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Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 May 1942, p. 5

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PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1942 BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY 'Healthfully Air Conditioned 'Thursday, Friday- and Saturday, et MAY 28-29-30 ; Two shows at 7 pm, and 9 pm. ' Saturday Matinee at 1.30 '. _ BUD ABBOTT and LOU COSTELLO "RIDE'EM ~~ . COWBOY" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, JUNE 1, 2 and 3 Last complete show at 8.20 IRENE DUNNE and ROBERT MONTGOMERY in Unfinished Business with Preston Foster, Esther Dale. Also an ADDED Attraction "RIDE ON VAQUERO" with Cesar Romero, Mary Beth Hughes COMING next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 4-5-6, Deanna. Durbin and Charles Laughton ; in IT STARTED WITH EVE eA HARDWARE Carnegie Hardware COMPANY - Radios, Builders' Supplies HARDWARE Furnaces, Plumbing D. Carnegie Port Perry AJ. Carnegie = ; Phone 61, GROCERIES = _ Superior Store Seasonable Specials BROWN'S AUNT HATTIES® VITAMIN B WHITE BREAD : (Canada Approved) Phone 152, Port Perry AUTO WRECKERS PORT PERRY ---- Auto Wreckers IRWIN TRIPP, Proprietor Cars bought for wrecking purposes. Used parts for all makes of cars. Phone 2lw, Port Perry SEEDS and FEEDS LIMITED GRAIN & FEEDS Field and Gardén Seeds All Kinds of Poultry Feeds Special Farm Supplies Phone 1, Port Perry A. H. Hammond Myrtle Station Elevator ~~ HH, GOODE Grains, Clover Seeds, and Fuel : General Farm Supplies : Arrange for your Spring requirements of Clover Seeds, Seed Corny and Fertilizers ELWOOD MASTERS, Agent Phones-- Port P: 120 r 6 and 12 } 'Brooklin ar 17 and 22 . CLOTHES CLEANING SUITS SPONGRD AND PRESSED 80 Cents 'SUITS CLEANED Bry Gleaned $1.00 C. P. ROLPH Upstairs, over Jomison's Bakery 7 -~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NOTE--1f a paid-up Subscriber finds his or her name in small type among these ads., that person will receive two War Savings Stamps by applyng at the Office of The Port Perry Star, THE CHURCHES CHICK HATCHERY ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. A. McMillan, Minister, 11 2m uiday School. © 7 pm.--Public Worship, PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister. Sunday, May 31st-- 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Morning subject "Real Value in Worship." 7 p.m.--Evening Service, i Evening subject: "The Workman that needeth not to bé ashamed --the Teacher." CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rector: Rev. William Stocks Trinity Sunday--May 31st. 10 a.m.--Sunday School 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon . The Rector Sunday, June 7th-- 11 a.m.--Holy Communion, DENTISTS DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Bleep's Insurance Office. DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: Shop. Phone 237, Res. 216 LEGAL ARTHUR W. 8. GREER In attendance at my Port Perry office on Wednesday morning, and Friday afterncos ©. of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 2b (The firm of Greer & Humphreys Is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814 in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eack week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 BEAUTY PARLOR PRENTICE'S ~-- BEAUTY PARLOR -- Skilled Opsrses, Very moderate prices e 8 ze in-- Bonat Permanent Waves Port Perry Shampoo and Wave 50c Marcel . - 75¢ Manicure - 86¢ PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and. up Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. THE Dexter Shoes A complete footwear ser- viee for men and women-- featuring quality and value. A size and width for every foot. - 120 different. styles. _| All sizes, all widths, perfect 4 fit is the most important fac- of a shoe. Call and have your feet measured for a pair of the proper size. 