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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Jul 1941, p. 3

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= aa-- A Nazi Sub In > A Sulit shed 4 Stalin Line Makes The Book Shell. i Vv 0 | C E How Nature Helps Reds on Stalin Line. 1s ¢ G : ; aving 'Ontario's a. | ; ---- eorgian Ba Seti 1 g B ne gia y OF THE 3 . in Line : Natural 1,100 Mile arrier "The Forgotten Village" St man ----------. -- ' , British Movie Rartly Made In P R E S S Spearheads Fortifications ® Run From BY JOHN STEINBECK Dominion Nears Releasa -- ; Resources Black Sea to Gulf of Finland The top ranking American nov- » Laurence Olivier in Caat IS PEN" MIGHTIER?. --Saoviet Secretive About De- elist wha wrote "The Grapes of 'Mi Hitler i itin th Ger. ME... histo Sonne det dade 4 scriptions » Wrath" has joined his superb tal When the Michael Powel) film - ai 8 a2, hatin I be oo © Gi C, Toner -- ents with those of the film director ed Thich TR IStuy 10g Wh es: Ho has dn that the pen is Ontario Federation of Anglers Few facts have leaked ont about who produced "Crisis" and "Lights treal: and other parts of Canada. Pp and Husters Soviet Russia's Stalin Line, which Out In Europe," to tell the story of y finally reaches the sateen. it will. Hy ightier than, the, sword? (No. 50 the German war machine has been the comiug of modern medicine to Bi Ml ba known. as "Five Men," according | - -- --Chat a News _-- ! ) bucking for the past couple of the natives of Mexico, Steinbeck i . to Tepqrts reaching Montreal from -- -- PROBLEM 1 OF EROSION weeks, and there Is no - reliable supplies the text, Kline the beaut. SE | En WCE wr -1t waa previously, titled SCOTS WHA HAE hi \ : I de h basis on which 0 judge its strength. ful photographs for this study of 491 Paraie) As one mighy say there'it-atef~- oo This article wi eal wit Mere Js the best available ple the Old Mexico and the new. -- SOME SCENES IN ENGLAND ways be an, England as long as On and behind the "erosion -ghgwed-last-yeek how Wro-- "The Forgotten Village." ol 9 Pa Scotsmen like Robert Alexander bio. Russia ben ernia, cuts hr oo Weis Ya general 4 1 8 1.I0BmIE Jian: The camera crew that recorded The film is also reported to haye Watson Watt go about inventimg mountains, give me, ar aides DALE ing alopg the this narrative of birth and death, . to fight invad N made barrler running along the R been sold to Columbia Studio, for | things like the radio plane loca- 3 ce nature uses it to fashion the earth. |. "50 Russia western frontier | of witch doctors and vaccines, spent American distribution, at a price tor. SOVIET - But this is slow natural erosion | 0 50 pack Sea to the Gulf of <| nine months on the off tralls of unnamed hut quoted as being high- -- Brantford Expositor Eade ee] mot the swift wan-. ade wa: Finland, and it was built principally Mexico. They travelled thousands - * \ er, than any sum "-ought by Brk th ou tion" of the land that Secure when to guard against invasion from of miles to find just the village they g tishmade films In recent years ™ i we' misuse our natural resources. German: needed; they 'borrowed children 1 3 ] ; any. not excepting "Blackout", the last WOMEN IN UNIFORM y RUSSIA. One is. nevessamy, tne other will It combines the features of from the goverment schobl, took 4 Powell film, and "Night Train to Good luck t6 "those Canadian of exentually make o. land a desert | pei ee's Maginot Line, including | men from the fields, thelr wives | Munich," women who will soon be wearing "less it is Corivollnd. great, tull-equipped concrete fort. from the markets, an old medicine i The cast now. Includes Laurence | Hib Majesty's uniform. Good luck Where soil or rock is exposed | oo ol hui underground, with the woman from her hut by the side of NY i Olivier and, Leslie, Howard ag we)l | no less to those who will not; for to the atmosphere or to water advantages of Germany's West the trail. The motion picture they dn 3 "as Rdymond Massey, thelr scenes | let it-never be forgotten that they chemical and physical changes wall, which is built' in greater made (for release this autumn) Is A having been made in English stu. also serve, and serve no less de- take place" Freezing and heating depth, Whether or not it can bo 8,000 feet long. From this wealth | dios. Mr: Massey's part of the film votedly, who continue at their un- break up the rocks and the harder flanked, as was the Maginot, is a of pictures 136 photographs were ¢ 4 was made at the Associated Screen | spectagular--jobs--in-the--home--and{---- soils. Acids from the air aud matter of speculation. selected for the book, i 5 R News Studio, here. Following the in. civilian employment, carrying from minerals acted upon by the : Underaround Forresses John Steinbeck himself says: { disagreement between Elizabeth on without shoulder straps or "air --help to dissolve away the The noerors the Stalin system "This is a story of the little bueblo 4 Bergner and the Ortus Company chevrons the family life and the hardest rock. These reactions wis completed I 1933 but the Red of Santiago on the skirts of a hill in which is making the picture, Mjss business life of the country, and many others ave continuing Army's Yeadors have added 10 32 the mountains of Mexico, And this Bergner's name has been dropped --Saint_ John Telegraph-Journal. all the time but very slowly for and strengthened w continually is the story of the boy Luan Dieko from the cast and the role she had O there ave other factors acting N 4 and of his family and of his people, ee Gn ver since, are reporte partly completed for the film wil against them, an noi Peg pu who live in the long moment when i be taken by a young Welsh ac ONE LICENSE PLATE? | In Ontario's History x ] ; yall the past slips reluctantly into the : i machinery available to ke tho " } : tress, Both the suggestions that have . "In onr Jand there are Tow places fortifications impregnable gs new future. L, 1 ONTARIO LOCALE - been made in respect to saving on J "where the soil oF the rock is nor- weapons: of attack have fen do "The Forgotten Village" . by - Rae NTARIO LOCAL | --steol--in=the-manufacture_of On-| _ | mally exposed to the air. Nearly | oo John Steinbeck . .. Toronto: Mac.» - TT Ageonding to advance reports, [--tario__motor license plates are ; a creunder--natural condi- "Details about the Stalin Bine, ob millan Company of Cinada .. $3.00, ¥ Eric Portman, British actor who 1 worthy of considgration: They "Nature, ns usual, is on the side of the defender-in- the Ruseo-Cerman: s a heavy growth of plant life. viously, are military "secrets, but eee 741 T ----eame-over-with-Mr-Powelt-and the are that plastics be used instead conflict as Nazis: huil new attacks at the Stalin Line, but even her covers and Jirotects the soil. This the Kremlin has not permitted oven Harden Surface of location troupe, is going to be no: of metal, or that the front license --aid-has not halted Hitler's mechanized forces in the past. Map protection cuts grosion to a mini- general descriptions as much as ticed after the film is released. He | plate be abandoned. * shows how Russia builds her great line, using rivers und SER mum so, that very--little soil dis- | "10 French did ) Dusty Cement Floor is sald to do excellent work. Port "The latter proposal would seem| -- -- terrain as natural defenses. appears into thy, rivers during the One exception was an article pub - man is a West End actor of con- to be the more reasonable. Plas- } . year. At one rnoevor every stream lished April 11 in the Soviet Army » he most pr aetle al treatment for y slderable reputation but is not so tics give promise of being an.im- - in Ontario flowed clear and. cool Co 1 Star--il Hea cement floors which seem soft and 1 3 : - aper od Star--the st i well known for his screen work. | portant factor in our war effort, THE WAR. WEEK--Commentary on Current Events | -*| the. year around. .- Erosion hardly yr oi pI of the | Wmelined to dust is to saturats i He had the villain's role in "Moon and there may be need soon for existed because of the cover of Red fortifications in several years them thoroughly with sodium sili i light Fini the Paderewski film relieving industries manufactur- 5 2 plants and trees. A special correspondent told of etd atorsls sh " Itong i in seen here last year. ing these materials of all unnce- -- The first settlers needed agri- ring n great stoel a ooo 'ash the floor thoroughly with ! In "Five Men," Portman plays essary calls. , Latest W ar Developments cultural lands so they cut the SUTIN Be Rg) ud cai rese clear water, xerubbing