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Port Perry Star (1907-), 3 Jul 1941, p. 8

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OURAN ARP SFR URINATE | SOT AREA ATLL OO, WAL ASTER A Es Su Sete oh ten : i . SLOTY Of TXOM over iereriierererssisnens seers esssssssssesssesssstsssisssines B tt Books at the Public Library | guns i tion ionic'. atheler Land of Oz ... ~.. Baum FICTION, Continued Road of Oz ...... . Baum opie, + Wizard of Oz .......... . Baum oar the Tsar, "Near Death ....commmmnmimmims 4 Whlshay EMerald City of OZ ..ooooooooeorroosssssesssssesesssessssesss .. Baum Ranchers ry E White Rinkitink in Oz........ . .. Baum Martial Adventures of Henry and Me W. A. White Three Young Crows .... Baynes Hidden Trials W. P. White Jimmie oon, " Baynes 5 Paradise Bend ............. W. P. White Juniper Farm oo. Bazin Blind Lion of the CONZO ....occoovvvvirieeiiiiiiecieeee erences Whitney On the Trail .......c....... + Beard ROSING eevee ... Whyte-Melville Jolly Book of BOXCEATt.........oooo onus sons sinessssss Beard Bones and 1 . . Whyte-Melville Danger Trails North wooo: Bennett o SOPCHEAON ..nrciissiimimimmmmis iar aR RTT Whyte-Melville Ryecroft Rivals coo... Bird GIRAIBLONS ..ooveeoorrrrreeereeereeeee Whyte-Melville Marcia of the Little Home .... Blake Back to Virtue Betty ii cncr Jerusalem angl the Crusades ..... Blythe Truth About Lovers. " Widdemer With the Men Who Do Things ......ceeveenierimnensecsninnses Bond Prewar Lady ..... . Widdemer Pick, Shovel and Pluck .... Bond Rose 0' the RIVEr ..cciiiiiiiiecncecnecseesine senses esanes Wiggin - Runaway Rabbit' ........ Bowen Bridge of San Luis RAY wooooovooooososssesossrssesrene .. Wilder Taddy Tadpole .............. Bowen Woman of Andros ............ .. Wilder Mr. Quill's Animal Shop .Bowen Pembroke Wilkins Hoosier Volunteer ........ ... Boyles Mannequin ... Williams Captives Three ........... ." Braden Guests of Hercules ... Williamson Little Rose of the Mesa ... Brandeis Vanity Box ... Williamson Jack of the Circus ........ ... Brandeis Lightning Conductor Discovers America.. ... Williamson Little Anne of Canada .. ... Brandeis fot in Silver ... Williamson Little Jeanne of France ... Brandeis PAWN Of the NOFH Lovee Willoughby Little Dutch Tulip Girl ©. . Brandeis Man from Home .. H. L. Wilson Little Swiss Woodcarver . Brandeis Oh Doctor!.conn...... _H. L. Wilson Wee Seoteh PIRer ..isamssisminiomimmimmssssenses Brandeis ; Ruggles of Red Gap . . H. L. Wilson Nanettelof the Wooden Shoes .........coeriviivnnnninnnin Brann CH KenWOrthYS ..cocovrericcnsinssnssssisissssssnnsenns M. Wilson At School With Rachel ......... ... Brazil Able McLaughlins . M. Wilson Madcap of the School .... ... Brazil Trousers of Taffeta .... M. Wilgon Pair of Schoolgirls .............. ... Brazil Silver Pin ............. Wilson-Barrett - Harum Scarum Schoolgirl ... Brazil Blandings Castle .. ... Wodehouse * Head Girl at the Gables ......... ... Brazil Summer Lightning Wodehouse | Luckiest Girl in the School . Brazil Mulliner Nights . "Wodehouse | Little Green School 00 -Brazil--- Right Ho, Jeeves .. Wodehouse Popular Schoolfir] .nissmevsmpmmmmrtimnpisenipsisar Brazil Loudon and funnier Wodehouse In the Grip of the Mullah .. ... Brereton Luck of the Bodkins ...... Wodehouse Foes of the Red Cockade .... ... Brereton - Damsel in Distress ...... Wodehouse With French at the Front ..... . Brereton Hot Water .............. . Wodehouse Granny's Wonderful Chair .. Browne Little Nugget ..... . Wodehouse Dimsie 'Grows Up ........ Bruch Crumb-Snatehers iene Wood Sir Walter Raleigh .. Buchan Tangled Trinities ..... Woodroffe Young NEMESIS ..oociieiii ivi irieciieneresneseseesnseeagessassenione Bullen Sinbad the Soldier ans Wren | Pilgrim's Progress .......o..o.. Bunyan Fort in the Jungle ... . Wren Adventures of Mistah nnd "Burgess Sowing Glory eres . Wren Adventures of Prickly Porky: .. Burgess Beggars' Horses . ..» Wren Adventures of Old Mr. Toad .... 'Burgess Spanish Maine - .. Wren Adventures of Peter Cottontail-. .. Burgess Young Stagers ... . Wren Wishing-Stone Stories .. Burgess Action ANA PASSION oor sienna seen Wren Lost Island ................ ..~'Burglon Deny eve crersere om apdh even isp renga mR R ORO HORS ORSAY TOT Sond Wen \ Secret Garden ... Burnett FOBLOS uuu onns Tones FTRTTTR IAS HEARTS AOE IARC OT re aan iuny ren ittle Pilgrim's P . > When a Man's & Man Wight I» Lia grips Progress wocimnnumsmmdios - Burnett me of ha Hills Wright * Little Lord FAUNEICIOY- ..ooovmoooerrerse prresiporeessssesersses Burnett The Yesterdays .......... Wright Girl Aviators and the Phantom Airship.. Burnham inning of Barbara Worth wr. Wright Poems Every Child Should Know.......cucecucvivenessssnees Burt Recreation of Brian Kent ... --Wright -- | Story of the Crusades .........; Buxton Exit sss --_-- Wright Scout Law in Practice ........c.ouinonenne noes Carey - Devil's Highway Wright Alice in Wonderland ... . Carroll Ma Cinderella .... Wright Lewis Carroll Book .......neiniiinininoeinnenn, Carroll Gallant Graham ...... Wynne - Maurice the Mouse .... .... Catford She Painted Her Face " ... Yates Wandy, the Wild Pony ........... . Chaffee Dove in the Eagle's Nest .. Yonge * Stories of the Gorilla Country du Chaillu Heir of Redcliffe .....ccoovvirnnnnnieiniinerniensniienion 'Yonge Sky Caravan ............ ees Clarke Little World ...... . B. Young Mally ...... "Cockburn White Ladies ............. . B. Young Handicraft Tor Boys . Collins They Seek the a I. B. Young A ... Collodi Love is Enough i. - x B. Young What Katy Did . -- Coolidge sending . B. Young hat Katy Did at Schoo i House Under the Water. F. B. Young What Katy Did Next . ' : Coolidge Cold Harbour Siti F. B. Young Deerslayer .........icoive Cooper DAYS Of "49 corm ir ii as G. Young Last of the Mohicans . "C William ................... EARS SEERA SSS pi I Joyous Peggy ....ccovernenn Sia Copp Miss Mole . Grey Owl and the Beaver . We Cory TARY VA) E. H. Young Chippewa Trail ...h....... . Cory a I hit E. 3 Tomy nl my and Daddy Fox - Cory Dreams Of the GREED .....osossommmmmenes roomier i OE BS na or S0LY . Zangwill Camilla's Castle C Ninteenth Century Mitack Zangwill Hill of Broom . oo 3 oer Paris oor sapien esensaedriinis Zola ~ With Morgan to Panama .......... - id Man-of-War ..... .. Currey _ JUVENILE Stories of King Arthur ....... -. Cutler : Jean of the Fifth Ny Darch i Of All PIACES cour nrrrererrrre a Abbé For the Honour of the House. .. Darch ; Around the World in E leven Years .. Abbé Robinson Crusoe ............oeeenen .... Defoe ah In the Fifteen ....vceereeirerennsrennns wg .. H. C. Adams ....| Susannah .......... .- Denison iis Days of Chivalry W. H. Adams Susannah of the Yukon ..... . Denison : Shore and Sea .. "W. H. Adams Mickey Mouse Stories .. Disney af i ". 1 Our Agreeable Friends ...... vere: Aflalo Peculiar Penguins ........ ... Disney flo EE Little Men woot, "Alcott Child's History of England .. e .... Dickens Jo's Boys ...... J wpe. Alcott Boys and Girls Around dbo Be EO Dickie Little Women .... voit i. Alcott Merrylips ...... 8 «Dix Good Wives .......... Ne whe Alcott Hans Brinker ......... arose" «.. Dodge Under the Lilacs wer Alcott arty Lu's Treasure ........ AOA ST ...Donahey Rose in Bloom... i. . Alcott Illy and the Princess : Eight Cousing ......ccococcervnvrireens ww Alcott 1 Doodles... sete Tor Swift and His Wireless Message. Appleton Great Hike... Tom Swift Among the Diamond Makers........... Appleton More About Me .............. Drinkwater Tom Swift and His Electric Runabout..... oe ADDleton Lucille the Torch-Bearer wee Duffield Tom Swift and His Matorevcle PSY i ... Appleton* Adventures of By Tabeall «.. Duncan Boy All OVer ......ccoovcverenernrene is ... Avery Ship Ahoy wrrins otra wee Edholm No Surrender .......... a . cee AVery Lord of Maufry. ........ . Edmonston Ask-At-Home Questions . Bailey Brazilian Fairy Book iin: =} Eells Tale of Tommy Fox ...... . Bailey Red Eagle coining ve «Eggleston , Tale of Solomon Owl ........ccc. -Bailey--|{-- Tecumseh : .._ Eggleston : Boy Ranchers at Spur Creek .. Baker Pocahontas ...... siberian flue Eggleston $7 Three for an.Acorn . = io. Baker. | = Romance of Early' British TLife ape venir Elliot On Golden Wings Through Wonderland ... Balfour Girls of Miss Clevelands .......... ~ Embres Coral Island inno Ballantyne Ruth Fielding in Moving Pictures . senses © Merson Ungava cove. os .." Ballantyne Ruth Fielding at Lighthouse Point .. wei EMeET8ON Young Fur-Traders .. .... Ballantyne Ruth Fielding at Silver Ranch .......cuiiee, . Emerson * Martin Rattler .......... vreviennns Ballantyne Ruth Fielding on Cliff Island ........oceiiiinn airy -/Vmerson Walrus Hunters ween Ballantyne Little Lamb [....... Spe Evers * Black Ivory ... serra Ballantyne Mighty Men niin "Farjean "Blue Light ...cviivnniinirinnn, INRA Ballantyne Golden Land iii: FATjaN iemen in the West Ballantyne Fix Bayonets! .......cinun erties ss stsenisarersisdibonss. «JU OITA Rigers of Ice ...oiiinn . Ballantyne Seven Frozen Sailors ......uuiiioniinniiineinag: Fenn .... Ballantyne Cutlass and Cadge] y sas Fenn wanes Ballantyne Sid Belton cc. ARCATA wo Fenn Ballantyne Silver CANON vu... wn Fenn Ballantyne X Bar X Boys on the Ranch ; APE HEPA, Ferris Ballantyne ~ British Navy Book ....c.eene sine C. Field Lullaby Land coi. io E. Field - Give a Man a Horse .. NE I | ONT. COUNTY EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION The meeting of Ontario County Ed- ucational Association at Sunderland on Monday, June 23rd, was very help- ful to those who had the privilege of attending. It was pleasing to note that quite a,number of teachers were present, sided, and welcomed the delegates. She stressed the importance of educa- tion in the life of the child; and ex- pressed regret because of the fact that that-the rural school beautifica- tion contest is not being carried on this year. However, arrangements are being made for a renewal of the con- test next year; and it is intended that a statement regarding this matter shall 'be sent to the teachers this Fall. Mr. M. A. Campbell, Provincial Secretary of the Ontario Trustees' & Ratepayers' Association, 'was present, When called upon to speak, he dealt with the matter of school grants for dental work, transportation, school supplies, ete. Each year the Depart- ment of Education" sets aside a con- "| siderable sum to pay grants to schools that make provision for advanced privilege in music, health, transport- ation, agriculture, ete. Last year over $10,000. Nuns left in' the treasury out of the fund, because schools did not take the trouble to earn the grants offered. Many children, who would otherwise ~{ have--a--~ Highs-School--education, are robbed of that advantage because local school authorities and ratepay- ers refuse to da their share (50%. of cost) to pr ovide necessary transporta- tion. Cases have been known where the municipality in which the High School is®situated have also offered to assume part of this cost of transport- ation; but without success, Some few ratepayers block this progressive movement. Mr. Campbell cited other cases where country schools suffer because | the ratepayers will not assume their small share of costs. 7 p Mr. Fred Campbell, of Uxbridge, agricultural representative, assured the association of his practical inter- {est in educational matters, and of his willingness to be of service whenever possible. Naturally Mr... Campbell's interests, centre around such projects in school and after life as will foster a healthy, prosperous, happy farm life. Mr. Norman Davies Speaks Mr. Norman Davies, Provincial In- spector of Agricultural Classes, gave an illuminating showing the growing interest in school beautification in the Province of Ontario. It might be remembered in passing that a number of schools in the north- Mrs. Jas. Gordon, Gamebridge, pre-| illustrated . address| MEETING AIR ATTACK ON A BRITISH MINESWEEPER bours, channels and sea approaches free from enémy mines iso utmost importance. aircraft but put up such an excellent defence that many raiders have fallen to their guns. The unceasing work of British. minesweepers in keeping the har. These craft are often attacked by enemy tions makes