ST. PATRICK'S SUPPER i The Ladies' Aid of St. John's Pres- ayterian Church are holding a St. Patrick's Supper in the basement of he=Church, on Tuesday, March 19th. * Supper at 6 until all are served. Ad- mission, Adults 40c.; Children 2be, ht pr - NEW EASTER MILL iy Mrs, 1. G, Hall announces that after this week she will show the New - Spring Styles in Millinery at her home m Queen street. Mr. M. Peddle of Toronto, was a visitor in town on Saturday. 3 My, Jimmie Cairns of Torontoswas a _ week-end guest in town, Mrs. Jackson, who has been visiting her sister at Batavia N.Y. has returned home. She is at present "visiting friends in Claremont, \ % Miss K. Currie of Weston, formerly, © @.teacher here, was in town over the week end, the guest of Mr. and Mis. oy Cornish, © Mr, and Mrs. Mac Beare of Hanover, dpent the week-end with relatives in . town. : + Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Beare spent the week-endnin Brantford. Mr. Wm, Nesbitt of Toronto, visited in town one duy-last week. We are pleased to report that the =+condition of My. Milton Tipp has im- proved slightly, ~My, and Mrs. D. M. Jackson, of To- ronto, have been visiting with 'the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs, Lundy. Miss Jean Hopkins spent her holi- days in Windsor. About thirty members of Warriner Lodge, 1.0.0.F. spent a very enjoy- able evening when they paid a return Cvisit on Wednesday, March Gth, to 'Beaverton Lodge. The degree work 'was put on hy members, followed by a "mixed program. They travelled by 'bus. Mrs. W. I. Doubt of Toronto, spent 'ithe week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A, W. ! Allin, Geo. last week with ros wives here, i We regret to report the illness of Mrs W. A. Christy. We wish for her a speedy recovery. i Quite a umber enjoyed an excellent 'meal at Cricklewood Lodge after the Carnival on Monday, March 4, among __whonywere a_number frém Toronto. "Mr: Byran Davies, of the Bank of _.=Commerce, spent the week end with 5 § relatives in Toronto, q § Mr. Art Asher of Toronto, spent t Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs, T, Asher, } £ Mr. Harold Woon of Toronto, spent K "Sunday at his home here. % Mrs, Lottie' Ashton is to be con- {stunted on being a double prize inner in a 1 adio contest, in' Toronto ; ust week, Mr. and Mrs. K. G. H. Pearce of To- Lyonto, Miss Marion Goode, Hamilton, Mr. E. Egerer, of Toronto, and Mr. nd Mrs. E. Hayes of. Port Perry, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Slemmon last Saturday at a dinner and bridge « * Misses Evelyn and Rose Appel, ac- companied by their brother. Adam visited their cousin Sister Feresita at retto" Abbey, =Toronto, recently, Mr. Sid Brinkman who was recently position in Toronto. Miss Margaret Hayes, of Toronto, is where he has taken a position in a 1ardware store. £ Owen has been a helpful young citizen, being particularly interested in young people of the church and of the 'Boy. Scouts. G We "wish him success in his new field of work, and assure him that he will be missed in Port Perry. DIED DOUBT--On Tuesday, March 12th, 1940, John H. Doubt, husband of the Jate Mary J. Northcott, in his 01st wear. Funeral from the home of his ughter Mrs. J. C. Taylor, Thyssday, jen arch 14th at 2 p.m. BS al e e tp IN "MEMORIAM = tne hie Glasses complete, s]of the Woman's M Eyes | Examined or lénses only, supplied where nccessary, at réagqnable prices,-- I. K. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH" Rev. R. Simpson; Minister. Sunday Service at 7 p.m. Sunday School at 11 a.m. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev. J, C. Clough Sunday, March 17--Palm Sunday. 