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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 May 1940, p. 8

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~ (1 Maclean's Magnsins, 1 Yr. 01 Opgadiag Hortiuligeg ana [) Newsweek Magasine, [) Christian Heraid, 1 Yr, we "s Home Oompani ° [) National Home Monthly, 1 Yr, [) Chatelaine Magasine, 1 Yr, [1 Canadian Home Journal, § ¥r, ° [) Collier's Weekly, 1 YZ. ...ccoonseseer [Maclean's Magazine, 1 YP. .cceeevcesces 3.00 [1 Canadian Home Journal, 1 ¥¥, «ecevee. 3.00 [] Chatelaine Magazine, 1 Yr. .. YP ceoenctones $48 ceesiescenesense 898 Whether you live in town or In the country , .. here's a combination offer to please your reading tastes . , . our paper and your favorite magazines at really huge savings, Make your selection and send.us the coupon mow! "BIG THREE" OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Year, and your choice any Two In group. - Mak an "X" before the two you desire, [Rod & Gua In Canadas, 1 ¥r. [1 American Boy, 6 Mos, [) Parents' Magazine, 6 Mos, Janney Fruit Grower, 1Yr "POPULAR DEMAND" OFFER THIS NEWSPAPER, 1 Year, and your choice One other Publication mn group at the price Hsted. ..42.60 [] Parents* Magasine, 1 ¥r. vereans cress BBO 18 POSHIVELY' GUARANTEED Posse allow four 10 six weeks for us oagies of mogeines to erwive. , 1 XP [Home Arts (Needlecralt), 1 Yr. [1 8liver Screen, ] ¥r, covvvvrrerreranasess B16 [J Open Road (For Boys), 1 Xr, cesesses IB (] American ain, 1 YZ cocesnennanestqenes 2.35 [J American BOy, 1 YP, .c.a0eevesce [McCall's Magazine, 1 Y2, ..eveeee [1] Canadian Horticulture and Home Magazine, 1 Yr. . [J Bereenland Magazine, 1 ¥2, coceesesrees 18 [J Rod and Gun in Canada, 1 Y2, cevvecees $00 [1] Flower Grower, 1 Yu, OF SE PERO 350 C1 Ch1la Life, 1 YT. ...vvveessoremsiornaress B95 [1 Woman's World, 1 Year ..serwsscesesse 100 ALL THREE ONLY $225 USE . JAP-A-LAC Fou Jade Green Orange Delph Blue Red White Congo Ivory Coral e Bea Green Apple Green } Pint 300 Chinese } Pint 660 eee ee ee eee ere errs ere ee ett etter en aes IeetestetsiEatesestleesetssessss gram committee for the talent and ' pe réndered. . Will Asling calling on Joseph Thi one day last week. Migs Jean Bushell, has returned from a week's visit in Toronto, hj rast esiarivuesnes TB Gealemen: 1 enclose 5. ¢ ) "Big Three Name Fill OF Coupon--Mall Today Please cli list of magazines after shocking enes desired . Fill gut coupon carefully. veers | am checking below Ibe offer deeired with a year's subscriplion 10 JOuF Paper. 1 € ) "Weskly Newspapers' ( ) "Popular Demand" coronas ceersrsrssashesaariiierssnsscs@esssnssecanes Post OFfIOF cues sseetsnssesssse-tt0s00eetssstne se tusast ses i { 8 PPT TTTIT ITI ITTTI RR ITTY Sunday traffic on the Bighiay § was very heavy for this time of the year. It was a foretaste of what it will be 7 i when the real warm: weather arrives. Mr. E. Redman is' expecting the ar- rival shortly of a. large number of baby chicks, and has had a fine new brooder house built for them. * Mr. 'and Mrs. Whiter Ball of Ux- bridge, visited with Mr. and Mrs. AE. Ramsey on Tuesday of last week. The C.P.R. carpenter gang has been here for the past week making im- provements around the - station and yard. "Plowing and seeding are in full swing on many of the farms in this distret. Members of the Sunday School are appreciating very much the gift of books to the library made by Mrs. J. Leask 'early in the year. <Keep in'mind the play, "Aunt Tillie Goes to Town" which will be present- ed by the Brougham Young People on Friday evening, May 3rd, in Brooklin Township Hall. The proceeds are for Red Cross work. "Mr. Kenneth Moyer and 'Mr. Gray Rivers of Emmanuel College called on friends last week when they left for "their Mission Fields in Alberta. Mr. Harry Briggs has purchased a new Fordson Tractor, and is prepar- ing his land for seeding operations. Miss Mildred Harrison spent a few days of last week with relatives in Toronto. Misé Kathlgen Wiles of Oshawa, , spent a recent holiday with, her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Simkin Jr. and family of Sudbury are enjoying a holiday with relatives here and -in Whitby. A business meeting of the Women's Association was held in the Sunday School room on Tuesday of last week. The resignation, through ill health, of Mrs. Roy Thompson, as president, was accepted with regret. Plans were diss] 'chissed for an afternoon meeting this onth in honour of Mothers, and a tting program' is being prepared. e Mothers' Day program will be "observed on Sunday, May 12th, during é the Sunday School session, and in the Friday evening, evening the church service will em- phasize, "Christian Education and Family Life", and will be in charge of the