Discover Image 1 a clvilia om n "" " 2 Believed Caesar's | De Adage ; 2 1A Th Ba FE It DOES taste good in a pipe! . bc pd i Chiang-Kal-shek's chief supply HANDY SEAL.TIGHT POUCH « 154 Swiss Archaeologléts Have Unearthed A Golden Bust, { Thought to be That of Em. *' _ peror Antonlus Plus Many valuable archeological dis- coveries have heen made recently. by the Swiss voluntary labor ser- viée at Avenches, the Aventicum of the ancient Romans, which lies be- tween Lake Morat and Payerne, in western Switzerland, 'While excav- ating a Roman conduit the workers discovered a bust -- believed to be of thé Emperor Antonius Pius (186- 161 AD,) -- made of pure gold. The bust, which weighed almost four pounds, has been added to the edllections of thé local museur. IN WESTERN SWITZERLAND Avenches was the anclent capl- tal of the Helvetll, one of the Celtic tribes which invaded Switz. _ inhabitants. Finé villas and baths, .ightning Bolts Struck Twice In 8amé Place' Near Campbeliford, Ont, All' Within Five Minutes Michael Moran is not sos sure now about that adage which says that lightning never strikes twice in the same place, 4 During a violent electrical storm in June, Moran's home on the Brighton road, near Campbeliford, Ontarlo, was struck twice within ffve minutes. One bolt fo lowed an aerial wire and ruined a radio set and the other took the Hydro wires and blew a fuse in the house. No fire resulted however, The storm was so severe that 12 telephone poles were blown down in the district, disrupting service In general. The Book Shelf Scotland under the leadership ot their governor, Miles Macdonell, to a. Vacation Delights In the Canadian My, apd Mrs; Robért L. Stanfield, of Truro, N, S, vacationing in Rockies delightful prospect. It would shore tén both the long faces of distour- lines, If and whon the United States fleet were shifted from the Pacific to, the Atlantic, Japan could begin her long-planhed campaign to drive the white man from all Asia" ("Time", July 1st). +. INDIA: Mohandag K, Gandhi em- erged from silence last week with an appeal to_all Britons to cease hostilities with Germany, urging that they settle' thelr differencds with "non-violent methods." The leader of the millions of India urg- ed Britain not to entep "undignified competition with the Nazis in des- tructive power." Gandhl sald he was' placing hig sérvices at the com: mand of His Majesty's Government to "advance the objéét" of his ap- peal. The day previous, Gandhi's Leftist rival, Subhas Chandra Bo#é, had been arrested under Defence of India Regulations. JEALOUSY? Jealous of Balbo? U.S. PLACES NEW EMBARGO Marshal Rodolfo Graz- GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO 1518, "LOK- TOP" TIN « 604 elso packed in Pocket Tins step which was taken fn view of the increased trade opportunities to the south of us since the otubreak of war in Europe., . . A tragic event of the week was the' sinking of the Canadlan des- troyer Fraser following a collision oft the west coast of France; forty. five were dead or missing, 115 res- cued . .. Premier Mitchell F, Hep- Word from Ottawa came that de- tals of a new waitied press service for radlo stations in Canada were being worked out, the system to be on a co-operativo basis with the CBC and the recognized news ag- encles working together, For. the present, the existing news ser vices are permitted to carry on their broadcasts as in the past, but erland from the west about 400 B.C, ITALY: bu bye +12 m, in bad shape, rested In Battle They built up the city until it is thé Osnadian Rockies, are seen in the corral at Banff Springs Hotel | yanl, chief of staff of the Itallan Creek Sanitarium across jthe bor- | the day of sponsored newscasts fs sald to have contained more than just' after their' return: on horse-back from a visit to Sunshine Lodge. army, took command last week of der ' / : 1 tov td 80,000 persons within walls three MINE INHERITANCE Guide who accompanied them is on the left of picture, h al Italtan forces in Libyd, which "es almost over, 0 : ii {ireequasier hi, bong. Br By Frederick Niven fries sig «Canadian Pacific Photo, |: pouighly had boeh commanded by rd Sol Borer MALLY | avd Niven hn ta re SAE hi "a . g, : ' ays préviously had met his A) They were defeated by Julius gibi in SA i ed THE WAR-WEE K--Commentary on Current Events in an alr crash under pecular cir bY Caesar. and returned to their | yoncen the story of the first im. : cumstati¢es, The- British Foreign R&A TONSCOUPIED BY ROMANS portant: Bullish settlemont 'fa the . : a ey Egaet 4 nae h thd n w --_ le 1 : a 0 was deliberately ER Asenticum then becarie the seat Janine, Wel a wploh me Latest Soviet Move Blocks because ho clashed with Muisolind We of Roman raion i] iw From the first days of this ven. hy hs ' - PSonally ag on 2 oar the dle at QUE ! ator's policy of tylng to Germany. ' until it 1g said to havé had 200,000 0, WOR 00 Snitlore Put out from Hitler 8 Pathway To East Might not Graelanl also have been kit cr temples, a theatre and an ampht- ""theafre were butt, .. Aventicum-was destroyed by the Alemanni in 54 A.D, and for cen- turles was virtually forgotten, The present town occuples only the crest of a hill on which the Roman camp stood. many. These wére all categorically denled, former Prime Minister Chamberlain even going to the trouble of making a 'radio speech to refute them, Nevertheless there were powerful forces at work In Brl- tain anxioue to remove all the "men of Munich" from public life, at any ~the -final- achievement; after un«- speakable hardship, of their great ambition -- "to establish them- selves in a part of the world where they could own thelr land, from which they could never be evicted, that would bé an inheritance for thelr children" -- the story is told The centre of crisis In Europe last week shiftéd ovérnight from' west to east. The nminent invas- fon of Britain by Hitler's 'hordes was rélegated to the background of the world's attention by the swift. moving events jn the Balkans that changed the shape of the conflict UNITED STATES: Two very im- portant moves were made by Presi-- dent Roosevelt last week. First he invoked the power to selze foreign- owned shipping, "Second, (serious for Britain), he placed a virtual embargo on the sale to foreign . = . = : of David Baxter, a young clerk in v , : , countries of any munitions, mater YE 4 + winnerd « = » : Tin axis 5 aod nal), between Britain and Germany, en rate from the Sovsment, A move ke lals or machinery needed in the For2l years irestone For 13 oc pike's | gurance records : H . an am dowing it with an entirely new set was under way to make.sure that U.S tional def res have been in the du Ab. Jenking y Through his eyes we see the tor | o¢ yoeeibilities, To many, the Sov- thero are no "appeasors" in the I 2enanonal-Gotonss progrant Are? winning cars at Peak climb where 8 won by Ab. J€0C rible struggle for existence that ; : - Fear of a Nazl revolution In Mex- the Indianapolis on Firestone Uirel Cabinet walting to selze power as Petain did in France and conclude an Ignominlous poace with the "let success in Rumania meant that it would bo in the east that Hitler might meot his tinal defeat, Ico Immediately following this week's election continued to per- vade the U. S. Fear of German ec- confronted the settlers. ihe 3 "Mine Inheritance" ... by Fred- Simply Myth Germans Are Mixed Race erick-Nlven . . , Toronto: Collins THE VITAL STRAITS enemy, P. v ; ; 3 S y, Peter Lyne, Christian Sci- | . With Little Nordic Blood Publishers, 70 Bond St, . . . $2.75. The small agricultural province enco Monitor correspondent In Lon- Shoals Qomiusiien of Bow An "3 Ra EE of Bessarabia was seen as of little don, quoted Lord Strabolgi, prom- 3 yous) aries HIomplad © loan of $20,000,000 to Argentina for House of | © inases to be made fn the United inent debater in the" . Importance to the immense Soviet Lords: "Unfortunately the past of "There aren't any pure types Union. Rather the significance of anywhere. The Nordic race is just Character First, i States. 