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Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 Mar 1942, p. 4

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SE Ci 3 TN NS SERENE ---- Port Perry. ' Hugh Nasmith has joined the R.C. AF. and is now stationed at Lachine, Que. He was home with his parents, ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Nasmith, on Sun- day. Mrs. Amos Clarke has returned to her home in Ottawa after spending last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Doubt, 'Toronto, were in town on Sunday, Mrs. D. Gribben and- children, of Toronto, spent the week end with Mrs, W. A. Christy and the Misses Harris. f Ba Mrs. Storey Beare, of Guelph, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Murray, over the week-end. Mr. Keith Allin, who is now em- o-ployed in Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Wilson. Miss Betty Cawker, of Toronto, at home with her parents, Mr. and Mus. A. B. Cawker, over Sunday. Gunners Len Colbear, Leo Snell and Walter (Mike) Sheridan, were visit- ing in town for a couple of days. While here, Len und Mike helped the town 'boys play basketball on Friday evening. Sighaller A. MacMaster of Niagara, and Pte Bert DeShane of Toronto, at "their respective homes over thé week- end. Mrs. Sydney Ashton and son Ronald, of Oshawa, are spending some time with Mr. P. Densham, We are pleased to learn that Mrs. David Carnegie is Yeeavering from her recent illness, -- too MRS. H. C. STOYEL DIES IN HER 89th YEAR Lived as Girl on Farm at St. George and Bloor Streets. Mrs. Henrietta Stovel, 88, grand- daughter of a pioneer who settled in Hornby and named that place after the. family" s ancestral home, Hornby castle in kngland, died i in Toronto this week. Born in BIGAibarE, she was for- merly Henrietta Skirrow, and lived in Oakville, Hornby and. Mount Forest before coming to Toronto at an early age. The family farm on which she lived when nine years old was at the present sité of the York Club, St. George and Bloor Streets. Mrs. "Stovel was married twice, first to George H. Smith, barrister, who died 43 years ago, and later to H. C. Stovel, Winnipeg, who also pre- deceased her. She: was a member of Bond Street Baptist church, a charter member of Yorkminister church and at the time of her death a member of Walmer Road Baptist church where she was un active: member for the Doreas so- ciety and life member of the mission circle. Of a family of six children, four survive. They are Mrs. Howard Wel- "lington, Toronto; F. Harold Smith and G. Carlyle Smith, Toronto; Lawrence T. Smith, Port Credit. There are 16 grandchildren and three great-grand- children, Frederick L. Skirrow, St. Louis, Sask., is a brother and Mrs. WV. J. McNally, a sister. The funeral was held from.the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wellington, Ava Rd,; 3 p.m. Thursday. Interment was in' Mount Pleasant cemetery. Mrs. Stovel was' the mother of the late Mrs. F. A, Kent, of Port Perry. ------------ WE SHALL MISS OWEN CLIFF Owen CIiff joins the army this week, and the people of Port Perry are go- going to miss him, - He has been help- ful in good citizenship in every way "he could manage to find time to do "a good turn", Sometimes we wonderéd how he could arrange to accomplish all he did, -for there are only twenty-four hours a day and he worked all the regular hours at his business. But he will be remembered as the young fellow who put The Boy Scouts Troop on its feet in Port Perry, and made it so popular that it has an eager waiting, list among the boys of the town. They will not forget Owen, In the United Church Sunday School he has been: afaithful and efficient worker; and some have looked for- ward to the day when he might have . become Superintendent as the years passed. But that must now be when-- "There'll be bluebirds over The white cliffs of Dover." 