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Port Perry Star (1907-), 4 Jul 1940, p. 6

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When U- Boat Threatened U.S. Liner When Angry, Take Drink of Water Alloys Smith, 88, of Dunkirk, N. Y.,, claims to have a novel method of preserving domestic tranquility, ; "When a spat 'is arising be- tween husband and wife or other members of "a family, Jet each take a drink of water and then walk away for 10 minutes," Smith says, "Both persons must ~perform the act, it won't work with just one." Smith should know, He and his 82-year-old wife are entering on Canada Mines b More Silver Production Here During 1939 Was Up . Considerably -- Ontario's Silver Comes From Cobalt Area Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE *>+*d > Q. Are "howdy" correct greetings, A. No, they are vulgarisme, The correct forms are "How do you do? Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening." ' Q. If a husband and wife have & woman friend at dinner, only the three persons, should the husband Silver production fn Canada djir- ing 1939 totalled 23,116,861 fine ozs. valyed at $9,359,553 compared with $2,219,195 fine ounces valued at $9,660,239 in 1938, The average price of sliver fn 1939 was 40-563 - eents per fine ounce as against 43 447 cents in 1938 (New York prices and "how-do" a" EI) Fins Fn a Ri r x WG | VE vy transposed to Canadian funds). seat the guest? the 64th year of their marriage. { 2 in Most of Canada's silver is obtain; A. Yes, He should seat the guest he ed as a by-product from tho treat first and then his wife. ment of base metal ores, chiefly n lead and zinc, and of gold ores. The principal silver-producing en- terprises are located in British Col vmbla, Yukon and Northwest Ter. ritories, the Flin Flon area strad- dling the Saskatchowan-Manitoba boundary, Ontario and Quebec. MOST IN WESTERN FIELDS British Columbia was by far the Q. Should a man constantly refer to his wife as she"? A, No; this Is disrespectful. Q. When meeting a frlend you have not seen for a long time, is it all right to say, Have you been 111? You aro looking so thin"? A. Never. If you cannot trythtully say that the friend is looking well, it is better to make no remark at | How Can 17] LY BY ANNE ASHLEY TH Te the toe to thoroughly separate them Rose Spectacles gp Poni Saothe Pheasants f - ---- Q. How can 1 quickly make a pa- per paste substitute? A, Rub the slice of a raw potato over the paper to be pasted. Q. How can-I most easlly extract A. How can I remove pulty stains from glass A, Rub vigorously with a cloth dipped in strong, hot vinggar, - set The world is very beantiful for trom the silver-cobalt mines of Co- Simply pick a small hole in one end glasses. oH largest producer, the output coming all as to your impression." the white from an egg? . How can I prevent small rugs Dr. J. M. Lyle's ring-necked 7A mainly from the Sullivan silver Q. When attending an informal A, If only the white of an egg Is from wrinkling? heasants, Fort Worth, Texas, iB lead-zinc mine. dinner and a guest sees that an- | needed, don't break open the shell. A. Make a golution of 1 part glue They look through zose-colored gid Ontario's silver production came other guest-is taking no part in the dissolved In 10 parts of war water. Jit balt and adjoining areas, and from the Sudbury nickel-copper. mines. Important contributions were also made from the gold-quartz mines of Porcupine, Kirkland Lakg. and the other areas. For years the sliver § Diaduetin of the Cobalt area has .shown-a gradual decline due to the Yow price of silver, but this loss has been partly offset in the last few years.by the increased output from the Sudbury nickel-copper mines, This photo was brought home by the United States liner Washington when she docked at New York with 1,600 American refugees from Eu- rope's war zones. It shows passengers in the lifeboats of the bj during the encounter with a submarine oft the woast of Portugal. (later revealed commander of the U-Boat liner The as