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. Friday, March 22---Good Friday, 11.30 aun--Matins 12-1 Meditations on the Crucifixion PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m. Sunday School 11 am: --Easter W.M.S. Service. Speaker, Miss Helen Carroll, Toronto. I p.m --"The Triumphal Entry of Our Lord." The pastor will be in charge of both services. of 1 WHAT DO YOU THINK OF A YACHT CLUB AT PORT PERRY? The past few years have seen a re- cord-breaking revival of the small sailboat here on Lake Scugog. This revival began a few years ago when some of the local lads began to sail duck-boits 'and canoes around the waterfront, Since then they have built with their own gaod, clegant, harid-carned cash three boats of the scow type class. There is nothing dis- paraging in the term scow, for:hulls built like a skimming dish, are the fastest known to naval architecture, In moderate winds they will outrun conventional 'craft. This particular boat is agile, and extremely fast, n points high and responds quickly to the pressure of one finger on the tiller. Being close hauled, it comes about in its own length. The boats used here at present are fourteen footers with a five foot beam- and carrying around 110 square feet of canvas, so you see we have a design that we can well be proud of. At present the fourth boat is under construction at Baker's Boat Works, on Scugog Island. So why not form a 'Yacht Club at Port Perry this summer and get in the fun? You don't have to own un boat to-join the Club. The owners of the boats have consented to let the club members use them in the races which would be held throughout the summer. At Frenchman's Bay on Lake On- tario a few years ago a club rwas formed with three small boats and now there are twenty-six boats and a club house, which were all built by the club members; so why can't we do. the same: at Port Perry? If your interest, has been aroused by the above we will have a" meeting-to elect officers for the Poit Perry Yacht Club for 1940, at the Port Perry Public Library at 8 p.m., Kriday, March 16th. Reserve March 29th, for an illus. Rev. Mr. Tristram, under the auspices --------eeeeel PPP -- Their 68th Wedding Anniversary Mr and Mrs. William Medd, Black- water, are quietly celebrating -their 68th wedding anniversary on Friday, March 16th. They have lived all these years on the one farm on the 1st con- cession of Brock, TE 'Red Shield Cia Under the auspices of the Salvation - Army The Salvation Aumy is putting on a; campaign in Port Perry to raise funds for their war work. . Next Sunday evening at 8.16 o'clock a meeting will be held in the United Chureh, An instrtimental quartette from the Salvation Army Band will provide special music, Mr: J. Graves will be L MEDD---TIn fond and loving memory Jennie, wife of John Medd, and sther of Rae, Ola and Dorothy, who passed away March 23, 1933, i +Husbanll and Children * REPORTED IN ERROR | In last week's Manchester news it 8 reported in error that the picture ow was put on by Spruce: Lawn iry of Whitby it should have read blin Crétemery of Whitby, a a et A WP 3 FOR SALE iad nteabational Cultivator like 'new, at ce. Also, farm wagon. Apply if Harper, R.R.2, Seagrave. | Prince Albert is $260. | ne&day, March 20th, "tacks the cause. "Bold at Lawrence's the.speaker. Everybody is invited to enjoy this bright meeting. The church should be filled. > The 'objective in Port Perry and Army .col= "lectors will_visit Port Perry on Wed- = The work of the Salvation Army among tlie soldiers has been highly commended and is well worthy of your support. . WHEN PAINS ARE TORTURE from Rheumatism, Beiatica, Backathe, use Rumacap---their two. way action at- Drugstore, Port Perry. trated lecture in the United Church, by. * ssionary Society. | | them on the way they took their parts EREE Parking Phone 1011 OSHAWA Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday, Saturday, MARCH 