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Port Perry Star (1907-), 27 Feb 1941, p. 8

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HOCKEY BILL'S PLACE AND "PALM" WIN GAMES < (Oshawa Daily Times) Palm Billiards exploded the invine- ible myth that Port Perry has held in the South Ontario League last week, on the latter's home ice, when they eked out a comfortable 5-2 win over the league leaders, thus handing the Ports their first actual, unprotested, defeat since the league commenced. True, Cedardale defeated them last week but the protest registered by the Ports left the episode under somewhat of a shadow, which.does not appear to have cleared away yet. Last weck's tussle saw the "Cues" take a 8-1 lead in the first period, both sides being scoreless in the mid- dle frame, and then Palm out-scored the Ports 2-1 in the final session, The Billiardmen showed their best form to date, and gave Crawford, Port Perry net guardian, plenty of work. Black, in the Palm net, replacing the regular Hurst, showed that he had lost none of his old skill as goalkeep- er. The line of Dove, Mullen and Me- Comb, with Ogden and Perry bore the brunt of the Palm attack. Beside Crawford, Hood, MacMaster and Beare were easily the best for the Hood and Beare scoring the losers. Ports two tallies. LINE-up: Palm Billiards: Bryson, Ogden, Perry and R. Dove. Port Perry--Crawford, goal; Hook centre; and Cliff, def.; MacMaster, Beare and Lee, wings; alts., Hood. Westmount Takes Bill's Place. The Westmount-Bill's Place tussle was a close exciting fight from start Jackson, Westmount centre took charge of the evening's proceed-|. ings, scoring three goals in a fashion that convinced Joe Childerhose that he made no mistake in signing the blocky to finish. centre. - Bill's place apepared to be lost as to the correct tactics to take against Chick o ill's the Westmount dervishes. ---- gor scored - twice, Williams once, an Fred Bidgood completed the four Place tallies. LINE-up: Westmount -- Alts, Wilson, and Hardie. McLaughlin, . Bill's Place--Barriage, goal; Ham- bly and Sleep, dc#; Jackson, centre; Yourth and March, wings; alts, G. Tresise, H. Tresise and Elliott. judges and will address the afternoon meeting + on important farm crop) topics. re reel FARM MANAGEMENT COURSE TO BE HELD AT BROUGHAM A "special two day's Short Course on Farm Management will be held in Brougham on March 27th and 28th under the nuspices of the Dominion and Ontario Departments of Agri- culture, During the past few years a num- SOUTH ONTARIO MERCANTILE 'Hockey Schedule | Feb, 27--Port Perry vs. Harmony Cedardale vs. Courtice, March, 4--Ont. Reg't vs. Harmgny, Lions vs. Courtice. Oshawa Ice Carnival "Gay Blades in a Sunken Garden" . i ~ Phone 240w. AR 0 0 SAVINGS STAR -- LUMP ALBERT ber of Dairy Farmers in the County have co-operated with the Dominion and Ontario Departments of Agricul- is the attractive name of the gala ice show to be staged by the Oshawa To Whom It May Concern: ture in carrying out a cost of milk production survey. Brougham phases of brought out by the findings of the survey. .The course at reveal important management. as will farm Mr. H. R. Hare who has direct charge of this survey will be the main speaker at the Course. be assisted by Dr. Hudson, of the Economic Division of the Dominion Department of Agriculture and the Agricultural Representative. AUCTION SALE He will CAMPBELL-PETTIT Skating Club on Friday and Saturday, March 7th and 8th, in the modern Oshawa artificial ice arena. As the name indicates, the huge arena, will be transformed to resemble an Oriental Persign Garden in which mass ballets will dance and drill on skates. Modern treatment of ice surfaces will be seen at its best, and the varied coloring will be enhanced by the elaborate lighting scheme and general decorations, In addition to the ballet numbers, outstanding stars will make their ap- pearance, including Dorothy Digby, little eight year old Ann Aubin, gen- erally recognized as the world's great- est child skater, Miss Patsy Thomson and Lorraine Rowe, who will appear in pair numbers and Bill Cross noted and productive plants, seed stock will be produced. Poi CANADIAN CERTIFIED SEED 00D seed is the first requirement for an excellent crop . . . because only good seed will grow vigorous Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes are good seed potatoes. By planting them, higher-quality, cleaner, smoother, more uniform potatoes than those grown from ordinary So, this season, to harvest finer potatoes -- and more of them, plant Canadian Certified Seed. Be sure to select the variety most suitable for your locality. Fresh GINGER SNAPS, 1b.:10¢. Large PRUNES .......2 Ibs. 26c¢. GRAPEFRUIT, 96's ....5 for 23c. Shinola FLOOR WAX, 1 1b, 23c. CORN