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Port Perry Star (1907-), 2 Jul 1942, p. 8

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< PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, , THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1942 a -------------- -- = T on Ty AAT Ed or i 2 wi z (or > RR hed SUGAR RATIONING by COUPON IS NOW IN EFFECT WEDDING BELLS Hill-Carruthers The home of Mr, and Mrs, Elwood Carruthers, Uxbridge Twp.,, was the scone of a very pretty wedding last turday, June 27th, when their only aughter, Dorothy Norrine, was unit- ed in marriage to Wilmot Ornsby Hill, elder son of Mr, and Mrs, Loss Hill, of Claremont, Ont/ The: ceremony was. performed by Rev. I. E. Kennedy, '1 of Claremont, and Miss Edith Peters, of Port Perry, aunt of the bride, Played the wedding music, he house was beautifully decorated with pink and white peonies and pink and Yéllow roses, andthe ceremon took place unger an arch triguned wi delphiniums d peonies and pink-and white streamers, . The pretty bride, given in marriage by her grandfather, Mr, A. D, Peters, of Port Perry, look- ed charming in a floor-length gown of white sheer and lace over taffeta, Her finger-tip veil of tulle was held in place with a coronet of seed pearls, and she carried a bouquet of pink briarcliff roses and white bridal Hill, of Oshawa, sister of the groom, wore pale green organza over taffeta, "land carried a bouquet of Johanna AN ARMY EVERY CANADIAN ¢ Crouched and poised, with disciplined impatience, waiting to pounce at the enemy, is Canada's great army which will form the spearhead of that decisive offensive just about to be--"a dagger pointed at the heart of Hitler." } i That something, that the vastness and ruggedness of this great country imparts to meti who have still a strong strain of pioneer blood in their veins, has made possible the mustering of an army unsurpassed for physical fitness, and which in mental mould and moral might is the most magnificent that has ever set forth to defend the freedoms and uphold the honor, of this young and virile nation of ours, ' i %: 7 We, of Massey-Harris, are naturally proud that many from the various divisions and branches of our far-flung organization are serving In the ranks of this great army, It is gratifying, also, that the thousands in our several plants are permitted to play an important part In providing the machines and munitions so essential to the success of that army-in modern mechanized warfare, And the great Canadian Army which has, as our Minister of National / Defence says, "a larger proportion of armored troops than any army . in the world," will be a decisive factor in hastening the day of victory. ASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY LIMITED "THE SERVICE ARM OF THE CANADIAN FARM -- MAY WELL BE PROUD OF Mr, and Mrs, J. H, Forder ...... 2.00 Mr, and Mrs. Frank Stinson ... 4.00 Mrs, Marlow and Doris ..... 1,00 + | Miss M. Stevenson ....... ..1.00 Mr, and Mrs, W. VanCam 1.00 Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy.... 4.00 Mr, and Mrs, O, Wright ... 1.00 Mr, and Mrs, C. Marlow 6.00 June 20th, 1942, at the home of David Beecroft, concession 2, Mariposa. On the spacious lawn the tables were arranged in a "V" topped by a large Union Jack. Over sixty partook of lunch at one o'clock sharp. During -the afternoon interesting games of baseball and "barn-yard" golf took place. Irene Burroughs of Toronto favoured the company with several violin solos; Mrs. R. J, Henry of North- Bay sang several numbers. By five o'clock, the supper hour, near- ly one hundred members were present from Aurora, Blackwater, Cresswell, Gormley, ~ Lindsay, Little Britain, North Bay, Omemee, Port Perry, Sun- derland, Sonya, Toronto and Uxbridge. The Clan was augmented by two new members, the brides of Malcolm Fer- guson, Blackwater, and Sandy Moore, Port Perry. The oldest member pre- sent was Mrs. Sam Connell, Omemee, and the youngest, Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith, Toronto. After supper the business meeting was held and the report of the nomi- nating committee received. The fol- lowipg officers for 1943 being: Past President, - Gordon Smith, Toronto; President, John Ferguson, Black- water; Vice-President. Hugh McTag- gart, Sonya; City Convener, Angus McLean, Toronto; "Country Convener, Mrs. Ferguson Munro, - Blackwater; Sec.