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Port Perry Star (1907-), 6 Feb 1941, p. 7

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4 * Canadians who now have to take a train to get from eastern to western Canada and return un- less they walk or fly, will be able _ to motor 'from Halifax to Van / couver by next fall without going . . through the United Staes. . Work on the last link of the Ci Trans-Canada Highway -- a 160- mile stretch between Hearst and Geraldton in northern Ontario-- starts this month. Breaking its wartime policy of making no capital expenditures for roads, the Ontario government will spend . 36,000,000 on completing the highway. TWO MOTIVES IN COMPLETION Its motives are two--to provide an east-west artery for war uses, and to open up a vast virgin ter ritory which, it is hoped, will prove attractive to United States visitors as well as those from both the Atlantic and Pacific ends of the Dominion. Much of the uncompleted sec tion has not even been traveled by survey parties. = Photographs are taken from planes along a projected line, and by studying these the Ontario Highways De- partment is able to project the road to make the most of topo: 2 : graphic and _scenic feaures, - ¥ WORK DONE BY PRISONERS Work is being done by pris- oners from provincial reforma- -. - tories which became over¢rowded when the mental hospital at St. Thomas was turned over to the Dominion governmnt for a train- ing center in the British Com- monwealth Air Training scheme. *- Deputy Minister of Justice E. P. Varcoe has been appoint: ed assistant deputy minister of justice. He has been connected with the justice department in ' Ottawa since 1918, Etiquette For Growing Boys Courtesy Isn't Necessarily A® 8ign of Slssiness; Common : Sense Makes Living Pleas . . is anter and More Comfortable If you're a boy who would like to find a way of being sure of yourself on all sorts of oc- casions, start now. - Now, let's have it understood * . you do not.classify as a sissy. just because you know the: ropes in etiquette. You can do a lot to make liv- ing more comfortable and pleaz- ant for the people you know by using plain common sense. That goes for things like turn- ing out lights when you're the Jast person leaving, a room. Don't let doors bang behind v : you. If you make a habit of closing the door quietly, you're being considerate of others. 4 # PRACTISE POLITENESS Do your bathtub singing when your sister isn't trying to dress ' "for her date. \ : You'll profit from the co-op- ; eration. You'll be developing a habit "of doing for the other per- son what you expect him to do. PRATHER: | 00 1). Re UA mt Gl : RAT Even if you're the only boy in " . the family, don't expect every one else to be your servant." Make yours a turn-about's-fair-play home. x . A chore or two Nelps develop a sense of responsibility, Learning to hang your pants so they won't wrinkle will keop you . looking more up-to-the- minute and save some pressing and cleaning bills, téo,- : Some courtesies like seating \ Mother when Dad Isn't home "will make you feel perfectly na- tural when the time comes to seat your best girl, © There's a lot 'of comfort. in practicing politeness. 3 LS 0 . - ' 1 PROTECT THE' BIRDS I have not said much about birds in this column but birds of all kinds are among our most valued natural resources. 1 am sure that there are but a. few people who would not miss them if they were gone, The robin that greets us on spring niornings, the ruffled grouse that gets up with a roar in the woods, the honking Canada geese on their flights north and south, are part of the: eharm of outdoors that holds most of us all our lives, Many of our birds aye protect ed by the laws of the Dominion of Canada, Because they are migratory, wintering in' the lands to the south of us, we have made treaties with the United States which protect the game birds, the song birds and the insectivorous birds, while they are out of Can- , ada. In return, we protect them while they are here in summer, Open seasons are allowed on ducks, geese and certain "shore birds but the others are not al lowed to be molested in any way at any time. GAME, SONGBIRDS, INSECT EATERS -At one time, any bird could be shot at any time of the year. Geese, ducks, shore birds and up- land, game birds were taken in thousands by market hunters and sold in the big cities. Spring shooting harrassed the flocks on their way north to their breeding grounds, While this country and the United States were still thin- ly settled long shooting seasons and market hunting did not have much effect on the bird as a whole, By 1900 the population had so increased that these prac- tices were taking a heavy toll and far-seeing biologists realized that the game birds would soon be ex- tinct iihless measures w.cre taken for their prescrvation. ~=Representatives of the bird Pio" tection societies and 'Government officials of both countries finally drew up a set of regulations de- signed to protect the birds, In 1016 a treaty betwe eat Brit ain and the Unitéd States was signed and laws were passed by "this country and across _the line which enabled the peace officers to enforce the treaty. This treaty was known as the Migratory Birds Convention and the law that implements it in Canada was "called "the Migratory Birds Convention Act. This Act is now enforced by special Dominion ~ Migratory Bird Officers and the' Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Frostbite Has Own Hazards i Case Haters. of Should 'Be . Treatment Victim Known Before Temperatures do not have to go below freezing to cause frostbite, The American Congress of Phys- ical Therapy last fall discussed the problems of frostbite and chilblains very fully. x + "Individuals with wet clothing, shoés or gloves, are particularly susceptible to the effect of cold weather," Dr. Frank V. Theis of "Chicago told the Congress, ! Dr, Theis, who is known for his researches on circulatory diseases of the extremities, urged physicians to look carefully fnto the history of frostbite victims and be sure the patient {s not the victim of some pre-existing circulation dis- order. Middle-aged people with ev. en a small' amount of hardening of the arteries are susceptible, Any person over 40 who has developed diabetes is automatically suspect of arterial change in the feet and should .be warned against the dan- gers of wet and exposure even In above zero weather, . In these people a small. amount of chapge In the appearance of the feet may be dismissed too care Jossly, as not amounting to frost: bite, Or they receive unsatisfactory treatntent of the condition," ~ ---- House Found In 'Middle of Road That old motorist gag about tind. ing a treo or a house In the middle of the highway: became a reality at Haddonfield, N. J, when amaz- ed drivers did see a house in the middle of the road. | . The dwelling, a convent, wag be- ing moved from one site to another a block away when the timbers gave way. The house remained in the middle of the road overnight, and the nuns remained fn the house, < le Ea CERNE des ds ; Somewhere in the Soudan, near the Ethiopian frontier, Haile Sellassie, "Lion of Judah," ex-emperor of" Abyssinia, inspects some of the troops with which he hopes to overthrow Italian rule and regain con: trol of his empire, Alrcady his revolting tribesmen are credited with several successes against the Italians. THE WAR. WEE K--Commentary on Current Events "CAN DEFEAT GERMANY WITH AMERICAN AID" "The probability of an ultim- ate British victory is over- whelming if Britain survives this spring and summer.'-- Henry F, Stimson, U, §. Sec. retary of War. . "United States to help Britain can have no other effect than to deepen the ultimate collapse of Europe.""-- Col. Charles A. Lindbergh. "Great Britain can defeat Germany with the aid of the U. 8.'--Gen. George C. Mar- shall, United ,States Army Chief of Staff. The world war picture changed very little during the week; the relative position of the two chief belllgerents altered not at all. But ~on--the Nome Trois "everywhere foverish preparations were being made to meet the great spring cris- is and whatever it might bring. Climax Before May No one doubted that the war would reach a grand climax at some dale within the next three monhg.