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Port Perry Star (1907-), 13 Nov 1941, p. 7

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SILAS, Al = : ---- z Sm - ER : A Jy. Millions of rounds of small-arm tallment "of automobile manufae Falls 30,000 Feet EY CAVALRY COMEBACK : ammunition 'are being produced, | ture and by, curtailing sales of In Ei ht Mi : V 0 I C E ' § IERTIY dally. We are manufacturing and gasplive. . g inutes ERA filling bombs, land mines, depth No gasoline is sold at night ! OF THE charges, grenades, and mortar on Sundays. The Installation of oll- Parachutist k bombs. . burning equipment has een pros Free on igh i Yay P R E S S In jhe yaa aig eld We 9is Muted, Despite Jus shortage Tre ; manufacturing rifles, ren guns, b led, Arthur Starnes, a 86-year-old TEMPERING 'JUSTICE alrcraft machine guns," and We For 148 tulure ouly twa grader of Ld J J) y y ol parachutist, jumped from an air- a Li Wlere ig ga SYN hail) deduce Lo has: TE consumers. A campalgn/is in plane at an altitude of approxi- ai hi an a In the artillery field, we are pro- progress asking the public fo curs mately 30,000 feet, opened a pair that oy ig ted in British Col- ducing the new 25-pounder com- "tail their consumpjl fi by at least of parachutes at.about 1,500 feet bic My wher ersons guilty of ) plete, the most modern gun of its 60 per cent of normal. and landed safely to claim the mingr Bhi in be hw to a type. We aro producing the Bofors Varlous means have been taken < xecord for the longest free fall ranch for detention and rehabill- antlalreraft gun and expect shortly to augment the supply of power to - ever made in the United States, tation, {nstead of to jail to produce the. complete 3.7. auti- war industry, Daylight saving hag ----. - He spent less than eight minutes As. space is. limited, offenders alreraft "gun and equipment for bécome a arround. affair, ! In the air. ' : who are ex-servicemen will get the which barrels have been made in | In the lumber field, prices have ) With a jumping weight of. 275 «tirst call. "This, however, Is no y Canada 'for many months, We are been fixed. A Steel Controller, waa poynds, including his cientific reflection (on 'veterans. Rather, ft "producing more than one type o apponited early oll War, 'i "eglipmént, Starnes was estimated | {1g a mark of consideration, as the . . anlitank gun. } 2 July a year ago prices of {ron an to hayé fallen at speeds rising | sacrifices they have made may Iy addition, we are producing steel were frozen. nay : ) to 180, miles' an hour." He «re- have, in many cases, contributed to trench mortars fogethef with nav- Wo have cut consumption jo mained conscious' throughout. the their falls from grace. Permitting, 'al gun mauntings of several var directly . by ~Fatioiting Sst «plunge, 'and upon rea hing . the them to get together, in pleasant' etles. Work ls well advanced on commodities 15 © manu Rlurors,, : ground grinned. and Said'he "felt surroundinks,. ought {o- bring out the production of five types of nav. | 1 his has enabled gome of } ) 0 ine." . iil the best in' them 6née more. Other al guns: with their mountings, Cau- exorcise their ppeiiy evelop- Dr, A. C. Ivy of Northwestern provinces would do well to watch, ada Is now producing two pes of ing substifute materials. 4 University medical school, who if not imitate British Columbia's tanks. and the fambus Universal An Arghal Develope oy directed Starnes' training during experiment. Carrler, In "essence a light tan). During fhe Wt 490 years, ! r , « 800 practice jumps, said the de- - : --Windsor Dally Star. : wh A / We are also producing our oxn efforts have sin | hs #3 10 fi layed parichute opening from --V-- 4 a Ne 14) a armor plate and quantities of sec breauing gol, probue io 3 AT the extreme height was intended WHAT, NO SABLES? Real = % . Can i $ : TL . ret weapons and instruments. Drone Ive Rou od area pid prove 3 fa £2 remain Sep Wé're running headlong right . al i? the Niafb vaunted Pictabtséy Jar Mashing: is foto ¥, yield as Patuze kes a round All Industry Affected ; Sas extent of ok by 1e.5g.50 dy scious ile fallin throu " against modern methods, Germans on the Russian front are forced to call on cavalry -- the service . ou iy der: : space. ¥ - iy jabs tes a