'Many are the expressions of good: will for Owen in the future that lies * before him. We shall expect to hear from him from time to time; and here wish to thank him for his continued and. practical interest in the young folk __of Port Perry. : : -Note--We are pleased to lear: that "Mr. Foster Vernon of the High School IY \fs FAK] 7 4 ed Nt weed oi LLL ~ EE, OSHAWA [i A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S _ OPTOMETRIST - NOW _ PLAYING for the rest of the week MICKEY ROONEY * JUDY GARLAND in "BABES ON BROADWAY" Fay Baititer, Donald Meck. REVIVAL, Friday Nite at 11, Ronald Coleman, in THE LIGHT THAT FAILED Ida Lupino Next MONDAY for 4 big days --the masterpicee of the year-- JAMES CAGNEY, ~ THE ROYAL CANADIAN AIR FORCE in CAPTAIN OF THE CLOUDS In Technicolor. Sce this thrilling contribution to "Canada War Fame. Action - Thrills - Lave Above the clouds! Over the seal Domestic Science--The teacher had forbidden the eating of candy in school. One day she became sus- picious of a lump in Betty's cheek. "Betty, are you eating candy?" "No, teacher," replied Betty. "I'm just soaking a prune to cat at recess," --Sherbrooke, Que, Record, Income Tax Returns Accuracy is Important in Filing i Returns You may secure experienced 'Help by Calling R. J. HARPER - Phone 204 COMING The Massey-Harris Company are putting on a Free Picture Show at the Town Hall, Perry, on Friday afternoon, the 20th of March. Particulars later BUSINESS CHANGES HANDS The poolroom business, which has been run by William Kaufman and his son Dawson for a number of years, has been bought by "Mr. Grant Jef- frey, who has taken immediate pos- session, Messrs, William and Dawson Kauf- man have made no permanent plans as to thé future at present. YOUNG PEOILE'S UNION The Young People's Union met on Tuesday evening and there was a large crowd.-The reason? The young People's Societics of Seagrave and Greenbank had accepted an invitation to Port Perry. The meeting was turned over to the visitors and Seagrave took charge of the Devotional service, Service open- ed with the call to worship, a passage of Scripture taker from Matthew was read by the President; followed by Prayer by the Secretary. Alma Frise read a paper "A Call for Service"; and then a poem--'"Jesus and Alex- ander died at 83", Rev. Mr, Lester sang a solo "Breathe on Me, Breath of God". Then everyone joined in singing a hymn and repeating the Mizpah Benediction. Margaret Day called on Mrs. Doble, President of Greenbank -Y.P.U, and they 'put on the following program: poem by Ruby Wilson; solo by Joyce Beare; reading by Bruce Thomas; a reading by one of the girls; musical selection (piano and mouth organ) by Reg. 'Johnson; two humorous read- ings; guitar solo; reading by Frank Sonley. The roll was called for Port Perry Y.P.U. and games were played. Refreshments were served and. the staff, is taking over the leadership of evening closed with the singing of the _the Boy Scouts, | National Anthem, Port Ad Optima 3 : By D. H, Nasmith On the evening. of Friday, March 6, 'the Athletic Societies of .Port Perry High School held a very successful en- tertainment consisting of two basket- ball games and a dance. The first School girls' team and a team picked from the town girls. In this game the school made an excellent showing. In the second game, however, between the High School boys' team and the boys' team from town, the town boys won the game, though only by four baskets. Following the basketball, there was a dance in the assembly hall, the music for which was supplied by the new High School radio-victrola. There was a splendid attendance for both games and the dance after. . May we call to the attention of the the community the program that is being prepared for the evening of Friday, March 20th, We promise you all an evening of interesting enter- tainment including such items as songs, dances and two one-act plays, prepared and produced by the pupils of the High School. The time is set for 8.15 p.m. and the admission at the door is 35c. for adults and 20c. for children. A NOVEL IDEA FOR A WILL (Rose Marie Armstrong) How many of us can write poetry? Poetry: with a novel meaning was written by