0 45 fiir -- Sa oN SS SR a ot FYARINERIR 44.05 ES / FERAL ARIAS HR BR SA Ai OPO AL VAERNIIRA - PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1942 ee and adopted. Cross, in the Community Hall. . doing this present year", regular meeting and after a good pro- gram and | : the Joes] u union, PROSPECT Mrs. Arthur Chumblay of Oshawa, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs, G. Martin. The W. A. meeting was held at'the home of Mrs. G. McClintock last Wed- nesday afternoon which was well at- tended by 'members and visitors, A pleasing solo was sung by Mrs. B, Hill and Mrs. E. Gordon gave ah inter- esting reading. Collectiohs were over $16.00. The Red Cross held their meeting divéctly after the meeting 'when re- ports were given and officérs elected: President, Mrs. WW. Holtby; Secretary, Mis. B. Hill; Treasurer, Miss Holliday. Mrs. Roy Corbman of Oshawa, Miss Mary Martin of Brooklin were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. G. McClintock on Wednesday and attended the W. A. meeting. = Forum meeting was Webster The Farmer é1d at the home of Mrs. G. © on Monday evening and was well at- tended. Mr; Frank Vernon made a business trip to Toronto on Monday. Miss Helen Conlin of Toronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vernon of Port Perry, Mr, and Mrs, H. Vernon of Whitby were visitors at the home of their parents on Sunday. Mrs. McCulloch and Miss Edith McCulloch of Toronto were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holtby on Sunday. "Mr, and Mrs. A. Gilroy were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. Croxall at Uxbridge. Miss Jean McClintock with friends in Toronto, Miss Loretta Conlin of Oshawa is is visiting "at the home of her parents. UTICA On Jan. 14th, the W. A. met in the basement of the Church. The meeting opened with hymn 130 followed with prayer by Mrs. Jenner. The seripture lesson was read responsively. The "I ams" of Christ, page 170 in Hymnal The roll call was taken and the min- utes of the last meeting were read There was an election of officers as follows--President, Mrs. H. Walker;1st Vice President, Mrs. R. Harper; 2nd Vice President, Mrs. C. Gerrow; Rec. Secretary, Mrs. Geer; Cor. Secretary, Mrs. J. Ackney; Treasurer, Mrs. A. Clark; Pianist, Mrs. C. Gerrow; tee, Mrs. J. Crosier,Mrs. G. Mitchell, Mrs. C. Gerrow; Auditors, Mrs, J. Crosier and Mrs. H. Walker, The meeting was dismissed by Mr. Jenner. The Bluebird Club met atthe home of Mrs. Harry Harper on Tuesday ev- ening where a very Pisasint; evening was spent. On Friday evening, Feb. 6th. the British War Victim Party Progressive Euchre and Dance will be held in Memory Hall. Donated by C. W. La- key. Miss Doris Walker visiting with re- Iatives in Collingwood. Mrs, L. Pickard and sons of Port Perry, calling on Hen¥y Skerratts on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. McKinley of Lan- . sing, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bailey and Mv, J. Bailey were recent visitors at Mr, C. Geer's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ashenhurst and Mr, H. Forsyth calling on Mr. Bruce Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wagg of New- market visited Sunday with Mr, and Mus. H. Wagg. A PP + ee BLACKSTOCK On the afternoon of Jan, 21st., forty ladies quilted elevén quilts for the Red Don- "ations were made as follows:--Four "tops from Mrs, R. C. Brown, Gadmus; two from Mrs. Jas, Marlow and Miss Malcolm, Nestleton; two from United Church W. A.; -Mrs."W. Williamson, Cadmus, and Mrs. Jno, McKee, each , donated a'top; and.Mrs, Harry Vad Camp, a top and lining. Mrs. Alfred Henry and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy don- ated a finished quilt--as did Mrs. C. Parr's group of War Workers at Cad- mus and Mrs, Harry McLaughlin: of Nestleton. A The Young People's Union of the United Church entertained the Y. P, U, of Nestleton on Tuesday evening, The Rev. D. M. Stinson introduced the gest speaker--Mr, Hugh Miller, who spoke on "What the Y. P, U. propose It was the mes, lunch was served by Ivan) Devotional Commit- |, The 40th. annual convention of Cart- wright Religious Educational Council was held in Cadmus Church on Thurs- day, Jan, 16th. with afternoon and ev- ening sessions, The newly elected of- ficers for the ensuing year are:-Pres,, Ernest Larmer; Vice Pres, Vera For- der; See, Treas., Earl Dorrell; Temp- erance Superintendent, Mrs. A. J. John. ston; Joint Missionary" Superintend- ents; Mrs. Milton Grey and Misg Hick- ling; Children's Dep't, Mrs. Cecil Hill; Christian Leadership, Rev, D, M. Stin- son... The Rev, D.-M. Stinson intro- duced the representative of O. R, E. C. Rev.'E. R. McLean, Toronto, who gave the following points and suggestions for preparing and presenting the Sun- day School lesson to one'sclass:-Pray- er on the needs of the pupils commit- ted to one's care; careful Bible read- ing, both text and context; references; other versions (such as King James version, Moffat's version); own ideas and finally the Quarterly, Have a specific aim in teaching and a proper, introduction or point of = contact. Make one's aim interested and con- nected with the lesson in question; also have an order of teaching. . He also told superintendents of Sunday Schools present that they are respon- sible for the assembly period, namely- (1) Platform instruction such as a new hymn or a new prayer, missionary or temperance talk; (2) Fellowship; (3) Worship. Mr, Stinson based his remarks on the words "Study to show thyself a workman that needeth not to be ash- amed". He stressed the high quali- ties necessary for the work in Sunday Schools and the wonderful opportu- nity for service. Miss Ruby May Wotten, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Wotten, Purple Hill, and Mr. Albert W. M. Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. John- ston, Enniskillen, were married at the -.| United Church parsonage, Blackstock, Jon Sat. Jan. 17th., Stinson officiating. The bride, wearing a frock of tur- quoise blue crepe, with black coat and accessories, was attended by her sis- ter Miss Helen Wotten, who wore blue with black accessories. Mr. John Johnston, brother of the groom, was groomsman. After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs, Johnston left for Toronto and points west. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm west of Enniskillen. with Rev. D. M, : Myrtle Station The annual meeting of the Sunday School was held on Friday evening with a very good attendance." The pastor; Rev. G. S. Gervan, presided. After the opening. devotional exer- cises, reports of the different depart- ments of work were heard. The sec- retary, Ray Duff, gave a very full re- port but which showed a decrease in attendance, due to removals from the community. Sunday School was held on forty-six Sundays. During the month of August the school was closed because of the small attendance. The treasurer, Mrs. C. Harrison, showed a very gratifying balance on hand. Cradle" Roll Secretary, Mrs. R. Chis- holm, reported five babies on the roll. Temperance Secretary, Mrs. H. Hud- gin, made her department of work in- teresting during the year by talks and special speakers. Mrs, Gervan, Mis- sionary Secretary, also: brought her in an interesting and appealing man- ner: Election of officérs resulted as follows: --Superintendent, E, Mole; man; Secretary, Patti Gervan; Assist- ant Secretary, Ray Duff; Treasurer, Mrs, C. Harrison; Pianist, Mrs. D. Lu- ery; -Pemperance -Secretary, Mrs. H. department of work before the school |! Assistant Superintendent, W. E. Red-{ ' F--Mr. and Mrs. Os¢ar Downey visited -|Hudgin} Missionary Secretary, Mrs. ~fGervan; Cradle Roll Secretary, Mrs. R. Chisholm; Librarian, Mrs, Luery. Teachers were appointed as follows-' Primary, Mrs, Luery; Junior girls,' Mrs, C. 'Harrison; Boy's class, Mrs. Gervan. After the business of elect- ing officers and teachers was comple-' ted, Mrs. Gervan- gave a good report of the convention held last month at Almonds, chéck up of the books in the library and to send to the soldiers those that school they are old, but they will be good reading for the boys in camp. The meeting closed with prayers A number of ladies gathered at the home ;of Mrs, Harold - Hamilton on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons of last week and quilted a very lovely appliqued quilt. This is one method used by the members of the Woman's Missionary Society to raise funds for their treasury. Private William Wry, Royal Cana- dian Engineers, Camp Borden, visited over the weekend with his mother, Mrs. F, Harrison; Intermediate girls, ! It was decided to make a! have been read and re-read, for to the , Speaking briefly of the different with Toronto relatives on Wednesday. .Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Harrison , motored to Woodbridge on Wednes- : day. Mr. and Mrs. Leonaxd Dalby visited ton Sunday afternoon with friends at Prospect. Mr. Albert Timms, Mrs. F, Schell Mrs. W. McCartney were visitors in 'Oshawa on Saturday. The Woman's Association will hold the annual pan-cake supper on Friday evening, February 18th, The Quarterly Official Board of the Myrtle charge will meet in the Church on Wednesday, February 11th, at 8 p. m. Important items of business will be discussed and a full attendance will bs' necessary, in order that the work of the evening may be. success- fully carried through. 3 Rev. G, 8. Gervan brought a fine message to his congregation on Sun- day evening. The scripture lesson was the first chapter of St. John's gos- pel and the text was found in John 8: 12--"I am the light of the world". lamps necessary to light our way as we follow Christ, the light of the world Mr, Gervan stressed the lamp of pray- er as being the most important one. The service of song, which is now used to open the eveniig 'service, Js greatly enjoyed. Everyone - sings heartily the hymns they like best, for the, ongregation is given the privilege 'of choosing them, Comé out next Sundar and help to sing your favorite hymn, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Craig of 'Wing- ham, Mrs, Robinson and Miss Jean Hamilton of Oshawa visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs; John Quinn and Mrs, Harold Stredwick were visitors in the Motor City on Thursday. Mr. Roy Carter spent the week-end with his parents at their home in Bur- keton. A number from here attended the funeral service: for Mr. A. V, Swalil, ich was held jn St. Andrew's Church shawa on Fri lay afternoon. Mr, and Mrs. Elwood Masters, Mrs, H. Painter and children were Sunday security. - WV a A VICTORY BOND is he promise of the Dominion of Canada 10 repay in cash. the full face value of the Bond at the time stipulated, with half-yearly interest at the rate of 3% per annum until maturity. in Canada. The entire resources of the Dominion stand behind it. -A Victory Bond is an asset more readily Mr. Gordon Barton, who is still re- ligving C. P, R. agents, was home on Monday. 3 It was with deep regret that the residents of the village learned of the passing of Albert Valentine Swail in Oshawa General Hospital on Wednes- day evening. Mr, Swail had been ill at his home for a couple of weeks be- fore entering the hospital but it was hoped his condition might improve.; Mr, Swail, a contractor and former resident of Oshawa, came to Myrtle two and a half years ago and built a lovely home into which hé and Mrs. Swail moved upon its completion. His| friendly maner and pleasant disposi- tion made him' many friends. +/ Sincere sympathy is extanded to his surviving relatives: his wife, formetly Miss 'Sarah Thompson; a. daugh T) Mrs, Donald Mackinnon (Harri ih Oshawa; one sister, Mrs, Marshal Curdy, Phoenix, Arizona, "and oe brother, James Swail, Hollywood, Fla- rida. - The funeral service was held on Friday afternoon in St. Andrew's i nited .Church, Oshawa, 'of which Swail was an elder. Interment FARM SURVEY TO BE MADE ONTARIO COUNTY In view of the serious labour short- age on:farms in 'Ontario County," a survey is being "conducted in each Township to find out definitely what help will be needed during the coming year. A" County Comins has been es- representative from each Township. 'Phis Committee is endeavouring to do everything possible to relieve the farm labour situation. in the County so that the production : will not be decreased. In some communities it may, be ne- cessary for still more custom work to be organized so that the maximum use may he made of farm machinery, The survey being conducted relates also to a comparison of livestock on [farms in 1042 as with the previous year and also, the plans for the 1042 crop. £ "The intorniation requested in. the Commijttée: This information is very essential so. 'that the County. Commit: | tee may know Jeriitely, where help is visitors with relatives in Bowmanville, in Mount Lawan Cemetery, tablished within the County with one}. survey will be used by the County | A Victory Bond is the safest investment, converted into cash than any other ! National War Finance Committees, Ottawa, Canada' . The survey is: through the various School Sections within each Township. It is hoped that every farmer will co-operate in comipletirig the forms so that a sum- mary may be 'compiled early in Feb. ruary, To NOTICE TO oR In the Estate of Kathryn J. Powers, Deceased. : - All persons having claims again: the Estate of Kathryn J, Povers, late of the City of Oakland, Califo who died on the 30th day of April, 1941, are hereby. notified to send to the undersigned solicitors on or before March bth, 1942, full particulsrs of thelr claims, Immediately after March 6th, 1 942, the assets of the said deceased wi | be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 28th, day of January, 1042, Port Perry, Ontario; Solicltors tor 8 the 1, nested 'above Estate, being conducted : of which the solicitors shall then have 2 HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLAGE. PT AT SR TRE Se ge