a ---- STEN so tl ra To Insure Happy 'Healthy Old Age Founder of Race Betterment Foundation Has Simple For. mula -- Four Rules An exponent of biologic living and founder of the Race Better- ment Foundation, Dr. John Har. vey Kellogg, 88, of Battle Creek, Mich, often has astonished vlisl- tors by his amazing vitality, He-1s a living example of the pringiples he practices, His energy keeps four secretarles and a half dozen doctors busy, In his eighties . he still wielded a surgeon's knife, He has never reached a stopping point at the Battle Creek Sanitar fum, which he has headed for #8 years. . NOT TOO MUCH FOOD His formula for health is simple. "Eat what the monkey eats," he says, "Simple food and not too much of it" To insure healthy, happy old age, Kellogg formulated four rules for the Three-Quarter Century Club, he originated in Bat{le Creek, for all persons who have attained thelr seventy-fifth birthday: 1, Eat half as much as previously, 2, Sleep twice as much, 3. Drink three times as much wa- ter. 4 LaukiiMoys times as much. In the sanitarfum at Battle Creek ho carries this principle one step further. No meats are served, no smoking 1s allowed, and liquor fis banned. Eskimo Is Doomed Says Story Book Film Record of Annual East. ern Arctic Cruise Show Nat. ives With Zipper Parkas and Factory Canoes * The cinematic record of the 12,- 000 mile annual Eastern Arctie cruise of the R.M.S. "Nascopio", was shown last month by produc- er Richard Finnie before an Ottawa audiences. Through the whole film ran@n inescapable foto of sadness, tho sadness ono must feel at sceing, the commercialization of a primi- tive people. DOOMED TO EXTINCTION As Mr. Finnle pointed out at the close of- his commentary on the film, the story-book Eskimo Is now doomed to extinctlon. Even the most remote and backward Eskimo, the Seal Hunters of Boothia Pen- insula, appear in the film complete with zippor parkas and Peterbor- ough canoes. Strange and amusing were some of the scenes. A sham battle staged by British Marines and sallors in . the barrens around Churchill, the Arctic grain port; a missionary marriage on the-foc'sle head of the "Nascopie", in which the bride's "bouquet was of Arctic wild flowers, and an Eskimo brass band, whose repertoire consisted of sacred mu. slc only, broadcasting under the di- rection of a Moravian missionary. A HYBRID PEOPLE "Probably the future will see a hybrid people, accustomed to the way of the white man, working with him for the fuFther development of the Arctic territories," Mr. Finnie "said. 'Fist RAC. A. F, Chaplain _ Af hting pilot with the RAF. dn' the fas: war, Rev. W, Ewart Cockram, of Toronto, is the first . chaplain ever to be appointed to the R.C,A.F. During the last war all Canadian pilots fought with £he-R:AF¥, A minister of the Un- +. ited Church, the appointment of "+ Rev, Cockram will 'be followed =with appointments of chaplains of 'Other denominations. ik + Potato "Exports Much Increased The "export demand" for Can.' adian potatoes, both seed and table stock, avas very 'good in 1989, Table potato - exports sin. creased almost 200 per cent and seed about 30 per cent as compar- ed with 1988, The United States and Cuba take large quantities' of Canadiah seed potatoes, while table stock is shipped to the West ndies, United 'States and the Or- ent. d 'tion will not cure, Sihce 1933 hé hag .yentive genius, THAT'S EASY -BIG BEN! PESO I IIOP OICIIIIIIIOIOISEIGOSE - HAVE - YOU HEARD? ° An Irish truck driver was charg ed with rockless driving and with having stopped his truck so sud- denly that a car behind him smash. ed into him, The judge asked him' why he had not held out his hand. Pat indignantly answered: "It the poor fool couldn't see me truck, how In Hivin's name could he see me hand?" 