a citizen of Hamilton, Ont., nearly fifteen years ago. The last will and testament of Charles Robert Hodgson, made on the twelfth day of April in the 'year nineteen hundred and twenty-seven, was written in four lines of poetry... Mr. Hedgson be- queathed his entire estate of nineteen thousand, four hundred and twenty- two dollars and eighty-six cents in the following words: "All my carthly goods I have in store, To my dear wife, I leave forever more, I freely give, no limit do I fix, This is my will, she the exccutrix." Mr. Hodgson died on the nineteen- th day of June in the year nineteen hundred and forty-one. The judge said that this was the simplest will he had ever read and declared it to be legal. Was this not the most pleasant and informative stanza of poetry that could have been read-to the wife of the deceased? Unclaimed Prizes The Treasurer of the Lions Club has left at the Star Office seyeral unclaimed parade prizes. Those entitled to them are asked to call and claim them, If-not claimed, they will be returned to the Treasurer, and used for welfare work. > I a, Pg REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Some weeks ago Mr, Grant Willard purchased the house formerly belong- ing to the late Mrs. A. E, Howard. Mr, James Ewen has bought the house belonging to the Estate of the late D. Boe, also the Rennie house on Bigelow street. He sold the property on Ontario street (Oshawa road) to Mr. Clark, of Toronto. Mr. Ewen will live in the Boe property. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS The regular meeting of the Junior War Workers will be held at the ome of Mrs. Milton Goode at 8 p.m., Tues- day, March 17th. } DIED TOMS =In_ Cartwright Township, on Friday, March 6th, 1942, Ann Vance, beloved wife of the late John Toms, in her 86th year. WILLIAMS--At Toronto, on Wed- nesday, March 4th, 1942, George E. Williams, of "9A Glenforest road, formerly of Myrtle, Ont., beloved hus- band of Irene Britton, and dear father of Doreen Williams, | Men of 30,40, 50 PEP, VIM, VIGOR, Subnesmal} a ree Rep Blo" Funle on Sota tontos Lys fem tory i) for for only 7 Hai cid High School Notes: basketball game was between the High |§ IAASSAAAAAARARARANS \ ' FF Ble dda di lsc a aoa Public shall not be loaded Whitby, Ontarto. APRA AASAA ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 11 a.mi--Sunday School 7 p.m.-- Public Worship, Student in charge. / PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Sunday, March 15th-- Sunday School at 10 a.m. Public Worship at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Thé preacher will be Rev. H, W. Foley, of Bowmanville, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rev. William Stocks, Rector. Thursday, 7.30 p.m.--Lenten Service ; of Intercession. Sunday, 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer and sermon--The Rector, the capacity registered with the Department with respect to Class "B" Roads. This Clause of the Act will be strictly enforced. - ; By Order, COUNTY OF ONTARIO D. J. Kean, County Engineer, Notice County aid Oshawa Suburban Roads are Class "B" Roads. During the moni of March and April -gommercial motor vehicles operated over or upon County or Oshawa Suburban roads in excess of one half SARREARAAS RE RRR ARARRRARRARR RANT AN THE PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY Orange Hall (Above the Observer Office) 10 am.--Sunday School and Bible Class, 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 7.30 p.m.--Evangelistic Service 8 p.m.--Wednesday night Prayer and Bible Study, A cordial welcome to all, Evangelists Ethel Thompson and Ruth Johnston, in charge. pS PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 1942 w rE EYEE EE TE EE a at Lawrence's Drug Store News "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" T T 4&4 : 3 : C.B.Q. COLD TABL ETS iin 25¢: LAWRENCE'S Improved Bronchial CHASES NERVE FOOD, 60c., $1.50 MIXTUR E WAMPOL E'S PHOSPHO ied A real effective LECETHIN ... ...