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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 May 1942, p. 4

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° . ' Port." Perry. SALE OF HOME COOKING The TAdies' Aid of St. John's Pres- byterian Church, will hold a sale of Home-made Cooking, = and . useful articles on Saturday, June gth at the community room of Public Library, commencing at-two o'clock, After- noon tea will be served. Mr. Ross Howard, of Toronto, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Aldred over the week-end. Bill Aldred spent the week-end at his home before entering the R.C AF. at Manning Depot. Flying Officer Joel Aldred, Trenton, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Aldred, before leaving Tuesday, 'on a visiting flight to flying schools, throughout Western Canada, He will return sometime in September. Mrs. Wm. Prentice, the, Misses Muriel, Shirley and Helen Prentice, and Frank Bullivant, were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Aldred. Dr. E. Vv, Elliott, of Galt, after at- tending the Dental Convention in To- ronto, spent a couple of days in town with his mother Mrs. W. Elliott, and sister Mrs. J. E. Jackson. We welcome Rev. J. A. MacMillan and family to Port Perry; also Mr. I. DeNure and family. We hope they will find it pleasant living in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Jeffrey spent the week end with their daughter Mrs. F. Slemmon, in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Boyd, Gary and Dianne, and Miss Marian Farmer, all of Toronto, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. S. Farmer, At the Church of the Ascension, celebrated its 86th Anniversary, Rev, E. H. McLellan, of Oshawa, preached in the morning and Rev. Canon J. W. McDonald, of Wycliffe College, in the evening. Mr. and Mrs, E. Cross, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, H. Mulligan. Veteran Guard W. R. Tristram, of New Toronto, is enjoying two weeks leave at his home here. Mr. Bob Simpson visited in Toronto over. the holiday week-end. Mr. Harry Brookes, of Weston, was with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Brookes over the holiday. ------ too SCUGOG CHAPTER LO.D.E. OPEN MEETING On Monday afternoon, June 1st, the Misses Harris will open their home "Riddlecombe" to the Scugog Chapter 1.LO.D.E. and their friends. ~ Miss Walwyn, of Toronto, a well- known club speaker, will speak on "Women in War-Work and Incidents pertaining to the War". Afternoon tea will be served and a silver collec- tion taken. ~All members and friends welcome. --to So - ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Doreen, to Jack Hope, son of Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Hope, Port Perry. The marriage to take place June 6th at Oshawa. -- te o> ---------- SPRING (Gloria Harding) It is the fresh, verdant foliage of the budding trees, golden daffodils nodding in the breeze, gnowdrops -daintily dancing, and the thick carpet of: green grass entranc- ing. It is fleecy, wie clouds floating over the azure sky, playful lambs capering in the green pasture nearby, and freshly-ploughed fields steaming in the warm, noon-day sun gleaming. It is frail blug hyacinths spreading joy and gladness; tangled vines kissed , by the sun's brightness, and busy, little wrens merrily singing ifn" the lofty tree tops, gently swinging, BE a a BOY SCOUT NEWS The Scout Jamboree, which was to have been held at Orono last week was postponed because of bad weather, There will be no meeting this Fri- day on account of the High School Open Night. ' ' 2 DIED. - HENRY--At Blackstock, on Friday, May 22nd, 1942, Matilda McKee, be- loved wife of the late Alfred Henry; in her 68th year. glistening | © Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied" where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST ( il) ad Tai: OSHAWA A FAMOUS 'PLA REG é Phone 1011 ERS THEATRE the King of Laff-Makers in his funnies role yet . BOB HOPE ond MADELEINE CARROLL in 'My Fiore Blonde' GALE SUNDERGAARD REVIVAL NOW UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY PLAYING! * PORT PERRY Large congregations 'were present at both Anniversary Services at the Port Perry United Church last Sun- day. The congregation fully appreciate the value of the two noted speakers-- Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles and Dr. Mill- son. Both preachérs dealt in most practical and timely fashion with the problems now facing the church. "Dr. _ ' | Bowles emphasized the necessity for Edward G. Robinson : a « with Friday return to the simple and direct at 11 n "I AM THE LAW" j teachings of the Bible «-- particularly ---------------- i such as are outlined in the Sermon on MONDAY and TUESDAY "the Mount. The sermon revealed the critical condition in which the Christ- ian Church