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Port Perry Star (1907-), 7 Nov 1940, p. 6

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W§ Danger Season | For Motorists Drivers, Pedestrians Warned a HEALTH IN LIGHTER VEIN: Music From The Spheres. 0 "It DOES taste good in e pipe!" > HANDY SEALTIGHT POUCH - 154 TEN mY | gidas, TE } SRE 1 ay = = NRA on Sn , To Use Caution -- Shorter Daylight Hours Partly Re- sponsible for Higher Death Toll on Roads A call for double care by both motorists and pedestrians was is. sued last week by W. Gillert Rob- ertson, general manager of the On- tario Motor League, with the ap- proach of the most treacherous part of the year. . "It 1s a well recognized fuct that from now until the turn of the year accident records show that ac.' cidents greatly increase on roads and streets during the coming per fod," Mr. Robertson emphasized. WET PAVEMENTS AND LEAVES There were several 'reasons for the increase he sald, but the most evident seemed ta be shorter day- light hours, "From now on," he ex- plained, 'the afternoon rush hour traffic takes place at dusk." Most accidents occur just at dusk Mr, Robertson added. Wet pavements, "covered with leaves and ice, are other factors contributing to the death list, "The general combination of these fac. tors coupled with bad driving on the part of motorists and foolish walking on the part of pedestriuns cause most accidents," he sald. With but sixty days left in the year, Toronto police figures showed they are the most treacherous -- 1940 stands to. break all existing | records in the number of traffic fatalities. Tho year 1938 now holds the record with seventy-seven deaths. Chinese Never Waste Anything Not Even A Scrap of Paper-- They Make Sandals Out of Old Automobile Tires "Tho Chinese wallow nothing to be wasted, no matter how useless ft may at first appear. No scrap of paper thrown away by a careless foreigner is allowed to lie long in the streot before being spotted by an eagle-cyed coolie, who will joy- fully take possession. A newspaper is regarded as a rich prize, which can be put to many uses. During the chilly nights of the rainy sea- gon, for Instance, a few newspapers gerve the coolle and his (amily as - blankets. Empty tins are not allowed to _go_to_wasle, for the thrifty Chin- ese find them very useful. The larger tins make handy and in- expensive cooking pots, oil drums are used as water containers, while other tins are flattened out and used as patches to make roofs weatherproof, Also of great value are the dis- carded Inner tvbes from car tyres. Perhaps the most popular use is to slit up tho tube, then shape and stitch .the rubber to make sandals for .the whole family. The junk dealers will buy any- thing, no matter how valueless it may seem. Tattered clothes, brok- en bottles, rusty nails, wooden crates, strips of matting--anything at all--wlll bo found In: thé shops of these dealers, They do not lack customers; either, for the Chinese have a use for everything. 'Four warehouses are required to store the gifts of knitted gar- ments, etc., sent to the troops in Britain, by the women of Canada. Swing It} 4 Th0 sans Hiroe an ab ndamee %4-LB, "LOK-TOP" TIN . 65¢ also packed in Pocket Tins Picobac GROWN IN SUNNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO Ea a dE ee 2 SRR Is Doing EE EE EE EE ET RRR ERE = Wht Science REBUILDS ARTERIES A major discovery in surgery, a method of rebuilding arteries by using sections of veins as spare parts, was reported last month by Dr. Gordon Murray, of the University of Toronto. This kind of new internal pip- ing, long sought by surgeons, is made possible by a new drug, heparin, which triples the length of time that human blood takes to clot. Heparin, gn extrac was dey@loped \by a group of Canadian physicians headed by Dr. C. H. Best of Toronto, co- discoverer of insulin, of liver, ALCOHOL AND ANGINA An injection of pure ethyl al- cohol into the neck to cure the pain of angina pectoris, one of the serious forms of