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Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Aug 1940, p. 7

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afc i i ARE Ba & Tobacco Crop Said Lagging Ottawa Reports It's From 10 To 14 Days Behind Schedule The tobacco crop as a whole in Ontario is from 10 days to two weeks behind normal growth sched. ule, the Dominfon Bureau of Sta. tistics reported in its second sea- gonal report on the 1940 commer- cial crop of leaf tobacco. Excessive rainfall and cool wea- ther during most of June and the early part of July resulted in con- eiderable rootrot and stunting in the tobacco crop. With weather conditions 'more - favorable during the past fornight, most fields of to- bacco now are showing marked re- coyery but the crop is still below average. TOO MUCH RAIN, COLD Planting was unusually - delayed by the late cold spring in Quebec end growth was slow owing to low temperatures," dull eather and the heavy rains in June, Resulting from warmer weather during the past 2 weeks, the crop has shown much improvement but is still about two "weeks later than normal, Cutworms have inflicted heavy damage, éspecially to the flue-cured crop and several flelds of flue-cur- ed tobacco were destroyed by the strong winds in June. Beauty in a Milk Bottle for Health m-- Lana Turner finds that milk mixed * with cold cream makes one of the best home beauty masks. It is ex- cellent for smoothing tired lines iand leaves the skin soft and glow. 'ing. Here we find Miss Turner, drinking a large glass of cold milk i (not mixed with cold eream). This : 'proves that fis just as good inside | as outside! © 1) 7% os How Groundwood Pulp's Produced Nearly Two-Thirds of Can- ada's Wood Pulp Production Is "Groundwood" -- Used in Making Newsprint Paper Groundwood pulp is obtained by tho rubbing actlon of wood held by pressure against a rotating grind- stone which has a pattern imprint- ed in it by a burr. The quality of the pulp produced depends on the moisture content of the wood, the speed of rotation of the stone, the pressure of the wood against the stone and the temperature at which grinding takes place, Spruce, bal- sam, and, on the Pacific Coast, the western hemlock are the principal Canadian woods used for the manu- facture of groundwood pulp, East: ern hemlock and jack pine are used to a limited extent, and poplar {s "algo ground to make a bulky sheet. The total production of wood pulp in Canada has reached as much as 5,000,000 tons per year and the value often exceeds $100,000, 000. Nearly two-thirds of this quan. tity is groundwood pulp, and about 80 per cent, of the groundwood pulp is used In making newsprirt paper, one of Canada's most Important ex- port materials. Visions Great Food Shortage U..8. Red Cross Official Pre- dicts Europe to Suffer John W. Maloney, an American Red Cross representative, returned from war-torn Europe last week with a declaration that "Europe faces one of the greatest shortdg, of tood in modern Nimes." - Maloney. toured 19 European cduntries since February, . CHAOTIC CONDITIONS "The situation In Europe today gots more appalling by the week, as far as food 1s concerned," Mal oney sald. "Conditions are very bad, In fact, they are chaotic. There dro a Jot of people In Europe wondering what is going to happen this win- ter "Branco 100ks as though a bunch | of locusts had goné over the land." THE WAR-WEEK---Commentary on Current Events - Determination One of Britain's Greatest We a p on s: Canada's Training Plan GREAT BRITAIN: The German offensive against Britain became somewhat stronger last week and bombing in streets and congested areas resulted in many casualfies in the south of England, Reports say that the Nazi have cleared zones across the channel along the coast of France as military opera- tions extend some hundred miles inland." This zone of activity ex- tends from Dunkirk to Brest, opposite Plymouth, and the south. east corner of England. In spite of heavy bombing raids Britains are prepared to deal with the enemy and anti-aircraft batteries and the R.AF, have been in con- stant combat with effectiveness, 'downing satisfactory percentages in every encounter. NAZI UNEASY Britain's blunt rejection of Hit- ler's '"'peace" advances were fol-. lowed by the preparation of an "eight-point peace program" by Hitler and would indicate that zidom is more anxious to end hostilities than it cares to admit. The -best offer.Hitler can make therefore, is a return to the pre- September status quo, perhaps with "some concessions to the Czechs, This, though a far wry from the eight points which would leave his boundaries as they are at present, would assure Herr Hit- ler of continuing as Fuechrer, It is not rash to assume that he is ready, if not eager, to strike a ba¥gain with 'Britain somewhere between those extremes. However, the determination of Britains to rid Europe of the Nazi power will not tolerate such ideas. . * * ' THE BALKANS--The German warning to King Carol of Ru- mania leads us to wonder whether he is or is not King. He has been playing both ends against the middle for so long that there is little left for him to attempt fur- ther. He must settle differences wih Hungary and Bulgaria before September 15th, so say the Axis Powers. Failure to meet this dead- line, authoritative quarters say, may result 'in intervention by these powers to impose their own settlément, Réports of the German warn- ing were circulated as Juliu Maniu, leader of Rumania's pow- erful peasant party, arrived at Bucharest from his home in Tran- sylvania to oppose any conces- sions to Hungary or Bulgaria. Sources close to the government had indicated that Rumania might try a compromise solution of Hungary's claims to Transylvan- ia by offering to cede the three border citids of Satu-Mare, Or- adea- and Arad 'and arranging an exchange of populations in other districts. Maniu pointed out that Rumania's chief strength in op- posing Hungarian and Bulgarian demands lay in Germany's desire to maintain peace in the Balkdns. * » * 3 THE MEDITERRANEAN--The hard-handed briskness with which. Hitler and Mussolini are extend- ing their domination down the Balkan peninsula increases the threat to Britain's great interests "in the Near East and makes it more, than ever imperative that she should maintain her contrcl of the Mediterranean which Italy is challenging. Bombs over Eng- land tend to obscure the fact that the Battle of Britain reaches far beyond the British shore, Gibral- tar (gateway to the Atlantic), Mgjta and the Suez Canal are "vital to the existance of the Bri- tish Empire.~ The British ale guarding the Suez canal as zealously as they ate their own home shores, In- deed, if it. weren't for the nec essity. of maintaining such strong naval and air forces in Egypt, Gibraltar and Malta, the home de- fenses would be much mightier than they are now. LJ LJ . CANADIAN DRAFT FOR HOME DEFENSE: The details of Canada's - Home = Defense Policy were outlined in the House of Commohs_ on Monday, July 29th by the Hon, J. L. Ralston. One of the most important of our war ef- forts is rapidly taking shape and the present plan {is to train 800,000 : men for home defense yearly at the rate of about 80,000 a month Mr. Ralston explained, These men will be trained in thirty or mora {raining centres across Canada, "each of which will handle about 1,000 men each: month,. The 800, 000 figure for a year set by Mr, Ralston is apparently predicied on doubt whether training pan. be carried on during the two mid- winter months, "It is unlikely that married men will be called dur. ing the first year," he stated, There are to be no exemptions from service, - Physically fit men, regardless of their occupation, are _ its traditions and change of 5 < to report when thelr classes are called, The first class is to report about October 1st. RECRUITING FOR OVER- SEAS SUSPENDED; Mr, Ralston indicated that during the period when Canada was mobolizing a new army for defense, recruit. ing for overseas service would be stopped, "It must be remember ed," he said, "that there is at the present moment no shortage of manpower in England; the real demand is for equipment." POLICY TO .CAUSE THE MINIMUM DISLOCATION TO INDUSTRY: There are difficult- ies in withdrawing so many men from the normal life of the com- munity even for the comparative- ly short period of thirty day's training, but difficulties cannot be allowed to obscure the goal to be reached. The plan has been | worked out so that it can be speeded "up or slowed down as events require, NO DISTINCTION TO BE MADE BETWEEN NEW RE- CRUITS AND REST OF MII. ITIA: It is important that from the outset of this training plan these men drafted be regarded as members of the Canadian army. As recruits they will pass Cirect- ly into the militia regiments, No distinctions shall be made except than the men called under this plan will not be available for duty outside of Canada unless they volunteer for sich service. As part of a mighty Canadian army which will be available to defend the county, they will share be thé cus: todians of its honor. ~ * *. . THE AMERICAS TO PREVENT AXIS POWERS FROM CON. TROL IN COLONIES Students of history will now have another date to memorize in the future. The plan to pro- tect: ~teiritory in the Western Hemisphere now belonging to European powers, was embodied in a draft resolution last week, called "The Act of Havana" and © provides that. The American- Re- publics may establish "regions of provisional administration" in any areas now held by non-American nations which are in danger of be- coming the subject-matter of ex- territories or sov- ereignity. Thus the 21 American Republics have prepared to back up' the Monrce Doctrine with whatever force is necessary to prevent American territory ruled by European powers falling into the hands of Germany or her friends. ' Its. implications mean that for the first time in history the arm- ed forces of the United States can be used to protect any part of the hemisphere without incarring any liability or charges of imperial- ism, since the United States Gov- _ernment would be acting on be- half of all other republics. Since the United States is the only Ré- public in this hemisphere with a navy strong enough to prevent an invasion or to prevent any power from taking over the French and Dutch possessions, the resolution was considered to nominate the United States as the hemisphere's defender. * * * THE FAR EAST CHINA: Foreign quarters close to the Chungkin government as- serted a few days ago that China had rejected unconditionally re- cent Japanese overtures to halt hostilities and conclude an _all- embracing settlement between the two nations -- largely at the ex- pense of third powers interest in Eastern Asia, These informants said the Japancse proposals in. cluded the following: i 1. Outright cession by China to Japan of five provinces, Hopei, Charhar, Shantung, Shansi and Suiyuan, 2. Recognition of Wang Ching- Wei, Japanese sponsored puppet, as president of a Chinese repub- lic made up of the remaining" ~ struction sheets . - Take Soil Samples, These may he oO RCS ANGY Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, whose wife, Crown Princess Juliana, and children are at present in Canada, is pictured here shak- ing hands with the mayor of Falmouth during a good-will visit to that community, Prince Bernhard is actively engaged in. London with rep- resentatives of the Dutch government, provinces and also British Burma, French Indo-Chiria and Thailand (Siam), in which China and Ja- pan would share economic op- portunities. 3. The status would be left in definitely. of Manchukuo abeyance in- JAPAN: In the meantime some dozen British subjects were ar- rested in Tokio by Japanese police and are being held in connection with Japanese military -decrets, The reply to Sir Robert Craigie's protest said the arrests were "the first step" against 2 British es- pionage network covering the en- tire country. Authoritative soure- es said they understood that, Craigie in protesting against the arrests had touched "on the fact" that a strong German Nazi party organization exists in Japan, "well instructed" in propaganda and political activities, * Indignatien is being expressed in Londcn and demands are being nade for the re-opening of the Burma Road whereby China re- ceived many of her materials for carrying on her war against Ja- pan. "The most effective reprisals," suggested the Daily Express, own- ed by Lord Beaverbrook, Min- ister for Aircraft Production, - "would be the arrest of fourteen Japanese citizens in Britain. A ban on trade with-Japan-would-be--|- even' more effective and the Jap- _ancze deserve it." Farm Notes 'an SHOULD CHOOSE - BEST FERTILIZER The "best" fertilizer for Fall Wheat is not the same for all the solls and conditions, writes Prof. Henry G. Bell, of the 0.A,C., Guelph, The most suitable fertilizer is de termined from modern Rapid Soil Tests supplemented with a record -of previous cropping and manuring. All Ontarlo Agricultural Repro sentatives are equipped with in. as to How To obtained either from the local Ag. ricultural Representative, or from the 'Division of Soils, 0.A.C., on re- quest, . TAKE SOIL SAMPLES Soil samples should be taken as soon as summer work will permit, Theso may be forwarded to 0.A.C., or to any of the other testing sta- tions, The test will show tho level ot phosphoric acld,. potash, nitro- gen and whother or not the soil Is in need of limo, With the ald of brief notes as to previous cropping (which are called for on the soll sheets) soll-chemists can give high- Jy valuable help in tho matter of the choosing of the most suitable fer- tilizers, Potato-Tomato Plant Discovered U.S. 'Grafting Expert Gets A Single Vine to Bear Double A singlo fruit tree, and a scrawny one at that, becomes a veritable or- chard when Thomas Glover, of Stonington, Conn. a gardener for 30 years, gets his hands on it, HE PERFORMS MIRACLES Glover, who has conducted many experiments in grafting and bud- ding, has for example, taken one tree and caused it to produce 20 different kinds of apples, as well as a quantity of Bartlett pairs. Back in 1926 ho began notching stocks of various other trees on the trunk of a Baldwin apple. Today the tree produces Baldwins, Green- ings, Gravensteins, McIntosh, Gol den Swialings, Denison Reddings, Gillyllowers, Kings; Russets and no less than eleven other popoular kinds, ' THEY'RE OF SAME FAMILY The basic principle of grafting, Glover explains, is to keep the dif- ferent fruits of a family together. A pear might do satisfactorily on an apple tree for a few years, while a peach or a plum: is not likely to do well, In other words, fruits of seed are of one family and should be kept together, while those with stones are of another family and should not bo crossed with a seed species. Potatoes and tomatoes are of the samo family and Glover has gono nature one better by having a and the acid fruit above the ground. single vino produce "spuds" below College Is Opened For "Ghost" Town Big-Educational Achievement in Western Area South of Regina In a derelict' ghost town of the west, on¢o a historic centre of a wealthy .wheat-growlng area until drought and the depression wreck. college which is the envy of the educationalists from coast to coast. The town is Wilcox, 28 miles gouth-of Regina In Saskatchewan, and the school is Notre Dame Col: lego with a Catholic padre as Its dean, but with a nonsectarion out- look, \ IN DEPRESSION DISTRICT The dean, short, twinkling-eyed Father Athol Murray, recently told the story of the founding of the | | PRESS college to Montreal Star reporters, While in Regina he formed the Argonaut Boys' Club and after the Archbishop's death, 'decided: to found the college, It took shape in 1930. Buildings worth thousands of dollars, were picked up for a mere song, and two former bank buildings were re quisitioned, - . . . Today the school has 200 stud ents, 75 of them being girls, BOYS DO ROUGH WORK Tho boys do all ths rough work around the school, including the heavy household chores, and they have just completed a $4,000 bun: galow for the Arts girls. The boys live in bunkhouses, once used by wheat threshing gangs. He considers sport as. important as academic training, and in hockey and baseball the college has an enviable record, Last year the hoc- key team travelled 30,000 miles and it has already given 11 players to the National Hockey League. VOICE OF THE WHERE'S THAT SUGAR In all conscience, what happened to all that sugar which was hoard- ed In the first week or two of last September? -= (St. Catharines Standard. SAID ENOUGH Politiclans say, columnists say, radio commentators say, experts say. No wonder Confucius quit say- ing. -- (Brandon Sun). FAIRS MUST CHANGE OR DIE There is no good reason yet for cancelling a fair, but there are plenty of reasons why the small' township fairs should be reorgan- ized, rejuvenated and made to re- flect "the agricultural activities of thelr constituencies. Times have changed tremendously. The town- ship fairs must change or dle. -- (Farmer's Advocate), a ¥ FARM LABOR SHORTAGE One of the pressing problems at the present time is a shortage ot farm labor throughout Ontario. Ac- cording to an official of the Ontario Department of Agriculture, many hired men have enlisted in the army thus leaving their employers with. out adequate manpower at a very inopportune time, Farmers' sons have also deserted tho farm for the army. The department is endeavor ing 'to meet the situation by rush- ing school boys, registere<] with tho department as available for farm work, to the localities most in the need of, help. All along it has been contended that it takes longer to train a man for farm work than for soldiering, so that the seriousness of the situation facing, the farmer should not be minfzed. -- (Simcoe Reformer). British Prefer Canada's Cheese They're Crazy About Our Cheddar -- Increased Pro- duction for Export Is Looked For Here The *beleagudred Unitéd King- dom will take all the cheese Can- ada can supply, Government dairy officials say. Cheese it is explained, is in ils way just as valuable for fighting as guns. A man can survive on cheese for along time, The Un- ited Kingdom wants it in quan- tity because of its high nutritive value, because it is comparatively easy to ship and will keep and be- cause the British like Canadian heddar cheese, Production is believed to be : h < stepping up a little in Canada, but it is still far below what it was 3b years ago. In 1940 Can- ada shipped 234,000,000 pounds of cheese to the United Kingdom. In: contrast to this figure the whole production of the Dominion in 1939 was not more than 122, 772,000 pounds, Early in the year the dairy products board made a deal with the British food ministry to ship 1,500 long tons in May and 3,000 long tons in June, but upon re- presentations from the ministry moved June shipments toward the 6,000-ton mark. Wants Bridges : With "Oomph" Woman Expert Claims Spans Should Have More Beauty It's accepted in the best engincor- ing circles that bridge building is a job for men but: Sarah Ruth Watson, 30, and pret. ty and a bridge expert with a Ph.D, is out to make some changbs, Cantilevers and trusses, suspen. sions and bascules -- they all need more "oomph". She's confident that she can give it to them, Dr. Watson has taken her ideas on bridges and beauty before cn- gineering groups over the entire U. S. and is a convention speaker much in demand. A petite figure, wide blue eyes and long Alice in Wonderland bob don't make her task any harder, In between times she does his- torical research at Western Reserve University and writes poetry. Next fall she will teach "the history ot structural engineering" at Fenn College, tho first course of its kind. Daughter of a prominent -engin- eer, she wants to "bring aesthetics into bridge building and makes it an integral factor; to make the big spans of tho future as much a mat-, ter of beauty as of stress and of strain," Her self-appointed task is to induce engineers to give up the "standard practice of calling in the architects for adornment purposes after the plans aro all drawn. LIFE'S LIKE THAT by feiss) 777 By Fred Neher "Oh, please, I'm havin), company this afternoon!!" REG'LAR FELLERS--Traffic Problem Solved By GENE BYRNES $H, I NEVER SAW SRAric 80 HEAYY / MEN, { EVEN WHEN THE LIGHT CHANGES IT N EVE Cy CLEAR / WE'LL VER GET tL] ER THE STREET I'M THIS 18 LIKE ELIZA CROSSIN' THE ICE /

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