SYRUP, ...5 1b. tin 42¢. CORN SYRUP, ....10 1b, tin 79c. Heinz KETCHUP, 8 oz. bot. 10c. Sweet Mixed PICKLES, : 27 oz. 25¢. Waverly COCOA, 1 1b. tin 20c. Bulk COCOA........... wel 1h, 15¢. Wheat FLAKES, 5 1b, bag 23c. Buy War Savings Stamps ¢ Argue's Grocery Phone 91 "We deliver Slack, goal; Hur- rie and Little, def.; R. Dove, centre; Mullen, and McComb wings; alts, Geo. Complete Dispersal Sale by Auction on BROADFIELD STOCK FARM, 214 miles east of and 1% miles south of Pickering, the turn off the Highway marked Pickering Beach. Farm being expropriated by the the Government. on SATURDAY, MARCH 1st, 1941. Registered and High-Grade Belgians, Holsteins and Yorkshires. Holstein Cattle Detroit comedian on skates, who with other comedians, will excite the risibilities" of the entire audience. Training for this ice show has been under way for many weeks now, and the various numbers have had the personal direction of Mr. Gordon Thomson who has gained a wide re- putation for his success in staging at- tractive pageants of this nature. Tickets may be .obtained in Port butors. INSPECTOR FOR ONTARIO District Inspector, Seed Potato Certification, cfo Horticultural Department, Ontario Agri cultural College, Guelph, Ont. ~ Marketing Service DOMINION DEPARTMENT: OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA Ask the District Government Inspector, Plant Protection Division, for full information and list of nearest distri- ation tag on the bag or coatainet getting Canadian Certic fied A party of about thirty-five re- to his bed with a bad cold contracted a week, latives friends | from Oshawa, gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Carey on Saturday evening and "danced the night away." It was the occasion of Mr, Carey's birthday. The World Day of Prayer will be -- DD 00 -- - McLaughlin, goal; Freeman and Wilson, def.; Williams, centre; Forshee and McConkey, wings, Bodgood Grandson 22 High Producing Holstein Cows. 3 High Producing Registered Hol- stein Cows. High Producing Registered Ayr- shire Cow. High. Producing 'Jersey Cow Bred Holstein Heifers, rising 3 Holstein Heifers rising 2 Holstein-Jersey Heifer, vising 2 - Holstein Yearling Heifers Baby Beef Heifer. or more vealers. These cows and heifers have fresh- LJ ened recently or'are soon to calve. Belgian Horses Registered, Imported Sorrel Belgian Mare, thought to be in foal. Registered Bay Belgian Mare, rising 3 Reg. Roan Belgian Filly, rising 2 Reg. Black Belgian Stud, rising 2. Blue-roan Belgian-Percheron Mare, rising b years. Bay Belgian Filly, rising 1 year. Roan Belgian Stud, rising 1 year. Roan Belgian Gelding, rising 4 years. Big Clyde Gelding. The above Belgian Horses are Great and Great Granddaughters SEED FAIR TO BE HELD AT BEAVERTON, MARCH. 19th. The second annual County Seed Fair put on by the Ontario County Crop Improvement Association, is scheduled to be held in Beaverton on March 19. The first Seed Fair in the County was held in Brooklin last year. This year's Fair is being enlarged with more money being offered in prizes. * _ The prize list includes a full classifica- tion for seed, with special provision for. junior farmers. The afternoon program will be given over to educational features. Mr. J. D. MacLeod, of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture and Mr. A. W. Mason, of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, are being secured as 15 Shoats, Ted Jackson, of Farceur who sold by auction for $47,500, the highest price ever paid for a draft horse, Yorkshire Swine 5 Choice "Registered, bred Yorkshire Sows. 2 Yorkshire Boars. A full line of Farm Equipment, wire fencing material and a large number of cedar and steel posts. Sale at 11 a.m. In case of storm this sale will be held Terms, Cash. under cover. Fred Draper, Auctioneer. Clerk. ~~ o> If you buy something for a dollar, and sell it for a dollar and a quarter, and don't eat up that quarter in ex- _penses, you can't lose. ' y Perry from W. M. Letcher. Honourable James G. Gardiner, L to Minister, : 130 SUMMARY OF TARGET PRACTICE HELD BY CIVIL GUARD February 20th, 1941 . . night Feb. 27 to continue shooting for Bronze Pin, at High School at 8 p.m. sharp. Independant firing, 10 shots, to qual- ify for bronze pin. 80 points or over on b targets. J. E. Jackson, 0.C. Roy WOR «.eveeverersnnees 97 oil George White, Jr. ........... 97 George Mulligan ............ 97 South Ontario L. D. Colbear ....p..coveenenne 97 ' . P. Densham ....oveenenrenns 96 Hockey Standing LTH oeeeeiereeeenennenes M. Wood ........ © Ew George Fisher hE RT 8H bs, fader 2 A BE k a 58. LR. Bettloy susie insnsve in . . Tr Lundy ies apsitseinane 93 |Bill's Placs ...6 5 1 0371810 srr Sen SUN LN ie EE 02812 8 Bill Baker .....ovvoeesennns go [Courtice ...... 