City of Archangel Vital Russian Base Is Supply Link Bétween Russia and United States Little has been heard of Arch. angel, Russia's - vital northern . base, since it was announced last October that this would be the - port of entry for Amertean supply ships. * Since that time; however, it has assumed paramount impor- tance as a supply' link between . the Soviet Union and the United €: States, : 5 The: We "Somewhat less convenient, -per- haps, than Murmansk, 180 miles westward, which is ice-free all the year around, Archangel is usually frozen from November to 'April, and 'can be kept gpen only with great difficulties, Khat these dif- ficulties have been overcome is apparent from the reports of sea- men having recently arrived in the United States from Archangel.. These seamen state that several score DBrifish and American ships were currently seen in the harbor there, an \that in Archangel it. self the stréets are crowded with British, American and Polish staff officers, Life-in this Vladivostok of. the North, today, is' exceptionally gay. The presence of large num. bers of foreigners lends color to this otherwise drab. semi-Arctie town, Several excellent theatres are always crowded to capacity, while the numerous restaurants are comparatively well stocked with a variety of foods. * - . During World War I too, Ar- changel played an important role. The city, which was called the Russian Klondyke because of ita boomlike - development, was oc- cupied by the British in August, 71918, It became a major Allied base for operations in the White . Sea, and eventual action into the interior of Russia. In 1918, short- ly before the collapse of the Ime perial Army, the Germans, with . Finnish co-operation--as today-- had begun extensive operations against the southern Murman coast. Today, Archangel has a far greater military importance than in 1918 because of the de- velopment of industry and trade along the Arctic coast of the Soviet Union, ' L] LJ * Archangel's railway to Moscow runs roughly parallel to that of Murmansk for several hundred miles. In all, the distance from Archangel to Moscow is about 700 miles, compared with roughly --1,200 between Murmansk and the Russian capital. Last October, a new 'railroad line of tremendous strategic importance was complet- ed. It follows the White Sea coast and connects the two paral- lel lines between Archangel and Moscow, and Murmansk and Len- ingrad, starting from the latter - line at a point 30 miles south of Kem and 270 miles south of Mur-' mansk, Its eastern terminal is + Plesetsk, 100 miles south of Arch- angel and. 260 miles north of Moscow. * Since the southern part of the Murmansk-Leningrad. line _ hms been cut-by German and Fin- nish troops, the new railroad ins' added importance as a link tereen Murmansk and the capi- tal. : / Corruption of Youth 'Hitler's Worst Crime Speaking before the Chutch Club Lord Halifax made the pen- - strating remark that "one of the deepest crimes that Hitler has committed" has been to "debasu the noblest qualities of youth-- enthusiasm, self-sacrifice, devo- tion--to the low service of ma- terial ends." For obviously, without the 'wholesale corruption of Gérman youth through the in- culeation of a false religion of power, Hitlerism could not have beccme the appalling scourge thay ~ It has revealed itself to be. Hitler succeeded in what would have seemed, at first glance, to be an impossible task; he erased from . the minds of a wlole generation every vestige of Christian feeling or even of purely humane instinct, and-put-in-its place a blind and Air tH AG ng. Reo en EA | re a fy Se 2 = son, To those who have been thus indoctrinated there is no 'crime but "disobedience to Hitler's will, Conscience, civilized man's ethical guide, has been cast out. As the Ambassador said, one of the most pressing problems which the world will face after this war =~... Is the education of Germany, There never can be g durable © peace so long as 80,000,000 peo- ple in the heart of Europe are ready to abandon their God and their human dignity 'and follow whatever inspired fiend 'may " mise them power, The Chris- : nization of Germany will be a 1 RE - long and arduous task, but the -- ts em UATE SOI i NRT CNS ~ r « Western World will not rest easy til it is accomplished, Eleven hundred miles of coast- ©. line on the Antarcti¢ continent ~ have been charted by Admiral Byrd's various expeditions to that 'fanatical worship of his own per-*'{- region of the globe. : n Gil, Fob. 3 ' BY potr Jan, 19 Le Yenore, Jan, 24 Wi Atlante, Jan. 19 « Ciltvalre, Jan. 19 4 Norness, Jon. 14 oleae Indian Arrow, Feb, 4 : L. Steed, Feb, 3 is KE. Powell, Jan, 27 Chine Arrow, Fob, § hester, Jan, 14 Allon Jackson, Jon. 18 Bermuda-bound Canadian liner Lady Hawkins sunk Jan, 19; 245 lives lost ® In a month of ralding off U. 8. coasts, German U-boats have sunk the 13 vessels spotted on map, damaged another, and sunk 18 others in the north Atlantic off Canada. Nearly 450 fives have been lost in the U. 8, const sinkings which took a toll of 113,163 tons of shipping, including 10 oil tankers. - MODERN ETIQUETTE "1, What is a common courtesy in' which many people are particu- larly careless? - 2, Should salt and pepper shakers match each other? 3. Is it all right to have nick- names printed on personal calling cards? d 4. When is the double card for . man and wife in good use? 6. What is the proper way to eat fruit at the table? ... .. . 6. Is it.all right for a guest who wins a bridge prize, to open it and display it to the other guests? - Answers Hurst, 7 1. The courtesy of thanking for slight favors, It is almost im- possible to be too liberal with: this expression. Thank your father," your mother, your broth- ers and sisters, Thank the wait- ress who .serves you, the sales- woman who displays her wares, the elevator boy, the stranger for any information, the doctor, the lawyer. 2, Yes, if the small in- _ dividual shakers are used they must match each other, 3. No. 4. It is sent with wedding pres- ents, with flowers to a funeral, with gifts to high school or col- lege graduates, or with any other gift that comes from both, It is, of course, used also for formal 'visits, 6. Hold the fruit in your hand and peel it with the knife, or if it is juicy fruit, such as a peach, ie may hold it on the' fork, 6. es. : . 'What Science Is Doing WEATHER 'SIGNS' "Quite a good many of the old- fashioned "signs" have good scien. tific warrant, even though others Jack solid fouydations, says Sel-- ence Service, Back of the old jingle, "Red in the night, sailors' delight; red in the morning, sailors take warn- ing," is the truth that bright sun- sets usually come during periods of settled weather, while a red- dened sun (at any time of day) indicates the presence of moisture- laden particles in the air, that "may later precipitate rain or snow. Even at sunset, a bleary, reddened sun. (as distinguished from red- tinted clouds) may warn of a storm to come. A rising column of 'smoke from a chimney is another fairly re- liable "sign" of fair or clearing weather.. It means that the air is dry, whereas smoke that goes up and then comes down again shows that the air is heavy with moisture which - the smoke - par- ticles gather unto themselves until they are so heavy that they sink, A ring around the moon, or to be academically precise, a halo, is another fairly dependable wea- -ther "sign." So is a fuzzy or blurry appearance of moon or stars. These appearances are due to the interception of light by thin clouds running ahead of an approaching general storm area, There is, however, whatever in the belief that the crescent moony "holds" rain if its horns are pointed upward, "pours" rain if they point -downward. Those phenomena are purely as- tronomical, and have nothing to do with conditions on earth. The - same holds true for the position of the "bowl" of the "Great Dip- per" as seen early in the evening. Convert Sea Water no truth . Into Drinking Water The most fascinating picce of equipment to be installed in three new trans-Atlantic flying boats being built for American Export Airlines is a still for converting sea - water inte drinking water, says Business Week: "These stills are to be standard equipment in the planes' collapsible lifeboats. The still operates on solidified fuel in cans, each one of which will burn for two hours, time enough to distill a quart of water, The condenser is a flexible tube which is thrown overboard so that sea water cools the steam and thus converts it into drinking water, The fuel can be.used for cooking, too, and the water container be- comes a pressure cooker, able. to carry the ingenious de vice, American Export Airlines To be had to take out a regular New _York State distiller's licence, Evidently Got 'Em! The New York Times says that priate advices received from con- tinental Europe recounted -a quip that is going the rounds as a com- mentary on the German with- . drawal in Russia, According to this "gag," Goer- ing gave Marshal Petain, French chief of state, 24 hours to hand over the plans of retreat used by Napoleon, "HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention -- Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. Wa sell our goods only through: your local 'Staco Leather Goods dealer, The goods are right, and so are our prices. e manufacture In our fac. torles -- Harness, Horse Col. lars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan. kets, and Leather Travelli Goods, Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you: got satisfaction. Made only by: SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD, WRITE FOR CATALOGUE ° 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto KIN Bie Sri ' calds, Ath. . , doy Le medy, Keep atin x ve stich dl m= | Have You Heard? InfNew York, an Italian was be. ingéexamined in court after apply- ing for citizenship, He answéred correctly questions as to the name of the President and the capital of the United States. Then came this: "Could you become president of the United States?" : No," was the reply, : "Why not?" persisted the offi. cial, "You -pleasa "excuse," begged "the Italian.. "I very busy right now sella de peanuts," My young nephew Rol and's father has bought a cow, and when' I saw Roland * a couple of days ago, I said: «Does . your. cow give much milk?" = "She doesn't give it," he told me. "You've got to sort of take it away from her." The irate parent stormed up and down the room before the nervous-looking young man, "What!" he shouted. "You have the nerve to come to my office to ask for my daughter's hand? I might as well tell you that you could have saved .your- self the journey." The suitor sighed wearily. "Well, that's all right," he said. "You see, I had another message to deliver in 'the same building." : "What is a debtor?" "A man who owes money, "And what is a creditor?" "A man who thinks he's going to get it back." id Jones had gone to the cinema, but the inane chatter of two women seated immiediately in front of him at last became more than he could stand, He tapped one of the women on the shoulder and said: "Pardon me, madam, but I can't hear." 4 The woman -snorted. "You'ru not supposed to--this is a private conversation," she snapped. - Rastus: "Boy, whut would * yo do if'n you had all de _ money in de world right now?" : ib Aa Mose: "Well, sub, Ah reckon Ah'd pay it on mah debts--Ffur's it'd 'go." Inquisitive 'Person (questioning a member of the parachute treops): "It must be 'exciting to be a parachute jumper. No doubt you've had some terrible experi- ences," Parachutist: "Yeah, terrible! Why, once I came down where there was a sign 'Keep Off the Grass." i Little Girl: "I know some- thing I won't tell." Bachelor: "Never mind, "child. You'll get over that when you're a little older." Haulers of Wood Manpower has become so scarce in the bushlands in Dwyer Hill and Marlborough Townships of Carleton County that women now are engaged in hauling wood from the bush. Returning to the homes to do their chores, many return to the bush in 'the eve- ning for a second load. "ga XT, British - U.S, War Council Is Formed An eight-man combined chiefs- of-staff board has been establish. ed in the United Nations war capi- tal at Washington to direct all British-American joint action by land, sea and air and on factory assembly lines, : In its announcement of the move the war department said the : new board "amounts to a com- bined command post for the®con- duct of all joint operations of the 'two governments in the war." 'Besides. directing military op- nerations it' will have jurisdiction over production and distribution of war supplies. It will work in collaboration with representatives of the other. United Nations, = 'On broad strategical questions it will make. joint recommenda tions to the heads of the Amerl- can and British governments, It is empowered to act without de- lay on immediate matters relating to current operations, Formation, of a new munitions assignment board was also. an- nounced, Heniod fy Harry Ho, kins, it will decide' where weapons will. be most useful to carry out United Nations strategy. Other members are land, - air and sea officers of the two governments. Tiny Six-year-old Norwegian Patriot Today, as Norwegians believe they see the day of regained free- dom and independence drawing Tiearer, many of thens, whose sta- tus may have appeared at times to be doubtful, welcome--and, in fact, seek -- arrest by the Ger- mans. Such arrest, it is believed, will be rather certain evidence that one has been on the "right" sidle when the time for settling accounts arrives. But the little boy in Bergen was hardly moti- vated by any such thought. Children of the city had been ordered to attend a Hitler youth exhibition, "Instead of going in they marched past the door sing- 'ing the national anthem and shouting "Long Live the King!" All were arrested except a tiny six-year-old who had been over. looked. The.little chap darted up to a poilceman and shouted: "Long Live the Kiug!" I want to be -~rrested, too!" Saccharine, which is 300 times as sweet as sugar, was discovered accidentally by an American scien- tist in 1878, Aclies and Pains of RHEUMATISM Your money wlll be returned by any druggist it one hottle of Ru-Ma does not shuw you the quick, eas way to get rellef from the cruel, stubborn aches and palns of rheu- matism. Ru-Ma must please you or money back. One 'bottle wlil con. vince you, Z meen NNY, SOUTHERN ONTARIO * "GROWN IN SU sugar from getting lumpy? an open jar or canister in the re- frigerator, and it will become and remain soft and free from lumps. - smooth and white? consisting of equal parts of gly. cerin and lemon juice, well mixed; & few drops of alcohol and a little rosewater can be added for a slight perfume, left-over egg yolks? finds that she has egg yolks. left' for which there is no immediate use, yolks will keep, and they can be grated over a salad, creamed sal- mon, or baked fish, cloudy look in glasses that have contained milk? been used for milk in cold water before washing Heat dries the milk into the glass, giving it a cloudy appearance, be washed? white _castile soap. teaspoonful of borax in %-pint hot water and add this to 1 quart of the suds. When cold, put gloves on hands and wash gently in the same manner as washing the hands. way. When dry, rub between the. . hands to soften, ~ sive tanks and light military re- connaissance watch-fine but sturdy operating mechanisms to the action of dia- mond-dust finished pistons, con- necting rods and main bearings, HOW CAN1? Q. How can 1 keep brown A, Keep the brown sugar in Q. How can I-keep my hands A, Use regularly a solution Q. How can I make use of A. Very often the housewife By boiling them hard, the Q. How can I prevent that A, Rinse glasses that have in hot water, Q. How should chamois gloves A, Make a strong suds of Dissolve 1 Rinse in the same Jewels Make Tanks The powerful motors of mas. trucks. owe their STOPPED ITCH 220%, For pinolen athe Jat' o's Scstot subi, sis aud ove siorially soptie, D. D. D. Prescription your druggist today foc D.D. Quick sefiet trom itching of Irritation and quickly Intense 35¢ trial bottle proves Back, ...CLASSIFIED ADVER "The Fifth Columns And Hitler's Tricks" . Fifth columnists are potentially more menacing than airplanes and tanks, said Robert Goffin, noted Belgian lawyer and writer, when addressing: members of L'Alliance Francaise at the Chateau Laurier not long ago. x Speaking 'on the topled "THe Fifth Column and Hitler's Tricks," Mr. Goffin, who fled from Bel- gium just before its capitulation, told his audience of some of the dramatic events which led to the fall of his native country. He - related how fifth columnists had established ' secret ramifications in his country and had been transmitting secret information to - the enemy long before Germany decided to invade Belgium. ~The Germans were in possession of plans of the main' fortification line and of every airport to such an extent that resistance to in- vasion could not hold out any length of time, : Now More Quickly RELIEVED With Buckley's New Improved For. mula; H's all medication--Ne syrup --acts faster on coughs and colds. Gives you more for your money. But be sure i's the genuine . . . ad BUSKLEY" MIXTURE BIG ROCK "PAY DAY" * CHICKS make more pruiil, because they are blgger--stronger, are sold 'on a 100% satisfaction guarantee, Rocks, Reds, Leghorns, Hybrids, a3 hatched or sexed, alx week old pullets, Write for prices and frec calendar. Big Rock Mille Roches, Ont., Box C. Satisfaction Is a certainty). - i wainty). Boothing,. FET EEA rings quie relief or ack, Also MENTHOLATUM Gives COMIORT boty RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE TORTURE QUICKLY RELIEVED - It yuu are troubled with (tching pligs ur rectal soreness, do not delay redtment and run the risk of letting his condition become ching Ur soreness or painful passe age of stool Is nature's. warning and proper treatment'should be secured ot thi t & pack ot this purpuse get & package o Hem-Roid from any . use d ted, a small, asy take tablet, will quickl: relleve the itching and soreness and ald In healing the sore tender spots, Hem-.Rold. Is pleasant to use, -is Ighly recommended and (t seems the height of folly for any ons risk a painful and chrohie [ condition when auch a fine rem be had at such a amall cos It you try Hem-Kold and are not" entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. emi (7 Relieves MONTHLY =~ FEMALE PAIN Aan | Wi riods. with 'ora tle to monthly L talogue, 'Monkton chronle. Any | formula By Plaaen I» three lo tions 811 gn hig BABY CHICKS SIX BREEDS, CHICKS, CAPONS, . growing Pullets. Descriptive ca- Poultry Farm, Mon POULTRYKEEPERS, EGGS ARB IN the front line. Britain calls for food as well as munitions, Catch up by ordering Bray chicks brood- ed to order -- save time, worry, space. Most breeds, hybrids, March urkeys. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. EGGS 12¢c PER DOZEN HIGHER this year at thla date, eb, 16th. Grade "A" large eggs are 12¢ per dozen higher than they were Feb. 16th last J ear and are llkely to. continue igher throughout the season. What does this alg- nify? It means that poultrymen will make more money, Play safe. Tweddle chicks are the kind you can depend on. 'We have been serving the public for 18 years. Bend for free catalogue, -also- turkeys and older Piiliets, Tweddle Chick Hatcherles Limited, Fergus, Ontarlo, ton, Ontario, CANS FOR SALE 400 CANS, HOLD FIVE 'AMERI- B85, Ebvip of ants, [35 meDle (J oney. 0 ut Co. 2% Jarvis treet Toronto, " BUTCHERS UIPMENT : FOR BALE A FOR SALE OR RENT MEDICAL F ARM 100-ACRE, -'OSPRINGE, Highway No. 24. (ood buildiogs aud soil, olty conveniences. Muns, 178: Glen Road, Toronto, "ARM FOR SALE 3 FOR SALE--183 HEAD OF ST. OCK, farm equipment, sufficient grain, £0 agre arm; ae acation LE ed far --$26.00 --an ucre, ~$14,000 cash. Hor urther particu- ars write John Davidson, Two Creeks, Map, © FARMS FOR SALE PRODUCTIVE HUNDRED, DUF- ferin county, modern kitchen, avity piped spring water, bank arn, river crosses corner pasture Five Thousand, Box 188, rand Valley, Ontarlo. = FARM EQUIPMENT FEBRUARY SPECIALS -- I have a ~ money. Purchase now" while these HATO ESSING SCHOOL few remaining bargains In Me- lotte Cream Separators, demon. strator and rebulit modefs % used Grinders, 6" Fleury Engines; 23% and 38 H.P, Marshall and Deuts Engines; Lister. Surf Portable Milking Machines; Myers and Water H Arrows; bargain prices; and Premier Separator Parts in stock; Letz Mills and Parts and other used . equipment, Bave bargains last. Write. me today, 8. A, Lister, Stewart Street, To- ronto, LEARN HAIRDRESSING THE RUB. ertson method. Information en " quest fS§arding classes. Robert. son's Halrdressing Academy, 137 | Avenue Road, Toronto. fo BAUSAGE STUF rinders, ohe third Mio rH] otfes Urinders, one uarte P, Write MoLeach, A & ood Bae (hat 5 ughton ~ Avenus, 0 PAKERY BQUIFMENT BAKERS OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also Yevuiit equipment al. Soriarton dies 470m STAIRS ! on Coy io Bath 'Portable Oven it, Toronts. >* iki CARS -- USED AND NEW MOUNT PLEASANT "Ltd, Toronto's oldest Gheyh Ons oly renews rl let o J alxad Sand warn AN OFFER TO EVERY (NV List of ¥entiony find Bh Slated eth Mamet oy Bank Blrost, Ottawa a | FETHE} TH SR 14 ing eat, MPANY blishea 03 " 'oronto, okiel of Information on re. PERSONAL ELUAR © 0 pA M BEFORE 0 rh Noh ent free. 0 Roahs ¢ ester, ow Yo T LROAL tb IT'S EXCELLENT, REAL RESULTS after taking Dixon's Remedy for heumatic Pains and Neuritls. TISEMENTS... 2 ~ 'Munro's Drug Store, 335 EIgin, Ottawa. \ " MECHANICS WANTED AUTOMOBILE MECHANICS WANT- ed--ood pay and working con- ditions--steady work, Give full details and 22pstience first letter. POLLENS &. DOTZENROD, Ford Beaters, 74 John i8t. North, Ham- dlton, Oatarlo, NURSING COURSE, ts, i two, years high school and applicants 8 te vac- ancles. Apply to = Director of Nursing, fi . Box 60 Mont MUSICAL INSTRUCTION NOW IS THE TIME TO STUDY music at home, Specially prepared courses on all Instruments, White Btudlos of Music, 359 Glenlake Avenue, Toronto. HARRELS FOR SALE BARRE CLEAN WOODEN 0 A Era Toronto. 8, ig v4 fons 4000 Dundas St, West, To-. / RHRUMATIC PAINS ; PEOPLE ARE TALKING ABOUT the goo reshlts {rol taking Puing and Hosts: Hiuacan nats an 8, ' Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, = Dr *_ SALESWOMEN WANTED ACHIEVE YOUR, SEL mifex Agency, eX [Agency an Tend} y women 'home necessities. | : orders ascertained ABLE pasha Guarantes. We tell . on, obtain te ost res Ford faith 8 anqi atalogie Bt (53 3 AG. Bt. Clement # fest, stontreaic 0.8, WOMEN WANTED WANTED: \WOMEN. TQ, RO. Hom 1 Aewing, Best pa paid sal % Cont nly ; © FOR QUALITY : "SERVICE ION WITH °° 0 aking 4 {nco| saamirion We pile 1p if fo LT, TL th ation Us brant AERYION Jo N. LANDSAY, LAW OFFIC] GAT: : BC Ni Re me oth et S I