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Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Mar 1942, p. 4

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hyebd Port. Parry. I Mr, R. J. Harper has received | letter from Mr. Fred Beatty in Flor- ida. It is pleasing to know that both Mi."and Mrs. Beatty are improved in "health and that Mr. Beatty has been able 'to take part in, choir work and has played the organ on two or three occasions. Mr, and Mus, Detroit, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs: 8. Griffen, for a couple of days) last week. Mrs. Geo. Jackson redeivan a tele- gram advising her of the death of her, brother-in-law, a dairy farmer, near] Wyoming, N.Y., and left to attend the funeral. She will remain in Wyoming for the time being. Mr. Donald Campbell, of Deseronto, is spending this week with his parents Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Campbell. ' 'Word has been received that Pilot Officer Glenn MacMaster has success- fully passed all his examinations and has been posted to the Eastern Com-| mand, being stationed at Pennfield, New Brunswick. WAR WORK ACTIVITIES The February bale was packed on the 27th of the month, and consisted of the following articles: Soldiers' Field Comforts--100 prs. socks, 81 khaki scarves, 4 navy scarves, 0 sleeveless sweaters, 16 balaclava helmets, 8 steel helmet caps, 8 pairs mitts, 5 pairs gloves, . 39 sailors' tuck-ins, 3 leather jerkins. To Provincial Camp Libraries-- 36 books, 50 magazines, 37 decks of cards, . y To Prov. 1.LO.D.E. Headquarters-- 25 Ibs. dried apples. Evacuee Sewing -- 20 pairs boys' pants and braces; 1 girl's wool dress and bloomers; 4 boys' flannel shirts; 4 girls' outfits consisting of 1 jumper dress, 1 blouse, 1 pair bloomers, 1 pr. sockees; 14 shelter aprons; 4 pairs boys' pyjamas, 9 pairs girls' pyjamas, 1 boys knitted suit, 2 layettes con- sisting each of 39 articles, value $7.44, 7 girls' knitted pullovers, 1 girl's knitted pullover and cap, 12 pairs - children's mitts, 30 pairs knitted knee socks, 2 air shelter rugs, 2 afghans, 14 quilts. Hospital Supplies -- 20 hospital gowns, G pairs hospital slippers. ee WEDDING- CHIMES On Saturday afternoon last, Feb- ruary 28th, the home of Rev. Joseph Denny, of Prince Albert, was graced by a very pretty wedding, when Reine Marguerite, daughter of Mr. Arthur and Mrs. Marguerite Waridel, of Port Perry, became the bride of Graydon Charles, son of Mr. Robert Stephen and Mrs. Grace Gutsole, of Oshawa, _ A great number of relatives and ad- miring friends attended the nuptials. Mr. Waridel gave his daughter in marriage," and Mr. Robert C. Plow- right, of Oshawa, was best man, and Miss Marie Armstrong, attended the bride. After the wedding ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's mother, to which upwards of thirty were invited guests. The happy couple soon after the re- ception, left for Toronto and other adjacent points where they intend to honeymoon, after which they hope to take up residence inh Oshawa where the groom is in business, A shower was tendered on the eve of the weddihg in honour of the bride by the firm in which she was employed and where she was very popular, Our heartiest congratulations go out to the newlyweds and their new venture. ~.8T. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 a.m,--Sunday School - 7 p.m.--Public Worship, Student in charge. _PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, March 8th-- Sunday School at 10 a.m. Public Worship at 11 am, and 7 p.m. The preacher will be Rev. H. W. Foley, of Bowmanville, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Thursday, 7,30 p.m.--Lenten Service Sunday--3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m. -- Evening Prayer and sermon--The Rector, . THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Orange Hall (Above the Observer Office) 10 am~~Sunday School and Bible Class, 1 ' 11 a.m --Morning Worship. 7.80 _p. .m.-- Evangelistic Service 8 pm--Wednesday night SE Prayer and Bible Study. A cordial welcome .to all, Evangelists Ethel Thompson and Ruth Johnston, in charge, / . Robert Griffen, of Sy OAR REN ELAS I ER AL JEGEN SSL Sd lg Pp yo FREE . Parking OSHAWA A FAMOUS PLAYERS halal , Ri one 1 FRIDAY and SATURDAY " .GEORGE ILONA BRENT MASSEY BASIL RATHBONE ~ "INTERNATIONAL © / LADY" Revival Friday-- ARISE, MY LOVE Claudette Colbert Ray Milland COMING © Monday @ and Thrills, Spills Tuesday ® and Chills Claudette COLBERT "SKYLARK" Ray Milland Brian Aherne pli ne Cartoon Starting WEDNESDAY-- FOR FOUR DAYS MICKEY ROONEY JUDY GARLAND mn "BABES ON BROADWAY" VIRGINIA WEIDLER ALEXANDER WOOLLCOTT . FAY BAINTER DONALD MEEK SONGS! -- MUSIC! LAFFSI Temporary Headquarters for s ° . Canadian National EXPRESS AT OBSERVERPRINTING OFFICE Phone 30 - Port Perry 'Income Tax Returrs- Accuracy is Important in Filing - Returns : You may secure experienced Help by Calling R. J. HARPER - Phone 204 Boy Scout News The . Scouts assisted in / /the Sunday morning service at the i it along with the If you have old newspapers, magazines, scrap iron, or rags, kindly notify the Scouts, and they will gladly call for them, - Meeting as usual Friday even- ing at 7.30. ' ACHE EER A Junior War Workers The next meeting of the Junior War Workers will be held on the evening of Tuesday, March 10th, at the home of Miss Reta Willard COMING The Massey- Harris Company are putting on a Free Picture Show at the Town Hall, Port Perry, on Friday afternoon, the 20th of March. Particulars later, AUCTION SALES WILSON GERROW---Just west of Port Perry Fair Grounds, on Thirs- day, March 6th. A splendid offering of Dairy Cattle, Horses and imple- ments, W. H. NESBITT ESTATE, Cart- wright, on Wednesday, March 11th, a well 'assorted stock of implements. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. , __DIED PRR] LI SMITH--In Cartwright Township; Friday, February 27th, 1042, Margaret Barton, * beloved | wife of the late Matthew Smith, in her 86th year, Eyes. Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices, -- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST High School 'Notes Ad Optima By D. H, Nasmith On the afternoon .of Friday, Feb- ruary 27th, the Toronto Evening Tele- gram: sent 'its: moving pictures to be shown in the auditorium of 'the High School. This was an opportunity that was certainly worth taking advantage of by all those who possibly could. The prime objective of the pictures was to show the work of the Tele- gram's British War Victims' Fund in those regions which were subjected to severe blitz attacks of the enemy. These pictures also showed the fine organization and training of the Royal Australian Navy and the work of the British 4nd Canadian Navies in con- voying the necessary supplies to Eng- land from the distant parts: through waters made dangerous by the Ger- man submarine menace. Another pic- ture dealt. with the work of the Roysdl Canadian 'Air Force and in it were shown the dangers of thoughtless talk about war work. All this and many more interesting revelations made the picture one to be remembered for a long time. Those who saw it may havé reason to think twice before spending money which could be used to help the victims of bombings with- out incurring any great sacrifice.. . Next Friday, March 6th, there is to be a double-header basketball game at the High School, followed by a dance. "The first game between the High School girls' basketball team and at 7.00 p.m. This game will be fol- lowed by one between the High School boys' team and a boys' team from the town. Both should prove closely con- tested," . The- proceeds realized from the admission fee of 26c. are to be used to help defray the cost of the High School's new Victrola,, which is to be the source of music for the evening. For 'the evening of March 20th sent preparing a program as an en- tertainment to which the public will be invited. Among the items to be presented there will be musical selec- tions under the direction of Mrs. L. Switzer; dances prepared by Miss FE. Shaw, and two one-act plays, "A Distant Relative" by W. W. Jacobs, and "Hyacinth -Halvey" by Lady Gregory, supervised by Miss Spooner. An admission fee of 36c. for adults and 20c. for children, will be asked at the