'Did they put stitches in?" asked the friend after the op. eration. : "No, | Just pulled myself to." gether," was the reply. Counsel (cross-examining a far- mer}: "Now don't quibble! Do you understand a simple problem or not?" Witness: "1 do." "Then tell the court this: If 16 men ploughed a field in five hours, how long will 30 men take to plow the same field?" "They couldn't do it." "Why not?" . "Because the 15 men ready ploughed it!" have al "I have heard," sald the pro- fessor, "that Babylon fell, and Nineveh was. destroyed, and" ~ Someone In the class: "Tyre was punctured." CA toachor was instructing her class in the use of aintonyms, "Now -children," she said, "what {3 the - opposite of sorrow?" "Joy," shrieked the class in uni- son. AT "And what is the opposite of woe?" "Giddap!" She: "It is disgraceful! Yes- terdgy you kissed me against 'my will and today you try to re. peat the offence." . He: "Well, a criminal always returns to the scene of his own crime" = } hana at Bean ot all A a REY >t . v ® 1 'What Science; Is Duing PPP PL GIVE T ICT C EO wwe JAUNDICE CURE Experiments at the Mayo Clinle have proved that patients suffering from "obstructive jaundice" could be cured by an operation after they hd been given Injections of Vita. 'minK. Vitamin K. built up in the blood a substance called prothrombin, the lack of which resulted in bleeding to death of persons operated on for the disease, TO RELIEVE INDIGESTION Dr, Otto Dennith, of Vancouver, reports he has found s way to re. lleve indigestion and gastric ail- ments that rest, diet' and medica. successfully used the technique of severing the sphincter - of oddl, which rings tho fnside of a duct leading from the ' pancreas, liver and gall bladder to the small {ates- tines. 5 ' MODERN PIONEER Among the sage elders'of science a young man not yet 30 takes rank today as one of 19 upon whom the title "modern pioneer" has been béstowed In recoggltion of his fn He 14 Edwin H. Land, of Boston, who fnvented "Polaroid," a crystal substance made of fodine and 'quin. Ine which "polarizes" rays of light, in effect lining them up by blocking out vibrations at right angles to the beam, this eliminating glare. Owing to lack of refrigerator space, the government has forbid. den Australians to include butter in hampers shipped to Gréat Brit- ain. No restriction Were placed on other rationed goods (hams, bacon and sugar). . N } i" See Shand Dam Ready This Fall $1,700,000 wall Main Unit of Grand River Control Project, Is Expected To Be Complete Then At the annual meeting of ths Grand River Conservation Commls. sion, held in Brantford, Ont, Dr. G. Acres, Niagara Falls, chief on. + gineer to the commission, gave as- surance the vital construction of the $1,700,000 Shand dam, main unit of the river-controlling project, would be, conpleled before the aut. umn frosts of 1940. . COULD DO MORE Dr. Acres also sald the supple- mentary Luther Marsh dam could be completed by. the end of this year should the commissionsso dir- ect. All necessary and scheduled werk in connection with the Shand dam in 1939 had been completed, he said. radio talk, aah a = a SL SE EAT DOMESTIC FRUIT A perfect dlet, rich in all the-pro- tective foods, is obtainable in Can. ada at all seasons without resort to imported fruits or vegetables; This is the finding of leading Can. * adian nutritionlsts and is being cit ed by those concerned with the {n- creasing consumption of American fresh fruits, J Canned Canadian vegetables have been proven to have higher vitamin and mineral content than fresh veg- etables Imported long distances from the southern 'states, GOOD COLD REMEDY Hot drinks, warm clothing and hot applications have been found to be most effective in overcoming the ravages of the cold germ. That (s no doubt why the mustard foot bath is so favored. Two, or three . tablespoons of dry mustard, mixed with a little cold water, and then added to the bathwater has been found to be efficacious in helping anyone to overcome a cold. If, alter remaining in the bath until the skin begins. to tingle pleasantly, one takes a good rub-down and thea ie- tirs to bed, there is usvally a good deal of relief in the morning. WARNS AGAINST T. B. "Tuberculosis {s the most impor- tant single disease facing us in the problem