German) Yepeatedly conversation, what should one do? A. It js the duty of the hostess (not a guest) to see that each one of the guests takes part in the coun- versation, +. Q. May a debutante wear a string "ot pearls at her coming-out Party7 --As-Yes; but no other jewels. | HEALTH of the egg and drain ont the white. . Then place a plece of wax paper over the hole and the yolk will keep better than it placed in an op- oh dish, . Pow, can I cause socks and A to dry more quickly Giter "they have been washed? A. The socks and the stockings will dry more quickly it the hand is run throngh them all the way to Hang the rug over a pole and palnt the wrong side with this solution, . Uso sparingly, or it may soak right through and show on the.surface. Perform this out of doors, where it will dry quickly. ---Q. How can I_ brighten the red tiles of a fireplace or porch floor? A. Rub them with a cut lemon and a little salt; then wash with warm, soapy Water, Dr, Lyle made the glasses for hs pheasants in a move to cut down homicides among the fowl Colored glasses prevent the " birds from "seeing red" or any- _thing blood-colored. A spot of Yed, the doctor explnined, hag als wags been the signal for a knock- down, dragout fight in the animal - kingdom, emphasized his determination to torpedo the "American ship" . . . "This is an American ship" finally was understood and believed. The liner: was then allowed to proceed. TOP photo here shows the tense-faced passengers in the lifeboat awaiting the result of the frantic exchange ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... BUSINES ry OPPORTUNITY TOPICS PIPPI EO POVP ECE OTI TAINS Aaland Isles Number 6,500 a AGENTS WANTED PHOTO FINISHING . Sot Bo SIARGASS Population Small, But Ships Many Among Strategic Dots in Baltic "The Aalands, about 6500 of them, are generously sprinkled all about the northern end of the Bal: tic Sea, between Sweden and Fin- land," sayr. a bulletin of the Nation- al Georgruphic society, "In fact, If ft wero not for tho Aalands, it would be difficult to distinguish just where the Baltic stops and the Gulf of Bothnia, northern-most arm of tho Baltic, begins. : "But of the total, fewer than a hundred of the Aalands are inhabit ed. The remainder are tiny; islets, somo with small farm. and dairy herds managed by 'remote control', and some mero jutting rocks which seem to exist chiefly to harass na-. vigators. "Aaland, the largest of the group §s about 30 miles long from north ____to south and 17 mies wide, 1t is 80 deeply indented, however, 'that no place on it is more than a few miles, from the sea. Most of the Bland Is covered with a. thin but fertile lay- er of soll sultable for farming and pastureland. Many of the warmers on Aaland cultivate near-by islands which they reach In rowboats. 'And once the forests of Aaland were the favorite elk-hunting grounds of the Swedish sovereigns, but game now is almost extinct." He Rallies -F vonh To Continue War pote General Charles De Gaulle, for- mer French undersecrétary for national defence, has formed a new French government in Lon. son and issued a call for all "free enchmen"" to rally to the side of 'England to carry on the wa against 'Germany. .. : Double Letters For an interesting pencil-and- paper. dictionagy game, try this. ntest to see who, in a given tInie, can make the longest list 'of words containing double let- tg, scoring as follows: _For such words 'as "need," "goon," "door," ete, 1 point, For words with two pairs of - double letters, such as "address," "accessory," ete, 8 points, i ~ For words with more than two ad of double letters, such as Migaissippi," fhookketping,' (0 | points, ough developed for a sehool fn game, the adults in our bk like trying it, too, ~ Houston, 'Mo, ' ash fat iene of signals. pedoing blew over. BELOW, relieved and smiling faces as the danger of tor- eo "HAVE 3 YOU HEARD? Two travellers stood In the lounge. One was doing most of the {alking, "Yes," said the talkative one, "1 came home one morning after mid- night and, -as