ni EE ei is > AY NTS ae ey we OREN OE HS TA DNS FR PRN SA) pa 3s tab, aia Western Rural Men Worried Collapse of Conference on Sirois Report Thought to En danger Economic Situation of Prairie Farmers J. G. Knox of Tuxford, president of the Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities, said fn a statement last week at Regina that he expects.a meoting of the Union of Westery Municipalities will be called to consider the economic situation of farmers in view of col lapso of the Domivion-Provinclal conference at Ottawa. Knox said & meeting of tha Western Union would convene at the same time as the annual cou vention of the Saskatchewan Assoc {ation HOPES OF REDRESS SHATTERED "Tho result of the collupse ot the conference is so serious for Western Canada that "I. feel some drastic action wijl have to be taken on behalf of the ural residents, and particularly these of Suskateh- ewan who bad so much to hope from the implementation of the the commission's recommenda- tions," said Knox. "The farmers of Western Can. ada are losing thelr equity in their homes as result of conditions of the past decade and their hopes of gelting some redress are now shat tered, unless something is done. Seeing With 2 Eyes . With two eyes, we really see two images from two péints of view but the brain consolidates them into one solid image. An ordinary photcgraph looks flat because the camera saw it only with one eye, =o to say. But if we take two photographs of the object and put them side by side at the right distance and look at them with both eyes through a stercoscope,. we see only one photo as fi it were solid or "in relief", as we would sce the real object with our eyes. "Mop Up" Starfish To Protect Oysters Starfish, it would appeur, are about to be Dblitzkrieged by a "mopping up" process as the re- sult of experiments conducted on the Prince Edward Island oyster "bedé by the Fisheries Research Board of Canada, according to the National Resources depart: ment of the Canadian National Railways. Starfish comprise one of the chief enemies of the oys ter. In the experiment, mops made from cotton waste tied to picces of wire in clusters of seven or eight, each mop being from "three to four feet long, are tow: ed over infested areas by a motor boat. The starfish become -en- tangled in the loose threads of * the mops and are then removed by being picked off by hand or immersed in hot water. Experi ments indicate 'that the method is proving very successful. Must Tell All : To Census Man Census takers who will cover the Dominion next summer will want to know the years you attended school (in- stead of asking, as formerly, whether you can read and write), what type of house you live in, how many rooms are in it, what' kind of fuel you use, if you have a bathroom and a refrigerator and how much rent you pay. If 'you are a woman -- and they hope you will keep your temper and your rind on your arithmetic --they will ask how old you were at the .time of your first mar - riage, the number of children and the children living at date of census. Milking Is Called "Work for for Squaw" Non<i'reaty aty Indians Report: ing For National Reglstra- tion Laugh at Question "Can You Milk A Cow" No white man can fool an In: dian about milking cows, said Henry Stelfox, of the Départ- completed the national registra- tion of non-treaty Indians in Cen: tral Alberta's foothills. Most Indiari braves said they could handle' 'horses, ut the ques- Can ilk a cow?" n los ht laug or. Finally one sented that "milking is work, if we had a cow." goa TELEGRAPH" px explained that at first were suspicious AUOL i, even & na 42 card, But ot te registration "moccasin ndidns ified a if they nada's bind number of - "ment 'of Indian Affairs; who has Canal Traffic Highest Ever - For Dominion In 1940 -- Big- gest Increasq On Welland Canal "Traffic on the Welland Ship Can- al reached a record leyel of 12. 