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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Feb 1941, p. 4

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PERSONAL ITEMS This column is always open to the citizens of Port Perry and community to record happenings of personal in- terest. The comings and goings of our people are necessarily known mostly by the people themselves, and ean be recorded by us through their - co-operation. = Beiause the STAR is often the only weekly lefter received by out of town friends, and by our local friends and neighbours, it is of interest and importance that these "Personals" should be prifited from week to week. We request the co-operation of our readers in this matter. Mr. Jonathan Wilkinson of Tukford, Sask, has been a vecent guest of his sister, Miss Adeline Wilkinson and the Misses Stovin. He was a delegate from his province to the Dbminion Shorthorn Breeders' Convention held in Toronto last week. Miss Bernice Day is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Baldwin has rented Mrs. W. A. Christy's house, taking possession in March. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin as citizens. We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of Mr. Herb Blake, who is suffering with pneumonia. AFTERNOON TEA AT CRICKLEWOOD LODGE On Saturday, February 22nd, the ladies of the Church of the Ascension will serve afternoon tea (2hc.). Sup- per will also be served at 6 p.m. for ladies and gentlemen (356¢c.) There will be a sale of home-made cooking. Ba at MOVING TO COBOURG We regret to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Arbuckle are moving to Cobourg, where Mr. Arbuckle has taken a posi- tion with the Canada Bread Company. The date of removal is not yet settled. Both Mr. and Mrs. Arbuckle will be greatly missed in Port Perry where they have proved themselves to be good citizens and good church people. Mr. Arbuckle has been a most helpful member of the: Vnited Church choir; and Mrs. Arbuckle an active member of the Church of the Ascension. Before her recent marringe Mrs. Arbuckle was a cheery member of the Port Office staff. bi We wish these young people every happiness and prosperity in their new home. o> CONGRATULATIONS Mrs. George Prentice celebrated her 81st birthday on Tuesday, February 11th, 1941. The Star joirls her many friends in wishing her "Many Happy Returns of the Day." ---- o> AN UNFORTUNATE ACCIDENT While out"walking last:Friday, Mr. A. Wotley (father of Mrs: W. Stocks) had the misfortune to be struck by an ,auto driven by Mr. Henry Dodd. Mr. Wotley suffered head. injuries and a broken bone. 'He is recovering from * these injuries slowly. Actual details of the cause of the accident have been scanty and it is difficult to state who was to blame. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS The regular weckly meeting of the Junior War Workers wil] be held at the home of Miss Helen Anderson, on Tuesday evening, February 18th. rag > BOY SCOUT NEWS A skating party on Wednesday evening took the place of the regular Friady night meeting, and a 'large number of Scouts attended. After skating the boys enjoyed a bean feed at the Church of the Ascension, 'The boys are still collecting scrap iron and old newspapers, and further donations will he welcomed. All Scouts are requested to be on * hand Friday night at 7.30 when an inter-patrol competition will be start- 'ed, the two losing patrols entértain- Prospect community will hold a ay entit ERED LAMP Fars ROP "and 1 Tbe. b RLY: EN } REE. OSHAWA. one Air Conditioned L AST TWO DAYS -- HURRY! ! Louis Hayward, Joan Bennett The Son of Monte Cristo with George Sanders, Florence Bayes, and Montague Love. REVIVAL, Friday, at 11 pam. Ed. 4% Robinson, Ann Sothern, in "BROTHER ORCHID" "\ Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, FEBRUARY 17-18-19 Priscilla LANE, lola LANE, Rosemary LANE, Gale PAGE in FOUR "MOTHERS with Jeffry Lynn, Claude Rains, Eddie Albert, May Robson, Dick Foran, Frank McHugh, "This picture was, made for your on family---and your's, and your's. Thursday, "Friday, Saturday, FEBRUARY 20-21-22 PAUL MUNI as Pierre Radisson, in 'HUDSON'S BAY' with Gene Tierney and Virginia Field, "A picture of Canada as you'll always wanl to remember it-- then it was that strength and courage made our present home as assured as it js..." You Can afford to Win yl War Make Your Pledge BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS. Eyes Examined Glasses complete; or lenses only, __supplied where necessary, at "reasonable prices,-- [. R, BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST HOCKEY SOUTH ONTARIO MERCANTILE HOCKEY Port Perry 9 -- Ont. Regiment 2 Owing to a misundérstanding re garding the schedule about the time of the game and according to the rules laid down -by the- Association, Port Perry, no matter whether they won or lost--had to forfeit two points to the Regiment team before the game started. The first period opened with vigor- ous checking and stick-handling by both teams and was, as usual, a thrill- er from beginning to end. At first it looked as though neither team were going to make a counter in the period. but just then the Army team broke loose, eriss-crossed around the defense and slipped the puck by Crawford, in- to the corner of the Port goal. "The Regiment now had the lead 1-0. At once Port organized rush after rush until finally they managed to score cn the outstanding army goalie, making the score tie 1-1. This seemed to en- rage their rivals, and it was not long until the Regiment chalked up another counter near the end of the period making the score 2-1 in favour of the Army boys. Second Period Up @til now it looked as though Port were in for their first licking, but somehow they hit their stride once more, ~ Within a few minutes of play that Clarke, MacMaster to Hood play began to click, once more and 2 more goals were put away for Port. The crowd went wild.- Port now had the lead 8-2. The Army just couldn't get started. Play after play was broken up, they were being crowded back into their own terirtory where most of the play now centered. Shot after shot was peppered at the Regi- PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13th, 1941 that at the Port's keeper. His team- mates did their best but Port's com- bination play- and elose-in shots wexe too much for him and before the game was ended 2 more slipped by the goal i mouth. This made a grand total of 9 goals for Port with 2 for the Ont; § Regiment. This was a good clean game. of hockey and was consideréd one of the best seen at Port this year, : "There is another game to-night, the 13th. Come and give the home team your support. They're out to defend their no lose winning streak. ment's goal minder until they reached the total of 6-2, Then the Army broke loose with only one man back, came in on Crawford--there was a scramble and again Crawford made a sensational save. (In the' mix-up two penalties were dished out one for each side. The fans were seeing a game of their lives. Rush after rush followed but neither tea could better their score. The period ended with a four goal lead for the home team. Third Period That four goal lead looked mighty good when the final period got under way. The Regiment still had fight left in them, They checked and double checked but again were disheartened by another goal for Port Perry. That gave Port a 5 goal margin. The Army couldn't seem to break loose, every play was broken up by the powerful Port team. At times Crawford had to do everything but stand on his head to keep out that little piéce of rubber, but he did it and so held up his end and that of the team. The Army's net minder is to be congratulated as well. He had far more shots pounded at him BRITISH WEST AFRICA As an Empire study LO.D.E. Rev. Mr. Tristram, of Seagrave, Africa. Tuesday, Feb, 18th, at 8 o'clock. Mr. project the has procpred the services of e, to speak on his "work in British West The meeting will be held in the basement of the United Church on Tristram was a trader in Gold SHORTENING vomestic 2 lb, 25¢ QUAKER-8 OZ. CORN FLAKES, 3 for 95¢ QUAKER--G LBS. LIBBY'S 20 OZ. TOMATO Juice, 2for19c LIBBY'S 20 OZ. Splendid Patriotic Address On Tuesday evening at Fidelity Lodge, AF. & AM, Lt. Col. E. A. Baker, Managing Director of the Can- adian National Institute for the Blind, was the guest speaker at the Fourth Degree. He yas accompanied by a large delegation from Alpha Masonic Lodge of Toronto, Lt. Col. Baker's address will long be remembered as the most stirring pat- riotic speech heard during the present war. It was timely and was re- strained. ~ The speaker pointed out our deplorable lack of preparation for defence. He placed the blame for this condition squarely upon the shoulders of 'the people of Canada where it properly belongs. No at- tempt was made to make political capital out of the situation--we are all to blame, because we have in the past been looking to Britain and the United States for our protection, and have failed to accept our share of the burden, Many Canadians are still too complacent and are willing to let the other fellow bear the load, while they enjoy themselves as usual. Lt. Col. Baker pointed to an abuse | of long standing in our careless treat- j| ment of immigrants -- careless, an a {often much_worse. =| wonder that some of them do not see ={ why they should fight for a people ¥| that so frequently took advantage of | them. v It is not much That speech should be printed and scattered broadcast throughout Can- ada, It is the kind of medicine we need. : LAWRENCE'S Drug Store NEWS (You can save with Safety at Your Rexall' Store) 1 'NEILSON'S and BETTY ANN CHOCOLATES : Wrapped 1 pound &0c. 2 pounds $1.00 WOODBURY'S-SOAP (Pkg. of 4) JERGEN'S SOAP, New Cedar-Kist, 3 cakes l4¢ GERARD'S English CASTILE Pr Rd cp 24c. 4 (Large eke) rs 10¢c. -§ i VINOLIA CASTILE § : Special Valentine 10 cakes for .......ee 266, PALMOLIVE SOAP (Giant size) VELYETTA BATH SALTS Ie. (am . 8ize) in ti ib BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS REGULARLY. \i PHONE 49 WAR WORK ACTIVITIES 1940-41 It might be of interes our readers to know th material made up for w uring the year 1940-41, 880 Ibs. of wool has beer knitted, for soldiers and field comforts. 1952 yards of material and 1000 yards of gauze for hospital supplies. For British Evacuce Work, 1100 yards of material was bought and several hundred yards donated. Port Perry women have not been idle this past year. ) : Coin Bags - For the month of January the Boy Scouts collected from the L.O.D.E. coin bags. Thank you Scouts. - Books Bought for Troops One hundred thousand books are urgently needed as recreation material for army, navy and air force units in barracks, recreational premises and mess libraries, All LO.D.E. centres are to be used as "Book Depots," The Scugog Chapter, Port Perry, would appreciate any parties having suitable books, that they would do- nate to this cause, leaving them at the work rooms or if unable to bring them, phone 71J and arrangements will be made to call for them. to some of amount of -time use A. M. LAWRENCE The Rexall Store' PORT PERRY | The BRAY CHICK Does the Trick! Bray Chicks are real makers, | {an prove ed Kid] order here. A.R. A R.R. 2, Port Perry. - ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH - 11 a.m--Sunday School. 7 pm.--Evening Service Student from Knox College in - charge. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (ANGLICAN) Thursday, 7.30 pm. -- Intercessions. Sunday, 83 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Class. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon Coast and surrounding country and he will illustrate his lecture with interest- ing lantern slides. Everyone is urged to take advantage of this opportunity to become familiar with Britain's ac- tivities in this part of her Empire. EEE EEE RR ER EE 0 ROLLED OATS - 99 QUAKER FLOUR, xzxx 98's $2.79 LE QJAKER--PKG. In the brief entertainment staged by the visitors and our home talent, the demonstration by Bro. Balfour, in magic were much enjoyed. PORK and BEANS, LIBRY'S 12 OZ. CATCHUP - 10¢ + 15¢ LIBBY'S WITH MEAT---15 OZ. January Bales January bales packed and "sh pped headquarters, Hamilton: to LO.D.E. British Evacuee Bale--36 pairs boys' and girls' pyjamas; 10 baby i "The, Rector. of Canada. PORT PERRY -UNITED CHURCH 11 a.m.--Rev. Dr. G. A, Sisco, General Secretary of the United Church of Children will be specially welcome Silver collection. ONT. - SENIOR LEAGUE STANDING As: at 'February 11 Result, of games played February 6. Port Perry 0, Ont. Regiment, 1 (Port Perry defaulted) Westmount 5, Palm Billiards 2. Schedule for February 13,"1941 at Port Perry: 830 p.m.--Port Perry vs. Cedardale. 10.00 p.m.--Lions vs. Palm Billiards. CHURCH NEWS Rev. Dr. Gordon A. Sisco, Secretary of the General Council of the United Church of Canada, will preach in Port Perry United Church Sunday morning, Dr. Sisco was called to -this high position in the Church after success- ful pastorate in Renfrew, Port Hope, Sarnia, and Danforth -Ave. United Church, Toronto, He is one of the ly invited to avail themselves of hear- ing him, parsonage to-night at 8 p.m. BORN To Mr. Port Perry Hospital, on Sunday, Feb. 2nd, a baby girl--Doris Louise, DIED Albert Beverley, Jn her 68th year, CARD OF THANKS HOCKEY ablest of the younger preachers of the Church and the public are cordial- | 8 The Official. Board will meet at the |g and Mrs, Grant Jeffrey, o BEVERLEY---In Reach Township, 3 on Wednesday, Feb. bth, 1941, Maria Ann Johnston, beloved wife of Samuel The undersigned wishes to thank UFFED Wheat, 2 for17¢c PASTRY FLOUR 2 LBS. SPAGHETTI - . 15¢ ® AUCTION SALE. : . H Saturday, February 22nd, Household B| goods belonging to the late E. C. Bur- EXCELSIOR 65 @|ton, at his premises, Cochrane St, 24 1b. Bag bd ¢ p | Port Perry. See bills, The real estate will also be offered. DOMINO Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. TEA % Ib. 33, Ib. 65¢ RICHMELLO ORANGE PEKOE TEA - - Yb. 39% DOMINO--LB. BAKING POWDER, 19¢ DOMINO--GIANT SIZE SOAP FLAKES - 29¢ o © MANNING'S E,.c, Lf|7 TASTY SODAS. . 25 8 O 0 aE SEE < K § MANNING 2 LBS. Port Perry 131016 5 ¢|z CREAM tea BISCUITS 29¢ Courtice ....... 4 31 01913 6 : WHITE SWAN Bill's Place ....4 3 1 02410 6|= Westmount ..... 5 3 2 02318 6/8 TOILET TISSUE, 3 for 25¢ P. Billiards ....4 22 01713 4|® N4v¥ (- Ont. Regiment ..4 1 2 1 513 3(@ TOILET TISSUE, 4 for.25¢ Cedardale ...... 4 0 3192 1 | Harmony ....:.! 3 0 3 0 32 0g RED COFFEE RED, 1/5 Ib. 2Te, Ib. 49¢ BANQUET--CHOICE_28 OZ. PUMPKIN -. . 10c. CLARK'S--20 OZ. PORK and BEANS 10c = CLARK'S--15 OZ. : 8 SPAGHETTI - ~10c LYNN VALLEY--16 OZ. - WAX BEANS, 2 for 19¢ . STARCH - - BULK LAUNDRY Ib. 10c 150 SHEETS KLEENEX - MAPLE LEAF LARD - - Ib. 10¢c CLEARWATER--7% OZ TIN SALMON - 2for 25¢ 10¢ CoCoA NEILSON'S 1/5 Ib. 19¢ GARDEN FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES ORANGES NAVEL, seedless large size doz, He FOR SALE 90 imperial gallon, heavy steel round tank with brass force pump, suitable for gas or oil. Apply to W. Kaufman, Port Perry. marl3 SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 80 Cents SUITS CLEANED 'Ory Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery TACO AUTOTRAC Low Cost Tractor Farm Power for about the price of one horse--will do the work of 4 to 6 horses. Drawbar pull 1500 pounds, ample power to pull two 12 inch bottom tractor plows, cultivator, harrows, disc, spreader or binder; will pull four horse machines. Will operate on aboyt one gallon of gas per hour. This is the year you will need one with the shortage.of help to speed up the work. See your dealer - 'C. SWITZER, PORT PERRY FIRM LARa I] HED) LETTUCE -/ - -/. , 10e First rig | " TOMATOES = "lb 23¢ TE XAS--LARGE "BUNCHES * 'BEETS .- - - 2for 15¢ B CALIFORNM--LARGE BUNCHES CARROTS 10¢ HOTHOUSE = ~ * RHUBARB - 2b. 19¢ ' + IMPORTED--BUNCH RADISH = 4 ge: BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES FLORIDA--YARGE STALK3« CELERY - 2for 15¢ B. C. DELICIOUS APPLES - 3 for 10¢ ee Ee] In the Estate of JOHN WILLIAM CROZIER, Deceased All persons having claims against] the Estate of the above mentioned who died at Guelphon the Fifteenth day of August, 1940, ar® hereby noti- fied to send to the undersigned Solicit- ors on or before February 27th, 1941, full particulars.of their claims. Im- mediately after February 27th, 1941, the asse}s of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regards only tq claims of wihch the Solicitors shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 80th day pieces; 3 dresses; 17 pairs mitts and gloves; 2 sweaters; 2 caps, 1 scarf, 3 blankets, 6 quilts, 176 pairs, bloomers, 22 boys' shirts, Field Comforts--160 pairs socks, 12 sweaters, 24 helmets; 32 scarfs, pairs mitts,- 1 pair wristlets. PRENTICE'S 33 2.30 p.m.~-Sunday School. 7 pm.--Rev. W. J. H. Smyth. Thursday of this week--Official Board meeting 'at the persondge, 3 : Business Opportunity . Owing to- poor health, Mr. William Kaufman has instructed Harris, Har- the friends and neighbours of the late Joseph Bowles for their kindness and sympathy at the time of the" {llness and death of Mr. Bowles, ~Pamelia Holtby, | of January, 1941. HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perty, Ont, Solicitors for the above Estate. feb20 chester, on Saturday, February Farm Stock, Implements, Eet. Sce bills for lists of these sales. b, con. 4, 2% miles west of Man- Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. 16. week or by appointment. Qu Ben Fok Furs, Phen -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Hes Faas, > sell his pool business ~ en Skilled Operator. yer Hoderdte prices Harrie Harris & Wallace also have Boy Specialize Waves a number of other business and sev- eral residences for sale. Phone 24, Sams and Wave 650c| Port Perry, Ont. arce Co. - 6c z Manicure ~~ - ~- 85c| FURS WANTED PERMANENT WAVES | All kinds of raw furs of good qual- ity. Highest prices paid. $1.95 and up - |[ianso ISAAC STEINg Whitby. , + Our work is up to a standard-- | WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheu- Not down to a price. pedi "Pain, Seis, Lumbago, when umacaps will give you quick wel ER ------ « Phone 223, Port Perry relief. Sold by A. W. a ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop, |Per- ; ok g FOR DR. H{ H. ARMSTRONG : ' DENTIST x . ® lLeonard Block over Prentice' Expert Radio |" qr fremtieet Barby ' . Telephone 237 - | - Port Perry. Service . |= Sb tb a} ! ARTHUR W. 8. GREE i ! SEE ; : '1p Atiehinnce at my Port Perry office ih : nesda, ning, Ross McLean | uirosy bide My Badia Repair Shop at the|FIen® Bleck, Port Perry, "Phone 3 ack of dhe Sebert House ; ' 8 is_modernly equipped to| DR. J. B. "LUNDY effect repairs on any mak DENTAL SURGEON N iiss of radio; and is opefi 0 [Rar side Quen Bell Telephone Exthange, --. og very Tuesday, Thursday, Fhaneat of Tk ion var i ani} aturday or your con-, i! vehience, = Ww. re Si an gster AUCTION BALES DENTAL SURGBON Bo. _/ Office Hours: 9 a.m, to 5 pm. W. A. REYNOLDS--at his premises, Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's lot 10, con, 11, Reach, ¥ milé west Insuran [ ance Office, of Greenbank, on Tuesday, Feb, 18, a » Farm stock and implements, (The firm of Sy reer & Humpbears, 0) gl j p : RUSSEL H jiaats JOS. ARD-- R."WARD--At his premises, lot 244 Bimeoe free idan eS ss Tasday and Thursday afterncons of each

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