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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 May 1940, p. 2

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Aart tt a SE ll Tr £0 oe ht 2 ey WY PLO PR eS BH X : iF] 0 a i, po Sc NC INE a r if ~~ Se TRIALS NARI » Ae 21 PACA RSRE MAE Ek HEE BAER ERR MAAS SERIO Erm Automobile Tours Encircle Gaspe With Someone Else Doing Your Driving -- Famed Pen- Insula is One of Most Fas- clhaging Vacation Spots On Continent Drivers of automobiles who take their families along and ve been accustomed to spend- ing their holidays at the wheel of their car may now have an opportunity of visiting one of the most fascinating areas in Eastern uebec 'and let someone else do the driving during a tour of 8 or 4 days, according to C. W. John- ston, general passenger managér of the Canadian National Railways. A series of daily tours around the Gaspe Peninsula have been arranged this summer and early fall by Gaspe Tours Limited, with departure from Mont Joli jn modern five-passenger motor cars on a trip of 550 miles of picturesque scenery, mountains and sea, the majestic River and Gulf of St. Lawrence and Baie des Chaleurs. These tours from and to Mont Joli are conducted on all-expense-included basis, covering transportation, meals, hotel accommodation and a short side trip by boat to Bonaventure Island. All-Expense Tours Gaspe, as a vacation play A ound, has come to be associated Srwmatiith all that is alluring and dif- ei. action 1] Rua and Italy. ferent because of its unspoiled beauty and of the quaint customs and manners of bygone centuries still retained in the true hospital- ity of its inhabitants. These per- sonally conducted tours from the gateway of Mont Joli and return have been planned to meet the demand for a comprehepisive all- inclusive trip, requiring a mini mum_of time and expense, Tourists have an opportunity of. visiting this unspoiled play- ground by taking a train of 'the Canadian Nationa) Railways to Mont Joli, the entrance to the Gaspe Peninsula, thenco by high- way encircding this gigantic head- on which reaches far out into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Blatier Men For Killings By Owls Naturalist Places Large Share of Responsibility on Humans for Taking Away the Owls' Food Those who are aroused to ang- er by the "murder" of small birds by owls should not place all the blame on the larger birds alone; for man himself must bear a large share of the responsibility. At least, that is the contention of Angus Buchanan, president of the Essex Nature Club, speaking on birds and their habits, at Windsor last week. NATURE'S SYSTEM UPSET Mr. Buchanan pointed out that owls are specially fitted for feed- ing on field mice, rabbits and other small animals. Nature has provided them with soft feathers; so they may swoop down on the keen-eared field mice without being heard. Farmers, however, make an annual practice of wip- ing out these little creatures, and the owl is forced to place robins and blucbirds on his menu. SOME TRAVEL AT NIGHT Certain birds, Mr. Buchanan said, migrate by night and feed © during the day. This is a protec- tion. instinct against predatory birds and the nests of these B¥de will be found in thé most re- mote thickets, Others, robins and bluebirds, fight their way from one place to another, flying by day. Eels Supply Rich Vitamin Quebec Industrialist Reveals New Use for Fish Discovery of an eel liver oll that when -distilled is sald to contain more Vitamin A than cod liver oll, was announced last weekk by Ms discoverer, Lucien Faguy, Quebec industrialist. Faguy sald that according to ex: iow the * oll; once digtilled, shown to contain 1,100 THE # ftmin A. compared w distilled cod ver ofl, hé experiments, Faguy sald; are beg carried out by Dr. Joseph Riel, titular professor of organic chemistry at Laval University there under the auspices of the provin- pl Department of Commerce and ustry. Nant of vitamifts in the re fined ofl 1s not yet known, Faguy #aid, but results of further experi ~ Joonts are éxpected within a few (32 a, i for Qu for Quebec's eel pro- beon sought since valuable markets traffic - ---- ~the ax away." : an Inportant factor in Holland's Royal Childiod in London Sanctuary When the royal family of Holland settled in Yonder, the daily routine of the two: children of Crown Princess Juliana, heiress to. the throne, was, resumed, Here is e through a London street. The carria a picture sent to New York by radio from ge contains nine-London, as go eh Juliana wheeled the royal carriag month-old Princess Irene, strolling behind, in custody of a London Bobby, is Princess Beatrix, 2, HAVE - YOU HEARD? A man was approached by an in- surance canvasser and asked if he was insured against fire, "Yes," said the other, "Burglary?" "Well, yes." "Are you insured against floods?" | Floods?" said the other, showing interest at last, "How do you start floods?" ' ' Old Hen - good advice?" Young Men -- "What is io Old Hen -- "An ezg a day keeps "Do you want some --gy ! In the early hours of the morn- ing the Duchess strode haughtily across the pavement from the hotel where the charity dance had been held, and was getting into hér car when a beggar accosted her, "Spare a copper, lady, for char- ity. I'm starving." The Duchess turned on him and said sharply. : "What ingratitude!" she excailm- ed. "Don't you know I've been dancing for you all pight?" "When were the so-called Dark Ages?" "During the knights." days of the Two magistrates were summoned for exceeding the speed limit. And when they arrived at court there were no other magistrates present, 80 they decided to try each other, No. 1 went on the Bench and the case proceeded. "You are charged with ekceeding the speed limit. Do you plead gull- ty or not guilty?" "Guilty." "You will be fined tive dollars." They then changed places and ag- ain the plea was "guilty." . "Hmm," was the response. "Now these cases -aro-becoming far too* common, This is the second we've had this. morning. You will be tin ed twenty dollars! "This Is the worst town for gossip | ever lived In." ®'H'm! What have you been do- ing?" A business man thought his staff rather lazy and indifferent, go he pinned up the following notice: "Bread {8 the staff of life, but that is no reason why the life of our staff should be one continual loaf." Russians Employ "Parachute Doctor" Russia has a "parachute doe- tor" whose missions of mercy con- "trast with the exploits of para- Revenues Are Up Eighteen Per Cent The gross revenues for the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the week ending May 14, 1940, were ..$4,613,996 as compared with . 3,883,664 for the corresponding week of 1939, an in- rCAs8 Of .cccoiiiviiiigreinion 7,30,332 7 I or 18.8% Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE Q. Does being a chatterbox mean- that one is a good conversational Ist? A, It does not. A chatterbox can bo empty-headed and tiresome, while another person who talks but half as much can be so entertain- ing that those around him wish that he would talk more. Q. Is it all right, when eating soup, to break a few soda crackers or butter crackers Into the soup? A: Yes. Q. What are the formal visiting visiting days, in large cities? A. From Monday to Friday, ak clusive. Q. When a guest is leaving a bons tel for an hour or two, what should - be done with the key to his room? A. The key should be left at the main desk, then asked for when he returns. This is the only method by which the clerk knows whether or not he is in his room. Q. What colors are becoming to a glrl with a very fair complexion? A. Rose, coral and peach are be coming, regardless of whether the girl has light hair or very dark hair. Q. Where should the soup or bou- illon spoons be placed on the table? A. To the right of the teaspoons. HEALTH TOPICS Pe aaaaaas XS EERE SSS SRE SE DIET AND WORK "Living below the standard of living is not living at all. Living above this level is simple glut- tony," says Dr. 1. Harris, honor- - ary director of the Institute of Research for the Prevention of Disease, Liverpool, England. A manual laborer, he says, might need more than double the food "of an office worker. F.ur to five ounces of meat or cl.eese or three cggs, or 33 ounces of milk, or five to six ounces of fish a day -- no more and no less -- were sufficient, in conjunction withthe other kinds of food us- ually taken. He could guarantee that diet as suitable for maxi- mum fitness in a grown-up per- son. --0- -- SHORTEN LIFE'S SPAN The belief that highly emo- tional persons let their heart in- terfere with their head is an esta- blished medical fact," Dr. Federic Leavitt of the Philadelphia Coun ty hospital declares. "One American in" seven has high blood pressure and one in four, over the age of 53, dies of it, he says. "For years doctors . believed high blood pressure was caused by emotional and nervous disturbances which caused the blood vessels to become tense, "then to shrink and harden." "Murders are committed in the United States at an average rate of twenty a day, Sets that are composed of flow- er hats and necklaces of the same flowers pressed and mounted under crystal, are shown in London, haadb ass sla ss at a sl ESE ES od What Science Is Doing Red dur, SRNR 459 BELOW ZERO When scientists write about low-temperature research they are thinking of temperature about 450 dgrees below zero Fahren- . heit, says the "Scientific Ameri can." The rock bottom of the thermometer, is only 4569 degrees below the familiar Fahrenheit zero. Nothing has ever been tak- en quite» to this bottom temper- ature, although scientists have come within a small fraction of 1 degree of it. EPILEPSY HEREDITARY Definite proof that epilepsy is inherited has been obtained through the use of the electro: encephalograph, or brain wave machine, Pérscns suffering trom epilepsy have a charteristic slow brain wave "of large amplitude with a peculiar egg-and-dart out- line, «Tests on 188 parents and chil dren revealed that among the children of epilpetic parents 654 per cent were epleptic, while in a control group of unrelated children only 6 per cent showed this condition. ------ AID TO CANCER STUDY Dr. Henry J. Andrews, presi- dent of the Federation of Natural Sciences of Southern California, believes that co-operation between geological and medical science ul- timately may culminate in the el- imination of cancer. Basis for his prediction, Dr. An- drews says, is the recent appli- cation of the spectograph and polarograph, metallurgical instru- ments. used in rock analysis, in the study of cancer causes. So powerful they can detect the least particle of mineral in the - blood, the instruments now are being used for mineral an- alysis of the blood of well per- sons and persons afflicted .with cancer. _ z= . - By this process doctors may eventually determine what miner- als are missing or deficient in the blood of the cancer victim, and SLOW-BURNING DIXIE: THIS FRAGRANT DIXIE AVERY le] dL [cau el 7 Ye{o[e) thus have a foundation upon' which to devise attacks agdinst _the disease. How Can I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I clean plano keys? A. Three methods for cleaning plano keys are: (a) Moisten a cloth with lemon' juice and dip in whit. ing. (b) A cloth moistened with vinegar, (c) A cloth moistened with alcohol. Q. How can I cool an oven with- out leaving the oven door open? A, The best method Is to place a pan of cold water in the oven; this will lower the temperature of the oven gradually. Q: How can I care for cut flowers properly? A. Cut off an inch of their stems each day; Give them fresh water . dally. Strip off any leaves that "come below the surface of the water. Do not use too small a vase | that cramps the stems, Often, an aspirin tablet placed in the water will prolong the 1ifg of the flowers. -Q: Db {t make any difference. in which*directions the rows of the vegetable garden are run? A. Yes; the rows should run north and south, instead of east and west, This will give them the full benefit of the sun's rays, Q. How can I prevent a bruise from turning black? A, Cover the brulsed skin as soon as possible with a thick paste of starch and water. It is claimed that this will prevent:the bruise from .discoloring. Q. How can I loosen grease and burned scraps from the frying pan? A. Fill the pan with cold water, add a pinch of baking soda, and : Tr low to come to a boil. SOLD WITH A 25 YEAR GUARANTEE" THE PEDIAR 3 proste:t LIMITED Moatteal « FL - Toronto = Winoipeg . Calgary - Vascouves #/PEDLARIZE* for PERMANENCE! When your bain or other building is roofed and * sided with Pedlar's Nu-Root of PEDLARIB -- "Council Standard" Brand, your buildings are "Pedlarized" against all the elements. "Council Standard" is the best value money can buy, Sead dimensions for out free estimate. ! "GOOD FOR A LIFETIME -- Established 1861 .