'H. H. MULLIGAN Phone 77, Port Perry EXCHANGE Will exchange single cylinder motor boat for a good row boat, W. S. Taylor, 319 Lander Ave. Toronto, Phone Ken. 4328, or apply at Beare Mators, 'Port Perry. x : , FORBALE . Chest of Drawers, Dresser and Kitchen Congoleum, Phone 206. PLA Ee TRE Baby 'Chicks, Poultry, Eggs, Our workéis up to a standard-- |} tor in the comfortable wear|. "| will not be liable for any claims of PORT PERRY Chick Hatchery HERBERT BROOKS ete. EGG GRADING MAPLE LEAF FEEDS CREAMERY "PORT PERRY OSHAWA Rotary Fair 'Monday and Tuesday, June 1 and 2 Parades, Stunts, Booths and == Dancing == Bicycle Given for Attendance Prize TICKETS AVAILABLE ON GROUNDS Proceeds in Aid of WAR RELIEF and CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S WORK / me RED & WHITE sto || SAVE TIME AND MONEY JAM Apple & Strawberry Apple & Raspberry 320zj. 25¢ Lynn Valley Sweet Gherkins, - Ovaltine, Tonic Food Beverage, 38e¢, 58c, 98¢ Red & White Tea, - Y, Ib. package 4b¢c Red & White Coffee - V4 1b. tin 28c Sirdar Coffee - - 1 lb. bag 4bc 27 oz. Jar 3le Durham Corn Starch, 2 pkgs. 19¢ CREAMERY | MANUFACTURERS OF Finest Pasteurized Kindly generous giving is a wise investment. California "Full of Juice' Grapefruit, each 5c G.M. Gravy Browning, - 4 oz. bottle 15¢ Snap Hand Cleaner, - - - tin 18c CRISCO, Richer, Creamier - 1 1b. tin 29¢ CREAMERY BUTTER and CHEESE ICE CREAM Phone 164, Port Perry GENERAL MERCHANT BUY YOUR Master Chick Starter FROM WES. CROSIER General Merchant Phone-- Port Perry 86 r 11 SEAGRAVE, ONT. ; Groceries, Drygoods, Boots/§ and Shoes, Hardware, etc. CHIROPRACTOR W. J. KING PABA ABAARARAAASARASA SSAA SAS ASS ANS AARAARSNARARAARRAR IRI Citizens of Port Perry The Fuel Administrator of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board urges all citizens to purchase next winter's fuel NOW Here are one or two reasons for this appeal-- 1 Dealers will have to take whatever anthracite is avail- able at the mine at the time of delivery, in whatever type of railway car that can be obtained. ¢ 2 All coal merchants and the railways will have to con- { tend with many unpredictable burdens during the coming be year, and it is impossible td say what effect this will have on Canada's fuel supply. You can prevent a coal shortage by-- Placing Your Order - NOW Taking Deliveries - NOW REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER Phone 73w PORT PERRY, ONTARIO ol . FASASSAAASARSANARNARRARARAS SO Newport Fluffs, Free Tumbler, 19¢ Sani-White Toilet Tissue, Ivory Flakes - Large 26¢c Assorted Dog Biscuits, - Maple Cream Sandwich Biscuits, 4 rolls for 25¢ Small 11¢ 2 Ibs. for 25¢ per lb. 21¢ COCOA, Fry's, 1p Ib. tin 19¢ ESA ANCA AT Feed doPopodapered sds) Libby's Potted Meats, - Supreme Molasses, - Davis Gelatine, - White Serviettes - - per tin 10c per tin 10¢ 8 oz. package 50c ~ per pkg. 1bc | ORANGES, large, per doz. 35c | Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years, Now in Uxbridge, Ontario Maple Street Phone 54 r 13 PIANO TUNING Piano Tuning' Y. P. STOUFFER Repairs :: Moth Proofing Phone: Office 30; Res, 239 RADIO Expert RADIO Service PHONE 234 on 138 IEE EI IESE Iss RIIsNssIINIIIILIINIIINIIIINIIILL SUIETTIE LEE ttt te titi teats ttntttistteatet ates t tt st is ititttteereetstttitastttsIIstatInILLLy, JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BAKING BREAD BUNS FRESH DAILY IN SEASONAL VARIETY DELIVERY--PHONE 93w ART. JEMISON :: PROPRIETOR PASTRY Gold Medal Mineral Oil, Black Pepper, - - Y, 1b. 14c Dr. Lyons Tooth Powder, - per tin 28¢ British Consols Cigarettes, 18 in package 20c Shredded Wheat, = - - 