rm ei A > -- UR Po Yrs J © pital. I. 0. D. E. The regular meeting 6f the 1. 0. D. E. will be held at 3 pm. on Monday, . 'April 6th, at the Community Room, Public Library. , A - JUNIOR WAR WORKERS The Junior War Workers will meet at the home of Mrs. Clifford Love on Tuesday evening, Apr. 7, at 8. Don't forget the Junior War Wor- kers' Euchre, at the Publie Library, Wednesdidy, April 16th at 800 pm. Lagies' and Gent's Prizes. Admis- sion--2bc, 'Mr. and Mrs. Heusler and Marjorie, of Toronto, were in town last week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cawker, of Peterborough, visited with Mr, W. Cawker, on Sunday. ' 'Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Cockburn, Misses Jean and Dorothy Cockburn, and Mr. Gordon Livingston, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Miss M. Cockburn, 'Mr, and Mrs. Haylock, of Toronto, were in town on Saturday. MacDonald, Thelma Crosier, Margaret Day, Grace Hood, 'and Dorothy Balfour attended the Y.P.U. convention at Hampton on Sat- urday. Mrs. Donald Crothers, of Oshawa, was the guest of her aunts, the Misses Stovin, for a few days last week, Mrs. Thos. Blight, Sr., of Oshawa, is with her daughter, Mrs. C. Reesor. -We regret to learn that Mrs, Blight had the misfortune to fall and break her ankles, in Oshawa, before coming to Port Perry. Misses Irene Miss Helen Clarke who has been at- tending Canada Business College, in Toronto, has accepted a secretarial "position in the office of Grace Hospital in Toronto. No Boy Scout Meeting on Friday, April 5th or 12th. C ARD DOr or TANKS Mr .and Mrs. T. Smith wish to ex- tend their deep gratitude to friends and neighbors; to the members of the A. Y. P. A. and congregation of St. John's Church, Blackstock, and to Rev. W. Stocks, of Port Perry, for their as- sistance, sympathy and beautiful flo- ral offerings, during the sudded pas- _ sing -of 'the latter's uncle. SAPS, DD IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our sister, Ethel Gertrude Martin, . who passed away April bth, 1940. You left sweet memories to blossom, "Bearing fruit for the years to come; In the lives of those who loved you, Precious memories of days that are gone. x Ever remembered by Sister and Brothers. EXTENDS CALL A joint meeting of Burn's Church, Ashburn, and St. John's Church, Port Perry, was held in St. John's Church, Port Perry, for the purpose of mod- erating a call to a minister. was in nie of the. corn, A unanimous call was extended to Rev. J.-A. McMillan, of Kirkfield. With the members from each congregation present, all voting for the call of Rev. J. A. McMillan. IN MEMORIAM BRADBURN -- In memory of our dear mother, Mrs: D. W. Bradburn, 'Cartwright, who passed' away, April} Oth, 1940, - Her charming ways and smiling face . Are a pleasure to recall. ~~She had a kindly word Tor cach, And died beloved by all. ; Z Lovingly remembered by her family --r PP UTICA 3 Storey to report Mr, James Claugh- ton underwent an operation for ap- ~ pendicitis. ~ We hope for a speedy re- covery, ; Mr. and Mis. Fred Thom visited on Sunday with Mr, Ivan Geer's, Mrs. James Swan in Toronto to see "her. daughter, Mrs. Bell, whom we are gorry to report is sick in General Hos- "Phe -Farm Forum held at Mrs, E. oi Spencer's on' Monday * evening was © well attended. : time. , Al feporied a good We welcome Mr, and Mrs. Ross and tamily, to our community. . Mr. and Mrs, A. Ashenhurst visited recently with Mr, B. Bailey." te. Gordon MacDonald, of New- marker home over the weekend, The In-] RENO Pp FREE Phone Parking OSHAWA 1011 A FAMOUS .PLAYERS THEATRE Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S "OPTOMETRIST ° NOW SHOWING All This Week "ROBERT TAYLOR " LANA TURNER TNT. togéther . . JOHNNY EAGER Edward Arnold Van Heflin Patricia Dane "they're in with OLXTRA I BVIVAL FRIDAY® John Payne, Alice Faye The GREAT AMERICAN BROADCAST Jack Oakio Next MORDAY for three days more adventure than ever before, TARZAN'S SECRET TREASURE STARRING JOHNNY WEISSMULLER MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN with Reginald Owen Philip Dorn } Dorothy Lamour; in "THE FLEETS IN" Coming Soon! PRINCE ALBERT The Communion Service will be held on Easter Sunday with Rev, Mr. Foley in charge. Association was held on Wednesday, the 25th at the honwe of Mrs, A. Har- per with af fair attendance, The Pre- sident, Mrs. MacGregor, presided and the meeting opened with Hymn 205, followed by an Easter Bible reading and Hymn, Mrs. W. Martyn gave a list of the sewing for Red Cross done by the local ladies since March, 1941. Among other items of business, a motion carried that we have no more iced cakes for our linches while the war lasts, ) It was agreed that we have a pot luck supper and program at our next meeting, . The following program was given: Readings by Miss Grace Vickery,"My Mother's Packet-book"; Mrs. Ettey, "She "Didn't Need: One"; and Mrs. Murphy, "Down on the Farm"; and a contest led by Mrs.. B. Snelgrove, Lunch was provided by Mrs. Harper, Mrs. A. Hunter and Mrs. Butson. Col- lection--$5.25, 4 } Mrs, Martyn's report . showed 141 articles of Red Cross sewing done for this year. [This included 8 quilts, one of which was made by the school girls. Cash paid to the I. 0. D. E, --$142.- 36. This included the Township Grant: ol * rg Four more finished quilts were ta- ken to Port Perry work room on Friday. Two made and donated hy Mrs. Snelgrove Sr, and Jr.;-oné made by Mrs. A. Harper and her Sunday School class; and one made and do- nated by Mrs. Ben Smith: Mr. Gerald McCrea, Viola, and Ruth Luke motored to Ottawa over the weekend to visit Mr, an Mrs, Nor- man McCrea... ---- mE Mrs. C. Wess, of F Weston is spend- ing a while with her sister-in-law, Mrs. B. Smith. "Me and Mis, Ferris, of Detroit, mo- yored over and visited their cousins, Mr.and Mrs. W. Brown, on Saturday.' Birthday greetings to Mrs. R. Mann for April 3rd and to Mrs. R. Bond for April 8th, { THANK YOU The Sciugog Centre ladies wish to 'express their thanks to the Gerrow Bros. for their donatjon of Easter Eggs, for their Bazaaf to raise funds for the new church, - a THEATRE PATRONS! The management of Strand Theatre wishes to inform all theatre patrons, they had a special talkie engineer at Uxbridge, and now with the latest shows and sound in good order, they want Port Perry and vieinity to pat- ronize 'the Strand Theatre, Uxbridge. Read the advt, in the Port Perry Star weekly, ; Mr. Shulman, Mariagement, YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION of Tuesday evening, there was no Y. . UL meeting, ness was discussed. | We hope to have a a gro0d attendance next week so arrangements may be made for the banquet, The Young People's Convention took place in Hampton on Saturday and Sunday, March 28th and 29th. On account of some members working and many others studying for exami- nations, resentation of the Port Peryy. Union who attended." Registration took place at 2.30 p.m. and at 3.00 o'clock Port Perry Union had charge of the Worship «period which consisted of the Invocation by Margaret Day; a hymn; Prayer by Dorothy Balfour; Scripture passage by Grace Hood; Reading by Thelma Crosier; a hymn and Benediction, Hugh Miller, President of Oshawa Presbytery then took charge. He in- troduced. the theme speaker for the afternoon--Donevan Jones, Student Minister of Oshawa, who had chosen as his topic "I Will Serve with my Y. 