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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Oct 1940, p. 4

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| Pont Pony. Resorve Wednesday October 30 to attend the , Hallowe'en Bazaar and Supper at the Church of the Ascension RN REX FROST COMING TO PORT PERRY This well-known radio commentator will give his famous talk "The Caval- cade of Europe" in the Town Hall, Port Perry on November Ist. This motion picture and talk will be given under the auspices of the LODE. Proceeds in aid of War Work. -- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Kendall, of Hawkestone, U.S.A, and Mr, and Mrs. Edwin Kendall, of Minnesota, U.S.A. called on Mr. and Mrs. William E. Brooks, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Coulter, of Ottawa, were recent visitors in town, Mrs. Wm. recent guest of Mr. Allin, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reesor, of Markham, have taken up residence in the house recently vacated by Mr, and Mrs. W. Oke, J The Star joins with the citizens of Port Perry in extend- ing a welcome. Doubt of Toronto, was a and Mrs. A.W. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Smallman spent the week-end with their daughter Mus, VahNest, of Brantford. Mrs. Jas. Robinson of Vasey, Ont, spent last week here with her sister Mrs. John Simonds, Pte. Russell Trebell, and Pte. Bert. Howard, of Fort Henry, Kingston, in town for the week end. Corp. Fred Densham of Camp Bor- den, was with his parents for the week-end. Mr. John Coulter of Toronto, wus in town recently. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Day and Mr. H. Feltham, of Toronto, spent the and Mrs. D. Day. C. week end with Mr. Mr, W. Graham, of Hamilton, Mus, George Smith; of Toronto, Mrs. Ray Price, of Weston, spent the week-end with Dr. and Mrs. H, H. Armstrong. Pte. Albert Snowdon, of Listowel, spent the week-end with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Coile, of Sunderland, have rented the Jus, Medd house at Borelia. He is employed at General Motors, Oshawa. Rev. W. J. II. Smyth was called to Peterboro on Sunday night owing to the illness of an old friend. i Mrs. Samuel Smyley of Toronto, is _yisiting her sister and. brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. A. Tonchefl, who are re- siding in the Taggart house. Mr. and Mrs. E. Whalen and sons Leo and Joe, of Toronto, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. L. Leahy. Rev. Wm. and Mrs. Stocks, were in Peterboro on Monday. Mrs. Marshall Dunn of Edmonton, was a recent guest of relatives in town. It was reported last week that Messrs. H. H. Mulligan and A. Wari- del were employed at General Motors in Oshawa. A correction--Mr. Mulli- gan is working at Pedlar's and Mr. Waridel 'is still at the mill here. Fishing season js now closed. We will announce the name of the winner of the Bill Oke Fishing Trophy next week, Dr. Berry (nephew of Mr. Taggart) and Mrs. Berry, of Sunderland, Mrs. Stinson, of Togonto, Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds, of ay were callers on Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taggart on Sunday in honour of Mr. Taggart's 82nd birth- day. Mr, Geo. VanSickler, of Toronto, was a récent visitor in town, , Mr. and Mrs, Detenbeck, of Joliett, Hlinois, called on friends here re- cently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Heusler of To- ronto, spent the week end at their summer home here. Mrs. John Tosher of Sunderland, visited Mr. and Mrs, E, L. Argue this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Somirvilie. and UMr, and Mrs. Arthur Somerville and © family, arrived from Bechard, Sask, to their home here. Eyes Examined (lasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST THE W. M. 8. The Evening Auxiliary of the W. M.S. met in the Ladies' Parlour of the United Church on Thursday, Oct. 10, at 8 pm. 