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Port Perry Star (1907-), 18 Jun 1942, p. 8

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ARERR RR! A aa a REN peg Ms a ad LEH Adil Ra AH ARDS CRRENISY , a 1 J / - / 4 : PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1942 Presidents of the Association Arch-) Sympathy of the community is ex-|evening by Mr. and Mrs. R. Heron of = Mrs. Norman Crozier and daughter Shirley left on Monday, June 8th for nection with the "Cavalcade of Eu- Onder Youn KYLIE and why Sir Stafford Cripps' recent week. | will spend the gummer months, Her . Miss Margaret Bratley of Qehawa, CAE RRR eC ission lia had faile ) ; , mother, Mrs, Gladys Jordon, Mrs, R. has returned home after visit ng her M Wa m A /] wassion 3p Inds ha med, 1 Held d wy oy Spry. to di ne D, Sherwin and son Lyle, accompanied cousin Margaret Bradley. 135. A quilt for Missions was comple- 3 5 o ohn's Church held death of Mrs. John Beare, who passe her, returning home the sanpte day. Mr, and Mrs. J. McLaren of Port ted during the afternoon. Lunch was vo OSHAWA hone Here! No wilting. ' No WORSY orders, bd No wt . Just call or phone, 100% live delivery guaranteed. A. R, GRAY, R.R.2 Port Perry deacon Simpson spoke on India, ex- plaining why, in his the British Government had not granted India free government up to this time, dpinion, its Jue meeting at the home of Mrs, Fred" Willdn, Arrangements made for 1st of July supper. Cross quilt made and donated by Mrs. Wood will be drawn for on that occa- sion. T The June meeting of the Victorian Women's Institute met at the home of were | Red ! tended to the sisters and relatives of the arrival of a livile Savghier at the . ome o r. an rs. R. W. Doubt, Ys Ella W Welngon, who passed away Lakefield, on Friday, June 12. suddenly at the hofe of her sister, Miss" Helen Jordon left for St. Mrs. Davidson on Wednesday of last David's camp near Bolton, where she away suddenly Tuesday morning. Her friends in this neighbourhood ex- ' : tend their best wishes to her that she may enjoy her new duties which she will shoulder. faithfully. and «willingly as she has done in our Sunday School, [choir and other activities in the com- munity. Mrs. Edward Ashton is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs. W. Rogers, at Epsom. Pe ThE + ASHBURN | . Burns' €hurch service was held on' Sunday evening last, when the pastor, tev. J. A. MacMillan took for his text "Whatsoever a man Galatians 6:7, Medicine Hat, Alta, to attend the fun-, eral of her father, They will spend a few weeks while there, Sympathy is extended to Mrs, Crozier and family. Perry, were guests of their son Mur, ray and his wife on Sunday, ~ fr. Owen Reader visited friends in Toronto over the week end, Mr, :and Mrs. Geo. Skerratt and three little daughters of Utica, were visitors of her sister Mrs, J. Burnham. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sweetman and son Luzerne, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart rope" was finished, after which the Cent-a-day collection and- the regular collection was received. This was followed by the Scripture Reading and prayer by Mrs.' Wm. McGregor. The served by Mrs, Crapper, Mrs Pater dine and Mrs. E, Dobson, . PRINCE ALBERT The Sunday School and Church ser- vice are withdrawn next Sunday, ow- A FAMOUS, PLAYERS THEATRE 3 ---- 7) . NOW til Saturday-- An unforgettable event 'in screen Entertainment! . , CHARLIE CHAPLIN, in - "THE GOLD MRS. LOUELLEN SONLEY, Mus. Jas. Strong, Purple Will. The soweth that shall he also reap." The] Sweetman and. children visited Mrs. 'A. ing to Decoration at the cemetery. Queen St, Port Perry voll call was answered with a Poultry, speaker stressed the fact that God's de® or Sweetman at Uxbridge Sunday even- Recent Yizitory at he home of Mr " WALLACE MARLOW, or Garden Hint. Secretary was asked Jaw which is steadfast ahd lasting ing. Her son Norman was home on g A Foster Phe NG da RUSH , Blackstock. to convey the thanks of the Branch cannot be broken. It may be trans- SCUGCOC leave before going to another Biliary Mrs? Foster, and Mr. and A Ww. - . gressed. Speaking in clear, earnest camp, - Herbert has joined the R ' al ¢ with' words and Wale. [3 or - BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, [to Mrs. Hoskin for her gencrous con- voice he appealed to young people to f AF. at Toronto. Bond, all of Toronto. -- ADDED FEATURE John Street North, Hamilton, Ont. | tribution of plants for Memorial Park. choose early whom they will serve, by| Come to Church while there is room. Our popular entertainers motored to yConratulations ard Jest Yishes L v2 DE = / It was decided to work in conjunction so doing they receive strength and because there are not so many empty. Yelverton on Friday night and gave Mr. an 18, Sata cCrea on their "WHO IS HOPE ' with Cartwright Red Cross on the POWer to resist temptation also God's!pews as there were. their play. This week they go to Me age on 3 up ay. Mr. Russell . pl sll >s blessing and guidance of His Holy, Tuesday afternoon, June 9th, was Pinedale and Raglan. B e are ga i g r, \ttack SCHUYLER ne BLACKSTOCK Jon for Plursan project. The hand- gpivit as they Journey day by day Woman's Association day. They wére Mrs. Addison Sand Mis, Gardiner Dutsn J ipror ng. irom: an;a'tae ag contest was most Jinteresting. striving to do His will--not our own. | entertained at the home of Mr. and have arrived at their Pine Point sum- > with Sheila R an, Joseph Allen. While Mrs. E. P. Wood, Toronto,| Fach lady with a handbag was re- A communion class is being arranged! Mrs. Carleton Graham, The day was mer cottage. We welcome them. ta Tho Yun eating of the W. A. wil ay P Fe i " ng ) tod 10 wince contents of i by the pastor and elders when all will! perfect for motoring or walking. Mrs, © Mr, and Mrs. W. Mark and Stewart, '1 eo ° visited with Mrs. L. Crawford, the[aucsted to place contents of same in a j= weleome, especially young men and|C. L. Fralick opened the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. O, Jeffrey, Clem and _ Mr. and Mrs. W. Martyn and Mr. REVIVAL, Friday Night Wore of WW A Le iner. After a count of cach col- ! y young "ar TA pened Lh sung. . ar. Ald «i We sel rey, ; and Mrs, Earl Martyn, attended the' " "MANHUNT" with members of St. John's W. A, paid her container A | women of the community, Mrs. F. Crozier read the Scripturg Lois attended a family 'gathering at Holst A ti , t Pet ar a surprise visit and presented her|lection the prize of a war savings Mr. and Mrs. R. DD, Sherwin and son, lesson, Mrs. F. G. Joblin read the the home of her sister, Mrs. Austin, Lae ein Assicis Hh picnic at Peter- Walter 'Pidgeon, Geo. Sanders with a beautiful handbag as a slight | stamp was awarded to Mrs. Hector Lyle and Doreen Isaacs attended the [Missionapy Study Book, Mrs. E. Port-Hope, where about seventy cn. Me. a Mrs G. Luke and 'Murray, NATE TY x 3 . « 3 » ' . (r x i be) ig A 4 » 4 14% token of appreciation for her work Shortridge whose handbag had forty- encatios service at Harwood on Sun Dingman paves sholce reading, Joyed 2 Food LR: S. Ploughman and and Mrs. F. Stanton, were in Torohto Next' Monday and Tuesday RD ng i Yeti 'os six articles to its credit, : n y y NE ¢ Eg last week to see' Mrs. R. Bond, who The. Fastest Funniest Picture 5 during her four years as president. SIX ar I Don't forget the Strawberry Social {ned to have a Woman's Sunday for Norma were guests of her brother and has bee fined to b ] throu oh il £ th J SJ Mrs. 'N. Mountjoy, Mrs. Hoskin, : 'on Friday evening this week, June 20,|July 5th, with a lady speaker when his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sumetls, abi) n confined 'to bed through jii- of the year ... 7h Mrs. Jas. Strong, Mrs. M. Graham -- Tee ---- under the auspices 'of the Women's [all are invited to the Foot Church. A on Sunday. Miss Esther Hunt BR; a . Joe) McCrea, Veronica Lake, in teed Mis, D. Sith. Mes 1h. Boden re , Guild of Burns' Church, . A real treatiladies' choir is expected, and Mrs. P.| Miss Irene Redman of Oshawa Hos- Toronto. | cel er spent a day i li orf Ars, T. Smith, | rs. R. Byers, Mrs. T. GREENBANK with strawberries served at supper|Jeffrey and Miss Marjorie Milner will | pital, had her tonsils removed, and is Mr. W. Hens motored to Toronto "Su ivan' ] Travels" 4 - Samells, Mrs. O. Graham, Mrs. A. L. 'at 6.30 in the basement of the church [be ushers. The following Tuesday, a|spending a few days with her parents on Wed Ahr Qro PS pe 3 Bailey and Mys. V. M. Archer, attend- Mr. C. White, Burk's Falls, visited after which an interesting play en-|supper will be served at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Redman. Mr cna Mos, D. E. Luke of, Wel- Ton: P ed the district annual convention of | M¥- and Mrs. W. Phoenix last week. |titled "The Red Lamp" and musical; Mr. and Mrs. R. Carter, followed by a| 'The Red Cross meeting will be on land, "with his parents Mr, and Mrs. F . Jane Withers, in West Durh Women's Institutes at] Mr. Owen. Phoenix, R.C.A.F., Osh- numbers given by a number of the good program. Mrs. F. Crozier and |Tuesday, June 80th, instead of the Luke over a aid. al rg [] T D b" os, Barham. 'Womens lugtiuies « awa, visited relatives here last w J. young people, Mrs. R. Hood are the program com- 24th, when more quilts will be.quilted. ™ yma owh Ue Tysons; . Mm Ge 1 Ph I i ito g with | Mr.. Walter Anderson Teturned to|mittee for the next meeting. A love- | More workers are needed, roe < Rev. D. M. Stinson invite, TA. r. Gerald Phoenix, Hamilton, with Armstrong on Monday after spending ly supper was then enjoyed by a large] . SLL ¥ ov o Son aes) he W 4: relatives here last Sunday. 110 days with relatives and friends in|number. The tables were decorated Next Wednesday and Thursday ig mle Church to tie Darsonnite]- "yy "and Mw. To. Leask and family the district. On Saturday he motored [with red peonies and iris. Mrs. Wood- BETHESDA PROSPECT John Garfield, 1: for their May meeting. Roll Call was swete ab Buiivile Dist Sanday. to the City and Malton Air Port, ac-|ruff, Mrs. T. Redman, Mrs. S. Rod- Nancy Colman . answered with a favorite hymn. A Mrs M prtor, i 9 to y . IM | bg oy bla iends. ! man, Mrs. Addison and Mrs. J. Pearce 2) : DA Raymond Massey, in int it f fugrees will be le Mrs, Monnier, Kingston, visite v. Mr. Jas, Doble returned to his duty |were very welcome guests. Proceeds The regular meeting of the An error was made in last "week's Pn pi id Rei a Bo. © and Mrs. H. Phoenix last week... at London after an enjoyable week-end [$13.30. Next W.A. meeting will be in| was held at the home of Mrs. Fred issue, which should haye read the Dangerously They Live 3 a Ke 3 re Mr. and Mrs. R. Brandon. and' fa.' with his -parents, September. - The hostesses were Mrs, | Dobson on June 4th 'with Mrs, LG. Prospect Community raised $112.95 ~~ --also-- made for decorating several rooms in mily, Markham, with relatives here . Mrs. Emma Fisher of Toronto, was{C. Graham, Mrs, E. Ploughman, Mrs.| Brown presiding. Hymn 172 was for the Red Cross campaign 'drive. Charlie Ruggles, in ) the parsonage. Wild i I 5 home over the week-end. G. Cherry and Miss Doris Clark. It sung, followed by the reports from the Miss Edith Lakey and Miss Marion Th P The W. M. S. of the United Church last Sunday. | Word was received on Saturday is now a union society. various committees. Business in con- Smith of Toronto spent the week-end e erfect Snob held its Muy meeting in the persia . ih ; : at the Toile of Mrs, G5 Sih, --S-- s May meeting » parsonage r. ah rs, F. Middleton and ) with Miss Paddock, missionary under family and Mrs. Griffith, Blackstock, CORRECTION United Church Home Mission Board were calling on friends in this. com? tahgtie Report Ha i as guest speaker. Miss Paddock told - munity on Sunday evening, hon a $112 05, ».the amount shou of the work in North Frontenac field. 2 Rr TE A RE > Mrs. Hill of Richmond Hill took: the - GF devotional part of the program. Mrs, SeRGAL VALUES FOR THURS, FRI, SAT. --- JUNE 18-20th Sadler sang a missionary hymn, The newly decorated rooms were inspected = and admired. Congratulations to one of our Cart- . wright boys, Dr. Lloyd White, who re- cently received the degree of Doctor of . Pedagogy at Convocation Hall. He is President of the 0. E. A and Assistant Principal of Central ~E High School of Commerce, Toronto. » Lloyd received his "Public School .cedu- Ca cation at Egypt school, and his High School education at Port Perry. He : is a son of Mrs. White and the late Francis White. Nestleton W. I. donated $120 to aid VE war work during the Institute year DOMINO DOMINION QUALITY--WHITE, SROWN OR CRACUED WHEAT which ends in April, $65 of which was J ° . é EASIER. : a: 4 to the Telegram War Victims' Fund. Buking Powder| 24.0x. C . The Nestleton United Church W.A. - Loaves. - / slice 2 held its May meeting. in the parson- £ x 5 age. The ladies decided to have the "1b 15¢ TT BRAESIDE : : 2 church cleaned and have a supper and Via § ; oN concert in aid of the Sunday School. -- : ; Gs / Two representatives of the Toronto TASTY FIRST 1-1b, . C | Telegram, including Mr. Innes, who GRADE Print, ' started the B.W.V.Fund in the village C - SODAS 2 recently by showing pictures describ- Yedin J KELLOGG'S OR QUAI. > ing things as they exist in England , sh ; to-day, and showing: how the fund is D 16-0x. 23 y ; hon : 4 spent. Bags P , C : A Durham County farmer, Mr. Mc- ; flaw : : Culloch, on the 8th concession of rT Darlington, near Enfield, hired the QUICK CR . "AIN DOMINO first Japanese to be employed as farm 3 help in the County, Mr. Geo. Yamas- R LLED OATS 1 * hita, a graduate of the University of > 3 C ! British Columbia. He arrived at the | : 1 BE : : farm last week with five suit cases Ibs. C id : FRYE oF ( and a trunk.' a SUNLIGHT. = , : i) i The Executive of Cartwright Red a Sip bens 1 HEARONT hs 10 Fert =: ; : Avi " Cross met at the home of Mrs. A. L. : BEEHIVE c . c Fo ni ¥ : Ai Bailey, on Monday evening last week. LARGE MEATY OLD ENGLISH or ' MRS. BEETON'S ji y i : A The work of jam making for overseas i UP ; 16-02. TINS My HUSBAND and the children say that eh was discussed and arrangements were bh. Cc MARROWPAT for 1] ' : % wid "0 made. Mrs. Earl Dorrell kindly vol- Sb Be ~.. now there's go much money coming y unteered to act as convener of the Tin : ; " A y © i % BN ful committee. Mrs. Archer reported on : 10-b. Pall .......... 93¢ CATS | 92 oe ik JEWEL. -------- *. 19: 5 ll in, I should have all the things I ve J i ri e new quota for work. It is a large v ACT a always wante J ¥ A $1 + Ey order and those who are trying to PEEPS d i carry on will be delighted to hear from Wf EAL A "ButI say no thank you, I My Freddie {3 SAY each and every new volunteer worker. . i fied ® GARDEN FRESH VEGETABLES bd gave up his job willingly and lives in a A ie : Friends and relatives from far and TEXAS on lity =~ "near (some of the latter from Cam- ' tent. The least each of us at 'home can ; or d iw . RIA eron) gathered in. the Community Po AL A . t ' this i fa Hall, Tuesday évening last to do he B fi do is to go without 8 and that and . od A i.) honor to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beacock. bi ' AWOL i uy War Savin 8 Stam 8 eve ee ih A miscellaneous shower was fittingly YELLOW - p i Ly g 'P ry. w k 80 d25cfg acknowledged by the bridal couple. : 'the boys over. there will have everything TA Mrs. Beacock was Grace Vickery of ; i Prince Albert, and we are glad to wel- _ Lbs. c ; ' they need for History. 99 a Dh come her into the Church and .gom- 5 ) E : ; Fin] munity life here. FIRM : ; oa : A The A.Y.P.A. of St. John's Anglican : " 1% Church held its June méeting at the 3: .. Buy War Savings Stamps from. banks, ' * #° home of Mts, AL. Bailey. A special : hn : < % colléction was taken to send a treat 24 book stores : and other retail stores. 7 'to the boys of the church who are LETTS SPE FETIP EN PO IUOUUT OV SOT UTOPOUOT INN STATI ep ol Ge 3 1s + serving overseas, The .nceting next ------ : Spree Ee ; National War Financo Commition 45 ~~ "'ionth to be in charge of the Past ; . oy yl . Pa gs 2 . oe 3 / - . A

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