naalt x i ] Martin, of Grimsby, Mr, Gordon Albert Hall over was the guest of Mr. the week end. » Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cawker and family, of Toronto, spent the week- end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cawker. Mr. George Palmer and son Ronald, of Peterboro, are visiting in" town. Mr, J. A. Price, chairman of York County Good Roads Commission, and Mrs. Price, of Weston; Mrs, A. W. Gee, and, Mr, and Mrs. Emerson W. Graham, of Toronto, spent the holiday with Dr. and Mrs. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fossey, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Davey, Whitby, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Geo. R. Davey. Mr. Wesley Heard, of Whitby, was a guest in town for the holiday. Mr, Alfred Andrus, of Exeter, spent the week-end with his mother Mrs. D. - Andrus, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown of To- ronto, spent the week-end at the lake front. Me. and Mrs, T. Bown, of Smith's Falls, were weck-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bown. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Lucas, Whitby, * were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs, F. Shepherd. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Johnston, of Whitby, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Griffen, Mrs. Geo. Mark, of Toronto, with _ her daughter Mrs. R. D. Woon, Mr, and Mrs. W. Whifller, of To- ronto, werg holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cook, *® Mr. Roy St. John of Uxbridge, was a visitor in town on Sunday. ~ Mrs. Chas. Webster, and daughter of Uxbridge, called on Mr, and Mrs, A. W. Allin, on Monday. Weak-end guests at [Hillside Cot- tage, Union Ave, were Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Esch and daughters Miriam and Wilma, Mr. Norman Esch, Mr. and Mrs. IH. Rawlston and daughter Ada, Mrs. LaPage, Mr. and Mrs, Lee Timlick, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cawker and fam- ily, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs, D. Cawker, of Whitby, were holiday guests of their father Mr. W. W. Cawker. Ptes. Stanley Gyton and Harold Hood of the 48th Highlanders, Camp Borden, were home for a four day leave. Ptes, Dave Kight and Carl Hanson of the 48th were home for the week- end. Miss Betty Mjtchell of Toronto, 'was with friends in town for the week end. Miss Jean Cockburn of Toronto, spent the week-end with her grand- father, Mr. J. C. Cockburn, | Mr.cand Mrs. Ed. Williams, and "family, of Toronto, have moved into the Lapp property on Simcoe St. The community extends.a hearty welcome. Miss Grace Stone of Toronto, was home for the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Orr Browne of Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Brack and son of Oshawa, were visitors in town on Monday. Mr, Wm. Pipe of Toronto, was the week-end guest of friends here. Mr. and Mrs. David Jackson, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs, Lundy. Dr. Lundy and daughter Lois, spent a week at Rest Point Lodge, Halibur- ton, recently. ~~ Miss Marjory Wagner spent the week-end at Toronto and Niagara, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Day, Mr. H. Felt- nam and Mr. Bert Brazier, of Toronto were week-end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. D. Day and Bernice. ~ Mr. and Mis. Oliver Roberts of Windsor, were recent Ruests of, re- -- latives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ward of Whitby, were in town on Monday. Mr, Harold Woon of Toronto, was home for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken. Pearce of Oak- ville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Cawker, over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Butt of To- ronto, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bradley. Miss Hazel Mark, Toronto, was the guest of her sister Mrs, R. D, Woon for the" holiday. Mrs. W. J. Jackson, of Toronto, and Mrs. Glen Henry, of Oshawa, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Boyd and chil- dren have returned to their home in Toronto after spending a week with * Mr, and Mrs. S. Farmer. Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Morrish and son . of Toronto, were among. the Monday visitors in town. Mr. C. V. Purdy, of Oshawa, spent the week-end with Mrs. E. H. Purdy. Joan Marie Bentley is holidaying in Oshawa, .the guest of her aunt Mrs. D. Archer. ' Misses Grace and Merle Switzer, of Oshawa, were guests of their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. Switzer, for the holi- Tir. and Mrs. Waldo Emmerson, of Toronto, were week end guests of the former's sisters, the Misses Emmer- "Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McMillan, Jr, Lof a Tonto, were holiday visitors in Glad to see Mr. Arthur Baldwin in bis 1 again, atfer a holiday spent with 8 family in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Leighton MacGregor and family, of Grimsby, were-in town for the holiday. Mr. Maunsell Gerrow, nurse-in- training at the Ontario Hospital has successfully passed his examinations on: hia year's training. Eyes Examined (Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied - where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOM "TRIST ST JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robt. Simpson, Minister, Sunday School at 10 a.m. Worship Service at 11 a.m, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION Rector--Rev: J. C, Clough. Sunday, August 12th, 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 9.456 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer and Sermon.~ PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W, J. H. Smyth, Minister. 10 a.m -- Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Public Worship conducted by the Minister. 7.30 p.m.--Lakeside service. Rev. George Telford will be the speaker. War Work Activities During the month of August the War Work Rooms will be open on Friday afternoons only. The work for refugees which has been done on Tuesdays will be loked after Friday, together with' the Field Comforts. The following splendid bales for July have been packed and sent-- To 1.0.D.E. Headquarters: 36 pairs pyjamas, 50 hospital bed gowns, 11 dozen handkerchiefs, 6 pairs wristlets, 170 pairs socks, 1 scarf, 14 sweaters, 2 helmets. To Red Cross Society, Toronto--1 union suit, 2 slips, 9 pairs pyjamas, 6 night gowns, 12 sweaters, 6 paieh) boy'$ pants, 6 pairs bloomers, 40 dresses, 1 shirt, 3 boys' suits, '17 pairs mittens, 3 pairs gloves, 10 quilts, 12 pairs socks, 2b pairs stockings, 2 doz. handkerchiefs, 1 baby toy, 3 woolen blankets, 1 roll tape, 1 bib, 156 bonnets, 6 haby jackets, a bootees, 4 pairs sleepers, to is Next Week. Don't Miss It Two Chevrolet Cars and Two $500.00 Bonds Given Away Free Rather than not operate this year the Directors. of the Peterborough Ex- hibition have decided, in view of the excellent work done by the Junior Farmers' Department as well as by the Committees interested in the Live Stock Industry and other branches of Agriculture to carry on. Live Stock entries in many classes are already ahead of previous 'years. Three days speeding in the ring. A vaudeville program excelling all pre- vious performances. Provincial meet- ing of Horse-Shoe Pitching Associa- tion all day Saturday, August 17th, Free car tickets are given with .pur- chases by merchants in your locality. Strip tickets on salé before the Fair opens four tickets for a dollar, good for gate, grandstand or car admission. Visit Peterborough's great Fair, Wed- nesday, Thursday, Friday and Satur- day, August '14-15-16-17. _ i } : ik -- (Form 4--Scction 11) CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1940, Municipality of Port Perry, County of Ontario, Notice is- hereby given that I have complied with section 8 of the Voters' Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at Port Perry, on the Tth day of August, 1910, the list of all persons entitled "to vote in the said Municipality « at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And! I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 28th day of August, 1940. Dated this 7th day of August 1940, at the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario. G. F. MANNING, Clerk, Village of Port Perry. R.S.0. 1927-C.7, Sec. 8, and the 1937 .Amendments- thereto. rpm ssi All MP Ei WINNERS OF LUCKY DRAWS . (Continued from front page) tin Kleener, donated by Beare Motors, No. 1727, J. W. Malone, Port Perry. 21st prize--1 gal..Paint, donated by Lake Scugog Lumber and .Coal Co., No. 16567, Fred Thomas, Toronto. 22nd prize--Credit Note, 1 change of Motor Oil donated by Port Perry Auto Wreckers; No. 1654, Mrs. A. J, Carnegie, Port Perry. 23rd prize--2 Ibs, Coffee, donated by. National Grocers per F. W. Brock & Son, No 730, J. Rae, 1078 Logan Ave,, Toronto, REGEN I vCal, td. {] IEE, OSHAWA [i : Peterboro Exhibition Air Conditioned Last Two days--Now Showing The New Moon with Nelson Eddy and Jeanette MacDonald REVIVAL, Friday, at 11 p.m. "Wings of the Navy" with George Brent and Olivia de Havilland Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Next Week -- DOUBLE SHOW -- Pop Always Pays Leon Errol and Dennis O'Keefe ADDED FEATURE { "Our Town All Star Cast Thursday, Friday, Saturday, AUGUST 15-16-17 The picture you-havé been waiting for-- Beau Geste Gary Cooper and ay Windy : _ 24th prize--Tea, donated by Oshawa Wholesale per Superior Store, No. 1663, Earl Wallace, Port Perry. wa Wholesale per Superior Store, C. Wakeord, Port Perry, 26th' prize-- Box Writing Paper, No. 825, donated by P. G. Morrison, Geo. Ianson, New Hamburg, Ianson, New Hamburg. THANK YOU The Business Men's wish to thank all those who donated to the lucky number draw on Monday. SCUGOG Next Sunday, August 11th, is the Head _ Community Club Anniversary services with Rev. F. charge of the morning service at 11 o'clock, with children's choruses. Rev. M, Jenner of Epsom will be in charge enhurst as soloist. Everybody invited to attend. party will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Redman, with supper at b followed by a play entitled "Look Out Lizzie, by the Blackstock A.Y.P.A, If weather unfavorable the supper and play will be held at the head church. The Women's Association are hav- ing a union supper at the parsonage on Tuesday afternoon, August 13th, The ladies of Prince Albert- W. A. are invited. The program is being ar- ranged by Mrs, F. Crozier, Mrs. A. Mrs. R: Carterj-as committee. Born--To Mr, and Mrs, Alton Mark, on August 3rd, 1940, a daughter. Miss Annie Shunk of Prince Albert visited her sister Mrs. H. Raymes, last week. ; Mr. and Mrs. Milner-is, visiting re- latives around here. Mrs. Carlson of Cleveland, is visit- ing her cousin Mrs, M, McLaren. Rev. Elgie and Mrs. Joblin, of Munich, Rev. Weston, Rev. Fred Joblin, of Deer Park Church, Toronto, Miss .Elener Elgie, Misses Jean and Marion Wells, Miss Margaret Durgon, Miss Rose- mond Bailey, Mr, Fennell and Mr. R. Wilson are enjoying a few holidays at the parsonage. been built on Scugog this year from Redman's corner to the Head Church shed. "It 13 hoped a similar piece (will be built each year. Sorry to hear Mrs. Wannamaker is unde rthe doctor's care, All hope for a quick recovery. Mrs. David Harrison of Port Perry is spending a few days with her brother .Mr. Alton Mark, It is very important that all over 25th prize--Tea donated by Osha- | "27th prize--1 tin Opeka Tea donat- | | ed by Dominion Store, No. 824, Geo. iv Association of the evening service at 7.30, assisted , by the male quartette and Mrs Ash- 1 On Thursday, August 16th, a ah i; Ploughman, Mrs. Geo, Siveetman and |} A piece of hard "surface road has|j 16 years of age register at the Town Hall on the 19th, 20th or 2lst, of August, Hours 8 am. to 10 p.m, A small party who are camping on Washburn Island rowed across the lake to Caesarea on Saturday night. Owing to the-darkness of the night on the return trip they got confused and landed on Scugog shore and had to find lodging until Sunday morning. Congratulations to Miss Marie Hood on 'winning first in the girls' 100 yard dash at Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs, Nott and son Teddie, of Toronto, visited their cousins' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson, on Sunday. The Head Community Club meeting took the form of a picnic on Tuesday afternoon at the lake shore of Mr. R. Prentice, About 75 gathered and an enjoyable time was had by all. Games and water sports were held. But the picnic supper was the great draw- ing feature, Prizes were given for the sports, a RE Mrs. O. Rodman and daughter Lydia of Buffalo, -are spending a few weeks with Mrs. I. Rodman, The Girls' Institute will hold their meeting on Saturday~afternoon on the is getting to be a very popular place, Messrs, Bill Hope and Allan Carter left on Thursday for Kindersley, Sask. for a motorcycle trip and to help with the harvest, Scugog was well represented at the Big Day in Port Perry on Monday. -------- EPSOM We hope for 'more nice weather as many people are harvesting the fall wheat and other early grains. "A number from here attended the ice cream social at Utica on Wednes- day night. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bushell home over the week end. Mrs. Donald Asling and baby are shore at Mr, R. Prentice's farm. This | Mrs. Olive Terry po Miss Evelyn are returning home' 'accompanied by Mr. Drew McCullough and Miss Mar- garet Stewart, Mr, and Mrs, Jenner are entertain- ing their little grandson from To- ronto, this week, On Sunday morning Mrs. Lorne Snoddon was taken suddenly ill and rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, where she irgmediately underwent a serious operation, - At time of writing she is doing as well as can be expected. We hope -she will soon be home again. Mrs. Martha Ackney is quite poorly this week. ; Don't forget the Prayer Meeting to be held in the basement of the church on Thursday evening at 8-o'clock. Next Sunday, August 11th, the Church service will be condugted by Rev. F. G. Joblin of Scugog at 7.30 p.m, Miss Myrtle McCulloch of Ottawa, is home for a visit, 4 Mr. Hugh Rogers was home from Toronto in his training uniform. Mr. John Millm§n and Miss Laura Rogers and Mr. and Mrs. C. Gordon, of Uxbridge, attended the Gordon picnic at Port Bolster on Monday. PROSPECT The Red Cross Branch met at the home of 'Mrs. John Bray recently and quilted 3 quilts, in an afternoon. Revival services have been held at the different homes the past month, vangelists Miss Ruby Delgetty and Miss Ruth Johnston, of Toronto, form- erly of Winnipeg, Manitoba, conduct- ing the meetings. This week there will be meetings held at the home of Mr; Harlem Wagg, These meetings are of a high standard and every one should .avail themselves of the oppor- tunity of attending, = Mrs, T. Martin in Toronto recently visiting her daughter Mrs. Gordon Drinkle, who is in the Western Hos- pital, seriously ill. home from Uxbridge nursing home, ! nls' HA 1 pe re MEDIUM SIZE doz 29¢ ¥ CABBAGE Bananas | J RIPE 3 Ib. 25¢. \ Peaches FREESTONE 19c doz. | LARGE FIRM HEADS OC ! Carrots Hiner "MF 3 for 10¢ i 4 GRAPEFRUIT wevivinsue 5 for 25¢ | G. Joblin in{§i H CRISP 95¢ PEPPERS MANE GRUEN 5¢ 'Wex Beans TENDER 2 Ib. 15¢ Potatoes LarGE 40 |b, 19¢c Tomatoes 1px 3 Ib. 25¢ SHORTENING vovsstic 2 Ib. 25¢ ; SHERRIFF"S MIRACLE WHIP 32 02. | | JELLY POWDERS: SALAD DRESSING; -49¢- §|- ' SHERRIFF'S - pkg. © HUTTON'S, 8 oz tin 2 for | 'Lemon Pie Filling - 14c Corned Beef Loal - 25¢ cox WHITE MEAT | GELATINE oF pkg. 18¢c TUNA FISH 7 oz. 21c , ; © SMALL . MEDIUM doz. $1.15 doz. PAROWAX. - Ib. 14c Rubber Rings -' doz..5¢ § ZINC doz. 25¢ RINGS - CERTO - bottle, 5c Memba Seals - pkg. 10c LARGE SEALERS - doz. $1.49 PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 1940 3 TI I LT TTI EE LAWRENCE'S Drug Store NEWS "YOU CAN SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR REXALL STORE" HIND'S HONEY and ALMOND CREAM 11 oz. size 49¢, 1 pound can 39, Make this your Headquarters for Vacation Goods Old English HEALTH SALT TANGEL Tor deep sunburn Per tube 50c. 173 Cashmere Boquet SOAP 4 cakes for 23ec. with sample Face Powder Free Be Celie eine od 'FLY-TOX 8 ounce 25c. 16 ounce 45c. 32 ounce 75¢. <.- OLYMPENE The Athlete's LINIMENT Two sizes 50c. and $1.00 PHONE 49 OT MANCHESTER Mrs. Jane Boyer of Greenwood, who is 96 years old, is visiting with Mrs. John Johnson. Mrs. Scamen of Windsor, visiting with Mrs. J, Stewart, also A. Perry. Mrs. F.--Johnson and Doreen afe visiting in London, : Mrs. J. Bain spent a week with her mother Mrs. Joe Mitchell. Mrs. Short, of Toronto, spent a few days with her father Mr. Wilson Crosier. Mr. Harry Masters of Toronto, spetn Sunday at his home. Mrs. Joe Cooper: and Bruce and Mildred visited at Chas. Gerrow's for the week-end. y Mr, and Mrs. T. Way and children of Toronto, visiting with Miss Dolly Rees. gr Quite a "number attended the Club picnic and report a good time. 