BW 4 ¥ SS Ch HN [4 1 's " recitations. "to the fun of the evening. Excellent Red Cross Meeting An overflow concert and dance was held in the Hall at Greenbank on the evening of Friday, the 12th inst un- * der the auspices of the Greenbank Branch of the Canadian Red Cross. This gathering vas," to many, the most enjoyable event of the season. -From the first number on the pro- gram, it was evident that Al talent had 'been secured. The students of Uxbridge High School gave an out- standing performance, by the use of puppets, of "The Wizard of Oz". Friends from Brooklin contributed a generous share of vocal music and A "Quiz" number added y Just be- fore closing tie concert, a presenta- tion was made to Private Jack St John and Private Ed. Mason, of a Waterman's pen and pencil set. A dance (with refreshments) was en- joyed by the younger set, which lasted until long after midnight. The local Red Cross committee are to be congratulated on being able to pre- sent a program of such high standard. To friends from Brooklin who as-' sisted so splendidly in making' the Red Cross Concert at Greenbank such an outstanding success we, the commit- tee, wish to express our much sincere thanks. (signed) Chas. Pilkey, convener MARSH HILL The water has cleared away from the swamps. Mrs. Chapman has been visiting with friends in the City. The Red Cross Branch of the Ux- bridge District has been doing a lot of work in different ways and are to be complimented on their success. A number of the people around here have had colds, but are feeling better. Mr. Wilmot Gregg was a recent visitor with friends in the City. Mr. Fred Thom has been cutting wood around here. Mr. -and Mrs. Kirton received a number of their friends at their home - on Friday evening of last week. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Mary I'. Gerrow ~ All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary P. Gerrow late of the Vilage of Port Perry in the County of Ontario, Married Woman, deceased, who died on or about March 17th A.D. 1940, are hereby notified to send par- ticuars of same to the undersigned be- fore April 27th A.D. 1940, after which date the Estate will be distributed. * Dated at Port Perry this 6th day of April A.D. 1940. Joseph Denny, Prince Albert, Ont., Sglicitor for the Executor herein. 3 a april 26 NOTICE TO CREDITORS in the Estate of Daniel Anderson Boe. All persons haying claims agaifist the Estate of Daniel Anderson Boe of the Village of Port Perry in the Coun- __ty of Ontario, Drover, deceased, who died on March 16th, 1940, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned before the 30th day of April A.D. 1940, after which date the Estate will be distributed. Dated at Port Perry this 4th day. of "April A.D, 1940, Joseph Denny, Prince Albert, Out, solicitor for executors. © apr2b 'BLACKSTOCK Coming to Blackstock on Friday evening, May 3rd, at 8 o'clock, Mr. Ted Chant, of the Hampton Creamery with some very fine educational and / entertaining moving pletures, includ- ing the Royal Tour. These will be shown in the Community Hall under the auspices of St. John's W.A. A silver collection will be taken. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs, Louis Henry on the arrival of a baby daughter on Friday, April JAR, 1940. 'Mrs. Sandy Dawson ad daughter Katherine have returned to Windsor after a visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. [F. A. Bailey. Mrs. Bailey motored back with them. Miss Susie VanCamp of Bowman ville spent the week end with her sister and husband Mr. and Mrs, A, L. Bailey. Mrs. C. Hyde and daughter Patsy of Toronto, are visiting with her par- ents Mr; and Mrs. Ira Argue. * Miss Mabel VanCamp of the Toron- "to. University, was with her 'parents Mr.;and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp over the| week end. Mrs. Alex, Gilbert and baby have returned home from a visit with re. latives in Kitchener. really huge savings, [] Maclean's Magaains, 1 Yv. [1 Chatelaine Magacine, 1 Yv, [30anadien Home Journal, 1 OO Matacine, 3 Yr. [Maclean's Magazine, 1 Yr. [J] National Home Monthly, 1 [} Christian Herald, 1 Yr. to please your reading tastes ..} [) National Home Monthly, 1 Y7, _[]Oolter's Weekly, 1 Yr. ..cccssnacnasees [] Canadian Home Journal, 1 Y¥, secesee. 