of national health," Prof. E. G. D, Murray, of the department of bacteriology and immunity, Mc- Gill University, said in a recent Tuberculosis-as a disease had not inspired a state of terror in the hu" man race, as would the mere mon-~ tion 'of plagud, §mallpox, poliotnyle- tis and typhoid fever "yet in the literature of the subject it has dé served the opprobrious épithet of 'the White Plague' " he said.' Out of 11 kinds of milk listed by the United States department of agriculture, reindeer milk is richest--it has 22 per cent butter- fat. ; Russian Contribution To Pinnish Defence The contribution was not made voluntarily, neediess to say; but it is very acceptable just the same. The: white-clad Finn is examinin tiple machine gun used for anti-aircraft work, particularly against div- ing bombers or hedge-hopping planes. It was part of the equipment cap- tured by the Finns and latef used: against the former owners. a mule becc esr eossrec stesso ess How Can I? BY ANNE ASHI EY Q. How can I'keep the kitehen lnk clean and puritied? ~~ A. Pour ' a strong solution of washing soda fn boiling water down the Bink at night. ; Q. How can I peel oranges more easily? A, Pour bolling 'water over the oranges 'and let them stand for about five minutes. When they are peeled, the "white lning will come away with the skin, This same thing can be done wl gapettalt, Q. How can I treat' an*{nflamed nose? ; A, It is sald that pne'of the best remedies for this fs the application COs or THE SPASMS O hoopin [0 fo] § 8 5) IID Gi gl Ul = J = ' with hot 'vinegar and then ammon- 'polished with a solution of bees. of equal parts of witch hazel and pure alcohol, - ; Q. How can I remove shiny spots from serge sults A, Try sponging the shiny 'spots ia. ' . Q. How can I improve the ap- pearance of soiled rasset shoes? A, The solled russet shoes can be made to look like new if they are cleaned with lemon julce and then wax dissolved in turpentine, Q. How can I treat a tough steak? Al Mix a small quantity of vine. gar-and olive ofl thoroughly, rub ft . on both sides of the steak and al low it to stand for about two hotrs before cooking. : ; WHY HAVE Be ---- == 1 Modern Etiquette BY ROBER IA LEE Rana oJ Q. Ita girl who 4s to bg married has mo father, but would like to bave ber mother take some part fo the ceremony, couldn't she have her for maid of honor or a brides maid? E ip ther "give her away", Q. Isn't it rude.to unwrap a box of candy, while at the theatre afid the show Is in progress? . A! Yes, It is not only rude, but in. considerate, as the rustling of the paper cannot fail to annoy others. Q. At a buffet meal should the women serve themselves or wall for their escorts to bring them their plates? A, The women should serve them- selves, by Q. When planning to make an informal call on a friend, is it per- missable to telephone first, to be suro that she is at home? ' A. Yes, this is all right, and is a wise thing to do if the friend lives quite a distance away. A. No; but she can have her mo-* with the ends about three or four inches from the edge of the table? A. No. The ends of the silver should be only a halt inch to an loch from the edge of the table, Q. When a man 1s introduced to a girl at a dange, Is he supposed to ask hér to dance? A, Yes. Gold production in Canada dur- ing the first ten months of 1939 amounted: to 4,285,880 ounces compared with 3,877,289 ofinces in the corresponding period of - 1088, and 8,380,785 ounces in 19317. : Exports of planks and boards from Canada during the first el- even months of 1939 amounted to 1,968 million feet, a gain of 80 per cent 'over the same period of 1938, Scratching 2 cratening. 'or quick relief from ifehing of eczema, pi bis foot, scales, scabies, rashes snd other Sitamly sed skin troubles, use world-famous, cooling, anf septic, liquid D.D, D, Prescription. Greasel a Bootbes irritation and quickly stops intense' ial proves it, or money ak Q. 