finds itself to-day. Our religious duties must be taken serious- ly if we wish to retain our freedom of worship and the Christian ideals of --the most thrilling film of the year... | "Secret Agent of Japan' i living. with Dr. Millson followed in the evening Preston Added Hit ! with a companion sermon--*"What is Foster, Rosalind RUSSELL |, a Christian?" His discourse was Bari Don AMECHE based on the text--"Be not conformed Lynn Kay FRANCIS, in "to this world; butbe ve transformed IE TION . ] "by the renewing of your mind." The Feminine Touch 1 Conformity to the demands of the with Donald Meek world by professing Christians was pictured in dramatic fashion by Dr. Millson, who declared that the Church is the casiest of all organizations to | join. Because this is so, Church mem- bership has been taken lightly, and the true obligations of membership have very frequently been ignored to the detriment of the member himself "and to the Church to which he belongs. | The spéaker claimed that to be a lc hristian requires a different standard High School Notes, of living to that set by the world. Ad Optima | Daily living in the Christian way is By D. H. Nasmith such that all who meet the Christian recognize him readily For Christian We wish to remind you of the Open living transforms the individual. Don't Miss-- "KING'S ROW" RONALD REAGAN, ANN SHERIDAN starting WEDNESDAY Bell of Eglinton United Church choir sang two beautiful solos. The thank offering was most pleas- ing to the Board of Stewards; and there is every prospect that the large objective will be reached. wn ety se 1.0. O.F. With upwards of 1,000 officers and repredentatives from all parts of On- tario and some from the United States |, in attendance, the several branches oft the Independent Order of Odd Fellows will hold their annual sessions in To- ronto. during the week commencing June 16th, All sessions will be held in the King Edward Hotel. . A Rebekah Memorial Service, 'Re- ception, Exemplification of Degrees, and a series of luncheons, will precede the business sessions. On Wednesday evening there will be a banquet and dance for all officers, representatives and their friends. The Independent Order of Odd Fellows was instituted in the city of Baltimore, Maryland, on April 26th, 1819, and the Grand Lodge of Ontario was instituted at Brockville, on Aug. 23rd, 1856. It will therefore hold its 88th session this year. The Rebekah (or ladies') branch of the Order was founded 89 years ago, and the Rebekah Assembly of Ontario was established in 1891, The Odd Fellows on this continent maintain 65 Homes for orphan_children and for aged and, indigent members. Through an Educational Foundation Fund sons and daughters of members are. fin- ancially assisted in securing advanced education, * Charles Reesor will represent War- riner Lodge, No. 75, Port Perry, at these sessions, --_----t oo ASSESSMENT ROLL RETURNS - The Assessment Roll of the Corpor- ation of the Township of Scugog for 1942 for which the taxes for 1942 will be levied has been returned to me; and any appeals against the as- sessment thereon must be made to me in writing on or before May 31, 1942. Night which is to be held in the gym-| The fine music was specially pre- nasium of the High School at 8 p.m. pared by the choir, and Miss Dorothy on Friday, May 29th. No admission' H. G. HUTCHESON, Clerk, Township of Scugrg Mulligan's, BEAUTY SHOPPE . Open for Business as Usual H. H. MULLIGAN in Charge "The latest in war time Permanent Wares he. "Flight. Command" - and e "Victory", Also | the "Victory" adil Bob. Soft water for sham- pooing, Phone 77; Port Perry, Township of Scugog COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that pur- suant to "The Assessment Act", the Court of Revision of the Township of Scugog will hold its first sitting in the Township Hall on Monday, June 1st, 1942, at 7.30 p.m. to hear and de- termine the several complaint or errors or omissions in the Assessment Roll of the said Municipality for the year 1942 on which the taxes for 1942 will be levied. : Dated and published this 20th day of May, 1042, H. G. HUTCHESON, Clerk. Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE, ONT. "Home of New Hits" Thursday, Friday, Sat. (this week) Judith Anderson, Dennis ('Keefe, in "LADY SCARF ACE" a thrilling police story for all . . .. COMEDY--Leon Errol in-- "WHO'S A DUMMY?" and CARTOON. Sat at 7.30 and 9.30 ay BY: | Thursday, Friday, Saturday - (Next) JANE- WITHERS, in "AVERY YOUNG LADY" | in her funniest picture yet--see Jane ina riot of laffs legions silo Coming! HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY? Uxbridge is your nearest Theatre-- Save your gas! is charged to see the exhibit of school work. Unlike last year, there is no program and therefore more time wy been spent on the preparation of the | displays. The work of various classes | is shown in several ways: posters' from the Science and Agriculture' classes; murals showing the work of the History classes. Actual classes will be carried on by the Home Eco-! nomics and Shop classes. In fact, it looks as though this year's open night will excel all previous displays. As' this is the last "High School Notes" | for this year, no account of the Open' Night will appear under this title. | We therefore cordially invite you to! 