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Port Perry Star (1907-), 24 Jul 1941, p. 4

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LAR W'S » . $4 5 . LS b4 \ RN AS TR AL ASIN Dull hi 3 AER Y, 4 % ALY Rat \ ' A 3 RCO FANNY J ; Ty a hg 5.2 v ' LIA { obs "4 : : * von RA BREAN bo bada od Suda otnd Sand a bites SEN HBA hw 10 Fab ki er og Pe rea 17 LPI I WAR WS , + 4 a » ¢ . et igh ' : : v PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 24th, 1941 ) " ERE a EE er -- I CL LLL, ,. yh... OSD aS ' © Port Perry - Thieves Captured | yf - FEE EE EEE EEREERESESE MERE awrence's Drug Store News a previous gift of $50.00 to this fund); And $200 via the Lfons British War Vietims' Fund at St. Catharines. A proper amount of money was retained Eyes Examined | Glasses complete, or lenses only, Men of 30,40, 50 PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnormal? Went normal Bey vim. vigor, vitality? wc tag in the treasury for local welfare work. (aca, wiimulaats, opsier" aigmanta supplied where necessary, at "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE' ; Toye, Himes diving the past vit OSHAWA liste The Boe Cols Wanirs Wish +4 fe a spit ake wttory iia A, aly reasonable prices,-- : : ; wo or three weeks petty steal- 011 express their 8 A 35¢, Try this 0 normal ing of the burglary type has pd Players The . nS generous and practical help given by today. ¥or sale at all good drug stores. I. R. BENTLEY S : Jergens D. T. PEA Lc - been going Mr. McKee's r | A Famous Players Theatre business men and many others at the OPTOMETRIST CARBOLIC English Health een going on. Mr. McKee's re-| : , SOAP or POWDER ~ y. freshment booth was entered! LAST TWO GLORIOUS DAYS time of their Carnival. They did fine SF i 3 cakes 14e * SALT 29¢ r- ? : g : . OTL ie s Tone reall sciate ' ; ) . and a quantity of goods taken. for the best picture of 1941. work and the Lions greatly appree : _9 cakes le, : Mrs. H. Hope lost $12.00 from the co-operation, Have a Heart! 3 3] JOHN'S 1 pound 49¢. jit H, Poe bolt S200 pron James Judy PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Our Own . BISMA REX 34 ar nt. +» lates e- STEW In i LAND ------------n ! ,. 2 BR tim pa em, ial ini a Wan HATLAND. cca onan Sil It pays to Spray half an hour Rev. R. Simpson, Minister | KIDNEY PILLS Stomach Powder eve Center) whose refreshment TURNER LAMARR WwW Work Before Milking. Sunday School at 10 a.m. 29c, Viceroy 75¢. and $1.75 booth was broken into and he ar Flies Torture Hour Stock. ( I Barvice at 1 sn, BATHING . as 8 t " . Rg ' o ee "lies: Torture Hour Stock. Give the : i yobbad ti M ta 1 "ZIEGFELD GIRL' B Activities animals a break. They'll feel better, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION | a nk: CAPS ARTE ip Something ough e ne . en t : - 5 . 5 h about his Bay R It it is bli dw ard Everett Horton, Tony For the month of June the following Flies avoid cattle sprayed with ANGLICAN J 1 dozen 19c. 25¢. to 39¢. /| 10 cakes 25¢. i cessary to have a night watch Masi, e hares or. bales were packed and shipped to the C C ttl S u iced t 'essary to have rateh- ackie Cooper. x ; " Sunday, July 27th $A NTN Ath . al} ing. ini : 1.0.D.E. Headquarters: apo a e ra Y, y 3 gS Sid bo Sieh REVIVAL, Friday-- a Soldiers" Comforts-- P y 8 a.m.--Holy Communion, - A. M. LAWRENCE "ANOTHER THIN: MAN" Wm. Powell, Myrna Loy. 9.45 a.m.--Sunday School. Seven p.m.--Evensong, Sunday, August 3rd-- 8 am. and 11 am.-- Holy Communion. Visitors Cordially Welcome. Lakeside Service, Sunday Evening, 7.30 Conducted by Rev. Wm. Stocks' 100 pairs Sox, 6 scarves, 5 sweaters, 7 helmets, 30 pairs mitts and gloves, 12 steel helmet caps, 2 leather jackets, Hospital Supplies-- 14 children's hospital pairs hospital slippers, Recreation-- 1 checker games in khaki folder. Refugee Supplies-- 9 girl's outfits cach consisting of a Wouse, skirt, bloomers, sock; 1 girl's property. Already three eiti- zens have borne a loss totalling between fifty and one hundred dollars. If the robbers. think that nothing will be done, they willy naturally be encouraged to do some more stealing. Mr. Michell felt that something should be done, and with the aid .of Mr, Cook and Provincial Police the two young thieves have heen arrested in Toronto, where they belonged. En Stainless, Non-Irritating, Feonomical, "PHONE 49 72 Renal swe PORT PERRY OO OO 0 0 A I 0 DR. J. B. LUNDY ARTHUR VW. 8. GREER i ttendance at my Port Perry office DENTAL SURGEON a ae tun x a Wednesday marning, and Friday afterncon Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, - of each week, or by appointment. B erry, North side Queen Street, Port Perry long Block, Port P » Phone 2 Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) FOR SALE PRENTICE'S PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Brick store in Uxbridge, on Main 10 a.m.----Sunday School -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- street, good basement, rooms above. Will sell cheap or exchange for house 11 a.m--Rev. W. J. H. Smyth Skilled Operator. Very moderate prices * We specialize in-- and some cash. Apply David Luery, -- Bonat Permanent Waves --------{-- You Can Buy it from: W. E. WEBSTER to Bi MONDAY and TUESDAY, Ann SOTIERN, lan HUNTER, "DULCY" Romance and Howls for you theatre goers, and on the same program: Lionel BARRYMORE and Edward ARNOLD, in "THE PENALTY" With . Marsha Hunt, Gene Reynolds, gowns, 24 NOTICE TO CREDITORS - In the Estate of Agnes Werry, Deceased. wall persons having claims against y the Estate of Agnes Werry, late of skirt and sweater; 1 boy 8 sweater, the Village of Blackstock, in the | 23 giles' bloomers; ladies' suit, 9 boys' | County of Durham, married woman, pants and braces, 9 boys' shirts, Syductaned, who gied hin or about Sept. ps an tie 9 irls' 21st, 1038, are hereby notified to send 5 hildren's pantic gy = te to the undersigned on or before the Tth Swweibers; pairs mitts, 4 complete day of August, 1941, full particulars Lavettes, one oft which was donated; {of their claims. Imediaiely after 1 quilts, Signs iy oes the assets of the de- TT ceased will be distributed among the __The children's parties entitled thereto, having regard L . dresses, Wednesday, and Thursday ith «ll its thrills, Pat ("BRIEN Myrtle Station. july 10 o> o> Brought ba James CAGNEY, IN "Devil -Dogs-of-the Air" ~ Miss Irene Mulligan is spending « month's vacation in London with her 7.30 p.m.--Lakeside Bvening Service, uncle and aunt Mr. and Mis. BE. Cross, Rev. Wm. Stocks in charge. Sunshine Club at DENTAL SURGEON Who elie Be Seok ated spent: ADDED HIT Prince Albert made and Sanaisd Blonly to claims of which the under- Subjest: "The Moral Eqlivalent Shampoo and Wave 50c Oflice Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 pm. ing a few days wilh Meoand Mes 120 boy. 4 very pretty quilt for a child's col. This signed shall then-have had notice, of War." Marcel - 76e Upstal: ny >. Rr Eddie Albert, Joan. Leshie, in } : Ca ' he J . > . : Office Upstairs, over C, Sleep's - ! Mulligan. --- is a live, wide-nwake club. [heir Dated at Prince Albert, Ont., this . Manicure - - 35¢ 3 - 9th day of July, 1941. Sunday, August Srd-- anicu Insurance Office. Lvoup display at the Lions Club Car- te al . a - " Miss Gladys Nott has returned to "Thieves Fall Out . YUL : JOSEPH DE . ! he : AN EE TL her position in Toronto after a two = * nival Parade was most creditable, J Yast Rev. Dr, Harry ANAT Pri PERMANENT WAVES . week's vacation with her parents Mr. r Sh com | --_--_-- i : Ditestuny, Sh Eves a four 1 95 d amd Mrs, W. F. Nott. PB lel, Bay gy ---------- . f week's ministry here, -- $ ¥ -and u St d Th { -- Miss" Doris Mullin is spending a "SUNNY" RESULTS or rac Cookgenerals experienced; 'good , 1 i P ane. el Fe week in Toronto with her friend Miss a A kd The Committee--in_churge of the i _ FOR SALE Our work is up to a standard-- GE, ONT. he TC ; wages, in good home, with all con- Navy Teague Tag-wish--to- thank-the tg oo ; of wirls who so cheerfully and efficiently | required, M tagged on July 19th--and to' report --] CC 1 ~(Coolest Spot in Town) =; Vacation -Time .is. Show Time -- Thurs., Friday, Saturday (This Week) -- Ong slightty--ysed--gas--washer--onf -- Not-down-to-a-price.- easy terms. Apply to Mr. Healy at Phone 228, Port Perry : Carndgle's Hard , Port Perry. ; j= arndgie's Hardware } ARTHUR PRENTICE; Prip: Gladys Nott. Miss Irva Nott of Toronto, who has been holidaying at Crystal Beach, is small family; references rs. William Karn, Heyden- shore Park, Port Whitby. - ; tu 4 entisfac. | July®l ; spending the rest of her vacation with the amount vaised was most satisfac - Gladys GEORGE, Akim TAMAROFF ' her parents here tory--3$58.12. The cheque is now mn! Ca IN Master Jackie Ireland of Oshawa, is eT Rg i avy Lange Frets: =< BYLIBY.Y : Say op ALL FLESH" A, i ot sok, ghd EE i rn ninte 13) FREE [imme me . "my if / : y-? ; 8 aod Mrs. Geo. lane TT ANNOUNCEMENT [Ne (8 one human drama that reaches the heart. r. and Mrs, CV. Ireland and son Ng ' oo : b " a Mr. and Mrs George R. Till, of RN LATEST NEWS and chap 4 of Rin _ Jackie of Oshawa also Mr. and Mis. | * tr . om A So --" £1 ' oo} NT J = FL TH, 68 EE, Tin, the wonder dog, in 20. S._ White, g . een en TONS CLUB Jim mee | (GES RATTAN | LIGHTNING WaRRioR oof Port: Perry," motgfed" to Ba Sain Rd goth i : "Mary t# Mv. Murray H. Smith, eldest Cae . ~ Lake and Fenelon Fills, on" Sunday. son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Smith, of Sandford. The marriage to take place Saturday, August 2nd. Sat. two shows at 7.30 and 9.30 (ST) Thursday, Friday, Saturday (Next) > rie BOB HOPE in 3 "GHOST BREAKERS" Greater than Dracula, or Franken- Every Paid-Up __The Editor of the Star was de- "lighted to have a brief call from Mi. "Chas. Mundy of Oshawa, recently. Mr. Mundy has been serivusly ill for some Send Substan- | tial Donations GOOD SIZE - GRAPEFRUIT b for 25¢ ANNOUNCEMENT . Saturday. _ Fairview Cemetery, Roland, ---- years; and it was a treat to see hin < ag STEN gd A Sa able to be about gain. ¥ THE LATE MRS. JOHN BARTLEY Died, at Roland, Manitoba, on Fri- day, June 20th, 1941, Mary Jane Gra- ham;--wifc of the late John Bartley,! in her 88th year. A funeral service was held in Roland United Church on Interment was made in Mrs. Bartley, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Graham, pioneers sof Cartwright Township, was married to John Bartley in 1894, a* farmer of Ontario County. In 1900 they moved to Manitoba and took up' farming in the district. After farming for 22 years they retired "to Roland where Mr. Bartley died in 1930. To mourn her passing are two sons Byron and Elgin, who reside on farms near Ro- land; and one brother Mr. Job Gra- ham, the only surviving member of the family, who is living in Cartwright SO [ETERS BENE AE Pathidated 2 pi 3 4° advanced towards Addis Ababa, his capital. to British War Victims' Funds a delightful summer cottage where he may enjoy beautiful scenery, peace- fulness, and abundant fresh air, Amid Lion-Bert Hutcheson certainly has ~=Mr--and Mrs. Clarence IL. Fralick announce the engagement of their daughter Lillian Grace to Mr. Clarke Newcombe Ross, son of Mrs. Ross and "the late Joli-Ross, of Canning, Nova Seolin. The wedding to take place Tjuictly-at her home, August 4th, 1941, PORT PERRY YACHT CLUB those happy surroundings he and Mrs. Hutcheson were host and hostess on Thursday evening of last week to members of the Bwns Club apd their lilies. Mrs. Hyland , (nt 1welwyn) assisted in entertaining. Vote $300.00 to British War Victims Beside enjoying a sumptuous--meal, } 24.30; 2 B. Kent 25. weiner toast, sing-song and bonfire, the Club members did some business, They voted $300 tor the British War "Result of second race, Sunday July 20th, 1941. . Senior-- 1st heat--1 P. Orde 22.00; 2 G. Carnegie 22.25; 3 J. Orde D.N.F. Ladies--1 J. Sonley 26.17; 2 M. Brent; 3 D. MacGregor 29.04. First Year--1 G. MacMaster 25.00; 2 G. Mulligan 29.45; B. Aldred 31.5G. Senior--2nd heat -- 1 Bill Baker 10; 3 D. Carnegie 3400 Free-for-All -- 1 MacMaster and Kent 24.35; 2 Orde Bros, 25.30;---3 Victims' Fund $100 "via the Tele-| Baker 28.40; 4 Shepherd 29.20; b gram War Victims" Fund (There was | Carnegie Bros. 36.10. er A) - r "% % » ABYSSINIA'S EMPEROR RETURNING TO HIS CAPITAL At the head of his Patriot I'orces, Haile Selassie,-IEmperox of Abyssinia, has steadily One part of the advance was through +2200 miles of jungle and arid mountains, and over 200 camels died.. The Emperor, mounted on a charger, is seen here as his Forces draw nearer Addis Ababa. LOCAL BUNCHES CARROTS - 3 for 10c LOCAL Cauliflowers, 15¢ & 19¢ LOCAL - : BEETS - 3 for 10c LARGE STALKS FIRM RIPE BANANAS, 2 lbs. 19¢ LARGE - - 8 LEMONS -. 