with a suff = = -tho leader of the. five Nazis who Issuing only" LI ; 8a Se Eo eH i ¢ the 5 broom or scrubfing brush remove teh y one license "plate ia i ex from many, parts_of the door concealed in a hillside. Inside 1 : $14. try to escape .down through Can for a car would save half the steel]. Improve B rit 1 8 h Position -- ! ie nh Where thessoibowasex- i oun ol warm, welllighted ing all dirt. Allow the s face to ada to the United States when now going into these articles, and : posed it was rich and deep, crops labyrinth of defence machinery, dry. Mix one part waterglass (50- their submarine is destroyed in We | 5 would not be a revolutionary grew "marvelously for the first | complete with power plant, dormi- | dium silicate) with three to tons ah the mon. dag | step. There is really tittle need -for| Increased tontidence was brought British-Soviet Pact ----_fyeary.- hater as the rich organic tory and fire stations, fasts o whi eventing 3 Ns = ! S Jack bl hy oo ig vin) a plate on the front, and Florida,| to the people of Britaln and her Tho new-- British-Russian pact | humus, That RehT The 3oil together, The suns and Machine guns he Tacos vif Tein Ma wig es : 3 only Portman is. loft, Mls fina as_an_outstanding example, has| allies by the speaghes of Peime N wo 2, sald disappeared, the land became were sald to be a unit in a com disor ag COREE the wenke M5 1] BCEne comes when i Xamp ce, Mas) f Ye Shel |__signed at Toscoy A July 12, i ra the solution required y 1 fot "th oo] for. yea rs got along vi , 3 Rr ChuremiE--oie--0 > == Fy 2, dy acked, And pletely fortified-zone of fire. Me 4 tol red re 0 . : ? % == Ontarlo farmer escaping t o army; -- --~ 111i 5 oxged-olt- "warrior said; BODIE tro | "under such -€onditions erosion is 25.Mile -Depth Abply with a brush, ene coat gk the role played by Massey. - to quote the New York Times, "that | n Christian | --#Peeded up a tigusand-fold. Every These underground fortresses are pvenly over (hg entire ruriser. ys 1 our allies." Jan Christian "his will penetrate into the "ores Ho. HN FE Co -- _-- tho tables had been turned on Ger- Smuts, Primo a of South ~heavy-raii..carries. yay. the soil provisioned with reserve stores for t ia rt: A Did rn to) . - [--many-tmtho-matter-of-air raids-and-- "Africa, --in--eommnenting--on--Mr._{ to the rivers which are "dirty from |. long sieges. = ° he Bisel 7 : Jory ie eon i 3 ~ Premier of Iceland: Increased Lom bINES cold bo ex] Churahiil's statement tpethe Britis "their hicaivy fond of Slt As the An Imvader must "do more than oo iy nage Io ! oy god ol = . , i 'Welcomes U.S. Troops pected, that there would be no truce Houso of Commons, sail: "Lato, | top-sdil goes, the organic" humus conquer these Mawinot-type fort hy Lai Suh oo ih TT =f -------- ee Fe th mahy, that Italy was on | ono say we are Jiow in league with gene, (fie decper soils are fications, however, -for the Stalin yl 4 ge hy BP Pe a ry - - - the bombing schedule and that Lone. {he Communists and are OF N= ; = fiway even Line runs In depth for distances oat. If ait or 74 hon J. te thud E HCE Sa ------ Are You Planning to Visit __don_could continuo to "take it' i the battle of Cgmmunism." "~The | faster hii BERET Tock 1s reached. varying up to tabout 75 miles in hy is Pot poly nh Wh Friends From Saturday to] _necessary," Se ------ __British-Russian_ treaty pled d_that Th ] z, [3 problem- we-must face some places. The depth is said to ny -- FA a a vu ge > Monday This Summer? It Only the Beginning each nation would. support" (he very soon" Prevdnt'erosion or our average 256 miles, -"; uther coat. That which ans. vv i Might Be Wise to Follow "In tho last few weeks alone." other In war against Hitlerite Ger- agricultural lands will disappear a oi the suylice cil We sOnAe Fie ct " 2 many; and that nejther would sign forever. M ki Fr ioht C : lL These Rulés -- -- 'Mr. Churchlil said, "wo have thrown : ne, aking a reig ar moved, us smeothing up tie "upon Germany about half-the--ton--- --& Ecparate peace with the einem ra 2 floor. That which has penetrated There have been so many printed | Page of bombs thrown bythe Ger- Tho New York Times Tast wee stepn that shows he taken In the To build # bos car for the Into the pores has come 'no con = -- =|--complaints=r tho mans upon_our citles during the, | presented a clear picture of the face of the changing international freight services of the Canadian tact with the alkalies and -alis | week-end guest who forgets her whole course of tha war. BOT this H "Hest vopednsdiplomats gen- National Railways "requires ap- fn the concrete and formed into i -1s only_the beginhing. We do not _ _two great powers now in the |_erally_professed to believe that sroximately 2,000 man-hours of an insoluble hard mineral glae.