PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 28th, 1940 BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Thursday, Friday and Saturday, MARCH 28-29-30 Two shows at 7.00 and 9,00 pm Sajurday matinee at 1,30 pm, "TOWER OF LONDON" with Basil Rathbone, Boris Karloff, Barbara O'Neil, Ian Hunter, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, APRIL 1.2-3 First show at 7.00. show at 8.20 p.m. Paul Muni, in "WE ARE NOT| ~ ALONE" with Jane Bryan; Flora Robson. Also an. ADDED Attraction "Everybody's Hobby" with_ Irene Rich, Henry O'Neill, HEATING HINTS ty Vanes Stor N A recent letter a reader asks: "What is' the most important thing to look for when the furnace has a good fire in it but the rooms are nol warm enough?" There is one "thing" that w n always account for such a condi- tion, but there are at least thirty "things" that may be wrong in a case like this. Some of these things Lou atboat ia rms of saad on nad Yd $1 the ik A ZN p "ad tach Hikud may be quickly and rem- edied by a*man who is handy around the house; others require more specialized skill, Some of the faults may be easily located, while others may pass unnoticed "unless the man seeking them is familiar with heating systems. : Sometimes the Check Damper is in the wrong place; or the Turn Damper handle may have sl ipred, giving a false position of the damper; 'or the regulator may be improperly adjusted; or there ma be an excessive amount of fi in the smoke-pipe or on the {lor surfaces; or the radiators may be improperly pitched; or the draft may he impeded. Perhaps a loose bolt, or rusty joint may be the cause of wasted heat, All of these _ things can be quickly sdjensy b; a competent service man. He Last complete MORRISON'S DRUG STORE rr ---- Seasonable Products DEE-TEC MOTH KILLER--Death to moths, 39¢. 1 1b, tin WOODS'. CEDARIZED DEMOF KILLER BLOCKETTES is . For full protection use one of these wherever clothes are kept.. NT I RE Ate i PEE each 25c. NAPTHA LENE T° LL OR GON, box 25e. LAVENDER FLAKES ............... .box 20c. WAMPOLE'S PHOSPHO- LECTHIN, nerve ood 'and Spring | 100 DERI ESL Gr I CHER RE RE .....Bottle $1.00 ' NYAL'S STONE ROOT COMPOUND. Reliable treatment f for kidney and bladder .................. Bottle $1.00 ' NOVA KELP. A pure rich mineral supplement in-concen- » ot \ trated tablet form......... Bottle 79c., $1.3%;"and $2.79 MOIR'S and PATTERSON'S EASTER CANDY : 1 1b. box 50c. * 2 1h, hox $1.00 'Nyal Service Store. Phone 16 | EVERY DAY SERVICE "All through the year on every shopping day, we are at your service with the best meatsat the lowest market prices. Phone calls receive prompt and courteous service, oe ve Bert. MacGregor, - Phone 72-r-2 Hp RESH BAKING DAILY" Pies, Cakes, Buns, Rolls, Tarts and Cookies. Brown, White & Currant Broad. Try our Chelsea Buns they are Delicious. WE DELIVER PHONB 3 © Gerrow Bros., Port Perry We Offer You the Choice of the Market in Fresh and Cured Meats at ~ CAWKER'S - Lowest Market Price. Prompt and Courteous Service Cawker Bros. Phone Ww Port Perry ts -PROTECT YOURSELF with Reliable Fire Insurance Place Your Insurance with Ia HAROLD Ww. KMMERSON Phone 41 Fy Port t Perry, i | the going on the highway. Myrtle Station Easter lilies, pussy willows and amaryllis decorated the front of the church for the Easter service on Sun- day evening, sondietuly the pastor, Rev. G. S. Gefvan, ervan used as" his text I Cortbinne 15:20--For For now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept." The subject of next Sun- day's sermon will be "The walk to Emmaus." a The St. Patrick supper which was to have been held Wednesday 20th, was cancelled because of the bad weather, The Women's Association will hold a supper on Wednesday night, April 10, Mrs, Hattie Hudgin has been visit- ing for the past week in Toronto with her son and his family. Miss Elsie Smith visited in Montreal on Good Friday and the week-end. Melvin Sisson who has been working for. Mr. A. Parrinder for several months has hired with Mr, J. Roulston, The crows which were seen and heard last week, and which are said to be harbingers of spring, would no doubt, like the ground hog on Candel- mas day, se¢k their winter quarters again during the past cold spell, Miss Kathleen Wiles of Oshawa visited with friends on Thursday. Marjorie Vallier is spending the Easter holidays, with little Oshawa friends. meet at the parsonage on Wednesday evening, April 3rd, at 8 pm. A full attendance is desired for the purpose of transacting important business. The Young People's Union will cele- brate the membership drive by a sup- per on Tuesday evening, April 2nd. Members of the losing side will do washing, for these things will be their line of business on that evening. Until the large snow plow came through from the north at 12 o'clock on Good Friday, motoring between our two villages was tied up at times. Holiday traflic was heavy, and so was joined forces in helping one anothir through the drifts by kicking away and trampling the snow, pushing and hauling the cars. No shovels were in evidence, due to the fact no doubt, that J that it