'Should the silver be placed MENTHOLATUM Gives COMFORT Daily Thousands go thru this "tryingtime' by taking Pinkham's well known for helping female func tional troubles Try LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S or back, A y foe D.D.D, PRESCRIPTION. VEGETABLE COMPOUND .. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS AGENTS WANTED 0 and be your own boss; one sale per week beats working for someone else; capable, hard wor. . kers earn $3,000 up; amazing new machine by old-established comp- any. State sales experience in full, Address Room FA2, Anker-Holth Manufacturing Company, - Sarnia, Ontario. BABY CHICKS 1 LOGICALLY POULTRY FARM Bred chicks are better value than hatchery chicks. Five breeds we- lection, 7 cents and up, farm raise ed pullets. Circular 91 request, Highway Poultry Farm, R.R. No. 1. Waterlvo, Ontario. CHICKS, WHITE LEGHOURNS, . 9c, Barred Rocks and New Hamp. shires 10c, from-Government ap- proved, blood-tested stock. Write for catalogue, Brucedale Poultry Farm, St. Thomas, Ont. JOHNSON'S CHICKS ARE ONE " grade, the best we can produce, all breeders are bloodtested and and large S.C. White Leghorns, Barron strain. Prices. March and Apiil, Rocks 10 cents, 90 per cent. - Leghorns 10 cents, 90 per cent. pullets 20 cents, cockerels 2 cents. Safe arrival guaranteed. 10 per cent books your- order. Circular on request, J, D. ~Johnson, Fergus, Ontarlo. ORDER BABY CHICKS NOW. AT. tractive prices on well bred Bat. red Rocks; White Leghorns, Hamp. shires, Austrolorps. Write for Prices. Wingham Hatchery, Wing- am,"Ontarlo. FE MORE FOR YOUR MONEY. GI- gantic production enables us to sell' better quality chicks for less. Don't buy 'your chicks until you compare Tweddle Quality and Tweddle prices. 18 varieties to choose rom. Day-old ' pullets,- cockerels, non-sexed, started chicks, three-week-old capons, old- er pullets, non-sexed chicks as low as $9.45, 90 per cent. pullets $16.90, Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Oht. AFTER ALL IT'S QUALITY THAT counts, Baden chicks are high +--=Quality chicks sold to you at low prices made possible "by sales at low operating costs. Do not delax, get_our price list to- day. We have Barred Rocks, New Hampshires as low as $9.45, White Leghorns $8.95. We also 'have White Roe s, White Wyandottes, large XBarred Rocks. Free circular, Bas. den Electric Chick Hatchery, Lim. ited, Baden, Ontario. BUY THE RIGHT CHICKS AND catch the right markets. - Order Bray's now. lmmediate shipment. Nineteen varieties. Pullets, cocke erels, capons and 2-3 week chicks to order. Turkeys. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamliton. : MILKER MEN WANTED -- INVEST ~ $50.0 culled. Bred to Lay Barred Rocks , pullets 17 cents, cockerels 8 cents. _ FURNITURE FOR SALE WE ARE OFFERING OUR SPLEN- did bargains In all kinds of used furniture. Every article carries a complete money-back guarantee. Also every article polished and safely packed for shi ment to any pact of Canada. Buy now! Save Money. $5.95--Bedroom outfit, consl<ting walnut enamelled iron bedstead, used resllvered spring and Govern. ment inspected felt mattress, any size. $7.95 -- Used refinished Sim. mons walnut metal beds, plain ernment inspected felt mattress, 54" width, $8.95 -- Same type of bed outfit with lurge centre used sagless spring, "blue label- led" felt mattress, $2.00 -- Used springs, all kinds, any size. $4.76 brand new "blue-- labelled" felt- blown mattresses, easy rest, an size. ~ $3.76 --. "yellow labelled™ felt-blown mattresses, luxury, an size. $8.35, strong cable dropback couches with arms and back and new cretonne mattress, two pil- lows. $6.00 -- used oak dressers, .Square or oval mirror, three draw- ers, refinished like new. _. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 22.9% We are S¥sring #4 beautiful three piece genuine brown silk mohair chesterfield suite, ull matched pieces, Marshall construction, re- versible spring cushions, silk cord- ed trim, piped centre back, recon. ditioned and fully guaranteed. anel, 8end money order or deposit, bal. ance on 'delivery to ' Furniture - Sales 'Company, 539 King Street West, Toronto. type, used sugless spring and Gov- * PERSONAL QUI IrvBAccy fnexpensively Testimoniuls «i free Rartleit's fox 1 Winnipeg, FALSE TEETH LOUSENESS AND annoyance banished «¢ ply at home by dentist's wonderful dis- SNUFF EASILY, fome remedy. snteed Advice covery for building up old plate to fit. Users amnzed IKree infor mation without obligation. Rane - dolph Laboratory, 22 Whitehall Round Toronto POULTRY-FARM FOR SALE AT LOW PRICE TWO MILES FROM OTTAWA. 8 large poultry houses, Fully mod- ern dwelling. Other. buildings. Reason for selling, retiring, Full particulars write: Russell Poultry, Farm, Hurdman's Bridge, Ontarlo, RELIGIOUS "ELIJAH COMING BEFORE Christ." Wonderful book sent free, Megliddo ~ Missibn,- H., Rochester, New, York. © : SALESM EN WANTED MAKE A DECENT. LIVING ing 200 Familex every --y SELL. day neces. sities. Guaranteed quality. Low price, 900 Familex salesinen live with this agency. Company's suc- "cess depends on salesmen's. 12° the possibilities buying in Familex Plun. For free detalls and cata. logue: 'Familex, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. =r --_--_--_-- SEED FOR SALE FILMS <"I'RINTS FREE ENLARUJEMENT IN STUDIO + Folder with each order. Films de- veloped and printed by experts, 26c; reprints 10 for.25c. Nu.Way Photo Service.: Station "A" Tor. ------onto: -- "HORSES FOR SALE + "NUMBER GOUD HORSES, MATCH. - ed teams, one Percheron stallion on preys J. MeAninch, Route 4, uelph. --2 = MEDICAL A GOOD SPRING TONIC. KIPP'S Herb: Tablets. Twenty-five cents. All Drug Stores or Maltby's, Tor. olto Ten. 3 WRITE FOR QUR FREE 1940 SEED catalogue, containing most . com plets list flower und vegetable seeds. Priced for market garden ers and. garden lovers. Ontario Secd Company, Waterloo, Ont. CLOVER, GRASS SEEDS AND SEED Graln, government tested, -- Don't buy until you have our list. ¢. B Bishop & Son, Seedsmen, Belle. ville. Ontario. >) STAMPS WANTED STAMPS ON ENVELOPES. NOTH. Ing ufter 1870. Will buy for cash. R. G. I'ariy, 310 (Glen Munor Drive Toronto TURKEYS FOR SALE - WHITE HOLLAND 4 URKEYS, Government approyed und utility stock. Prices on application. Bert Irwin, Seaforth, Ontario. : HEPATULA . RELIEVES STUMACH :- and Liver troubles. Symptoms: Pains In right éide, under- shoul. der blades and acruss hips, Indi- Kestion, as, constipation, gall trouble. Formula of doctor. Re. sults in one.day! Price $5.00. Mrs. Geo. 8. Almas, Box 1073\V i. Saska- toon. Sask. "ECZEMAID. RELIEF FOR BABIES or adults, from dry or weeping Testimonials from hund-- LARGE TOM BARRON LEGHORNS mated to:cockerels from R. O, P. and' contest Jinning flock, 8c; oultry Farm, : ~--{Osnabruck- Centre), Wales, Ont." | WIGS, TQUPES, TRANSFORMA- tions, 'Switches, Curls, and all types of finest quality Halr Goods. rite for {llustratéd catalogue. Confidential, terms arranged. Tor- onto Human Halr Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street, Toronto. BAKERY EQUIPMENT BAKERS' OVENS - AND - MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment always on hand. Terms arranged, Corres- pondeénce invitéd. Hubbard Port. able San Co., 103 Bathurst ., zoron 2 2 3 { OARS, NEW AND USED Mount Pleasant Road, 204 nge Street, 1225 Danforth Ave, ur used cars make us many friends. shucatioNaL 'STUDENTS NOW ENRULLLING FOR courses in Matriculation, Short Journalism Shorthand and iy 8 fan. Correspondents COlsRS, (ba: 5 i abiished 1005) 415 Youge Strsel 'tablishe. oNge Toront FILMS BEST RESULTS -- RULLS DEVEL~ oped with hi Toss deckled edged prints, 5 ¢ ti. TRIAL SPECIAL ~ SEND NEGA. AL is advertisement, and 10¢ * for three prints and bx 1 and 26c for elght enlargement. London Ablishe: 19, enlarge. ondte Service, Box 661, London, Guaranteed "CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -- New Arel SPECIALIZING IN REBUILT MO- TORS, POW HON , Hydeaulle 'Holats, Winches, Generntors, Starts ers, Magnetos, Carburetors. Radiat. ors -- change Service, Gs - Satisfaction or refund, Levy Auto 'Parts, Toronto, "reds for over 35 years. Two waeks' treatment, one dollar, Write Hy- gela Products, London, Ontario, HMA' ="TRY "LATEST = MOST effective remedies; Asthma-Tone for milder Asthma. Asthm-Lax for severe: Asthma. Bottle, $1.00.