'Lhe president, Mrs. I. D. Colbear was in the chair. Mrs, C. PL Peterson gave an excellent report of the W.M.S. Rally held at Columbus on October Oth. "Mrs. D. McMillan gave the topic in her very capable manner on "Birch Bark Talking" which described Sir James Evans' missionary work among the Ojibway Indians. The Thanksgiving Offering was re- ceived, followed by prayer by Mrs. Colbear. The meeting was well at- tended and several new members were present. Arrangements were completed for the afternoon tea and address by Mrs. Aitken on Thursday, October 24, at 3 pn. woo ST JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robt. Simpson, Minister. Sumlay School at 10 a.m. Holy Communion at 11 am. CHURCH OFF THE ASCENSION (Anglican) ~ Rev. Wm. Stocks, Rector. Friday, October 25, at 7 p.m. (S.T.) at St. Thomas Church, Brooklin, In- duction of the Rector by His Grace Archbishop D. T. Owen, D.D. "Preacher: Rev. W. R. Armitage, M.C., M.A. D.D., Principal of Wy- eliffe College. Members and fr ends cordially in- vited. Reception in Town Hall after Induction service. Sunday, October 27 8 a.m.-- Holy Communion 3 p.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m. --Evening prayer and sermon The Rector: PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH 10 a.m.--Sunday Shool. UNITED CHURCH NOTES The Oshawa Young Peoples' Union will hold their autumn congress for officers - and workers in Port Perry, Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 26-27. The opening session will be held on Saturday at 2.30 pm. (S.T.) Regis- (ration taking place at 2 p.m. Miss Grace Vickery of Prince Albert being Following is the program: Program--(8.T.) Saturday, October 26-- 2 p.m--Registration. Fee 20c. 2.30 p.m.--Worship service by Maple Grove Y.P.U. 2.45--Weleome--Rev, W. J. H. Smyth Reply--Roy Ormiston, President. Announcements, 250--Theme Address -- Rev. F. K. ~ Joblin, Scugog. 3.30--Department Discussion Groups. Administration--Roy Ormiston. Christ. Fellowship--Ruby Andrew Christ. Missions--FEthel Burlington Christ. Citizenship--Helen Metcalfe Christ. Culture--Jean Battle Recreation--Stan. Gomme Dramatics--Merle Thompson Girls' Work--Edna Green Boys' Work--Murray Kirby Leadership Training--Olive Ressor 4.00--Special Pep-Talk in Y. P. Work "Music in our meetings" -- Evelyn Gay. "Big Little Things in Y. P. Meetings" Sybil Langmaid. "Wor- ship in Y.P. Programs" --Susic Van- Camp. 5.16--Recreation conducted by Stan, Gomme. 6. 15--Fellowship Banquet, 30c. Sing-Song--Don Allman, Greetings--George Lewis, Preident Bay of "Quinte Conferente" Y.P.U. 8.00--Moving Pictures--""Western Y. P. Conference at Calgary by Roy Jorgensen, Brampton. Music by Brass Quartette, Orono. Closing Meditation--Rev. W. J. H. Smyth, Sunday, Octgber 27th-- 11 a.m.--Church Service. Rev. E. E. Pugsley, Soloist--Zorah Gee 2.30 p.m.--Worship service by Broug- ham Y.P.U. 2.41 PR M. R. Jen- kinson, Pickering. a 3.15--Closing Communion Service. This is a fine opportunity for' the Young People of Port Perry to secure inspiration and guidance in church work. The Banquet on Saturday evening is open_to all young people. Those remaining over night on Sat- urday will be billetted in the homes. And the delegates will be guests in the homes of the congregation for Sunday dinner, registrar. Address Wy agninston. A 1 0) tl, fic PPTHEATRE. hs OSHAWA Air o onditioned Friday and Sahugday. Oct. 25-26 The Great McGinty Starring Brian DONLEVY, Muriel ANGELUS, Akim TAMIROFF. A Laugh from Start to Finish. REVIVAL, Friday, at 11 pm. "HONEYMOON IN BALI" starring Fred MacMurray and Madeleine Carroll. 4 FREE Phone Parking 01 Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 28-29 "DR. CYCLOPS" starring Albert DEKKER and Janice Logan. In Technicolor, and Robert YOUNG and Maureen O'SULLIVAN, in "Sporting Blood" with Lewis Stone and William Cargan. Wed, Thurs., Friday, Saturday, * October 30-31 and ! Now) 2 ~ Clark Gable Bik) 4 Benes, Pricy BOOM TOWN with Claudette Colbert, Hedy Lamarr and Frank Morgan. TRY PRENTICE'S FOR YOUR ' BEAUTY TREATMENTS Skilled Operator. Very moderate prices We specialize in-- J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Oflice Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. FOR SALE Billard Parlour and Tobacco busi- ness. A good live business. Apply to W. Kaufman, Port Perry. oct12 FIRST CLASS GRADED POTATOES FOR SALE per bag delivered. Ont. 8he. Port Perry, Phone 71j, (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) RUSSELL, D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eact week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 LOST The person taking wrong coat from Mulligan's Beauty Shoppe, Saturday niorning, please bring back at once and avoid trouble, CEMENT AND ROAD GRAVEL Also Sand for building purposes, For prices of gravel and hauling apply to WM. DONNELLY Phone 164 r 12, Port Perry Bunny 030 ARARBBARBALSARSASSSSS PORT PERRY BOY SCOUTS Our local troop must raise funds with which to buy the necessary books, badges, etc., to enable them to carry on as a first class troop. To do this they have decided to gather all available scrap iron and would ap- preciate the offer of any you may have. It will be removed neatly and at once. Notify Scoutmaster Owen Cliff, Phone 81. DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber Shop. Telephope 237 - - NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Henry Fred Overton, Retired Merchant, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Henry Fred Overton, late of the Township of Reach, who died on or about the 25th day of September, 1940, are hereby notified to send particulars of same to the undersigned Solicitor on or before the 23rd day of October, 1940, after which date the Estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned-shall then have notice. Dated at Whitby, this 30th day of September, A.D. 1940 R. D. RUDDY, Solicitor for the Executor, Whitby, Ont. ARTHUR W. S. GREER in attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon + ---ot each week, or by appointment. Blong ook, Port Perry, Phone 2b Ww. J. C REAL ESTATE 14rtle Station, Ont. P.O! Bpx 47. Phone 120 r 2 Farm, Village, Town and City pro- perties for sale. All sorts of ex- changes will be considered. novl Port Perry 2atet Bonat Permanent Waves Shampoo and 'Wave 50c. Oil Ireatment 75c. 'Manicure 35¢. Special Permanent, including Haircut, Shampoo, and Finger Wave--32, 60 Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. With oRWihot Apiiaintiosis NOTE FOLKS! October 31-Nov. 6, marks Mr. Shul- man's 20th anniversary in Uxbridge. He ran the show in silent film days to now. Each year there is a gradual improvement. This year the theatre has been remodelled, new inside lights, talkies improved, newer shows at lower prices. Come and see the ' Strand, at Uxbridge. - We hope for a continuance of Port Perry patronage. Mr. Shulman, Uxbridge. LADIES! The balance of all the Fall stock of smart new styles in felt and velvet hats are offered at big reductions in price at Mrs, Hall's showroom, at her home, Queen St., Port Perry. WANTED Three or four unfurnished rooms in Port Perry. Apply to Star Office. FOR SALE OR RENT 120 acres, 80 under cultivation, plowing done. Farm bordering on Manilla. Apply to Florence Edwards, Manilla, ARTICLES FOR SALE Cow, 4 years old, fresh two days, heifer calf at side. - Four: beds with springs and 1 mattress. - 3 dressers, 1 records. Ewen, Port Apply to Jas. Perry. ; ar APPLES FOR SALE Also DRESSED POULTRY Phone 161} ACAPS. Recommended by thousands who have gained better health, At A. M. Lawrence's Drug Store. BACKACHES GO QUICKLY, often after first dose. way action attacks the cause, relieves the pain. Sold at Lawrence's Drug Store, Port Perry. small table, Victor Phonograph with [3 Apply to Mrs. Lloyd Reed, Port Perry 3 oct10 | 3 RHEUMATIC PAIN, Sciatica, Lum. | bago quickly relieved by using RUM-|% RUMACAPS two-{¢ ALL PRICES QUOTED ARE ON OUR BEST QUALITY GARDEN FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES pte ea wa a nn aw a ee eeu ee ne nS aT a ea a 0 EE A AS EAE APPLES MACINTOSH 6 Qt. DOMESTIC BASKET Ra. Ie LARGE HEADS HEAD LETTUCE, 2 for 25¢ HOT HOUSE ) TOMATOES LARGE HEADS GREEN CELERY - MUSHROOMS RED TOKAY GRAPES © LARGE SIZE GRAPEFRUIT, SWEET : POTATOES - SPANISH ONIONS VERY MILD ... TURNIPS Ib. 19¢ 10¢ SITTIN Ib. 33¢ 2 lbs. for 19¢ 2 for 15¢ Ib. 5¢ Be 3 lbs. 10c -- PEARS LARGE HEADS Savoy Cabbage, CHINESE LETTUCE COOKING ONIONS, 75 POUND BAG Ontario Potatoes - LARGE HEADS CAULIFLOWER FOR PRESERVING, 6 at. 5c. - 2 for 15¢ 10 lbs. 25¢ 95¢ 10c" 45¢ LARGE SIZE LEMONS 6 QUART BASKET Waashed Carrots - FIRM and CRISP RADISH - doz. 35¢ 19¢ 2 for 9¢ ORANGES MEDIUM SIZE doz. 29¢ -- GROCERY VALUES -- a a po onsale tee foto eto te eect BROWN Salada Tea LABEL ¢ 1 Ih. 39. 11b. 8c. a rene o st CLARK'S 20 oz, tin Pork & Beans - STANDARD 16 oz. tin PEAS FINE QUALITY MINCEMEAT 2 lbs. 25¢c. DOMINO--1 1b. tin Ib. 19¢ Baking Powder - Ib. 10¢ 2 for 19¢ 2 for 19¢ 290907020202 322020008 Cote, MAPLE LEAP PURE PURE LARD - - CLEAN SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 lbs. 25¢ DOMINION, Me or. Peanut Butter MILD t CHEESE - MANNING CRISP, PRESH 5 SODAS - 2lbs. for 25¢c ¥ GRAHAM, 12 OZ 8: WAFERS 15¢ READY cur MACARONI 2 Ibs. 9¢ WITH GIANT PALMOLIVE ° 22¢ SUPER SUDS 25¢ Ib. 20¢ RED ROSE COFFEE, 1 Ib. 25¢, 1 1b. 47¢ Il LAWRENCE'S A -- ONE CENT This + Week Wednesday, Thursday, Filtay and Sauiday Medicines $1.00 Beef, Iron & Wine 2 for $1.01 50c. Chest Rub, 2 for ble. 79¢. Yeast and Iron Tablets 2 for 80c. 50c. Milk of Magnesia 2 for 5lc. 75¢. Milk of Magnesia 2 for 76c¢. 50c. Nose and Throat Relief 2 for 5lec. $1.00 Cod Liver and Creosote Co. 2 for $1.01 $1.00 Peptona, 2 for $1.01 79¢. Mi3l Antiseptis 2 for 80c. 50¢. Linaseptic, 2 for 5lc. $1.00 Halibut Liver 0il Capsules '2 for $1.01 25¢. A.B. & C. Tabléts ' 2 for 26c. 15¢c. Epsom Solts 2 for 16¢c. 49c. A. S. A. Tablets 2 for 50c. 75¢. Cod Liver Oil Capsules 2 for 76c. 25c¢. Peroxide - 2 for 26c. Stee esl Toiletries 35¢c, Rexall Shaving Cream _ 2 for 36c¢. 40c. Lavender Shaving Cream 2 for 4lc. 35¢. Jeaall Shaving Lotion ; for 36¢. 50c. "Jontest Face Powder 2 for 5lc. 50c. Gardenia. Face Powder 2 for 5lc. 25c. Assorted Perfumes 2 for 26c¢. 50c. French Balm, 2 for 5lc. 25¢. Klenzo Dental Cream 2 for 26¢. 40c, Klenzo Dental Cream 2 for 4lc. 25¢. Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste, 2 for 26c. 85¢, Mi31l Tooth Powder : \ 2 for 36¢. 26¢. Tar Shampoo Soap 2 for 26c. 25e. Germicidal Soap 2 for 26c. 25c. Cocoanut Oil Shampoo for 26¢. 40c. Lavender Br ty c. SUNDRIES 25¢. Tooth Brushes 2 for 26c¢. 35¢. Tooth Brushes 2 for 36c¢. 50c. Tooth Brushes 2 for 5lc. . 10¢. Wash Cloths, 2 for 1lc. 15¢. Wash Cloths, 2 for 16c. 15¢. Powder Puffs 2 for 16¢.- $1.00 Leather Billfolds - 2 for $1.01 50c. 4-Square F rt Wax 2 for lc. 25¢. Dressing Combs 2 for 26c. 15c. Adhesive Tape 2 for 16¢. 25¢. Adhesive Tape 2 for 26c¢. $1.25 Hot Water Bottles 2 for $1.26 } $1. 50 Hot Water he for $1.51 35¢. Rubber PL, 2 10c. Stork Nipples 2 for 1lc, 10c. Stork Bottles, 2 for 1lc. for 36e. STATIONERY 15¢. Writing Pads 2 for 16c¢. 25¢c., Writing Pads, 2 for 26c. 10c. Pkg. Envelopes 2 for 1lc. '15¢. Pkg. Envelopes ¢ 2 for 16¢.' 35¢. Box Slationces 2 for 36¢. 50c. JX Stationsy 2 for 5le. 16e. "od Colony Ink 3 2 for 16c¢. 30c. Box Christmas Cards 2 for: 3lc. 50c. Box Christmas 2 for 5lc. 75¢.. Box Christmas Cards 2 for 76e¢. $1.00 Box Christmas Cards 2 for $1. a CANDY Jumbo Humbugs 19c¢. 1b. = Horehound Drops 19c¢. Ib. Peppermint Patties 3 oz. hox 2le. 2 Peanut Fd 26¢, Ib, a= Assorted Chocolate Bay R : 2 for 6c. MAKE SURE OF YOUR SHARE OF BARGAINS. BUY NOW, K FOR YOUR VINIERS NEEDS. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL MAIL. § ORDERS AND PHONE ; ORDERS, cof A. M, LAWRENCE | PHONE 49 HOUSE FOR RENT ' 7 rooms, on Crandell Street, Port Perry. Furnace, bath, Hydro, town water, hard water, garage. Apply at Star Office or Phone 128 rd. » TORES EIDE LIMITED HOUSE FOR RENT On Cochrane. street, in AL condition, All conveniences and a pretty home. Vacant November 1st. Apply to John. Ploughman, Port Perry, mo Rename PORT PERRY 'Marg! You flock won and you do not limp any more, plain? Thanks Ann, I feel wonderfal. dowry Li Xs Jawrence started : Thymolated Cort Callow En. ¢ y owe my to him and oat efficient. Fos

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