- Many and dire -were- the predictions made by military and diplomatic experts of a dozen coun- trles. Drew Middleton, one of the Intervention -- h --on, Assoclaled Press' best men fu Lon- don, wrote that jnformed quarters there seriously expected tho migh- tlest onslanght of history, with bombing on an unimagined scale and the use of every modern weap: including flame-throwers and gas, to be launched upon the Brl- tish Isles befors the first of May, .Germany, he believed, would try to break Britain at that time, aim to win the war at one blow; Bri- tain nevertheless would beat off the Nazi Invasion attempt at the cost of half her air force, . three quarters of her battle fleet and at least 250,000 troops, Confident of Outcome N --Military experts in the Uniled _ States, confronted with these pnd... "Similiar prognostications, generally agreed that Britain was facing just such a contingency us Mr, Middle- ton outlined, but in the main they were confidgnt of the outcome. Witness General Marshall, U, 8. Army Chief of Staff before the Senate Foreign Relations Commit ~tee:- "The present situation is ser- jous--one of the most critical per- fods in the history of the world-- but Britain will win out eventually "Twas Australians Set Italians on the Run or To men Hke these -- Australian shock troops -- Il Duce Mussolini's fortified Libyan bases of Bardia and Tobruk fell These Aussies take time out for a snack before continuing their drive info'Ttallan Libya. with the American aid contemplat- ed under the 'lcase-lend' bin." Cold Statistics These men In Washington who looked at the cold statistics of the case (German superiority In the air, 4-to-1) and saw Britain still on top, based their optimism on geveral factors in the situation: prospects of full American material ald plus Britain's own production; the natural geographic advantages possessed by England; the supei- fority of British tlying personnel and the high level of British mor- ale. American officials appeared quite certain that Germany could never land enough troops on Bri- tish soil to establish a bridgehead unless she had complete, unques- tionod control of the air over the Channel and over England. Army of Attack Ashle from actual invasion, the greatest menaco presented to Great Britain by Germany {is the Nazi counter-blockade. Last week It was expected that Hitler would resume his campaign, lapsed for some I. weeks. now, againetéishipping In tho north Atlantic' and attack with un- precedented violence, using sub- marines, planeg, surface ralders. At that time the problem of protecting convoys would reveal itself as moro pressing than ever, The hand of tho United States' might be forced, it Jt were found to be imperative to have -American vessels help carry Amerlcanproduced war ma- terfals across the water to Britain, Writing on the Wall The Hallan crisis deepened dur- Ing the week, with the Fascist armies losing out on every front and domestic unrest flaring into man-sized riols in Industrial cen- tres of northern Italy. Mussolini, - whose day of reckoning appeared closer than ever at hand, did what he could to repalr the deplorable military situation jn Africa and Al- banla--with the ald of Nazi tanks, men and dive-bombers -- and sup- pressed the uprisings .at home by calling out his Blackshirted. Fas- cist militia and units of the sin- ister German Gestapo (now over- running Italy), His regime was tot- tering. Seen as most likely to drive Mussolini from power would be a general revolt in the army, Last week the rumblings of coming mil tary insurrectlon were heard In many quarters (soldiers fought "alongsldo rioters in Milan and Tur- in), end the name of Marshal Pietro Badoglio was mentioned as key man in an early movo to ourt "11 Duce. "It's All My Fault" Blame for one of the most col- ossal mistakes in all history was last . week taken upon his own shoulders by Premier Princo Kon- oyo of Japan. "It's all my fault," declared this super-aristocrat who js beyond the reach of personal criticism in Japan, referring to the "China. incident" and {te loss of hundreds of thousands of Japanese lives and expenditure of billions of dollars--a war which began thre: T x gs LYE hy > . A 23) fi Ah ) \ 2 i FA (Fs 3 . oF Siri ee : s $ $5 GRR] x3 y Jk Pas: 1d as i i ad FA EYE x ns - 3 Arde Pel Sa BL BREST APPS, EAS FAN A : - 1 . ' y -- C dd i -- ms --- Will Build Final : LION OF JUDAH TAKES THE FIELD AGAINST ITALIANS aud a half years ago aud shows no . t SL) prospect of ending favorably for A . S 0 -- aii ACT Ty A a 5 Japan. Link In Highway 8 i 'ario 8 5 3 AR La $s lH Shi The miraculous Chinese, hearten- . bas 4 ed by President Roosevelt's recent Across Dominion Natural A announcement of a $100,000.00 TE pa ' \ China ald program, might soon r Ontario to Break WarTime Resources take the offensive in the-war with---f----- C77 Economy Policy and Expend Japan, it was intimated last week o $6,000,000 for Work Starting CCT in New York by China's finance : {This Month on Completin ; tle LORE 5 minister, Dr. T. V. Soong. "With y s nth o P Ll Ontario Federation of Anglers the Japanese army strung out over Coast-to-Coast Road NO. (NO. 28) a very wide area, demoralized and discouraged by a war that has no end, a determined offensive came paign could have far-reaching re sults," he said. . ' Ll Money, Money Signs were vechmig moro con. splcuous last week In the Domin- fon that in the session of Parlia ment resuming February 17 the question of money and tho mwaone- tary system would attract an ate tenion quite out of the ordinary. 1941 is expected to be a great year In war finance, Operations are pro. ceeding on the scale of a billion dollars for tho year, and, as new and more burdensome conditions have to be met, it is logical that a nore favorable ear should be lent by the powers at Oltawa to sug- gestions that unorthodox methods of war financing be considered, now that Premier Hepburn of On- tarlo has brought the question so dramatically to the fore, In the new sesslon of Parliament, further war appropriations will ve made; another, and heavier, Budget brought down--possibly in March; a wheat policy will have to bd de- cided on Farmers To Ottawa Delegates from the Canadian Federation of Agriculture who journeyed to Ottawa last week en- joyed a sympathetic audience with the Prime Minister and with Mr, Gardiner, Minister of Agriculture, but camo away without assurance that anything definite would be done by the Federal Government to help the Canadian farmer in wartime. They heard, however, that more satisfactory farm prices wore likely to eventuate it the war developed as expected. During the week announcement was.made that a number of Bri- tlsh Industries would move bag and baggage to Canada , . , and that the one-month compuisory military training period for young Canad- fans might be extended to four months, *- t Marriages jumped to record heights in Winnipeg during 1940, city officials announced. During the year, 4,668 marriages wero performed compared with the pre vious record of 3,7716 in 193): Un- til 1939, Winnipeg's greatest year for marriages was 1912, when 3,603 couples were married. - 1,000,000 More To Pay Taxes In Dominion This Year-- $375,000,000 Revenue Estime --ated - by Federal Minister On Income, Profits Aout 1,264,000 Canadians, 1,000, 000 more than contributed to the Federal Treasury in income tax on 1939 earnings, will pay Dominion 4ncome tax on 1940 earnings, Rev. enue Minister Gibson declared. Ho urged all who possibly could to take advantage of the Govern. ment's instalment payment plan, devised to make increased fax bur' dens easfer on the public. At his first press conferenca since he became Revenue Minister last July, Mr. Gibson estimated Federal revenue from income taxes amd excess profits op 1940 carningy at $3375,000,000, ? Breakdown of this total follows: National defense tax, $35,000,000; individual Income tax, $110,000,000; corporation taxes, $130,000,000; ex- cess profits taxes, $100,000,000, Steppe' np income because of wartime. industrial expansion, low. ering of exemptions, and imposi- tion of the nationpl defense tax have increased the number of in- come-tax payers from the 264,000 who contributed to the Federal Treasury on 1939 earnings. On 1939 earnings the personal tax was $45, 000,000, and the corporation tax $77,000,000, ENERGY: 'For' EVERYBODY 'A grand flavour the whole family likes! " LIFE'S LIKE THAT B By Fred Neher ART NANNY 7 2775 2 (a) Neen 3.22 1 _--------ae ga) = ! = (Oopyrigh, IW. Vy Frod Neder "Ain't ya ever goin'? I got a livin' to make! !" / re ARR AA VR Jud RA AV A Though a warlike Conserva.ivg when elécted to parliament in 1000, Churchill suddenly quit the party, crossed To the rage of his formew partisans he became a free trade advocate, almost a radical, floor to the Liberal side. ir. A { . In 1910,Chyrchill, riding the tide of Liberal victory, became home secretary in the Asquith 'cabinet. "An" admirer of the brilliant young Englishman was the former German Kalser, with whom he is shown ABOVE \ thieves, CAR Ti oy Always energetic, in 1911 Churchill person. ally led a force of 760 policemen in an attack on 'a house in Sidney Sti, London, believed Yo be the hangout of a gang of anarchists, anarchists were found -- only two dead jewel No ) ADMD CHL rt el Becoming first lord of the admiralty in 1912 Churchill counteract the man' sea power b ganizing the Britis Spectacular accomplishment, acted quickly to owing menacd of Ger. completely reore, navy. It was # \ 577 ~~ A. TAA "7 om ASR ¥

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