-- bathing sult or who wants to bor- I yo a i row a sweater or even a little cold expect to hit without belng hit fourth week of war: "It Is stl! hard | the Nipopy ROVern EIT had heen work. Ottawa Farm Journal. - cream --that--many--hostosses--arg Lack, and we Intend with every | to believe that ag Soros and cousidering somo mofe to tounter yr ens . week that passes 10 hit-harder- reports 08a e . Soviet | finding the. guest-hostess relation- oyie 7 - i . talking about the same war. Berlin 2 Jste raters® y ship pretty straifed In spots. : hy Far Eastern waters? in gy o a -- Mm io be a lot bo; rules Shipping Losses Decrease tells of sweeping advances. M8: -| ang Amerlean circes fu- Tokio, LIFE' e's LIKE THAT By Fi ed Neher . "acid ie That Britain's position had vastly cow reports victorious counter- o niyo re 1 about Tot asking for -things--that| : \ tention was centred on French- ude. haven't been put In plain view in inpjved fom dpJon as waste] atneks, China: and- Southeast Asia. guest .or bath room. But it's ten opinion of Kirke » Simpson, Asso- "The German High Command re- But while thie-Japaneso prepared times moro annoying to any hostess -clated Press military correspon- stricted Itself to a report of 'pro- for more "action." Washington was a 3 TRE8 INpTe Annoying 10.any hos dent, who stressed, among other the I It x ine SAN tick B -- to have a guest Who won't wear af "factors in tho situation. the SHAD -- ...Bress' on the whole eastern front, | ftefying countermeasures that : borrowed _sweator_wheli she fs ob- a Sin EL but 'the German news agencies told | would mimost-sigely follow a new * = -- A I h 1} es. | 1 . " |, ER, vi ly cold than * is to have one) yy. cnig. uy lon's ship-loss figures of the Immineat doom of two'ot 1 Ja rin se a WA esslod acd. © - ; i ust who up and asks for anything | 100 June : Russin's--grentest-eitles--hentngrad namie countermeasures, such hs FN i $ in np whether extra warm for June tell the story. They were and Kiev. In the north the Nazis & possible embargo on shipment - Assured "by. Premier Hermann fy . hs tho lowest since July, 1940 (329,296 > ve | clothes or an-extra blanket: -- | were aid to have crossed the Luga of "oil to Japan, or blocking of * Jonasson, above, 'that the island's : i; tons), except for-a-perlod-In the iver. Ta _-- Ie Hiatt . hatin I is ~ independence would be secure, | Its easler on sthe Lostess™ To! ang of last winter. Indications Br Sania Sath-enteance. tive, 18 = of _ winter. c s | ] MC ! . Iceland's Parliament approved have a guest state her preferences | aro that the present month's losses a and I a dian Gres, ° United . States occupation. in an about food than to say, "I like| wi fall even lower, due to Nazi alr * oil ag SRUAGR-A- TOT ern. Wu phon Canada ang, the: wag all- night. session, everything" and then not eat much | concentrations in the east, to prob- "The Moscow communique salde PY "gallon Th EY "Rend © Hitler fi bog on i le, Saying able withdrawal pt some (ietman the dive at Leningrad had hath away," Cine heard last week 3 : "1 don't play bridge" is easier on| gyymasines for use agalnst Russia Wie] eit at he beginning of a governmept - 4 "everybody, especially the hostess, | jn tho Baltic and to British counter stopped with a successful counters drive to_cut gasoline bmn, a i attack in which the Nazi columns ' h Ce than playing so badly that half tha | picasures at sea." The Battle of the - wero being hurled back or dostroy in the Dominion. Hours of ,sale ) Settee] sized other guests are annoyed. Atlantic would appear to be veering i SLY 2 for the "huggy julce" were restrict » Emp a ---- ed 'section by secctjon. In the ed to between 7 am. and 7 pom. y Le Kiwanis Club of Montreal Hears of Wide Demand There - Is In Canada For Trees -- ~:-Community Forests Turn Nuisances ___Any guest can tell her hostess _that she