heart disease, was described by Dr. Samuel Per- low of Chicago. It gave complete relief in 40 per cent of the cases tried, and partial relief in another 35 per cent. Angina is a painful heart trouble. INFLUENZA CONTROL A discovery by three Austral- ian researchers that the human nose secretes a substance which will make certain disease viruses harmless may open the way to ef- fective medical control of influ- enza, The three scientists found that a chemically purified secre. tion of the normal human nose inactivated every kind of -influ- enza obtainable there 'for test- ing. | Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. If a young man sends_a girl a box of candy or flowers, but she is not in the least interested in this man, is it necessary for her to write and: thank him? 2. When a woman. and her dinner partner are at the table, must they devote: all their con versatian® to each other? . 3. What is the most becoming color for a blonde woman with a fair skin? : 4. When 'a girl is with her es- cort, and wishes to leave the table to go to the rest room, what should she say? 6. When a -girl wears a man's fraternity pin, does it imply that she is engaged to him? 6. Should a widow, upon a sc®- ond marriage, wear white? : Answers 1. Yes, but try tactfully to dis- courage. his attentions, 2, No, it is not necessary. 38. Probably black. 4. "Will you excuse me? I'll be right back." 5. Yes. While this 1s 'not always true, the im- plication is there. 6. Never. White is for the virginal: bride. Feathers On Hats Menace Bird Life Pinions From More Than 40 Species of Wild Birds Are Being Offered Illegally For Sale--Used In Women's Mill. Inery ' North Amemcan bird lite faces ta, worat threat fn the last three IT) "decades because of renewed ox. tensive, uso of bird feathers, on wothen's hats, according to Richard H. Pough of the National Audubon Soclety, New York. : Foathérs of more than 40 specles of wild birds are being legally offered for sale, Mr, Pough charges, following a 'survey of millinery shops in New York, . THERE ARE "LEGAL FEATHERS! Tv rd A bY "Tlie Fomedy Is fairly simple for those who do mot care to partici. pate fnior give ehvouragement to the illegal traffic," Mr. Pough sald, , {There are legal feathers, and any purchaser of 'bird plummage has a » right to demand that she be glven positive assurance that the feath. ors on her hat ure within the law." 0S rd "Moving Mountains That the Alps are moving rap- idly to the north along a 300- mile front, causing the plains in front to sink into the earth under their! irrestible weight, is the opinion of an eminent scientist. The same thing is happening to the Himalayas, which are creep- ing south. But although in geo- logical time they are moving swiftly, the actual rate is only a few feet each year. All the time, the world is undergoing change. The Thames was an underground river 10,000 years ago, for a for- mer bed has been discovered six- ty feet below the present one. So a million years hence inhabi- tants of this planet will not be able to recognize their territory by looking at maps of to-day. Everything will be different, for a viver like the Mississippi shifts enough sediment into the Gulf of Mexico each year to cover the cities of - Manchester and Liver- pool in a three-foot layer, Joint U.S.-Canadian Commission Studies Routes yn J) J) Zl) TOPICS ed ahh aX TRE ~ 'Prevention of T hroat Infection Thymol, a substance allied to phenol (carbolic), but with 25 times' the antiseptic strength of the latter, is strongly advocated as a gargle and mouth wash in the prevention of raw sore throats and of tartar of the tooth in per- sons subject to these ailments. In every mouth left undisturb- ed for some hours--for example during sleep -- a varying amount of 'white substance grows on the tongue and other mouth surfaces and accumulates around the teeth. This consists of a thread- like plant called leptothrix, in the meshes of which may be numer- ous germs and 'cells, This plant, if not removed, will