lat ARR NFR EITTIRAR: RFR ig W. Brock ok & Son, Department Store Spring Sale RFA VARLAT af ALIED ESAT NOTE: Tore | Fries. are pre-war, some lower, and some showing small advances; but all good buying, particularly linens, woollens, floor cov- erings, boots, shoes, suits, overcoats, etc. LADIES' CHIFFON HOSIERY All newest shades Special Value 69¢ Other lines at 79c. and $1.00 $2000 Stock for Quick Sale! 'BORDERLESS RUGS Rexfelt, 7 patterns, - 9 x 6 ft. --3$1L 80 Feltol--9 x 12, ~ - $7. 00 Congoleum, 9 x 12, 8.60 * Linoleum, 9x 12, 10.80 Inlaid Linoleum, solid Floor." Prices quoted on Ceili to Floor. Window Shades, 15c., 75¢c., 98c¢. Venetian Blinds, 50c. per square foot. | Growing Girls Shoes, ~ SHOES Sisman's for Hard Wear - Men's Work Boots, $2.49, 3.60,4.50 Men's Oxfords, black and tan, $3.76 Boys' Work Boots, $2.49 Sisman's Scampers for all members of the family--$2.98, 2.49, 2.19, eto. Letcher Shoes for Boys & Girls Wide and narrow lasts, in White, Black. and Patent.. : Prices $1.89 to $2 60 Ladies' Black Suede Tie $2.75 Girls' Patent Tie $2.75 $2.35 BLACK OR BROWN Ladies' ' Gracia Ties, blk. 4.75 * 'Ladies' Patent Gore Shoes, Very Dressy, -2.75, 2.98, 3.98 Goodrich Canvas Footwear | Boys '--85c., $1.00 Men's-- $1.00, 1.19, 1. 50 : Children' s--60c. up Ladies', Girls -- - $1. 00, $1.50 : WALLPAPER All at last year's prices. Sunworthy and Sun-Tested Papers are guaranteed not to fade. ROOM LOTS-- 10 wall, 6 ceiling, 15 border 300 patterns. and up. $2.20 Johnston Approved CLOTHES SUIT OR OVERCOAT 'Made to Measure $24.50 Suits for Men, stock sizes, A $18.95 'GROCERY DEPARTMENT OFFERINGS Oranges . - 33¢., 39c. Carrots, 2 bunches for 16¢. Pastry Flour, 24 lbs. 59c. : Cabbage - 2 Ibs. 15c. Fresh Ground Coffee, Bananas, 3 Ibs. for 25c¢. 390. per Ib. Quaker Corn Flakes, + 2 pkgs. for 13¢: Soap Flakes, 5 Ibs. for 330. Black Ten, v Ib. 33c. We carry a full line of Groceries. F. W. BROCK & SON Te 2 VSS SN EA NAT RETIN ASF ESAS Phone 43 PORT PERRY, RIN FR TIFT AARIIT RL a EN PEE AE SARE CVA Pr ERDAS | HERE THEY ARE GUTTA PERCHA, Crepe Soled, Trojan. Work Boot, at $3.85 ; G Percha Cre Sled Campacs 'Henley 3 tts ne 'Oxford dt $3.80 | Men's Work Sock Socks--Light 85¢, medium 40c. heavy 50c. See our range of Dress Socks at these prices--26c., 3bc., 40c., b0c., 60c. ~~ 8. i W. E. WEBSTER - o-- i Beatty Block . Port Perry Join SUSE ~ BROCK THEATREPRENTICE'S Phone 618, WHITBY Beauty Shop | (All Shows Daylight Saving- RDA THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATUR » ; with Molly Badger, formerly of Barrie, "MAY 9-10-11 in charge. Two Shows at 7.80 and 9.30 p.m. = Saturday Matinee at 1.30 : --PERMANENTS-- : $1.95 and u : 0il Waves, $2, $3, $i and $6 - 'His Girl Friday' with Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell; and Ralph Bellamy ( RTS A 'RADIOS E ; HAIR TREATMENTS Factory and Showroom MONDAY, TUESDAY, and Samples. Cabinets slightly WEDNESDAY, MAY 13-14-15 for Dr Hae, andra, and marked 30. Last complete alling Ha r, Regular $83.95° First show at 7. p BONA STEAM R show at 8.60. " MAY SALE -----n including Shampoo, Finger "The Housekeeper' s| Wave, and Neck Trim. | | Daughters" - $1.95 ¥ "with Joan Bennett, Adolphé Menjou. 1 WY Hl NT Also an "ADDED Attraction : oh ampoo & Finger Wave 50¢ | "Pride of the | Manicures Ah 35¢| | Bluegrass" (Facials -~- - = 50¢| + with Edith Fellows, James Mecaiiion, [Hair Tinting = 3.00] | and Gantry, the Blind Horse. Re-Touch = 1.25 ] or Tuts Bias "Bleaching - 1.00] : Durbin, | a 3 Grin dhe + Phone 228, Port Perry ~~ |, = °° Lae "It's 'a Date" ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop-|' 10 ONLY 1940 6 TUBE GENERAL ELECTRIC $49.95 and your old Radio, "Don Christian Electric "88:40 SIMCOR ST. N. Phone 84-744 Bs Anat, ne) ' . a rm---- I LSNARSAI ARE a EN A A Se Ta ahs ne - Sm TAREE SS SARA 3 ¥ AWARAARASRARRARANRS X ANOOONOANRAARAN at A A ASIN BOSOAANS | CATTLE CALVES SHEEP HOGS No person cares to predict the future trend of the live stock trade "because any prediction is liable to be too optimistic, or on the other hand too pessimistic. Due to war conditions is it not reasonable to suppose that as the months go by demand should increase, which in itself would stimulate trading, and to a large extent -absorb our surplus meat products. The. first essential is to finish your live stock to a point where it appeals to the by ers and .com- mands top quality prices. MARKETS Toronto is one of the best live stock markets in Canada, has excellent accommodation, comfortable quarters, free running water, and Scales: that are tested and inspected regularly by the Inspector. of Weights and Measures. A "market where buyers assemble from outside cities, towns and villages, buyers from numerous packing plants in Ontario as well as wholesale butchers and buyers for American and British Markets. SALESMANSHIP Can you afford to 'ne glect seeing to it that your live stock is well sold? 'The Public Market provides the only reliable and up-to-date service for merchandising your live stock. Our salesmen with expert. knowledge of commercial live stock are in a position to yender a real service to producers, and your interests fully roteeind, Instruct your shipper or truck driver to consign your stock to us and have it sold on the Open Market for 'the highe st price available. It will pay you to get in touch with us. Telephone Lyndhurst 1143 or 1144 or write us. Your patronage solicited and appreciated The United Farmers' Co- Operative § Company, Limited { ~ LIVE STOCK BRANCH WEST TORONTO AOA RT SAA AA A BOSSA + ptt EVERY: DAY SERVICE "All through the year on every shopping day, we are at your service with the 'best meatsat the lowest market prices. courteous service. 1 : Bert. MacGregor, 7 Phone calls receive, prompt and (i " Phone 72-r-2: SPAETH ea TR a -- So I a = w Xd Se ha L and ----" Pn Sha Sore phere Seb EA Cm RT, ' SAS ETE AS Cea {a AT ~ (VA INR Sgn -- dy On NCEA " ns TI AEA rl om) oe Ii. IA hl = TR ee Tn Ce a FR ETI SEAT outs: Ta . 5 fore Bo wu ried J