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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Nov 1940, p. 3

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"a - slde the large cities, "Will Industry Go To Rural Centres? As A Result of the War Manufacturers May Seek to Locate In Less Vulnerable Areas 4 Perhaps one aftermath of the war will be a great de-centralization process, says the Nisgara Falls Re. view. A great city, particularly of the size of London, or any other big capital, tends to draw to ft more and more people, more indus. tries and, when war comes, as it has come to London, such a place becomes sn easy target for enemy bombs, There is the matter of + health too, which may impel in. dustrles to be removed from large citles so that familles may live fn purer air, less crowded quar- ters. TENDENCY IN CANADA NOW London has had two great cleans. ings in her long history--one after the great pltgue and one after the - great fire, and It is inevitable there will be changes after this war. Probably presently crowded tene- ment buildings which have been destroyed will be replaced by struc- tures of greater beauty, with more of the amenities of life, more room for families to live in decency. _ More people will live outside Lon. don and it may be a great part ot the city will be like the mile square city itself, largely deserted after nightfall, There has been such a ten! ney - already in Canada and the United States where great industries have deliberately been established out. in smaller communities and, In some cases, actually right out in the country. That trend may be accelerated as « _regult of this war and the wars of recent years which have been particularly destructive ot great cities, Dies at Vancouver Lieut.-Gen. Sir Percy Lake, . 86, grand president' of the Cane adian Legion, died in a Victoria hospital.- He was quartermaster- ~ general in Canada from 1898. 1898, and chief of the Canadian general staff from 1905-1908, and inspector-general from 1908- 1910. In the last war he acted as commander-in-chief of the Mes- opotamian Expeditionary Force. A Sagging Chair Can Be Re-webbed If the Seat Sags You Can Fix It Yourself When the seat of an upholatered chalr sags and hollows, probably the criss-cross webbing which sup- ports the springs has worn out, Tarn the chair upside down aid re- - move the black lining covering the webbing to see if this is the case. - It 80, you can quite easily do this renovation at home, Buy enough new webbing for the whole of the chair, as. it isn't gatis- factory to combjne old and new webbing in one job. With the chair reversed, carefully remove the black lining canvas then remove the old webbing and take out all the tacks which held it in place. REMOVE OLD. WEBBING FIRST . Starting at the back of the chalr, put the énd of the new webbing'1 in. ovef the edge of the frame and fasten down with two large-headed tacks. Tarn this bit of the webbing over and secure thesfold down with - three tacks, Pull the webbing a- crogs to the front of the chair, wrap, it round a small block of wood and grip this' with a pair of pincers or a' proper upholaterer's * webbing strainer, Cut oft webbing 1 In. beyond tacks, turn surplus over and secure. Put three or more strips of .webbing- across the chair 'frame each way and weave the sec ond set in and out of the first. ' Now stitch thé bottoms of the springs to 'the new webbing. Sew them on webbing intersections and #0 that no two springs touch, Use a curved upholstery needle thread. ed with thin string and' sew each spring"down with bar stitches, plac. od at even intervals across its bo tom ring. 4 Replace the original canvas over tho webbing or It it is too worn, cut a new one, SCHOOL LESSON LESSON IX AN EXACTING DISCIPLESHIP. ~ Luke 9. PRINTED TEXT, Luke 91 49-62. " GOLDEN TEXT.--No man, having put hig hand to the plow, and looks Ing back, ls fit for the kingdom of God, Luke 9: 62, THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time.--The commission of the twelve apostles occurred in the autumn of A.D. 28, the immediate subsequent events in the winter of A.D. 28, 29, the confession of Peter and Chrlst's transfiguration in the autumn of A.D. 29; Christ's journey through Stwmarla took place in Nov- ember and December A.D, 29, Place,--The Twelve were com- missioned in Galilee; the events recorded {Ir 9: 10a took place In Capernaum; the feeding of the five thousand Is to be located in Beth: salda, at the northeast end of the Sea of Gallce; the confession of Peter and the subsequent teaching are to be located in Caesarea Phil ppl; the transfiguration probably occurred on Mount Hermon; the events recorded in Verses 52 to 66 occurred In Samarla; the conclud- ing teachings reported in the re- mainder of the chapter were utter. ed on