° i in Fresh and Cured Meats at Wi : : Wallace Armstrong offers : - 9 an interesting and complete a A course of instruction upon the B08 ti : : Guitar, with instrument, i : Courteous 'Service | to regular pupils. Wil Cawker Bros. Phone 2dw Port Perry| TELEPHONE 120-3 A : {Faint : ' deep sympathy of this whole com- 3 oo Ciel REE Sunday is Mother 8 Day munity is extended to Mrs. Hayes and A 3 Ta Sr family, to_Mrs. G. Hayes, his mother, i _ Get Mother a box of SMILE'S & CHUCKLES ; Te x . CHOCOL ATES especially Wrappe d for MOTHER - and to his Grebe } Harold and family. : } -- 280 B0o 760 and $1 00-- . Fran arrison was called to (isis : . Bethany on Wednesday of last week yi Come in and see the sample display MOTHER'S DAY where he will relieve the C.P.R. sec- AO : Cake orders taken and delivered. tion foreman for a time. Axl / PEANUT BRITTLE--19¢-a lb. Mss, Helen } Michal is visiting with fs I . 3 ok relatives in Oshawa, ji i i Dis Seon Orange Cake with Orange Icing Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thompson motor- Li WE DEL Gerrow Bros., Port Perry J|:i te Quen Cty on Tues of wi A " So Vallier of the Ont. Regiment, 4 | © "I" Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn, Mr. and | Who is stationed at Toronto at pre- ng M rtle Station Mrs. Frank Harrison visited with Mr. sent, spent the week end with his Idan "ih : : and Mrs. Geo. Painter of Uxbridge on grandmother and sister pa Fake ok ating arias evenity ask Kirkham spew. Suntdy with 3 the home of Mrs, Elwood Masters on A pleasant evening was spent at the his'varents in Machiley: d 7 i Wednesday evening of last week with village on Saturday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs, Elwood Masters visit- <5 oN v Rn Rt Sn. Ay ; 2 i SS N Se -- FLEE a A eS 4% { } FOREIGN EXCHANGE ACQUISITION ORDER IMPORTANT NOTICE "As announced by the Minister of Finance, the Foreign Exchange Acquisi- tion Order, 1940, has been enacted by Order-in-Council under the authority of the War Measures Act. Unless exempted by the Order, every resident of Canada who, on May 1st, 1940, has any foreign currency in his possession, ownership or control, whether in Cenada or outside Canada, is required forthwith to gell such foreign currency to an Authorized Dealer (i.e. a branch of a chartered bank) for payment in Canadian dollars at the official buying rate of the Foreign Exchange Control Board. . EE "Foreign currency", for the purposes of the Order, means any cur- rency (excluding coin) other than Canadian currency and includes bank notes, postal notes, money orders, cheques, travellers' cheques, prepaid let~ ters of credit, bank drafts and other similar instruments payable in any currency other than Canadian currency, and also includes any amount in foreign currency of which a resident has a right to obtain payment by rea- son of a deposit, credit or balance of any kind at or with a bank, savings bank, trust company, loan company, stockbroker, investment dealer or other similar depository. The Order does not require the sale of any foreign securities. \ The Order does not affect any foreign currency, deposit or securities of any non-resident of Canada and for greater certainty the Order ex- pressly declares that a non-resident visiting Canada for business or pleas- ure for a period or'periods not exceeding six months in the year continues to be a non-resident for the purposes of the Order unless such person snare or has entered Canada with the intention of becoming a permanent resident. - Sher "~- No resident is required to sell any foreign currency if he satisfies the Foreign Exchange Control Board that he held such foreign currency on May 1st, 1940, solely as trustee or agent for a non-resident and that ~------|]-- the non-resident's interest therein had not been acquired from a resident since September 15th, 1939, except in a manner approved by the Board. Under certain conditions stipulated in Section 1 (b) of the Order, a resident who is not a Canadian citizen may