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Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Sep 1940, p. 6

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ATS C3 Sd id 7 SEAR EUR SE Hy Vie 3a ER aR SE Methyselah's Age: Was It Only 192? Research At Yale Proves He Was Only That Old When He Died f The assertion reported from New Haven, on the basls of study by a Yale research fellow, that the oldest of biblical characters was only 192 years old when he was gathered to his fathers, Is not only more pldusible than the age of 969 but it also tends to clear Meth- uselah's reputation; says the New York Times, The oldest patriarch has not always, been charitably treated by Sunday School teach- ors. FIVE TIMES YOUNGER Here was a man who lived nearly a thousand years; It used to be said by the teachers, and never ac- complished anything other than to live a very long life. But fit must now be admitted that there is a great deal of differonce between 969 and 192, The world was now, Things were not well organized yet. Many of the trades and pro- fessions that came later were not then open to a young man. At least no harm is reported as coming from Methuselah, He was, go far as we know, a good and kindly family man. We may assume that he need- ed 192 years or thereabouts to get his sons and daughters married off and well-placed in the world, KINDLY, FAMILY MAN? One of his grandsons, named Noah, "found grace In the eyes'ol tho Lord" and indeed turned out very well. Many a man today who finds a life of soventy or eighty yoars slipping by with little to show for it but a full dinner pail and an occasional winter coat for his wife will look more tolerantly on Methuselah and his 192, How To Cable To Men Abroad Canadian Soldiers Overseas Must Be Addressed In Pre- scribed Manner ' To clear up any confusion that may oxist as regards the sending of cables to personnel of the Can- adlan Active Service Force in the United Kingdom the National De- fence Department last week drew attention to regulations governing cable transmission to troops. Such cables should be addréssed fn tho following manner: Regiment al- number, unit, rank, name, Can- record; London. URGENT MESSAGES Urgent messages--by this the de- partment means messages concern ing life or death of a soldier's de- pendents--to men on active service outside of Canada but not-in the United Kinbdom or on the Euro- pean continent should be address- ed to the officer in charge of re- cords at Ottawa. These messages which are for- warded also should be addressed in the manner of those going to the United Kingdom by giving the eoldler's regimental number, unit, rank and name In that order. Recently there-have been reports . of cables arriving overseas for sol ~ dlers, telling them of additions to their families but the soldiers couldn't be located because of mls. taken addresses. . WHEN NOT IN U. K. At defence headquarters it was @aid any cable to a man serving addressed to Canrecord, London, would reach him and for a man on active service outside Canada and- not in the United Kingdom an ur- gent message addressed to the officer In charge of records at Ot- tawa would be promptly relayed, Color Television Next Objective By January 1 Color Is Expedt. ed to be Broadcast on Ame Programs Bright eyes and blushes have en: tered the range of television, says a Columbia Broadcasting System ro- port on color technique. Paul W, Kesten, vice president, says the. company expects to be broadcasting color In Its commere- fal programs by January 1. Kesten says a mothod developed by Dr, Poter C. Goldmark, CBS television engineer, makes color reception possible for sets already in use, * with only minor adjustment and the addition of a simple attach: ment, BY ROWS OF COLORED DOTS Goldmark simplified color tele vision by finding a way to limit color Ao the standard wave band used for"ordinary television. In pre- vious experiments, three cameras sending on three wave bands were- "needed. Goldmark uses one camora - which lays. down alternating rows of colored - dots, giving an effect &8f blended color in the image, Kesten says 'present receiving © * mots without adjustment receive ' these color broadcasts In ordinary black and white tones, ; in the United Kingdom, properly - erican Television Commercial - Re-union in Uniform -- Movie Actors in Air Force » ed a Flying Officer Sterling C. Campbell, formerly an assistant director in Hollywood, received a_ pleasant surprise when three British-born ac- tors whom he used to direct turned up at the Manning Pool as enlisted aircraftsmen, old times in the film capital, Here the happy foursome yarn over the tea-cups about The actors are, left to right -- Robert Coote and Patrick Knowles both of England and Hollywood, and Colin Tapley of New Zealand and Hollywood. The actors played in such famous films as Robin Hood, A Yank at Oxford, The Charge of the Light Brigade and If 1 Were King. Modern Etiquette 8Y ROBERTA LEE > 1. When gving a party and in- viting & yong man who is engaged to be married, is it necessary to invite his fiancee also, even if one does not care particularly for her? 2. When a husband is speaking to his business associates, clerks, or servants, should he refer to his wife as "my wife"? 3. When attending a formal dinner, is a guest supposed to ring the doorbell? 4. Is it permissable for an em- ployee to have his or her person- -al mail addressed to the office instead of the home? 5. Is it all tight to cut lettuce with the knife before cating #? 6. Should a bridge hostess place the best players at one table, the inexperienced ones at another table? Answers 1. Yes. Otherwise, one should not invite the young man. 2. It is preferable to say "Mrs, Davis." 3. No. A servant should be in the hall to open the door as each guest arrives, 4. If there is some very urgent resaon why this is preferable, qne may ask his em- ployer for permission. But ordin- aily things of a personal nature should not be mixed up with business, and all personal mail should be addressed to the home. 6. No. A lettuce leaf should be, folded with the fork before conveying to the mouth. 6. Yes.. Heads "Suicide Squad" Capt. Edward H. Webb, 27, heads the "suicide squad" of Canadian engineers which clean up Nazi delayed-action bombs after they are dropped by Ger- man raiders. Captain Webb was born in Orillia, Ont., and was em- ployed by the Hudson's Bay Co., in Winnipeg. ; Mosquito 'Ranch ~~ One of the queerest 'ranch es" in the world raises mosquit- oes for the express purpose of giving people mild attacks of malaria. This is because certain types of mental disease can only be cured when the tissue is at- tacked by the malaria germ. For "this purpose the eggs of 'mos quitoes are collected, and, when hatched, the young are fed on rabbit's blood and kept in bottles, When a patient is singled out.for biting, the open mouth of the bottle. is placed against the leg and fifty vicious mosquitoes do their worst, It takes that num- ber to ensure that he will be in- fected, but the patient 'gets ma- laria in only a mild form, Need Clothing For Refugees Red Cross .Is 'Asking For. Donations Suitable For Older Boys and Girls and Adults Sheltered In England More and more garments for girls and boys over ten, and for adults, are urgently needed in England to clothe the more than 100,000 refugees from the Chan- nel Islands and the continent of Europe, according to despatches received by the Canadian Red Cross Society. : . Members of the more than 700 women's groups who resumed their 'war time work for the Red Cross: in Toronto this month are being asked to devote much of their cfforts for the next few months to providing clothes for these people who have, in many cases, been moved abut so many times that they have lost what clothing they had. Workers are reminded that warm winter clothing will soon be needed, both for the English climate and for children who may come to Canada in the next few months. WARM WINTER ONES Letters coming in to Red Cross headquartrs tell of the great appreciation felt for what has al- ready been sent by Canadian wo- men. A woman who has been working constantly, alleviating . the distress among refugees, writes to her mother, "We simply burst into tears when we opened the box from Canada. Everything - was of such good quality, so well made and so exactly what we wanted." All the garments that are shipped to England are made from new material, it was pointed out by Mrs. George Royce, act- ing director of the Women's War Work for Toronto Branch. She says the women of Toronto have done wonders in obtaining sup-' plies of good material, Many are extremely clever at making gar- ments ot of small pieces of goods. Ea add os a a 2 2 RP UPI, What Science! Is Doing [a ast d LAER at = EL RIP RIP PEN, HIBERNATION FOR CANCER A new-type "hibernation bag" in which a cancer sufferer for- got his pain and a narcotic ad- diet found "complete cure" was described last week. > CURE FOR RYSENTERY Sulfathiazole, a baby member of the amazing sulfanilamide family, is bidding strongly for recognition as the long-sought, effective weapon against -dysen- $ery bacilli. Atlanta, Ga., physicians have seen this drug score repeated, spectacular victories over aute dysentery in children one to three years old. DARKENS GRAY HAIR Discovery that pantothenic acid turns gray hair dark-in rats is announced in Science, official journal of the Amarican Assécia- tion for the Advancement of Sci- ence, This acid is one of the numer- ous fractions of vitamin B. For