'P. U." He stressed the point 'that "As a man soweth, so shall he reap" and_that for some time, mankind has been planting corrupt seed and con- sequently, we cannot expect to har- vest anything but corrupt fruit, and that is why there is so' much dissen- sion and evil in the world to-day. Tt is up to the Young People to plant a standard by what "God It calls for Ser- surihg our would have us dol The March meeting of the Women'shyi ice and now, more than ever, is the time. for the Young People to take ac- tion. What can we do? We can Learn, Live, and Teach by (1) Endea- vouring to learn about the Master, (2) Endeavouring to live as He would have us live, and (3) Teaching what He¢ wants us to learn. The Young People's Union 'should be the Head- quarters for such action, without any boundaries and our motto should be "I Shall Serve". : Mr. Jones then said a short prayer. There were 3 discussion groups, (1) What do I believe ?, (2) Sitting on the fence, (3) Christian Patriotism. Sit- ting on the Fence was directly asso- ciated With Y. P. Avork, so the Port Perry representatives sat in with that group, which was conducted by Rev. J. E. Griffith, of Bowmanville. He asked for the difficulties which arose in Y. P. Unions and then discussion took place as to the ways and means to? overcome each problem. After the discussions, the groups assembled in the body of the Church, and Hugh Miller called on Mr. Little- wood, of Orono, and-Roy- Quyiriston, of Brooklin. They old of the Churchl deficit and suggested. ways. ins which the Young People's Unions might help to eradicate the debt, Everyone was then left to their own devices for a half hour, At 6.30 every one assembled in the basement of the Church for a Banquet served by the ladies of Hampton, Between cour- ses, there was a sing-song. Rev. Mr, Racham, of Hampton, welcomed the Unions. The roll call of the different unions wag, taken.. After. the banquet; Merle Thompson, of Oshawa, presented the "Attendance Banner to Nestleton Young People--they were the group which had the largest number, in. per centage of their membership, present. _At 8.00 o'clock, there was a Grand Play Party. consisting of folk-dances games, music, and everything that makes for fun; "This was under the supervision of Miss. Nellie Lewis, of Toonto, and everyone enjoyed them- selves to the utmost, The day closed with the singing of a-spiritual and a short. vesper service conducted by Rev, Mr, Racham, The program for Sunday consisted of the following 11,00 a.m.--Public Worship-- Service conducted by the President, Hugh Miller, assisted by Merle Thompson, 12.80 a. m.--Dinner out. 3. 00 p.m. --Young People and Missions Religious Drama, 7.00 p.m.--Evening' Worship. Theme Address given by! Rev. C. G. Park; | of Whitby, on the subject "T Will' Serve in my Everyday Life", = Installation of Officers, Owing to such a small attendance although 'some busi- there was a very small rep-}|. counter-crop and start liying by mea-|. T'S just surprising, how many - us! On second thought, maybe stands to reason . . . a. hatchery organization like Bray's really bears down, year after" year, on the one job of producing the bést chicks it knows . how . . . . studies that job the year round . .. . keeps on plugging away at breeding, selecting, blood-testing, check- and-double-check--well, it ought to turn out mighty good chicks. Mrs. Wes Campbell, Nestle- ton, -- "Best chicks I have had in years. Bray's for me from now on!" Clare Haslam, Emerald, P.E. - L--"For 6 years I have been raising © Bray Xtra-Profit Chicks. Have always found them the best obtainable," Mrs. Wesley Nichol, Lennox- ville, .Q.--*"Bought 100 from about it right now, to al poultry raisers sdy that to. not 'so surprising, either, It just It' stands to reason that when _ , READ WHAT THESE PEOPLE SAY: "ILL BE BACK | FOR MORE!" | DAY.OLD CHicks - Sexed and Nopi-Sexed' STARTED CHICKS Sexed and Non-Sexed STARTED. CAPONS TURKEY POULTS 9 ASK US| you last year, and made money, thought I would take an extra 150 this year." Bert McIntyre, Wardville, Ont.