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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Jun 1940, p. 3

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Ne fe AEA A 3 of 44 Ee At a: a er 2 A EEN, ; LEYS FE AAI BIOL CHEV TY ¥ -- Bombers Fly Across Ocean Purchases for Britain Go by Canadian Route from U. 8a Canadian Border Bombing planes, it was disclosed fast week, are flying under thelr own power from the backyards of United States factories to the bat- tleflelds of Europe. : The flights cannot be made dlr- ectly from the United States, be- cause of the neutrality law. In practice, the planes are flown to the Canadian border, hauled across the line, flown again to a base and fueled for the 2,000 miles of Atlan. tic 'Ocean between Newfoundland and Britain, Arthur B, Purvis, Montreal indus: trialist, who heads the Anglo- French - Purchasing Mission, told the story of the tlights, He gave no detalls, except that some planes already had negotiated the hops and others would, as goon as bullt, ONLY HEAVY BOMBERS Flights had been made so far, he sald, oyly by heavy bombers, This . indicated that the planes were two- motored Lockheed-Hudson and Mar- tin bombers, of which the Allles have bought large quantities. Reports were doubtful that any pursuit ships had flown the Atlan tic, because these craft are bullt for such speed that they have only ranges of a few hundred miles, The new bombers to be flown, Purvis indicated, were hundreds of new-type Lockheeds, Martine, Boe- ings and Consolidateds, ' Addresses Pharmacists : ® i Sir Gerald Campbell, K.C.M.G., High Commissioner for the Un- ited 'Kingdom, addresses the an-- ~ nual alumni luncheon of the On- tario College of Pharmacy at Ot- tawa on. Monday, June 24th, The luncheon. will "be attended by pharmacists from almost every city, town, and village in Ontario. Canada Buys -5,000 Planes U. S. Training Machines. Will Facilitate Air Plan Five thousand training planes from the United States are be- ing contracted for to facllitate the Commonwealth aif training ;plan, according to rellable Information. Hon. C. D. Howe, gdlinister of Transport, has made 10t infrequent visits across the line-and the. pur- chase is largely attributed to this mission, WHEN FIELDS ARE READY The difficulty has never beens ong of men. for the forces but of machines with which to train them -- and fields. Recently, 6,000" addl- tional men were taken on the force from the waiting lists, Completion of the fields has been expedited -- the scheduled timo cut in half in many 'instances, By the time the fields are ready the training planes will be available, Priceless Letters More letters are written in time of war than in peace; and ;«gome -of thes¢ efforts will un- idoubtedly rank as historic docu- . ments in the future. Even com- paratively unimportant letters, dike a badly spelt one written by 'Lady Hamilton to" 'Nelson, may Aotch a good price. This fetched $600 at a recent auction. A - couple of years ago some of Na- Jpeleon's letters: to his Chief of: "Staff were sold for $32,500 and a two-line -note scribbled by Am. erigo Vespucci, after whom Am- erica is named, brought $1,960. Old: household accounts and bills (sell for high prices, but: the de- mand. for recent; letters is notyso oad a long script by Bar- mm SUNDAY. SCHOOL LESSON "LESSON: XII MALACHI DEMANDS HONESTY: TOWARD-GOD -- Malachl Printed Text, Mal, 3.7-18 Golden Text -- "Bring ye the whole tithe Into the storehouse, that there may be food In. my house, and prove me now herewith, saith Je- hovah of hosts, If | will not open ..you the windows of heaven, and pour you out # blessing, that there shall not bg room enough to re- celve it." -- Mal, 3:10. THE LESSON IN IT§ SETTING ime -- The exact date of Mal. chi's ministry fs not: known, but most scholars place it between 430 and 425 B.C. Place ~ Jerusalem, We find in this lesson many pas- sages revealing the truth which ls 80 often forgotten, that the know- ledge which we hold as Christians concerning God and salvation has tremendous practical implications, and that we cannot say that a part of our life is dominated by spirit. ual truths, and