2.25 ALPHAMETTES.. $1.00, $1.85 $3.50 rw WAMPOLE'S COD LIVER EXTRACT srevses seesnes $1.00 ER 'OIL ° 50c. and $1.00 PORT PERRY Chicks now, and be en ogg prices climb next Fall. See me, or phone me, right away. Personal attention, prompt delivery. A. R. GRAY R.R, 2, PORT PERRY _ BT, JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. R. Simpson, Minister. Sunday Service at 7 pm." Sunday School at 11 am, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev, J. C: Clough Sunday, March 10th 3 p.m.--Sunday Schoo} 7 p.m,--Evepsong and-Sermon, Preacher, Rev, W, G, Burch, B.A. Christ Church, Deer Park, Toronto, Wednesday, March 13-- 3 -. 7.30.pm.--Lenten Mid-Week service and Bible Study, : 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a,m.--Synday Sghgo} 11 am--Rev. W. J; H _ preach, 7 p.m.--Rev. Geo. A. Williams of To- ronto, "Around the World with the United Church" illustrated with slides, Do not miss this. . Smyth will ~ UNJTEP CHURCH NOTES On Sunday Evening, March 10th, Rev, Geo. A, Williams of Toronto, will give an Jllustrated travelogue on the work of the United Church, entitled "Around the World with the United Church", This is a right-up-to-the- minute address on our church at work. Every United Church family should be represented. NOTICE TO CREDITORS __In the Estate of Martha Kerry. All persosns having claims against the Estate of Martha Kerry, late of the Township of Reach, County of Ontario, Widow, deceased, wha died on or abont January 22nd, 1040, are here- by notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned before the 24th day of March A.D, 1940, after which, date the Estate will be distributed, : Dated at Port Perry this 24th day of February, A.D. 1840, JOSEPH DENNY, Prince Albert, Ont,, Solicitor for the KExectrices, herein, : Fass _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS ~ __ In the Estate of Andrew Bryant, . Jate of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased, All persons having claims against the Estate of Andrew Bryant, late of the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Farmer, deceased who died on the 14th day of August, 1930, are hereby notified to setid if to the under- signed solicitors on or hefore the 1st day of April, 1040, full partienlars of their claims, . Immediately after April 1st, 1040, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the solicitors shall then have notice. =... Dated 'at Port Perry, Ontario, ruary 26th, 1040, Lvay HARRIS, HARRIS &' WALLACE, Feb- J. G ANDERSON, Sec'y -~ Drawer 188, Port Perry, Ontarlo, i Sunday, March-17--Palm -Synday. --|- . ANNOUNCEMENT * TO STOCKMEN Commencing Friday, Mar. 1st, Henshaw Transport will be prepared to carry live stock, The truck will be running every day. For Prices, phone the resi- dence--No, 6, Port Perry. Ray Henshaw Announcement Arthur Prentice will open a Beauty pParlar in connection with his barher shop, next week. Further particulara later, DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber 3 8hap. Telephone 287 -. = Port Perry W. A, Sangster ____ DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m, to 5 pm, :_ Office. Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office, : DR, J, B, LUNDY PENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) AUCTION BALBS ' LOVE--Thursday, March 7th, at the McKercher Farm, Epsom, 40 head of cattle will be offered for sale by Mn, Clifford Love, ORCHARD-- On Thursday, March _. - 14th, A. L. Orchard will offer his farm stock 'and implements for sale at his . premises, Lot 20, Con, 14, Reach Tp. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. Tax Notice I have been instructed by the Comm: cil 'of Reach Tawnship, to collect forthwith according to Statute, all unpaid taxes, This means seizure, if not paid at once, ae GEORGE TILL, Collector \ HELP WANTED Experienced girl for general house: work. Apply to Mrs. Roy Leask, Sed- grave, Ont, Phone 116 r 8-2 Port Perry. i March? "WANTED Lady. offers good home to pensioned couplecon paying basis. Very. reason. : able terms as to. board will be offered. Apply to Box 70, Star Office. mar? FOR BALE OR 5 Ducks and One Gander, Apply to Miss Flossie Spencer, R,R,2 Port Terry % Phorie 109 t 8, ARTHUR W, 8. GRERR © *Wetuntay morning oon Prot Sener hy of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 8 ® . ea Ved 'RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS . ) ¢ 24} SELL D. HOMPHRRYS ymin eh 3 [PEoS Yon Solicitors for Andrew Bryant Estate. |

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