'attend the 'Open Night to sce the re- sult "of this year's activities mn the Port Perry High School. | ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coates wish to announce the engagement of their, daughter Marion Irene, to Mr, Sandy | Moore, son of Mrs. Moore, and the late late Allan Moore. The marriage to take place in carly June. WHO MUST BORN rane ac Port Perry Hospital, May 22nd, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs.! Wm. Lambé, & daughter. CAWKER--At Port Perry Hospital, on May 21st, 1942, to Mr. and Mrs, Sam Cawker, a son, : GREENWOOD--To Pte. and Mrs. John Greenwood, on May 20th, 1942, a daughter, Catherine June, {hah died | later.) Your BEST Market i Be FOR 'EGGS and POULTRY At present we are pay- ing Top Toronto Market | . "Prices for Live Spring - Broilers, and Live Hens delivered to our plant at "Whitby. : gv Pickering Farms LIMITED : E No. 2 Highway, West of Whithy Phong day or night; 336 Whitby i RENEWAL REGISTRATION | uNeEmPLOYED MEN | ° )] REGISTER who will not be gainfully occupied after May 31, 1942, ister. The following are excepted: Full-time students, or confined in an asylum, or a prison, or hospital or home for the g Ce doo .aged and infirm, or are subject to the provisions of the Essential ' oC Work (Scientific and Technical Personnel) Regulations, 1942. Every man between the ages of 16 and 69 who is unemployed or 0 reg- WHEN TO REGISTER If you have not already registered at an Employment and Claims Office of the Unemployment Insurance Commission within the last two weeks, or have not obtained work, you are required to register within the week of June 1st, 1942, or within one week after be- coming unemployed or not gainfully occupied at any time after May 31st, 1942. WHERE TO REGISTER i 1. Atan Employment and Claims Office of the Unemployment . + Insurance Commission, if you live in, or within five miles of, a city or town in which there is such an office; or At the nearest Post Office, if you do not live in, or within five oi miles of, a city or town in which there is'an Employment .and Claims Office. You must renew your registration at least every two-weeks i you rohisi unemployed. " . By Authority of Ordet-in-Council P.C.1448 of March 2nd, 1942, HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister of Labour. Por further information apply. to THE PORT PERRY POST OFFICE ose Lawrence's Drug Store News | "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" D. and R. I'ONGLEX JERGEN'S LOTION COLD CREAM NAfL POLISH (Medium Size) 5 All the popular 'and 26e jar of / Regular 31.00 size shades. ALL PURPOSE Special 6de. Per 'bottle 19¢. ° CREAM . . Both for 47e. " SPECIAL NIVEA CREAM RAR Ahora SKIN BALM for sensitive skin. BRITEN TOOTH ' Absordent and 'PASTE * Extra' Good Value healing. dependable product 25¢., and 39%. 40¢., 50c. and 95c. Per tube 29¢. As usual store will close at 12,30 Wednesday noon, during' June, July and August. ps \. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 7a Rexall swe PORT PERRY 0 0 CMON TSM ne IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY RELIABLE Insurance is essential WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS MAY BE, Consult HAROLD WwW. EMMERSON Phone 1 Pont Rerry "ANNUAL OPEN NIGHT PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL Friday, May 29th, 7.30 to 11.00 p.m. = - FEATURING: Display of Students' Work in Manual Training, Home Economics, Agricul- ture, Chemistry, Geography, Art, Commercial, and other subjects. + ""sStudents will be at work in the hop. and Home Economics Class " Rooms. Everybody Welcome. No Admission ohard?. E. R. McCLELLAN, Principal SE ST Te : -- rR Orders Given Prompt Attentich Birthday Cakes a Specialty SATURDAY SPECIAL--DATE & NUT LOAVES WE DELIVER PHONE '32 Gerrow Bros, Port Perry Time for Re-Roofing and Painting A carlon of British Columbia cedar: shingles just arrived, We can supply you with any kind of asphalt roofing, on an easy payment plan twelve months to pay. Call at our office, or Phone 240 Ww. Full stock of Jap-a-Lac Paints: for your Spring Decorating. "LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL co., Phone 240w. LIMITED : 0 0 00 0 OO I ---- Phone 29w, Port Perry, for Quick - Service, and Good Quality in MEATS 'CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers

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