ations ofa war hey many have labeled "obsolete." Above, cavalry makes a comeback as German soldier aboard some Wiis il in > AS hole ay ly ecoquiet ii ana bid wien The data also have - military Comes from New York furriers, 'Teal "horsepower" urges a i 070358 Stream; } fort. Much ot our industrial capac: it Mone Mong " magnitude and Pooraned ng Seormen of the desolating word that there are - ity 1s engaged In providing us with in the rapidity of fts development 4 ying Tesnos Al. -ont in no $65,000 Russian sable coats to , ° =f ships, and with a production of uipment required by the armed 'thing undortaken hevetofore by ! the, stratosphere and escape be i this year. It seems that the Canada's Splendid War Effort seis f we ie far in Nn of thb Bs This Skah from X-ray nl soil W quickly from the dangers of cold Russians ape busy trying to trap . needs of the Canadian Army. To- tubes to textiles, boots, potato- Tho great Industrial machine ¢: and rare air. somewhat Hlgger game than sables. Somethingy Everyone Should Know day our production is such that peling and dish-washing machines, which we have created Is now ys Starnes said he "was conscious Ermine and chinchilla are going Py 0 We Aa we could equip a division every and' food. Other incidentals Include gathering momentum, Its increas. i , all the way" "down, but at one to be equally rare, the furrlers re- a : nin n few weeks, Over and above this anchors .and compasses, airplane tng demands for men and materidls Ril point, while diving through mois-" | port. : From an 3idrssa delivers aoa: Cy, Teaink g Flan 90 per pyoduction, we are producing great propellers and picks and shovels, will mean Increasing sacrifices by 1) ture, he was temporarily blinded The line of husbands forming in i ores, nitio # & or ent of students of the air | Auantities of munitions of war of radio equipment ahd optical glass. Canadians. . bi when moisture froze in his gog- front of the 36th-storey jobbing ¢ po ng ic u A ons . PRY) I lan. The remainder cqme / all types which are moving over- Generally speaking, the needs of Mindful of all those who now 3) gles. Taking a chance he pulled window will form at the right. 0 an American Audience: from 8 Empire countries. seas. In addition, of course, Can- | Canada's armed forces have been assist us, mindful of millions. whose + p one eye piece and "saw the "WHat, Bo $65.00) saves) We near Canada now has 325,000 volun: Month by Tputh young .men are ada is paying out of her own pock- obtained by threo methods: first only hope in life lies solely fn our Ps Loeth swirling up-at me," he said, [the man at the head of the line t > a ba 8 ving Yersean b i PRA out in their thousands et by far the largest proportion by direct purchase; second by the arms, and above all mindful of the RL "At that time .L was in a terrific |, 'cry as he flings himself desperate sore i he an i Al > hia ey our al schools : of the cost of the gigantic British [creation of "industrial facilities high courage of our sons who, 2 body spin." 1 17 out the Fingow. in the world In "addition, Hi 1H "addition to our -offorts dir Commonwealth Air Training: Plan, owned by the Government, for without thouglt of self, struggle The National Aeronautical As- --Guelph Mercury, has a reserve army for homo de- ected primarily toward achleve- Millions On New Projects which total LomIils hoy Rh to eliminate human enslavement, sociation in Washington recog- Seyret fense numbering 170,000 men. ment overseas, Canada is co-operats Moreover, guriig tie course of to over $500,000 00 j an : th 7 y 4 we shall persevere ynto the end. nizes no official parachute re- ARMY LIFE BENEFICIAL These include many thousands of Ing fully with the United States the war, Canada, on her own re- the diyotaten 1a ii? ha 8,6] Sou - i ------ cords. The longest delayed jump Soldiers' complaints about their men drafted for home defense for In hemispheer defense' plans. sponsibility, has initiated and com normally employe: r R C N R Does Well In its clipping file is contained in food are proverbial and in this the duration who are now serving In addition to our own direct |- plated projects running into the i CTI a tet] . o« ANS a Russian dispatch of July, 1934, war there are probably as many | yn our training