PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, / THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1942 BROCK: THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air, Conditioned Friday and Saturday, JULY 3 and 4 * Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday 'Matinee at 1.30 ) TYRONE POWER, in _ "SON OF FURY" "with GENE TIERNEY and GEORGE SANDERS Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, JULY 6-7-8 . Last Complete Show at 8.20 "YOU'RE IN THE ARMY NOW?" with Jimmy DURANTE, Phil SILVERS, JANE WYMAN Also an ADDED ATTRACTION "BUY ME THAT TOWN" with Lloyd Nolan, Constance Moore. COMING Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 9, 10 and 11, GEORGE FORMBY, in "ON THE BEAT" Tr ry HARDWARE Carnegie Hardware : . COMPANY . 'Radios, Builders' Supplies - HARDWARE Furnaces, Plumbing A. J. Carnegie Phone 61, = Mrs. W. W. Crozier GROCERIES D. Carnegie Port Perry Superior Store Seasonable Specials ROYAL YORK APPLE JUICE, 20 oz. tins, 2 for 17¢ "yf APPLE AND RASPBERRY JAM, 32 oz. jar 25c. CHOICE DESSERT PEARS 3 15 oz. tins, 2 for 2jc. DURHAM CORN STARCH . 1 Ib. pkg. 9c. 'Phone 152, Port Perry ~~ AUTO WRECKERS PORT PERRY Auto Wreckers IRWIN-TRIPP, Proprietor Cars 'bought for wrecking purposes. Used parts for all makes of cars. Phone 21w, Port. Perry SEEDS and FEEDS HOGG & LYTLE GRAIN & FEEDS \v Field and Garden Seeds . All Kinds of Poultry Feeds Special Farm Supplies Phone 1, Port Perry Myrtle Station Elevator | H. H. GOODE Grains, Clover Seeds, and Fuel Act bin "General Farm Supplies e fi Spring requirements of Ger Sec Reed ei] bE Fertilizers 0, dit ELWOOD MASTERS, Agent Phones-- Port Perry 120 r 6 and 12 Brooklin 83 r 17 and 22 CLOTHES CLEANING . SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED 60 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 - C. P. ROLPH" Upstairs, over Jemison's Bakery CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING i 13 * , + [3 NOTE--1f a paid-up Subscriber finds his or her name in small type Stamps by applyng at the Office of The. Port Perry Star, : : $ on THE CHURCHES. among these ads., that person will receive two War Savings CHICK HATCHERY - Rev, J. A, McMillan, Minister, 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Service * ° PORT 'PERRY- UNITED CHURCH Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister. 40 a.m.---Sunday School. Il a.m---Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. ' 7 p.m,--*"The Jewish Church" CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN Rector: Rev. William Stocks Sunday-- 10 a.m,--Sunday School. 11 am.--Holy Communion. Sermon--The Rector, PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH Mr. P. Taylor, of Oshawa, will be the speaker at both services: 11 a.m.--Christian Hinderences, 2.30 p.m.--Bible School 7 p.m.--LEvangelist Service Come! All welcome. DENTISTS DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m; + " Oflice Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office, * DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's Barbe: Shop. . Phone 237, Res. 216 ) Port Perry LEGAL ARTHUR W. S. GREER in atte. dance zt my Part Perry office on Wednesuay morning, and Friday afternoon of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 2t (The firm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved) RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. Phone 814. in attendance at my Port Perry office on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of eact week or by appointment. Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone 94 BEAUTY PARLOR PRENTICE'S -- BEAUTY PARLOR -- We specialize in-- Bonat Permanent Waves Shampoo and Wave 50¢ Marcel - - 6c Manicure - - 35¢ PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and;up Our workdis up to a standard-- Not down to a price. Phone, 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. Skilled Operator. - Very moderate prices | ---- i ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN 8 © CHURCH PORT PERRY " . bd Chick Hatchery HERBERT BROOKS ete. EGG GRADING CREA MERY 3 i } |B Baby Chicks, Poultry, Eggs, : | + ' MAPLE LEAF FEEDS i £ 20, : Don't Wait U Phone 73w INAS SAARARNASARARN 4 Have your coal bins filled this summer, so that yyu will have no worry about rationing later on. Buy coal ori the Government Credit Plan, giving up to nine months to pay. : Ask for information from your-- BLUE COAL DEALER REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER PORT PERRY, ONTARIO' ofetetatitety A A AOA AR AR A AR RA ARR RRRAATEN, : ntil You're Half Frozen-- « Buy Next Winter's Coal at Once : * RR tt 3 PORT PERRY CREAMERY MANUFACTURERS OF Finest Pasteurized CREAMERY BUTTER and CHEESE ICE CREAM Phone 154, GENERAL MERCHANT Buy Your SALT Port Perry . TELE I EIR ett NLL Ete eat ss att tenets ateattet i seseraeettetety, fy, JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF GOOD BAKING i BREAD BUNS FRESH DELIVERY--PHONE 98w ART. JEMISON DAILY IN SEASONAL VARIETY PROPRIETOR _ PASTRY me RED & WHITE ston Big Week-End , 00D SALE L Cowan's Cocoa, Ib. tin, 24c GOLD MEDAL COFFEE, Vacuum Packed, 1 Ib. tin 57c. CROWN TEA, Popular family blend ...... V2 1b. pkg. 43c. SHIRRIFF'S LEMON PIE FILLER ............ pkg. 15c. FLUFFO, Canada's Finest Shortening, 1 1b. print ....19c. I} 1 I EIRLLILILLISLILLLLIILS 1132233288880 Rt Rtas eaeeeistiny WES. CROSIER General Merchant Phone-- Port Perry 86 r-11 SEAGRAVE, ONT. Groceries, Drygoods, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, ete. Can you help? MEN WANTED NOW Many a farmer in this district is at his wit's end as' | to how. he is going to harvest his hay and other crops. Do you know anyone who can? If so, lease notify Miss S. Hortop, phone 25, To give such help now is practical patriotism. $13333231838313, Port Perry. } | [ | PIANO TUNING . . Piano Tuning Y. P. STOUFFER Repairs i: Moth. Proofing Phone: Oflice 30; Res. 239 VETERINARY VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 44 - | "HOUSE I'OR SALE I Brick house, Scugog street, Port Perry, 7 rooms, all conveniences, ver- andah. Will sell cheap for quick sale. Apply to Walter Howsam, phone 113 r 2 or Chas, Howsam, 90 r 11, Port Perry. Junelltf 105 acres, good buildings, 8-roomed cement house, bank barn, cement cis- tern, cement pigpen, two henhouses. Plenty of -water, two springs. Cheap for quick Price $2600 on long terms, to Chas, Howsam, Port Perry. 90 r 11, sale. Apply Phone | FOR SALE ! Harris, Harris & Wallace have two "| houses in Port Perry for sale, one at $000 and the other $1200. Will be sold cither for cash or on monthly! payments, Phone 24, Orville Tripp "MAN CHESTER, ONT. Auto. Wrecker OLD CARS BOUGHT FOR WRECKING HIGHEST PRICES PAID ._ Phone--90 r 12 RADIO Expert RADIO Service "PHONE 234 on- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. McLean Radio Service AGENT WANTED Man to sell and book orders for motor oil in ipate time, commission basis. Our trucks will make deliveries, Harry O. Perry, Distributor, Oshawa, ' FOR SALE CHEAP McClary Electric Range, four cle- ments and large size oven. Inspection invited. Apply to Mrs. W: H, Harris, Port Perry. ¥ ] FOR SALE Eight acres of Standing Timothy Hay. Apply to Arthur Gilroy, R.R.2 'Port Perry, Phone 107 rv 12, FOR QUICK DELIVERY! | mark on your order, ship by CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS "Ixpress Office at the Observer. | Phone 30 V. P. Stouffer, Agent, i | Special Tractor GASOLINE Motor Oils and Grease Wholesale Prices "Our truck goes by your corner daily." . Phone Collect, or Write Cities Service Oil Co. Oshawa CHIROPRACTOR * W. Ji KING Chiropractor, Drugless Therapist In Practice over twenty years. Now in Uxbridge, Ontario Maple Street Phone 64 r 13 | D. C. Mac Master, i.V.Sc. ~ Port Perry' - "FARM FOR SALE. | wells -and " : . . Tue way TI look at it is this. My boy enlisted of his own free will. He's got to do without a lot of things he's been accus- tomed to. I wouldn't feel couldn't go without something tool" "The least I ean do is to work hard and save. My kitchen, my shopping bag, my work basket are the nearest I can get to his battlefront. But TI can buy War Savings Stamps -- and lots every week, so that he may have the tools to win. And that's what I'm about you?" » Buy War Savings Stamps Srom banks, post offices, telephone offices, department * atores, druggists, grocers, tobacconists, boo kk stores and other retail stores. National War Finance Committee "of "them -- 'doing! How . J" | 4 b 2 - ' Mephisto Chicken "2 7 oz. 1. 31¢ DELICIOUS CROWN SYRUP .............. 5 Ib. tin 55¢. (Collect a set of Britain's famous IFighting Planes) P.&G. SOAP ............. ZI EEN 4 bars 21c. IVORY SOAP, medium size .......... vere... 3 cakes 2le 7 9 : Hawes' Floor Wax, 11b. 45¢ FLY-TOX ...........0..... oo. 8 oz. 25¢. 16 oz. 45¢. CHLORIDE OF LIME ............. Bor risusenes pkg. 10c. RED & WHITE COCOA, Finest Quality ....1%; Ib. tin 15c. GOLD MEDAL EXTRACTS (Artificial) 2 oz. bottle ..10c. Keen's Mustard, V4 lb. 25¢ CHOCOLATE DROI'S CANDY. .--SPECIAL--; 1b. 1c. BUTTERSCOTCH COOKIES, Fresh and Crisp ....1b, 19c. ORANGES--Sweet and Juicy, large size (220's) dozen 39c. RUBBER RINGS, Red & White ........... ~.3 dozen 19c. 2in White Liquid Polish, i 15¢ F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY right if I GOOD MEATS Properly dressed and well kept Always available at reasonable price, by ordering from W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER Phone 72w, PORT PERRY PF fri . Port Perry Columbus Oshawa COACH LINE Effective July Ist, 1042. South Bound---Read Down North Bound--Read Up zz - wh eh "on wn "on on "on NTE 538 5 2330000000, 384 2% 222 Ala A 24d Axa A AA32333%5 38 rM. PM. PM. PM. AM AM AM. AM PM. P.M. AM. P.M. 10,00 8.00 5600 2.00 5.00 600 Lv. PORT PERRY Ar. 7.25 0 10 440 650 1.40 11.40 10.16 8.16 5.15 2.16 &.15 6.15 RAGLAN 10 926 425 6.40 1.26 11.25 10.20 X20 5.20 2.20. 8.20 6.20 COLUMBUS 7.05 920 4.20 6.35 1.20 11.20 10.80 5.30 5.30 2.30 X30 6.30 N. OSHAWA 6.55 9.10 410 6.25 1.10 11.10 10.407 8,40 5.40 2.40 5.40 6.40 Ar. OSHAWA Lv. 6.45 9.00 600 6.15 1.00 11.00 NOTE! The 8 am. leaving Port Perey and 9.00 a.m. on Sunday, leaving ' Oshawa, will operate during July and August only. Coach leaves Schert House, Port Perry; Gray Coach Line Terminal, Oshawa Connections at Oshawa with Gray Coach Line to and from Pickering Plant Special. Weekly Rates for Workmen and Students, - Parcel Carrying a Specialty, Operated by I'. DeNURE, Port Perry, I'hone 251 EE ASAI GERROW BROS. BAKERY Orders Given Prompt Attention BIRTHDAY CAKES A SPECIALTY ) Saturday Special --Chop Suey Buns {mone ss + Gerrow Bros., Port Perr a .