would rather slecp than get up and go to church, or vice versa. No hostess minds having a _guest sleep later than-all athers_in Low Value Land Into Produc- tion TTT Community forests," ~ot "which-- there are some 2,000 units on the . continent, were seen as one way, of turning low value land into pro- duction and at the same time pro- viding a healthful and pleasant re- creation centro said J.J. Frits, busi- ness manager of Middlebury Col lege, who recently addressed *the ontreal-Kiwanis Club The war had brought a a great in. crease in the demand for. forest' products, the speaker stated. This continent, he added, had passed the era when trees were regarded as a 'nuisance and were now in great demand. Community for. ests were obtained by gift or be- «quest, by purchase or tax revision, or by conversion of exlsting town properties. It was essential to es- tablish low. land values, Mr, Fritz - pointed out, as from 50 to 100 years were. required before a crop-could ' -be realized. There was hardly, & community, he sald, but had some cheap Idle land which could . be. used for the purpose. Fur farms contribute 85 per cont of Canada's Taw for prodpe- tion. EE an ~the- household, provided "the--guest doesn't mind making her own bed or offering to get her own break. fast. TT B&Natural-------------- Maybe this 1s the time for «guests and hostesseg to resolve to * be natural and forget most of tha ready-mado rules, Summer week- ends might be more fun all th way around if guests, just agsumed that . they. were invited because they are liked and enjoyed and not because ty "observe dozens of rules wy in favor ot Britain and the United States. . -- Collapse of Vichy Resistance. The British lifellnes had alse been greatly strengthened in the Middle East by tho Syrlan- victory, -- and = the political resulls, 1t was predicted, would be of much more consequence. ----Thero could be no doubt that _ the outbreak: of the Nazi-Soviet war_had much fo do with the col- lapse of Vichy 'resistance to the British-Free French allles in Syria -and: Lebanon, It ended 4ha.last.hope...] of the "men of Vichy" for effective German Intervention there, Bur. central sector, tie Russian line was sald to be holding at Vitebsk, while the southern thiffst at Kiev was declared to have been thrown back In disorder near Novograd Vol --ynsk:? no Si TT Which Way amp The belief that something spec: tacular was brewing in the Land --of the Rising Sun was vindicated' "last week when, after paying a | visit to the Emperor, Premier Prince Fumimaro Konoye resign' . ed,.and with him_ the entlre Jap: |_aneso.. Cabinet... Obyiously, _ this _ meant serious internal dissension in the 'matter of Japan's foreign. render followed inevitably, Peis; and disagreement over the - the price was upped by le, If these . Ors were cautioned to pect o strict "viously could -get all the men daily, not including Sundayg;. and kentlo hints didn't _work, car-lriv- rationing by" fall, "~The success(ul conclusion of the Canmdian* Army. Active 1é&ruiting drive--the quota was reached last weck--removed the poasibility, for the time being at least, that "conscription would he' intidduced. pl The Department of Défense ob. it wanted through thé channels of voluntary "enlistment. Could Mr. King's toiir to the west 'have acted as a strong stimulant to the re- cruiting campaign? 12,500 Miles of _ Blades During the past twelve months, thirty-three British manufacturers, says Maclean's Magazine, have sent overseas an average of 1,125,000 razor blades a day End to end, the 456,260,000 blades would reach 12,600 miles. The value of these axports ia something like $3,000 000 a year. The razor-blade export husiness used to be largely In the hands of Germany, That 1s. but one of the many ex- amples. In spite of war produc tion, bombings and sinki Brit- ish Industry is expanding its over. seas trade, ra ES By GENE BYRNES Na MY BUREAU? " REG'LAR FELLERS. Taking No Chances - . , Nl WHEN MOM _FINDS_THIS _|/_010_YOU - PINHEAD, DID WELL, YOU SAID IF I DID . i OUT IT'S JUST GOING TO BE SEE THE CAT "5 YOU ANYTHING NAUGHTY You \ TOO BAD. FOR ME/ AROUND, DID YOU LOOK WOULD TURN ME INTO A By PINHEAD ? IN THE SECOND MOUSE AN' I WANT TO GROW ASRAN DRAWER IN UP TO BE A MAN INSTEAD! J »

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