14-15-16 Rudyard Kipling's The Light that Failed Ronald Colman, Walter Huston, Ida Lupino. A grand story full of romance and adventure ADDED---Popeye Cartoon-- "Never Sock a Baby" REVIVAL, Friday, at 10.45 p.m, HONOLULU" with \ Fighting Mayor William Morrison Mayor of Hamilton, HARRY A. | National Conservative Candidate for Ontario Collegiate Auditorium, Oshawa, Friday Evening, March 15th, fA nation at-war needs a National Government" T. K. Creighton, K.C. President PUBLIC MEETING PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 14th, 1940 BL lS EL CSS A OE HEAR and NEWMAN K.C. 8,00 p.m. R. D. Humphreys, Secretary LAWRENC'S Drug Store NEWS You Can Save with Safety at Your Rexall Store This is SOAP WEEK. for your favorites. x NEW ODEX HEALTH SOAP _ be. cake, 3 for 17c. JERGEN'S CARBOLIC SOAP 3 cakes for 4c. - VINOLIA CASTILE SOAP 10 Cakes 25c. ; GERARD'S ENGLISH BATH TABLET, extra large size 29¢. A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 7% Rexall swe Check this list GIANT SIZE PALMOLIVE SOAP, 9¢, cake, ¥ for 17e. LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP 8c, cake, 2 for 15¢. VINOLIA BORACIC and COLD CREAM BATH TABLETS, 20c. + 3 for 50¢. COLGATE ASSORTED SOAPS 5 cakes 25¢., and fruit bowl Free PORT PERRY starring Eleanor Powell, Robert Young and Gracie Allen. Monday - on" MAR. 18- 19 "GERONIMO" with Preston Foster, Ellen Drew, Andy Devine Thurs, Fri., Sat, March 21-23, "Swiss Family Robinson" COMING-- "GONE April 15th WITH THE WIND". SCUGOG The Community Club will he held on Friday evening this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, F. Crozier, in- stead of last week. ) The Centre folk are having another Pot Luck Supper for St. Patrick's night, Monday, in the Town Hall, at 6.30. . A good program is being pre- pared. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Brown, on March 7, 1940, a daughter. = All are glad to hear Mr. R. Tetlow came home from Christie street" Hos- pital, where hé has been for a few months and is in much better health. Mrs. Tetlow and Phillis also returned. The pathmasters are kept busy kegping the concessions and sideroads open for cars. Mr. Joe Dowson is helping Mr. A. Ploughman for a few months. Mr. Leonard Hope of Tyrone, with his parents Mr. and Mrs. D. Napere on Sunday, and Ronald, his sister Mrs, R. Reader, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton of Tyrone, visited her parents Mr. wm, Mrs. C. Mills on Sunday. -° Mr. and Mrs. M. Melaren visited her parents Mr, and Mrs, W. Jackson one day last week: Mr... and Mrs. R. Reader and Owen visited friends in Oshawa on Saturday. Friends of Miss Grace Demara and Gordon Tetlow are congratulating in the H. S. play last week. Mr. .C. Hardy and Mr, F. Jackson Mrs. W. Mark and granddaughter Joan Carnochan visited Mrs. E, Fra- lick at Scagrave on Tuesday. Mrs. M. McLaren, Mrs. Joel 'Aldred, Mrs, W. Mark and Mrs. D. Hope spent a social time quilting a wool comforter at Mrs. 0. Jeffrey's on Thursday to help with the new church kitchen, The crows are arriving, so spring must be on the way. The Head folk met at the home of Mrs. J. Pearce and quilted a quilt on Wednesday afternoon, This was fol- lowed by a Pot Luck Supper. Another quilting bee was held at the home of Mrs, 8, Rodman with Mrs. C. Graham and Mys. T Redman a8. sisting. = under the doctors care. Many happy returns to Mr, and Mrs, J. Aldred on the 23rd anniversary of their wedding on March 14th. * A Red Cross meeting was held at the parsonage on" Monday afternoon. BRONZE GOBBLER FOR SALE Ready for the breeding season. Apply to~Thos. Carflochan, R.R. 2 Port Perry, Phone 199 r 28°. + | FOR BALE Will sell Bay Mare or Black Percheron, rising three yeard, Broke and quiet, Cow 6 years; due in April, Apply to Robert Reader, Scugog. are acting as jurors at Whitby this], va MARY & JIM ~~ _ CUT OUT WASTE | SEE THE WARIS COSTING CANADA A MILLION DOLLARS A THAT'S RIGHT . WAR COSTS MONEY WELL,IT ISBETTER TO 3). SPEND MONEY THAN 5 ¢ LOSE CANADA s TO HITLER RIGHT, BUT | HATE WASTE "IF TH THEY'RE STILL SPENDING AT OTTAWA AS ERE WAS PATRONAGE-JUST PARTY PATRONAGE! NATIONAL GOVERNMENT CANFIX THAT a NATION AT WAR NEEDS _ fot ® NATIONAL GOVERNMENT NATIONAL GOVERNMENT 7 Avtliarized. by Notional Government Headquarters, 140 Wellington Street, Ottawa ors. 3 Wave - Ta 'Manioure - . 