-Treas.,, M. Jeanette Ferguson, Toronto. During the evening, games, races, and old time dances were indulged in. | After a hearty vote of thanks had been extended to Mr, and Mrs, Bee- croft, the host and hostess, for. their hospitality, for one of the most en- joyable picnics the Clan has held, the day was brought to a close by a sing- song with Agnes McLean at the piano, TIT ee CARTWRIGHT | RED CROSS Mrs. C. Marlow, Canvasser-- Mrs. S. A. Devitt Mrs. Geo. Forder . Mrs. E. Reed 2. Archdeacon and . Simpson.. 5.00 Mr, and Mrs, W. Scott ... wie B Mr, Fred Bailey ....... Mr, Sam Ferguson Mrs. R. Bruce ... 2.00 '| Clarke William Mrs. Frank Stinson, Canvasser-- Mr. and Mrs. Harry VanCamp....- Miss Gertrude Henry ..... Mr. Jas. Byers ......... Mr. Rupert Byers Mrs, John Nesbitt Wesley Bradburn ... Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Gilbert Mr, and Mrs. John Venning, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton .... Mr. J. R. McLaughlin Rev. D. M. Stinson . Mrs. Lawrence Mou Mr.. Ed. D'Arcy .. Mrs. J. Pearce .. Mr. and Mrs, T. Mrs. Geo. Crawford. Sr Geo, Crawford, Jr. .. Mrs, Parr and Eva Mr. J. Cottrill Mrs. Herman Hooey Mr. Geo. Hooey ........ Miss Janet Watson Miss Vera Forder .... Mrs. John Forder Mervyn Graham .. Mr. John Larmer Mr. Sam Jeffrey ... Mrs. Florence Thomson Mr. and Mrs. W. Marlow Mrs, Robt. Sadler ... Mr. John Jobb ... Mrs. V. M. Archer .. Mrs. Jas, Marlow Mr, Joe Ashton ....... Mrs. Henry Mountjoy Mrs, Jane Henry .. Mrs. Jas. Henry .... Miss Helen Wotten Richard Hooper ..... Mrs. Wm, Barton ... Mrs, Margaret Henry Mrs, Jas, Ginn Mrs, Richardson ..... Doris and Ruth Hamilton Mrs. L. P. Graham ... Frank Bailey ..... vii Milton Fisher, Canvasser-- Mr: Norman Taylor ... Mr. Wm. Hooey ........ = Mt, and Mrs. Herb. Taylor .. Mr. and Mrs. Jas; Parr . Harry Sanderson ...... Mrs. Jos. Sanderson .. Mr. and Mrs, S. Sanderson Robt. Haniilton Ivan Cochrane Milton Fisher . : Dave Wilson, Canvdsser-- ~~ ' Dave Wilson ... Margaret William: Inez Hickling . Mrs, T. Willia Annie McQuade Bert Gibson ... Mrs. Russell Harran, Canvasser-- Mrs. Fred Harran Walter Webb ....... Mrs. Russell Harra Mrs. A. Sheppard J. J. Bruce Mrs, Andrew Harran (To be continued) 1k ¥ a / SOME IMPORTANT POINTS 1% DO NOT USE THESE COUPONS UNTIL TOLD 10 DO SO 3 : : ; . eT i. ABOUT YOUR RATION CARD ' NC i. i . i . : 1. A Ration Card is required for each 12. If you are a regular boarder in: a ! : Alay | moa mdividual person, 'regardless of age." house, you should turn your ration card ; H Iv 5 S$ he § 2. Each numbered coupon is good for over to your landlady so she may secure ie ] DA H ARN : 1 two weeks' ration of 1 lb. of sugar. your sugar allowance. T.. ; : aR ; i 3. Coupon No. 1 is good July lst; i3 eee { rreremssemsreaan IIe Jr eaann, ;oupon No. 2, July 13th; Edupon No. 3, ® ys do not pe pope for the , . fuly 27th; coupon No. 4, August 10th: , purchase ol sugar jor preserving, con & ronm no. n 8-2 ; oupon No. 5. August 24th. ning, jam or jelly making. Additional f iti » DOMINION 88 CAN A DA 4. Coupons cannot be used before the Taine . Deven pot these 2 in Temporary War Ration Card specified dates, But may be used any POSeS of WHICH you sign a sp Hatlonnement de Guerre Carte Temporalre 'ime afterwards. Sugar Puschase, Voucher, which: your i y Sorialhi 5. Only coup¢ns 1, 2, 3, 4 and § can 97OC€F will give you. No. de AW be used for sugar buying. 14, You do not require coupons for " . h 6. Do not use coupons A, B, C, D and sugar thal you consunie in restaurants ig = E. unless instructions are issued by The or public eating places. These places 'are (Last Name--Nom de famille) (First Name(o)--Prénomis) Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Do not rationed and can only serve limited Address - detach. them. quantities to their customers, Adresse 7. Coupons must be delached in the 7 * 5 Mi f rati is illegal ' Numbu--Numbro Street--Rue City--Cité County --Comt! presence of your retailer. He will not 1 ee 93.19 ne S50 Ago if under 16 yrs. accept loose, detached coupons. and offenders are liable to prosecution. fini -- piven SETI 8. If you dosthe buying for your home, 16 Report to the nearest Wartime Prices .Emis par La Commission des prix ot du commerce en temps do guerre or for a number of people, you may and Trade Board office (a) if you lose p= T i RK purchase sugar for them by taking their your card, (b) if you change your name SUGAR | SUGAR i SUGAR | SUGAR ration cards with you to the store. or address. BAS | is RY p: HE i" hy dy eons 17 1f additional ration cards are needed g ) $8 od AN % $\ ia) ® i; x" Re oP ce Oh OT for new babies, or new Canadian resi- : ] Fo pecs Foo 0) ow ot 0 y h 1 d customers' ration 4°N'® Wiite to the nearest Wartime i. ¢ : > [ 3 . Retailers may ho. u . d Trade Board office. SUCRE SUCRE : SUCRE i SUC] E cards and detach coupons for them in Prices ond Tre g ogre, oitice [| i H } i [| cases where customers are not ordinarily : ' at home to take delivery; or in the case Good Aug. 24 - Good Aug. 10 Good July 27 Good July 13 Good July 1 : and thereafter .ond thereafter and thereafter and thereafter and thereafter of summer cottagers having deliveries . made by mail or express. The above is facsimile only 11. If you go visiting for a week or : and cannot be used. more, you should take your railon card » wilh you for your host to use. Z FERGUSON CLAN. RE-UNION Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Bailey ....... 5.00 3 Jessie and. Betty McArthur ... .50 The sixteenth annual re-union of 1 Saini Clan Ferguson was held on Saturday,' dy $88.50 pt DO BO ek bt BO COIR ek 2.00 Scoooooo $7.00 Hill roses. Mr, Randolph Carruthers, brother of the bride, was best man. During the signing of the register, Mrs. I. E. Kennedy, sang, "O Perfect Love." After the ceremony a dainty lunch. eon was served, the bride's mother, in powder blue figured crepe, and the groom's mother in navy blue flowered sheer, both wearing shoulder bouquets of Johanna Hill roses. The three- tiered wedding cake, made by the bride's grandmother, Mrs. Peters, of Port Perry, formed a beautiful centrepiece for the bride's table. The waitresses, Misses Rachael Peddie, and Darlene Norton, in pink sheer, and Mrs. Gordon Benson, cousin of the bride and Miss Evelyn Tweedie, in blue sheer, served lunch to about fifty guests, : he groom's gifts to the bridesmaid, pianist, soloist, and waitresses, were -| crystal dishes, and to the best man, a cigarette lighter, Many and varied were the wedding presents including several electrical gifts. > Later amid showers of confetti and good wishes, the happy couple left on a motor trip to St. Mary's and points west, the bride travelled in a beige polo coat, the gift of the groom, pow- der blue dress and hat and blue acces- sories, On their return they will re- side in Claremont. Among out-of-town guests were: Mr. and :Mrs. R. Nighswander, Lock- port, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. D. E, Start- up, Orchard Beach; Mrs, E. Gray and daughter Aileen, Mr. Bill Evans, Mr. and Mrs. H. Blackburn and sen How- ard, and Miss Betty Hutton, all of To- ronto; and Mr, and Mrs. C. S. Car- ruthers, of Markham, " BLACKSTOCK Cartwright Branch of the Red Cross held its June meeting at the home of Mrs. A. Johnston, Cadmus, with a large attendance. The meeting open- ed with the Red Cross prayer. Work convener, Mrs. Archer, reported that an added quota of 25 boys' shirts (6, 8 and 10 years) had been asked of our branch." Several finished articles. were on display. Mrs. Dorrell; -jam- con- vener, reported having contacted var- ious organizations to ascertain how many 414 Ib. tins of jam or honey could be sent overseas from this Branch, We expect to need 10 dozen cans, - Boxes for Cartwright boys wreath, The bridesmaid, Miss Laura serving overseas are to be packed at Cadmus early 'in July by Cadmus ladies. It was decided to have a booth at Cacsaren Public School entertain-° ment, . Any person having old gold rimmed spectacles which they wish to donate are asked to leave them with Mrs, J\ McKee. Arrangements are being made to hold a street dance in the near future, 4 Caesarea Public School, ma Hooey, teacher, held a ¢ euchre and dance in community hall, Friday evening last. Proceeds to be used 'in sending parcels to Miss A, Davidson, who is serving overseas and iss Nor- ful is one of Caesarea's .girls, the re- 'mainder to donated to local Red Cross and Telegram British War Victims' Fund. The Afghan, worked by, the pupils was drawn for and won by Mrs, Jos, Forder, Nestleton. Durham County farmers will bene- fit from soil survey now being made by Dominion and Provincial govern- ments, similar surveys having been conducted in various parts of the pro- vince for several years. During the summer of 37 and '39 Northumber- land and southern section of Durham, surveys were carried out and the men engaged in this work hope to. finish the survey of Durham this season. There are 400,000 acres in the county so each farm cannot be visited in- dividually. : hil Snbntd bARERE RE SUGAR REGULATIONS AND PECTIN So many home'jam and jelly-makers who use pectin, are affect the sugar rationing. The Wartime Prices and Trade Board have made special provision for them in the new sugar D. | regulations, Under these regulations the home jam and jelly-maker is allowed one and one-quarter pounds of sugar to i pound of fruit, when pectin. is used. The modern housewife has learned that with the use of pectin she gets more jam or jelly from the same a- mount of fruit, and actually uses no mount of jam she gets. Housewives are reminded that all pectin recipes call for a definite a- mount of sugar per pound of prepared fruit, according to the kind of fruit. On=the basis that the word "fruit" means unprepared fruit as picked, or fruit as purchased from the store or market, users of pectin will be within the meaning of the regulation. when the quantity of sugar is used that is called for in the pectin recipes. It must be remembered that most pec- tin recipes give the weight of "pre- pared" fruit. pe Crosses. 12 breeds and 3 "Xtra-Profit" and Standard des. See me for full particulars. Face your order here. several A. R. GRAY, R.R.2 Port Perry MRS. LOUELLEN SONLEY, ~ Queen St., Port Perry : WALLACE MARLOW, Blackstock. or BRAY CHICK HATCHERY, John Street North, Hamilton, Ont. ~000 yards a year holders, DOMINION TEXTILE MONTREAL - we can say Canada's cotton textile in- -- dustry is 11 times ahead of its war pro-. duction records of 1914-18, The industry is delivering about 215,000, - of aircraft fabric, ammunition potches, anti-gas cloth, camouflage netting, gun covers, parachute N webbing, powder bags, uniform cloth, web. ~ equipment and other essential materials. Dominion Textile is proud to have a part - in this. - We also wish to report that our plant employees are edrning 28% more per hour than in 1989, and we pay 54 times nore 'in taxes than the total paid ; dividends to our several thousand share- i - = CANADA } That rubber stamp means FS COMPANY LIMITED > more sugar in proportion to the a- |

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