65 41 02415 8 rnd P. Billiards ....6 3 3 02620 6 R. Michie vive reeninss + Westmount 6 3.3 02624 6 H. Cooper .......covevvdegen 87 Ont. Regt. ..... 51319273 HoBaylen-ciirieii vein 7.87 |Cedardale :..... 6 1 411623 3 H. DeShane ...... veeeeeneees g7 |Harmony ...... 404053 0 ETH ooneeeeenenrannnnees 86 Above standing includes protested H. Brinkman ......ooo.eeee gc |games between Port Perry and Cedar- C. ROAIMAN »eiverveseoncinne gp | dale, which was temporarily awarded J. WYaLE ovine g2 [to Port Perry. N REAAEr ever rreeneenss 80 -| Games for Thursday at Port' Perry MT, ASHEr .euvveereerernnnens 63 | 730 p.m--Port Perry vs. Harmony Bob WilSon ..u.veeerenneasss 61 | 9.00 pm--Cedardale vs, Courtice. H. Mahaffy .:..ieoeneeionns 6 (Standard Time) George White ........... ioe 24 5 In shoot off, 5 shots--- Roy WilSON .vevrerneinernnns 49 Myrtle Station George Mulligan ............ 48 - George White, Jr. ...... PPPOE 47 . : Missionary Killed in L. Colbear did not compete Winner: of prize donated by H. R. Nova Scotia Accident Jar / HE 5 . TE i New Government Crain inner of prize donated by John L. : Sweetman ........ Geo. Mulligan Sales Plan Service on Sunday evening was con- ducted by the pastor, Rev. G. 8. Ger- van, when he chose for his text, , ORDER--Guard will meet Thursday N SN with their trucks along mechanized, motorized power, material. ee NNN 77 "Every duty, well and bonestly done, is a contribition to victory." 25, A Mechanized Army Serving YOU Mechanized and motorized -units--these make up the modern army, Yon have often noticed Bell line crews skilled crew; each completely equipped with tools, In an emergency they can be mobilized -- quietly, quickly, efficiently -- to repair the havoc wrought by storm, fire, or flood, The equipment they carry -- standardized apparatus of many kinds -- makes pos- sible the speedy restoration of vital service, | Preventive mairitenance, preparedness, experience, and . skill -- these all seve to ensure that your message i will get through with minimum delay in any emer gency--a vital contribution to the country's war effort, 3 a on A ' Exodus 4:2--"What js that in thine hand?" His subject was "using all the talents we have", and the rod in the hand of Moses was symbol of the gifts God. has given us. Mr. Gervan will use the same theme next Sunday evening and will continue the address. Service at 7 p.m. All are welcome, Mrs. Frank Schell was in Uxbridge on Tuesday of last week, at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs, Will Smith, when they celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. Mra, Jack Kirkham spent a couple of days last week with her parents at their' home in Maberly. 3 | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilroy and Miss Mabel Gilroy of Windsor, were Wednesday callers at the home of ~| their aunt, Mrs, Robt. Chisholm, Miss Rachel Peddie is still confined to her home at Glen Major with an attack of measles. (5 Miss Mary Eyers of Hawkestone will be for a few weeks with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr,' and Mrs, Albert Eyers, §is Due to the rohds being blocked or not in motoring condition, the number at the -euchre and dance in the com- munity hall on Friday night was not 3 | ns large as was expected. THs PrME MINISTER OF Canaon. 25 the highway. Those too are units, each with a highly were the winners of the ladies' prizes, kg owever, | «| everyone reported a good time, Mrs. |'N Elmer Cook and Miss Hilda Hopkins |} Albert Timms won the first prize for the men and Herb. Ashton and John Birkett tied for second. Herb event- uallly won, ~~ We have been informed by good authority that a plan is under way for the benefit of the farmers of Ontario, whereby they can save some money on their future grain requirements. This is how it is done--the local grain dealers finance the deal, and for their trouble charge only a small fee per bushel for handling and-'taking care of short weights (as applies to all shipments of loose grain) and the railroad brings the grain from the lake 'elevators free of charge. It means a saving of, approximately, 8 to 10 cents per bushel as compared with the prices then existing at the local elevators, Cars of 1700 bushels are being idered as i weight and must be unloaded off the cars and the deal is on'a strictly cash basis. For once the government has moved to help the farmer with the co- operation: of the local dealer The proposition awaits your acceptance or refusal. | women. observed on Friday at 2.30 p.m. in the church basement. Women of all de- nominations are invited to attend and take a part in this impressive service which was originally prepared in Shanghai, China, by a committee of Chinese, Japanese and American The theme for this year is: Thy Kingdom come: (a) In our own lives; (b) In our community and na- tion; (c) In the realization of a family of nations founded on the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man; (d) The vision of the Kingdom. The regular monthly meeting of the Auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society was held last Thursday after- noon at the home of Mrs. Parrinder. The president, Mrs. Gervan, occupied service , which 'was built around the theme, Living the Christian Life and finding the way through prayer. Bible readings and response sung by Mrs. C. Harrison, and prayer hymns, made a most impressive service During the business period, arrangements were made for the World Day"of Prayer, on Friday. The study for the after- noon was; "Living epistles in Korea", and was in charge of Mrs. Luery. It portrayed the outstanding phases of the development of the life and in- fluence of Miss Maria Kim, as a typi- cal but remarkable product of Chris- Mr. George Leach is still confined "1 Cylinder type. vacuum, nearly with attachments oj guaranteed. p) a > months, ' ) Regular $199, SAL gnamelled warming Ovens' and ® 6 Used Electric Washers months. Regular $69.50 ......... 0000 ins 1 only Battery Portable Radio, Demonstrator, {| Regular 4250. SALE ..... 'uous % MN) Record Players with 6 of our latest Columbia Records on Sale ....... Combination Coal and Electric Range, used three in $139.00 ee $39. 20 Quebec Cook Stoves, new styles, many with nn $12.50 1940 Model Low Oven Eleetric-Range, Ubed 3 Regular $119.00. SALE ........ $89,00 the chair and conducted the worship A COAL A Canadian Produot for Canadians LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL co., MITED portrayed the amazing scope and out- reach of the work of Miss Maud Mac- kinnon, one of our Canadian Mission- aries in Korea, and paid tribute to her great contribution to Korean village life. Mr. and Mrs. Hinde and son Jack of Toronto visited on Sunday with Dick. Miss Isobel Dalby of Whitby spent the week-end with her friend Miss Joyce Bradley. Mrs. Wilfred Lawrie, Mr Willis Arn- old, all of Oshawa, were Sunday .call- ers at the home of Mrs, F, Briggs. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Johnston, Mr. and Mrs, Reuben Northey of Oshawa, were guests on Sunday. of Mr, and Mrs, Harold Stredwick. The Faithful Workers' S. S. Class will hold their regular monthly meet- ing on Wednesday evening, March 6th at the home of Mrs. Jack Kirkham, Mr. and Mrs, Oscar Downey visited on Sunday with relatives in Oshawa. Mr. Harry Briggs received a ship- - ment of 'six hundred Rock baby chix, one day last week, from the Fisher Poultry Farm, Ayton, Ont. Mrs. Joseph Greentree of Harmony was a Sunday visitor of Myrtle rela- tives, : The newly organized Mission Band held its first meeting on Saturday at the home of -Betty Kirkham _ The president, Patti Gervan, conducted the meeting, Matthew 21:1-11 was chosen as the Scriputre lesson. The secre- tary, Gladys Bradley read the minutes of the organization meeting and ralled the roll, to which fourteen. re- sponded. Mrs. Frank Harrison, super- indendant of the Band, made the first chapter of the study book, "Shera of the Punjab", very interesting and real to the girls and boys. The Watch Tower was read by Audrey Cook, the offering taken by Audrey Grant. Jim Briand wag made responsible for the program for March and John Kirkham for the Watch Tower. - A. hymn and Mizpah 'benediction closed the meet- ing. KILLED IN NEW BRUNSWICK Neighbors and friends were shocked on Monday morning to learn of the sudden accidental death on Saturday night, of Miss Margaret Armstrong, a Home Missionary of the W.M.S. At time of writing no -other details are known. Full particulars will be given in next week's issue. Dictatorship--A system of govern- ment where everything that isn't for- bidden is obligatory. tian Missions in Korea; and it also DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC BARGAINS new, . complete : $29.50 - wave consoles. Priced from $19.50 $19.50 : makes. Am I + now available, \ Es-------- DON CHRISTIAN ELECTRIC | / 38-40 SIMCOE ST. N. 15 Reconditioned Radios, including last year's all 5 Used Gas Ranges Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, Ice Boxes, . Piano, 'Miniature Floor Sample, one of the best Save $150.00 on this plano. Floor Lamp Special this week. Indirect type with shades-.......... 0 Assorted. ; ie TT Radio Special. - Brand New 19b1 Consoles, Latest Design, Lovely Walnut Cabinets. Over. seas reception. = I SPECIAL viii vn Reb & Nei iy 1 Ranges from vovssorenrrerrnnr: $24.80 § All of the Latest Columbia Records Each A - PHONE 84-744 --Manchester Guardian. ern $3.50 Priced to Clear. $9.95 SELEY = .. $59.00 ¢ . Mr. and Mrs, John Lawrie, Mr, and.

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