then shut the law of God out of other parts of our lives; thus such matters as hon- esty, purity, the question of dl- vorce, the question of separation, all must be determined by what God says about these things; "in thy light shall we see light," It we are really. sincero about following the Lord, we must let his law pene- trate every part of our life. THE PROPHET MALACHI The word Malach! means literal. ly "my messenger." Of the prophet himself we know absolutely noth- ing. But we feel sure that In the time of Nehemiah, Malachl was acting as the prophot of God, co-op- erating with the clvil authority in bringing about the moral reforma- * tlon of the people.. By his writing, Malachi is known as_the Hebrew" Socrates. : The book of Malachi begins with an exposure 'of tho corrupt practic. es of the priesthood of the day; and then the prophet turns to the people of Israel as a whole, point. ing out In striking-language one sin after another of which they were guilty. Malachi's primary -charge against Israel was in regard to mar- rlages -- marriages with heathen wives, and frequent divorces, The _prophet again bases his reproof on the relation of Israel to God. HIS ACCUSATIONS ~ Tragically, these terribly gullty Israolites were blind not only to thelr own sin, but to the judgment which was soon to fall upon them. Malachl {implies that -the nation was not prepared for the reception of the Lord, and therefore had not ground for murmuring at the delay of the manifestation of divine glory. : 3:7. From the days of your fath- ers ye have turned aside from mine ordinances, and have not kept them, Return*unto me, and 1 will return unto you, saith Jehovah of hosts. But ye say, Wherein shall we roturp? 8.Will ja man rob God? yet ye rob me. But ye say, Wherein 'have wo.robbed thee? In tithes and | offerings. 9. Ye are cursed with the curse; for ye rob me, even this en- - tire nation. THE TITHE God demanded the-tithe only-as a minimum, and they had careless- ly given him what he claimed -- the minimum -- in tithes and offer ings. They had robbed God In-that[ they had not responded to the di- "vine clalny In the spirit In Which it was made, but had offered that. which was allowed by measurement and rule rather than In the spirit of love, A tithe is all right It it Is something you feel. It it is some- thing which puts you in danger of being dishonest, it is wrong; and if it is out of harmony with your own success in life, it is ab- solutely wrong. 10. Bring ye the whole tithe into the store-house, that there may be 'food in my house, and prove me now herewith, - saith Johovah ot hosts, it I will not open you the windows of heaven, and: pour you out a blessing,-that there shall not be room enough to receive it, 11, And I will rebuke the devour- er for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the frults of your ground; neither shall your vine cast fits fruit before the time in the field, saith Jehovah of hosts. 12. And all nations shall call you happy; for yo shall 'be a delight. some land, saith Jehovah of hosts, 'Do not {magine because we are + ltviag in a spiritual dispensation we are no longer bound {nh the mat- . ter, of. material giving, 13.. Your. words have been stout against me, saith-Jehovah, Yet Ye say, What have we spoken against thee? 14. Ye have sald, It Is vain to serve (od; and what profit Is it that we have kept his charge, and that we have walked mournfully before-'Jehovah of hosts? 15. and now we-call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are all buflt up; yea, they tempt God, and escape. The people who returned from Babylon seemed to have a - knowledge of God, and to observe the law, and to understand their sin, and to offer sacrifices for sin; to pay tithes, to observe the Sab: bath and the rest, commanded in the law. of God, and seeing all the . nations around them abounding in Ah children may come to Canada. Britain's Children On The During the long period of inactivit of the children who had been evacuate home. Now they are-being evacuated again, These childfen were graphed at Southend on their wa y Move Again on the western front, many from