<< J PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1942 Port. Parry. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS The meeting of the Junior War Workers will be held at thie home of Mrs. S. Farmer, on Tuesday evening, May 19th, at 8.00 p.m. 0 Mrs.. David Jackson, of Toronto, was spending a few days last week with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J, 'B. Lundy. ' Mrs. Douglas Lade, of Toronfo, vi- sited her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Ed Balfour, over the week-end. / A. C. Gordon Hood was at his home over the week-end, Miss: Bernice Day, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. D. Day. g Congratulations to Messrs, Camp- kell MacMaster and William Cawker for successfully passing their exami- nations at the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, at Guelph. Both boys received -their diplomas at the graduation exer- cises held last Friday night. Miss Bessie Crozier, of Toronto, was in Port Perry, on Tuesday of this week. Miss Crozier has sold her re- sidence on Bigelow St. to Mrs, Holmes of Toronto, and is holding a sale of furniture on Friday; May 15th, Mr. Holmes has just retired from the Toronto Police Force, on which he had served over forty years. We wel- come Mr. and Mrs. Holmes to Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs, Clifford Coulter and family of Ottawa, have returned to their farm for the summer, © Miss Annie Abernethy, of Toronto, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. Farmer, on Sunday last. -- > o> GETTING INTO PRINT By Frances" Steer, I'ort Perry H. S. My difficulty in writing a story is getting it started. Before 1 begin to write, 1 try to tormulate some ideas mm my head, but one thought crowds upon another. Before I can get one wea on paper, 1 have forgotten not Just one ot the origingl ideas but all of them. Suddenly a new subject thrusts itself upon my mind; 1 hastily Jot it down so that it will not escapé as easily and as quickly as former in- spirations. . 1 take my pen in hand, Slowly but surely the story begins to take form. Although one impression must be made and kept until the end, 1 find it hard to adhere to one main idea. My mind continually strays to a new topic. At last I complete the rough draught of my story, After the story is written, the task of revising and rewriting follows, This is by no means an casy task as most writers have probably found out. When 1 finish revising and rewrit- ing the story in final form, I send it to a publisher's office. 1 wait in hourly anticipation. Then one day I receive a letter announcing that my story has been accepted and "that it will appear in one of the week- ly editions of my favorite magazine. At last I am in print! CT I Go mts. nc, SEE SSS BIG NIGHT AT FIDELITY LODGE . Tuesday evening of this week was visitors night at Fidelity Lodge, A. I. A.M. when guests were present from St. Johns Lodge, Toronto, St, George's Lodge, Toronto, Composite Lodge, Whitby, Zeradetha Lodge, Uxbridge, Mount Zion Lodge, Brooklin, Bpw- manville, Lodge. The first degree was put on by the local officers. During the social hour in the banquet room Mr. Harry Richmond, Toronto, was the guest speaker. He took for his subject: "The most important thing in -the World--a knowledge of your- self." Those in attednance were of one opinion this was one.of the best addresses given in the banquet room. The meeting as a whole was a grand climas to W. Bro, A. W. Brock's year as Worshipful Master of Fidelity Lodge. -- lf 7 On Saturday, some of the Scouts collected scrap iron and paper around the town. Further donations of scrap iron or paper will be welcomed. On Tuesday evening, some of the boys tried more of their Second Class Tests, having tried their outdoor tests on the Scout hike two weeks before. "A meeting will be held Friday even- ing at 7.30. ---oy : DIED TAYLOR---Suddenly in Cartwright Township, on Tuesday, May 12; 1042, Eleanor (Nellie) May Taylor, in