41 a myth and the Aryan race which : ox b3 its seizure lay in the strategic new these two statesmen (Chamberlain 3 - pp jE "has from free ib the Semitic Then Education position Russia was enabled to ac- and Halifax) is so Identified with is ot] bE omnes Jolius; § touch is a joke," Rev. Dr. Hugh quire thereby -- the Reds were now the appeasefieiit policy that, so Kio as Republican Presidential can. <9 Eg . Black declared in an address at Windsor Magistrate Says Ad. encamped along the vital Danube, long as they are in the Inner War dldate overshadowed all else: con- ITH thi t d Ottawa before the Montreal and vantages of University Edu- | right iu line for cutting off Ger- | Cabinet, the German propagand- | goo 0 F050 appointment ot ' Fas aren Youon 4 Ottawa Conference of the United ti Are S dary Re- many"s Rumanian ofl supply; thoy ists' will find credenco for their Henry L.-Stimson, Republican, to record of achievement, : . Church of Canada. quirement In Young Citizens | Ned stolen a march on Hitler in the | fairy tales about Britain suing for | yp Shai Lost of U. 8. War Scere: no longer can there be any 'ALL BLOODS MIXED direction of the Dardanelles, and an armistice. . tary, took place with little or no question of which tire. is The "virtues of the blood, he Character' comes: first edu- ~ could easily gain control of those Alternating with talk of peace fuss. safest. One tire--and only i RY) ? Fp lia) "ho 3 4 . * stralts which are the key to the with Britain, came Naz! press. re- TAN. . : : said, had been believed in from | caticn second, Magistrate David CANADA: Succeeding boats dur- one--has the exclusive safety ports that the drlve against Eng- -land was almost ready. "The joint forces of Gormiany and Italy are uniting for the final attacks," de- ciared the Boersen Zeitung. "The Atlantic coast from Brittany to Norway ls being organized into an aggressive front against England. Every category of arms is ready. The Reich's military resources are being reinforced dally and army, navy and alr force are being con- centrated to an extent never before witnessed." 73 R.A.F. TAKES INITIATIVE Britain seized the initfative dur- ing the week with sea and air raids "on German continental coastal bas- east, : s ~ MIGHT BBAT HITLER TO IT From a certain welldfitortied quakter fn' Washington cama the prediction' that the war wopld shift eastward {n September with a head- on clash between Gerinany and Russla, Would Britain first be blitzkrieged? Or would Hitler spare the British Isles in' view of the new threat In_the east? Did Stalin oxpect to be thé néxt Axis victim? It so, might Lie not be getting ready now to attack first, catching Ger- many at an unprepared moment, oxbausted from battle fii'the west? Fear of the conflict spreading all > throughout the -entire- Balkan area - ing the week landed very differ- ent cargoes on our shores, Tho tirst Nazi war prisoners arrived in Canada for internment here, "sul- ky, swaggering louts" . . . Frau Dolltuss and her two children do barked from the next ship amid a crowd of wealthy refugees from the United Kingdom . , . Two people the boats did not bring were the Princesses Elizabeth and Mar- garet Rose "who will share the fate of other British children" remain. ing at home , , . tho full Influx of evacuees children from the United Kingdom was reported delayed sev- eral weeks due to a mixup in red tape . . , which gave Canadian ~--M.Brolie, --of- Windsor, told members- of the graduating class of the extension department of features "demanded by race drivers -- Firestone -- the tire |} that has been tested on the -. speedway for your safety on the highway! Have the nearest Firestone dealer put Firestone Champion tires on your car now, Specify Firestone when buying your néw car. time immemorial, Jew and Gen-- tile, Greek and Barbarian, British and others, but science and his- tory had backed: the statement of | the University of Western. One f St. Paul that "God has made of | tario of Windsor. : | one blood, all nations . . "" For | "The young --man--or--woman--|-- who would {ill a leading place in life needs more than the ad- "vantages of & university edu- cation," declared the indsor magistrate, 'I suggest to you that charaéter is the foundatiun of any career you may choose to follow if you would be suc- ceksful." . Guest speaker at the banquet _ which was attended by 'néarly a Te SN Pe, the Christian Church for one min: ute to adopt this theory of race superiority - would be denouncing Paul and Paul's master, "Christ, he said. "There does not exist in the world .any pure race, dnd ! : the Germans aré a mixture of x : races with very little Nordic in them," he repéated. Hitler had - taken over for his own people the __natlorialishi_dhd.exclusiveness; dnd LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher do not rush about chattering, but tell the polices exhetly and quistly 'onrried 89,008 pourdd of mail, 14; 327 pounds of 'freight, and 4,607 REG'LAR FELLERS--Self- Preservation dodabdd FRET. By GENE BYRNES all the other things for which He 200 including many dlumni of was largely discounted last week. nan-ocoupl dustrial 2 TITTY G, - ZZ ya | 5 and others had pions the | the extension department, Maz- | Russia had Bulgaria and Yugoslay- i hen a Hol Da 2n) star prions longer ta . (Sieansly 7 2 7 7% = a, Jew. istrate Brodiedeclared his ex-- | ia pretly well in hand, Greeco was | a= [ogoc ono leaking out 6f | members Into the furl] 222, 22 7 Z = { perience on the bench has taught | frighténed. Hungary was belng held Germany indicated the RAF. at. The Western wheat A brs i Z J B . him that the young person who back by German desire to keep tacks wero taking their toll of in ed into the limelight agaln as the 2 Z 7 YR riton Scores can take the hard knocks and | that country at pedcs and In a pos- | guitar Droduetion, with many fac. medion ound Bn ' I Z 13% "Ch 'bi 9» not succumb . "to the blandishs ition to supply all the agricultural torles being forced to abandon the what would become of the good Ve 7 HAMS atter- ugs ments of those who point the products likely to be needed this night shifts. At the same time, crops they expect this year. Eleva- - yy V4 NA Eiak easy way": is.most likely to make | fall and winter in the Relch. German planes flew daily over the | tors wero still full of last year's pr ri ; ann __Minlstry of Information Asks a success of life. : . GIBRALTAR MENACED _ British Isles; dropping a deadly wheat... and nowhere to dispose : IV Public to .Squelch Rumor. "I have learned that the On the other hand, an Axis push load of bombs. of it, unless we should suddenly i 3 Mongers ~~' things" which come easy to | in the Spanish peninsiila was not Watch Ireland, warned the Loi tind ourselves trading ngain with Fe apes : i young people are not always altogbther uhlobked-for. London don 'News-Chronicle, This wjdely- Hitler, who needs tho grain-badly F Yr, Hiyold Nicholson, Parliamentary -| 800d for them," he warned; re- | diplomatic cotfitmeiitators suggested |: read Liberal paper demanded that ... In Ontario a serious shortage * Becrotary to the British Minfatry of | calling that many of those born | that Hitler might send troops: to | the Government forestall possible | of farm labor was beginning to bo Information, 18 credited by the Lod. | t0 good fortune and ready fac- | Spain to attack Gibraltar in an at- | German plans for invasion of Ire- felt, since so many former "hired don press with having coined & new ilities for a high education tempt to cut British. communica- land (hence striking at Britain men" had joined the army . .. epithet -- "chafter-bug," a syno- | often fail. : : tions Into the Mediterranean, They | through the back door) by provid- The Federal "Cabinet changes nym for rumor-monger. In a recent A weak character, he said, is | expressed tho bellef that the. fall | yng "gufficient" forces In Northern | forecast for the week did not mat. 2 broadcast he suggested the forma. | greater hifidicap 'than a lack | of Francé and the German occupa: | Ireland, eflalize, although a Wartime Indus- tion of "antl-chatter-big clubs," gay- of education, tion of the French side of the 8pan- Great Britain was worried about trles Control Doard was establish. ng: Armin 3 ish frontier had completely swung the Far Eastern situation, as the ed, with sweeping powers to mabll. - "We are now suffering from a | . Qetiotal Franco over to the side of | yapanese land blockade tightemied | ize tho fndustries of this country virulent form of the rumor. epldom- Vancouver Air Germany and Italy. - The Madrid | arotind Hong Kong. The Japanese | for war purposes . . . announce ig fe. There are those who say that : newspaper Alcazar hinted at a pos- | Anny was reported moving troops | .ment was made that Britain would ; humors are as inevitable in war Traffic Grows sible Spanish attempt to seize Gib- | down: from tho Yangtze area, with | build 35 plants hero, at a cost of \ time as spots with measles and that Tala, Sa ae ost amet 100.009 Blready Bjisiée fii Halnati | $50,000,000, to turn out explosives, rat they do not really do much harm. , all Tal ) i Island. The French Indo-Chinege dé: guns, shells and small arms am. 24 : This 1s not the view of that dang. on oh am contended, "Frofi - the Moroccan | fenge; 50,000 mostly native troops | munition -- total output to reach he HAS .erous man, Adolt Hitler. He well mercial Terminals in Canada coast or from' the nearby mount: | aimost entirely unsupported by air- | a quarter of a billion dollars ah- is i Xnows that It he can sow the seed dltis, GIbrAltar could be shelled | planes; would probably not last | nually,.. Conservative M. P.s and 9) of rumor inthis country it: will ime As western anchor of TransiCai. | mercilessly and ng long against the Japs without help | C,C.F. leaders fn the House assail- RS medlately be propagated far and -|. ada Afrlines, tho Vancouver airport OUST "MUNICH fiom British- Singapore, ed Henry Ford for refusing to man: AiR wide by perfectly Innocent rumor- | experienced a rapid rise from an During: the week wild. rumors WHITE MAN ON SPOT ufacture plane motors for Britain {5s mongers, or, as I prefer to call them . | out-of-the-way landing fleld fo ono | Yent the rounds of peace negotla- "To Japaness miflitariats, occn- | .,. during the week a new trade BAY a 'ehatter-bugs.' ' of the busledf commibrelal téymin- tions bétweéen Hritaln and Ger. pation of French Ifdo-Chinh was a | tréaty was signed with Paraguay, a "1 Know his vort=--always drops in at meal titel! i xX COMBAT RUMOR EPIDEMIG als in the Domifnlon, In thé fifet -- : : i "If you see something suspicious | thr#e months of this year, airplanes i - - What you saw, You might even start | Dsssengors into the airport, a com- rete pore re i anti-rumor clubs in your own eirele, | bined land and water base not far YOUR PRESCRIPTION Wilk, Be JB IT WAS BUY SINCE 1 } S81 ANE Treat both the news and the ab- | from the City's center, This Was an ADY AY hy! KEEPING AN EYE ON A) gh OQ #enco of news with sense and with | 1ndfeass of 64 per cent. in mall, z RAIN HAD 10 : Yd pluck, 12 you do that you will be | 170 per cont in freight, and 148 pet TAKE IT MYSELF / IRE A helping your own countrymen; if | Cent. {a passengers. MA : HR ou fall to do that you will bo help- Inauguration last year of Trans "pt Ra 4 Adolf Hitler." "| Canada Airlines national service . ; 5 $0 : had uch i Jo nth the growth, BN a few barnstorming pilots i Nt Bottled Ghost yore the customers when the City Bo: \ Sent a went In for airport development a RNS The haunted bridal chamber of | tei years ago. United Alrlines put R #5 2 the Dixcart (Honeymoon) Hotel, | ft on the map by making a side trip VR Sox has been famous' for 80 | from its transcontinental terminal RER Joa. Rocéntly it was decided to | at Seattle. Nowadays, an airliner .|. ' fa ecorate the room, layer of | takes oft for some distance point of TAR fiver wete peeled off, atid built' | the contfiiéht, or lands fron' one, + BAN one Wall wis found a cupboard, | evety' 81 minutek between early - $4 3 : ' 'dawn and wall into the night, h Inside wees 84 beiblan of ald nart