English cities returned hoto- to a safer refuge. Some British all things, and that they themselves were in penury, hunger, misery, and were scandalized and sald, "what does ft benefit me that I worship the one true God, abomin- ate idols, and, pricked with the con- sciousness of sin, walk mournfully before God? N ) SOME CONCLUDING PROMISES 16, Then they that feared Jeho- vah spake one with another; and Jehovah hearkened, and heard, and a book of remembrance was writ. ten before him, for them that fear- ed Jehovah, and that thought upon his name, 17. And they shall be all mine, saith Jehovah of hosts, even mine own possession, in the day that I make; and T will spare them, as a man spareth his own son . that serveth him not. They Must Work Hard F or r Glamor Why Movie Stars and Photo- graphers' Models Always Do Look Their Best No woman needs to waste time and conversatioon envying motion picture stars and glamorous maga- zine models their good figures, and smart clothes and nico complexions "because any girl who is 'determined to improve her own appearance can follow thelr example -- that. ls, it she is determined enough, Most of them get more exerciso Farm Notes . . . EXPORT WHITE CHEESE The Dominion Dairy Products Board announced, following its first meeting held in Ottawa on May 27th, that all cheese manu- factured in Canada after the 31st of May, 1940, to be acceptable for export to the United "King-' dom, must be white. and unwax- ed. © « Under a recent agreement the British Ministry of Food will buy- up to November 30, 1940, a to- tal of 78,400,000 1b, of Chinad- ian cheese at a price of 14 cents per lh.-for first grade cheese f.o.b. steamship at Montre#! dur- ing the season of navigation and 14 cents f.o.b. rail Montreal dur- ing the winter months. The ex- port will be arranged by the Dairy Products Board. POINTS ON HOGS Attention must be paid to at least four important points be fore our bacon will sell in the top price brackets. They are con- tinued improvement in type and breeding; . marketing at propeg weights; finishing to No. 1 selec tion rather than to No, 2 and No, 3 standards; and production of such hogs at not more than six months of age. Each point is very + important, and together they con- stitute an interesting challenge to all Canadian hog producers. School Boys' Tour To Pacific Coast | An all-expense-included tour across Canada for school boys, under the personal direction of Harold Bott of the Montreal High School, will be available this sum. mer to all boys who desire to join the party, according to C. K. Howard, manager of the Tourist and Convention Bureau, Canad- ian National Railways. This tour, including the highlights of travel over both railways and across the Great' Lakes, side trips by bus, steamer trips between Vancouver, Victoria and Prince Rupert, B.C., a total of 38 nights in hotels and outdcor- camps inthe west Are part of the plan to make the jour- ney a most memorable outing, stated Mr. Howard. Round Trip, 51 Days The return journey will com- mence from Vancouver on July 24 by a trip on the Canadian National Steamships boat up to Prince Rypert, B.C. and thence Camp of the Y. M, C. A, n the town of Jasper in Jasper N accommodation at Edmonton any': ( tional Park, Alberts, and hated Winnipeg. From Port Arthur ; journey is resumed on the 8. 8 eastward over Canadian National Noronic to Sarnja, Ont, A gi lines to Port Arthur, Ont., includ thence. to Hamilton, Ni i ing 14 nights at the Lake Edith | Falls, by boat to Toronto, BE ot [] : ' -- bi THIS CURIOUS WORLD Fegusen' |- Ferguson |- i J GR a Zs RAL, . 1 ABOUT 4,000,000 POUNDS | He ARE SPENT ANNUALLY & CONTROLLING THE SPREAD i OF RABBITS. = vi I: SA = RI Aro Aq Rati = mr, : \ RA Woon Brovid @UADNTLS ii , LY "GENERIC STAMIAS, Meaning as NAME, » MEANING S7TEUWARY +. BECAUSE OF THEIR HABIT OF STORING 3 . AWAY PROVISIONS | Be § THE SMALL if CONE- 3 HEADED it LIZARD 3 HAS A TAIL or ONE YARD LEH IN i 3 LENGTH. 