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Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Nov 1941, p. 3

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l} © a crash-dive useless as evasive B Nearly Lost War , Bombs on Germans a constant. watch was maintained . horst and Gniesnau, berthed at > Bh New Depth Charge Is Hun Nightmare "German Submarine © Crews Alarmed by Force of New British Explésive German U-boats are up, against a new nemesis. This is a novel depth-charge introduced by the British navy, reported to be loaded with a secret explosive 47% times more powerful than tri.nitro-tol- uine (7.N.T.) / « Disclggure. of. the - new depth charge was made by a naval archi tect of neutral nationality who was recently' at Lorient, on the Bay of Biscay, where he had been engaged by the Nazis as a consult ant. His assignment was to in spect and report upon'some 'of 'the larger bomb-proot U-boat hases be- ing erected along the west toast of France by the German fleet. This informant reported that the British depth.charge being employ- ed by destroyers, submarine chas- ers and other surface craft of the Royal Navy, had caused something like panic among U-boat crews, According to Nazi sailors, the depth-charge "is the submarine version of the new bomb invented in Britain and used by the Royal Air Force for the first time last © Summer, It - was described as being small and having a thin cas- ing into which is packed the ter xific explosive, Can't Dive Fast Enough Tho charge wasssald to have ani, "incredible" area of blast, rendering action. No-submarine can dive fast enough to get out of range. In ad. dition, it was said, a 'secret device affixed to the depth-charge caging turns it into a vertically moving torpedo. One Nazi U-boat commander told the informant that instead of being dropped over from a ramp, this new secret weapon fs fired from an in. verted cannon in the stern of the attacking craft. This method ot discharging would be necessary to protect the vessel from which the missile is fired otherwise the oX- plosive would he dangerous to the attacker as to. the target, It was believed. Not Winning Yet Herbert Lash . Tells Some "Ugly Truths" to Galt Ki. wanians ; Herbert Lash, Director of the MARK , ... "want to adopt Valerie--and the 'but Mark will have none of it. Repledge for War Savings TEA ' MARRYING } ™ Violette Kimball Dunn "CHAPTER 23 SYNOPSIS When Mark Alexander's beau- tiful wife, Ellen died, he was left with Valerie, Ellen's daughter by a former marriage. All of Ellen's family and intimates save Shirley trust fund which Ellen left her, He takes Valerie on a trip and on the way home, they meet ° Lucy Treadway whom he engages as Valerie's tutor. Elise, ' want. ing to marry Mark, is furious about this bringing another wo- man 'into the house and is mak- ing things as unpleasant for Lucy as she possibly can. Elise has just returned from a party at Mark's house and is 30 disturbed that she barks at her maid, who immediately gives notice and walks out, Elise slammed the door on her, and pulled nervously at, the fas- tenings of her velvet dress. She . stepped out of her Jthings, leav- ing them where they fell. But a certain canny sense left over Bureau of Public Information in Ottawa, told a Kiwanis .Club ot Galt in a speech recently on "Ugly * Truths" that the most appardnt and ugliest of them all "is that we are not winning this war" and up to the present we barely have escaped losing it. : : "That we have not lost it is due largely to luck or if, there be any who honestly think .we deserve such mercy, it is due to the charity and sympathy of . Almighty God," he said. "Unless we mend our ways, and mend them soon, unless we stop waiting for the other - fellow to make the first move, unless we sharpen our consciences . to the quickness of our tongues and do it without delay, we are in dreadful danger of losing this war." = Unity Called For Mr. Lagh said "Germany now is prepared to cause the final defeat of England and 1s determined to have a formidable day of: judgment not only on Churchill