2.00 [] Chatelaine Magazine, 1 Yr, ..cece00 [True Story Magazine, 1 ¥2. ccersesesss 330 [] Magazine Digest, 1 Yr, ..... [Red Book Magazine, 1 Yr, .ccssesearys 39 [] Newsweek 'Magaalne, 1 YP ceconcsvese, 845 + {] Woman's Home Companion, 1 ¥¥, «seers 2.00 Whether you live in town or In the country , . . here's a combination offer Make your selection and send "BIG THREE" OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Year, and your choice any Two In group, -Mark an "X" before the two you desire, [1Rod & Gun ian Oanada, 1 Yr. [1 American Boy, § Mos, . [) Parents' Magazine, ¢ Mos, Yr. [] Home Arts (Needlecraft), 1 ¥r. [1 American Frutt Grower, 1 ¥r. "POPULAR DEMAND" OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Year, and your choice One other Publissiton in group at the price Hsted. $2.50 seesatosan ae 2.00 [0] Open Road (For [] American Girl, 1 [J Americar Boy, 1 YF coeneerss 300 cesesssenss 5.98 _ [Woman's World, our paper and your favorite magazines af us the coupon mowd [J 8liver Screen, 1 XP covcecannese [J McCall's Magazine, 1 YP, .cccesssrsccess 3.00 EY Ounsdian Hortiouivgre and : Home ne, 1 Y2 ..coeeeeceeeees LT [1 Screenland Magazine, 1 YP cceeoee (JRod and Gun in Canads, 1 ¥&, seis [Flower Grower, 1 ¥%, ccctseenenane CIOnila Life, 1 ¥r. . ALL THREE ONLY. $25 Boys), 1 Y2 ceeeerses SID YP, cesseescascstocaces B85 Yr .. 1 Year cosemmessesesss 10 Fill Out Coupon--Mall Today Pleaso clip lat 'of magusines after checking enes carefully, Gentlemen: 1 enclose us ¢ ) "Big Taree" ( ) Name Post ONION 4reesssssnestse BR.cooenennne (be otter desired with & years fubscrl plicm ( ) "Popular Demand" rere see sARESINITAtEEtIsel tires los seta nase sen sane "Weekly Newspapers' 00.0000 0550 00 Srsane 400 i . sens ese t 1 Three enjoyable as well as profit- able afternoons were spent in the Community Hall recently when seven- teen fine quilts were quilted for re- fugees by the Cartwright Red Cross. Conspicious on these occasions was the indespensable cup of tea with its accompanying sandwiches and cake. Mr. and Mrs. Robf. Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs, John Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor, were in Valentia Thursday afternoon attending the funeral of Mr. Robt. Hamilton's cousin the late Mr. Jas. Swain. } The April meeting of the W. A. of St. John's Church was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. McArthur on Thursday afternoon last. "The mem- bers were pleased to welcome back their Treasurer Mrs. E. Darcy who had been absent for several months on account of illness. > The Scripture reading was taken by Mrs. Fred Hamilton. The Dioscesan Board meeting report was given by Mrs. T. Smith acting secretary and the Study Book Chapter "The Church and National Life" was given by Mrs. Virginia Archer. Mrs. Archer and Mrs. Crawford were appointed delegates to attend the annual W.A. Convention being held in Toronto on April 26 to May 3rd. Mrs. (Rev) E. P. Wood and Mrs. (Dr.) McArthur were named as substitutes. The pro- gram in charge of Mrs. Robt. Hamil- ton was as follows: a reading by Mrs, J. Carter "The House .by the Side of the Road"; a reading by Mrs. W. Van- Camp, "Beauty Treatment made up of Love, Kindness, Good Cheer, Pity, Sense of Humor, Patience, Faith In People, Hope, Courage and Smiles"; a reading 'by Mrs, Rham: "In the morning--you must "seek Him in the morning if you want Him through the day" and an article "The Star of Hope" by Mrs. W. Crawford. . At the close a vote of thanks was was tend- ered the hostess and refreshments were served: Miss Eva Parr and Mr, Clarence Parr spent a few days in Toronto last week with the latter's wife who is there undergoing "a course of treat ments. We hope she will' soon be well again.and able to return to her]. home. Sincere sympathy Is extended "to Mrs. Jas, Ginn in the sudden passing of her sister Mrs. Chas. Rundle of Hamilton who was visiting her. Death | ¢ame on Monday, April 22nd after a severe attack of asthma which lasted only a few' hours. We are pleased to report that Mr. Jos. Archer is progressing favourably after his recent. illness. Mr. Geo, Carter of Sudbury is home} for a few days suffering from a severe rold. Miss Myrtle Irwin and Ethel Carter spent the week end in Peterboro with relatives of Myrtle. Congratulations: are extended to Misses Isobel Chilvers, Mildred Arch- er, and Myrtle Irwin on the celebra- tion of their 21st birthday on Sunday, April 21st, Monday, April 22nd, and Tuesday, April 23rd, respectively. PROSPECT At 2 pm. on Saturday, April 20th, Miss Lois Loraine Wiles, of