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Port Perry Star (1907-), 11 Jul 1940, p. 2

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~Te i Foe Indians Preserve Home Industries Keep Native Arts and Crafts on Reserves of Dominion = 8kill In Woven Beadwork One of the most interesting Booths at the drts and Crafts Fair at St. Helen's "Island, Quebec, is that occupied by a group of Ques bec Indians selected by the Depart- ment on Indian Affaire at Ottawa a8 demonstrators of Home Indus- tries carried out on their reserves. John Leclerc of Caughnawaga -- 7" %mown as "John the:Chair-maker" «-- {8 a great attraction, and demon- trates his skill not only in making e chair itself but in weaving raw- hide "snowshoe" seats. Beside him is Mary Lazarre, a basket-maker of St. Regls, near Cornwall, A young girl pupil of one of the Do- minion Government Day Schools at Caughnawaga demonstrates the art of woven beadwork and another weaves skillfully on a larger Que- bec Loom. BASKET-WEAVING Weaving of every type comes easlly to these Indians, as the prin- elple of basket-weaving is not far vemoved from loom-weaving. Several Indians .in native cost- ame act as salesmen in marketing the basketry, bark-work, weaving, wooden souvenirs and 'other novel tiles made by the various groups of workers remaining on the reserves, Wood Is Useful As War Material Essential In Manufacture of War Equipment -- Yields Im- portant Chemicals The value of wood as a war mat- érial-is attested by its inclusion in certain lists of war contraband, ac-. cording to the Forest Products Lab- oratories, Department of Mines and Resources, Ottawa. Timber Is essential for boxes for' ammunition and supplies, for the building of acrodromes, aircraft, dug-outs, shelters and pontoon bridges, and to provide tles for railway tracks. Wood is used in the manufacture of war equipment, as for example In the stocks of rifles and light machine guns. Cartridge wrappers consist "of paper made from wood pulp. Large quantities of fibreboard and corrugated board are used in packaging. Purified wood pulp yields cellulose nitrate or gun-cotton used as an explosive for demolitions and as the chief in- gredient of smokeless powders, photographic films, collodion and celluloid plastics. Dynamite, of which wood flour forms an apprec- fable part, is employed in construc- tion outside of war zones. Specially' prepared wood charcoal is the chief working substance In gas masks. Acetone, obtained from acetate of lime produced in the distillation of wood, performs the function of a solvent or dlluent In some explos- ives. CANADA HAS PLENTY Wood Is an important auxiliary war material. Rayon and staple ~ fibro from wood pulp can be miore extensively used in place of cot- ton. Producer gas from wood and charcoal may be used for develop: ing power for automobiles and for trucks, and so release quantities of gasoline for military purposes. | Ethyl alcohol can be produced from wood waste and from the waste li- quor of gulphite pulping. ----Thus~ the vast timber resources--|- of Canada, which are so important. fn peace time trade, play an equal- ly important role In war, More White Beans Are Being Grown. Southwestern Ontarlo Crop in Excess of 71,000 Acrés White beans acreage In South- western Ontarlo is estimated to be "fn oxcess of T1 ,000 acres this year, ~"according to Norman D. Mackenzie, $nspector of the plants products di- vision of the Dominion department of agriculture. Estimated acreage "of beans in 1939 was 56,000 acree. It may be that final estimate will go to 72,000 acres. : WHERE NOT USUALLY GROWN, Much of the Increase has come ° $n areas where beans are not nor- mally grown. Satisfactory prices obtained: for most of last season's crop and a. feeling that war conditions will also éreato additional markets for the product are sald to be thé two main factors in unusual upward trend In plantings, : A Blisters On | On Paint Bi Due To Moisture Moisture is the direct cause of blisters on painted walls and ft ls ukeless to try to remove the Rlemish by applying more paint, ~ Moisture is entering the wa land "the painted surface is being soak- ed from the back, The only way : L Dyer this is to locate any a and close them, All locse nt around a blister should be moyed before repainting, This rato epl, showing United States Curtis dive bombers being wheeled' down a road upon landing at an airport on the Atlantic coast of Canada, after, being flown directly from across the border, was taken just before France signed the armistice, - With France as' their original destination, machines such as these will Plebubly be taken over by Great Britain, Modern -Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE Q. What might be called the out- standing fault of a poor conversa- tlonalist? A, Inattentioh to what the other' person is saying. A poor conversa. tlonalist is usually so absorbed in what he is anxious to say, that he pays littlo attention to what his companion is talking about. Q. What should a hostess say -|- when a dinner guest tells her how mich he enjoyed the evening? A. "I am very happy that yon could comre, and I hope we shall gee you again soon," Q. What isthe -proper-time be- fore a wedding to send a gift? A. Ten days to two weeks. Q. When a woman has made a day's trip in a Pullman, and the * porter has been very attentive, just what would be a suitable tip? A. Twenty-five to fifty cents, Q. If a young man is taking a girl out to dinner, should he ask "her where she would like to eat? A. This Is not necessary. It 1s the man's priviledge to decide before- hand whero he is doing. Q. What should a man w gar at a very formal luncheon? A. Conventional day dress, His Death A Mystery Air Marshal Italo Balbo, once one of Benito Mussolini's closest friends and current governor of Libya, was killed in an air battle over Tobruk, Libya, it was an- nounced in Rome. Bilbo led a mass airplane flight from Italy to America in 1984. The manner of his death was seriously ques, tioned in other European capitals. Alaska Gains Airline Link Afr-minded Alaska, where planes long have been in use as ambulanc- es and emergency carriers; was the _ last of viele Sam's farflung terrl- tories to forge an airline link with the States. | : Pan-American Alrways' TAlaoki "Clipper" leaving Seattle at 10 a.m, reaches Ketchikan five hours later, pauses for halt an hour, then con. tinues to Juneau, where it fa due at 6:10 p.m,, with the cargo of reg: ular alrmall and passengers. . Another chapter fn the north Jand's Colorful 18-year aviation hls- tory Is now being written, Carl Elelsen flew the first ship in the territory in 1924, dog teams constituted the speediest means of transportation to many isolated 4 points, - al until it is When . Foster Parénts' | Responsibility Canadians offering tho hospital ity of their homes to réfugee chil dren from the British Isles must do 60 "with their eyes open and a full realization of the heavy res- ponsibilities implied," Miss Char- lotte Whitton, secretary of-the Ca- nadian.. Welfare Council, warned last week. ' "The Canadian people will there fore realize that it will not be de- sirable to place these little visitors within our gates in any home that 1s "ftselt receiving relief or other forms of soclal aid, or where the child's 'help' in house or farm work is sought for its money value," she said. 2 "Homes where thero are aged persons only: or single unit homes with unmarried heads, cannot be thought of as ordinarlly offering the background and experience lo give tho child the understanding and companionship that he or she will need. Lonely children especial- 1y must not be left to themselves," WO CLIN EIN CTP IIRALAS SSO [ 1 at Science] Is Doing Lam Sel SEE 2 EI SIR RR Ie EFFECT OF WEATHER The weather has a profound ef- fect on man's mind. ) Evidence that the condition of the insane changes markedly with meteorological changes was pre- sented last month before the Ameér- "fcan Medical Association. The phenomenon js due, jt_ "Was 'concluded, to difference in oxygen' tension In the tissues, which in turn is affected by the kind of air breathed. ARTIFICIAL EAR WORKS Invention of an artificial gar, like - a bird's, for humans is described as successful. When a patient is be ing titted, the artiticial ear is plac- ed-well-into-the bony external can: inside the - reglon where it might be disturbed by mo- tions of the jaw. The patlent experiences greatly Increased acuity of hearing and us- ually his voice quality changes im- mediately. FIND NEW VITAMIN Discovery of a new vitamin, pro- visionally termed vitamin M and found in liver, was disclosed last week, The vitamin protects against nu- tritional cytopenia, a reduction of hemoglobin and the red and white blood cells, its discoverer sald, and may be of value in combatting ba- clllary dysentery. HEART, A POWERHOUSE A discovery that the heart is a powerhouse of negative electricity was announced recently to the Am. erican Asgoclation for the Advance ment of Science. The discovery was Interpreted by its authors as a new explanation of the workings of metabolism, whiche is the energy production of lving tissues, NEW CHEMICAL AMONG STARS Discovery of a new "heavenly hy. dro-carbon" by Mt. Wilson-and Ca. nadian observers was last week de: scribed as important by two Har-. vard astronomers who sald the finding showed the firat combina- tion of elements in Interstellar space and also revealed the pres. ence of previously-undetected car bon in that area' of the heavens, 'The' discovery of this® molecule = {i might bp termed a Tina 'hydrocarbon' -- fs im: portant in ita contribution to our Raq wledgo of the make-up of the universe, because hitherto, only un: combined elements had been de: | tec in the space between the sta - ee Le aaa asa ssl a bead [EERE SE 2 CAUSE QF ULCERS Underfeeding causes stomach ulcers, and good food, plus vit- amins and especially vitamin C, cures the ulcers quickly. PUBLIC ENEMIES Avoidable accidents and illness- es are casualties which should le regarded as forms of fifth-coluan activity and our national health discipline must be stiffened against them, in the opinion of Dr. I. P. S. Cathcart, chief neuro- psychiatrist of the Department of Pensions and National Health, "Ottawa who has given much study to maintenance of wartime health. Dr. Cathcart also advocates a campaign against causes of in- digestion 'as a wartime contribu- . tion to national fitness, "An indigestible mother-in- Taw at table causes more digestive trouble than badly - cooked meal," he declares, and he brands as a mistake" the fast tempo at meal times news flashes, eating "on call". and all forms of unnecessary chatter and clatter of dishes. "Campaign vs. Indigestion The noted psychiatrist has bracketted preventable sickness, avoidable accidents and peptic ulcers as public enemies requiring special wartime health weasures, He declares that stock niust be taken of our way of living if Nazidom is to be defealed, and points to the fact that every un- _.mecessary accident, illnzss and up- set taking up hospital space and medical services, is an a'tack be- hind the lines of defence. Sa aaas so 2 BIRD aX TR S SSY [ion Can I? BY-ANNE ASHLEY Eo How can I make a useful glue that will stick paper or cloth to metal, wood or glass? A, Dissolve one: tablespoon of ordinary cooking gelatine in. from 2 to 2% tablespoons of bolllng wa. ter; boil a few seconds and add a little sugar whila'it Is still hot. Q. How can T prevent olive ofl « from becoming rancid? A. Aud two miedfum-sized lumps of sugar to each quart of olive ofl as soon as It {s.opened to keep it. from becoming rancid. Q. How can I prevent by blister on the heél when shoes slip? A. Rub paraffin Tot goap on thé stocking. Within a short time the slipping will stop. 'Q. How can 1 clean brass fix. lures? : A, Sponge the fixtures with hot vinegar and salt, rinse with soap: suds, and polish with flannel or chamois | molstened with a few drops of paraff{n or sewing mach. ine oll. Fly specks may be remoy- ed by sponging with alcohol, Q. How can I prevent-jar tops from sticking? A. Rib melted wax on the inside screw cover, When ready to open, -pour hot water dyer the top of the Jar to melt the wax. t . SA 1 FES SH Bnd Lo Xi Pe FEAT _. HAVE - YOU HEARD? A-man who had met' a friend in the street, was boring him with a long-winded account of his dog's virtues, Suddenly a cat stalked majestically across the road. "Chase him!' cried the man to his dog. The dog yawned, looked on with a bored expression and did not attempt to move, Red of face, the owner con- tinued to urge him to chase the cat, but without any success, Fin- ally, in desperation, he turned to his friend and said: "There, what would you make of a dog like that?" "Sausages," murmured the oth- er gravely. -- Hubby: "What are you doing with my Encyclopedia Britannica?" Wife: "I'm something." Hubby: "Can't you use a ladder or a chair?" Two workers settled down to eat their dinner, One began un. wrapping a large parcel at which the other stared in surprise.- "Wot's that?" he asked. « "Well, it's like this, My missis is awa, wh 801 thought as I'd make' myself a pie." "Bit long, ain't it?" "Oh, I dunno, it's rhubarb," --_---- When a woman says: "And that isn't all!" you know she's just starting. ---- Rawlinson felt that the warn ing was no longer to be unhéed- ed. Many times he had felt that concealed somewhere in his flat was a quantity of valuable sliver. "You are right, John," said Mrs. Rawlinson; "we must hunt for it." "That night they spent a con- siderable time in knocking the walls to find a hollow place. At Jast they hit upon 'it, and after some artistic manipulation of a chisel and a coke-hammer Rawlin- looking for THAT'S EASY -BIC BEN! ------ lhe PERFECT ( Ahewin o lobacco son succeeded in dislodging sev- * eral bricks, There, hidden on the other side, lay the realization of his dreams. Valuable silver plate --only waiting for them to take. it. They gloated over their find, But just as-they were consider- ing how they should spend the money it would realize, there came a furious ring, and thele ~next-door neighbor bounced "im "What do you mean by break- ing into my dining-room cup board?" he gasped. --0-- A little girl, a refuges in-England. from Belgium, had listened in vain for: a familiar "voice. Suddenly she heard a dog bark. With: de- light she "exclaimed (in French): "Oh, niamma! the dogs talk just like they do in Bel gium!" % Probably the only island whose inhabitants, normally about 700, now consist solely of women and children is Molene, off the coast of Brittany. Every 'one of its men was called for service in the: French army, . In o i "ER Glia 'Neéw Air Lifes To South Pacific Were Opened This Month, to Argentina and Australia Pan-American Airways Have started trans.oceanic .service over. . 8,000 miles of the South Paclfic to Australia at the same time inaug-. urating a dally plane schedule to Argentina, Now schedules provide a four and a halt day service between San Francisco and Los Angeles and Auckland, New Zealand, with stops. at Honolulu, Canton Island and | Noumea. The Argentine time ser- vice started on July 1st, that to New Zealand, carrying only mall at first, July 12th." sto; PRED 0p Hone? Hck Sete Bena in aud aid sap pele roe ey D. 3 PRESCRIPTION. 10M. ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... AGENTS WANTE produced by radio - AGENTS WANTED TO REPRES- ent "The Old ¢llable Fonthill Nurseries." Exclusive; territory in town or country. .Liberal terms pald weekly. Handsome free out- fits, Stone and Wellington, Tor- onto. - Barn Roofing--Granary Lining | SUPERTITE STEEL SHEETS COST less, cover more, last longer, lay faster, save sheathing. Buy now before war advances prices, direct from factory. Superior Products Limited, 15 Nelson Street, Sarnia, Ontarlo. BAKERY EQUIPMENT BAKERS OVENS AND A MACHIN.. ery, also rébullt equipment always Terms arranged. Cotres- |. Oven Co. 103 Bathurst St, __ Toronto. BARBY CHICKS IT 18 HARD TQ BEAT THIS COM. bination -- High Quality Chicks at low pricés, all Government Ap- proved from bloodtested breed Brteotive July 15th, Stand d Quality. White -Leghorn- k $6.95, 90 per cent. Bullets Cockerels $1.45, Darrel ¥ New Hamps $7.45, Pul Barred Rock' Eodkerern i XT Hamp Cockerels ,.. $6.5 Rocks, Hybrids, Harreg 'Rocks x New Hamps, New Hanips x Bar- red Rocks, Light Prussex x New: Hamps, White horns x Barred Rocks $7.95, Sulla $11.35, Cock- erels $7.75. Big Egg Quality hatch- ed from 25 to 30 ounce eggs. add one cent. Day-old turkeys 31 cents. Free catalogue, Baden Electric Ontarlo. TWEDDLE HIGH QUALITY GOV- ernment Approved Chicks at rock bottom prices, elfentive July '1st. Leghorns $7.45, per sent. Pul- lets $14.90, hank $1.50, Barred _Rocks, New Hamps_$7.95, Pullets $11.95, Cockerels, Barred Rocks $6.95, New Hamps $6.45. Ten oth- er breeds and five Hybrld crosses to choose from, Started chicks, ca- pons, Turkeys. Four weeks . ta twenty week old free range pul. lets. Free catalogue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited; Fergus, Ontario. Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, -- EXTERMINATONI "DERPO"" BUG KILLER -- 85¢, EX- terminates bedbugs, moths, cack. -fonches, crickets, fleas, lice, and At Eatons, Simpson's, Tamblyns, '1o- 28] dealers or Derpo Froduets, To- 0. " BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY ARE YOU INTERESTED IN MAK- ine; Holey? Start 2 Business, of home n. spare me. Yates era Sales P.O. Box 592i Toronto: + Te HEE in 50c Lo TOILET CASE wo colour, _ Reraniiek] 156 Yonge, Toronto. DOGS "WANTED PUPS: LITTERS, SINGLES, ST. "Bernard, Newfoundland, (Hungarian Shepherd), ian, Doberman pone her, Pyrenees, Schip e. Reasonably Tie d. Write Tail information. 4 R. Lotte ey, in Lregeent St. Nort ampto: ass. NOVELTIES "75 "HAPPY" BALLOONS 25' CENTS. Hundred 75c. Fourteén y' Spiral Balloons 25c. Hundred for $1.50. Assorted colours. Postpald, Bazaars, Deoorafions; Advertising. Conventions, Picnics. Fartier. Agents Wanted. RETALLACK, 166 Yonge. Toronto, ; QU; LITY BEST STRAINS OBTAIN- le, Barred Rocks and White Leghorns, Pullets _and Yearlings, Niagara Poultry Farm, Niagara- on-the. e. _ YOU RECEIVE THE WORTH OF your: money when you buy John.: son's chicks. They are bred to lay d are good table fowl. Prices for June and to the énd of the 8 cents, 90 per cent.' ullets 14 cents, Gockerels 7 cents. Laghorns 8 cents, 90 per cent. pul. A ock. Leghorn are the Barron strain, Safe Errival uarantsed.; 10 per. cent. with or- er, J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. BRAY SUMMER CHICKS AVAIL. able, They look lke mone ritish marke Cunadian food supe) you'll need" ands ord! some breed Shipment, Bra Hatchery. 110 John N,, Hamilton. BUY QUALITY C HICKS] BAST TO ' raise, the stan thousands of A year after old and started. Two ha hes nth Vigoro Yous. of biol ding stock. Sefllng Arm a Hatchery, _ Elmira, Stacia, ¥ BAD OF Tie EASON SALE, Notch igh Quallt. careful ly banded BA 1 tied 8 i nie rofit 1) on 7 op ch fek- fes, Guelph, Ontarlo." --_-- FILMS x FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH O ders over 20¢. Rol] films FL ed and 8 prints 25c. R The quality of our work dur 3 for ove alos Canada Nil e for over ears. an Co. Webern Br Vict: t. HELP WANTED -- EN 2 Doon TROLS YOUTH Training offers [3 SRG 86r- vice course to Iu hE n be sheen sixteen a Shs rt {cars of 5 er information a pi In waite to 8h pervisor. Troms Hy dings, Hof: Labor tinue Fh dod Pies 4 Tr YT nt Guaranteed. 5% 1 ' rant 08; Adu ice SALESHMEN WANTED MAKE 48.00 A DAY! SELLING EX- clusiye Jines, A ngerle, 'Dres and Men's Wi + hen 1g Tianes CAR AND TRUCK PARTS | Used --New = = * | i Cor . Mane ton Satisfaction or Heres vy Aw ute Parts, Dept. J. Toronto, FERTILIZER ~ 8) Sia i PURE, UNLEACHED HARDWOOD Ashes' for Fertilizer, One Thous- and ton. FREE - CIRCULAR. Geo. ; Btevens, -Péterborough, Ontario. . SPANIEL ryPrs CQCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES. PURE Bred. Golden, red, white and gold. Ten Dollars. Marguerite McGrat- tan, Eranktown, Ont QUICK ACTION HOME COURSE FREE WITH EVERY STRING IN- strument, Send for big No, 39 cat- alog. Instrumen(s exchanged. re. paired. Peate Musical Co. 1431 Rlansticla, Montreal, FURNITURE FOR SALE -- FURNITURE BARGAINS -- -FREE catalogue of néw and used furni- ture bargains sent on feduest. All g00ds sold on money-back guar. antes. Wholegale Furniture, Dept. 466 _Rathurst St., Tordnto. . MEN AND WOMEN WANTED EXCELLENT DIRECT , SELLING opportunity -- exclusive territory righta- for Illve-wire ambitious men and women, selling a line of guaranteed quality products. fend for our Plan and catalogue TO. DAY. Famllex Products Company; 570 _St. Clement St, MONTREAL TURKEYS TURKEYS SHOULD SHOW PROF- its this season. Bray's day-old, started, atfractively priced. = Ure your 'empty brooder-house * to rajse poults for Thanksgiving and Christmas trade. Bray, 130 "John N., Hamilton, = PHOTO. FINISHING : FREE! You: Cat' Néw Own' bea silver. 3 es LA RL (BUMMER SALE, ! LYONS" OND 1 fi Fionn JECa Hits ONDITHO 10-plece liv hd Piece, (Cha artiela: fit nade, end table, and shade silic ce lai a1 table n MR Tcom et, LP bine and six butter dr iupaa Tear 10508 aie, J rim and new High estertfie 4; bed! [kulte, pes, Ta uphol stered | : Hs : ft ,, figure, reversible. Mur oh A sp wi San lons, complete with 17.60. io HEE SHE Stach phoning 1 it fi isd ha fires. relly a m ely recondition Liki od ab alu tely y clean, Lan gold" wit of pA 8 tnetion. LYONS FURNI

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