-- "Best chicks I ever had. Enclose order for 400." J. PP. Derkson, Plum Coulee, Man.-- "From the first day these chicks Have done splen- didly ... envied by all my friends," Isn't that the kind of birds you want? Better buy Bray, this year. And better see make sure of getting what you want when you want it. -A R. GRAY, RR.2, Port Perry MRS. I LOUELIL, EN SONLEY, St.. Port Perry WALLACE MARLOW. Blackstock or John Street North, TL Ont. --Agents MARRIED ; ANNOUNCEMENT "Thomson -- Holthy Rk On Tugsday, March '31st, 1942 at Myrtle United Church, by the Reve- rend G. S. Gervan, Marion: Lucille, on- ly daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Holtby, Manchester, Ontario, to Dyle Quentin Thomson, B. S.A, younger son of Mr. andMrs, R. G. Thomson, of Aylmer, Ontario. Thomson -- Holthy A quiet wedding was solemnized in Myrtle United Church, on Tuesday evening, March 31st, by the pastor, Rev. G.'S." Gervan, cille, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. firnest Holtby, of Manchester, was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Dyle Quentin, younger son of Mr. and 'Mis. RG. Thomson; of "Aylmer, 'On- tario. The brides was attired in an aquamarine gabardine suit, with navy accessories and corsage of talisman roses, Her attendant, Miss Helen Hortop, of Oshawa, wore a navy blue suit with navy accessories and corsage of Johanna Hill roses. The groom was supported by Mr. John L, Holtby, eldest brother of the bride. The new- Iyweds left immediately on a motor trip to Western points. They will re- turn to "Verda Vista", Manchester, home of the bride's parents, on Tues- day, April 7th, for a couple of days, before leaving for their home at Val- leyfield, Quebec, The bride is a 1941 graduate of MacDonald Institute, Guelph, and the groom, a 1041 gra- duate of Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. : We extend Congratulations and Best Wishes to Mr. and Mrs, Dyle Thomson, ECTED DOMINION STORE riser DIRECTOR 7 The Board of Directors of Dominion Stores Limited, announced the elec- tion of Louis D. Squair to the Direc- torate of the Company. at-the-annual meeting of the shareholders held in Toronto, March 24th, Mr, Squair has been vice-president of Dominion Stores since 1939, and has been asso- ciated with the grocery business for more than 18 years. Mr. Squair is also known as execptive assistant to the Air fr Trade. of 'the Wartime Pricos and Trade Board. OBITUARY - The death of Mr. B. F. Crandell took place in Toronto hospital on Sat- urday, Maréh 21st. He was in his 83rd year, He was the fourth son of the late Ben and Annie Crandell, born' in Ruby, Michigan He leaves to; mourn his passing, Pohres brothers and three sisters," Mr. M, L. Crandell, Whitby; Mr. Byron Crandell, Chicago; | Mr. Wallace Crandell; New York; Mrs. Robt. Town, Whitby; Mrs, Frank Savelle, Ocean Park, U.S.A.; Mis. W. Case, Preston. One son, Gordon, of | Toronfo, six grandchildren, and two greatgranichildren Rurvive him. when Marion Lu-| HONEYDALE The Honeydale .Women's Institute '| held a quilting and pot luck supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Caw- ker, in Port Perry recently, During the evenirig a farewell address was read to Mrs, Russell Oke, prior to her moving to Peterborough, The mem- bers of the Institute presented to Mrs. Oke, a silver tray and relish dish. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Brown, of Toron- to, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Howsam, = Miss Isobel Honey spent the weck- end. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lawson Honey. Miss Margaret Symes, of Toronto, visited her parents over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Phipps, of Toronto, visited the former's parents on Sun- day. : The regular April Institute meeting and installation of officers was held on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Elijah Beare. The Institute is sponsoring a dance to be held on April 10th, in the Yellow School, The members hope 'you will bring your friends and make it a very successful one. en Ss NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Patrick George Morrison, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Patrick George Morri- son, late of the Village of Port Perry, Ontario County, deceased, who died on or about the 13th day of March, 1042, are hereby notified to send pat- ticulars of their claims to the under- signed on or before the 21st day .of April, 1942, - date the assets of said deceased will be distributed among the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice, Dated at Port Perry. this 24th day of March, A.D, 1942, JOSEPH DENNY, Prince Albert, Ontario, . Solicitor. therein, - Strand Thealre UXBRIDGE, ONT. " WEEK OF EASTER BILLS Thurs., Friday, Saturday, (this week) Jean PARKER, R. ARLEN, in "POWER DIVE" Zooming' planes in' 2s sky, racin against' death, MEDY--Andy Cldye in "BUNDLE oF BLISS" and CARTOON . pv glued hed Easter Monday, Tues. and Wednesday April 67.8 HOPPY and LUCKY, in "PIRATES ON HORSEBACK" an action western, Stan LAUREL and Oliver HARDY, in "BUSY-BODIES" 1000 laffs Aor holidays. POPEYE, Thurs., "Friday, Saturday < (Next) ~ Frank Buck's y "JUNGLE CAVALCADE" | The great Jungle Epic --"A Special] show: n't miss it. 1 TOO Immediately after which }® = ANNOUNCING Lawrence' S 1 Cent Sale NEXT April 8th, 9th, Store WEEK = 10th and 11th Four BigDays of Bargains in Reliable Drug erchandise, including man Rémedies, Puretest Household Toilet Articles, Stationery Specials, ete Rexall rugs, of Phone 73w : "Blue Coal" "REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Coke, AND 'WOOD All kinds of WALLBOARD for repalring Draken Plaster A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 72 Rexall sere JRE ECE sini EE SE EE PORT PERRY Alberta Coal -------- 1 BREAD DELIVERY-- ART. JEMISON [RE2202882843434 PHONE 08w :: PROPRIETOR JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BAKING BUNS FRESH DAILY "IN SEASONAL VARIETY PASTRY the duration: -- or no more credit granted. a cash basis. "Small ord All orders half ton or less, strictly cash. orders of one ton or over, to be paid within 30 days, delivered with another order, org run too low before placing your order. TERMS FOR DELIVERY After studying: LHe help asked of Coal Dealers - by the Oil Controller at Ottawa, and to conserve gas- oline, the following will be the terms scheduled for All Any account running 60 .. days will automatically put the customer on ers of less than one ton will have to be So kindly do not let | Phone 240w. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO., LIMITED ian Sa SMILES 'N. WE DELIVER PHONE 82 "FOR SALE ; "New Montreal Cream Separator, guaranteed in first class condition. Apply to Joseph Flewell, 'Manches- ter, Ont, FOR SALE Vig nen Mandolin, almost new. Side-ope- ning case, Price' reasonable, Box 42, Port Perry Star, ; ~ WANTED Girls 'wanted at once for Dining. Room and Kitchen, White Kitchen Restaurant. i} 5 "GIVE 5 FOR CARER Bos, Family Butchers Sraz 7 Ble EASTER CHUCKLES QUALITY BOXED CANDY ' EASTER NOVELTIES in Large Assortment, - HOT CROSS BUNS Gerrow Bros, | Port rt Perry YOUR MORNING SMILE "I hear. that our new fire chief has "What for?" "He put unbreakable glass in the fire alarm boxes!" 2 . haircut in this shop?" Barber: "I think not, sir, We've only been in business two years," LN 0 OM my Phone 29w, Port Perry, for Quick "Service, and Good Quality i in ~ MEATS discharged the new efficiency ex: '| pert" Professor: uptime I get my last ' ~~ - vi