-.CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... AGENTS WANTED LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANT: ' ed to szell Phillips Lightning Pro- tective System. B. Phillips Conip- any Limited, 32 Osborne Avenue. Toronto. TOWN AND RURAL REPRESENT- atives wanted. Increase your earn. ings by handling one of the fin- est lines of oils, greases, tires, batteries, spark plugs, ipsccti- cides, electric fence controllers, house paints and roof coatin materials. Write 'Warco Grease Oil Limited, Toronto. NOW YOU CAN START A BUSI- ness from your home. No capital required. We. supply everything. You handle only fast selling items. Commissions substantial. Free wholesale catalogue and ge plan. NEW AGE ENTEF IPRISES 3 H. F, 313 Fort, Winnipeg. JT WOULD TAKE A FULL, PAGE IN to print the letters telling" about the livability of Tweddle 1940 chicks. There is no mone} in dead chicks. Tweddle chicks, live, grow and pay, and due to our enormous production we can sell for less. Double AA Quality White Leghorns, New Hampshires $2.70, Barred Rocks $10.20, Rhode Island Reds, White Rocks, White Wyandottes, Light Sussex, Jersey Black Giants Black Australorps, Hybrids $10. ri] Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont, FLETCHER BRADLEY'S FAMOUS Australian White Leghorn Baby Chicks. Now only $15.00 per hun- dred, reduced from $25.00. Great. est laying stock In all Canada. Ex. tra large fowl and eggs. - 'Free literature, 153 Bank St, Ottawa. BAKERY EQUIPMENT BAKERS OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment always on hand. Terms arranged. Corres. - d invited. Hubbard Port. chutists in the war in 'western | | Europe. He is Dr. A. A, Poll,-of- Odessa, who uses the parachute method fo reach urgent cases in outlying districts, Last week Dr. Poll made his 194th 'chute jomp to reach the bedside of w critically fll patient, Weather conditions did a ot per- mit his 'plané to Jandy So-called 'medical aviation" is any out- | lying regions of the Soviet Union. i] PA Everything in hs son the bs now snd dicen, éw Safety-Lock cords Juve 38% greater Heat ll in tread and body ha : vé a 279%, stronger bond' between them; beads are rust-proofed and " tied in and the new Gear Gtip tread has 119% more non-skid 'mileage. With all these few festiites Firestone Champion tires do not cost one cent more. Drive in today and put Champions on your car. . -------- Whenever you need new tices first go to your ( that w nedrest Firdstons Dealer,' He has a tire [la , every price class to sult dvery pure . . & re fl ® serve you better 4nd save you money. able Oven Co, 103 Bathurst St. Toronto. BATTERY SELF.CHARGER WHY BUY NEW TADIO "B" BAT- teries? Guaranteed to recharge old ones like new. $1.25 brings com- plete automatic self-charger and full plan. Minard Monsen, Park- , side, Sask] - BANY CHICKS t ELECTRIC MOTORS BABY CHICKS ARE CHEAPER IF they do more. for you whén mat- tired. EXTRA DOZENS of e¢ggs In the A-large grade, puts EXTRA MONEY in your pocket. Trent Chicks Bie bred to do this for you and fill the basket too. Our 14th season, + producing kod hicks Jeekly in ONE GOOD DE. You get our BEST Narred: Roth: White Leghorns, New Hampshlires, Hybrids. For bétler results be- come a "Trent Chick Customer." Write to Trent Electric Hatchery, Box 533W., Trenton, Ontario. MAKE MONEY WITH MAY-JUNE Bray chicks, Order now, Quick de- livery, New Hampshlres Satred ocks, Leghorns, Order I. 8, x N.H, and B Black Minoreas, . June de. livery, Bares aing started cockerels, Order ices goon. "Ordering MORE Bray "hicks -- good suc- ro) wonderfully well.' So y Bray customers. Remember Bray Chicks Pay. Bray Hatchery, 130 John 8t. N., Hamilton, Ont. "ALL LIVING AT BIX WEEKS, whieh Vata Blechers who Jesoived) 1 Kato! a 80 New amps at' tue we Sell. Top, N teh Mele e from carefully pi? Jed Tood-teate breedets. Sone 0 ot Of 223 oo er prides for June. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ont, 1K, YOU WANT CHI HUR- a SAARI You Sakd ai kood Government Appr. ed 'chicks from bloodtested breede ard ' White Tex oF s $875, 9 er cent. pullets $18.4 nares 1,92, Barr 56 s, Ne 1) tes 128, pu ets Si, ow ampshire Cockerels $6.60, Barre. Harpahics Coc $6.7 75 Wits Herta rigs < Barred Rock x New Rms Nook No ss amp ii a cockerels 5s, alit : hicks 3 Ny slightly higher. Sharte ons. Free Ptalogu , Baden Elec- Sniario, Chick Hatchery I.td., Baden, ari ate to Yonrsa Ee on fie or. » of . 9, One) feke: Norns, Ww Binirx Piya y. Don't have halt tmbly po houses pebuse you didn't oy % sooner, er Turkeys now too, Pray. atehery, 13 Fonn N., Ham- orn -- Katlaract ELECTRIC MOTORS OF EVERY description, also V Belts and Pul. leys. Jones & Moore Electric, 296 Adelaide West, Toronto. EXTERMINATORS DERPO BUG KILLER 85¢, EXTER. minates bedbugs, moths, cock. roaches, crickets, fleas, lice, ticks. DERAT RAT AND MOUSE KILLER 50c. Harmless to humans, animals, fowl, At Eaton's, Simpson' 's, Tam- blyns, local dealers, or Derpo Pro- ducts, Toronto. ELECTRIC MOTORS ATTENTION! -- 4% H.P. MOTORS, 60-or 25 cycle, $5,50, rebuilt, guar- anteed. Spadina Electric, 362 Spa- dina, Toronto, GROWERS, ATTENTION! FRUIT "GROWERS, GARDENERS. Write to us for prices on your re- akville Basket Limited, dak! le, ntario. : HOTELS WANTED OUR SUCCESS IN SELLIN Jim els is really phenomenal, be pleased to have an. FRAL 2 Tma write to Bert Weir & Healtors Landon, Ontasts. Sena, HELP WANTED 10CA CORRESPONDENT WANT: A news and feature service, Writ ng experience desirable, but jot x Rewa Ber, Feo basis, All Am- ua Service, 108, Park Ave, Er STOCK GLORY CABBAGE PLANTS orndto 10,000 Ja2.80; Bonny Heat "Guaranteed : CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -- New SPECIALIZING LL RENIN, . TOR )WRILUNITS, jay ails ISSUE bm MACH. FARM- IMPEBMENTE T or Bowman Electric Herder FULL GUARANTEED, . 6 VOLTS, Disk regulator, High-Low switch battery, insulators. Price com. plete -- $16.00. Dealers wanted. Bowman Electric Herder, Peters- burg, Ontario. . MEDICAL FOR EXCELLENT RESULUTS TRY either: ""Asthma-Tone" for milder Asthma or: "Asthma-Lax" for se- vere Asthma. Convince yourself. Order 25¢ bottle from: Asthma- Tone Laboratories, 410 Barton BE, Hamilton, Ontarlo. PERSONAL QUIT TUOBACUCU. SNUFF. BASILY, inexpensively. Home remedy. Testimonlals. Qraraniesy, Advice free. Rartleit'a RAnx 1. Winnipeg, PHOTO FINISHING FREE! YOU CAN NOW OWN A complete set of beautiful sliver- ware absolutely without cost, manufactured and guaranteed by International Silver Company. You ----may-have this Ssomplets, -set_ abso. lutely~free by sending your films to Imperial. Send an .order now and receive complete particulars of this amazing offer. 8ix or eight xporure films developed and printed 25¢, or 8 reprints 25¢, plus your choice of a free enlargement in easel mount or free silvefivare, To get the best in quality and ser- vice send your films to Imperial Li Service, Station J., Toronto LYONS' RECONDITIONED FURNITURE BARGAINS! $49. Beautiful living room outfit. Large 3 piece Chesterfield Suite, upholstered in brown mohair with figured reversible Marshall spring cushions, bridge lamp and silk shade, walnut end table, silk cush- lons table lamp and silk shade, and modern smoker, a real out- standing value, $24. Bolld oAk Dining Room Suit nies buffet, extension table an 6 leather Aphiolstered chairs, con. / sel refinished, Modern solid oak dining room bor larga buffet, Ll ansicn tables china cabinef and 6 leather uphol- stéred chalfg, completely refin- shed, 5. Beautiful, sod Coainut SH . comple nis lar, Jullel, axtenal bs Y table, o i a cab Rthe Fla ha $29. Chestertiela uite, 3 HL (up: - holsteréed in repp gi ; reversible Marine spring ons, perfect ¢on hesterfield ed Bolte pleces, up in mohair figured reversible } bon abe dhoroy hly Sandi ton. $59, M dern Hed: R Rute. for sample, | 4 pew Bi hah wal n {sh wit Venetian Tir dresser or venay, chif one er "Hi Sire bea , Bagless spring new oleh wa et w y extabaton' 3 FHA RS Sere tate; nid {fhe il Cabinet, slid- Late assortment of dressers, hede My a odd chairs, Cchestortleias at ridiculously low prices to clear. LYONS FURNITURE CO. '478 Yonge St. -- Toronto Eee ------------ HT Colors of coconut matting will b ¢ greatly freshened if, after brushing, it Is scrubbed with hot' water and salt instead of sdap; rinse and dfy in the open, : fo See

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