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Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Jun 1942, p. 4

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- ph Ss So a Le NS an =, 2 SER SS * TR Sn A PT A , end with them, SRR eh > > SR re Ses AES 0 3 PORT PERRY. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1942 Port. Parry BOOKS AND MAGAZINES WANTED / Miss Grace Davis is collecting books /and up-to-date magazines suitable for soldiers in camp at Barriefield. Any- parcel is given. her sister, Mrs. J. Hopkins. for a few days last week. a few days with his mother, Mrs. Geo Woods. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. McClellan. Miss Bernice Day, of Toronto, visi- ted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Day over the week-end. body who can supply thesé, will confer a favour by delivering them .to Miss Davis; or if that is not convenient, ; Congratulations they will be called for if noticé of thel« Mrs. Powers, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. Terry Woods, of Toronto, spent Mrs. R. H. Hamilton. and son Bobby; of Toronto, spent the past week with A GENERAL MOVE The Allison property has been pur- chased by Mr. F. R. Beatty, and Mr. and Mrs. Groves and Miss Allison are at their summer cottage at Pettit's Point; Mr, McClellan has moved to the Dix house vacated by Mr. Beatty; Mr. A.W. Brock will make his home in the house vacated by Mr. McClellan, -- rt eee lee Congratulations to Miss Kathryn Ruth Hall on her graduation as a nurse from the Oshawa General Hos- pital on June 12th. Also to Miss Joan Mason and Miss Betty Jeffrey. All these graduates were students from Miss Ruth Carncgie was in Ottawa! port Perry High School. Miss Mason gave the Valedictory address for the class. The graduation exercises were held .lin Oshawa Collegiate Friday evening and the reception for the graduating class and their friends was held on the lawn of the Nurses' Residence of the hospital, Entertainment At Seagrave United Church, on Monday, June 22nd, at 8 p.m. the Misses Mildred and Dorothy Pit- 'Seugog group will present, under the field and Mr. Garvin Masales, of To- auspices of the Seagrave W.A., a one- ronto, spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. R. Baker and Bill. act play "Luncheon for Six" and "The Singing School Party." : This_ entertainment is given in aid Mr. and Mrs. Heusler and Marjorie of their (Scugog) new church fund. and Miss Marjory Wagner, of Toronto, Ndmission--adults 25c., children 15c. | Total were in town over the weck-end. Mr. and Mrs. D. Gutsole, of Oshaiva visited on Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Waridel. Miss Joan Mason, who graduated from Oshawa General Hospital last week and who was formerly a student at Port Perry High School, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Peel. ' Mr. Amos E. Clark, of Ottawa, spent the week-end in Port Perry with Mr. and Mrs. Orchard and. family. Mrs. Clark (Norma) is making a short visit with her parents. Mr. Clark flew from Ottawa to Toronto, making the trip in an hour and a half. The plane passed right over Port Perry. Rev. W. C. Smith preached anni- versary sermons at Janetville last 'Sunday, and the pulpit supply was Rev. R. H. Whiteside, of Janetville. Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson, of Brampton, Miss Earchman and Miss Rhea Walker, of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. E. A. Walker and Miss Ma Walker on Sunday. y Mr. and Mrs. Ernest LaRose, of Unionville, were with Mr. and Mrs. Allin on Sunday; also Mrs. Nellie Doubt, of Pickering, spent the week- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Spence, of To- ronto, were in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huff and Mrs.} MacMillan, of Toronto, visited with Mrs. J. D. MaeMaster, one day last week. Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. C. A. Glass and Stanley visited friends in Oshawa, last Thursday. --% Miss Pearson's group of the Parish Workers held a ten cent tea on Wed- nesday afternoon at the home of Mrs, Geo. Woods. Members of Fidelity Lodge AF. & A.M. will attend divine service at St. John's Presbyterian Church, on Sun- day, June 21st, at 11 a.m. -- eo JUNIOR WAR WORKERS .. The regular meeting of the Junior War Workers will be held at the home of Mrs. Fred Réesor, on the evening of Tuesday, June 23rd, ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. R. Blewett announce the marriage of their daughter, Car- men to A.C. John Leahy, son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Leonard Leahy, Port Perry. The wedding was solemnized in _ Sacred -Heart- Church, Uxbridge, on| June 13th, ----------te CARD OF THANKS Rev. W. P. Brown wishes to express sincere appreciation and thanks for .. the kindly congratulations from many frignds upon the ocgasion of the cele- bration of his. 95th birthday, Mrs Allen Williams On the 9th day of March, 1042, Mrs.| Allen Williams (nee Della Treble) died at her home in Winnipeg. in her 66th year. Mrs. Williams had been ill for some months, Deceased was married to Mr. Allen Williams in 1916. Her interests were mainly in her home life. She is survived by her husband, two sisters and two brothers, all in the West. Mr. Williams was born in Reach Township, and went to school in Port Perry. He is a baker by trade, and will remembered by the older resi- dents as assistant to the late Mr. His- cox. Upon leaving this district, he went first to Toronto, later to Niagara and "finally to Winnipeg. He is one of a 2 Tamily of ten boys, five of whom are still living -- nk, Aaron, Allen, . Walter, Alonzo. Interment of the late Mrs, Williams] , was made in Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, COUNTY COUNCIL The total equalized assessment for the County of Ontario is $23,862,013, or the same as last year, the only changes made being the assessment of the 16 municipalities within the county framework. The figures for each municipality now stand as fol- ows: : Pickering Township ............$4,303,334 East. Whitby ......... . 2,469,626 Whitby Township . 1,896,169 . 2,038,718 Reach Township ..... Scugog Township . 304,106 Uxbridge Township 956,400 Scott 'Township . . 1,434,067 Thorah Township . 1,315,819 Brock Township . Mara Township . Rama Township . Town of Whitby . Town of Uxbridge . Port Perry ... Cannington 417,683 Beaverton 463,374 Toth] iif uessisriommpirmrincon $23,862,013 The County paid the following grants to schools for maintenance of county pupils: Oshawa Collegiate ..../.......... $14,327.17 Oshawa Vocational .. . 8,046.10 Whitby High School ... 5,013.64 Port Perry High School . 5,932.45 Uxbridge High School ... 6,566.30 Cannington Continuation 949.93 Sunderland Continuation Pickering Continuation Beaverton Continuation Brooklin Continuation Claremont Continuatior 1,826.32 1,669.67 2,850.96 2,680.70 08.93 Eyes Examined Glasses complete, or lenses only, supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S / OPTOMETRIST Strand Theatre - UXBRIDGE, ONT. -- The Home of the Latest Hits -- Thursday, Fri., Saturday (This Week) Bonita Granville, Jackie Cooper,,' in GALLANT SONS You enjoyed Jagkie in the Henry- Auldrich series. See him in another , delightful show, ' COMEDY--Stan Laurel & O. Hardy, in "THE MIDNITE PATROL, also Latest News. Saturday 7.80 and 9.80 ppidiciiatedd doi Si Monday, Tuesday, Wed., Juno 22-23-84 Richard in "THE ROUND-UP" A great Cowboy action thriller. Gala Street Dance, Wed. June 24. Continuous show. Bring your parties to town. Mon., Tue., Wed., admission 25c. and 16¢. (tax included). Tell your friends of new prices for Mon., Tues., Wed. Thurs., Friday, Saturday (Next week) HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY The all important book, now on the screen. It's new $62,953.50 A young lawyer who spent most of his time trying to seem busy and pros- perous, went out for a while leaving on his door -a card neatly marked: "Will Be Back in an Hour," On his return he found that: some envious rival had inscribed undep- neath, "What For?" - gay ell FLOWERS | * Seasonable Cut Flowers Bouquets, 35¢, and 50c. Special Prices by the week : BASKETS A SPECIALTY ~ TOWN DELIVERY ONLY | * AUDREY KENT | Phone 68 Port Perry DIED ' TIPP -- At Western Hospital, To- ronto, on Thursday, June 11th, 1942, George William Tipp, brother of Milton Tipp. CORRIN--ALt Port Perry, on Wed- nesday, June 10th, 1942, Mary Corrin, in her 88th year, : BEARE--At Greenbank, on Tuesday, June 16th, 1942, Mary Gregg, heloved wife of the late John Beare, in her Popular prices 30¢. and 18c. (tax included.) 76th year. APPLICATION CARDS | FOR OUPON RATIONING OF SUGAR will be mailed next week to every Household in Canada Canadians will be required to register so that ration cards, good for the 10 week period, . commencing July lst, may be issued immedi: .. ately. At the end of that period a coupon ration book, good for six months, will be issued. HOW TO REGISTER Residents in Urban Areas not served by Letter Carrier, and Residents in Rural Areas Application cards will be distributed to all house: holders through the post offices on or before Tues day, June 23rd. Additional cards will ajso be de livered for every person resident in the household, who bears a different last name from the head of the household. If needed, extra cards may be secured from local post offices. - These application cards should be filled out imme- diately and dropped in the nearest mail box or post . office. A pamphlet giving complete instructions will be delivered with each cdrd. As soon as your name. is duly registered at headquarters, ration cards, good for a ten-week period, will be mailed to you-- one ration card for each person in your home. These will be for sugar only. Coupon Rationing for Sugar Becomes Effective July Ist « 1 Beginning July 1st, no one will be permitted-to buy sugar for regular domestic use without a ration coupon. 4 3 Prompt cooperation on .the part' of the -public in : filling out and returning their application cards is necessary to ensure return of 'the ration coupon card in time to purchase sugar on or after the above date. : : -Remember--ihe amount of sugar allowed each indi vidual under. the new coupon rationing plan will be exactly the same as allowed at present--} pound per person per week. : : DO NOT SURRENDER i : PRINT IN BLOCK LETTERS LEAYE BLANK TAJY NAME ONLY Y DESCA OTHER APPLICATH BEEN CANADA ANYONE MENTIONED HERD ~-- DECLARATION -- in surrorr or RATION BOOK APPLICATION. THE UNDERSI! Y T ! [3 GNED, BOLEMNLY DECLARE (AND THE FOREQOING MEMBERS OF THE FAMILY) LIVE AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS, BEING ACCURATEL! IBED AND THAT NO RB SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT OR SPONSOR RF) BE SERA ANETTA 5 THA SAME a The provision for additional sugar etc, will be continued. Special voucher forms for this purpose are being supplied to all retailers, No person may have on hand more than two woeks' i supply of sugar, unless residerit in a'remote district, YOUR APPLICATION CARD TO ANY UNAUTHORIZED PERSON THE WARTIME PRICES TRADE BOARD c for preserving, ; GRANT CHRISTIE, -_ sin : Lawrence's Drug Store News "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" TAT ANT TRAPS, ..cuvoiunsisnnn386 Jenny Lind FLY TOX coun 24¢., 43¢, and 73¢.' ah Rexall FLY KIL ..occoovnns 29¢. and 49. Chocolates " ELKAY'S MOTH CRYSTALS ....39%,* We: have been appointed "local agents for this well- known line of "delicious Chocolates. 2 9 th te and : +; Bring in your old tooth paste al £ : (Strictly Fresh.) ishaving cream+tubes, They are made 8 1 Ib. 60e. 2 Ths, $1.20 of tin which is needed in war industry A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 7 Rexall sww PORT PERRY 0 2. 0 0 STAWAY for Mosquitos .......iw...89¢, ; Rexall, INSECT. CHASER ..........35¢. IN DAYS OF UNCERTAINTY RELIABLE Insurance is essential WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS MAY BE, Consult TINGE HAROLD W. EMMERSON : 41 . Port Perry oi Tide digas aie ITH Siti ~ Phone Decoration Service The Annual Decoration Service of the Ontario Pine Grove Cemetery : on the Grounds on SUNDAY, JUNE 21st : At 2.30 o'clock In the Afternoon A good program of musie and short addresses § is being prepared. oe Come and join us in honouring the memory o the loved ones who have gone, and meet with our many friends from far and near who will be present. Secretar =Bresident. { FRESH BAKING DAIL | Individual Strawberry Short Cakes i Peanut Cookies = ~~ Bran Muffins 'SATURDAY SPECIAL -- "JAM TOP BUNS" | iss Garrow Bros, Port Perry | Time for Re-Roofing and s eo ip® : Painting ny A carload of British Columbia cedar shingles just arrived, ::. We can supply you with any kind. of asphalt roofing, on an easy payment plan--twelve months to pay. "Call at our office, or Phone 240 w. | Full stock of Jap-a-Lac Paints for your Spring Decorating. ~ LAKE SCUGOC LUMBER & COAL Co, Phone 240w. LIMITED ~~ Phone 29w, Port Perr ; for Quick ot Service, and Good Quality in MEATS CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers NY R. D. WOON, He) ve :

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