50 Facial = : - .50 .| Ladies are cardiall Linvited to v isit] our. . Beauty Shop. 'Prompt, *skil work guaranteed, Sorry to report Mrs, Ww. Savhgs. As P Ontario County SEED FAIR BROOKLIN, Wed., March 20th Oats, Barle, "Al hi CLASSES FOR: falfa, lover Seed, Pot Peas, etc, "- Entries close March 16th. Junior Judging Competition at 9.00 a.m. Over 40 Bushels of registered : grain for prizes. ; Educational 'programme atl, 80 ,m, : Dr. McRostic, 0.A,C., Guelph Dr. O, McConkey, 0.A.C,, Mr. Stanley Ward, Uxbridge, EF. M. Sond President, : E. A. INNES, Secretary, SPEAKERS: Guelph. and other speakers. re ---- ag Pickering, Ontario Uxbridge, Ontario Wheat, Soy Beans, t way The bes » atoes, _ You're in a quandary: your wife has left the ! baby with you and you' ve forgotton thos exact time she told you to give-him his next "bottle". How to got in 4 Lik) <5 touch with her imme- diately? Why, by. tele: phone of course! The, telephone is a great time and trouble saver in any home, and the: cost is just "a few cents 4 day, " : Pickard, Port Perry | (The firm of (reer & |PREN' TICES Beauty Shop We are pleased -to announce that we have opened our.... BEAUTY SHOP with Molly Badger, formerly of Barrie, in charge. Special Offer | Permanent Wave, $1.96 Shampoo and Finger Phone 223, Port Peisr ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain ortgage which - will be produced at the time of the Sale, 'there will be offered for sale by ~{ Public Auéttoh pd THURSDAY, the 28th day of MARCH, 1940, at the "hour of two o'clock in the afternoon,' at the' of Ted Jackson, Queen Street Port Perry, by Ted Jackson, Auction- eer, the followi "property, namely: All and Singu ar that certain parcel or tract of land and premises s tuate, lying and being in the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontaro, and beng composed. of Lot Number One Hundred and Fifty-five (1566) on the west side of Union Avenue according - bo Sexton's Plan of the said Village of ort Pe offered for Terms Ten per cent. of the purchase mone: to be paid down at the time of the Sale Fi, the balance to be paid with- n For further particulars and condi- tions of Sale,-apply to Ted Jackson, Esq; Auctionee P Perry, Ontario, or 'Harris Har ort Wallace, Barris Talk 3 mera March A.D, 1 CUSTOM SAWING RE The undersigned having purchased Mr. Orr Browne's Wood Sawing out- fit, is prepared to do sawing promptly. For particulars Phone 182J, or to Bob mar2l OR. H, H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber 0p. Tolplione 287 % P = Port Perry ° W, A, Sangster DENTAL SURG Office Hours: 9 am, to 5 pm, Office Upstairs, over C, Sleep's Insurance Office, DR. J. B. LUNDY oh 127 DENTAL SURGEON Office Shave Bell. Telephone North side Phones: Office 68w, Residence [17] ARTHUR * W. 8, GRERn in atten ce at my Wednesday morning, fri. rem oy of each osh week, ind ind bi ovr Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 Hn TPR Phone 814 "In attendance at my Port Perry office op Tuesday and Thursday afterndons week or by appointment. ot el Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 ITY. All the said lands will be put up in "tone parcel, and will be. los | subject to a reserve bid, be Bxchange, Queen Street, Port-Perry, 3