I opened the door, 1 saw a stranger kissing my wife. I closed the door softly and hurried downstairs. At 1 a.m. I came back and opened the door softly -- and thero was the stranger, still kissing my wife, So I went downstairs onco again, At 1:15--" "Just a minutes," interrupted the other man. "Why did you keep gal- loping downstairs? Why didn't you walk right into the room?" .The talkative one frowned. "What?" he cried. "And have my wite catch me coming home at that hour?" Student: . "I'm handling this plane pretty well." Instructor: "Vesk, Just keep © tupt The "customer was dissatisfied with the quality of the milk, "It can't be helped," sald the: milkman, "It's due to the shortage . of grass. Why. the cows are so up- set about it that I've seen them cry- ing because they can't do .them- selves credit." "Well perhaps 80," sald the cus- tomer, wearlly, "but you might try to prevent. them dropping thelr tears Into our bottle." An emigrant was preparing to leave his native land and try his luck abroad. An atquaint- . ance inquired casually: "What are you going to do when you arrive In America?" "Take up land." "How much?" "Only a shovelful at a time." Two plano movers knocked on tho doom A meek-looking fellow with an inferiority complex opened it. "Did you order a plano from the Flatnote Music Bhop?" asked the first plano mover. p The tenant shook his head, "Not a plano," he corrected. "I or- - dered a flute." The plano mover studied a slip of paper, "According to this, " 'he. grumbled, "you ordered a plano." The man with the complex studied the two husky plano movers. "Very well," he sald, nervously, "Move it in, But if your firm makes any more errors like that, I'll have {o deal somewhere else!" wepaper reporter had -tak- +] p @ announcement of a wed ding over the telephone, A few days after It was printed, he re- celved an excited, Indignant call from the bridegroom. "Just what do you mean," the bride: groom growled, "saying the douple will live at the old man's? | distinctly sald we would live at the old mansel" : Building" permits fssued In 202 Bm ot dn Canada during e month of April had » value £0,016,639, inferiority British Coal's Not Available . Says Surplus Will Be Needed Over There J. McG. Stewart of Ottawa, Canadian coal administration, told the Canadian Retail Coal Assoc. iation annual conveniion that.no domestic shortage of coal should be anticipated. The mines of Eastern and Western Canada and those of the United States were capable of vastly increasing their output, It was likely all of 'Bri- tain's extra production would be needed by France since Germany's invasion of Holland, Belgium and Northern France and that Can eda "must ldok less to Britain for our anthracite and more to our Canadian mines and to the United States." Fendt asad looses sda dd ad" What Science; Is Doing ante TE Ee aE SS EERE aad SUGAR LACK AFFECTS BRAIN Lack of sugar and other carbohy- drates in the braln may result in certain abnormal nervous and men- tal reactions, according to a report of two Kansas City doctors. t : T es 2 VITAMIN HELPS EYES New evidence that a vitamin (ri botlavin; part of the vitamin B com- plex) cures certain kinds of eye- strain, burning and itching eyelids and painful sensitiveness to strong light 1s reported. Doctors who made tests sald fit "caused prompt and sometimes a dramatic relief" of such ocular symptoms In persons lacking en- ough of the vitamin in their diet. SPEED CONCEPTION CUT First completo measurement of the speed of rotation of a spiral ne- bula of stars, the same sort of sys- tem which forms the milky way with the earth as one of its little spokes, was announced to Amerl- "ean Assoclation for the Advance- ment of Science. The measurements change one of man's conceptions of the ¢peed of the earth through space, cutting it down from per- haps 100 miles a second to only 20. NEW PROCESS KEEPS LARD John Holmes, president of Bwitt and Company, announced last week the discovery of what he dencribed as a "revolutionary development" in the processing