the shores of the Sea of Gal- ilee, In this lesson we may gain profound conception of what might be called the centrality or the ab- solute supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ: Christ here reveals himsolt as supreme over his disciples; he shows himself the central figure upon every occasion when a great need arises, because of his ability fo meet that need; he is the one person men ought to belleve as the Son of God; he Is the-one who Is supremely worthy of our absolute devotion. The Gospel Ideal The ideal of the gospel received through its perfect incarnation in Jesus Christ {s not that we should 'be minjstered unto, but that we should minister, bear one another's burdens, love one another, prefer one another, pray for one another, edity one another in the Lord. Luke 9: 49. And John answered and said, Master, we saw one cast- ing out demons in thy name; and we forbade him, because he follow- eth not with us, 50. But Jesus sald unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against you Is for you. Even outside the circle of the per- manent disciples of Jesus there were men In whom his word and his works had called forth a mir-- aculous power. These sparks, which fell beyond the circle, had made flames burst forth here and there away from the central fire. Purpose of Christ's Coming 51, And. It came to pass, when the days were well-nigh come that he should be received up, he stead- tastly set his face to go to Jorus- alem, and sent messengers before his face: 52. And they went, and entered into a village ot the Samaritans, to make ready for him. 53. And they did not receive him. because his face was as though he wera going to Jerusalem, - 54. And when his disciples James and John saw this, they sald, Lord, wilt thou that we bid fire to come .down from heaven, and consume them? 56. But he turned, and rebuked them. 56. And they went to anoth- er village. The concluding. twelve verses of this chapter of Luke's Gospel give in some dotall -that which §s found more briefly ia Mait, 8: 18-22, and Mark 10: 1, - This begins what {3 commonly call- ed the Peraean ministry of our Lord, which commences with Christ's tinal departure from Gal. flee, here noticed, and ends with his final arrival in Jerusalem, John and James hero forgot of what spirit they were, the spirit of both the Old and tlie New Testaments, and gave way to fleshly desire for revenge, While we must disapprove ot the spirit here of the two dis- ciples, as the Lord certainly did, yet we must recognize that thelr request only sprang from their burning zeal, It must haye surprise od James and John when Jesus re- buked them, It is true that the ° village rejected Jesus; but we must ask, Had any special effort been. made to win them to Jesus? Had tho gospel been preached to them? We must answer no. , +. Worthlessness of Excuses 57. And ag they went on tho way, a certain man sald unto him, I will follow thee whithersoever thou 'goest. 68, And Jesus sald unto him, The foxes have holes, and the birds of the heaven have nests; but the Son of mar hath not where to lay his head. 69. And he sald unto another, Follow me, Bat he sald, Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. 60. But he sald unto him, Leave the dead to bury thelr own dead; but go thou and publish abroad the kingdom of God, 61. And another also sald, I wil follow thee, Lord; but first auffer me to bid farewall to them that aro at my house, 63. But Jesus sald unto 'him, No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit tor the kingdom of God. This romarkable pagsage Is not to be U.S.-Canadian B J Aa Mayor Fiorella L. La Guardia, of New York, and Col. O, M, Biggar, K.C., United States and Canadian chairman, respectively, of the per- manent board on defence, are shown as the steps at Vancouver, where the joint board hel tour of the U.S.-Canada Pacific coast. H. L. Keenleyside, joint secretary of the board fer back to camera. mounted the city hall On hand to greet them was Dr, anada, shown with found in any of the othér Gospels, = and is a remarkably rich paragraph for careful study If space allowed. Threo types of men are seen in the presence of the enterprise of Jesus, attracted to him, wanting to be loyal to him, desiring to be on- rolled under him, wanting to serve him. The first was a man attract. . ed by Christ. The second was a man whom Christ called to cer taln and definite velaticzship with himself. The third was a man want- ing to serve Christ, but postponing his service, Christ's call is super for to the highest and most beau- tiful of earth's obligations. That is . the cross. Christ had flashed upon him the light of a tremendous en- terprise, the enterprise of preach- ing the kingdom cf God; and that demanded the abandonment of the earthly tie when it conflicted with the call of the Lord. Stones From Sky Stones are more mysterious than people think. Mr. William Barber, of lken Cliff, Suffolk, England, has grown stones by watering them cvery day, They increase in size at the rate of three-sixteenths of an inch every year. The model of a stone bull in Southern India, anointed with oil regularly by worshipful na- tives, grows constantly in size. Because of this, it is credited with having life. In the West In- dies, it sometimes rains stones. Quartz pebbles fall down from the skies without warning, then stop suddenly. Nobody has ever explained this phenomenncn, for there isn't any quartz in the vi- RADIO REPORTER By DAVE ROBBINS cinity. - > 2 "WHAT'S NEW"? You lean about the latest foibles and gadgets In the feminine world a program of women's features by Bernice Burns, the personality girl, when you dial in "What's New" -- which is heard over CKOC each Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning at 9.45. - Miss Burns watches the trends in the women's world and is always able to report -- What's New. The latest quirk in fashions -- new materials -- novelty jewellery --trends for the coming season -- new books for women -- and up to the minute reports on women's ac- tivities everywhere. All thése com- bine to make a feature specially designed for the feminine ear -- a feature that every lass from seven to seventy will enjoy. Make 9.45 on Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays resting time -- and tune in CKOC to hear Bernice Burns and What's New! THEY LIKE-IT OVERSEAS When the Canadian troops in England were questioned as to what Canadlan radio program they would like to hear in England, one of the {flrst programs they men- tioned was the "Happy Gang." This is proof of the appeal of this com- pletely happy and generally screw- ball session with Bert Pearl, Kath. leon Stokes and the rest of the happy crew. We think it's a good sign that Canadians still get a laugh out of sheer nonsense and as long as Canada's soldiers can laugh, this Dominion need have no fear. It will tako more than Hitler to make Canada's warriors lose thelr sense of humour. The "Happy Gang" is heard over the CBC chain each week-day afternoon at one (daylight). y VR, AROUND THE DIAL We like the story about the would-be musician who appeared at an audition ---- played a piano number -- and then blandly in: formed the program director it was absolutely original. "Shake Mister," sald the radio man, "I never thought I'd see the day 1'd be face to tace with Beethoven!" ' , Last Saturday night the old mas- ter was back with the NBC Sym. phony for the weekly program at 10,36 -- for as the big second hand on the clock neared the deadline Arturo Toscanini, world-famous con- .ductor, took the podium. Toscan: :inf's presence means something to - :symphony musiclans --. for It was 'obvlous Saturday night that the members of the orchestra were just a little more keen and getting just a trifle moro out of their efforts. If you llke the best in music, you should dial In this splendid pro- gram -- heard in this part of On- tarlo from 1120 on the radio dial. For the 'Kiddies -- Santa Ciaus is on the air each Tuesday, Thurs- day and Saturday night at five o™ clock (daylight) from CFRB and CKoOC. y Record Corner: The Great Cros- by has recorded this theme song, "When the Blue of the Night, etc." and "Can't Get Indiana Off My - Mind." Both are okay. We liked Leo Refsman's waxing of "Ferryboat Serenade." a conference during its _ Farm Notes . . . Short Courses For Farm Boys, Girls Will Be Held Under Direction of Ont. Dept, of Agriculture From Nov 26 to Dec. 20. Over 300 Ontario farm boys and girls are expected to attend short courses in Agriculture and House Economics from Nov, 26 to December 20th inclusive, act cording to R. S. Duncan, Direc- tor of Agricultural Representa. tives, Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. There will be several additional courses of two weeks duration before Christmas, Mr, Duncan said. These courses which are being held under the general supervis- fon of Mr. Duncan and the per- sonal supervision of Agricultural Representatives, are centered: in the following counties -- Due- ham, village .of Bethany; . Glen- garry, Moose Creek; Grey, Ra- venna; Hastings, Tweed; Huron, Varna; Lanark, Leeds and Grene ville, Smiths Falls; Northumber- land, Campbellford; Prescott and Russell, Chute Blondau; Simcoe North, Lafontaine. Start Nov. 26th A two week's course is being held in Peterborough county at Lakehurst from Nov, 256 to Dec. 6- and at Warsaw from Dec. 9 to 20. A similar course will be held in Bruce county at Tiverton, Dec. 9 to 20, The boys are taking up such subjects as Live Stock, Field Hus- bandry, Farm Crops, Poultry, Fruit and Vegetable growing, Weed Control, Farm Manage- ment; Insects and Diseases, Co- operation and Marketing, Soils and Fertilizers. The girls' course comprises lec- tures, on Homemaking, KEconom- ics, Foods and Nutrition, Home Nursing and Clothing is being directed by Miss F. P. Eadie, Women's Institute Branch, .Ont. Dept. of Agriculture. There will be no course for girls in Prescott and Russell this month, but one will be held later on in the winter, Mr. Duncan stated. There will be special speakers at every course, : T.B. Death Rate . 2 In Ontario Cut Down 20 Per Cent Since 1935 -- New Provincial Control -Policy Results Shown in First Survey Report The tuberculosis death rate in Ontario has dropped 20 per cent since 1035, a «legree greater than in any other proyince, according to the first surfey issued by the De- partment of Health since the new tuberculosis control policy, found- ed on 1938 amendments to the San- itoria for Consumptives Act, came into effect in July of that year. Premier Hepburn recently Indi cated the results of the new policy had almost exceeded expectations. As Treasurer of the Province, he had given strong backing to Health Minister Harold J. Kirby, Deputy Minister Dr. B, T. McGhie and de- partment heads in the development 00 the program. STILL SECOND DEATH CAUSE Dr. G. C. Brink, director of the division of tuberculosis prevention, only recently in the moderate tone ot the medical man, advised "the trend in Ontarlo certainly gives reason. for present encouragement and hope for the future." He add- ed: "However, it should be observ- od that tuberculosis is still the sec- ond cause of death In Ontario in the age group 15-39 years, being* exceeded only by accidents." The new policy was drafted fol- lowing a survey of the tuberculosis situation by the division of tuber- culosis prevention which was estab- lished In 1935. . . SANATORIUM TREATMENT' HELPFUL It found that not more than 60 per cent of those dying of T. B. had had the benefit of sanatorium treat. mont. Only 60 per cent of those for whom sanatorium treatment was advised had entered. sanitorium within one year of discovery. It was found that in some sections of the Province, the T, B. incidence and death rate were double that of the average for the Provinece--for example, the Eastern Countles, In cortain of these sections, the de gree of hospitalization was "deplos ably inadequate," There was a lack sanitorium treatment were dis charged with no assurance that the necessary post-sanitorium oare would be forthcoming. of diagnostic facllities in certain sections, as well as a lack of treat. ment facilities and persons who had recelved maximum benefit from The marketed value of ned fish produced in Canada iY 1089 was $15,449,000, re By William Ferguson THis Curious WORLD WE RECEIVE MORE HEAT ano LIGHT FROM THE SUM IN IB SECON = TAN WE DO "20M THE MOON IN AN ENTIRE YEAR Y NEA SERVICE, INC, ATHERE IS NO WHITE PIGMENT 5 INTWHITE ANIMALS wi THE WHITE COLOR. IS" LIKE THAT OF SNOW «vs SIMPLY THE HUMAN ADULT REQUIRES MORE THAN ONE TON oF WATER, IN A YEAR. (RD) WHERE water is easy to get, we are apt to forget the importance| of it in the lives of animals and plants. To produce a bushel of éar corn requires about 13 tons of water, and a ton of alfalfa hay' requires something like 86 tons of water. . _NEXT: The mammoth that has been silting for 130 centuries. BRITISH STATESMAN HORIZONTAL Auswer to Previous Puzzle 15 He gained 1,6 Pictured re 02 0 British pa oF y liberal, : statesman, | [El = 17 To disparage, David ---- 7 19 Native metal, _ Dis 11 Superficial 2 i : extent. [IE] 23 One that 12 Plant part. poisons. 13 Coca to 24 Ancient. Toop. 25 Oat grass. 14 To stitch "0 | 26 To bend the temporarily. IN HORWAY head, 3 16 Before. ol ISIC 27 Ever. 17 To sufiice. 28 Electrified 18 Tomo. 40 rind of 58 Degrades. particle. .shanter, ettuce. , -20 y 19 Whirlwind. 42 South VERTICAL 35 ho 20 Biblical priest Carolina. 2 Lion's home. 35 Banner. 22 Highlanders 43 Existing in 3 Shield wreath 36 To lend. purse. name only. 4 Still. 39 Smallest. 27 Periodical. 46 Law. Par 41 Long outer 30 Cavity. 48 Bascball $Part of a garment, 31 Suffragist. team. churn. 44 Buffoon, 33 To make 49 Epoch. 6To depart. 45 Sinister gaze, dejected. 51 New star. 7 Digressién, 48 Stated. 34 Middle. 52 Half, 8 English coin, 47 Pulpy fruits, 35 Pertaining to 53 Yellow finch. 9 Remainder. 50 Railroad, a union of 55 Liong-delayed. 10 Shark, 52 Spain, states. 57 He was 13 This ---- has 63 Southeast, 37 Not (prefix). formerly ----. served in 54 Northeast. 38 While. of Great politics 50 - 56 Electrical 39 Male. Britain, years. term. POP.-- Say When p= By J. MILLAR WATT THE DOCTOR SAID YOu WERE TO A STIEF WHISKY . | AFTER A HOT BATH! DRINK WELL, DONT PILL THE BATH T00 fuULL A 3 wi yg V J. rd RT NS ng

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