her 58th year, Funeral on Thursday (to- day) at 2.30 p.m. Interment at the Union Cemetery, Cadmus, FREE Parking A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Phone 1011 OSHAWA Starting TO-DAY | Rudyard Kipling's-- JUNGLE BOOK in Magic Technicolor with SABU, John QUALEN, and Joseph CALLEIA REVIVAL, Friday at 11-- JOE E. BROWN, in The GLADIATOR Monday and Tuesday, ROBERT YOUNG RUTH HUSSEY, in the biggest laff hit since "Philadelphia Story" Married Bachelor with FELIX BRESSART. ALSO on the same program = the thrilling story of Uncle Sam's Big Defense Base ., .. "Down in San Diego™ Ray - Bonita McDONALD GRANVILLE Dan DAILEY, Jr. Leo (Dead Bnd Kids) GORCEY We rdgret to report the illness of Mr. Fred Taggart; Mrs. Wilton Me- Kinley, Mrs, Geo. Raymes, Mrs. Geo. A. McMillan. We trust they will all be restored to health soon. MOTHERS' DAY The morning service in Port Perry United Church last Sunday was con- ducted under the auspices of the Sun- day School, the Superintendent, Mr, R. B. Smallman, presiding, and the ad- dress being given by Rev, W.C. Smith, The large congregation thoroughly enjoyed the beautifully conducted ser- vice. High School Notes Ad Uptuna By D. lI. Nasmth On the afternoon of May 8th, the High School Literary Society com- pleted its activities for the year 1941- 12. 'The last program was under the auspices of Grade IX, Reginald Moase, tne vice-president of the Literary So- cicty was chairman, The meeting opened with the singing of O Canada. IFFollowing this tha, minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Marion [ranklin. The meeting was then handed over to Grade 1X, who presented a one .act play entitled, "Buddy Answers an Ad." The pro- logue was read by Beatrice Pilkey who also expressed the thanks of Grade IX for the efforts of Miss Shaw who directed the play. The story is about a boy of fifteen who enjoys "showing off" before his friends, He does this by answering the ads for all kinds of. sample products. This practice is very expensive for Buddy's father, ; U Mr. and Mrs. Ray decide that some- how they should cure Buddy of his habit of answering advertisements, This cure is simple but effective. Before his friends, Buddy undergoes a demons ration of face creams, samples of which he had previously sent for. The demonstrator had, of course, béen called =in by Mrs. Ray. answering ads is cured, play: Buddy Ted, Postman PS Dernmiistintor pone The cast showed his boy friend, their too quickly and in too low a tone; nevertheless this was a climax to the year's activities of the Literary Society. The story ends _with_everything peacefully set- tled and above all, Buddy's whim for The follow- ing ave thos¢ who took part in the rere Ady Steer Alfred Ray, his Father, Keith Stuart Mary Ray, his mother, Lucille Jeffrey Myrna, sister, Dorothea 'Wooldridge Eloise, his girl friend, Theresa Leahy Arthur Colbear «i Jack MacGregor Betty Christie talent throughout the play and like trained actors and actresses covered up any minor' mistakes very effectively." Like most amateurs they tended to speak suitable Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST THOMAS JOHN McGREGOR (Hamilton Spectator) Thomas John McGregor, 556 Bend Avenue, died at St. hospital. = Born in Toronto, 68 years had been a resident of this city for one year, The deceased moved to this city as a superintendent with the Porter Construction Company, of Toronto. A member of Cornwall lodge AF. & AM, he is survived by his wife, the former Anna Cashion, one son, Kenneth, Canadian Army, Over- scas; three daughters, Mrs, George Bell of this city; Mrs, Charles Wright, North Tonawanda, N.Y.; Mrs. Adam Pastor, Tonawanda,.; five brothers, Robert McGregor, M.P.,, Toronto; Alexander McGregor, Northern Ont.; Gordon McGregor, Blind River; Nor- man McGregor, Toronto; George Me- Gregor, British Columbia; two sisters, Mrs. Louis Bond, Prince Albert; Mrs. [envy Cosburn, Toronto; and his mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Strait, Port