of lard, * The development, the meat pack: . er president sald, involves the ad- dition of small quantities of a vég- . etable substance obtained from tro- pleal trees, making it possible to protect lard's natural advantages and at tho same time keeping it- fresh when exposed to alr without \ refvigeration. FRESH VEGETABLES Did you know that the tempt ing looking "heart" of a you:g, green cabbage is of lower {sod value than the outside leaves? That is one of the items of in formation handed on by the Ilealth League of Canada, in con- nection with the League's cam- paign to raise the standards of health and efficiency in Canada. Moreover, says the Health League of Canada, since some of the . value of cabbage,--vitamins and minerals--are lost in boiling, cabbage salad is more! nutritious than cooked cabbage. It is pointed out, too, that price has little to do with the food value of vegetables. Brussels sprouts may cost three times. as much as the humbler cabbage, but they are not one bit more nu- tritious. Canned vegetables, though they are put up in three grades: fancy, cholcé, and stand- ard, are of equal value whatever the grade. Inexpensive Items And here is a hint as to the cheapest way. of obtaining to- mato juice, without which lunch or dinner is not complete for a great many people: buy the low- est priced grade of canned to- matoes, says. the Health League of Canada, and strain off the Juice. The residue may be com- bined with other foods or used in soups. One other suggestion: don't use soda to prederve the color in cook- ing green vegetables. Not only is it unnecessary if the lid is left off the pot, but it destroys the valuable vitamin _C, says- the Health League. c x "Asphalt Lake" Traps Animals Prehistoric Fossils Ars Found Near Russian City, Preserved In Anclent Tar A prehistoric "asphalt lake," Tich in animal fossils, has been digcov- ered a few miles from the famous Bovlet oll city of Baku, writes a correspondent to 'the London Sun. day Observer. Mapy centuries ago the Jake, little more than 300 square yards in area and gix feet deep, was a mass of sticky asphalt which glis- tened In the sun, PRIMITIVE WILD HORSES In thé early quaternary period, hundreds of sabre-tooth tigérs, pri mitive wild horses, deer, bears, and wolves, also other animals mistook the glistening surface for water, plunged in" to quench thelr thirst and were caught forever In the. sticky morass, The fossil wealth of tie Baku ! "asphalt lake" which is compared by paleontologists to the famous "tar Yo in southern Callfornis, was discovered by a group of young - Boviet 'geology students on an ex- eursfon. fii) GLEARAZMA LH a! to LA Aire Pr i Sa = x ind Heel n Ben Hh fot und 754 HHI and and lowe # Hoo a money. or ATRQTIARED DRUG PRODUCTS 1277 Queen Btreet West, * Toronto, Ontario ASTHMA per AGENTS WANTED TO REPRES- ? or "The Old Reliable Fonthill Nurseries." Exclusive territory In town or country. Liberal terms paid weekly. fits, Stone and Wellington, Tor- onto. Handsome free out- - ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAK. ing money? Start a business of your own 2 home In spare time. Valley Field Sales Company, P.O. Box 592, Toronto. FARM EQUIPMENT AVIATION URGENTLY REQUIRES TRAINED men, capable of maintaining and building. aircraft, Canada's largest Aviation Training School courses- In Flight Training, Alr- craft Mechanics and Aircraft Welding which should assure In- teligent, capable men of future in ndustry which will develop indefinitely; not fade away when the war is over. Look to your fut- ure. Full particulars from Leav- ens 'Brothers, Barker Airport, or Phone Island Angst Toronto, KEnwood 3831 offers BAKERY EQUII'MENT BAKERS" OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment always on hand, Terms arranged. Corres- vondence invited. Hubbard Port. able Oven Co. 103 Bathurst St. Toronto. o SPECIAL BARGAINS WHILE THEY Last -- all equipment recondition. ¥ed and guaranteed. Demonstrating and _Rebullt Melotle Cream Separ- ators; Electric Grinders: Grinders: Hammer Mills: -Letz Roughage Mills: Diesel Engines, all sizes; Gasoline Lvelnes; Electric Light. ing Plants; Tine and Link Har. rows: Washing Machines; Coal and Wood Stoves: Water Pumps .and Pressure Systems; Electric Floor Polishers: Aerated Milk Coolers; Fractional Horsepower Motors: Write me today. 8S. A. Lis- ter, Stewart St, Toronto. oo} "OR SALR 36+50 GEO. WHITE & Sons hresher, equipped with grain blower and belts. Cockshutt tractor plow, 8 furrows No. 84 C fockshutt tractor double disk 8 ft. All are in good condition and must be sold to settle estate. Elmo Sleeman, No. 4, Port Hope, Ontario. BABY CHICKS BRAY CHICKS -- ORDER FOR July.delivery now. (Alen for Au ust and September, want ) limited Spaniiy tated chic! ray 'Da! ally Bulletin of specials ists bargains. Coming markets look good for ralsing all the birds you've room for. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton. FILMS FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH OR- ders over 20c. Roll films develop- 21} and'8 prints 25c. Reprinta 3c. our customers across Canada sri istied for over 10 years. Wi A Starnaman Co., Weber St. EB. Kit: chener, Ont. e quality of our work has kept" FREE! You Can Now Own complete set of beautiful silver. ware -absolutely without cost, manufactured and guaranteed by International Silver Company. You may have thls complete set absolutely frce by sending your films to Imperial. Send an order now and receive complete partie- ulars of this amazing offer. Six or elght exposure films developed and printed 25¢,-or-8-reprints-25c, plus your choice of a free enlarge. ment in easel mount or free silver- ware. To get the best in quality and service send your films to Tmperial Photo Service, Station J, Toronto. PROPERTY 'FOR SALE 3,200 BUYS GOOD GENERAL country store, stock and fixtures. Pching attached, W. J. Dickey . RN. 2,-Burford. Ontario. - SKILLED LABOUR WANTED "FIRST - CLASS PLANER,- BORING Mill, and lathe Hands for general machine shop work. Reply stating age and experience. To locate in arte, Box No. 8, 73 Adelalde TURKEYS TURKEYS -- BRAY DAY-OLD AND started -- Immediate delivery. You can't do better than stock Bray's for later good markets. nay Hatchery, 180 ohn N,, Ham- vs RECEIVE THE WORTH OF' ur money When you buy John- 3585 chi¢ks, They are bred to lay fowl. Prices season: Rocks 8 cents, 90 per cent. pullets 14 cents, cackerels 7 cents. Ieghorns 8 cents, 90 per cent. pul. lets 17 cents, cockeréls 2 cents. All are blood tested. Rocks are Leghorns bred from O.B.S. stock. are the Larrgn strain, guaranteed, 10 per cen der. J. D. i MAA Fergus, one Safe arr arrival or= * HELP WANTED -- FEMALE DOMINION-PROVINCIAL YOUTH "Training offers free domestic ser- vice course to young women be. tween sixteen and thirty years of age. For further information ap- ply in writing to Supervisor, Home Service Training School, Dept. of Labor, Parllament Bulldings, Tor- =Shte. MEN WANTED LOOK AT THESE NEW LOW PRIC- fast- maturs es for High Quality. ing chicks for 7.45, ockerdls $1.50. Barred Rocks, New Hamps $7.95, Pullets $11.95, Cockerels Barred Racks ¥ 6.95, New Hamps $6.45.10 other breeds : and five Hybrid crosses to choose from. Started chicks, Capons, Tur- keys. Four weeks to. twenty week ree cata. old free range pullets, logue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. Jul Leg 90 per cent. - Plnels en "30, BUY QUALITY CHICKS, EASY TO raise, the stand-by of thousands of poultrykeépers year after year, Day ald and started. Two hatches 4 week to take Sore of pr spent, Vigorous, "pedis rms atcher, Elmira, Ontario.' 7 TOP NOTCH NEW 1OW P, JCB for High Quality chic, bloodtested brécders Lae horns Standard Qu Qual ity iu per cent Pul. etn $13.40, "eiciccrard by 45, Barred Rocks, New Hamps, $6.95." Pullets - 10.45, Nooek rels "hari Rocks 6.90, New Ham 'White Rocks, Yyandot or, Hybrids, Bar- red Rock ew Hamps, ew Hamps x Barred Rocka '$7.45, Pul- Jets $11.45, Cockerels $7.90. Large Be nn add She cent, Bigger uality cents, r Top Notch Chickerles, rio. etective | MUSICAL REQUIREMENTS LET US LOOK AFTER YOUR MUS- jcal. requirements. Musle, Instru- ments, nc2essorles, Broadway Mu- sic, 2375 Yonge St., Toronto. PERSONAL QUIT TORA(M'U. SNUFF. EASILY. inexpensively. Home remedy. Testimonials Quaranleed Advice trea Narllett's Rox 1. Winnipeg. FERTILIZER PURE, UNLEACHED HARDWOOD Ashes Jor Eertinzos. One Thous- CULAR. Geo. FAMILEX QUALITY PRODUCTS ecoming better known every day -- we need more salesmen to In- sure the best possible service to satisfied customers. oy active ery on lan. esgful pla && Rae, EA a Tosorn yin Sut Bye- t. Clement | bn Son SALESMEN WANTED LAST OF THE SEASON PRICES for Baden 4 High Quality * Govt. Approve, Fo oadicsted chicks, nl fective Jul andard Qual. ity W per Co kerels Rocks, Now: mp: lets $12.80 Goo - BR pahires: $6.50, 8, White With ties, 1 [ ight Bpasex had fib ie ¥8, cave more ant longer, Jay aster. kava: 8h hi AH ony 'e war gue prices, affect' BRE ot aa CBXTERMINATOIL © Se, ee + RE, $ LER ¥ cock: erminate: a ho Chen. CHeketn, Henn Ice, and RL 'atons, Bimpson's, Tamblyns: 207° A Fi calers or Derpo: 'Products, To- MAKE $56.00 A DAY! BELLING EX. lustre lineg of Liggstie D Dresses en's Weal ar MH mmiss sions 8 DAL, ARG Les satis led rit Jule he 'customers, bf RL Al QUICK ACTION HOMH COURSE PA RV PAG 0 - alc strimepts extnagied. fred. Peato iical Co. ansfield, Montre cor i Dram. ntreal. FURNITURE YOR me ronan FARGAINA bed, Fir Th tet il na | sent 1) big Guaranteed CAR AND. TRUCK PARTS Used -- New SURUIALIZING 1 RERLLLT MO n POWER-UNITS, . Ilydraulle gnetos, nre Vy id. ot ges Ri Levy FoR Antlata "Dept. 7 Toronto. A CIRC Blevens elerborough, =z arlo. ' SALESMEN WAN es : bring rE Sib EE by themselves, 3 1a" ept. PR ie B Hs al ? H LI) Inches, Se erators, LYONS' SUMMER SALE RECONDITIONED FURNITURE The largest assortment of high- class reconditioned furniture In the clty. Every article guaranteed thor- oughly clean and sold with a posl. tlve money-back guarantee of satig- faction $19.50 "3. piece Che, eptertiald Suite, In flsured jacquard, reversible Maor- il spring cushions. $7.95 Single Chester flelds in repps, and mena covers, ideal for sum- mer cotta $22.50 SATE: he piece repp Chester. _ field sulte. Reversible Marshall "spring cushions. $27.00 Large brown mohair Chester- field Suite, 3 pleces. Figured "re. versible Marshall cushlon: $35.00 Modern -3-plece Chester eld Suite In rust repp. Figured rever. sible Marshall cushions. } Beautiful large 8- plece Ches- terfield Suite, upholstered in green fohaip, Marshall spring cushions. $17.80 8 Soil oak dining room suite, nig mal tched. * Buffet, fable and © . $24.00 Fumed oak dining suite, buf- fet," extension fable and 6 legther upholstered chair: $39.00 Solid oak. dining sulte, 9 plec- es, buffet, extension table, china cabinet, and 6 leather up! olstered chairs, . $59.00 Modern $-plece oak dining suite, buffet, extension table, china cabinet and 6 leather uphol. stered. chairs. $69.00 Large dining suite In rich 2- tone walnut finish, buffet, exten. slon table, china cabinet' and 6 leather upholstered chalre, $89.00 Beautiful solid hia dining sulte (cos hd pproxi atey $225.) large foul et, extension abl HA china cabinet and 6 leather uphol- stered chairs. 9.00 Latkes soll mafhut Qipina uit, 9 pl #, chalr Packa upholstered in genuine fad Ph 00. 'Large dresser in walnut W - bi h, Simmons steel bed om HY complete with a song id ma 1 $85.00 Complet 00 Bulte ae walnut on dresser, hie onler, full tide bed, sagless spring 730 Taw ee HH sulte in two." ton ate AAA mirror Waany, iE bl 20. Dai. , gagleas $59.00 tor, uty prom sujte blsscned wah fale water: re \ {hy fel Hi und ven ui tit agi, does argent $1 gt pohEtets Jieakiast nite b buffet ebgn ible, Sree i) nit dlo Coen makes Into twin beds. 3 spring mattress, 3 back eu. ha Rimnans, tan yg to spri 2 An dio oat trees | . i uy Jonfidence non Tohbnek" sparanise of of iaiisfaes LYONS FURNITURE CO. 478 Yonge St. -- Toronto ISSUE 27--'40 Falnut --_ RAY RNG a LE "ehftonjer wu

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