909,597 tons in the 1940 naviga- tion season, an increase of 280,643 tons over the previous record sea- son of 1938, the Dominfon Bureau of Statistics reports, An appreclable tonnage increase also was noted over the Sault Ste, Marie Canal but St, Lawrence canal traffic declined slightly, the bur. cau said, Substantial increases in the movement of soft coal, petroleum, and other oils, corn, fron, coke, ore, sand, gravel and stono were held responsible for the record-breaking tonnage on tho Welland Canal. The 1940 figure was 1,182,041 tons high. er than the 1930 tonnage, an In- crease of 95 por cent. This was accomplished dospite sharp drops in the movement of wheat, flour, barley, oats, rye and other grains, tho survey disclosed. Wheat alone was down $78,692 tons, Tonnage over the Sault Ste. Marie Canal totaled 89,853,413 tons, higher than at any perlod since 1920 when 92,622,017 tons wwe re- ported. Freight during the 1939 sea- son was 09,549,304 tons. Very light movements of grain, wood pulp and gasoline forced St. Lawrence canal freight down to 7,470,617 tons compared with 8. 310,165 in the 1939 season. This represented a decrease of 10 per cent the bureau said. Farmer New Member Of Ontario Cabinet Oliver has been ap- pointéd minister of public works in the Ontario cabinet -to succeed Colin Campbell who is at present Farquhar serving overseas. Mr, Campbell has been named minister without portfolio, Boys' Parliament Adopts Program Meeting in Hamilton, Eighty Young Representatives Agree to Launch Campaign For "Clean Speech, Clean Sport, Clean Living" Convocation Hall, McMaster Unl- versily, Hamilton, became tempor- ary Legislative Chambers from Dec- ember 26 to 31, 1940 when nearly eighty youths, representing thous- ands ot boys In six Protestant de- nominations and the Y. M. C. A. from all parts of the province as- sembled there for the Twentieth Ontario Older Boys' Parliament. From the timo of the speech from the throne given by Lioutenant. Governor IE. A. Hardy, O.B.E, B.A, D.Paed, at the formal opening, un. til its progation these young men, in their leadership training groups, cabinet meetings, informal caucus. os, and formal sessions worked dil gently to develop and train theme gelves for work in their constitu. encies and to provide legislation that would give both impetus and direction to church boys' work throughout the province. Alvin Corless of Clinton, the Premler, chose a strong cabinet - consisting of Jack Dodds, Toronto; Jim Dallyn, Brockville; Jack Met. ler, London; Robert Whitley, Car- leton; Wm, Mott, Norfolk; Walter Ward, Scarboro; Frank Foley Belleville; John Eakins, Lindsay; Stewart Reed, Porcupine; Arthur Martin, Northumberland; Ross Huffman, Hamilton and Bldad -Holts, Renfrew to fntroduce the Government's bills and resolutions; the Opposition being effectively led by Lloyd Yerry of Windsor, Amongst the 'most important pieces of legislation passed -by the parliament was a resolution to launch a Three C's campaign for 1941--Clean Speech, Clean Sport, Clean Liviug. This campaign will - gommence with the observance of Boya' Week to be held this year between February 9th and 16th, Mr. Eden Inspects Canadian Motorcycle Units Daring a recent visit to Aldershot, showed a great deal of interest in Canadian motorcycle units. shown here chatting with. members of one of these hard-hitting units who are said to be among the fastest mechanized forces of the British army. War Minister Anthony Eden He is Their motorcycles are armed with Bren guns, rece i BY ANNE ASHLEY i Q. How can 1 prevent baby" high chair from rocking over? A. -Attach a screen door hook to the back of the high chair and a serew-eye to the woodwork, The chair can be hooked securely and the baby can play without com- ing to harm. Q. What is a remedy? A. A remedy that is excellent for relieving coughs is made by mixing honey and lemon juice. To relieve a violent spasm of whooping cough allow a lump of butter to melt in a glass of warm milk and give it to the patient. good cough Q. How can 1 prepare creole "potatoes? A. Add minced green pepper, a little corn and a few lima beans, with strips of pimento, to boiled potato cubes, and cream in the double boiler. Q. How can 1 remove finger- marks from mahogany furniture? A. Before trying to remove these marks by polishing go over the woodwork with a cloth damp- ened, jn hot solution of vinegar and water. ~Then follow immedi- ately with the polish and rub un- til dry. Q. How can 1 remove the kinks from yarn when raknitting a sweater? CA. Wind the yarn on a skein, tie together securely,. wash in lukewarm water, and then fold in a towel and place in the sun to dry. The kinks will disappear. 