this condition most un- fortunate. Mr. R: A. Hutchison, Mr. Hutchison, Public Schoo! In- spector 'for South Ontario, spoke briefly and encouragingly of the work being done in his inspectorae under the new course of study. In a semi- humorous style he outlined education of the past and compared it with the growing educational advantages of- fered to the children of to-day. It was evident that the teachers of South Ontario have found in Mr. Hutchison a true friend and education has de- veloped and prospered under his kind- ly guidance. Mr. Hutchison urged the RE ment of the school fair as being of great value in rural districts. The following officers of the As- sociation were elected for 1941-1942. Hon. President-- Mrs. Jas. Gordon, Gamebridge; President, Howard Har- per, Goodwood; Vice President--Blake Estate. John N. Mark, Seagrave. in the County. / NQTICE TO CREDITORS Re Estate of John Franklin Hooper Dercased. 4th, '1941, full Immediatel or before Jul ticulars of their claims. 9th day of June, 1941+ Cragg, Greenbank; Sec'y-Treasurer-- The officers were entrusted with the duty of selecting an executive com- mittee from the various municipalities All persons hiving claims against the Estate of the late John Franklin Hooper, who died in the Township of Reach, on May 23rd, 1941, are hereby notified to send to "the undersigned on after July 4th, 1041, the assets of te = deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to claims of which the un- dersigned shall then have had notice. Dated at Prince Albert, Ontario, this .JOSEPH DENNY, Solicitor for the ern part of Ontario County have en- tered the school beautification contest, and last year No. 1. Mara, took Second Prize in the Province. Mr. Davies spoke of the tendency to relate schooling to everyday life; | and found that agricultural teaching did much to promote this idea. Of course, the movement is "entirely voluntary; and if the boards and rate- payers do not authorize these var- jous projects, nothing can. be done about it. But the fact remains that ag- ricultural classes have proved to be most helpful -in many communities, and the Department of Education will pay a grant of $30.00 per annum to any school with a qualified tencher that will undertake the work. y beautification. gives the proper setting. hold"--is an excellent motto, Agricultural classes arouse interest and form the foundation for intelli: gent farming. Other professions, re- quiring no greater need for proper training, demand ten or twelve years of intensive schooling before the can- didate is eonsidered capable of sue- '| cessful practice © Farmers frequently have almost no advance. training. The growing complexity of farm opera: F FOR: Expert Radio © Service . PHONE 234 on , Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. Mclean Radio Service Clean up, fence in, keep tidy, these 5 were foundation matters in "school | & A well kept grass plot | with regular mowing (not too short) H Shade | & trees, shrubbery and flower beds add | § beauty. But always. there should be |¥ provision. made in - summer . holidays | § and similar times to keep the.grounds | § in proper shape--""What we have we 5 | Somme DELICIOUS - i BREAD 'and PASTRY For all round GOODNESS our Bread and Buns are. the Best. We have everything in the line of Cakes Pies, Pastry, etc. to satisfy that Hy Appetite -- JUST CALL -- JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BREAD AND PASTRY +, Phone 98, Port Perry. DO YOU WISH YOUR HOME WAS PACKED IN ICE? When Old Sol glowers down like the fiery furnace, is your ihe big as an 'oven? If 'so, it needs THICK insulation. t needs . GYPROC WOOL "THICK INSULATION . . and insulating your home is not an expensive process. It can be done quickly and eeononveally, Ask us for samples: and Witer-NOW!. ; REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER E. REESOR i" .. -- For QUALITY and VARIETY of Baking Products YOU MAY DEPEND ON xv rriese SUPER-HEATED pavs | "CANADA BREAD CO., LIMITED PORT PERRY, ONT.

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