PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 16th, 1942 Port. Parry ~~ > Bill Aldred, RCAF, Manning Pool Depot, Toronto, was home over the week-end. * 7. Mr. Robert Wells, of Lindsay, visit- ed his sister, Mrs. W. MacGregor, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Heusler and Marjorie, and Miss Marjory Wagner, were in town over the week-end. Miss Wag- "ner is remaining for two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. George Bishop.of To- ronto, are holidaying with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Mec- Millan. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Read Jr. and baby, Misses Kathleen and Grace Read, - all of Oshawa, spent' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Read, Sr. Miss Louise Hall has taken a posi- tion with the War Time Prices and Trade Board, in Toronto. The Misses Funice and L. M. Harris have been visiting their brother, Dr. "Robt. Harris, at White Fish Falls, Mrs. John Cowie and grandson John of Owen Sound, were recent visitors of her sister, Miss J. McKnight. Mr. R. M. Holtby has returned home after attending the Mount Victoria Farms' Holstein Sale, and touring the Maritime Provinces. He leaves on Saturday for the West, going as far as the Pacific Coast. The interests of the Holstein Association of Canada are certainly widespread. Miss Ada Moffatt, of Carroll, Man, is visiting her uncles, the Holtby brothers. . Mr. Lloyd Moffatt, of Welland, was visiting relatives over the week-end. vr THEATRE Di FREE Phone Parking OSHAWA 1011 A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE Friday and Saturday, : Gripping with SUSPENSE and crammed with "ACTION. . . Yeronica / Robert LAKE PRESTON 1H . » . "" This Gun for Hire LAIRD CREGAR ® ALAN LADD © REVIVAL FRIDAY NITE Madeleine Carroll in "ONE NIGHT IN LISBON" " Fred MacMurray Monday and 'Tuesday A Yank Correspondent . . .. in England--in Trouble-- and in love! DON AMECHE and JOAN BENNETT, in "Confirm or Deny" Roddy MacDowall ----=and the companion hit----- LOOK! It's time to laugh Be gay, fall in love It's time to'. . . "RISE and SHINE" Jack OAKIE, Linda DARNELL, Geo. Murphy, Walter Brennan' Coming For Four Next WEDNESDAY days RITA HAYWORTH Victor Mature, in "MY GAL SAL" in Technicolor L./Cpl. Mabel Buttle, of the C.W. A.C., who received her promotion on July 8th, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Mabel Stones. Miss Annie Abernethy, of Toronto, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Samuel Farmer. MARRIED RAINES-LOCKHART A quiet wedding took place on Sat- urday, June 27th, at St. James United Church, Peterboro, Rev. F. W. Craik officiating when Dorothy Marguerite, daughter of Mrs. E. Lockhart and the late Mr. Lockhart became the bride of Merlin Fredérick Raines, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Raines, of Port Perry. " Given in marriage by her brother, Mr. Stanley Lockhart, of Joliette, Quebec, the bride was charming in a street length frock of cubana blue. She was attended by Miss Frances Raines, of Oshawa. Mr. Ronald Lee, of Toronto, was groomsman, After the ceremony a reception was hart, on Homewood Ave. Later the bride and groom left on a trip to Muskoka. On their return they will reside at 548 Homewood Ave. ' wo @ o> ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Leone Isabel, daughter of Mr. AV. Weston Cawker, and the late Mrs. Cawker, Port Perry, to Doctor Ernest L. Wrathall, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wrathall, of Perth, Ontario. The marriage will take place the, latter part of July. / The Late Paul Hood On Tuesday, July Tth, 1942, there -passed away in.Port Perry, a pioneer of this district, in the ig of the late Paul Hood, formerly of Scugog Island. Deceased was born in Pick- ering Township on Februray 25, 1868. At the age of eight joars he settled with his parents on-the Hood home- stead, Scugog Island, the farm now occupied by Mr. C. Hardy. In 1880, he married Lydia Green- well, who predeceased him sixteen years ago. There were 'four sons born to them: Joseph, who died at the age of 20; George and Clarence now living in Port Perry, and Orma of Toronto.' Deceased was a farmer by vocation, having farmed the greater part. of his life on Scugog Island, although for a few years he tilled the soil at Honey's Corners, then known as Rose's Corners. Owing to a severe affliction of deaf- ness he lived-a rather retiring: life, being unable to take part in municipal _ or sociable events because of this af- fiction." = - re Besides his three sons, he leaves to mourn his loss, one sister, Mrs. Latti- _ more, Port 'Perry, and one brother Joseph, also of Port Perry. held at the home of Mrs. E. Lock-|. United Church S. S. Picnic Fine weather favored Port Perry United Church Sunday School Picnice'at Birdseye Center "GQ. D. Conant, - Chairman, The emergency winning the war. Farmers requiri known. All willing ,to with the nearest offices: . PORT PERRY--A. W, on Wednesday afternoon of last week. There was a good attendance; and the games (particularly the swimming) were thoroughly en- joyed, The list™ of prize winners at the Cabin