202000000 erIvass erase HEALTH TOPICS a RE LE The Prevention Of Pneumonia The title does not indicate a new remedy for pneumonia, It has been adopted by the Toronto Star to point out that pneumonia in North America is confined chiefly to two clear-cut areas which are called pneumonia belts. One of these belts is in. the east, beginning with the Canadi- an province oi Quebec and ex- tending to Prince Edward Is land, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, and along the Atlan: tic coast. In this hrea all but four states have pneumonia . deathrates above .the average. The second pneunioriia belt con- sists of four states in the moun: tain region, namely, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada. Hits Canadians Annually Contrary to usual public opin- fon, neither latitude nor a cold climate 'conduce to the onset! of "pneumonia. - The provinces of Saskatchewan, Alberta and the state of South Dakota are safer from pneumonia than are South Carolina, Georgia and Arizona, which are warmer climates, It appears that a combination * of FOR HANG-ON COUGHS 5% COLDS AST, BRONCHITIS ie) $9) & [CID Ga pl VJ = i ) cold climates and low average humidity as is found in Saskat- chewan, Alberta and a number of the United States, operates in fa- vour of a low pneumonia inci- dence. About 80,000 Canadians an- nually become ill of pneumonia and until recently one out of every four" attacked, died of it. Now, thanks to the discovery of drugs of the sulphanilamide class the lives of nine out of ten vic: tims can be saved. Last ycar in hospital practice pneumonid deaths were reduced by two thirds. But there remains the problem of prevention. The chief items in the prevention of pneu- monia are: 1. Clearing up of foci of in fection. +2: The use of the prolective foods: meat, milk, eggs, fish, fresh vegetables and fruit. --=3~Plenty--~of-rest--and-relaxa- tion. 4. Immediate bed when a cold or an attack of flu' comes on. Canadians Do Most Phgning Placé More Telephone Calls Per Person Than Any Other People in the World Canadians place an average gf oyer seven million telophone calls each day, George L. Long, histor- ian of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada declares. . 235 CALLS PER YEAR Canadians are tho greatest tele-* phone talkers in the world, accord- ing to Mr. Long. "In other words," he said, "we have placed more telephone calls per -person than the people of any other country. The-~record for 1938 shows that it you are an average Canadian, you have placed 235. telephone calls. Compared with- this, the average American placed 223." "It requires 18,000 telephone people lo carry on the telephone business' fn Canada," Mr. Long safd, "of which about 9,700 are em- ployed by the Bell Telephone Com- pany, the other 8,300 being em- ployes of over 3,000 other tele phone systems in the Dominion." "Records show," Mr. Long sald, "that an- individual telephone cus- tomer has had an average of only one trouble in 14 months during the past two years. Five years ago, 'there was one trouble per tele- phone in 10 months." RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS Accept This Generous Offer! Your druggist will return Your money, if one bottle of Ru-Ma does not give you relief from rheumatic aches and pains, sore, swollen and painful joints. No matter how long you have suffered, you must get re- lef or "no pay' A Try Ru-Ma and be convinced. i -fer now. ccept this generous of- IDDLE-AGE; v WOMEN D (His ADVICE! jie HEY Ea Modern ~ Etiqueite BY ROBERIA LEE toe 1. What should a girl do with her wedding gifts, when an ens gagement has been broken a few days before the wedding? 2. When answering a busi ness telephone, should one merely say "Hello"? 3. When ice, cream is served on pie, should the ice cream be eaten with a spoon? 4. Shouldn't a saleswoman, to he efficient, advise a customer what she should choose? 5. When a young man takes a girl to the theatre, should she stand beside him in line while he gets the tickets? 6. Is it permissible the porter on a train one at a certain hour morning? to ask to call in the Answers 1, Mail cach gfit back to the donor, with a brief note saying that the wedding is not to take <-place; it is not necessary to state the reason. But don't fail to ex- press sincere appreciation for the gift, just as though nothing had happened. 2. It saves time to say, "R. J. Allen Company." Or, if an individual, or professional man, "Dr. Brown speaking." 3. No; the fork should be. used. 4. Not if the customer seems capable of making her own de- cision. When the customer seems timid, doubtful, or 'uncertain, a pleasant suggestion now and then is all right. 5. No. She should stand aside and wait for him. 6. Yes; that is the correct thing to do. HAVE - 'YOU HEARD? At church parade the padre had spoken about the wages of sin and had freely quoted the Ten Commandments, Coming out of the churchyard --the--black-sheep_of the regiment thought deeply for a few minutes, then turned to his pal. "Ah, well," he said. "I've never made a graven image, anyway." Bors oii eg Wife (discontented): **John, do you think I'm going to wear this old squirrel coat all my life?" Husband: "Squirrels do, * darling!" --0-- After twenty minutes in a gloomy public air raid shelter, the young man and his pretty companion came back into the daylight. ' Slow Burning CIGARETTE PAPERS NONE FINER NADE DIXIE PLUG HAS oy --~. PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO "Do you know, darling," he whispered, tenderly, "if I'd known we were going to be so long down there in the dark, I'd have kissed you." The maiden raised her blush ing face to his. "Wasn't it you?" she "asked in surprise. . reOr "Are your eggs fresh?" "Madam, the hen doesn't realize I've got them yet." "See here," said the missionary to the African chief, "it is wrong to have more than one wife, Tell all your wives except one that they can no longer look upon you as their husband." After a moment's reflection, the chief replied, "You tell them!" i ws "Your friend Joe seemed to be the life of the party." "Yes, he was the only one who could talk louder than the radio." Pl Into the Editor's room stalked a very big man, "You the Editor of this rag?" he snapped. "I am, but--" "Well, my name is- Knowles E. Blimps. ,Yesterday . your paper called me a thi¢f, a robber and a blackleg." "We did," "and }--r a "I've called to tell you that my 'middle initial is 'E' and not 'M,' | as you printed it. If you can't spell my name correctly, just you leave it alone!" agreed the Editor; Moving Train Target For Truck Driver "I did not see it," explained the driver of a truck who failed to stop at a highway crossing and struck the twenty-third car in a Canadian National Railways freight train. The road was icy and sleet was falling at the time of "impact... na Jif ITCH 7%. Fox ek eich from tek of the me Jared Foe Ales beslies use fast. acting, cooling, ai septic, li pid BoD. D. D. Prettription: Greaseless, hihi bing $55 at bontl peveafc oer back. Aek gist today for D.D.D. PR! ON. STOPPED Fashion Adopts Snow In Laurentian Hills When experts of the Bureau of Fashion Trends desired to il- lustrate +photographically what the well-dressed skier would wear in smart woollen Jutdoor togs in 1941, they selected St. Sauveur, gayest of Laurentian Mounthin winter resorts on the Caaadian National Railways, as possessing jut the right background and at- mosphere for the camera men, They also brought their cameras scenes at the Ottawa Ski Club. As final choice background for swim things and formals, the pool and social rooms of the Chateau Laurier provided the proper sett- ings. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE AGONY QUICKLY RELIEVED If you are {roubled with ftehing piles or rectal soreness do not delay, treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any, Itching or sorcness or painful pase. age of stool Is nature's warnl Ing that proper treatment should secured at once. For this purpose get a Sackafie of Hem-Roid from your druggist and use 'as directed. This Hem-Rold "Ti the form of a small, casy to tak tablet, will quickly relieve the fiche ing the sore tender spots. Hem-Rold Is pleasant to use, Is highly recom mended and it seeins the height of folly for any onc to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fino remedy may be had at so reasonable a cost. If you try Hem-Rold and are not entirely pleased with the results, © your druggist will gladly return your money. J :& WHY HAVE 4 SORE \ FEET? 4) ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... ELECTRIC MOTORS FUIt SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW AND reconditioned. Jones & Moore El. ectric Company, 296 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. BAUDY CHICKS MAKE IT A BRAY CHICK YEAR, like thousands other poultry. keepers. "Getting more LJ spring" says Mrs. Abe Miller, Or- der now, delivery when you wish. Don't put off this important item in your 1941 budget. Bray Hatch ery, 130 John, Hamilton, Ont, * INTERESTING CHICK BOOK YOURS FOR THE WRITING. WE speclalize In pedigree-bred" Leg- horns, Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. Mixed and sexed chicks, Grand Valley Breeders, Central Terminal, Galt, Ontario. LEGAL J. N. LINDSAY, LAW OFFICE, CAP- ftol Theatre Building, St. Thomas, Ontarlo, Special Department for farmers collections. == =T BINANCIAL OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full Infor. mation sent free. The Ramsay Co. Registered, Patent Attorneys, 37% Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. HEL WANTED -- FEMALE WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH good chicks barred Plymouth Rocks and 8.C.\W Ieghorns Barron Strain. Bred to LayzPullets ons day old and older. 16 Years breed- ing testing and hatching. Prices are reasonable. Do it now and write for circular with prices. J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. BUY URQUHART STRAIN BARRED Rock chicks direct, Superb layers of large eggs. Winner of three egg-laying contests. Angus Urqu- hart, Greenfield, -Ontario. BAKERY EQUIPMENT BAKERS' OVENS AND ACHIN- ery, also rebullt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms Arranged. Correspondence invited, Huhbard 5 rE ariah ble Oven Co. 103 Bat urst orgnto. - -- BENEFIT SOCIETY FOR LIMITE TIME ONLY. - year old Society otters, init month Accident and Sie Benefit, All Accidents and Soke nesses covered for $1.00 mon nthiy, Write The Maccabees, Rogers Bldg, Vancouver. i FOOT SUFFERERS BNJOY FOOT COMFORT. QUICK odes) 4500 Postpaid. Ron T . Son, & 8 Bout Garfield, Ham ton: KNITTING MACHINES KNITTING MACHINES FOR 8A special offer prices, quantity of free wool. Start OW earning money at home and mak. Ing socks for soldiers, sailors and airmen. Trade In your old ma- chine on A new Snel gensfols cash allowance made. Auto Knit- tars limited, Dept. ih $37 Dav: enport Road, Toronto, DOMINION-PROVINCIAL YOUTH Training offers free domegtis aer- vice course to young women be- tween sixteen and thirty years of age. For further information ap- ply In writing to Syupstvisor, Home Service Training School, Dept. of Labor, Parliament Buildings, To- ronto. MORTGAGES OR AGREEMENTS OF sale purchased for cash, romp pt attention. North Shore Rea ty Co. eens PARTNER WANTED WANTED -- TO COMMUNICATA with prospective partner, with some capita), to buy part Interes in fully equipped Dalry Farm an Breeding establishment -- Goln concern -- Good outlet for silk and Purge Bred Cattle -- Go Stable -- Fully equipped -- Farms in excellent state of cultivation. Owner's health will not permit his taking full charge. Excellent op- « bortunity for Farmer with sons of his own, Address Box §0, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. MEDICAL LADIES--IF DELAYED, pyr) irregular periods wofry you take Fém-a-Tone, the prompt, efféctive rellef. Relieve yourself of worry, unnecessary suffering. Bottle §2, postpaid. International Distribu- tors, Box 102A, Toronto. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS TRY IT! EVERY SUFFERER OF Rheumatic _ Pains or. Neurltis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug Store, 235 Elgin, Ot- tawn. $1.00 Postpaid. STORE EQUIPMENT GOOD RESULTS -- EVERY SUF- m Rheumati¢ Palins or edy 1. Pos Drag "Store, 335 Bigin , Ottawa. RAS Aad HAVE YOU_GOITRE! "ABSORBO" reduces. For particulars . Johnston Co. 171 King BE, Toronto. MEN WANTED LOCAL MAN = GOOD PAY ek. 1y. Full or apare time. Bool orders for Canada's finest Araos: plants. BE 1 Nn ACHE free, iB SAG OF NURS out it free, 1ES, Winona, . TRY IMPERIAL FOR. FINE Sets xponure rin | ishing, An Xposure file developed and 6 Ga a, with process ng 0%, assures Li LAER walls action. A erial Photo Ser. vice, Dept. A. Slallon J, Toronto. ISSUE 641 writs * MERCHANTS - BAKERS SAVE ON EQUIPMENT BRE AD Dp. Adil NO MACHINE ih "Meat Grinders, Coffees i ! Gel Fans, Combination Pish ntér d edo ten ron scales, Jan nk, Tol ~~ other e uipient, Rocogto. 1 LE odnuret 11 Lo. ; TURKEYS BRONZE OMS oY SHOW COLON, nfket type, ernment Bands, 12.00. Glentonels Farm, Aur- RE --#h°L = ora, Ont. = RI ry " Nem Wr MO- TORS, row Hydranlle oint inch rs. Uenerators, tarte rs, 13, rh _-- ind areal Te to the Gatineau Hills and shot. ing and soreness and ald in heal- . CAR MB tk PARTS ila_.which® Is used Snisrasiy -~ oy A