door. To you we extend a cordial invitation, res EDITORIAL (Marie Armstrong, P.P.H.S.) Hens are Now Coming Into Their Own Not until rationing of eggs was in- troduced did people notice and give the mother of the barnyard her full share 6f respect. Everyone has taken her for granted when the morning egg was brought to the table. Since egg rationing has been established, English men have been lamenting the disappearance of their morning "hen fruit", To make matters worse, dleticans claim many hair troubles come from lack of this important, yet hitherto insignificant item on the menu. Just in the short time since the Wartime Food Control Board made this an- nouncement, hair disorders have been assuming the proportions of casualty lists, The so-called "city slickers" will now be tempted to beg the farmer for a precious egg. Yes, the day is coming when the sons of the land can be regarded enviously for his good crop of hair by the "half-bald man of the city". To insure our future hair growth, perhaps we should invite a few hens to take up their abode in that but-of-the-way corner of our backyard, Rationing sugar and shortage of farm labor to hoe the sugar beet crop presents a problem that will need con- sideration if selective service becomes a fact. ARTHUR W. 8. GREER In attendance at my Port Perry offles on Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by' appointment. |Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone. 25 : FOR BALE © Three Ewes and six young Lambs for sale, Apply to Earl Dorrell, Nestleton, Phone Port Perry, 184 r 2. Day Old Chicks Sexed and Non-Sexed * Started Chicks Sexed and Non-Sexed Started Capon Turkey Poults ASK US Want Chicks? HERE THEY ARE 'Usual High BRAY Quality HERE it is, chick time again, And again we offer the usual high-quality Bray Chic¢ks--==with an added year of breeding, an added . year of skilled selection for: that combination of vigor, livability, fast growth, early and steady egg production, dnd extra good meat qualities that made the Bray Chick famous. This is a year of unusual op- portunity in the. poultry busi- ness. Don't risk a slip-up. Start the old reliable Bray Chicks, a picked town girls' team will start]. pupils -of--the-high-sechool-are-at- pre-|-- That's what hundreds of poultry raisers do cvery year. . 'Never had cockerels bring in so much." --Mrs. L, Bryan, Beeton, Ont. + +» "Wish I had ordered more, "Never had better chickens in my life."--L. P, Hansen, Pugwash Jet, N.S. . . "Wonderful layers, good hardy birds." -- Nelson Whitlock, Gaytown, PEL. . . . "Bought 100 from you last year, and made money, so thought I BRAY CHICK and get started right! 'are grand, A. R. GRAY, R.R.2, Port Perry MRS. LOUELLEN SONLEY, Queen St., Port Perry WALLACE MARLOW. Blackstock or John Street North, would take an extra 150 this year," -- Mrs, Wesley Nichol, Lennoxville, P.Q. J MPullets eggs just rolling ° along." -- Mrs, C. R. Bradley, Little Current, Ont. . . "Best in years. Bray's for me 'trom now on,"--Mrs. Campbell, Nestleton, Ont, . . "Best I ever raised." -- Mrs, Spriggs, Duck Lake, Sask, Isn't that the kind of bird YOU want ? HATCHERY Agents. Hamilton, Ont. SN 'Filmed in TOWN HALL "ADULTS 30c. "WILD INNOCENCE" The Strangest of Animals in the Strangest of Dramatic Themes Port Perry, Sat., Mar. 7th, ~ ADMISSION Australia AT 8.18 P.M. CHILDREN 18c. (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 In attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday 'and Thursday afternoons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST '| Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: Shop. Phone 237, Res. 216 Port Perry DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) Expert RADIO Service PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED - 80 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery PRENTICE' -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator. We spec Bonat Permanent Waves Very moderate prices Asda chi Shampoo and Wave 60c Marcel _ - - Tbe Manicure - i. 8b PERMANENT WAVES. $1.95 and up ot down to a price, . Phone 223, Port Perry {IT'S IN THE AIR JOAN: BLONDEL, DICK POWELL, Our. wot is up to a standard-- | + Piano Tuning Y. P. STOUFFER Repairs 3: Moth Proofing Phone: Office 30; Res. 239 W. J. KING - Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, .Ontario , Maple Street HOUSE FOR SALE 6 roomed frame house, good base- nent, electric lights, soft water, well and good barn, Apply to Arthur Boe, 644 St. Clements Ave., Forest Hill, BROCK THEATRE Phone 818, \ WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday and Saturday,. MARCH 65.6.7 . Two shows at 7 and 9 pm, Saturday Matinee at 1.30 Britain's Ace Comedian: GEORGE FORMBY, in Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, __ MARCH 9-10.11 -Last "complete show at 8.20 MODEL WIFE with Charlie. Ruggles. ;= Also an ADDED Attraction 'In Old Colorado with. William 'BOYD, Andy CLYDE, Russell HAYDEN. COMING Next Thursday, Friday. and Saturday, March 12, 18 and 14, LOOK WHO'S" LAUGHING * with Fibber McGee and Molly," ARTHUR ' PRENTICE, Prop. Rash SREEE A Edgar Bergen, Charlie McCarthy PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 6th, 1942 I ---- I -- ik Drug Store News "You'Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" KING' Condition patter A Real Toro and Conditioner for your Horse 1 Pound 260, 5 Pounds $1.00 Darley' 8 Worm Powders for Hogs Good for Pigs at any age 11b. pkg. 25¢." 51b, pkg. $1.00 VET AID. THE NEW HORSE Mediciue for Colic. hand for Emergency. Sulpher and Hellebore -- Ready Mixed, 8 to 1, for Dusting Cattle. Keep a Bottle on | Per Bottle 16¢ Per Pound 16¢ . A. M. LAWRENCE J cuone ao 780 Ronall sere ' PORT PERRY al Every Day Satisfaction i in Baking i is assured IF You PURCHASE YOUR BAKING NEEDS FROM CANADA BREAD co., LIMITED PORT PERRY, ONT. Phone 73w "Blue Coal" 'BREAD REESOR' S F UEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Coke, AND WOOD All kinds of WALLBOARD for repairing Broker: Plaster JEMISON'S BAKERY | THE HOME OF GOOD BAKING BUNS PRESH DAILY IN SEASONAL VARIETY DELIVERY--PHONE 08w Alberta Ceal PASTRY the duration: -- or no more credit granted. a cash basis.' " TERMS FOR DELIVERY = "After studying the help asked of Coal Dealers by the Oil Controller at Ottawa, and to conserve gas- oline, the following will be the Sormy scheduled for 'All orders half ton or less, strictly cash. orders of one ton or over, to be paid within 80 days, days will automatically 'put the customer on Small orders of less than one ton will have to be delivered with another order, yourself run too low before placing your order. 1 Ea All Any account running 60 So kindly do not let LAKE SCUGOC LUMBER & COAL CO. Specials for short time--Dry Mop and 24 oz. Furniture Polish, $2.49. Dealer, J.-Wright, Lilla Street. Phone 202, Port Perry. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Miriam Williams, Deceased. 'oy All persons having claims against the Estate of Miriam Willlams, late of the Township of Cartwright, Spinster, who died on the 4th day of January, 1042, aré hereby notified to send to the undersigned solicitors: on or before March 26th, 1942, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately. after March 26th, 1942, the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which. the solicitors shall then have notice, _ Dated at.Port Perry, Ontarlo, this 26th day of February, 1042, - HARRIS, HARRIS & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. : . Phone 240w. LIMITED I 'W. A. Sangster Fuller Brushes ta Sangs Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleop's 'Insurance Office; iJ i STRAYED Strayed to the premises of John Gray, Port Perry R.Rd4, female hound, white and brown, Owner may have same by paying expenses. 2 FOR BALE OR FOR RENT Fifty acre farm, about one mile: East of Epsom, good, buildings, Pos- sessior" 1st March. = Attractive rent to desirable tenant, with option" of buying. Apply to W. H. Leonard, Port Perry, ~ Ht Date Changed Russ Creighton and. his Varjety Dance Band: at Port Perry 'High School on the evening of Friday, 'March 27th; ander the auspices of Warriner Lodge, 1.0.0.F, ~ Proceeds in aid of 1.0.0,F, War Fund, =

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