Perry. Interment took place at Woodlawn Cemetery, Toronto, on Saturday. Fast ago he --e A Real Tribute pwellers in an Apartment House rarely see nen rosunan, as he just sups tier eners to, their mail-bo- xes In the entrance hall of the .build- mg. lus only when something tou' pulky Ww go mito a mail-box arrives that a personal call is necessary, So it was with some surprise that one morning a 1ew. weeks ago 1 found our rostman at my door without the book or parcel which is the usual occasion Lor his appearance, "Lye come up to ask a favour of you", he began rather diflidently. "You know that little paper you get on Fridays?" "Oh, yes, the Port Perry Star", 1 replied, "Well", he continued, "sometimes 1 read a bit of those editorials on the outside page, and I was wondering whether you'd mind, when you have finished reading the paper, letting me have it", "Why, of course, I'll be glad to", I naturally responded. "It's quite a tribute to my Home Town paper that you should care to have it. I take it as almost a personal compliment. The lKditor is a good friend of mine; he e- ven lets me seribble a bit sometimes for his paper. I almost think that, if 1 needed a job badly, he might take me on his staff, but whether as repor- tery feature writer -or- printer's devil, I'nt>a bit doubtful---probably the last. But he would hardly trust me to write one of those front page editorials which you have been reading. He writes them all himself, I think; and they represent his owir views on ques- tions of vy". "What I lik} about those editorials" remarked the}Postman, wisely ignor- ing my feebld attempt to get a little = Joseph's | - Have Your Done at the PORT PERRY Satisfactory Work Prompt Delivery Reasonable Prices = We shall be pleased to quote prices on amy printing job - you may wish to have done. PRINTING STAR OFF ICE * Lawrence's Drug Store News "You Can SAVE .With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" A fine English product ° with a delicious full flavour, V3 Ib: packages 25¢ - In bulk, per 1b, 50¢. ELKAY'S MOTH CRYSTALS Cad FOUR SQUARE FLOOR WAX ALLEN'S ° | ELKAY'S MOTH CRYSTALS .... 39¢ BUCKINGHAM LARVEX 83¢ and $1.29 ASSORTED rad ve TOFFEE ELKAY'S MOTH SPRAY ......T5¢ 49¢ " AEROMIST WINDOW CLEANER 15¢ $ JERGEN'S CARBOLIC SOAP - 3 cakes 14¢ 8 OS NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Jane Trebell, deceased All persons" having claims against " the Estate of the above mentioned, Jane Trebell, who died at the Village | of Port Perry, on or about the 12th day of February, 1941, are hereby "CHEESE - - | JEWEL BLENDED Shortening, Ib. DURHAM SHERRIFF'S--15 OZ, pkg. Corn Starch 10c Fruit Pudding MRS. LUKE'S--27 OZ. NEILSON'S ~ PICKLES - jar 23c COCOA % Ib, - 27c 19¢ Newport Fluffs, 25¢ & 39¢ WRIGLEY'S BEEHIVE--56 LB. TIN Chewing Gum 4 pkgs. 15¢ Corn Syrup - - 55¢ DOMINO DOMINION BULK Baking Powder - 'Ib. 19c- Peanut Butter 2 lbs. 29¢ COFFEE, Red Rose, Ib. 53c SIMMER'S SEEDS - MILD COLORED CHOICE--28 OZ. TIN 7 pkgs. 25c TOMATOES lb. 33¢ ~~ CATCHUP- 2 for 95¢ LIBBY'S--12 OZ. BOTTLE Bread Flour 24 1b. when packed Five Roses All Purpose 81c- We reserve the right to limit all purchases to normal weekly family requirements. 19¢ 6c notified to send to the undersigned : solicitors, on or before the 29th day of | May, 1942, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after May 20th, 11942, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties cn- titled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the said solicitors |the shall then have notice.' Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this 20th day of April, 1942. ARTHUR W. S. GREER, Blong Block, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for the Administrator. : [ i -o | NOTICE TO CREDITORS | | In the Estate of Mary Leask, deceased All persons having claims against "the Estate of the above named who died at the City of Toronto on April 1th, 1942, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before May . 