'A. M. LAWRENCE me Ranall swe OL A ART . PORT PERRY Myrtle Station The Sunday afternoon Church ser- vice was taken by Rev. William Pointon of Admason charge, Renfrew - Presbytery. The Scripture lesson was read from St. Luke's Gospel, 12th chapter, the parable of the rich man who pulled down his barns and built greater ones in which to store his fruits and goods. Then he aid to his soul, "Spul,- thou hast much goods laid up for many years; take thine east, eat, drink and be merry." ~The voice of God came to him, "Thou fool, this night shall thy soul be required of thee." ~The man was concerned only with himself. until a higher voice spoke. The secret of Christian living is to listen to the voice of God-- Psalm 85:8, also a part of Mr. Pointer's text. In the absence of the piste, Rev. (Continued on page 5) C Cawker Bros. Lowest Market Price. Courteous Service Phone 29w We Offer You the Choice of the Market in Fresh and Cured Meats at WKER'S Prompt and Port Perry with friends in. Brougham on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephens of Oakville, visiting at the home of Mr. Arthur Gilroy over the week end. Mrs, T. Martin-and Mrs; Vail, Mr, Arthur Orchard and 'Miss Kathleen Orchard, attended the Evangelistic services at Mr. Russell Butson's at Prince Albert on- Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Middleton and family attended the Harvey Brothers' concert at Pickering on Monday night, Mrs. Frank Vernon was a visitor to Toronto, last week. Messrs. Harold and Ronald Vernon and lady. friends motored to Callander and North Bay on Saturday and saw f | the little five ladies. 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'In the Estate of Euretta Mark, All persons having elaiins against the Estate of the above mentioned Euretta Mark, who died at the Town- ship of Reach, on the 24th day of May, A.D. 1940, are, hereby notified to send to the undersigned solicitor on or before the 2nd day of September, full particulars of their claims, Im- mediately after September 20d, 1940, the assets of the iccased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims t|of which the solicitor shall then have {| notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 31st day of July, A.D. 1940. ARTHUR W. 8S. GREER, Blong Block, Port Perry, Solicitor for the Administratrices of Euretta Mark LIPTON'S TEA wer 1/3 Ib. 3c | Kingsley Joblin of }§ i BULK | VINEGAR {SUGAR -ORISP CORN FLAKES, 2for1 Sc gallon, 39¢ TEA - v lb. 33¢ RICHMELLO : : A COFFEE - Ib. 39 ~ AUSTRALIAN 21hs, . SEED E58 RAISINS, 25¢ TOILET TISSUE, 4 for 95c- "' pomINo A PASTRY FLOUR oe bx GC Estate. auglb ARE You THE MAN? Watkins Dealer (between 26 and 65 years, with car), needed immediately to hand out FREE Sop in nearby Rural Route" and supply established demand for Everyday Necessities, in- cluding Spices, Extracts, Baking Powder, Toilet Preparations, COlean- sors, Medicines, Fly Spray, Mineral- ized Stock and Poultry Tonics. 72 ear reputation, 10,000 dealers, Must be satisfied with $30.00 weekly at start. Selling experience unnecessary. Farm experience « helpful, Credit furnished right Jackies Write im- mediately, The Watkins . Com- an Montreal, Que., Dept. O-P-b. pany ! __ ougB16.22-20 FOR SALE Seven room frame house newl painted and decorated, hard and soft water in house, bath, electric lights;| all conveniences of a city home Garage and half acre of garden streets south of main st. Shanty st, Will be sold very Aca le, Apply "A. W. Allin, Pert Perry, Julyl8 tf. ' © Mr. and Mrs. T. Middleton visiting 'on John street. FARM FOR SALE « '160 acres, clay loam, Cartwright, on No. 7A Highway, good buildings and water supply. School on farm. Quick sale for cash. Herman Hooey, R.R. Nestleton. auglh W. J. COOK :: REAL ESTATE , Myrtle Station, Ont. P.O. Box 47. Phone 120 r 2 | Farm, Village, Town and _ City pro- - perties for sale. ~~ All sorts changes will be considered. "CEMENT AND ROAD GRAVEL Also Sand for building purposes, For prices of gravel and hauling apply to WM. DONNELLY Phone 164 r 12, Port Perry 030 of ex- novl (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) .._24} Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eact week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG "DENTIST : Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop. Telephone 287 - - Port Perry W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleeps Insurance Office. DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON ~ North sideé Queen Btreet, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68). ARTHUR W. 8. GREER in attendance at my, Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment, Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 FOR RENT Six roomed house, newly decorated, Apply to Mrs. G. Bruce, Phone 132W, 'Port Perry. STRAYED From # e west of Utica, a Yearlin, Folate n Heifer, with ear tag No. 69033 Reward. Anyone know- ing her whe greshont lease communi- cate with. R. M. Holtby, Port Perry. Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS