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Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Feb 1941, p. 5

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' PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY All shows Daylight Saving Time. Healthfylly Air Conditioned, ! Thursday, Friday and Saturday, FEB. 27-28 and MARCH 1 'Two shows at 7.30 and 9.30 pm. Saturday Matinee at, 1.30 p.m. "The Thief of Bagdad" in Magic Technicolor, with SABU, Conrad VEIDT, June DUPRE. Plus Latest Canada Carried on Series, * "Guards of the North" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, MARCH 8-4-5 Last Complete Show at 8.60 'The House Across the Bay' with George RAFT, Joah BENNETT, Lloyd NOLAN, Gladys GEORGE, Also an ADDED Attraction 'Mexican Spitfire Out West' with Lupe VELEZ, Leon ERROL, * * * * ve COMING next Thursday, Fri, Sat., March 6-7-8 James Stewart, - Rosalind Russell in "No Time For Comedy" | { lay of February, 1941. { ARTHUR W. 8. GREER, Blong Block, | Port Perry, Ont., Solicitor for the NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estatc of Riby Ellis, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned, who died at Oshawa on the 27th day of January A.D. 1941, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Solicitors on or before the 10th day of | March, 1941, full particulars of their - claims, Immediately after March 10, 1941, the assets of the deceased will be | distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims "of which the Solicitors shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ont., this th 'above Estate, Feb27 et dps ivi All subsorlptions to the Port Perry Star are due if the Jabel does not read 1941. Shorthorn Sale Durham County Shorthorn Associa- tion will hold its 20th annual auction' sale of Purebred - Shorthorns on'! Thursday, Feb. 27th, at the Lovekin' Farm, located -% mile south of Kurv Inn on Highway No. 2, There will be offered thirteen bulls and eleven heifers, some of which are bred. This is'a very choice offering and with but one exception are all from accredited herds and negative to the blood test. Sale at 1.30 S.T. For catalogue write S. Charles Allin, Bowmanville, Ont, 'blue coal THIS YEAR YoU,T00, SHOULD CHANGE Decide now to enjoy the cleaner, better home heat- ing that's making thousands say: 'blue coal' is the greatest heating value moneycan buy.' "" . THE COLOUR GUARANTEES THE QUALITY F. E. REESOR Phone 73 w BCS Listen to "The Shadow"--CFRB, Tues.; 8.30 p.m., 0KCO, Tues., 9.00 p.m, 'CFRO, Thurs., 8.00 p.m. - 'Buy WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES BLACKSTOCK Mr, Arthur VanCamp , The funeral of Mr. William Arthur VanCamp was held from his late resi- dence, on the 1st concession of Cart- wright, on Tuesday, February 4th, He was the only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. VanCamp and was born and lived his entire life on this farm which his father formerly owned. He was very public spirited and served his community for many years, both as reeve and on the council, and was also an ardent member of the Orange Order On January 21st, 1891 he married Margaret Swain, also of the commun- ity and on Jan. 21st of this year, just two weeks before his funeral, they celebrated their golden wedding with their eleven children and sixteen grandchildren, all present. . Rev. D. M. Stinson officiated, assist- ed by Rév, E. P. Wood and Rev, M. Sanderson, Toronto, - Interment was made in Cadmus Union Cemetery. An Orange service was held at the grave side. Pallbearers were brother Orghgemen--C. P. Devitt, Cecil Hill, Herbert Swain, Fred Willan, W. Bea- cock, Herb. Hooey. Surviving are his widow, six sons, Willtam, Harry, Stanford, Percy and Jack; four daughters, Mrs. A. L. Bailey, (Jessie); Mrs. Francis Werry (Annie); Susie, and Olive, of this community, Norton of Listowel,' and Ralph of Picton. Hi ZION = The regular meeting of the Red Maxwell, with the president in the chair, and Mrs, Bert. Howlett acting as secretary. During the. business period several items were dealt with including the makin gof quilts. A number of finished articles were hand- ed in and sewing given out. The next Red Cross meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Norman Osborne, on Thursday afternoon next. The meet- ing closed with the National Anthem, (Continued on ¢olumn 5) © DELICIOUS -- BREAD and PASTRY | For all round GOODNESS our Bread and Buns are the Best. We have ever, thing in the line of Cakes les, Pastry, ete, to satisfy that Hungry Appetite : = JUST CALL w-- JEMISON BAKERY THR HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY Phone 93, Port Perry. . Vice-Admiral of the Blue ... "Blue Castle .... Cross and WW, A. was held on Thurs] - day afternoon- at the honte of Mrs, G.| The President, Mrs, N. Jacobs, of the| . Miss Brown of X. Y. O FEBRUARY 27th, 1941 Books at the Public Library FICTION, Continued ~~ Black Creek Stopping House ns SEER . McClung Many Waters ........ciies i .. McClure Men of Kildonan ....... ..... McCulloch Man from Brodneys ... .. McCutcheon GLANS ANK: fi Finrirasi saris .... McCutcheon Beverley of Graustark " reeenenns McCutcheon East of the Setting Sun .. ... 'McCutclfeon West Wind Drift ........ . McCutcheon Brewster's Millions . McCutcheon Harbour Master ....... sirens McFee No Castle in Spain ..........eee ... McFee When the Land Was Young WAL .. McLaws Stories of the Land of Evangeline ......c..cvovviiinininns McLeod In Old France and New .....c..oconu. . McLennan Diplomatic Woman ......c.cuimieiinieoinsoonn. Mee DADECE si icieiscisrinissins .. Melville BASQUEIIC iriver snes simressse sins ssansersssnesinesssnes Mercein Forerunner ..........oion, sient Merejkowski Romance of Leonardo da Vinei ....... Merejkowski Conrad in Quest of His Youth .......cceviryee wn atarrick This Stage of Fools .......cooveernnn ME, . Merrick Temperamental Henry . .. Merwin Crystal Sceplre ..iieeiieoieiinneieeemssosanes Michels In the Bishop's Carriage . alichelson BANAVAUE 2. tifa mindivaisiiofieiumtrefisusssrtoss ites Mille Bishop's Nephew . .. A. Miller Rising Star ......c.oonienn. A. Miller And One Was Beautiful . . Miller Lamb in His Bosom ..... . Miller Fenst Of LAntorng od icmcinsmnimimstronspisin sree Miln In a Shantung Garden .. Miln Mr. and Mrs. Sen ...... .. Miln Ann Zu-San ..... .. Miln By Soochow Waters .. Miln Rice .iviinviirinninininenns .. Miln In a Yun-nan Courtyard. .. Miln It. Happened in Peking ......ccveniinserennnennsssnsnsseinnns Miln Two People ......... re Milne Cockades . Minnigerode DEOWEY. srmsiciniviiccrribiivisiissisioasiiragssontvas bosom tedigintsrisss J. Mitchell Gone With the Wind ....... crerereenlpe ... M. Mitchell Hugh Mynne: Free Quaker A S. Mitchell Adventures of Francois .. ~S. Mitchell I Molineux .... Montgomery .... Montgomery .... Montgomery .... Montgomery . Montgomery . Montgomery . Montgomery . Montgomery . Montgomery . Montgomery . Montgomery ER renin Montgomery Anne, of Green Gables .... Anne ofAvonlea ............. Chronicles of Avonlea . Anne of Windy Poplars Mistress Pat ........ A. Magic For Marigold .... Kilmeny of the Orchard Rainbow Valley ............ Emily of New Moon Emily's Quest ....... Emily Climbs Polly Masson .. .... Moore Fountain ........cccvvnnererevnnisienione. I .. Morgan Alice for Short ... +, » de Morgan Seafarers .......cvoreveviinereronns Trerererenrereneens reerresenssranene Morrison Thunder on the Left ... i. Morley John Mistletoe . rin verre. Morley' Haunted Bookshop ........cccvrvnrerereinininnia anssrsalissssavesnpern Morley Parnassus on Wheels .... - .. Morley Swiss Family Manhattan . Sesdorig ia tVaggre sere nar TR HEREREE Morley Mr. Thake and the Ladies ..........ccccoeunnie. pry Soe Morton Sun Bird . ATE, se . Morris Merchant of Berlin AIR PROS Sistine TEES Muhlbach Henry VIII and Catherine Parr ..........cccciveiene Muhlbach Frederick and His Family ............ .._Muhlbach Joseph II and His Court ............ Muhlbach On the Trail of the Tumbling T.. .. Mulford Mulock John Halifax, Gentleman .................. poms oo . Munro John Splendid .. Doom Castle ....i.qoioniinooeini. oes Munro Anna Borden's Career resnves 'Munsterberg Bride Adorned : I Murray Race for Millions .......ccevveieerernenenens Murray Enchanted Voyage .......oouenn Nathan Revue ...cccvevene ... Nichols Hoosier Chronicle ........cvininninnsnnnnnonne Nicholson-- Flying Years ........ . Niven Triumph . rater ets wee Niven * Mutiny on the Bolinty .c.ooovverererererenenennene ...Nordhoff and Hall Pitcairn's Island .......cc.ccoceeveniiiinienenn Nordhoff and Hall Dark River Nordhoff and Hall Hurricane... I~ "Norge and Hall Men Against the Sea ...Nordhoff and 'Hall Octopus ....ccocuvverenene ti reverie IN. NorTis METEaZUL .oovevirriririreirereniienisisisisians rrerersrenerererennennene te NOTTS Mother .............. israirrernin res eK. Norris You Can't Have Everything .......c.ocevvinvrnnrenieienens Ko Norris Bread Into Roses ...... . provers . K. Norris Heartbroken Melody ,.. rrrere «on Ki. Norris Forging of the Pikes ... TRIE North LABerator ui. .. Norton Plundererii......... : .. Norton Lover's Brie D. O'Brien ~ Best' Briti Short Storien .. RI ..&. O'Brien Anteroom_ ........... roariet .. K. O'Brien VithougMy < Cloak . aren Jae ian AE on Ki O'Brien Clippy ee POONS] | *Oemler Cherokee Trails . FIRTH .. Ogden "Oliver Onions" Debit Account . Honeymoonshire . i 2 Oliver . Exit a Dictator ...... eit were. Oppenheim Envoy Extraordinary ; Oppenheim Great Impersonation .......ou Pieters iret rsrsss Oppenheim Gen. Besserley's Puzsie | sins Oppenheim . Oppenheim Gabriel Samara, Peacemaker .........i..et . Oppenheim Battle of Basinyhall Street .\...cuiesiinnne Oppenheim Box EEOYTILE Orr 4 asada eineisiinanieieiene Murder at Mante Carlo Oppenheim wp the Ladder of Gold ........cccuuu. agi 'Oppenheim Kingdom of the Blind A WE Qppenhieim Floating Peril . BENERE) fens Oppenheim Up the Ladder of Gold bots Oppenheim * Kingdom of the Blind .......... Oppenheim Colossus of Arcadia Dar fawn Oppenheim Lion and the Lamb airs Oppenheim Strange Boarders of Palace Crescent wernnennee Oppenheim Spy Paramount ; ps Oppenheim dish. a pot luck supper. disappointed as the sideroads were the Manchester Cross. convention which is to be held |g in Toronto on Feb. 28. SCUGOG . February has given us a real spell _Jof winter weather, with cold, snow and wind, which filled the roads ug pretty well--not good for pot luck suppers. Mr. and Mrs, Carlton entertained a number of their friends and neigh- boyrs to a Pot Luck Supper on Wed- nesday evening, 'We wonder where the luck is in such suppers, but the ladies have different tastes so there- fore each one brings their favorite I guess the luck is when you get a chance to sample them all There was a good crowd to enjoy this supper and a good social time was spent with gamas, etc. Proceeds over $7.00. * Mr. and Mrs. T. Redman entertained a number of neighbours on Friday to There were many blocked with snow and they could not get there. However, those that could go had a very enjoyable time. A very interesting talk was given and pictures shown by Mr T. Clark of California, who is visiting his sister Mrs. Oliver Reader. Mr. Clark is a great tarveller and sees much country, Proceeds over $4.00. The Institute girls are invited to the home of Miss Joy Hood on Saturday afternoon March 1st. The motto--It isn't what you start that counts; it's what you finish" and will be given by Miss Corbitt The roll call--How 1 am going to spend my Easter holi- days? Lunch committee -- Audrey Ploughman, Clara Hardy, Shirley Crozier, Margaret Crozier. Here's hoping the weather will be fine for a good hike The visitors are waiting for better roads. woo MANCHESTER RED CROSS The Manchester Branch of the Red Cross has recently shipped to head- quarters the following articles: 9 suits of pyjamas, 8 hospital gowns, 16 pairs army socks, 7 pairs secaman's stockings, 7 helmets, 3. scarves, 1 sweater, 4 quilts Articles recently received from the [ipsom unit include, 9 suits pyjamas, 8 pairs army socks, 2 pairs seaman's stockings, 1 scarf, 1 helmet. On Thursday afternoon, Feb. 27, the ladies interested in war work will meet, as usual, in"the Township Hall, Manchester. This is the regular war work day. All ladies are invited to attend. Mrs. E. Holthby is a delegate from Branch to the Red On Tuesday cvening, March dth, the Manchester Red Cross Branch will hold ah entertainment in the Town- ship Hall. A good program will be given followed by dancing. The lucky draw will be made on quilt for which tickets have recently been sold Ad- mission 2c. ZION (Continued from column 2) W.A. then took the chair with Miss Ellen Stokes acting secretary in the. absence of F. Western. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. M. McMillan. It was decided to hold a social even- ing_at the home of Mrs. 'Wm. Stokes the second week in March. A dainty funch was then served by the hostess and a very pleasant social time spent. Miss Irene Sparks of Little Britain, |¥ spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. Harry Hall, Lindsay, spent Sun- day with his parents Mr and Mrs. S. Hall. + Miss Ida McTaggart who has been on the telephone staff at ®ittle Britain | for nearly two years has resigned her position and is leaving for Lindsay where she has secured a position with the Bell Telephone Co. The Youid People's meeting to be held Wednesday evening last was withdrawn owing to weather and road conditions, Mr. and Mrs Grant Wooldridge spent a few "days'in Toronto last week. Mrs. Fred Western returned home after spending the past week with | relatives in Toronto. So =T0= AKE OULTRY ORE ROFITS: order i SALMON, Sockeye Gold Seal, 1;'s tin Canada Corn Starch, 1 lb. pkg. Gold Medal Peas, ch. No 4, tin ue RED & WHITE svore CANNED FISH is always FRESH When You Want It. 216 27¢ 27¢ tin 130 tin 16¢ Tuna Kish, tin, 1&c Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 3 for 25¢ with FREE Bquare Base Cereal Dish 10c 17¢ 10c " , Cohoe Red Seal, I's tin, LOBSTER, v's tin 170; 4's tin, HERRINGS, Connor's in tomato sauce, CHICKEN HADDIE, . . Brunswick Sardines tin Ge. Raspberry tart Biscuits, per lb. Crown Brand Syrup, GRAPEFRUIT - ORANGES, Special 5 String Sweepstake Brooms, OXYDOL, large 24c; Comfort Soap, - BRASSO, small tin 14c, Red & White Coffee, 14 Ib. 29c " Tea, 14 Ib. pkg. 38¢c 3 lbs. 25¢ 2 lb. tin 18¢c 3 for 14c doz. 29¢ Fancy Cooking Rice, 49c 10c 14c 24c small 3 bars med. Buy War Savings Certificates REGULARLY F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 Pom PERRY MEATS THAT SATISFY You will be sure of satisfaction when you buy our meats. Whether its Fresh, Cured, or Cooked Meats you require, we can always give you quality and service. Give us a call. PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Phone 72-r-2 Bert. MacGregor, all varieties (Fresh goods frosted) WE DELIVER PHONE 32 Tee Se Sue a We Offer You the Choice of the Market | Hook's "High Quality" BABY CHICKS All stock Blood-tested ' ANY BREED. -- 10¢. EACH H. V. HOOK & 'SON GREENBANK, ONT. Phone 51 r 1-1 Port Perry Cawker Bros. FRESH BAKING DAILY SPECIAL TREAT CANDY, 10c..Bag Anybody jwanting Satin Filled Straws, Frosted Fruits and Vegetables Afterdinner Mints," Rum and Butter Toffee, order Thirst Quenchers. Monday or Thursday. SATURDAY SPECIAL--JELLIED DOUGHNUTS Leave Gerrow Bros., Port Perry Sele ones SS SUE REEL Si BC _CWiles Cab Je SEER | Inthesedays of uncertainty you need } reliable insurance. We place insurance that gives you peace of mind as well as protection. . HAROLD W. EMMERSON " Phone 41 Port Perry TE IT TA in Fresh and Cured Meats at CAWKER'S Lowest Market Price. Prompt and ' Courteous Service =~ ~ Phone 29w Port Perry ¥ rR a -- Ap a, PIATRA A AM AAAI AAA AR ARRAS AAR ASA

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