be granted exemption, but' only after application for exemption is approved by the Board. No Jtfusuemee eons Serpuaied in Canada is required by the Order Yo sell any foreign currehcy which it needs for the purpose of carry- ing on-its business outside Canada. ; - i } Further 'particulars may. be obtained from branches of chartered banks. Any resident who has an} foreign currency in his possession, ownership or control on May 1st, 1040, regardless of amount, should con- sult his bank at once in order to ascertain the extent to which he is affected by the Qrder. : FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD 7 'We Offer You the Choice of the Market Guitar Instructions "lon Sunday evening, "To every man his - a good attendance, The president, Mrs. Gervan, occupied the chair and conducted the worship service. Dur- ing the business period several pairs of pillow cases were brought in which were part of a shower for Missionary work, Also finished blocks for a quilt for the annual Fall bazaar were hand- ed in. A Mother's Day program was carried 'out which was very interesting and a tribute to Mothers. Mrs, Jas. Mitchell of Manchester favoured the gathering with a solo. Tha next meet- jng will take ths form of a social © abening and will be held at the home of Mrs. O. H, Lane. : r Mrs, Stewart was a visitor in To- ronto on Thursday. ' Mr. Ged, Slute and family, Raglan, have moved. into the village and are occupying Mr, Clarence Harrison's house, Mr. Slute has hired with Mr, __ A. Parrinder for the summer, >a 'Mr, and Mrs. L. Montgomery and \ John, of Toronto, were callers in the parsonage on Thursday: last week [when the officers and teachers of the Sunday School met 'to discuss the future programs, ~~ Next Sunday is Mother's: Day and the program pre- pared by the Ontario Religious Edu- cation Council will be used during the Sunday School hour, 1.46 p.m! Every- one is invited. Children bring your, mothers, mothers bring the fathers, and thus make this spring rally a real rally. FE Many from this district attended the funeral of Friday afternoon of the late 'Mr. Clarence Hayes, Columbus. He was well known throughout the township and held in bigh respect by all who knew him, Clarence was a former Myrtle boy. His pastor, Rev, R. H, Wylie, conducted the service and used as the subject of his address "A good name is better than precious ointment, and the day of one's death is better than the day of one's birth." It was a very fine tribute to the char- acter and life of Mr, Hayes, The ed on Sunday with 'friends in Ux- bridge. - Mrs. W. McCarl and little son of Hughson. Mr. and Mrs, James Latimer of Raglan called on friends on Sunday. Mr .and Mrs, Lloyd Hughson of To- ronto, spent the week end under the parental roof. . Rev. G. S. Gervan used for his text work". If there is a fack of progress in the work of the church, the failure lies jp the members of the church. Everyorie must do his part. As the great ships depend for progress on the engineers and stokers down in the hold of the vessels, s0 the church depends for its progress on the quiet steady workers who what they do. The topic for next Sun- day evening will be "Mothers". All are welcome, i "Mrs. L. L. Ross and Evelyn of Ash- burn are with Mr, and Mrs. J. Dick- son for a few days. The Women's Association will meet at the home of Mrs, Roy Thompson, on_Wednesday afternoon, May 16th. Bring along your knitting, quilt block or anything that is work. The pro- gram committee is preparing a Mother's Day program. 3 Mr. and Mrs. David Duchemin and Mr. Gordon Barton were in Oshawa on Monday afternoon. - The monthly meeting of the W. A. of the United Church was held at the home of Mr, nd<Mrs, Cecil Hill on Tuesday afternoon of last week. The devotional period was in charge of made for the annual Presbytery meet- ing which is to.bé held in Blackstock United Church on Thursday, May 9. Dinner will be served by the W. A. members in the basement of the Church. Mrs, Frank Stinson favored with a most interesting talk on "The Life History of Lieut. Col. William Bishop and his slogan 'Carry on Can- fda, Carry On'". The meeting cloged a vote of thanks tendered to the hostess. The next meeting will be held in the evening. The Annual Meeting of the Victor- jan Women's Institute was eldd in the Community Hall, on Wednesday afternoon, May' 1, with the President, 'Mrs. Cecil Ferguson presiding. The meeting -opened _ with Community | Singing followed by the Institute Ode and the Lord's Prayer in unison, The Scripture réading was taken. by Mrs, Clarence Marlow. The annual report was given by Mrs, V. Archer, Rec. See. Mrs. W. A. VanCamp presided for the election of officers which resulted as follows: ~ President, Mrs. Norman Mountjoy; 1st = Vice: President, Mrs. Wesley Hoskin 2nd Vice President, Mrs. Gordon Strong; Sec.-Treas,, Mrs, V. Archer; District Rep., Mrs. Percy VanCamp; Pianist, Mrs. Mervin Mountjoy; Fruit and Flower Con, Mrs, Jas: Strong, Mrs. F. 'A, Bailey, Mrs, C.- Devift; ~Gift~ Com. Mrs. Leith Byers, Mrs. Stanford VanCamp, Park Com, Mid, F. Bailey, Mrs. A, L. Bailey, Mrs. V. Archer, Mrs, John McKee. Representatives to the Dis- trict Annual--Mrs. N. Mountjoy, Mrs. Perey -VanCamp, Mrs. V. Archer and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson. Group Teaders --Mesdames Royal Whitfield, John Carter, - Russell Mountjoy, Jabez Wright, Mervin Mountjoy and Rupert Byers. Mrs. A, W. Wright presided fof the following program: piého solo by Mrs. J. Wright; reading "The Song of the Housekeeper" by Mrs. P. VanCamp, a reading by Miss Jean Wright "Our World." The presenta- tion of an electric iron was made to Mrs. Cecll Ferguson by Mrs, Leith Byers and Mrs, T. Smith read the fol- lowing address: £ . Dear Mrs. Ferguson, -- We regret very much the fact that you and do not look for] "lor expect honour and position for Rev. Ds Stinson. Arrangements were] with the serving of refreshments and] Especially does this apply to the mem: bers of the Victorian Women's Insti- tute who are saddened to-day by the thought of a missing link, in its chain of membership, the result of your de- parture from among us. We look back with pleasure and pride over the four years of your faithful and efficient service as our President, © With your pleasing per- sonality - and executive ability you love dnd success, as .§ and an assurance that in our hearts your memory, shall abide and that in ings a warm welcome shall await you munity. $ Signed on behalf of our V. W. I, Mrs, W, Hoskin, Vice Pres. Mrs. L. Byers and Mrs. S. VanCamp Gift Committee. Mrs. Ferguson graciously accepted the gift, thanking the members most sincerely - for. the gift and the kind thoughts which prompted the giving. She expressed regret at leaving but asked to leave her name enrolled as a member. She said shefloved 'the work of the Institute and would al- ways have a deep interest in its wel- fare. . All joined in singing "For She's a 'and ' the afternoon of "Blest Be the Tie that Binds." Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Marlow and family motored to Colborne on Sun- day to spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. N. S. McNally and Verna, ' Mother's Day Service will be held in the United Church at 11 am, un- der the auspices of the Sunday School. There will be special music. Mr. S. Farmer of Port Perry will be guest speaker. Mr. ad Mrs, Andrew Power of Lind- say, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence - Marlow. - Mrs, Mark Weldon of Uxbridge called on relatives and friends in the village on Sunday. Mrs, Robt. Parr and Eva and Mr, Clarence Parr went to Toronto on Sunday to visit Mrs, Clarence Parr who is convalescing there. The Young People of the United Church' took their popular play "Grandpa's Twin Sister" to Oakwood on Friday evening last and put-on a very-successful performance. Mr. R. G. Lamb 'and son Jack, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb and Mr, Frank Lamb, all of Lindsay, spent Sunday with Mrs, F. Lamb at the home of Mr. and Mes, T. Smith. Thirty-four relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rahm paid a sur- prise visit to' their home in. Black- stock on Saturday evening to cele- brate with them the tenth anniversary of their wedding. 'Mr. s Venning made the presentation of the numer- ous useful gifts and the. accgmpany- ing good wishes. The bride and groom of ten years ago both express- ed their thanks for and deep appre- ciation 'of the gifts. The remainder of the evening was spent-in-games and music, At the close refreshments were served. The lovely and appro- priately decorated wedding cake was 8 gift from the groom's sister Mrs. Bill King of Oshawa. ! Most favourable reports were given of the moving pictures put on in the community hall on Friday evening last by Mr: T. Chant of Hampton. The pictures were interesting and educa- tional, Needless'to say Popeye was greeted most enthusiastically by the children. The silver collection amount ed to $10.60, The members of St. John's W. A. are grateful to Mr. your family have left our township, Brooklin visited on Thursday with her sister Mrs. Frank Harrison, Mr. Ivan Law and Ina of Whitby, and Mrs, Hammond of Oshawa, were callers in the village on Sunday. : Gordon Harrison who is staying with his grandmother Mrs, Gasgoyne, West of Brooklin, spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents, SE Mr, Victor Mitchell of Sarnia visit- ed on Sunday with his parents Mr. and' Mrs, Luther Mitchell. 'My, Geo, Williams and Miss Doreen of Toronto, were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Britton. . Mr. T. Carey Jr. and family, Osha wa, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, T, Carey Sr. : Mr. Clarence Cook made a business trip to Toronto on Monday. Mr, Melville Hodgson and Miss Al: ford, of Oshawa, were Sunday callers at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Norman - MORRISON'S MOTHERS' DAY CANDY .... | LATEST POPULAR SONGS STOREROOT ji "Try SELOCHROME FILMS shots. ; 'Seasonable Products WOOD'S FRAGRANT DEODORIZER, sini 10€, 8 BOX, COMPOUND useful in treatment of lame. . back, rheumatism, lumbago, 25 q 4 N NOVA KELP--Atlantic Ocean Kelp provides Yodine, Tron J and other necessary minerals. 79¢., $1.30, $2.79. bottle & Nyal Service Store. Chant for his kindness, DRUG STORE 1b. box received each week. back ache. Nis } '0c. and $1.00 a bautle.\ for brilliant, sparkling' snap'. have guided us through the years with | § Your 'un- | § your cheerful, loving i when at any time you visit our com- |} FT " rd ~ a p . DAY, MAY 9, 1040 \ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THUR our homes and at¥our monthly meet- | § VARNISH SALE! rock-seAR VARNISH Great for woodwork, turriliure, floors, 'ete. Durable "and waters proof. One coat looks like two of ordinary varnishes. Sale continues from May 9th to May 22nd Lake Scugog Lumber & Coal Co. After Hours 240 j. Buy one can al reg- ular price . . . get another, same size for only 1c! : with Reliable Fire Insurance | "Place Your Insurance with : "HAROLD W. EMMERSON - Phone 41. vk ~~. Port Perry § for MOTHER'S DAY 'Wear a Boutoniere, We carry Dale autographed "§ Roses, Cut Flowers; Potted Plants. i SORA ~ SPRUCE LAWN DAIRY Agents for W. H, CORMACK, Florist, = . Phone 222, Port Perry. Whitby, Ontario 2 - TO A "YOUR FAMILY BAKER =I Can relieve you from bakin worries, and provide the best in Bread and Pastry. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY Phone 93, Pert Perry. ; - BUILD A HOME FIRST In a lifetime, a person pays for THREE homes, go why not OWN one. If you already own your 'home, are you enjoying all the modern comforts? Ia it insulated against summer Heat and winter ° Cold? Warmwall siding does TWO things, It gives you that Insulation and improves the appearance of your home, We sell Warmwall Siding, alse Lumber, Lime ~_ Tile, Cement and Roofing of all kinds, SLA pe F.E. REESOR = Phone 78w © PORT PERRY om EN ed . Yih : 3, ks FLOWERS | ms