camps, or at vital war effort, Canada nas made dir. hundreds of millions of dollars de- » on ° Anal tp rae arene) D it Low Rates reporting that N,. Evdokmoff of them as during the Great War. | gefense posts across the Dominion. ect and vital contributions to Great signed to meet Britain's munitions | ®"% © 2 ig Ramis Lag esp e leaped from 26,575 feet and op- | But when it is officially ann unced Aside from our reserve forces, Britain. It is true that Great Bri needs without any reference of wm liken pri en RE : "ened his 'chute 650 feet from | that most of the soldiers under- Canadian enlistments" for active tain is making substantial purchas- agreement regarding their ultimate oan Ea at Bie bo Financial Situation Decidedly the ground, a plunge of 25,826 going training in this country are service abroad would be the equiv. es in Canada. But by far the larg. financing. 'The figures. which may Deon en Hopson and. "at the Gratifying While War Work feet or 4.9 miles. : steadily gaining In weight, not- alent of an enlistment of close to est part of the sums required to Jater bo written in ledgers have in the « oh 3 opelio) Jaane on shia y (Russia also claims the altitude withstanding the rigorous exercise 4,000,000 men In the United States. pay Canadian producers' for goods, no way affected our effort, the duction and to divert a maximum sprees te } i : d for ordinar arachute that most of them experience, the The intake of men for active ser- for (Britain has been raised and magnitude of which has been ie- I Ey ie a REE at ¥ Holl 713 feet. ¥ b _ efficacy of their diet becomes ap- vice overseas numbers many thous- must continue to be raised Fy termined only by the limitations ar Veadnciton to t ol, hake, inl ¥ ' ' 'patent, As & matter of fact, plenty ands each month, . the Canadian people in taxes an of our population and our resourc- - . Ban Nubiona) Haltways : - of whol food plus adequate The Royal Canadian Navy now In loans. Canada has told Britain es. In ho WoL have dug~om Wi Everyone Helps told the Vancouver Board of . - y exercise plus fresh air is usually has more than 200 vessels of all not to worry about her shortage most to harness our entire econ- Civillan purchasing power has Trade that Canadian railways are i FOOD ADMINISTRATOR beneficial to anyone. types serving around the British of Canadian money. Meanwhile, omy to the single end of winning been curtdiled, first, through the playing a vital part in the yar hh | ----Brockville Recorder and Times. Isles and on the high seas. With. Britaln's purchases will continue | 110' war. y extensive and widespread sale of effort and that the Dominion's W ta ong - ia six months Canada's navy will to be paid for by Canadians. Our Prime Minister 'has pointed war bonds: second,. through the two great rail systems provide { - NAIVE CHAMPIONS have about 400 ships" In convoy At the end of the current fiscal . | oy that the cost of Canada's war sale of war savings certificates the lowest per wi melt rate ok "It prizes were to be instituted and combat service. year, Canada will have financed «| gotiyities plus our financial sup- which hundreds of thousands of {in 7 Somat in the world ex- fo, for naivete, we have a nlce little 'Operating under fs posal on Brine jo, pig Whi port of Britain, if Hain Into A AA RA monty; sept danas i ie } . ; adlan Afr Force Is the Britis a on a ars, comparable American figures on » throug! 2 sale Ar Saye ' A LH aL Bulle - Commonwealth Air Traiiing Plan equivalent of $23,000,000,000 worth the nt population and In: ing stamps in denominations of 25 -| is Joss than half i eijoyed by ft of skill' for money at fairs, those --something which may well prove of goods measured in terms of comes, would amount to something cents; fourth, through . vations Jo) cenit Lg SA osimatia New "i Ls J who invest in 'money-making' ma- to 'be one of the decisive factors American population and income, like $35 billion during the current campaigns ign 1 Lrsapiis Jah Soy h Africa and England, 2 chines peddled by strangers, and. in the war. The air training plan You might call this, {t you win, tiscal year. . . to soSemomien) Js Lo thepugl the ne Lig? i softens) os ¥ ; Mr. Herbert Hoover, who thinks operates 100 alr fields and = total our "lease-lend" contribution to the Present estimates of the sum re- introduction '0 eavs id on a ie dig tan B ti oy Yi DRI Germany will let American food of over 120 training establish- 'War. } quired to finance Canada's own Incomes, on Souesseitia Loe 5 dent sai He oy hon 0 ae KS / hipped to the occupied countries ments of all kinds. Already 1,600 Aside altogether from such a war program plus our aid to Brl- and on general civilfan to By an threw a sudden urden on the 1 shipp teri ed Americans have enlisted in the contribution which, viewed in the tain amount in the aggregate to sixth, through rigid regulations railways in heavy transport of ; £2 lo the, Silla ng congue R. C. A. F. and 600 Americans are light of the extent of our popula- about 40 per cent of the anticipat- permitting only the import of es: war materials and troops, but Ea : people." Windsor Datly- Star. pbk oh greatly -through serving -tlon, is tremendous, Canada herselt |. oq patjonal Income -for- the year --{ -sentials in ordér to conscrve our- | they were prepared to handle it; 3 : ng y . ey instructors. There are adhe ob way pw =" ie big hii ghoind ending March 31 next. 1. fas for 91 purchase of war ma- Freight traffic Justus he wi, x v reds of thousands of : : a . until in "the month of September ¥ NOT MANY-OR THEW Ba i iatiis i of her youth, with hundreds of Mo igh 4 hos So, ur Fog In addition to such steps, the this year "it surpassed by 60 per: 4 " Interested groups and individuals have built 22 chemical andl ox channels into which goods flow Is cent. the movement in the peak i sre finding fault With HES Coro alr plosives plants which, during the directed by means of two Govern year of the last war," but it had % _ment's price-fixing scheme. That LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred-Neher | Plo year, will produce fore | Ment bodies:-my-own department. | oon handled safely and expedi- "was to have been expected, +] . , : explosives than wero produced in fie Diaparinei Bunnie a tiously. jm y course, and in the operation o TE Si UFrwaond 3) Cyrociiia ref News o i he entire 1914-1918 upply, and the Wartinre Prices "Quite. apart from their nor- on) i Sorden Poder, Mud the plan such Vir hg be cevslsy BUBB 7 a Jd eae) 4 hn during t and Trade Board. mal functions, eamotiie ahd go chewan Government, has been pall Tetons they are hurt are X gor gi Jonnster bas Controls Established Eh a Te inted food ministrator for ad orders for some naval ves- Although Canada fs one of the or Sav utter Hin A time Bs yoy Sha) Iieety of the V/s A sels, of which 115 have been largest exporters of -- nonferrous manufacture of numerous items ~~ as head of the Canadian Bacon | People: . al a launched or delivered. Thirty ves' melals in the world, extensive and | required by the various combat Board. : + 0Uaws | Times Joninal >. sels have also been converted to drastic measures have heen taken services," he sail, "One shop, - a EVER - naval use. In addition work has to restrict the nonwar use of al- St. ae has been y . ; MUCH BETTER . 'begun on a cargo vessél program | uminum, nickel, zine, magnesium, | takef over by the Dominion ar- Canada 8 Growing "Stamp collécting becomes both Involving the construction of 100 ih, Copper. ial brass, Al ron. senal } for the manufacture of 3 a patriotic and a profitable pursuit i vessels, . / ferrous metals and common metal munitions. A new shop at Mon- Aircraft Industry when the new issues are War Sav: pin C ) / Our construction Industry has er- alloys, together with industrial treal covering 260,000 square Ings Stamps. What could be nicer - V4 7: or 2 ected some 3,000 buildings for our minerals, cannot bo exported from feet is being operated by the Na- Canada's aircraft industry has than an album filled with them?" Te WY, 74 forces and bufit over 100 airdromes. the Dominion except under permits tional Railways Munitions Lime increased 30-fold in less than two | Bo asks the Hamilton Spectator. 