2 packages -26¢ 8 oz. bottle 25¢ F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY eal 3333382803083 33333303320338303 Tuesdays, Thursdays - and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service Orville Tripp MANCHESTER, ONT. Auto Wrecker OLD CARS BOUGHT FOR WRECKING HIGHEST PRICES PAID Phone--90 r 12 VETERINARY D. C. Mac Master, B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 44 - _ Port Perry NOTICE TO CREDITORS "Rebecca Bowles Estate Creditors of Rebecca Bowles, of Port Perry, Ontario County, spinster, who died -at Port Perry, Ontario, on' the 28th day of April, 1042; are re- quested to send particulars of their claims to the undersigned before June 11th, 1942, after which date her estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto and the estate which it has not then received notice. Dated at Port Perry, Ontario, this twelfth day of May, A.D. 1042, : JOSEPH DENNY, Solicitor for said Estate, Prince Albert, Ontario. _ROOMS FOR RENT N Two miles north of Port Perry, two nice rooms for rent. Apply to Mrs, M. Bolton, Port- Perry. may21tf BESURE vou wave THE RIGHT NUMBER... CONSULT THE DIRECTORY "Clear telephone lines for ALL-OUT PRODUCTION Your telephone is fast of a vast interlocking system now carrying an abnormal wartiria loail, Don't let needless delays hold up messages on which production efficiency may depend. "WARTIME TELEPHONE TACTICS" (1) SPEAK distinctly, directly into OTHER the mouthpiece. 'om ANSWER promptly when the bell rings. BE BRIEF. Clear your line for the next call. : OFF-PEAK hours for your Li Distance Calls. trifling, but These shings ott Je oily i ebbone Utica Decoration Day SUNDAY, JUNE 14th, 1942 The Utica Cemetery Committee purpose holding their Annual Decoration Day at 2.30 p.m. The Second Sunday in June is the regular date for the Utica Decoration Service. A good speaker and inspiring music will be the order of the day. Friends and relatives are kindly invited to decor- ate the graves in the forenoon previous to the above date, and attend the service in fellowship at the Church with us. Joseph Denny, Sec'y. W. F. Thompson, Ch. of Board COACH LINES Effective June 1st, 1942 South Bound---Read Down North Bound--Read Up Special Weekly Rates for Workmen and Students. Parcel Carrying a Specialty. Operated by F; DeNURE, Port Perry, Phone 251 Port Perry Columbus Oshawa. Sun, Daily Except Sunday Daily Except Sunday Bun. only te -- -- Sy ---------- Only PM. PM. PM. PM. AM. AM, . TAM. AM. PM. P.M. AM. P.M. 10.00 10.00 600 2.00 B00 6.00 Lv. PORT PERRY Ar. 7.40 9.40 4.40 6.60 1.40 11.40 10.16 10.16 5.15 2.16 £15 6.15 RAGLAN 7.26 9.25 4.25 6.40 1.25 11.25 10.20 10.20 5.20 2.20 R20 6.20 COLUMBUS 7.20 920 420 6.35 1.20 11.20 10.30 1030 530 2830 £30 630 N. OSHAWA 7.10 9.10 410 6.25 1.10 11.10 10.40 10.40 5.40 2.40 210 6.40 Ar. OSHAWA ~~ Lv. 7.00 9.00 4.00 6.16 1.00 11.00 Coach leaves Scbert House, Port Perry; Grey Coach Line Terminal, Oshawa Connections at Oshawa with. Gray Coach Line to and from Pickering Plant In brick wood FOR SALE village of Greenbank, 6 roomed bungalow, hydro, furnace and garden. Apply to 92 r 5 Port|condition. HOME HUNTER .READ THIS Near Port Perry, six-roomed frame use, stone foundation, in excellent Good well, cistern with calls, they are very important. Perry. \.» JV § FOR SALE Nice home in Port Perry Apply to W. Boynton, Port Perry pump in kitchen, large garden wth shrubs, flowers, raspberries and trees. Stable, good cellar, electric lights, completely furnished, piano, 2 stoves, summer kitchen, clean and nicely de- corated. A comfortable home. Storm windows, - Apply to Box 11, Prince Albert, Ontario. may28 Fn CNBR ERE TAI a aE -------- TL En ' TR A AE DAs ASUS CART

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