Prospect and Oshawa, became the wife of Mr. Leonard Burton McDiarmid of Carl- ton Place and Oshawa. Rev. Mr. Me- Neely, of King Street United Church, Oshawa, officiated, while Miss Hilda Cole and Mr. Harold Woolley:attended the bride and groom, The bride wore an aviation blue en- sémble" as they left by motor for a short trip to Ottawa and other East- ern Ontarlo centres. Upon their re- turn the happy couple will reside at 265 Albert Street, Oshawa. On the previous Thursday evening about twenty-five of their Oshawa triends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blatch, 86 Hall St. showering Lois and Len with good wishes and a huge basket of 'iiscel laneous gifts -- useful to a young couple setting up housekeeping. A pleasant evening was enjoyed by all. Lois is well known in this district, and we take this opportunity ' of wish- ing the newly weds a future of suc- cess and happiness. Mr, 'and Mrs. Geo. McClintock 'and Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Holtby left this week for a short trip to Parkhill, Ont. | And {t's the stork again! Congrat- ulations to Mr, and Mrs, 'Alex. Snel- grove on the arrival of rat born --a daughter, We are given to understand that some folk around Quaker Street play Pedro--and how! Next Sunday, April 27, Rev.- Mr, Patterson of the Ontario Temperance | Federation will be in charge of the service in the church at the usual hour of 1.30. Let's all be there! Rev. G. Gervan's message on Sun- 'day last was upon the subject of "Work", There is work for. every- body in every community in the world to do--not just for a few who happen to be leaders. His children's story "was of the two lighthouses guiding ships to the Isle of Man harbor, If -"the pilot kept the two lights in line he safe, but to let them get our of line 4nd only one in- sight would put him on the rocks. These lights {can be likened to the guiding advice of the Bible to love God and to love our neighbours." Sorry to hear Mr, Lionel Diamond fs ill with flu, We wish him a speedy ! recovery. | +=. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Stevens and 'family left this week for their new *home in Oakyille, would ® Presbyterial ANNUAL MEETING OF ONTARIO PROVINCIAL SOCIETY W.M.8. OF "THE PRESBYTERIAN 'CHURCH The Ontario. Provincial Society W. M.S. of the Presbyterian Chur¢h in Canada met in Knox Church, Toronto, April 16 to 18. The President, Mrs, J. Williams, presided at alt sessions, There 'was a good attendance with many encouraging reports. The giv- ings to date are better than 1989 which is encouraging when so much money is needed for war work." Many of those who spoke said only through work is the "Ghinian life of our Country kept. alive." Personal sacrifices must be made to help in the war work, When the precutive of Lindsay Presbyterial met on April 10th, thel same thought was expressed, church and missionary work must be kept alive to he n the war, 'SCUGOG ) The evening service next Sunday will be held in the Centre Church and the Head vice will be at 11.30 am. and the Foot service at usual hour. Sunday Schools at-10.30 during the summer months, The roads aré drying up fine--just "an odd bad spot. The ice in Lake Scugog has started to break up and is.going fast. It looks like it would beat last year-- April 27th--the latest on record. Mr. and Mré. Archie Black are hold- ing. an auction sale on Friday, and will leave soon after for British Columbia. » Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Clark and little son Mansell and their sister of Mariposa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. Pearce, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills and little Shirley and Mrs. C. Wells, of Ennis- killen, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton, of Tyrone, and Mr. Roy Hope, were Sun- day 'guests of Mr, and Mrs..C. Mills, of 'Mr. and Mrs, Mills, Many happy returns of the day is the best wish of their many friends. Mr. Leonard Hope of Tyrone, Mrs. H. Long, Donald and Marie, and Mr. Milton Demara, were: visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. Hope on Sunday. Mrs. E. Todd has returned to her home here after spending the winter in Toronto. Mrs. F. G. Joblin is visiting a_few days in Toronto and Rev. F. G. Joblin motored there on Tuesday to attend the service when their son' Kingsley will receive his degree of B.D., and their son Fred who will receive his degree. Mrs. E. C. Ashton and son Orval and Miss M. Dalton, of Enniskillen visited Mrs: S. Rodman on Sunday. Mr. Geo.