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Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 May 1942, p. 5

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y we 3 ~ PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 21st, 1942 CEE REE 8) 2 7 Kis ss hd abe La by sd Aida a ------ BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned . Thursday, Friday and Saturday, MAY 21-22-23 i Two shoivs at 7 and 9 pm, - Saturday Matinee .at 1.80 BOB HOPE, PAULETTE GODDARD | "NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH" Plus Latest Canada Carries on: "FOOD--WEAPON OF CONQUEST" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, MAY 25-26-27 Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m, Holiday Matinee, Monday, at 2 o'clock WALT. DISNEY'S - "DUMBO" "in Technicolor Also an ADDED Attraction \ ALL AMERICAN CO-ED with FRANCES LANDFORD and JOHNNY DOWNS. MALT PCR EC, COMING Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May 28-29-30 BUD ABBOTT and LOU COSTELLO in - "RIDE EM COWBOY" Ae Oc OO HARDWARE Carnegie Hardware COMPANY -- Radios, Builders' Supplies ~~ HARDWARE Furnaces, Plumbing A. J. Carnegie "Phone 61, --D. Carnegie Port Perry ; - GROCERIES Superior Store Seasonable Specials NEW GROCERS' SPECIAL WRAPPED BREAD 2 for 15¢ 'Phone 152, Port Perry CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NOTE--1f a paid-up Subscriber finds his or her name in small type among these ads., that person will réceive two War Savings Stamps by applyng at the Office of The Port Perry Star, THE CHURCHES Your BEST Market FOR EGGS ard POULTRY _ At present we are pay- _ ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN. y CHURCH Rev. J. A. McMillan, Minister. 11 a.m,--Sunday School. , 7 p.m.--Public Worship. PORT PERRY UNITED: CHURCH Rev. W. C, Smith, Minister. May 24th--Anniversary Services. 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Speaker--Rev, Dr. Bowles 7 p.m.Speaker--Rev, Dr, Millson, of Oshawa. CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION (ANGLICAN) / 86th Anniversary Services-- May 24th--Whitsunday 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Matins and sermon-- Preacher: Rev. E, H. McLellan, * of Holy Trinity Church, Oshawa. 7 pm--Ey g and sermon Preacher: Rev. Canon J. W. McDonald, of Wycliffe College, Toronto. { GOSPEL SERVICES (Pentecostal) In Orange Hall Sunday--10 a.m., Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. 7 p.m.--Evangelistic . Service. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Bible Study You are cordially invited -to attend. Evangelists Ethel Thompson and Dorothy Tubbs, in charge. DENTISTS DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchanges, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phonea: Oflice 68w, Residence 68} 'CHICK HATCHERY" PORT. PERRY Chick Hatchery. ii HERBERT BROOKS r Baby Chicks, Poultry, Eggs, ete. , EGG GRADING MAPLE LEAF FEEDS ' CREAMERY ing Top Toronto Market Prices for Live Spring' Broilers, and' Live Hens delivered to our plant at Whitby. Pickering Farms LIMITED HOME HUNTER READ THIS Near Port Perryysix-roomed frame house, stone foundation, in excellent condition. Good well, cistern with pump in kitchen, large garden wth shrubs, flowers, raspberries and trees. Stable, good cellar, electric lights, completely furnished, piano, 2 stoves, summer kitchen, clean and nicely de- corated, A. comfortable home. Storm 'windows. Apply to Box 11, Prince! Albert, Ontario. may28, The RED CROSS 1S WORTHY OF YOUR SUPPORT No. 2 Highway, f West of Whitby Phone day or nigit, 36 Whit oy / AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MAY 23rd -- Stock and Implements belonging to Wm, H. Armstrong at his premises near Wick on Highway No. 12. See bills, PORT PERRY CREAMERY MANUFACTURERS OF Finest Pasteurized , CREAMERY BUTTER and CHEESE ICE CREAM Phone 164, Port Perry GENERAL' MERCHANT BUY YOUR - WES. CROSIER General Merchant | Phone-- Port Perry 86 r 11 ~ SEAGRAVE, ONT. Groceries, Drygoods, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, etc. 'W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office, DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: Shop. Phone 237, Res. 216 LEGAL ARTHUR W. 8. GREER In attendance at my Port Perry office on Port Perry _ AUTO WRECKERS PORT PERRY Auto Wreckers IRWIN TRIPP, - Proprietor Cars bought for wrecking purposes. Used parts for all makes of cars. Phone 21lw, Port Perry SEEDS and FEEDS HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED -- GRAIN & FEEDS Field and Garden Seeds _ All Kinds of Poultry Feeds Special Farm Supplies Phone 1, Port Perry 'A. H. Hammond Myrile Station Elevator H. H. GOODE . _ Grains, Clover Seeds, and Fuel A® General Farm Supplies Arrange for your Spring requirements of Clover y Seed or and Fertilizers . ELWOOD MASTERS, Agent _Phones-- Port Perry 120 r 6 and 12 Brooklin 3 r 17 and, 22 CLOTHES CLEANING SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 80 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jomison's Bakery Wednesday morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by § t. CHIROPRACTOR W. J. KING Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario Maple Street Phone 64 r 13 PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning Y. P. STOUFFER Repairs :: Moth Proofing Phone: Office 30; Res. 239 RADIO Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 2b (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 24} Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 . : "18" attendance at my Port' Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eack © week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 BEAUTY PARLOR PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Operator: Very moderate prices . We specialize in-- Bonat Permanent Waves Shampoo and Wave 60c Marcel ---- ~The Manicure - 3bc PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work.is up to a standard-- Not. down to.a price. } Phone 228, Port Perry ~~ ARTHUR: PRENTICE, Prop. THE Dexter Shoes A complete footwear ser- vige for men and women-- featuring quality and value, A size and width for every foot.. 120 different styles. All sizes, all widths, perfect fit is the most important-fac- tor in the comfortable wear of a shoe. = = iY Call and have your feet measured fora pair of the proper size. H. H: MULLIGAN Phone 77, Port Perry Expert RADIO Service PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service | Orville Tripp MANCHESTER, ONT. Auto Wrecker OLD CARS BOUGHT FOR WRECKING HIGHEST PRICES PAID _Phone--90 rlz2 VETERINARY - D. C. Mac Master, B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Phonedd ~~ - Port Perry WANT ADS ROOMS FOR RENT Two miles north of Port Perry, two nice rooms for rent. Apply to Mrs. M. Bolton, Port Perry. may21tf HOUSE FOR SALE 6 roomed cottage, Cassimir street, Port Perry, good well and garden, property of Miss G. A. Purcell. Ap- ply to Mrs, J. E, Holtby, R.R. 4, Port Perry, Phone 119 r 14, Men, Women Over 40 "Feel Weak, Worn, 01d? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality 7 aia Master Chick Starter .|3 Citizens of 1 Dealers will have to take able at the mine at the time of tend with many unpredictable Canada's fuel supply. You can : Phone 73w | BB a i i ain ) The Fuel Administrator of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board urges all citizens to purchase next winter's fuel NOW Here are one or two reasons for this appeal-- railway car that can be obtained. 2 All coal merchants and the railways will have to con- year, and it is impossible to say what effect this will have on Placing Your Order - Taking Deliveries - REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY, ONTARIO Port Perry whatever anthracite is avail- delivery, in whatever type of burdens during the coming 4 4 . 3 prevent a coal shortage by-- NOW NOW > 1113334323382 24 JEMISON'S BREAD ART. JEMISON : 433333313313203008 SCUGOG Sunday, May 24th is Anniversary Day for the Head Community. Ser- vice at 11 am. with the children's choir. In the evening at 7.30 a union choir. Rev. J A. Plant, of Enniskillen will be the guest speaker. Rev. Mr. Joblin will go to Enniskillen. All are invited to these services. The Red Cross workers will meet at the Town Hall on Wednesday, May 27th, with more quilts and tagging to be done ; Joel Aldred of the R.C.A.F.,, Tren- ton, spent a few pleasant days with his cousin Victor Aldred. Mr, Clem Jeffrey and a few friends enjoyed a motor trip to Niagara Falls on Saturday, May 16th, it being his 17th birthday. Rev. Kingsley and Mrs, Joblin, of Weston, with. other relatives of To- Miss Dorothy Joblin, Pickering, were guests at the parsonage on Saturday. ! Glad to hear Mrs. C. Hardy has' returned to her home from the Port Perry Hospital, but is still under the doctor's care, ! Mrs. C. Mills of Port Perry spent the week-end with her daughter Mrs. ! Roy Hope. - a Miss Grace Demara and friend Miss Muriel Johnson. of Toronto, spent the week end with her parents Mr. an Mrs. J. Demara, . Mr. Irn Aldred, of Stouffville, Mr. and Mrs. N. Aldred and son Norman and sister Kay, of Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Aldred, visited Mr. Joel Aldred on Sunday, who is under the doctor's care. We wish for him a speedy recovery. Miss Helen Clark of Torontoy spent the week-end with her father, Mr, F. Clark. 