pastor, Rev. G. S. Gervan. And now it is housecleaning time once again for those of us who are homemakers. Fumigating, scouring, painting, papering, moving furniture, polishing floors, pictures, reading lamps and what not; washing win- dows and curtains, wiping walls and ceilings, cleaning rugs and so on. When it is all done we haven't a leg to stand on, but there is not a speck of dirt anywhere, nor a germ, nor a cockrqach, nor a moth, nor any such thing, for all the dust has been wiped. up and all wild life destroyed. So ends another season of housecleaning' which causes frayed nerves, disgrunt- led members of the household, and makes life, generally speaking, rather uncomfortable, while the cleaning is in progress. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Auld, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bonnetta, Mrs, Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Ward, all of Oshawa, were week-end visitors of Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stacey. Mr. Dan Bahn visited with friends in Oshawa on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Groat and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Magee of Oshawa visiting on Saturday with Mr, and Mrs, E. Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hohn of Oakville, visited with relatives over) the week-end. On Wednésday evening of last week about one hundred gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bray to honour Harold and his bride, former Dorothy Leach, Many useful and lovely gifts were showered upon the young conple who thanked the friends in an appropriate manner for their kindness, Dancing was enjoyed for the remainder of the night and all returned to their homes feeling that the evening had been well spent. Har- old-and Dorothy havé moved to their own home and have started house- keeping. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Masters, Mrs. Hervey Painter and children, Mrs. W. Lynde and baby, motored 'to Ponty- pool on Sunday where: they spent the day with relatives, The @ommunity Club held 'the last euchre and dance of the season on There was the usual the good crowd 'and good music. prizes for cuchre were won by Mrs. Owens and Mr. John Quinn, second prize winners were Miss Helen Conlin and Jack Lynde, Mrs, Joseph Simkin Sr. spent the week-end with her son and family at asin 'Mr. Elmer Cook has built a small but Noty compact 'hot house on the weSt end of his lot, and has young plants ready for transplantng into his' garden, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vice, Mr. Bill Lammiman of Oshawa, and - Miss Nancy Lammiman_ of Toronto, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. oO. Lane. Mr. John Truax visited with friends in Wilfrid on Sunday. Mr. and "Mrs. Norman Hughson were visitors n Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parrott and son of Scarboro 'were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rednian, Mr. Patterson of Toronto was the speaker at the evening church service on Sunday. He spoke in the'interests of the Temperance Federation. His remarks were based on verses in the 6th chapter of Isiah. Mr. Patterson spoke of conditions as they exist in the province today and gave some alarming facts bout the evils of in- temperance. Crimes of all kinds and insanity have increased 120 to 200 per cént, in the past six' or seven years. The evils of drinking have been mini- mized until it seems the proper thing to do. In 1939 one hundred and eighty millions -of dollars. were spent on liquor--enough to. pay the war ex- penses for six months! The hope of the future lies in the Christian Youth Movement which is already making its stand for temperance, a world known fact. 'We welcome the nice sunny days, and working on the Jand seems quite common agaih. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millman and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson calling at Sonya last weely The Y.P.U. from Prince Albert were vigitors'at the Y.P.U. here on Tuesday evening last and spent a nice evening together, Much credit is due the pro- Mis. Lorne. fhoddon is slowly im- proving after her recent illness. | Mr. Robt. Clark had the misfortune' "to have his horses get away while ut- "tached to the road drag, which used them up for a few days. Mr. Walter Rogers helping at Mr. HHerman Kerry's for a few days. I Don't forget the W. A. Social to be held in the basement of the church on May 7th. Program given by the Bethesda people. Mrs. 'W. Evan's Friendship Club and Mrs. Dobson's choir, also supper before concert. Pro- ceeds for Red Cross. |" Mr. and Mrs, Cyril Clark of Bramp- ton visiting his hrothers Charlie and Robert on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnston and © Miss Reta Johnston and Mr. Graham, | of Oshawa, at Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Snoddon's for the week end. i Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bushell and fam- ily of Toronto, with Rev. and Mrs, A. Bushell on Sunday. - Miss Lucille Gibson at Mrs, Martha Ackney's on Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. Bruce Bailey are | moving to their hew home on the Christie place. We will miss lthem from" this community, and we hope they will not forget to come back. First ~ MARY EDITH BRADBURN ! Funeral sérvide was held on Wed- nesday April 3rd, for Mary Edith Bradburn, widow of 'the late David i. Wesley Bradburn, who died suddenly early Monday morning, April 1st. The service was conducted by the pastor the Reév. .D. M. Stinson and interment was made in the Devitt Cemetery. Mrs. Bradburn was born on the farm where Mr, Lewis Swain now resides, on June 24th, 1872, daughter of the late George and (Abigail Brad- burn. She and her sister, 'Sarah were both married, (a double wedding); on February 19th, 1895, at Enniskillen by Rev. D. F. Houck. After her mar- riage to Mr. Bradburn they lived on the old. Bradburn homestead until death removed them from our midst. Surviving are 'one daughter, Mrs, Wm. Forder (Effel) of Blackstock; four sons, Fred of Janetville; Roy of Detroit, Earl and Ray who live on the farm; also four grandchildren, Maurice and Patricia Bradburn," of Janetville; Doreathy Bradburn, De- troit; Joyce Forder, Blackstock, Three sisters, Mrs, Jas. Byers, Blackstock; Mrs. Thompson, Markdale, Mrs, Peter Lansing, Shirley and two brothers W. T. Bradburn, Quill Lake, Sask., and James Wesley, of Blackstock, also survive. Mrs. Bradburn had' been in tailing health for a number of years but was throughout very cheerful and will be remembered by her many friends for her. 'happy and kindly disposition and her hospitality, The many® and beautiful floral tributes testified to the. esteem in which she was held, The sympathy of the'community is ex- | tended to the bereaved family. BLACKSTOCK "Don't forgdt the 'moving pictures in the Community Hall on Friday even- ing of this week, May 3rd, under the auspices of «the WA. of St. John's Anglican Church, JA sllyer collection' will be taken, Miss Helen VafCamp spent the week-end with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, ! A high quality enamel for woodwork, furniture, ete An extensive colour selection to help you choose grand new colour schemes. Golden Brawn Pearl Grey Orehid Ji Four our ENAMEL {istic Green Rich Blue Pale Blue Quart Pint 960 Jap- -a-lac Porch and Deck Pant». put T5€. 'Light Grey Light Brown This is Building Time With all kinds of Lumber, ay St. Mary's Cemeht, Lime and Millwork. TL LTTE LTT LT SRE EEA EEE EEE EEE ERLE ERTS SRS Sheetrock with recessed Miss Noreen Brown spent a fe days recently with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Brown of uxpridge. Alma were Sunday visitors of Mrs, Graham's parents Mr. and Mrs. James Strong, 5 changed hands, and we welcome to the village and community life Mr, and Mrs. Scott and family of Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ferguson," Mr, ville, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Hill, | We are sorry to hear that Mr, Tas. Henry is quite ill, having suffered two very severe heart attacks, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pearce, were guests of honor at a splendid anistel laneous shower held in the Community' Hall on Friday evening of last week. Mr. John Hamilton acted as master of; ceremonies and presided for. the fol-' lowing prog : music by Miss Made-! lin and Mr. tilbert Marlow, humor-' ous readings by Mrs. Fred Hamilton and Mrs. W. VanCamp; vocal duet by! Misses Wilma and Jessie VanCamp, accompanied by Miss Helen VanCamp on the piano. The chairman, on be- half of: all present, asked the bride 524 groom to accept the many beauti- ful and useful gifts and all the good wishes which accompanied them. They both expressed deep appreciation of favored 'with a short speech. freshments were served, the bride and groom passing the wedding cake and the remainder of the evening spent in dancing and a social time. Mr. and Mrs. John Pearce, parents of the groom, the immediate members of the family and several friends of the groom from Scugog Island were present at the shower. The customary charivari was held at the home of the brides' parents Mr. and Mrs. George Crawford. After the participants had proved their abiliy on instruments musical and otherwise, they were in- vited into the house and entertained most _hospitably. ~~ * Rev. and Mrs. E, P. Wood visited at the home' of Smith Bros. on.Tuesday afternoon, A . PROSPECT On Wednesday evening of last week a large number of Prospect folk gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Bray in honour of their son Harold and his bride, Rev. Mr, Gervan called the gather- ing to order and read the address, which follows: + "To, Mr. and Mrs, Harold 'Brayi-- Your neighbours and friends have gathered. here to-night for a social time and to wish-you both all of the best things in life. } "You, Harold, are well kngwn in this district, being lived here all your life, and we hope that you will con- tinue to be one of us. Now that you have reached the full status of man: hood by taking unto yourself o wife, we hope and: pray that your new life may. be long and happy. "Your good wife lived almost on the border of our community, and now that she has come to reside within the border we wish for. her many among the families of this neighbour- hood. Again we wish you both a long life of happiness, and may your even- the end of your days. "Ag you pull along together re- member life ls not all smooth sailing, but-- . If you look upon the bright side Mr. and Mrs, Oscar' Graham and: Once again the corper store has! and Mrs. A.W. Pickard of Bowman-' and grateful thanks for the lovely|pm gifts, Mr, R. Tetlow groomsman also | g Re- |g years of happiness 'and fellowship / ings of courtship and love continue to Baran rs "SPRING TIME IS PAINTING TIMED PALAC to Give Your Home Colourful Beauty JAP: A-LAC HOUSE PAINT Protect and beautify your home with "Endurance" house paint--It covers well, and comes in a good selection of colours. Outside White Cream White - Sky Blue Crylight Green Silver Grey , Pint 700 quart $1.35 Stone ~~ Medium Grey Indian Red i Quart 1.20 Tan Cottage Brown Buft Gal. $2.45 t Flesh Tint Silver Grey Lemon Stone : Jatiin Green vi Grey , i Gallon Gallon 2.30 4.20 Gallon $4.65 Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. Phone 240 w. It's sure to be the right side, ~At least, that's how I've found it As I've journeyed through each day. And it's "queer how shadows vanish, And how easy it is to banish, | From a bright sort of nature | Every doleful being away." Harold made a fitting .reply and {Jean and Frank Bray carried in a huge basket piled high with gifts. The groom opened the parcels and the bride read the verses and names of the givers. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing cards, and dancing to the music .o Roger's? orchestra with Ralph Soniérville "calling for the square dances. Lunch was served and all report a good evening. Church! serbice last Sunday was . conducted by Mr. Patterson of the ; Ontario ~~ Temperance Federation, | There was. a fair attendance. vice next Sunday at 1.30 p.m. It was a shock to the community to hear of the death on Saturday of Mr. i John Holliday of Toronto, son of Mrs. | Holliday of - Ai John's pleasant friendly ways are well known to all of us and we extend most sincere sympathy to his bereaygd relatives, Preniinlly to his mother, his sister After Hours 240 j. Set-| LIMITED . Bertha, and uncle, Jackson Hamming- way. He alos leaves his wife and son UTICA id Bring your friends to the Dance and Floor Show to be held in Memory Hall on Wednesday, May 16th. Russ Creighton "and his orchestra, also Clara Pelley, star dancer and singer. Look for bills. Mr, and Mrs. James Cormack and family of Toronto, were Sunday visit- ors at- Mrs, J. Swan's, Mr. ahd Mrs. Jack Quinn of Myrtle, also Mr. and Mrs. W. Brooks and Mr. Gordon Bentley jvisiting on Sunday at Mr. Enoch Kendall's, = Mr, and Mrs, Walter Skerratt of Toronto visited at Mr, E, Kerratt's on Sunday. } : Miss Aileen Harper "visited Miss Muriel Kerry on Sunday afternoon. ~~Mr,-and Mrs. Geo. Ward visited at Mr. Harold Kerry's on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Geer and family visited 'at-~Mr. Geo. Rédshaw's at 'Claremont, on Sunday. Glad to report Mr, Russell Harper arrived home from Christie Street Hospital. 2B : : - Wear a Boutoniere, ent n TE mi mo A ww tty F LOWERS . for MOTHER'S DAY We carry Dale autographed Roses, Cut Flowers, Potead Plants. mA = Phone 222, Port Perry. 5 SPRUCE LAWN DAIRY Agents for W. H. CORMACK, Florist, Whitby, Ontario 0 OO "KEEP THE HOME 'Phone 7 w - ) "YOUR FAMILY BAKER Can relieve you from baking worries, and provide the best i in | Bread and Pastry. JEMISON'S BAKERY ML CL A atest Co -- WE HELP You TO FIRES BURNING" This is the season of the year when Depend- able Fuel adds greatly to the comfort of the "home. You"can depend on BLUE COAL to give the best 'heat value for your money. Spring will so0h be here, "then Building and' Repairs will start. We shdll be pleased te quote: prices on any needed material, ¥ % \ " a to : "F.E REESOR = [PORT PERRY.

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