7 "7 y/ Our automobile plants have de- approved by our Metals Control ited on special war contracts." years, according to Ralph Bell, And the answer would appear to / "4 livered close to 150,000 vehicles ler. Moreover, we are issuing no In addition, he said, Canadian Director-General of Aircraft Pro- be: "Two albums." YZ or army use. These vehicles have export license for metals intended National Railways is also build- duction in the Dominion: --Stratford Heacon-Herald. ~~ served on many fronts, "to replace exports which the Un- ing minesweepers and Cargo VeSs In a recent review of the indus- WY op . RS Our aircraft Industry ls steadily ited States has Se 9 sus yi in its plant at Prince Rupert, yy inte 0] A , " : "producing training planes for the its own defense needs. This, I sup .C. . = RE WOLD SCALRY + HIT Bi I training plan and fighter planes | pose, Is but another way of say- x Canadian National Steamships, war, the industry had built fewer Indians at York Factory, on Hud- for the air force. Moreover, our ing that in this struggle Canad- in addition to its own boats, "is than 50 planes a year, had never son Bay have sent $240 to the aircraft. industry Is maintaining lang are fully aware of their debt operating Danish, French, Fin- built a modern fighter or a Ministry of Afreraft production and overhauling the thousands of to the United States, and that we nish, German and Italian vessels bomber, and employed on the av- with the request thst 1fey be ak planes used in the air training are fully. determined' to play the seized by the Canadian govern= y f han 1000. beraons lowed to, "scalp Hitler when he / plan. game with our good neighbor, | ment," the railway president said, forPge vr ; y ; | 1s caught. Now there's an interest- 7 In World War 1, Canada pro We have a Controller of Sup Turning to the financial status ow 28 MARY. DIAS Are usted ing {dea that no one else. ever duced shells and. explosives. This plies, who is charged with provid of the Canadian National System, out in a week, - Everything from thought of, : was her chief industrial contri 'ing us with a variety of raw ma: the railway president said he felt tleimeniicy=sralfiere anil tighisty --Chatbam News, bution to the war, Today Canada terials such as silk and robber. confident in a prediction that net to bombers and 2 great. coastal : fl rr is producing not only shells In ~No silk suitable for war purposes earnings on. operations of the : Jeronnajsance. frying Hoss bee M PROBLEM + great. quantities, but the filled fa being released on civilian con- railway would reach $36,000,000 ing constructed. = The industry SOME PF ; / N\ rounds' of ammunition. Many tens sumption, Economics in the con this year. - This, he said, would be employs _more than 30,000. per- According to sclentists, whales 10-13 Bp NEHER, of "millions - of ~ammunition - com- sumption of rubber have to date sufficient, to pay fixed charges sons, ind loaet 20008 ot om Dik i not. oy suai t = ponents are being produced month. largely been offected by the cur. 'and taxes. , ; have had to be trained from the "| from cows' milk, It's "Hello, Juliet!" / ? h : ground up, whales up from pasture which baf- ¥ fles those who would profit by the : . : - Think of Italy HS rattora meacon erat. REG'LAR FELLERS-- Ha-Ha! By GENE BYRNES --v-- : Los : vpn And Be Happy "UNDER STRAIN IF YOU WALK UNDER A LADDER- I SHOULD SAY NOT! THEY'RE THAT'S ALL I WANTED TO Ba | ' ; = There should be another way ot | . THAT'S BAD LUCK! IF A BLACK SILLY AND STUPID! INSTEAD KNOW [ JUST SIGN THIS RIGHT . : mn tink yy J teaching children-than-by example. =|" "CAT Bons FRONT OF You=/| |\ oF NICE ER SERIOUSLY HERE Fi Lp Boh HAVE yi Rs qu) : train on the THAT'S GOOD LUCK! DO YOU 1 JUST LAUGH AT THEM! GOO ¥ look at the prices in Italy. - . This is too great a 8 . . fg : parents, BLEEVE IN SIGNS, pop ? 2 Tea costs $17 per pound. --Brandon Sun. : 2 z " Scotch whisky costs $18 to $20 ) ---- Rh % ] * per bottle, . ; OPTIMIST DEFINED p nih be An opting Je 4 Tian hie ¢ 0 3 doesn't care what happens as long bought at all. as it doesn't happen to him, . American cigarettes cost from --Kitchener Record, k : + ; 43 to $4 per package. } EL 7 STE 7 And, money won't buy a lot Si : of articles, because they have be- India's population has increased : ' : eome non-existent in Italy. nearly - 60,000,000 in the last. ten You orton Novick reid \ 3 ~-- Windsor Daily Star: years, according to the new census, Ga T 2 ' . - rs EN La Wa RY GRINSTEIN a iy dein AREY = pH : os SRI RGR

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