-Guar- anteed, Write Asthma-Tone Lab- oratories, 410 Barton, Hamilton, Ontarlo. BALD? GOING BALD? "BEACH'S - Formula" grows hair rapidly, kills dandruff, stops falling hair, itch- ing scalp. Hundreds of testlmon. lals, Boxes $1.00, postpald. Use half contents, if not satisfied, re- turn the unused portion -- your money refunded instantly. L. and B. Beach; B2362, North Vancouver, B.C. Scalp speclalists for 13 years. Our reputation protects you. Y RE -- "MINKS® FOR SALE PURE QUEBECS, CHOICE, LARGE kitts. 'Dark, silky, densely furred. Few bred females, $27.50, Ramona ink Ranch, Markstay, Ontario, « NURSERY STUCK ' HARDIEST "FRUITS, RARE /ORNA. mentals., Request 'Hfustrated .cata- 10gue and planting'gulde; 600.var. fetles, 'trees, hiba, | perennia) flowers, tested and srown at Dropmote, Order early .for..tree booklet on new fruit recipes, also {premium ith order: Jurong plants; « expert. §, guaran. Peed Gblivary mveiere. Tho Mane itoba Hardy Plant Nursery. Drop- imore. Manitoba, Ys OFFER TO INVENTORS AN VERE TO EVERY INVENTUR' «List of "Inventions and full [nfor. Restatorea! ftsnt Auishaesy 3 | YL y: Bi Street, Ottawa, Uanade ONIONS: FOR SALE MULTIPLIERS ' TWELVE | GREEN Onions from each, Six quarts, dol dar. with order, Express custom- ler's expense. This week's offer, P, Harvay, "Waterdown, Ontario, 'OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN PREPARE FUR THE FUTURE! IN. ustry urgently . requires trained men. Learn electric weldin now. 'General Welding Works, 100 Ja¥- 8, _Toront x {ISSUE NO, 11-740 GAIL i econditioned, guaranteed-thoroughs- : USED AND NEW JLUMBING BATHS, SINKS, TOILETS, SOIL pipe. boilers, furnaces, radiators, etc. Lowest prices,. guaranteed. Catalogue furnished. Main Plumbe ing Supplies, = 921 8t. "Lawrence, Montreal. -- LYONS 478 Yonge St., Toronto CLEARANCE SALE RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Used Furniture is completely, y clean, and sold with posit] Moliey-back Buarantece of satiaface tion. $14.00 KROEHLER CHESTER- field bed, reversible spring fied Dleces brown. repp material, Mar- shull construction, * $29.00 3PIECE CHESTERFIELD «Bulle, rupholstered In English tap. estry, reversible Marshall spring $37.50" BBAUTLIUL 1 R J) FUL, BROWN hair Chesterfield Suite, 3 is figured reversible Marshall spring $35.00 10: P1CE I - PHC LIVING 'ROOM Quttit, comprising 3 piece velour chesterfield suite, bridge lamp and shade, walnut end table, table lamp und shade, silk cushion and modern smoker. $24.00. SOLID OAK DINING ROOM 3 suite, buffet, extension table, six leather upholstered chalrs, Tere ect. '$35.00 9:PIECE UAK DINING ROOM suite, large buffet, extension tabl china cabinet and 6 leather sea hairs, ; $69.00 BEAUTIFUL, 9-RIKCE DIN. "Ang Bulte, rich walnut finish, large "buffet, extension tuble, chin. cab Inet _and 6:leather uphdlstered chalrs, \ $85.00 SOLID * WALNUT DINING suite, (cost new apDrox Imi tel ~§225), large bullet, abot oi cabinet and 6 lekthas seat chalrs, ? $49.00 MODERN OAK DINETTR ~ sulte,: buffet; extension t 4 chairs with embossed" leating seats, Perfect. 4 5 135.90 SMART IEDR OM SUITE, c wo-tone awalnut * fi Dfesser chiffonier ung furl Rlahs $49.00 COMPLETE 'BEDR suite, dresser, chiffonier, dA hed, sagless spring and new mate tress. $69.00 FLOOR SAMPLE MODE "bedroom suite.in bleached walnut finish, with Venetian mirrors, Dresser, chiffonier, (ull size be. J sagless spring und mattress, Al ~ 'brand: new. - 4940 KITCHEN CABINETS IN' ALY i. finishes, J $16.95 6 PIECH .BREAKFAS' «buffet, table.and 4 cha ERA 0 safe shipment on recelp ~All*merchundise dareially 'arated ih definite * LYONS FURNITURE: CO. 478 Yonge St. Toronto years of increased business prove ™ cushions. i} $10.50 CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 8 of. m Lim + order and sold with Aid tint Sfmoney<back guarantee of satisfac- yous