$1.00 preparation for i v irritating bronchial OV ALTINE, rt 380 58¢;, 98¢. * caughs, BYNOVA ... .49¢. and 79¢. Per 8 OZ. BOTTLE NEO CHEMICAL FOOD $1.15, $2.45 500 IRRADOL A ... $1.50 and $3.43 PHONE 49 imag ie Ob Jb Bd Ee ut A. M. LAWRENCE 720 Rexall sure J OO vm memos - PORT PERRY DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange North side Queen Street, Port Perry Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) FOR SALE SEVERAL PAIRS OF NO: 2 GREY i] WOOLEN. ARMY BLANKETS, 60" x 0", . $6.00 pair. Woollen Mill, Apply: Tomatoes A Choice 2 for 23c 26 oz. tins HEINZ--14 OZ, BEEHIVE § LB. TIN "KETCHUP bottle, 19¢ SYRUP . . . 55¢ MAPLE LEAF DOMESTIC PURE LARD lb. 16c SHORTENING Ib. 19c 2 e __ CLARK'S Tomato Juice 57. %> 3 -25¢ "DOMINO BULK SHERRIFF'S HH Peanut Butter per Ib. 15¢: Jelly Powders 2 for 13¢ RICHMELLO DOMINO--30 OZ. BOTTLE COFFEE - .- Ib. 39c¢ Ginger Ale 2 for 25° : : CLARK'S Tomato Soup ontn 2-18¢ BULK ° > ! BULK Rolled Oats 5 Ios, 25¢ MACARONI 3 lbs. 14c BULK BLUE ROSE $ 3 WHEATLETS per ib. 5c "RICE "= . Ib. 10¢c - Dominion 24 oz. Loaf BREAD iii: & Whole Wheat 2 = 15¢ : EXCELSIOR->24 Iba. when packed DOMINION PASTRY FLOUR = 73¢ Bulk Cocoa 2 Ibs. 925¢ WHITE SWAN. MEATY 10.80 Wheat Flakes 5 lbs. 25¢ PRUNES 2 Ibs. 23c We reserve the right to limit all purchases to normal ORANGE ~weekly family requirements, 'ss Large Si Grapefruit '4%5%* 5.25¢ TEXAS ~ LARGE fal Green Cabbage 2 Ib, 15¢ LEMONS 6 for 19¢ CALIFORNIA BUNCHES : COOKING MER CARROTS - 2for 19¢ ONIONS 2 lbs. 13c CURLY ¥ IMPORTED . SPINACH lb. 10c RADISH 2 bunches 15¢ HOT HOUSE i GREEN re Shai oid " RHUBARB Ib. 10¢ CELERY each 1 Sc Good Size Seedless doz. 29c¢ DOMINION | AAR . Uxbridge o Uxbridge. 21g LIMITED Every Day Satisfaction] in Baking is assured IF YOU PURCHASE YOUR BAKING NEEDS FROM CANADA BREAD CO., LIMITED PORT PERRY, ONT. "REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER Phone 73w "Blue Coal" . BREAD JEMISON'S BAKERY ~~ THE HOME OF GOOD BAKING BUNS PRESH DAILY IN SEASONAL VARI{GLY DELIVERY--PHONE 93w PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Coke, AND WOOD All kinds of WALLBOARD for repairing Benien Plaster Alberta Coal evesessesessressesssses PASTRY Nessorssssssssverssnsssses fy . or no more credit granted. days will automatically a cash basis. TERMS FOR DELIVERY - After studying the help asked of Coal Dealers by the Oil Controller at Ottawa, and to conserve gas- oline, the following will be the terms' scheduled for the duration: -- All orders. half ton or Toss, strictly cash, 'orders of one ton or over, to be paid within 30 days, Small orders of less than one ton will Have i to be delivered with another order, yourself run too low before placing your order, - A) All Any account running 60 put the. customer on So kindly do not let Phone 240w, LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL co., LIMITED W. J. KING Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over;twenty years. Now in Uxb bridge, Ontario Maple 'Street 3 / (The firm of Greer & Humphreys Is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. "Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afterncons of each week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG Aol DENTIST. Leonard Block « over Prentice's Barber Shop. Port Perry Expert RADIO Service| PHONE 234 on 'Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only, Phone 237, Res. 215 * Mclean Radio Service Ww. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON - Office Hours: 9 a.m. to-5 pm. Office. Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. ARTHUR W. gr GREER Jn attendance at my Port Perry offices on - "Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 25 . FOR SALE "Three Ewes and six young Lambs for sale. Apply. to Earl Doyrell, Nestleton, Phone Port Perry, 184'r 2. 'F aller Brushes Specials: for short time--Dry 4 and 24 oz, Furniture Polish, Dealer, J, Wright, Lilla Street. Phone 202, Port Perry PianoTun ing V. P. STOUFFER Repairs 1: Moth Proofing LR ie ~~ of Phone: Office 80; Res, 239

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