3for 10¢c LARGE EATING PLUMS - dozen 19¢-- RIPE MELLOW "WHITE CELERY - ONTARIO Head Lettuce, for 15¢ FIRM CABBAGE - ONTARIO TOMATOES, Price Daily 10c each 10¢c CANTALOUPES, ea. 15¢ 'EATING . : PEACHES - 3 for 10c LARGE SIZE } Watermelons, LOCAL RASPBERRIES, Price Daily each 89¢ ORANGES, med. size, Doz. 25¢" 'Subscriber to the Port Perry Star is or will be entitled to ONE Free Want Ad. each year from nNOw on. . We believe that advertising pays YOU, and we want "you to prove it at our ex- pense, A couple of weeks ago a man put a want ad. in the Star ~ DUCHESS APPLES, MELONS, BLUEBERRIES, LOCAL POTATOES, CUCUMBERS AND CORN ON THE COB At REASONABLE PRICES est HONEY DEW GROCERY VALUES - --He had tenreplies, eight, after he had sold the arti- cle advertised. BINDER FOR SALE ~MecCormiék-Deering Binder, 7 foot cut, practically new. Apply to Mrs. Howard Bailey, R.R. Nestleton, Ont. t . HOUSE FOR SALE Seven roomed house for sale, all , good lot and garage. cony LARGE PACKAGE RINSO - 25¢ SUNLIGHT SOAP - . bar .06¢c LARGE SIZE = ° . LUX FLAKES, pkg. 25c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER - tin 1c P. & G. k SOAP . bar .05¢ LARGE BIZE ' OXYDOL - pkg. 25¢ SHORTENING vowsstc Ib, 15¢ SERVIETTES, pkg. 10 DOMINO Baking Powder, lb. 19¢ DOMINO . TEA - 14 1b. 38¢ WHITE ~ FOR PRESERVING CERTO bottle 26¢ FOR SEALING PAROWAX' - LARGE SIZE CHIPSO Ib. 15¢ pkg. 25¢ CRISCO FOR CAKES AND PASTRY Ib. 2c STORES DOMINION ¢* LIMITED Apply at Star Office. . AUCTION SALES HOUSEHOLD GOODS, the property of Herbert Blake, Port Perry, on Saturday, July 26. 2 p.m, (D.S.T.) Terms Cash. , Auctioneer, Reach, there will be offered for four horses, eighteen head cat standing grain, hay, 60 bushels oats, one acre turnips, Terms Cash. I. R. Williams, Owner. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Fordson Tractor and Plow 'in good condition. Will sell or exchange for stock. Apply to H. J. DeJersey, Box 243 Port Perry, or Phone 189 r 2, FOR SALE Seven roomed frame house, good cellar, furnace, garage, quarter acre land. Apply at Port Perry Star. ag3 y stein. Chilling and Thrilling, Patron! Ask fbr free theatre coupons, Value: 5 cent each at Uxbridge Mer- chants afid see latest shows. 'Sunday Nit¢ Show at 12.05, Aug 3rd. See "STAGE COACH WAR" DELICIOUS FRESH PICKED - RASPBERRIES Order Early Thompson's, Port Perry, South of Borelia Corners, Wanted Applications will be received at the office of the SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES, ONTARIO HOSPITAL, at WHITBY, for girls at least 18 years of age, with matriculation standing, who wish to enter the TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES which opens at-the-above mentioned hospital, Sept. CTist 1941, FOR SALE. One Demonstrator Gas Washer, six dollars a month. Also Demonstrator Vac and Ironer, greatly - reduced. Apply to D, J. Healy, at Carnegie Hardware, Port Perry, DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barber ; Shop. Phone - 237, Res. 216 Port* Perry (The frm of Greer & Humphreys ls dissolved) RUSSELL. D. HU REYS . 244 Simcoe Street Nort Oshawa. Phone 814 Pie in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday aftermoons of each J week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED : - 80 Cents SUI TS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery : - FOR SALE China Cabinet of breakfast suite, fvory trimmed with green, perfect condition. $8.00, Phone 189 r 8.

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