'Mr. George Bratley and daughter Margaret were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope. The services were well attended on Sunday, and very inspiring messages of hope and encouragenient were given by Rev. Mr, Belfry, of Oshawa, and Mr, Holliday, of Whitby, who accom- panied Rev, Mr. Joblin to the different THE HOME OF GOOD BAKING BUNS FRESH DAILY IN SEASONAL VARIETY DELIVERY--PHONE 98w ronto, and Miss Frances Lackin and| churches. We hope they will take a 1a23esetRaiabisititiitiivietig BAKERY PASTRY me RED & WHITE stor HOLIDAY Newport Fluffs, med. size pkg. 25¢ SPECIALS WALKER'S SODAS PUFFED WHEAT LIBBY'S DILL PICKLES, 254 oz, jar (strips) ....... 26¢, SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 19 oz. jar STRAWBERRY RUFFLE BISCUITS HOOT MON SHORTBREAD BISCUITS PENI Ib. 19¢. Have swine i pkg. 9c. SHREDDED WHEAT or SHRED- DIES (spoon size) 2 pkgs. 23c SCOTCH MINTS ........... ASSORTED CHOCOLATES . DIXIE CUPS. ........... i. R.& W. FLOUR .......... 7 0.K. CROSS CUT TOBACCO (fine) SHIRRIFI'S ORANGE MARMALADE,. ... LY 1h, de. 12 1b, 15c. Sa s 40 4 40 4 per package 10c. PEPER BETSY pkg. 10c. 16 oz, jar 23c. 24 1b. bag 75c¢. Ib. bag 25c. RED PLUM JAM - per jar 25c Kolono Coffee ~ VI-TONE (three sizes) PUFFED RICE TEAS AND COFFEES-- ¥ Gold Medal Tea ....................% Ib, pkg. 45c. Gold Medal Coffee ..................... 1 1b. tin 57c. Magic Baking Powder, C &C, 28c PRUNES, medium RECKITI'S BLUE PP & G. NAPTHA SOAP WHITE CLEANED, 2-in-1 BRASSO, large tin 23c... . .. "CHIPSO, large pkg. 27c. ..... Fhe Fave dT nko Ri ka 3 bars l4c. a 38% ah ale a .....small 10c, Sin 0 werk 8 new re small pkg. lle. ORANGES, large size, per doz. 35c¢ F. W. BROCK & SON : PROPRIETOR PHONE 43 PORT PERRY SIRES L SIE L BER ERSEREREESRIELLRLLL I te BRITISH REINFORCEMENTS ARRIVE AT MALTA Despite dir attacks, lurking surface ships, submarines, and deadly mines, British convoys carrying food and vital re-inforcem at Malta. British soldiers are ents of troops and munitions, are arriving regularly here watching the approach of a steam pinnace. good report back to Presbytery. The Singing School Party gave their concert at Utica and they go to Enniskillen on May 26th. Sorry to hear that Mr. David Jack- son, of Prince Albert, is not so well as his friends would wish him to be. The plane that crashed into the lake on Sunday, was removed from the water on Monday night. It was quite exciting for the boys to watch, There will be no Sunday School or service at the Foot or Centre on Sun- day. : NOTICE TO CREDITORS Rebecca Bowles Estate Creditors of Rebecca . Bowles, of Port Perry, Ontario County, spinster, who died at Port Perry, Ontario, on the 28th day of. April, 1942, are re- quested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned before June 11th, 1942, after which date her estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto and the estate will not be liable for any claims of which it has not then received notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this twelfth-day of May, A.D. 1942, JOSEPH DENNY, Solicitor for said WANTED Will 'store piano; will pay cartage, have it tuned and will take good care while in my possession, Any one having a piano notify Box 42, Port Perry Star. te « Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE, ONT. "Always the Ly Hits" Thursday, Fri., Saturday (this week) Marjorie Weaver, Tim Holt, in The Dade Cowboy A Real Action Western You'll Enjoy Also--Comedy,-- Edgar Kennedy in "ILL FIX IT" Saturday, 7.30 and 0.30. Cartoon. -- . Monday, Tuesday, Wed.,, May 25.26-27 Tyrone POWER in "A YANK IN THE R.AF. A New Holiday Bill You'll Enjoy. Latest - News. Cartoon. Bring Your Visitors Thursday, Friday, Saturday (Next) Dennis O'keefe, Judith Anderson, in LADY SCARFACE A Great Police Thriller COMING-- Estate, Prince Albert, Ontario. "HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY" Mulligan's BEAUTY SHOPPE ------ rn Open for Business as Usual H. H"MULLIGAN in Charge The latest in war time Permanent Waves--"The Flight Command" and the "Victory". Also the "Victory" Shingle Bob. Soft -water for sham- pooing. - Phone 77, Port Perry. NO HARDSHIP (Vancouver Sun) The Federal Government's plan to reduce the speed of Canadian auto- mobiles to 40 miles . per hour will . cause no hardship. Forty is a high enough speed for anyone who is not driving an ambulance, a police patrol or. a military vehicle. With such a limit we aré likely to see a reduction in highway accidents for the first time S since the automobile was invented. \ !

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