30th, 1942, full particulars of- their claims, Immediately after May 30th, 1942, the assets of the deceased will be distributed among the parties en- "titled thereto; having regard only to claims of whieh the undersigned shall then have notice, Dated at Port Perry, this 30th day of April, 1942, HARRIS, HARRIS, & WALLACE, Port Perry, Ont., Solicitors for the above Estate. WE DELIVER PHONE 32 ay. W MM." LAWRENCE PHONE 49 72 Rexall sow 0 PORT PERRY Mulligan's / BEAUTY SHOPPE ---------- Open for Business as Usual H. H. MULLIGAN in Charge The latest in war time Permanent Waves--*"The Flight Command" and "Victory", Also the "Victory" Shingle Bob. Soft water for sham-' pooing. 'Phone 77, Port Perry. - Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE, ONT. "Always the Latest Hits" Thursday, Friday,, Sat. (This week) "LIFE BEGINS for ANDY HARDY?" Judy GARLAND, Mickey ROONEY, The Popular HARDY FAMILY, in a great musical comedy, also the Latest NEWS, and Cartoon. Saturday, 7.30 and 9.30 (Come Early) Thursday, Friday, Sat. (Next Week) Tim Holt--Dude Cowboy Cowboy Thriller in action, COMEDY -- (Edgar Kennedy in "AN APPLE IN HUEYE" NEWS and CARTOON. COMING--Walt Disney's Greatest in color -- "DUMBO of the CIRCUS" ° Our new show positively at the lowest prices -- (including tax). Save gas : and tires by coming to Uxbridge. FRESH BAKING DAILY Pies, Tarts, Buns, Rolls, Cakes, Cookies, and Delicious Brown and White Bread | Saturday Special --Jellied Doughnuts Gerrow Bros., Port Perry reflected glofy, "is their ind It strikes mg that editors of town pa- pers are often more independent than editorial writers on our big city dai- lies." "That may very well be", I agreed. "The editor of a town paper. is usual- ly also its owner and publisher, and so is pretty free to say what he likes. But an editorial writer on a big city daily is bound by the opinions and po- licy of its owner and publisher, Co- umnists of established reputation have more freedom, of course, to ex- press their personal views, but even they have to watch their step some- times. Perhaps you have heard of one or two who "lost their jobs through be- ing too independent and running coun- ter-to-the views of- the proprietor. of a newspaper." "I think I have", was the reply. Well, the upshot' of our conveisa- tion was an arrangement by which I have been putting back the Port Per- ry Star into my mail-box after I have read it; and, when "Postie" sees it there , he knows it is for him, And it will be agreed, 1 think, that he has paid our local paper and its editor a real tribute, -- M., E. 8. EE EEE-- 4 ed PORT PERRRY PUBLIC SCHOOL The Port Perry Public School will hold its annual Open Day and Music Demonstration in the School Audito- rium on Wednesday, May 20th, Pro- gram will commence at 2 pm. CABBAGE LARGE SIZE ORANGES doz. 39¢c- J.OCAL--Y% LB. BUNCHES ASPARAGUS 2 for 15¢ LOCAL. BUNCHES CARROTS - Green Onions 3 for 10¢ RADISHES - GREEN BUNCHES TEXAS CELERY - :- 2 for 19c HEAD IMPORTED PINTS 2 for 23c LETTUCE - CALIFORNIA BUNCHES 2 for 19¢ IMPORTED BUNCHES 2 for 15¢ ONIONS - 2 Ibs. 15¢ Strawberries, Market Price "TEXAS GREEN. 21bs. 15¢ DOMINION ORES « LIMITED iN Everyone is cordially invited to ate tend. : A IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY RELIABLE Insurance is essential WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE 'NEEDS MAY BE, Consult .' HAROLD W. KMMERSON Phone 41 Pert Perry arrived, :: "months to-pay. Time for Re-Roofing and Painting : A carload of British Columbia cedar shingles just We can supply you with any kind of asphalt roofing, on an easy payment plan---twe ve Call at our office, or-Phone 240 w. Full stock of Jap-a-Lac Paints for your Se Decorating. y Phone 240w. LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & coaL Cco., LIMITED 0 TO mom pm Phone 29w, Port Perry, for Quick Service, and Good Quality in . MEATS CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers af