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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 May 1942, p. 3

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lie / / ----------. bee ------ Commando School 'For Canadian Army Brisk, efficient It.-Gen, H., D, Crerar said recently that Can. adu"s entire army of 'more than 180,000 men in Britain is being given Commando-type training with the aim that it will spear- 1101 head/ thes eventual Allied: attack, "We are shifting from. defen-. sive to offensive and building an army that can: estabish a bridge- head and hold it," the 68-year. old commander of 'a corps in the = Canadian Army said in an inter- <~view in which he revealed that every 'paymaster; 'cook, infanery- ~man and officer is being given the same training as. Britain's famous raiding forces. "Key Canadian. officers have been to Commando training head quarters for study and now have established a school giving the same type training with a few more arduous "North American embellishments, Training in. ¢ludes ono month land and one month sea operations, Because a- large proportion of Canadian troops are natural woodsmen, accustomed to living outdoors, many of the prelimin- ary Commando courses used in training Britain's city-bred troops are unnecessary for men from the Western Hemisphere, JUST IN .CASE The Rev. Frederick _C. Hickey, chemistry teacher at Providence (R. I.) college, puts just enough ~deadly Lewisite gas in a bottle to enable air raid wardens to learn what this poison gas smells like in a sniff test. Canadian Plant Produces Magnesia The production of pure mag. nesia. for the first time at Wake. field, Que., was announced re- cently by the Aluminum Company of Canada, Limited, with the opening of the firm's new mag- nesia plant. Declaring that the first run waa entirely satisfactory, F. E, Dickie, -manager of the plant, . stressed . that magnesia is a highly: import. ant war material and is made -- fron Canadian raw materials, He | added that extensive deposits of brucituc limestone in the Gati- neau Valley are being used as. the ore for the high-grade mag- nesia, which will be produced now / + :in substantial: tonnage. ed Austria and Greece were Can ada's pre-war sources for the high grade magnesites, although Can- adian. magnesites had been used in making some grades of refrac- tory materials. Magnesia is used in the vulcanizing 'of rubber, re- fining of gasoline and lubricating oils, insulation of steam pipes and <u boilers, for; flooring and for the «= manufacture of =chemical" and pharmaceutical products, Boy Scouts Make Good Commandos Canadian and American; Boy Scouts 'make the best Comman- dos. That is the opinion of Major J.'S. P. Armstrong, chief of the "hate school", designed to pro. i - duce-super-tough Commandos for "the Canadian army. _. A six-foot, two-inch former To. ronto: insurance' salesman, Major Armstrong spends all his time develoing ways and means of in "creasing the casualty rate in the. German army, is "We grab all the former 'Boy '1 8couts we can," the sandy-haired major 'declared as he explained the school's curriculum for death in a headquarters shack nick. named 'Slaughterhouse', : "Boy Scouts know how to take "+ care of themselves in| the open and live off the land, which is + ~essentinl for 'a' Commando," he . added. 3 Four days in. the week every- one in the school does his task at the "doubles frome dawn to dusk. © Four nights a week for a month after working all day ~ they practise night landings and . attack, .. A coin-operated mailbox that . automotically stamnps, postmarks and 'malls letters fs in service in Chicago, 7 "Times-Journal. /| and: garish' dyes; with the hairy + you-forget a girl named Mamlo or _ arms, ;dancing girls, VOICE PRESS BIMILAR SITUATION HERK "First the boys from the count ry come to the city, to work ia factories. Then there isn't enough help te: plant, cultivate and mar ket food crops. So Uncle Sem" goes to the cities to find men to send back to the farms to do the work "there." 'Those - are the words of an Américan commen- tator. It sounds a bit daffy, But Canadians 'can't afford to laugh, because we have 'a similar situation here.--Kitchener Ree- ord. "SPOONING" DAYS + A Washington official says mo- tor cars mustn't. be used for "petting parties"'--it's a waste of gasoline. Perhaps the parlor and front porch will come into their own again, and there may be a revival of the old-fashioned ham- mock, And in the old days was called '"spooning", we are told.--Ottawa Journal, ., WOULDN'T STAY PUT Paper serviettes are among the items now brought under the paper-saving economy program of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. As a colleague used to say, the things were no good anyway, except to a diner .with a wooden leg and a thumbtack. --Brantford Expositor. REVISED VERSION A recent cartoon, depicting an exciting aquatic rescue in which the rescuer had a difficult choice to make, suggests that a popular song might now be rewritten to read: . "So I pulled her out on shore And she's mine for evermore." »'Who, the lady, Mr. Gallagher?" "No, the tire* tube, Mr. Shean." --Stratford Beacon-Herald, IT'S HOPELESS Defence Minister Ralston Inti. mates the 'women's army" may "be used to 'operate searchlight batteries in home defence, It'a "hard enough to slip anything over - a modern female in the dark, but when they have searchlights-- wow |--Windsor Star THOSE WERE, THE DAYS When we were youngsters, we had to hide behind the barn to read the kind of blood-and-thun- der stuff that our children now get on the radio every day--Kit- chener Record. WAR TALK " Strategy 'is something you plan to do to the other fellow, and tactics are: what you do in a hurry after you discover your 'strategy hasn't clicked.--London Free Press. ' » THE TRUTH Summer slacks, and' some are not slack 'enough.--St,'. Thomas 'Sailors Patronize Tattooing Artist Professor Decorates Halry 'Chests of Canadian Seamen -"«~ Favorite 'artist in the ithronged port of Hallfax is Professor Fred. erick A, Baldwin, despite the fact that he never so much aa' touches ~& palette or casel. 1 His- work 'fs 'done with needles chests and: muscular arms of the sallors in the Royal Canadian Navy and merchant inarine as his canvasses, He Is the iseamen's artist by common appointment, "and a man {is still iegarded as a landlubber until he has squirmed undér' the. hands -of this short, genial Englishman, - . Go to him and he will give you a "fine arm etching whose reds and blues will never fade to let Mabel. Or he wlll pick out in sub- dued pastels and pinks a'touching scene called 'sailors' memorial" showing, inside a laurel 'wreath, the last of a ship being swallowed by angry seas, Professor Baldwin 'elaims that his = customers, the majority of them. 'seafarers, are dentimental lads who choose his- chaste mem- orlal. etchings in preference to his more 'bawdy offerings. Many of the merchant mariners, he sald, want to have tattooed on them the.names of buddies lost at soa. *Othera have the names of thelr entlre- families listed down thelr The professor himself 18 a firm exponent git his art--he might be called 'a. Walking ' billboard. From his 'ankles to. his nock' cavort~ snakes, : bleeding hearts and mames of otherwls A ~ wage CHILDREN--WAR"S VICTIMS THE WORLD 'ROUND Following the ruthless pattern set in Europe, children of the Orient, too young to understand the terror which has come upon them, are driven from their homelands by the relentless forces of war, Evacuated from Sumatra when the Jap invader spread his terror, these Javanese and Chinese young- sters pose willingly at the Port Melbourne, Australia, hospital which has become their refuge, THE WAR . WEEK -- Commentary on Current Events German and Russian Armies - Massed For Mighty Conflict The -massed armies of Russia and Germany have moved into sudden action. The German at- tack in the Crimea appeared to be the first step in Hitler's long- heralded spring drive aimed at the oil and mineral wealth of the Caucasus. (It was reported re- cently that German tanks and trucks 'were using olive oil as a lubricant). . "While the Russians were being forced to retire slowly in the Crimea Marshal Tilmoshenko's divisions launched a counter move --in fact it might be called an offensive move --- and broke through the Nazi lines at Khar- kov, the great industrial city of the Ukraine. - So begins the third phase of the Russo-German. war. First Phase of War The first phase began almost* "a year ago when the German armies, marching eastward, met and "overwhelmed the Russian forces from the Baltic to the Black Sea. The Russian armies were push- ed back, fighting stubbornly, and in their retreat leaving behind a "scorched earth." Depth of Rus- . sian defense and lengthening Ger- - man lines of communication slow- ed up the Nazi advance, Second Phase of War With the announcement on Nov. 29, 1941, that the German armies had been hurled, back at Rostov, gateway city to the Cau- casus, the second phase of the war began, Throughout the win- ter Russian ecounterdrives forced the retreating Germans westward. When spying cane the Red Army ~ had recaptured - about 100,000 square miles of the 500,000 overrun by the Nazis in the war'a first phase. Battle of Production Throughout the winter, too, the battle of production was. waged behind the fronts. German fac- tories were speeded up to capa- city-production of guns, tanks, trucks and planes. Fresh troops, youths of 17 and 18 years, were mobilized. Workers were called in from occupied countries to man the war plants, releasing more Germans for the fighting front, It is stated that Hitler has moved' 100 divisions, a total of more than a millicn men, through Poland, During last winter he maintained about one million men on the Russian front. He gar- risoned in the Baltic states about one million men. These last moved the inhabitants out of their homes and took possession. They wintered well and are now well placed for active fighting. The food situation in Germany itself, as well as in the occupied countries, is considered bad .and is getting worse, The losses in mechanical war 'equipment have been very heavy and it is-doubt- ful if production of ground wea- pons over the winter has fully compensated for losses at the front. y "a decisive victory in Russia and Russian Preparations In Russia, throughout the win- ter, preparations were being made to meet the expected all- out Nazi drive in the spring. Huge factories were successfully moved from the front to safety far be- hind the lines where huge quan- tities of iron ore and coal are accessible; also great deposits of bauxite, the faw material for aluminum, * The Russian losses of war ma- chinery in the first few weeks of Hitler's attack last June were very heavy. The Russian situa- tion was desperate until the win- ter immobilized, to a great ex- tent, the German mechanized equipment. Now the Red Army position is different. With the ever-increasing flow of supplies from Britain and the United States the Russians are not infer- _ ior in equipment, except for tanks, and even that situation may be remedied. Russia's Strength Because Russia is a. united "nation =¥; Hitler's attack brought the whole population to the sup- port of the Stalin regime--the Russian morale is extraordinarily good. Consequently there is no sabotage behind the Russian lines, whereas it is a menace almost everywhere behind the German lines. Much of Russia's strength lies in the mechanization of agricul- ture. It was possible to move a -great part of the motorized equip- ment in advance of the German penetration, Populations skilled in the use of the equipment were --also' transported, great areas heretofore ~unculti- vated have been sceded--an exe ample of socialized farming on a vast scale. There is no doubt that another «winter of war would strain the food supplies of both Russia and Germany but the Rus- sians would probably be the better fed. " It would appear that the spring finds Russia stronger and Hitler weaker than a year ago and also that the strength of Russia: con- tinues to increase while, accord- ing to some authoritative sources, that of Germany tends to wane, Hitler Must Gamble It is not surprising, therefore, to hear that some of the military leaders in Germany are opposed to an offensive against Russia this year. . A policy is advocated of organizing the territory .al: ready taken and that Russia be encouraged to destroy herself by assuming the offensive and wear- ing herself out by attacks on im- pregnable positions, High Allied opinion, however, 'considers that Hitler is decidedly opposed to such defensive strate- gy and holds that he must try for gamble everything in the effort. It is considered a political neces- sity for Hitler to show new vic- tories, If he loses his reputation for invincibility he loses every- ~As--a-result, | . Beach-Combing Profitable Trade thing, Viscount Gort New Governor of Malta Viscount Gort, Commander In Chief of British Gibraltar, has been named Governor and Com- mander in Chief of the bomb- battered Island of Malta, it Is 'officially announced. He succeeds Lieut. Gen, Sir William George Sheddon Dobbie, under whose heroic leadership the island stood up under the greatest single concentration of Axis air attacks--more than 2,000 air-raid alarms--which has been felt in this war, "Tiger" Gort, former chief of the Imperial Staff, commanded the British Expeditionary Iorce in France at the beginning of the war. He has been at Gibraltar since April, 1941, When Lord Gort goes to Malta, he will take the George Cross which King George awarded col- lectively to the islanders last month for their heroism under continued Axis bombings. General Dobbie 'has been at Malta since 1940, first as tempor- ~ ary Lieutenant-General 'but since May, 1941, as Governor and Com- mander in Chief. He is return- ing to London for a rest. Poles Escaped T Fight The Enemy Said Poland's gallant General Sikorski to Canadian newspaper- men recently: "I am sure you do not-realize it, but the Polish air force is al- most as big as the Canadian air force. Yes, I mean the Polish air force in action." What a people! Crushed and crucified by the first onslaught of Hitler's 'Luftwaffe and panzer waste, the Poles never struck their flag, says the Ottawa Jour- nal. Instead their little navy es- caped to go on fighting the Axis and their soldiers reached France and their airmen took to British skies to help defend Britain. Their heroism became a byword. Today all over England one meets those blue-eyed, fair-haired Polish soldiers, proud, erect, un- conguerable. : Poland's story is one of the great epics of human courage. Not the least noble chapter in' it is that which she has written dur- ing the past three years. Beach-combing is becoming a profitable business on the shores of Great Britain, according to The Port Arthur News Chronicle, The Minstry of War Transport has reminded the public that awards . are offered' for-cargo or equip- ment recovered from the sea or washed upon beaches, while fail- ure to give notice of a chance for salvage may result in loss of the awards plus fines as high- as £100. A group of Essex resi- dents in recent months has earned £800» by . salvaging turpentine pine oil and rubber from Thames Estuary. plunderers, their cities laid in-- the -- A Weekly Column About This and That in The Canadian Army Well, we got it at last! A touch of 'total war Jn our front yard! Freighter torpedoed in the 8t. Lawrence! I know the news is | stale, but since I know that broad -estuary as well as most of wus know Main Street or Broadway you might be interested In a few remarks on the subject. + Naturally, eince the question of security. enters into it, I shall not 'attempt to speculate as to where the attacks took place although, judging by the hour at which the attacks were made and the re: ported times of the landings of" survivors at varlous little ports ft-18 not too hard [for an ex-ship- news reported to figure out with. in fifty miles or so. What {s most important, now that the sneaking underwater hounds have at last gathéred thelr courage to the point of risking their lives In confined waters, Is the steps to be taken by members of the .Individual Citizen's Army, There 1s no need to worry about © the steps that are being taken by the Canadian Navy --- It was immediately announced that long- prepared plans were at once put into effect. . \ Remember a few days after the little yellow apes attacked Pearl Harbour? - They shelled the Call- fornid coast. That was done from a submarine, . It can happen here! Not beyond the bounds of pos- eibility are landings at'-obscure spots in the dead of Tilght for water and food or diesel oil. That 18 why a recruiting cam- paign Is going on for the Reserve Army. Marrted men In the ac- ceptable age group and married | and single men whose categories unfit them for overseas service are needed to form.a "Home Guard." There may be work for a home guard much sooner than we complacently anticipate. There are long miles' of shore- line on both sides of the estuary in which scattered farm houses are the only eigns of habitation. But the men and women who live In these picturesque white houses are of a sturdy stock that stems back to the hardy French- men who wrested Canada from the defences of naturd and who ably defended their territory against savages who would be appalled at the savagery display- ed today by the "kultured" Nazls. Even it there are 'submarines In the St. Lawrence we cannot all play the rolefof Madeleine de Vercheres, we cannot all join the Reserve Army, but we can all play our parts by doing every- thing possible in our dally lives to conserve every resaurce for wartime production. From the little port that har- bours the' pilot tender to Its mouth + the--mighty-- St. Lawrence River takes on almost the proportiong © of an inland sea. Heavily wooded : country abounding" with wild lite « backs the settled fringe along the shiores, It 1s" tempting country brutalized men whe have begs: cooped up for weeks In the feldd atmosphere of a submarine, Wild lite, moose, deer, smalles game, are very tempting to mea who have been living on Germams naval rations. They may be tempt 'ed to try a little hunting. And it may be too bad for them. Have you ever faced a conscientious . Game Warden? 3 The farmers of the lower Bt Lawrence are an amphibloud people equally at' home between the handles of a plough or a pale of oars, iu a gasoline tractor or s/ i fishing launch capable of riding the heavy seas for which the great river is noted. They will glve a good account of themselves it they get the chance. They are used to making a Uv. ing the hard way in a year round contest with the elements and will be just as equal to*protecting "that living , when the occaslon arises, But they won't be able to do # alone? They will need, and must have, overy other Canadian standing behind them. They will need the Royal Canadian Navy -- which so many of their sons have joined. And that Navy needs. heavy clothes, warm food, rubber boots, depth charges, ammunition. You've guessed it! That's whore tho Individual Citizen's Army ene tera the picture again. : To give the Navy its woollen sweaters, its heavy socks to wear under seadoots, it's hot cocose sweetened for energy -- {its depth charges, we have to do without a great many things. bo Every order of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, the board of economic strategy, is designed to make some important commod- ity or ingredient available to one of the fighting services, Metal kegs are banned -- depth charges are metal kegs; sugar is rationed --- sugar makes alcohol, alcohol makes explosives; rubbee Is restricted -- rubber makes soa~ boots; we carry parcels to save wrapping paper -- wrapping pas per helps make shells; and we shouldn't need to be ordered. We should cheerfully volunteer to make even more savings than are planned for us, That torpedo In the St. Lawes ence was a bugle call. ' Let's "fall in"l d i The Statute of Freedom sur mounting the 'dome of the Capitol at Washington 13 made entirely ~ol- bronze and weighs 14,986 Iba; LIFE'S LIKE THAT TILT V2 "You know, Butch. . . .. Accordin' to this book, we're guilty." q{ OH i REG'LAR FELLERS--The Thinker BOY # LOOKIT THAT | SWELL KNOTHOLE. IN 1 forgotten romances, . - E BASEBALL PARK FENCE / By GENE BYRNES - en ITS IDEAS LIKE THIS WHAT MAKE ME Thi I'M A GENIUS OR INKL ni, AFR L020 1 $3 BENE re at eh

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