LE Ru re oe a a a SH The Junior War Workers will meet] at the Work Room on Tuesday Even- ing, July 16th, 1940. 4 Mr. Gordon Howard, of Toronto, spent "the week-end with his mother, Mrs. E: & Howard. Mr. A. W. Anderson, of East Grand Forks, Minn, and Mr. David Anderson of Ashburn, were recent yisitors of their nephew, G. D. Bentley. This is the first time the brothers have met "in forty-seven years. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stewart and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Terry and family of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Maynard and daughter, Lillie, of Toronto, were Sun- day guests of Mr. R. Maynard. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cameron of London, Ont., were week-end visitors in town. Quartermaster Sergeant Ross Hood of the 48th Regiment of Toronto was in town with his father op Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordo@#Rcesor and son Alan of Markham are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Reesor, - . Mrs» and Mrs. Hardy Purdy of Larder Lake, are guests of the form- _er's mother Mrs. E. H. Purdy, and Mr. and Mrs, I. R. Bentley. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Lucas, Mrs. W. Lucas and son, of 'Dunbarton, were Sunday visitors at the Lake. Mi. and Mrs. T. J. Evans, of Raglan were Sunday visitors at the Lake. Miss Pearl Evang, of Toronto, was a week end guest of Mrs. L. G. Hall. - Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boe and family, of Larder Lake, were week- end guests of the former's mother, Mrs. D. Boe. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Beare, of Han- over, and Miss Mcgan Beare, Clare-|. mont, were week end guests in town. Messrs. Thomas and Albert Corrin, of Oshawa, were guests in town for Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills of Ennis- killen, were week-end visitors in town, Mr. and Mrs. VanNest, of Copper CIiff, are guests of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R, B. Smallman. Mrs. Lottie Ashton, of Epsom, was in town during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Short of Cal- gary, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Short. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ralston, Miss A. Ralston, Mrs. J. Laffage; all of To- ronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Esch. Mr. and Mrs. Grant McMillan, of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. S.- McMillan. 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wakeford, Mr. Ross Wakeford, Toronto, were week end guests of friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dunn and fam- ily, are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Owen and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Owen. Mr. Ted Binde of Toronto, was a recent guest in town. Miss I. Hiscox, of Montreal, has been visiting her sister Mrs. Cephas Sleep, at Seagrave, and other relatives in Port Perry. + _ Mrs. Annand, of Paris, widow of the late Rev. Mr. Annand, a former Pres- byterian minitser here, is visiting with Mrs, Weir, at the Sebert House. . Mrs. E. A. Walker and Miss May 'Walker, have gone to Brampton to spend a few holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. Mrs. G.-geRese and Mrs, McBride leave this "week holiday at Stoney Creek. Mr. and Mrs, S. Jeffrey motored to St. Catharines on Wednesdpy. ~~ Mr. C. C. Jeffrey is now on a busi- ness trip in the vicinity of Colling- wood. . . Miss Margaret Pringle of Markham was a week-end guest of Miss Dora Reesor. . Mr. and Mrs, C. C. Jeffrey and son Robert, Mr, and Mrs, F, Slemmon and daughter Dawn, and Miss Edna Gauld visited Mr. and Mrs, C. D. Lyon -of Kingston over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs.M. Starr and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Johnston of Peterboro, were Sunday guests of Mr, and Mrs. T, Palmer, Mrs. Frank Starr and family of : Peterboro are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Palmer. Mrs. G. Kennedy of Uxbridge, and Miss Marjory Claughton of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Allin on Tuesday. ~ Miss Vivian Wallace, Toronto, is liday at her home here. Mrs. 8. A. Wallace has returned to her home after a month in Windsor. Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST : CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector: Rev. J, C. Clough Sundsy, July 14th _ 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.-~Morning Prayer and sermon, Sunday, July 21st 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School, 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and sermon, The Church is open daily, for all who wish to use it for prayer and medita- tion. Set aside cach. day a few minutes for quiet with God. -- 8T JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robt. Simpson, Minister. Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship Service at 11 a.m. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. J. I. Smyth, Minister. 10 a.m,--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Rev. Geo. Webber, Toronto will be the speaker. 7.30 p.m.--Even service joined with Community Service at Lake, Rev. A. D. Cornett, M.A, B.D, of Oshawa, will speak. COMMUNITY SERVICE AT LAKE FRONT 7.30 p.m. Daylight Saving Time Sunday, July 14th-- Rev. A. D, Cornett, M.A, Oshawa. of Oshawa. Rev. Robt. Simp- son will. be present and the ~music-will -be-in-charge-of St. John's Presbyterian Church,--* Sunday, July 21st-- Rev. Col. Sidney Lambert, Chaplain of Christie St. Hospital, will be the speaker. The first Lakeside Service was much enjoyed. Rev. Mr. Smyth gave a timely address, and Mr. Wagstaff's solos were thoroughly appreciated. B.D. of I. 0. D. E. Will the members of Scugog Chap- ter meet at the rooms of the Order on Friday afternoon, July 12th, at 4.30 o'clock, GREENBANK Mr. Lloyd Lee had the misfortune of having his arm broken one night last week while playing ball. Mr. Everett Watson had a cow kill- ed on Monday during the storm. "Mrs. W. Phoenix was in Barrie on Friday visiting her friend Mrs. A. Thornley. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Proenix recently. Misses Ruby and Alma Lee went to Toronto on Monday morning to attend Normal School. Mrs. Eric Collipgwood and daughter of Sudbury, visited Mr. and Mrs, C. Whitter last week, Mr. C. Blakely, Saintfield, bas pur- chased the late Peter Leask property. Mrs. (Dr.) Petras has returned to her home in South Bend, Ind., her sister Marjorie Leask went with her where she intends making her home, The many friends of Miss Marjorie regret losing her from our village and community, but hope the very best for her in her new home, A dreadful shock came to our vil- lage last Friday afternoon, when it was learned Mrs. John Howsam had passed away as the result of an auto accident "in Saskatchewan, . Mr. and Mrs. Howsam has gone; to, Saskatche- wan for the summer to viist their son and Mr. Howsam's brother and had only been there a little over a month. The deceased was greatly respected in our village and community, and our sympathy is extended to Mr, Howsam and family in their sad bereavement, The funeral took place:from the home of her son Milton on Monday after- noon, Interment at Bethel Cometery, * FISHING I8 STILL GOOD Richard Reid, a florist in Oshaws, and Bill Reid, of Toronto, were out fishing for two hours on Tuesday and landed three Muskies, weighing 12% Ibs, 6% Ibs. and 6% Ibs, respective- ly; two bass 4% and 3% pounds. Their guide was O. Hamilton, of Port Perry. Dr. Langmaid of Oshawa, and Ira Aldred, of Toronto, caught an eigh- teen pound and a eight and a half pound: lunge respectively. They were only out twenty minutes when they | caught the larger fish. Ted Kight was thelr guide, NM supplied where necessary, at|® 1%) [(%) AY ! () vi) [4 THEATRE OSHAWA Air Conditioned 1 Phone 1011 FREE Parking Friday, Saturday, July 12.18 "Typhoon" . starring Dorothy Lamour, Robt. . Preston, Lynne Overman, and J. Carrol Nash, REVIVAL, Friday, at 11 p.m. Wife, Husband, Friend starring Loretta Young, and 9 Warner Baxter - come associated with " Perry office Monday, EAASA SARA AAR ASSAAAAS AAR race, Lorna Trewin and Smith Fergu- son, girls' shoe kicking, Mrs. Routery, Lorna Trewin; minute race, Clarke, Mrs. G. Trewin; Peanut on knife, Mrs. Robertson, Olive Beacock; paper bag race, Billy Ferguson, B. Stephenson, corn flake race, Bruce: Stephenson, Mrs. Routery. 'The children enjoyed a peanut scramble, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, |; JULY 15-17 ! Ginger Rogers, Joel McCrea, in I Primrose Path |, with Marjorie' Rambeau, Henry Travers and Miles, Mander, Thurs; Friday, Saturday, | JULY 18-19-20 Alice Faye, Don' Ameche, and - Henry Fonda, in Lillian Russell ith Edward Arnold, Warren *y§ William and Leo Carrillo, | - One of the Greatest Pictures of all time. ! BLACKSTOCK | Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Shaw and Leanor have moved to their new home! in Brooklin, Mr, Shaw bought the! Superior Store in Blackstock from Mr. Albert Wright and for two years car- ried on a prosperous business but il health made him deem it expedient of retire for a time at least. We are very -sorry to lose them from our; Church and community life. -Rt. Rev. A, L. Fleming was the special speaker at the "Anniversary, Service in St, John's Anglican Chinjetr} on Sunday Morning, June 30th, to Dr. C. E. Whittaker and Rev. C. C.i Harcourt, two former Rectors of St.! John's Church. Miss Laura Morton! of Bethany favoured with a beautiful solo. On Monday, July ist, a straw- berry festiva}i- was held--under- -the' auspices of the A.Y.P.A. A splendid variety program consisting of read-;¢ ings, instrumental solos, choruses and quartettes and a one act play "Root- !§ ing for Ruth" was put.on by Junior Choir of Bethesda. The proceeds amounted to over $70. Misses Wilma and Jessie VanCamp ' are holidaying atthe home of their" grandmother, Mrs. M. Smith. 5 The monthly meeting of the W.A. § 'of the United Church as held at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Strong! : with a fine attendance of forty-two. '§$ The 'devotional was taken by Mrs. A. § VanCamp. During the business period § the Sunshine Bags were given out for the month of July. the members to buy blankets for the soldiers and an order was to be sent to Toronto for material to piece several % The program comprised the § "My 3 quilts. following numbers: a reading, First Funeral" by Mrs. N. Mountjoy; a reading, "How Grandpas Proposed" '$ NG by Mrs. Harold Swain; a reading, "Wives" by Mrs, Gordon Strong. Miss Lee conducted a contest "auto parts", 3 The meeting closed with the serving of lunch and a vote of thanks to the § hostess. ; Beacock Picnie Ideal weather greeted the Beacock 3 clan who gathered at Hampton Park, on Saturday, July 6th for their 16th annual picnic. was spent in renewing acquaintances, meeting friends and a general visit. 3 A program of sports was enjoyed with | ¥ Kiddies | 2 the following prize winners: under '6, Gary Ferguson; girls 65.7, Nora Venning, Doris Brown; boys 5-7, I Freddy Routery, Billy Ferguson; girls 7-10, Moria Forguson, Joyce Venning; | boys, 7-10, Bruce Stephenson, Howard [$$ Trewin; girls, 10.13, Jean Stephenson, | ¥ Betty Beacock; boys, 10-13, Lorne|% Loney, Bruce Stephenson; ladies, 75 ]3 | ORANGES =» doz. 23¢ yards, with heels on shoes, Gen. Bea- cock, Mrs. Routéry; 76 yard dash, wearing running shoes, Jean Knapp, Muriel Beatty; gentlemen, 100 yards, Smith Ferguson, Ronald Trewin; coat | elected: | ard, In!§ speaking of the missionary work done i ¢ in the Arctic he paid glowing tribute | #§ 2 It was voted by 4 After all had satisfied & the cravings of the inner men, an hour { § 1 Wiarton; oldest gentleman present, Mr. John Warren, Bobcaygeon, the youngest child present, Gary Fergu- son, Cadmus; the largest family pre- sent, Roy Ferguson, Blackstock; the "one coming the longest distance, Mrs. Will Beacock, Seattle. "After a beautiful supper was par- "taken of the following officers were President--Mr, A, W, Pick- Bowmanvile; Secretary--Mrs. C. Hill, Nestleton; Treasurer, Mr. Gard- ham Trewin, Burketon, "An interesting ball game concluded the days sports and as the shades of evening came good-byes were said and friends parted hoping to mect again next year. PRINCE ALBERT Mr. 'and Mrs. Ferris of Detroit, spent a eouple of days last week at the home of 'their vousin Mrs. Brown. Miss Ruth Luke is holidaying this | week with her sister Mrs, G. Ball. in Baltimore. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. i Raymer were: Mrs. Barkey and her daughter of Stouffville, Mr. and Mrs. Williamson, Mrs. Layman and Maud, of Toronto. Miss M. Yo rat OAL Weston, Sen last 4 ~ ANNOUNCEMENT - Mr. Arthur W, S. Greer wishes to announce that Frank R. Gee, Barrister, etec., has be- Law and will be in attendance at his Port Saturday of each week. * Ah a TAR sirits Mrs. | Prizes were awarded the: oldest lady present, Mrs. Geo. Loney,' him in the practice of Tuesday, Friday and week at the home of her brother Mr, | H, R. Murphy. Mr, and Mrs. Gray and family, of Oshawa, at Mr, and Mrs, Vance's on Sunday: Miss Merrick and Mr, Boothby of Keswick, visited on Sunday with Mr, 'and Mrs. A. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Swazie of St. Cath- arines, with Mr. and Mrs, Bown on Sunday. Mr. W. Bond, Toronto, spent a week with his mother Mrs. R. Bond. Mrs. F. Bown and son Tommy visit, ed recently .in St. Catharines. Mr. Chas. Foster of Little Britain, called last week to see his old home, where Mr. G. Luke now resides. Pro- bably sotiie of the older-residents will recall when Mr. Foster's father work- ed at the dentist profession at his home some fifty years ago. Mrs. E, Regan and children, of To- ronto, are holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Regan. Mr. and Mrs. F. Luke were in Lind- say on Sunday. "PROSPECT | Mis. Vale, Meaford, is the guest of her daughter Mrs. Frank Martin. A miscellaneous shower was held at Mr, John Bray's in honour of Mr. and { Mrév John Bray," Jr., last 'Thursday evening, | Sorry to report that Mr.- N. C. !'Brown suffered a stroke last week. "His daughter, Mrs. Andrew Craig of | , Toronto, is assisting in caring for him. | Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hollingworth and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Matthews and (Continued on page > | PASTRY FLOUR "gn we MILD 3 16 a - MANNING'S CHEESE --- ~~ Ib. 19c GRAHAM WAFERS 156. CRISP FIRST GRADE : SODAS : 2Ib..25¢c BUTTER - - Ib. 25¢ DOMESTIC SHORTENING 215. 25¢ 5 2 GEE "SUNLIGHT + & SOAP - . 2for13c SOAP . . 9 for 11c Small Large LUX Small Large : RINSO - 10c 23¢ FLAKES - 10c . 23¢c BAKING POWDER msec 1. 28¢ SHERRIFF'S JELLY POWDERS ORANGE 82.02, J. MARMALADE TN RITZ 32 0Z JAR SALAD DRESSING, 41c RICHMELLO COFFEE -- Ib. .39¢ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, LAWRENCE'S Drug Store NEWS "YOU CAN SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR REXALL STORE" THURSDAY, JULY 11th, 1940 NOXZEMA ..15¢, 59, 89c. "TANGEL .\1vsrrsensen 50¢. SUNTAN OIL ...30c., 60c. GYPSY CREAM, = 25¢c., 50c. FRENCH BALM, 25c., 39. - Adrienn PERFUME. . ..25¢,, Tek TOOTH BRUSHES 29c., 2 for 50¢. 49c¢. Make this your Headquarters for Yeation Goods Viceroy Bathing Caps 25¢., 35¢., 3%. Wilsonite Sun Glasses, 50c. and 15e. : Olympene Liniment. Py English Health Salts ....... Montserrat Lime Juice....... vo odde. 'Niagara Maid Grape Juice 25c., 45¢. Picnic Plates .50¢. and $1.00 vee 89. F1eebanin per dozen 10¢; 'A M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 PORT PERRY { ga I LO IA AN I 'War Savings A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT and a help to Canada in Certificates | her time of need. ; POPP FPF TPPPPPTFTFFOTI FPP PPROPPON The famous International concert organization, Goldman's Band, will be a feature-at -the -Canadian.. National |. Exhibition this year. FOR SALE 1939 Oldsmobile, 6 Cylinder Sedan, |' Black, equipped with heater and de- froster. to wind up estate. Apply to Mrs. Edna Ingram, Port Perry, Ont. july25 ; FOR SALE Seven Room Frame House, electric light and wired for electric stove; in good repair, Good barn. About two acres land. - Apply at Star Office. ARE YOU THE MAN? Watkins Dealer (between 25 and 50 ¢| years, with car), needed immediately to hand out FREE Soap in nearby £2 {rural route and supply established 3 | demand for Everyday Necessities, in- cluding Spices} . Extracts, - Baking Powder, Toilet Preparations, Clean- sers, Medicines, Fly Spray, Mineral- ized Stock .and Poultry Tonics. 72 year reputation. 10,000 dealers, Must be satisfied with $30.00 weekly at start. Selling 'experience unneces- $3 | sary. Farm experience helpful, Credit | furnished right parties, Write im- mediately, The J. R. Watkins Com- <| pany, Montreal, Que,, Dept O-P-5. PROPERTY FOR RENT Good house, freshly decorated, all conveniences; good garden, Apply to % | Mrs. J. Ploughman, Cochrane St., Port 3 | Perry. FOR SALE OR RENT Two acres of land with good build- ings. Apply to Box 113, Port Perry. Car like new. Must be sold |. July 4-11-18-25| W. J. COOK :: REAL ESTATE . pA Myrtle Station, Ont... » P.O. Box 47. Phone 120 r2 Farm, Village, Town and City pro- perties for sale, = All sorts of ex- changes will be considered. novl CEMENT AND ROAD GRAVEL Also 'Sand for building purposes, For prices of gravel and Jauling apply to Y M. ; Phone 164 r 12; Port Perry 030 =A {The firm of Greer & Humphreys Is dissolved) i RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24} Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eack week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 ° DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST i Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber -- ; Shop. Telephone 287 - Port Perry W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. _Office_ Upstairs, over C. Sleep's- AAC Insurance Office, 'DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON - Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. + Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) ki ARTHUR W. 8. GREER FOR SALE i Four acres of standing Timothy 4 Hay. Will sell reasonable. Apply to §¢| John Medd, R.R. 1, Port Perry. TEA bono sib. 3c, Ib. 65 FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES BANANAS FIRM : RIPE 3 Ib. 25¢ LARGE WATERMELONS 69c TOMATOES firm, CELERY HEARTS - CUCUMBERS - CAULIFLOWER BLACK CHERRIES PEACHES . - 2b. 925¢ 10c each, 10c head, 10¢ lb. 25¢. 3 for 10¢ %| Reserve, Port: Perry. 5 burn, Phone 78, Port Perry. LOST _ Extra spare-barrels for 12 guage shot gun. Might have been lost in the Utica vicinity, but also might have been lost in area south of the Osler Finder please communicate with Mr. J, C. Cock- 1 J "AUCTION BALE MAYNARD--On Saturday, July 20, at 2 p.m, (D.S.T.) on his premises op- % | posite Beare's garage, John Street, Port Perry, Mr. Maynard is offering %| his furniture for sale. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer FOR SALE 1020 Ford Coupe, rumble seat. Apply to David Luery, Myrtle Station. #18UITS SPONGED AND PRESSED _ Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over. Jemison's, Bakery in attend: at my Port Perry office on Wednesday ing, and Priday aft of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 : PROPERTY FOR SALE _ The home of the late Mr, and Mrs. James Lucas, Port Perry. Apply to Mrs. G. M. Rennie, Port Perry, jun27 FOR RENT Tie House property between Ptince Al- -|bert-and Port Perry known as Lapp property. Apply to Harris, Harris Cie & Yallnes, Port Perry, Phone 24, : 3 July 11 FOR EXPERT RADIO ' REPAIRS AG call: John Farmer Phone 86 Port Perry