The Passing of a Pioneer Mr. John Millmap who was ap- proaching his 90th birthday on Thurs- day, June 13th, 1940, passed to his re- ward. The deceased gentleman came 'y& to this country from Devonshire, Eng- 0 conducted tN TUNCrar Service ® F708 ROR land, in 1877, and he has lived in the immediate vicinity for the past bl years. He, had been unwell for a couple of weeks in the home of his daughter, Msr. A. McConnell, in To- ronto, where he died. Myr. Millman was widely known and most highly respected in the Uxbridge District and lived for the most part on the homestead now occupied by his son, Francis Lloyd, Mrs, Norman Prentice, his daughter, also lives in this vicinity. He also leaves to mourn his loss a son, Silas H. in Western Canada, and two daughters Mrs. H. Smith of Oshawa, and Mrs, G. H. Mortimer, of Toronto. His wife predeecased him, having died in 1920, also a daughter Mrs. C. Brown, Mr, Millman was a member of the United Church at Epsom and was a splendid type of citizen. His minister, Rev. Albert Bushell by Rev. Jos. Denny, a former pastor. The remains were laid to rest in the Uxbridge Cemetery. -------- > -- Buys Valuable Jersey Fred Bown, just south of Port - Perry, who is one of the first Jersey breeders in Reach, has just purchased a herd sire of outstanding merit. This calf, Pickering Volunteer Favorite, was' secured from F. M, Chapman: of Grasmere Farm, Pickering. This bull won -2nd-as-a-calf-and car- ries the blood of such outstanding sires as Volunteer of Oaklands, Imp., a 3-star preferential bull, Favorite Volunteer, a 3-star pref. bull, Ramulpt Imp. owned by Senator Hardy, and Sybils Volunteer, a leading bull in New Zealand. His dam was that good show cow Sunset Cecilin which won 2nd at Brooklin 2 years ago in a big class of eleven, and attracted much at- tention. She has produced a total of 3089 Ibs, of butter in five lactations, and as a three year old. tested 5.92%. Mr. Bown is to be congratulated on his enterprise and should improve his herd in both milk and fat records. ->op ---------- County Council (Continued from front page) The hope was cxpressed that these "organizations, if formed, would work in conjunction with the County organ- zation. Provincial Officer Clark was an- other suggestion to head the County . forces, inasmuch as his duties as pro- vincial officer take him to all parts of the county and he is thoroughly fa- _miliar with conditions in all sections. EPSOM SHOWER FOR MARJORIE CLARK A number of friends met at the home of Mrs. Robt. Clark, Epsom, in honour of Marjorie Pogue, a bride-to- be and presented her with a number of beautiful gifts. The following ad- dress was read by Helen Prentice, Wednesday, June 2nd, 1940 Dear Marjorie: We; youp- friends and neighbours have gathered here this afternoon to wish you much happiness in the future. You have made many friends in our community, especially among the younger folk. ~~ We are very sorry to hear you are leaving us, so we have gathered here to present you with these gifts by which to remember us. | We hope you will make many new friends in the neighborhood you will be living in, but that you will al- ways have a soft spot in your heart 'for us. We wish you much happiness «in your coming wedded life and may all_your clouds have a silver lining. Marjorie thanked the many friends in a very appropriate way, for their .thoughtfullness: and kindness. WEDDING BELLS Marquis-Pogue A pretty wedding took place at the home of the bride's parents, on, Sat- urdal, June 16th, at four o'clock, hen Marjorie May, second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. Pogue, of Epsom, became the bride of Mr, Ross Marquis, Victoria Corners, Ont. Rev. Mr, Bushell was the officiating clergy- £5 2 The bride, given in marriage by her father, looked very becoming in a rose Celenese Alpaca dress, 'with 'white accessories, and carried a bouquet of white flowers. ' The bridesmaid was Miss Jean Pogue, sister of the bride, attired in a maize satin dress with white acces: sories, and carried a bouquet of white flowers. Ronald Marquis, brother of the groom, was best man, Miss Laura Rogers of Epsom play- ed the wedding march, The ceremony took place under an arch of evergreen sprays and colored 108¢e8, Following the signing of the regis- ter, a dainty supper was served to a number of relatives and friends, Later the happy couple left on & motor trip to Niagara and the U.S.A. the--bride wearing a blue coat with white veil and white accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm, Victoria Corners. MARSH HILL the 'Books in Port Perry Library BIOGRAPHY Native's Return Albert, the Prince Consort . Once a Grand Duke Story-teller's Story ...... Up the Years from Bloomsbury Memories and Reflections, Vols. 1 and Tn. Half 0:10 civics orion Barnes Bismarck cee. .. Ludwig Life of Lord Beaconsfield ..Connor ..Black My Seventy Years Americanization of Edward Bok ini Bok Saga of the Bounty ......ccceene. ..Anthony Thrice a Stranger ... ...Brittain Testament of Youth . Brittain Brock .ooeeciverenninennnnenns Eayys Life of Robert Browning Griffen JULKE™S TA8 ccsimmsiiispsssnirinissinacrimrs ..Prior THE BRIG over mmerasppiivssiinssissssmieniss sissy ...Buck Old Buddha ...... Thomas Carlyle... Nichols Prince Charlie ......... . Power My Earl Life .......... Churchill Reminiscences ... Cartwright NOTICE The undersigned wishes to announce that he has been appointed local agent on Scugog Island for the Maple Leaf | Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co. This reliable Company is in very good financial stand- ing. J. L. Sweetman SCUGOG ISLAND {FRUIT MARKET! Rusto's For FLOWERS and Garden Plants Under 14 yrs of age, So. with Reliable Fire Insurance PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 20th, 1940 SWIMMING POOL-- | 14 yrs and over, 100. SEASON TICKET $1.60 CABIN and TENT SPACE Birdseye Center Cabin Park " E. G, MICHELL, Manager ty -- YOURSELF 'Place Your Insurance with HAROLD W. EMMERSON Phone 41 Port Perry THOU CALL SisSted TST00 on a quilt (hat was sold Dy Tucky teket draw. Mr. Edgar Slack was a visitor in our neighbourhood on Sunday. Mrs. R. J. Horn visited her son in Kitchener, and with him visited other towns in Western Ontario. Mr. Gerald Gregg spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. Frank Welch has rented an- other farm, SEAGRAVE Miss 1. Hiscox of Montreal, is visit- ing her sister Mrs. C. Sleep. Mr and Mrs. M. Stone and family, visited their daughter at Manchester, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Shunk and family, visited their parents o on Sunday il noon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Short and family accompanied by Miss Marjorie McCoy visited in Peterboro on Sunday. We are very glad to see Mrs. S. McCoy and Mr. W. Moon up and around again. Mr. E, Frise and Mrs. F. Grose, of Toronto, spetn Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Frise. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. W. Stone on the birth of a daughter. On Friday evening, June 14, a play was given entitled "Little Miss Tatters" at Seagrave Church, under the auspices of the Quadrata Girls Club. Those taking part were: Betty Short, Durelle Martin, Marion Eagle- Tristram, Morley Bruce, Reg. Moase, Joe Grantham. - Between acts Mr. Tristram entertained with some pleas- ing cornet solos, and Dorothy Tris- tram gave a reading which was en- joyed by all. The proceeds amounted to $20.00. ) Much credit is-due the players and the fine performance. The 16th annual Moon reunion was held in Seagrave, on Saturday, June 8th, with around 100 in attendance. They were here from Exeter, Park- hill, Woodham, Ottawa, Oshawa, Kin- sale, Bowmanville, Myrtle, Raglan, Pickering, Port Perry, Valentia, Bob- caygeon, Toronto, Weston, Bolton and Zion. Everyone gathered , at the Church basement which was decorated with lilacs, poenies and tulips, for dinner. { for an afternoon of sports conducted by Roy Moon of Raglan and Oscar Ripley of Ottawa. Around five o'clock a thunderstorm send all to the base- ment again where they continued the games until supper was prepared. After supper the election of officers for the ing year conductetd by the Vice-Prosident Mr. P. Ripley. Speeches were then made by Mr, W. Prance, of Parkhill, who was instru- mental for the starting of the reunion. Prizes were then given out. To the oldest man present, Mr. Thos. Couch; to the oldest lady present, Mrs. Couch; to the youngest present, Phyllis Keen; to the bride of the year, Mrs, Chas, Attridge. A short pro- gram was enjoyed given by Keith and Bobbie Wallace, of Bolton, who sang with Keith playing the guitar. The next reunion will 'be. held at Grand Bend, on the shores of Lake Huron, -------- too ANNIVERSARY AT MANCHESTER The Manchester Sunday School "Ane niversary will be held June 28rd, at 7.80 pm, Rev. Mr, Wylle, Columbus, will be the speaker and Bethesda choir will provide special music. June20 son, Helen Bruce, Alexa 'Stones Bill] Mrs. E. Clements their director for}: Then off to the ball diamond | A few from around here attended SHIVEE FICECE veeeeeeeirerrererereisesisesesseessetssesessrersnessnassrsisasses Decoration services at Prince] Columbus ......cceevenen Albert on Sunday. Christopher Columbus The Red Cross Society realized over saptain Cook... eye, and Mi, Balyatora pomp Present Indicative : as an Is. My Thirty Years in India. ween COX "Oliver Cromwell, Vols, 1, 10, "1, v 'and v. ..Carlyle Oliver Cromwell TR "Harrison Oliver Cromwell .....oocireneeceneninneisrenesnenenensns Buchan The Kaiser as IT Know Him ....ccnienniinnininninnonnnnnn. Davis Madame Curie ........ Curie Year from a Repor EOT"S NOTEBOOK eon ororrsesessessismernenesess Davis Memoirs of J. M. Dent cine, Dent Charles Dickens .......... Leacock Soaring Wings ....... Putnam 20 Hours, 40 Minutes ..... ....Earhart Disraeli jvo.eneneerennn .. Maurois King Edward VII ions Benson Prince of Wales Townsend Elizabeth ..c..cceen. ..Waldman Elizabeth and Essex Strahey Queens of Society Wharton Flush ..ooocivveivineenenieenns .. Woolf Benjamin Franklin . McMaster Chinese Gordon .... ....... Forbes Life of Garibaldi + "Blackett W. E. Gladstone ... ..... Russell Life of Gladstone ..... McCarthy Albert, 4th Earl Grey ....... Grey of Falladon .............. SHALT NOT Sam Rusto, of Rusto's Fruit Mar- ket, Newmarket, came to Canada in 1904, and were naturalized in 1909, under the names of Salva- tora' and 'Antonia on November; 8rd, 1909, as shown by Dominion | Certificate No. 25837 Series E. Of eight children, two were born in Niagara Falls, N.Y., and six in Newmarket, and all are; Canadians, and loyal British citi- zens.' --Newmarket Era. NOTICE Regarding Rumors. The undersigned wish- to-state that they are Canadian born citizens as' will be seen from this statement taken from the Newmarket Era. They wish to deny most emphatically that they' have any political connection with Italy--the name "Rusto" is simply a trade name and, has been since the naturalization in 1909. These facts can be verified at the Dominion De- partment dealing with these matters. RUSTO'S FRUIT MARKET Search for America... . Gustavus Adolphus... Fletcher Haig iovvvveerienenennnnnenes Cooper Haig wom sssisiin ..Charteris HAVAIBEK mouiciivinissniismsiimisisoiotirsr sseisssin tress simmsstor oscars Forbes Henry the Eighth .. aa din shes abe ERA OR Hackett Ivory Coast in the Earlics . ...Horn Life of Dr, Johnson .. ...Boswell ene Keller Lawford .Graves Story of My Life .... Youth Uncharted . Lawrence and the 'Arabs " "T. E. Lawrence" ..Hart Abraham Lincoln Charnwood Life of Lincoln, Vols. I and II . FAIL, Tarbell ~Prime-Minister o ~Spendor.- Retreat from Glory .. revensearintusaninaturtresiass rite Lockhart With the West in Her Eyes .. ... Strange Memoirs of a British Agent . Sir John A. Macdsnald Mackenzie King ............ Ferdinand Magellan hess ol -Guillemand Conqueror of the Seas ..... ap , Zweig Margaret Ogilvy ...... Barrie Education of a-Princess mani Grand -Duchess-Marie "Princess in Exile ......... " rma Duchess Marie Marie Antoinette on Zweig Marie Louise (4 volumes) ........... ils .Saint Amand Vol. I--Happy Days of the Empress Vol. II--Elba and the Hundred Days Vol. III--Decadence of the Empire Vol. IV--Invasion of 1814. : Marlborough, Vols. I, IT and III ......ccriiininnae ween Churchill Mary, Queen of Scotland and the Isles .. cree AWEIE Life and Letters of Hugh Miller, Vols. I and IL...........Bayne Mohammed ....Dibble Roughing