but on the British nation" of which "Canada ds part and parcel." _ "As to what should he done, 'each person should provie his own answer," he added. "Right now some Canadian youngster in the English skies is fighting for. hig lite and mine. Do you think he gives a tinker's damn whether I am a Protestant; a Roman Catholic or a Mohammedan? Right now it is possible the crew of one of our merchant vessels is battling against overwhélming odds to save its ship, "Mary was a sweet thing until I got her in my clutches with too much tea and coffée. She devel- * oped caffeine-nerves, Her eyes fairly flashed fire all the time. Then some meddler told her 'what was the matter and per- suaded her to try Postum and I lost out." Headaches, nervousness and sleep. lessness are the warning signaly of caffeine nerves, caused by drinking too much tea and coffee. Delicious and particularly economical. Instant Postum is entirely free v from caffeine, Made instantly in ' the cup, there is no fuss, no bother, Ask your grocer for Postum, pin Do you think they bother their heads whether the ship carries. a cargo of French-Canadian goods 0 rof English make?" Drop 10,000 Tons ! British~'planes have dropped 10,000 tons of bombs on Germany and occupied territories during 'the past four months, authorita- tve quarters said recently, as the Air Ministry announced that' R.AF. squadrons attacked wes- tern and north-western Germany nightly. 2 -During October, <rs averaged 10 attacks daily on shipping in the North Sea.and the Atlantic, It was emphasized that ,on'the German battleships Scharn- Brest and frequently' bombed by the British, : + A spokesman said that from 1,600 to 2,000 sorties against the battleships had been made during the seven months since they first : authoritative Fy quarters said, bombers and fight.+ [ery _POSTUM [ 3 TEN DAILY NEEDS rn . 1. Head Colds, 2. Su cial Burns, 3. Minor Cuts, 4. 1 Ircitation due to colds or dust. 5. Windbum, 6. Cracked Lips, 7. Surface Skin Irie tations." 8. Scratches and Briss, 9. Stufty Nostrils, 10. Chapped . At your druggist, Jars or tubes 304 Ad MENTHOLATUM Gives COMFORT Daily took refuge at Brest. The ships "have been. undergoing repairs "ISSUE 47-'41 necessitated by British bomb hits, it 'was said. - C 1 "looked clo&ely, . marrying Lucy, It should not be - sat beside Mark, "ship neither had known -remember what she had written "had not answered "she thought might possibly | mourning from lean days whispered it would be as well to pick them 'up and haugithem away, She did this, then pulled a negligee a- round 'her, and sat down at her dressing table to stare sullenly. into the mirror. She pushed back' her hair, and She was, she thought, far more beautiful than Shirley. Or than the brown-eyed idiot of a Lucy, with her golden hair. What more did a man want than beauty? . She got up, lighted a cigar- ette, and lay down on her couch to think. y As she lay there, it came to her quite suddenly and sharply that she had lost Mark. That was. ho she put it to herself. Deep in her heart she realized she had never had him to lose. The first thing to do was to keep him from diffisult. . . She "lay there planning until a faint streak of yellow "dawn lay like a brush across the sky beyond her window, Then she got up, shivering a. little, pulled her negligee closer, sat down at her desk, and began a long letter to Dorothy. Christmas Festivities Looking back on that Christ mas at Wide Acres, Lucy decid- ed it was her final glimpse of heaven. It avas far from tradi- tional Christmas weather. Ex- cept for one light snowfall, the days were crisp and clear, with a warm mid-day sun, If it had to be winter, which she despised, Valerie said, it could hardly be improved. Al- though the leaves were gone, the place wore almost a summery green, There was an enormous planting of evergreens and pines about it, with masses of rhodo-_ dendrons, glossy and sleck against the bare trees. No Christmas could have had a more peifect setting. Valerie went to a small party the night before; and Mark and Lucy and Chiltern trimmed an enormous