three years dieticians have "reported that. something in vita- min B the ability to turn gray hair darker, When graying has been caused by lack of this somewhat mysterious. vitamin fraction, the restoration has been ' domplete. Films average 20,000 feet In length when shown; but usually about 85,000 feet have. been taken, This means a wastage of 15,000 fect for every film, the end?" "noticeable. La aA HAVE - YOU HEARD?) A Pole was passing through Berlin with his small son, The boy saw a statue of Hitler and inquired who he was, "Why, he's the man who freed us from our chains," the father said. "You know, mother's nice gold chain and my watch chain?" Joe: "What is a harmoni- ca?" . Jim: "Corn. on the cob set to music." The doctor was awakened by the phone jangling at 3 a.m, "What is it?" he asked sleep- ily. "Well, you see, doctor, we've been having a big party and I'm terribly worried about one of the guests," came from the other end of the wire. "But why bother me? Is he seeing elephants or something?" the doctor asked, annoyed. "That's the trouble," was the reply. "The room is full of 'em and he can't see any!" Mother: Junior is getting more like Jou every day." Father (absently): "What has he done now?' ' A certain actor who walked across the stage in a street scene of a third-rate drama was fond of telling his friends what he would accomplish when he had a speaking part. No matter how small it was, he would show them some real acting. Eventually . his opportunity came, He was booked for a com- ing production. He was fo appear in one of the scenes and say two words: "It is." For three: weeks he rehearsed al sorts of gestures, expressions, nightly before the myrror trying tones, until he felt perfect. The eventful night arrived when the curtain was to rise on the new play for the first time, and the actor impatiently waited his cue. It came. "And so this is 'With his best tragedian air he stalked to the centre of the stage, and in a voice of thunder cried: "Is it?" "You. sold me a car weeks ago." "Yes, sir." "Tell me again all said about it then. I'm - ting discouraged." two you How Can I? BY ANNE "ASHLEY Q. How can I wash delicate laces? A. This can be done effective- ly by wrapping them around a milk bottle, fastening the ends and dipping the bottle up and down lace is clean, Rinse in the same way, using clear water. pieces: of lace are best washed in this manner. : Q. How can I make a good stuffing for pillows?- A, Old silk garments, cut into very fine pieces, make an excel- lent stuffing for pillows. They are soft and cool and as easily shaken out as feathers. Q. Hwo can 1 keep plants moist? A. Water-soaked newspapers twisted around the roots of the plants, against the dirt, will kee the plants moist. ¢ Q. How can I remove sun tan? _A. Buttermilk appcations will usually prove effective. Or," mix '% ounce of glycerine, 1 ounce of rosewater, the juice of one small lemon, and apply. 308 Q. How can I remedy disfigur- ing scratches on wall paper? A. Moisten a scrap of the paper which has been saved and then 'carefully scrape off the coloring with a sharp knife, Ap- ply this coloring to the scratch and when dry it- will scarcely be Canada is. the world's leading producer' of asbest Shi ts in soapy water until the Long . Leave Masks Behind Them : In England Are Now Carry- ing Their Gas-Protectors _ Gas masks which nearly every Englishman carried at the out- break of the war, have been dis- appearing from the streets gradu- ally but steadily until. less than half the population carries them habitually. An Englishman thinks nothing of burdening himself daily with an umbrella and an attache case in which he may carry anything from papers to lunch and a change of socks. TOO MANY FORGOTTEN But he was a bit upset when possession of a gas mask, as well as a ticket, was demanded for admission to a movie. The movies soon found the accumulation of forgotten masks too great to cope with, and drop- ped the rule. There was a marked drop in the number of gas mask carriers im- mediately, ' t Women still generally carry them, as_well as accompanying toddlers who lug containers al- most half their size, . ONLY FALSE ALARM But when German gas attacks failed to materialize, attempts to get the public accustomed to wearing masks were chiefly lim- ited to newspaper appeals and warnings, Some business establishments still insist on their employes don- ning the masks at intervals for practice in working in them, Since the start of the war Lon- don has had one gas attack alarm, and it was a false alarm. Rumania's Latest "Strong Man". General Ion Antonescu, long a bitter foe of Magda Lupescu, is the new strong man of Rumania. He was called upon by King Carol to form a new government amid nationwille turbulénce. He laid down his' own terms for ac- cepting the call, one of which was the. exiling of Magda Lupe- scu. Shortly after Antonescu be- came military dictator, King Carol abdicated in favor of Crown Prince Michael. Apple Crop Decrease Over Million Barrels estimate of the Preliminary © 1040 Canadian apple crop places it at 4,421,000 barrels compared with the final estimate of 5,791,- 900 barrels in 1939. Production of pears is esti- mated at 550,400 bushels com- pared with 677,100 last year while the peach erop production is considerably lower at 784,400 bushels compared with 936,000. The 1940 grape crop is placed at 42,800,000 pounds compared with 65,695,900. - i =a y J . Northern Ontario . a hee Sporting Heaven It's A Paradise For The' Hunter and Fisherman in the North-West Section of the Province When the autumn leaves tint the landscape in beautiful colors and cool, bracing weather pro- vides ideal conditions for fall hunting and fishing, many sports. men will be out'in the woods and on lakes and streams of Canada, according to C. K, Howard, head of the Fish and Game Depart~ ment, Canadian National Rail- ways, CLIFF LAKE SECTION Among the many) territories making a sportsman's paradise is the Cliff Lake section of North- western Ontario, not only noted for its big game hunting but also as one of the finest muskie fishing waters in America, stated Mr, Howard, 'Comfortable log cab- ing have been erected on the shores of this lake for the ac- commodation 'of sportsmen visit- ing the district on fishing or hunting trips" he said. Fishing consists primarily of muskies and salmon trout, although there is a good supply of pickerel and great northern pike while the district provides very good hunt- ing for big and small game, as } 'well as waterfowl], stated Mr. Howard. Of special interest to the fall canoeing enthusiast are |. the almost unlimited possibilities ° |. of the region for canoe travel, "he said, "Convenient canoe trips up to a month's duration may be arranged with the management of Kenneally Lodge and Camps, with office .at Quibell, Ontario, who, - in addition, can supply canoes, guides, camping outfits and provisions." Access to this comparatively new sports dis- trict of the Cliff Lake section is made at Quibell station op the transcontinental line of 'the' Can- . adian National Railways, where guests are miet-and conducted-to camp. BIG GAME TERRITORY At Vermillion Lakes is situ- ated Mike Ament's Camps, with office at Sioux Lookout, Ontario, on the Canadian National line, In addition to muskles, small mouth black bass, salmon trout, wall-eyed pike and great north- ern pike, the Vermilion Lakes section has become known 'as a splendid big game territory, where 'moose, bear and deer are plentiful, as well as ducks, ac cording to- Mr. Howard. "The fa- cilities offered by this territory - for fishing and hunting make it one of the best on the contin ent" concluded Mr. Howard. Americans Guard Greenland Mines U. 8. Coastal Patrol Is Keep- ing Its Eye Upon Valuable Cryolite Deposits The Brooklyn Eagle says four heavlly-armed U. S. coast guard ves- sels manned by 500 men have es- tablished a protective patrol over Greenland"s cryolite mines, the world's only commercial source of * the important mineral used in re- fining aluminum, Coincident with the disclosure, the state department in Washing- ton forbade officers and crew mem- bers of the cutter Comanche, which returned from the Greenland patrol to talk about their work, according to the paper. ¢ The Eagle says the cutters Com- anche, George W. Campbell, North land and Duane have béén based at Ivigtut, Southwest of Greenland, since June 1 to protect the valuable mines, which produce a metal used in extracting aluminum from baux- ite ore, making it valuable to the alrplane industry. " GET A CLOSE-UP ON OGDEN'S| Treat your- self to a real "glamour"? smoke--rolla | cigarettewith mellow fragrant Ogden's Fine Cut. Then you'll understand why men who know their cigarette tobaccos vote Ogden's the headline attraction--why they never tire of Ogden's performance. Ouly the best cigarette babes' ve or "Vogue -- are good enow 0, "HEALTH TOPICS Correct Breathing Prevents Colds In order that children's chests may expand correctly it is of the utmost - importance that they learn to breathe through their noses from birth. Mouth breath- ing means the introduction of germs into the throat and breath- ing passages. The nose acts as a filter; having a Jining of fine hairs which stop the progress of harmful particles; Tf the mouth is kept closed, the saliva is then quite clean and healthy. mouth is continually open it be- comes dry and the saliva will be contaminated with germs, This may lead infection to the tonsils. Correct breathing through. -the nose also expands the . chest. EXPANDS CHEST PROPERLY If babies and young children do not expand their chests while their bonés and muscles are soft, they will grow up "with narrow, hollow chests.. This will cause insufficient lung expansion, and cold and bronchitis will result. Will you do all you can to see that baby breathes correctly from birth? His funny little mose has not much spare space inside it and any dried mucuc will soon fore he goes to sleep and when you dress him in the morning. If his nose is blocked his mouth will fall open when he is asleep and he will soon start a habit of mouth breathing. Do not lay him down on his back because in this position his mouth is more likely to fall open. If he turns on to his back and. his mouth comes open when he is asleep, it is easy - to put a rolled up handkerchief under his chin to keep his mouth shut, Baby must never wear anything tight or restricting to his move- ments, and stays that tie across the chest are harmful, His clothes must be loose and free, giving complete freedom of arm move- ment. y ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTIS EMENTS... CARS NEW AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD. Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; thyee locations, 632 Mt. Pleasant Road, 2040 Yonge St. 1660 Danforth Avenue, Our Used Cars make us many friends, FARM PROPERTY; SALE OF STOCK i KITCHENER STOCK YARDS, LAN. caster St, has good market for Horses, Dalry Cows, Feeders, Cal- Bigs, Poultry, Implements, produce with Auction Sale every huraday. Terms Cash; Rates rea- "sonable; 'prices good, Come to. Kitchen: je can buy, by * Canadian producers in April amounted to 80,449 tons as coms pared with 24,921 in March, Dur- ing'the first four months of 1940 shipments 'aggregated 103,347 tons as compared' with 86,605 during the corresponding period Nervous Restless easily? Annoyed by fo- Lydia EB. Pinkham's Vegetable Come conditions. Made éspecially for women. in 1939. ' Bi | | Cranky? Restless? ir Si male functional diss pound, famous for 60 years in WELL WORTH TRYING! r Can'tsleep?iTire orders and monthly d ? Then take helping such rundown, weak, nervous 100 ACRES TEN MILES EAST OF ~Barnia, Soa to No. 7 Highway. Large brik house, newly painted and decorated; two barns; natural ke Huron water in Price reasonable.--A. J. Yatk, 72 James St. N., Hamilton, ntar ~ LEGHORN PULLETS LEGHORN PULLETS:-AT BARGAIN rices while he up ly lasts. hree week old $20.40, four week old $24.40, tive week old $20.40, Also older. ftée range pullets.-- Tweddlq: Chick Hatcheries Limit ed, Fergus, Ontario, . HUNTING DOGS YOUNG AMERICAN COONHOUNDS slim trim. bullt, Shatp scented, opén trailers, Finest hunters on any game, 12 each.--J. L. Irwin, Ilderton, Ontario, INFORMATION: BUREAU © INFORMATION ON. ANY SUBJECT * Questions of any nature answered, conts each, Five for dollar. LL) Filfen's iN ormation Bur. eau, Wawbewawa, Ontario. where p --¥F. J. Steffler, Manager. ys POULTRY FREE RANGE PULLEYS, DAURED Rocks, White Rotks, Ne amp- te Leghorns, Hybrids. ree catalogue. Baden Chick . Hatchery Ltd. Ontario. i SEED FOR SALW shires, W All Ages, Electric Bade a... --_-- , Ware. To gel the PHOTO FINISHING FREE! You Can Now Own %z complete sect of beautiful silvers ware absolutely Sithont cost, manufactured and guarariteed by International Silver Company, You may have this complete sét absolutely free by sending your films to Imperial. Send an order now and recelve complete partic ulars of this amazing offer. 8ix or eight exposure flims developed and printed 26c, or 8 reprints plus your ch ment in cade best In quality and service send your ims to ¥ imperial Photo Service. Station J, a / PULLETS FOR SALE' NIGGER RED WHEAT TESTING aixty-five, 850; Fall barley testing fifty-two, $1. 0 per bus. All Gove nda e ine uded, bc per bus, extra pags it treated with seresan. Write N. &_ O/ King, ernment sta ing, Pain Court, Ontario. Barn Roofing--Granary Lining { SUPERTITE STEEL SHEETS COST less, cover more, last longer, lay faster, save sheathing. Buy now pelore war advances brides direct rom. factory. Supétior Products Limited, 15 Nelson Street, Sarnia. Untario. eed ISSUE 38--'40 BRAY 7.8 WEEK PULLETS; SC roady-to-lay Pai RULES: SoM tity September-October chicks av allable. Order Fall chicks now. Fall Service Bulletin ready soon. Bray Hatchery, 130 Johh, Hamil« ton, Ont. Take Guarans CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used -- New SPECIALIZING IN REBUILT MO- TORS, POWER-UNITS. Iydeaulle Holnstes, Winches, Generators, + Starters, Mngnetos, Caries Hadintors -- Exchange Serv ce, Inss ~~ Satisfaction or -refund, Levy Auto "arts, Dept. J. Toronto. ' If the _ block - it. -Therefore clean it be. <5 » bt { 9%

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