it in the Bush .., wines Moodie Life of Sir Henry Morgan ..Cruikshank World I Saw ...Monroe Story of San Michele ... Munthe Upper Canada Sketches .......ooiiiiniin wneeennConant Mustapha Kemal ........... Von Mikusch Sir Augustus Nanton MacBeth Napoleon cing em LUAWIE + Life of Nelson ..... Southey Prophets, Priests hy Kings rrersinnaaas Gardiner Nijinsky oven ol cies Nijinsky Nur Mabel .. Lamb Omar Khayyam .. Life atid Letters of Walter ii. Page ... sire Eadrick Mungo Park ...... REIN rein Thompson Pepita cin . West T. 10 OO 0 I OR A Call on Behalf of Refugee Children The Children's Aid Society of the County of Ontario and the City of Oshawa is now ready to receive ap- plications from all those willing to take one or two refugee children into their homes, giving them free care and maintenance, temporarily, or during the term of the war. Send in your names and addresses at once to this office, addressed to O. M. Alger, Superintendent, Box 321, Oshawa, Ontario: Organization meetings will be called at an carly date. We will welcome the assistance of. every citlzen. " H.P. SCHELL, - '0. M. ALGER, President. Superintendent. Newmarket, Ont., June, 5 MANCHESTER -- The Manchester Sunday School will hold its picnic at the Cream of Barley Park on July 4th." Come and join us. |}! The Sunday School anniversary will be held in the Township Hall on Sun- day June 28rd. -Bethesda choir will provide the music. Mr. and Mrs, Lazénby and Miss Leona; of Stouffville visited on Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs. C. Gerrow. Mr, and Mrs, F. Crosier and Helen motored to Camp Borden and- spent Sunday afternoon with their son El- wood Crosier, Mr, &V. Crosier and Miss Mosley of |. Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wright Crosier. Mr. and Mrs. J. Moore and children of Oshawa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Moore, i Mr, and Mrs, Joe Cooper of Agin- court, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs.' C, Gerrow. Mr, and Mrs, Chas. Gerrow attend. ed the Gerrow-Black wedding on Sat- urday' afternoon at Scugog Island. - FIER RI APR AIL, 'GIFTS WITHOUT SET PURPOSE PREFERRED . While the, government fully appre- ciates free will money contributions by Canadian citizens, it is pointed out by Finance Minister Ralston that it is preferable not to earmark the gift for {a particular piece of equipment, The donors should permit their contri- butions to be added to the Sepasidaed revenue fund, HR I A TR d. NOXZEMA Skin Cream .. POISON-IVY LOTION «..........per bottle 30c. and 50c. ANT-TRAPS, Kills ant .......oovoennns. MONTSERRAT LIME JUICE ,............79. and 44c. THERMOS BOTTLES ... PICNIC SETS-- Phone 73w "aw BATHING CARS, all colors Sra CAMERAS .o.ioovviiusidandoonss $3.25, $3.75 and $7.95 SELO and KODAK FILMS PHOTO SERVICE for better eashol KLEENEX CLEANSING TISSUES, . ... ' VELVETTA CLEANING TISSUES ........10¢. and 25c. ~ Nyal, Service Store. Fresh shipment of RED SPOT NUTS just arrived FRUIT CAKE SPECIAL -- 2 LBS. for 280 ye BOER 'Gerrow Bros, Port Perry wu. ETTEY| [EE | Prince Albert PHONE 206 : YOUR FAMILY BAKER Can relieve you from baking worries, and provide the best i in Bread and Pastry. JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY Phone 98, Port Perry. Ses BUILD A HOME FIRST In a lifetime, a person pays for THREE homes, so why not OWN one. If you already own your home, are you enjoying all the modern comforts? "Is it insulated against summer Heat and winter Cold? = Warmwall siding does TWO things. It gives you that Insulation and proves Hg -the-appearance-of your-home. i We sell Warmwall Siding, alae Camber, Lime - Tile, Cement and Roofing of all kinds. F. E. REESOR PORT PERRY ~ MORRISON S DRUG STORE --SUMMER NEEDS-- vive i ened 26c. value for 15¢c. .+.per box 30c. teens esaaessess.49c, and 55¢c, Fancy Plates 10c. pkg. Plain Paper Plates, 16¢. pkg. Combination sets, plates gnd seryiettes ..........16¢. .18c., 25¢., 39¢c., and 50c. Developing, Printing, Enlarging, Coloring and Copying .v..13¢. and 29¢. Phone 16 Fresh Baking Daily -- ES Bread, Bung, Cakes, Rolls, Pies, Tarts Come in and try our Birley's real ORANGEADE Served I¢e-Cold, :