treé for her at one end of the long library, : After Chiltern had gone, Lucy watching the flames in a complete cpmpanion- before, Once a bell sounded far off in the house. They looked at each other and waited, half expecting Elise to push aside the draperies and shatter the quict peace, ' But Elise was at that moment the life of a night-club party in 'town, -where she was trying un- successfully, in the midst of a particularly hectic celebration, to to Dorothy. She had, to _be very gay to drown the requrring fear that gripped her whenever she thought of the letter. The very fact that Dorothy made it all the more ominous. She had kept as. far as she could from Wide Acres, even refusing invitations in- clude Mark. : Mischief Enters The peaceful interlude came to an abrupt end two days after Christmas. Lucy looked back on it as a special sort of compen- sation for the pain that follow- ed. . She and -Valerie and-. Mark came in from a holiday 'matince in town to find Dorothy unpack- ing insEllen's old rooms, having reached Wide Acres half an hour after they had left it. They would hardly believe Chiltern when he told them, =~ ¥ -- Dorothy - appeared at dinner, She acknowledged Mark's intro- duction to Lucy affably enough. Lucy breathed more freely. She hadn't known. exactly what she expected from Dorothy, but it wasn't pleasant, It was wonderful what a dif- ference nine months and a little money had made in Dorothy. She had managed "to put on a little flesh, and. had lightened her to pale grays and mauves which softened her right- eous angularity amazingly. She even chatted with them in a sort of "fictitious gaiety, which some- how made them strangely "une 'easy. "I didn't suppose I could tear you away, tq, visit me," she said ¢oYly to Valerie, "so what could I do but come to you?" "Oh, no!" cried Valerie. "1 couldn't possibly leave." Her own dismay struck her ears so rude ly that she hurried to repair it. "You see--theré are my lessons, "one's We' have school every day. It's very important. And, of course, there are the parties--a few---" Dorothy grabbed that. '"Par- ties?" she repeated. Lucy thought she could hardly have looked more shocked if the child had confessed to arson. She bit her lips to keep from rushing to Valerie's rescue, She looked quickly at Mark, But Mark had already leaped into action, "Just some' children's affairs," he explained amiably, "Why? Have you blacklisted parties?" ' Dorothy looked 'at him sadly. "Oh, no," she said. "Whether nature, is - like a shallow brook or a deeper stream is more or less out of one's hands,~I sup- pose. I only fegl it's rather a pity when grief has' so weak a hold--" ; "Then that's where we diss agree," Mark said. "To me, grief should have no hold" on youth at all. Perhaps it's all a nmatter of taste." Waiting Her Chance Dorothy managed to put in a week without even a hint as to the reason for her coming. She succeeded in spoiling New Year's Eve for everybody except Valerie, who went to a children's party at Shirley's, slipping out when her aunt had gone to her room- after dinner, and feeling excit. edly like a conspirator. Lucy went into the library, aiter seeing "her safely on her way with Cat- let. . © Mark was reading, and jumped up to put her in a big chair by the fire. "That's the very one you sat in the frst night you landéd. Do you remember?" Would she ever forget? "Here's a perfectly good cele: bration gone to the dogs," he added. Dorothy came in just then, so Lucy said good night, and went to her room. If Dorothy was waiting for a chance to talk to Mark, it was only fair to give it to her. . She was quite sure by now that Dorothy was her enemy. She felt a growing 'conviction that she was the reason for Dorothy's presence, She and Valerie went back to their lessons the day after New Year's. For those hours at least, they were free. (To Be Continued) British Rations } Expanded Soon Forty thousand tons of canned foods, mostly from the United States, will be. ready for sale Nov. 17 under a modified ration- ing plan, the Food Ministry an- nounced in London, In order that Shops will be well stocked,» 35,000,000 pounds of canned meats, 35,000,000 -pounds of canned fish and 12,000,000 pounds of baked beans are being delivered to- retailers now on con- dition that. none will be sold be- fore Nov. 17. . The Government also announc- ed the first allocation of unsweet- ened condensed milk from the United States to dairy products dealers who have regeived per- mits to supply non-priority con- sumers, "One can may be sold to | each registered customer, NEW FROCK HAS VERTICAL LINES - mm -- & By Anne 'Adams Are your hips too broad? Are your shoulders too heavy? 1s your waistline not quite ideal? Then you'll need this figure-slimming frock by Anne Adams, Pattern 4909, designed especially for the larger woman. Three panels in the front of the dress run from _neck-to-hem, giving you those eye-' deceiving lines that camouflage extra weight and add' t3 your height. The side bodice sections give a pointed lower waistline ef- feet, and 2 belt may start at cither side of 'the front panels and tie in the back. The back has one slim centre panel cut on princess lines. Sleeves may be short, three-quarter or long, and the two front panels may be made of color contrast as shown. The Pattern 4909 is available in womens' sizes 34, 36, 38, 10, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 50. Size 36 takes 4 yards 35 inch .fabric. ... Send -twenty cents (20¢) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this Anne Adams pattern to Room 421, 73. Adelaide St. West, Toronto. Write plainly size, name, address and style number. ' : Taking No Chances Mrs. Ida Heine voted in the recent U.S. elections for the first time- in her 75 years. "I've al- ways thought men knew enough to run the government, but I'm beginning to wonder," she said. this year," -- * ALL-BRAN PLUM PUDDING FINE FOR XMAS GIFT From sunny California comes - with spices and rich with fruit and nuts. this magnificent pudding, pungent Wrapped in cellophane and 'tied with bright ribbons and holiday greens it makes a perfect Christ- mas gift, staying fresh until the last crumb is eaten. All-Bran Plum Pudding i as follows:- 2 cups prunes, cooked 1% cups currants 1 cup raisins 1% cups citron, chopped '% cup preserved orange peel, chopped ; 1 cup candied cherries, sliced 1 cup nut meats, broken 1 cup All-Bran cup. juice from prunes 1% cups butter, or substitute Cut prunes into small pieces; citron, orange peel juice, mix well, BI flavoring; mix well. and spices. Add fruit mixture; stir greased pudding molds two-thirds full, ft 03 pe CO IND tn cherries, nut meats and All-Bran. end butter and sugar thorou hlys add eggs and Add bread crumbs, flour sifted w 2 caps sugar eggs, beaten tablespoon vanilla extract. cups soft white bread crumbs cups flour ve teaspoon soda ge teaspoon salt teaspoons cinnamon teaspoon cloves teaspoon nutmeg 1 téaspoon ginger combine with. currants, raisins, Add prune ith soda, salt, until fruit is well distributed. Fill cover and steam 8% to 4 hours, A Yield: Three 1% pound puddings (1 quart molds), ° doy 4 a OVER TR OS OSes Ve PER RN Ae on A A Sewing Instructor helps you! ... -. hour. "I decided not to take any chances - "the stiffly Directions are | a Tos (TRY SAVING HOWE wa y JON EY PAY LESS--Calumet is priced surpris- ingly loiv, probably less than the bak- ing powde USE LESS -- Calumet's double-action means double leavening .-- during mixing and in the oven -- permitting you to use less. + . 3 tee textured results for your baking. BAKING POWDER] £ yOu are now using. BETTER RESULTS--Calumet's contin. uous leavening meads finer, bet- - CALUMET THE DOUBLE -ACTING . Like Average Just like the average English: woman, Queen Elizabeth is run- ning low on clothing coupons. Last year the Queen bought 20 yards of hand-woven tweed at the disabled ex-service men's exhibi- tion, but yesterday she could spare only enough coupons to buy two scarves, Over $200,000,000 a Year Gold miners throughout Can- ada are making a vital contribu- tion to the Canadian war effort, A force of little more than 25,- 000,000 a year in gold. This