grow ra- pidly and form a hard tartar on the teeth which can be removed only by a dentist's sharp instru- ment. Such removal is necessary, otherwise the teeth and gums will "suffer. HELPS KEEP TARTAR AWAY People otherwise meticulously clean in their habits habitually neglect their teeth; the brush, used in a perfunctory rub, is al- lowed to become filthy and pos- sibly does more harm than good. Many persons are continually troubled with a raw sore throat, aggravated in some smoking particularly if cigarettes are used; in these individuals a systematic use of a saturated so- lution of thymeol in water as a mouthwash and gargle, is a most effectual preventive. HOW TO PREPARE IT The solution is prepared as fol- lows: the crystals of thymol, placed in a muslin bag, are put into a wide-mouthed bottle and cold water added. Soon there will be a saturated solution of the drug. more cold water is added until all the crystals have disappeared. Then more crystals are added. Thymol is inexpensive, An ounce, costing no more than a few cents, will make nine gallons of solu- tion. 5 If the, solution appears to he too strong, that is if it "bites" the tongue or throat, water may be added. When ready, the so- lution is used as a gargle and mouthwash "several times a day. cases by . From time to time YS TRLTIN FETT VIN CAA SM bat "I's my own invention. It doesn't scream, it doesn't whistle--it just plays "There'll Always be an England" Throughout the night her hus- band had been muttering "Flor- rie," and at breakfast she tack- led him. "Florrie?" he echoed. "Oh, that's the horse I backed yester- day." A day or two later a letter ar- rived and wifie opened it. When hubby came home that night she handed it over to him. "Your horse has written to you," was all she said. A Chinese cdok was take ing a walk through the woods when he "noticed a grizzly bear following, smelling his tracks. "So," he said, "you like my tracks? Velly good, me make some more." Fox Changes. Color The Arctic fox changes colour to allow for the varying intensity of light in different seasons. It is powdery blue in summer and snow-white in winter, The golden yellow and dark bands of the tiger make it almost invisible , against its background of high, rank. grass, iio d Turnip Farm Is Successful Quebec Department of Agri- culture Sponsored It As Source of Revenue to Farm- ers in L'Islet County 'A new branch of the farming in- dustry, the cultivation of turnips, - has been started in L'Islet county by the Quebec Department of Agrl- culture, says a story In the Mon. treal Star, It has already proved to be an important source of revenue Minister of Agriculture and of Col- | Joli and St. Eugene. 7 Premier Godbout, who {is also Minister of Agricylture and of Col- onization, is credited with having personally introduced the cultiva. tion of turnips in the county on a large scale, as part of his polley of encouraging general gardening as a means of improving the posi. tion of Quebec farmers. CULTIVATED ON LARGE SCALE Agricultural experts were sent to the county from Quebec and 25 farmers:in Port-Jolf and St, Eugene alone are assured of big crops of --{urnips- this fall. ---- -- - Jie "The importance of vegetables in the dlet of human beings is em- phasized by health speclalists, and therefore, besides the economie factor from the viewpoint of the farmer, it Is to be encouraged by all possible means," Premier God. bout- said. j Canallian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the alle inclusive Canadian National Rail. ways System for the week end- ing October 21, 1940, ere: AE SES LA E TI »...$6,201,981 as compared with ........ 6,192,453 for the corresponding period of 1939, an in- ; crease of ini. $ 9,628 ET a or 2% 0 ] OZ Chanteclor syn CIGARETTE PAPERS QJ 5 | NONE FINER MADE DOUBLE A TOMATIC "BOOKLET The above map shows the four proposed routes for the Alaska highway. Solid lines represent roads already constructed. Brok- en lines show proposed high- ways. | How Can I? i BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I salt peanuts in the shell? A. Boil the peanuts in salt water, ~ Allow to dry and 'then roast. ° Q. How can I make a good silver polish? A. Dissolve 1 ounce of pow- dered borax in ¥4-pint boiling water, of precipitated chalk and beat until smooth; then add 1 gill of alcohol. Bottle for use. Shake thoroughly before using. Q. How can I renew old lace? A. Squeeze the old lace in "hot, soapy water, then in cold water, then in milk to stiffen it. Press it on the wroag side. Q. How can I take the fire out of a burn? 5 A. Make and apply a paste of baking soda and water, P. How can I care for garden furniture before storing it away for the winter months? A. Rub the furniture well with boiled linseed oil; this will improve the color of the wood and..prevent its cracking. 'Q. How can I often a paint brush? : yy A. To soften a used paint brush, boil it in vinegar. If the brush is very full of paint, boil it the 'second time. MENTHLATU M EROS I When cold, add 4 ounces' LTR ERG RT Eres (MIDDLE- "HAVE - | YOU HEARD? When Sir George Reid, a man prominent in. Australian politics, was made knight cofimander of St. Michael and St. George, he was rather embarrassed by his new dignity, for "he liked to be reférred to as plain George Reid. At 'one of his meetings someons " énlléd' out: "Say, George, what "does K, C.. M, G. mean?" Without a moment's hesita- tion: the . new knight answered, Keep, calling me George." Sign on a coal truck-- "One good ton deserves another." 0 or Here is another Lewis Carroll- parody -- this time of "The Wal- rus and the Carpentér": "I feel for you," the Fuchrer said, "I deeply, sympathize," With sobs 'and tears he sorted LL i; States of convenient size; * Holding his . pocket 'handkerchief 7 ~ Before his longing eyes, "May we now live in unity" But answer came there "none, "And this was hardly strange, be- cause He'd eaten everyone, White-haired Lady -- "Ah, me, things aren't at all like they used to be. The only time a modern mother puts her foot down is when the traffic light turns green. -- wer exes, pimp! ext Be RA he IIDDLE-AGEY WOMEN THIS ADVI aching 2% ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... AGENTS WANTED NEW WORLD "ILLUSTRATED -- Canada's newest pictorial mag- azine has an opening in your town for a part time 'representative, male or female. NO experience necessary, just mail a post-card listing a reference and full par- ticulars will follow by return mail, ddress to G. Dunne, Suite 611, Sterling Towers, Toronto, AGENTS SELL A PATENTED necktie, direct to the customers. Write Station K_Box 23, Toronto, AGENTS WANTED GRAPHOIL CONCENTRATE. BlG profits. Supply farmers, service stations, and motorists In your area. Exclusive territories. Write Grapholl, 610 Woburn Avenue, Toronto, Lh x - FEMALE NINETY CENTS AN HOUR FOR Two. $1.00 sales of FAMILEX PRODUCTS, selling as easlly -as bread and butter! Your earnings in accordance with the a FARMS FOR SALE SEVERAL CHOICE STOCK FARMS, near London, Ontario. B. Coote, Barrister, 1385 Dundas London, Ontarlo. SALT-DALE FARM, 200 ACRES, 75 acres alfalfa, 15 acres grapes, St. Catharines, 4 miles. Alf Hack, Route 1, St. Catharines, Ont. FOR SALE--240 4CRES, DAIRY OR Tobacco farm, belonging to the estate of the late Alex. Anderson; gravel loam, good bulldings, quan- tity of timber, Hydro and waler installed, adjacent to the city of St. Thomas. Apply. William _M. Anderson, 292" Talbot Street, or Warren 8. Anderson, R.R. No. 4, St. Thomas, Ontarlo. 'INVESTMENTS Street, PERSONAL, * QUIT SMOKING--TO SAVE MONEY and health. Obtain permanent re- lief. For remedy send one dollar ~. to Anti-Bac go 73 Adelaide St. W, Toronto, Ont * UPS FOR SALE NEWFOUNDLAND - PUPS, REGIS. tered Stock, highly intelligent watchdogs, children's guardian, snapshots sent. John Somerville, Alliston, Ont. STAMPS FOR SALE STAMP COLLECTORS: AM BREAKS ing up large collection at speci: discounts. Free crown colony core onation set to approval applicants. Roy Pennell, 364 Brock Avenue, Toronto.' CAPITAL -- EXPANSION LUMBER Manufacturing, Wax 'purposes. Huy years timber supply, mainly 1té Pine. Experléenced manu- facturers,- new modern mill, cap- aclty ten million, preferred secur- ity, repayment guaranteed. Box time and effort you put Into your work. Apply for Free catalogue and particulars, G. St. George, 570 St. Clément Street, Montreal. 19, 78 Adelaide W., Toronto, Ont. PHOTO FINISHING FREE! You Can Now Own t of beautiful sliver. > © © BABY CHICKS ORDER BRAY CHICKS NOW FOR November-December delivery. A few pullets still available. Bray Fall Service Bulletin, and Dally, Speclal, for the asking. Bray Hatchery, 130 John North,-Hum- ilton, Ont. DOGS FOR SALE TWO DEERHOUNDS 24% YEARS old trained on Deer and: Coyotes fast. Price $16.00 each. G. BE, Mc- Donald, Arrow River, Man. ENCYCLOPAEDIA FOR SALE SPECIAL NTRODUCTORY OFFER --thirty "dollars d(scount for this advertisement, on purchaylug the new revised edition of the En- cyclopaedia Britanniea = balance te se absolutely without cost, manufactured and guaranteed by International Sliver Company, ou may have this complete set absolutely free by sending your flims to Imperial. Send ware your films to Imperial Photo Service, Station J. Toronto. MEDICAL ~ MACHINERY FOR SALE pl BL td for full detalls how we can 7, e. you '10. to 15% and mors IY " MRUCKS, TRACTORS ~ NOTICE A FALL CLEAN-UP SALR - of over 30 us, ks-and T tors, also Diefel poweNunits, tobe pers, ~etc. Seé us wh uylin equipment, Hannas Internati Sales, Guelph, Ontario. on PERSONAL SUPERFLUOUS HAIR SAFELY, Privately removed. Face, Arm ly Legs; Treatment J.0 Bostpald, pper. yGuaranteed to - KILL roots with one application. ganadian Chemistry iCo., Wilkle, SHOPPING SERVICE ATTENTION MOTHERS! WRITH many every day needs for yous pie by using our Shopping Here h ©o_ obligatibns, Shopping Servifé ; Reg'd, 112 ford) Sh El, Gore Bldgs ---- 'RABBIT FURS AND WOOL WADE PORTABLE DRAG SAWS, easy to operate, a money-maker wherever there are logs to be cut. Write for free descriptive bulletin. The lllams payable monthly, Clip, and mall M 5 2 to 605 Federal Bullding, Toronto, achinery Co. Ltd. 64 Front. for. full details. - Ey St, West Toronto. * == . -- HIGHLY, RECOMMENDED Y ELECTRIOAL ; 2 BRY ELECTRIC W XTHR BYSTEMS. Pump. Sui $30.60. Complete iy t 5.00. ite for _ fol Waugh 'and Mheiewn 'London, nt. { x4 WANTED HOUSE OR. COTTAGE, goed condition With two of! thres sdrootns on iF phy gah oa convenieng cash. co SI Fat totarer Taves fox. tb 18 elal t, West, Toronto. vO riseer Ede fia | Guaranteed Sr - CAR AND TRUCK PARTS sed -- New a "a t 8, Winches. Uenerators, thrters, | Magnetos, 'U Radiators -- xe Ange filnsy = Satisfaction or refund: vy Auto arts, Dept, J, Toronto. @ emedy. Te, «335 slUfferefr of Rheumatism, Ahold, try Dr. Bh, FRUIT JUICES ARE THE_PRIN. cipal ingredients in. Dr. Dixon's Remedy 108 Beupitis Sas only at unro's Dr ¢, "Ottawa, 160 ald. Ein, LACE TABLE COVERS MARE cht Trt STAY ; 4 u Patterns, Mpes X boa La LL 12,35 prepa h Qrder now 48 Juan. tity limited. WII rétund If not satisfactory. General uiaing Reg'd, Room 112, Gore Bullding, Hamilton. ST _. OPTICAL SADING alrs them ith is or; er ie h i VOUr, rif suited, State age. Flees $1, 5 up. St. Caf tical Co, 1255 St. Clalr West, Toronto, * .Torénto, MARKET YOUR RABBIT FURS Sand wool at top prices. Bulletl Sree. Wilte, Canadian Small Bree o ation, Box 0 Ontarloas.. . : Totoms 1, USED CLOTHING: WE BUY, SELL AND EXCH Modern' Ladies' vii Men's A "tall, 327 an Ble Porn ny WATCH REPAIRS SPECIAL--$1.00 REPAIR! Watch complete, pti ki "Fold bonkht x $4] Jewellers, nes Jewe Clark, Montreal. Sets, 8 = Boh WANTED: HATCHING 'EGGS WANTED £¥py A J RELIAB Eggs bi | ; atehery, *Batchin, Tolion ing boa Black Minoron White fnorcas, Rhode Islan Reds, White Wyandottes, Colu bia Wyandottes, Buff Orphington rown ghorns, Jersey Blac! Qlants, Jersey Nehits tiants, Blac alorps. Large premium pal Box NUBILE 58, "3 Adelaide" Wy Es ---- | ; ISSUE 45--'40

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