- Sweetman and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sweetman, visited Mrs. A. Byers, of Goodwood, who gave birth to twins on April 7th. Mys. Byers is a sister of Mr. Wm. Miller who is now overseas. Mr. Miller-had a visit from Walter Hodd and Albert Perkins, recently, and said they are both looking fine. ra ee eel NP UTICA The L. O. L. are holding a Dance in Memory Hall on Friday evening of this week. Good music, Lunch will be served. : Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hart visited at Mr. Frank Kendall's on Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thompson were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ward. ~ Mrs. R. Harper, Aileen and Clifford, in Toronto, on Sunday, to see Mr. R. Harper, who is still at Christie Street Hospital. Mrs, L. Cassity. and Mr. C. Cook were Sunday visitors at E. Kendall's. Mr, and Mrs, Fred Toms visiting at Messrs, Ivan and Chester Geer's on Sunday. X A number of friends and neighbors attended a dance held at Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey's on Friday evening, "PRINCE ALBERT On Friday evening the friends of Mr. and Mrs. C. Stabbaek gathered at the school house. Mr. Ben Smith acted as chairman for the evening. The program. commenced with Com- munity singing.: The bride and groom were then asked to be seated on the platform. Lois Wray read the verses "As his mother--used to be" A mock, wedding was performed with Mr. A. Harper as the parson, Miss Merle Hope carrying a beautiful bou- quet of rhubarb, the bride, Miss Jean Raines as groom, Miss Grace Vickery as bridesmaid, Miss Esther Hunter supported the groom. 'Mr. W. Heayn acted as mother of the bride and felt badly using his newspaper handker- chief continually. Mrs, Ben Smith was also an attendant, Mrs. Harper played the wedding march. After the ceremony the real bride and groom plece set of dishes and a nice floor lamp, Mr, Ben Smith reading the ad- their many friends. The rest of the evening was spent in' playing Chinese Checkers. and Cards, followed by lunch. ~ Mr, and Mrs. Regan, Toronto, were at the summer home' in the village on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs, G. Butson, Sundridge, visited at his cousin's here last Week en route to London, There was no school on Monday, the teacher, Mr. Clark, being ill... Viola McCrea has been. fll with the it being the 31st wedding anniversary were presented with a beautiful 08-|¥ dress, The bride and groom thanked | 8 - A true enamel that adds new life and color to concrete, wood and worn linoleum floors. It's waterproof and washable. A Phone 240 w. Aftef Hours 240 j. A "CALLING CAR 4... CALLING CAR4... . Pick up a Quart of GLIDDEN FLORENAMEL for the Chief! * JAP-A-LAC CFLORENA! Regular $1. 35 Eleven Different Colors--Oak, Brown, Medium Grey, Dark Grey, Light Yellow, Orange Yel-. low, Medium Yellow, Tan, Wine, Light Grey, Green and Blue. - NOTE--This Price i is effective from April 25th to May 8th Lake Seugog Lumber & Coal Co. LIMITED Le STAR Want Ads Pay the Advertiser The Christian Saence Publishing Boclety Orie, Norway Stregt, Boston, Massachusetts 6 months $6.00 3 m THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE 'MONITOR _ An International Daily Newspaper It records for you the world's clean, constructive doin, does not exploit crime or sensation; neither does it (Toe Mentor bub deals correctively with them. Features for busy men and all the, family, Including_the Weekly Magazine Bection, Please Kany my subscription to The Christian Bclence Monitor for of $12. .00 .00 Baturdsy lssue, Including Magazine Bection: sha P00, $2.60, 6 lssues 250 1 month $1.00 ! = Sample Copy om Request YOUR FAMILY 'worries best in B Phone 98, Port Perry. WE HELP YOU TO ¢ "KEEP THE HOME FIRES BURNING" iti alin Phone 73 w CC We hope for a quick recovery. ' Can relieve you from baking and provide the read and Pastry. \ JEMISON'S BAKERY | R THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND [PASTRY > : This is the season of the year when Depend- ~~ able Fuel adds greatly to the comfort of the home. You ean depénd on BLUE COAL to . give the best heat value for your money, ' glen 'Spring will soon be here, then Building and { Repairs will start. We shall be pleaséd to quote prices on any npeded material, F. E, REESOR BAKER "PORFT PERRY | whe