amount of gold would fully pay for more' than 8,000 Spitfires a year. In the amount of muni- tions and war equipment, the product "of their work will pay for, possibly no other group of men of equal size anywhere clse in the world will compare with that 'of the 25,000 men who are digging out the gold from the . mines of Canada, TABLE TALKS By SADIE B. CHAMBERS FRUIT BREAD PUDDING 2 cups stale breaderumbs Icey Y% cup sugar Y% cup seeded eaisins and stoned dates 1 banana 2%. cups milk . Add crumbs and sugar to milk and allow to stand for one-half" Add beaten egg, dates, cut into quarters, raisins and finely cut banana to the mixture. * Pour into a, greased baking dish and place in a pan of hot water. Bake in a moderate oven until firm. A tablespoon of butter added to-the mixture enriches the flavor, MAYFAIR PUDDING 1 cup scedless raisins -- Yh -fabléspoon ganulated gelatine 1 _cup milk ) 2 tablespoons sugar 4 slices cooked pineapple 2 egg whites 6 marshmallows % cup chopped nutmeats 1 teaspoon vanilla Boil the raisins in water five minutes, drain and cool. Soften the gelatine in 2 tablespoons of the milk. = Scald the remaining milk, add the sugar and the gela- tine and stir until = dissolved. Chill with occasional stirring. When the milk mixture is like honey beat frothy, then fold in heaten egg whites; marshmallows cut in = quarters, pincapple cut in picees, raisins and nutmeats. Add vanilla and combine thoroughly, . Chill in ser- viifg glasses and serve with a gae- nish of jelly. So TOPSY-TURVY PUDDING %4 cup shortening ¥ cup sugar 1 egy 1% cups flour % teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons baking powder % teaspoon powdered ginger Ya cup apricot juice % cup shortening 12 cup sugar % cup almonds % teaspoon salt _ 2 cups cooked dried apricots Cream the first mixture of shortening or butter well; add the - sugar 'and beat until light and fluffy. - Add the beaten egg, then the sifted dry ingredients alter- nately with the % cup apricot' juice. Combine well, Soak the apricots (1 cup) overnight in 8 BOOKS BY MAIL Postage prepaid on all orders. Wrjte for free monthly Bool Guide, - BURNILL'S BOOK SHOP 100 Yonge Street, Toronto 000 men is producing over $200,- . cups water and then cook until tender. This will give two cups apricots, ' : For the caramel mixture, melt the second amount of shortening or butter slowly in a heavy, bak. ing pun. Add sugar and salt, Stir until melted. Remove from heat. Stuff a nutmeat in the hol- low of each apricot and place with the round side up on the side of the caramel. Pour in the batter fand bake in a moderate oven for about 40 minutes, While hot, turn out upside down on a plate MUSHROOM SANDWICH FILLING i 1 1b. mushrooms washed, peeled and chopped 2 cups water 's teaspoon salt . 4 tablespoons tapioca 2 tablespoons scraped onion 2 tablespoons butter '4 teaspoon paprika Y2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Cook mushrooms, stems and peelings for 15 minutes. Drain. - Add tapioca to the stock and cook I5 mirutes. Chop mushrooms very fine. © Cook onion in butter until slightly browned. Add mush- rooms, cover' and simmer until tender. Uncover and cook two or three minutes until dry. Add pa- prika and sauce. Add tapioca mixture and combine: thoroughly," Cool. Makes 1% cups filling Miss Chumbers welcomes personal letters from Interested renders, She "Ie plensed to recelve suggestions on toples for hee column, and Is even remdy to listen to your "pet peeves" leguests for recipes oe specinl meous are In order. Address Your letters to "Mins Sadie 15. Cham. been, 73 West Adelnlle Street, Tee cronfo." Send stamped, self-gililressed envelope If you wish n reply. Britain's Fighting Planes and Warships 29 NOW AVAILABLE "ow TRE Ws SARA For each picture desired, i ~ complete "Crown Brand" label, with your name and address and the name of the picture you want writ ten on the back. Address Dept. J.18, The Canada 2 Starch Company Ltd, 49 Welling- ton St. E, Toronto send a eC ar eds - pl L; i Ks Sa so, or = " ie 2 GAZ

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