was Easter, and forgetting that blustering stormy March was still ruling the weather, Misses Maud Mansfield and Marian Bell of Toronto were Good Friday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stred- wick and Mrs. Francis Briggs. : Mr. and Mrs, Willgate, Mx. and Mrs. Henry Short of Oshawa, were Satur- day visitors of Mrs. T. Carey. Mr. A. E. Nothey of Uxbridge was a visitor at Mr John Grant's home one day last week. Mr. Dan Bolin visited with friends in Oshawa on Saturday and Sunday. Alan. Sweetman of Oakwood is spending a part of the Easter holidays with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. Armstrong, ; Murs." Joseph Greentree of Harmony, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Greentree of Oshawa were Sunday visitors with % their aunt, Mrs. Robt. Chisholm. A robin flew on to the verandah for 8 | shelter_from the-cold winds on Thurs- day. [It seemed to be in good condi- tion but bewildered by the storm. - Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cooper and Douglas of Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Cook. The storms, wind and snowplow filled the-ditches along the railway and an extra gang has been working under Mr. Kirkham, clearing them out. Mr. Geo. Williams and Miss Doreen, of Toronto, spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Britton. Mr. A. E. Ramsey left on Saturday on his northern creafn route and be- came snow bound. On Monday morn- ing he was still in Sonya. Mr, and Mrs. Meldjn Honey and baby Jane Anne, Floyd Honey and 'Miss Audrey Black, all of Toronto, of Mr. and Mrs. D. Luery. Mrs. Robt. Hoar and Miss Myrtle of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with re- latives and friends. We understand -that Mr..D. Grant has purchased the Toronto market business lately operated by Mr, Jos. Simpkin, Little Miss Marlene Barton is spend- ing the Easter holidays with her aunt, Miss Pearl Stinson, of Gorrie. _ Mr. Russell Gervan of 'Alexandria, Miss Helen Doherty of Beachburg, Mrs. Elliott'of Renfrew and Mr. Allén Pitt of Toronto, were week-end guests of Rev. and Mrs. G. 8. Gervan, Mr, and Mrs, C. Harrison were visit- ors in Oshawa on Thursday. -. °° Bob Vallier of the Ontario Regiment is again in training after a two week's : vacation spent at his home hqre, Miss Lorna Jones of Brookiln, was . The Oflicial Board of the Church will' well to practice in the .meantime thé{ art of table setting, serving and dish<| were Good Friday callers at the home| n seale - It requires no cleaning. It pays to use Registered Seed! write to:i--the District Su Dominion Experimental Farm, Gop seed is the first requirement for bigger better yields. That is why it pays to use Registered Seed. Reghicred Seed is pure as to variety and ensures crops of greater yield her quality and better grade. containers, government-tagged, and government- inspected. For information regarding sources of wy of of approved varieties rvisor, Plant Domirion Department of Agriculture for your district, the nearest Agriculture, or the nearest Agricultural College. Food supplies are Sporiant in Wartime-- This year, plant and raise only the best! Agricultural Supplies Board {DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, "Hoviourable James G. Gardiner, Minister Registered Seed is sold only roducts Division of the the Provincial Department of OTTAWA 110 and Mrs. Elmer Cook. Skiers who were on their way to the Bethany hills on Good Friday morning found when they reached here that they would not be able to reach their destination because of the snow. Harnessing on their skis, and leaving their cars here they travelled over to Dagmar hills where they enjoyed a a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. day of the sport, A quict wedding. took place at the parsonage on Saturday, March 23rd, at 7 p.m. when Mr. Harold Leslie Bray, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Bray, of- Prospect, and Miss Dorothy Bernice Leach, daughter of My. and Mrs. Roy Leach; Myrtle, were united in 'mar- riage by Rev. G. S. Gervan. Miss maid, and Jack Bray attended his brother as groomsman. After the ceremony. the happy couple left on a short honeymoon trip to Oakville and Port Hope. On their return they will take up residence on the farm owned by Mrs. James Wilson on the town line east of the highway. PROSPECT « Although Prospect is badly snow- bound, and has been for sometime, about fifty old and young folk gath- cred in-the schoolhouse on Wednesday evening of last week. "The-object of the "gathering wad to offer the com- munity's good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vernon, who have just stepped off into the matrimonial sea. Mrs. Ver- non was Miss Elma Reesor, of Port Perry. The bride and groom were given a Ruth Leach was her sister's brides-' hearty clap when called to the plat- form, and a very youthful bride and 'groom with veil and plug hat, etc., ap- peared from the rear of the building. To the strains of the wedding march this tiny couple, who turned out to be Norma Yeo and Joyce Edgerton, car- ried the community's gift, a mantle clock, to the newly-weds. The pre- sentation letter was read by Wallace Armstrong and went as follows: Dear Bob, \-- Well, well, so you've gone and done it! Yes sir, you have broken the hearts: of all the sweet young ladies for miles around, Just look at the woeful expressions on their faces here to:night. Now, just what do you think of yourself? And the many lonely bachelars left, too--Look at the queer look on their faces. One would almost think they were jealous of you. "Thus it has been since the begin- ning of time. Men have always gladly left their homes and pals and taken upon themselves a ball and chain to carry through life, When woman smiles, how helpless is man's strength! "But although we like to kid you along a bit, Bob, we are really happy with you for we know you have taken a step toward complete contentment. wt hoi have taken you place as a man ' . hy according to the laws of both our God and our Country, and-as you face the future, hand in hand with a worthy partner, our good wishes are yours. "Youn were born not far from here, and is" was in this same old school- house you learned you A B C's along with a great many who are present to- night. It was here in Prospect you grew up to manhood, sharing with us, your neighbours, the good times and the bad times alike. You have always been willing and able to assist in com- munity ventures, and all through the]: years have shown an example of good fellowship which we appreciate. Where ever the future years may take you, please remember that a hearty hand- shake awaits you back in Prospect. "And now, Elma, we people of Pros- pret want to take this ppportunity to welcome you among us, you and Bob are making your new home in Port Perry we hope to see both ow you real often. Of course, we realize that you will be a very busy person, for taking care of this hus- band of -yours and keeping your eye on him will be a full-time job for any woman, Pat him gently with the rolling pin sometimes and make him behave himself. "Speaking of this new home of yours, Bob and Elma} and the many happy vaers you will share it together, makes us wish that we could take some small part in making things com- plete for you, hope you will find room in your.home for this clock. "It is a token of our esteem for you, and as it ticks and chimes throughout the years it will continually speak for us and tell you that the peopleiof Prospect; old and young alike, are thinking of you and wishing for you both--prosperity, health and above all, complete happiness." Bob's answer was short and appro- priate. - He invted all to visit them in their new home. Thanked them for the friendliness they had offered and expressed a wish that this friendly feeling may be carried on through the future year. The remainder of the evening was taken up with cards and dancing to the music of Mrs. Hughes, Floyd Hughes, Jack Hope, with Ralph Som. erville calling for the square dances. Thé success of the evening depended a great deal "upon the organization work of Messrs, Leslie Smith, Buster Stevens, Horace - Webster, Maurice Edgerton, and their willing helpers and advisers. ' The Young People's Union was post- poned again this week on account of the storm, _ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lynde on the -recent arrival of the stork. The snow certainly visited Prospect on Easter Monday. The Lindsay bus was stalled a half mile south of the corners from 10 a.m. until nearly 8 p.m,, the passenegrs finding shelter at OR 1 SO Although ! =-With this in mind we} ERE THE RED & WHITE STORE F RUI TC ANDIES # Oranges--200's - 27c Jelly Beans Ib. 15¢ Head Lettuce 2 for 17¢ Humbugs Ib. 19¢ nn a ; Grapefruit - - = 5c each : Salted Peanuts - - U5 lb. 9c sa New Cabbage - - 21bs. 17c + Scotch Mints - «= lb. 25c Ladies Chiffon Hosiery-75c Linen Towelling 25-45c yd MEN'S SUITS < EEE LC cd puesd 0" Growing Girls Oxfords $2. 25 § . RO Gracia Shoes for Ladies Orthopedic-Combination fitting © Smart Ties in Black $4.75 F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY Snead unin uiyiicin its! a [| [| [] [] u as > ® ® © °° © oo ee Yours for Service Let us do your Harness Repairing, work material of the best'standard obtainable. Collar repairs are a Speciality with us. We are prepared to Repair anything in leather Except Boots & 8hoes. Let's oil your Harness this Spring by the . DIPPING SYSTEM. ' i eC Saeco a -- -_- 5 a > -- -- Ww. E WEBSTER --_ Beatty Block Port Perry >. -. - a ee Jl 0 MULLIGAN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE has Installed a DE MILO PERMANENT WAVE MACHINE BEAUTY SHOPPE BARBER SHOP SPECIALIZING IN SPECIALIZING IN Permanent Waving and all Hair Cutting, and all other lines of | other lines of the work BEAUTY CULTURE : MISS M. PEERS Registered Hairdresser BELL PHONE 75 - H. H. MULLIGAN Registered Barber PORT PERRY YOUR FAMILY BAKER "Can relieve you from baking worries, and provide the = best in Bread and Pastry. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY Phone 93, Port Perry. © Mr. Frank Vernon's, Tr 2 gl ea pn -- er Ia ix RS ET hg grein ot, yw Pe FAT =