80% - EET -- 7-29 5 THE Australian government erected over 6000 miles of wire fen fencing in "its efforts to_ control its rabbit population, but with Eins little success. The millions of rabbits now inhabiting three-fourths Al ran of the country are descendants of two dozen wild rabbits brought Rs In about one hundred years ago. EE i - NEXT: To whom do mefeorites belong? | COMMON RODENT and moro sleep than you and you. The round-trip tour will take u The second precious promise at They realize that sleep is the great -| 51 days from Montreal back to the close of Malachi's book for cure-all for fino lines around the Montreal, and will commence with HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Puzzle 15 Sketched 5 those that fear the Lord is'the as. eyes, downward sloping lines from the departure of The Continent: 1 Pictured JIOHIN| (W) [ 21 Sowing FREE surance of victory over -all- evil, nose {0 corners cf the mouth, It al Limited --train--of the Canad- rodent. -- DIOUISIE 0 JOIN 23 Brittle. 4 "Ch victory that will be- consummated puts a sparkle In the eyes and it ian National Railways from Bon- TItis -- of [B]ININIA = D 24 It belongs ta 5 in the day of the Lord, a victory | gives tho complexion a youthful aventure station, Montreal, on southern UENPIR! BUNYAN the ong i fa JIS Betiety Jom By og gleam, * Friday, June 28 for Winnipeg, Europe. JEM 1 1/ LIE - of ----. y ow ake place In the future, at the en . Fe a didbas-ovet ivi 12 Egg-shaped. |} Wi » ivi ot this age, when the Lord Jesus * They know, too, that no woman het toa ia 13 md. Amu oS JT 26 Mountain. FA Christ- himself shall come back ag- looks younger than her walk, her for the remainder of . the trip tric terminal. HATE ») ] AMI 27 Half an em, we ain to complete his redempfive posture. Lack of exercise causes westward to Vancouver and by 16 Poems. i = , "iM N 20 Male. WN work among the natlona-of the the knee joints to stiffen, thigh boat to Victoria, B. C. and return 17 To delete. WEA Al 0 L 30 Pulpy fruit % earth. The wholo chapter is a fut- | muscles to become tense and stiff. | "p= oF This trip westward 18 Rhythm. GIR NITICIH l 17] 31 To rent ' ha ure prophecy. To keep. from gaining too much includes overnight. stops at Cal- 19 Dregs. IN TIA E A 36 Compan; bis A wolght, the average model or ple- | gary, Banff, Lake Louise, Alta. 20 Plants. NGLITIS] [§ bany A wo ] ture star eats foods that are low In Vancuover and 13 nights at Glintz 22 Devoured, 3 es b In the movie-houses of the *U. caloric content. Vegetables, salads Lake Camp on Vancouver 23 A spreading 45 Spikes of corn VERTICAL apa 3! A 0 I couver Island, ¢ 8. A. the biggest audiences go | and fruits rather than rich pastries, most of which will be at the Y. outward. 40 To reduce 1 Scepler. 39 Damp + 1 to the Sunday performances. heavy gravies and such. M. C. A. 25To 50 Indistinct. 2 Class of birds, 10 Native. 2 : - commission. 52 Shrewd. a OF DNAS: 41 Challenge. * : 28 Wlieman. 54 Rubber pencil 3 Bundle. 42 Verbal. -- ERE TTT [TTY Tora IS J GS. TE Br Ja -32 North Africa, ---ends. "4"To-decay" 43 Birds"relrcat ; Canadian Airmen Grimly Resolute On Arrival In London 33 Stormed. 56 Russian meas- 5 Beret, 16 Pain. I : : 34 Pig pen, ure of length. 6 A varicly of 47 Feels regret. ao < 35 Related 58 Its ---- is this animal 48 Let it stand. 4 ® through the used for coats (pl). 40 Energy. SER . mother. (ol). 7 Born.' 50 Mister (abby. AK 37 Jumbled type. 59 Sesame. 8 Tax. 51 Year (abbr.) F01aY 38 Merely named 60 It is consid- 9 Mental image. 53 Bfing, Pe 41.Sound ot ered a ---- in 10 To shift. 65 Electric term! x) large bell, Australia 11 Existence. 57 Spanish Ny 44Palm leaf. > (pl) "14 Low tide. (aor). Wo i IM ! g£ " . 7 9 10 | nN i 7 i ; 1 33 Ie - ~ k ; i y 3 w 2 i 90 | ho Hd, k : v ot wd A 59 y There is determination stamped on 'the faces of these Canadian airmen who are pictured as they re- cently arrived in London, Air Minister Power has announced from Ottawa that® Canada is rushing all 53 00 available aircraft and pilots to the assistance of the mother country. : : " P : i ¢ POP--In Search, of. Recognition : - By J. MILLAR WATT C " \ [} ¥ Ti - WHAT CHEER; \ ves! IM GOING TO a } ~ TL I WEAR SOMEONE "" "KEEP "ON. WALKING '= \ SAY, ~! t GOING FAR? Chior © J ergot & | 5 an eR "WHO'S THAT CHAR" |

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