Park, Wednesday,-July 8th, Land Races-- = Sinclair Robertson. Joyce McCullough ~ Boys, ten and under--Jack Griffen Grant Michell, Philip Coulter. Cullough, Helen Cook, Sylvia Teel. second. . Girls, 11 and 12--Claudia Coulter Margaret Colbear, Helen Dymond. Boys, 13 and 14--Wesley Jackson Ross Sweetman, Jack Whitmore, Girls, 16 years--Jean McCullough Kay Day, Mercedes Waridel. more, Tom Tristram, Boh Wheeler. Cullough. Swimming-- Boys, 11 and under--Art Sheridan Jack Griffen, Grant Michell. ter, Marilyn Griffen, Fay Johnson. Bruce Gerrow, Art Sheridan. Girls over twelve--Mercedes Wari del, Marilyn Griffen, . Jean McCul lough. Grant Michell. United Church Sunday School Picnic, Port Perry, held in Birdseye Center Primary Boys -- Douglas Bradley, Primary Girls -- Marilyn Heayn, Girls, ten and under -- Peggy Me- Boys, 11 and 12--Art Sheridan, Jim Heayn and Tom Tristram, tied for (1 Air Shelter Rug, 10 pairs Children's Boys' open shoe race--Jack Whit- Girls' open shoe race -- Mercedes Waridel, Claudia Coulter, Jean Me- Girls, 11 and under--Claudia Coul- Boys over twelve--Jack Whitmore, Under water swimming, boys under eleven -- Jack Griffen, Art Sheridan, HARVEST HELP 'COMMITTEE E. W. Webber, 'Vice-Chairman. weather, and circumstances make the harvesting of the 1942 crops vi- tally necessary. Citizens, students, boys, and all others. who can spare any time, are urged to help as a pa- trioticduty and contribution towards requested to make their needs need help are asked to communicate OSHAWA--8 Richmond Street West, WHITBY--133 Brook Street South, PICKERING--Town Hall, Phone 110 Glasses complete, or lenses only, Eyes Examined supplied where necessary, at reasonable prices,-- I. R. BENTLEY'S OPTOMETRIST F.-M. Campbell, Secretary. due to the war, ng such help are help, and all who of the following Phone 4110 Phone 681 S. Greer's Law Office, Phone 25 _ In the Estate of Albert Hall, Deceased the Estate of the above mentioned Albert Hall, who died at the Village of Port Perry, on the 1st day, of July, A.D. 1942, are hereby notified to send i to the undersignéd solicitors on or be- tore the 16th day of August, 1942, full particulars of - their claims. diately after August 15th, 1942, the 'assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled of which the said solicitors shall then NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons. having claims against Imme- thereto, having regard only to claims have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 9th day of July, A.D. 1942, ARTHUR W. S. GREER, Blong Block, Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitor for the above Estate. july30 Individually Designed Spencer Corsets Surgical Supports ee et-- MRS. F. W. THOMSON ' Spencer Corseterian Blackstock, Ontario Phone 110 r 11 MUSIC EXAMINATIONS At the recent examinations held by the Toronto Conservatory of Music in Lindsay, pupils of Mrs. McClintock were successful, as follows: Grade I--Pianoforte-- Patricia King, (81) 1st Class Hon. Fay Joh (80) 1st Class Hon. RED CROSS At a meeting of the War Work Committee held a couple of weeks ago it was decided to send one hundred dollars ($100.00) to the Red Cross for the Prisoners of War Relief. WAR WORK ACTIVITIES The June shipment of war work to 1.0.D.E. Head Office consisted of: Camp Libraries-- 22 books, 15 Star Weekly Magazine sections, 4 Western Magazines. Soldiers' Comforts-- "50 pairs Socks, 31 Sailors' Tuck-ins, 10 Balaclava Caps, 3 Sweaters, 6 Navy Scarves, 3 Khaki Scarves, 3 Leather Jerkins, 3 pairs Gloves, 1 pr. Mitts, 19 Steel Helmet Caps. Hospital Supplies-- . 5 pairs Hospital Slippers, 6 Hos- pital Gowns. Evacuee Sewing and Knitting-- {Knee Socks, 16 prs. Boys' Knee Pants tand Braces, 2 Boys' Knitted Suits, 1 » Boys' Knitted Tam, 4 Boys' Knitted Sweaters, 1 Baby Knitted Sweater, 1 Girls' Outfit consisting of 1 dress, 1 slip, pair panties, 2 hdkfs,, 2 pr. stock- ings; 1 pr. Child Mitts, 1 Boys' Tailor- ed Suit, 1 pr. Ladies' Pyjamas, 1 Shelter Apron, 8 Girls' Outfits, con- sisting each of 1 Jumper, 1 Blouse, pr. Bloomers, 1 pair Socks; 2 Lay- ettes consisting of 39 pieces, valued at $7.44 'each. . 16 Personal Property Bags, 1 Crib Quilt and 10 quilts. Polish Reliéf-- . 4 Men's Used Overcoats. - | ONTARIO HYDRO PRESENTS REPORT Many Free of Debt ture debt. In Claudia Coulter. Wesley Jackson, Jack Bruce Gerrow. Ladies' Special Contest in marks Jackson. re etl The following motion was passed a Monday night's Council meeting: That Mr, H. G. Hutcheson be ap per- his letter. of June 17th, or unti ment is made by the Council, Port Perry. "r Under water swimming, girls, open ~|someone who is making a beginning The Report reveals that in more than 125 out of the 296 urban Hydro utilities in Ontario the net debt in -] relation to total assets is less than § per dent. while there are now 109 Hydro utilities which have no deben- In his introduction to the Report, Dr. Thomas H. Hogg, chairman and chief engineer, directs. attention . to --Marilyn Griffen, Mercedes Waridel,! {ye coming power shortage in gouth- ern Ontario which, during next winter, Underwater swim, boys over 12-- may exceed 300,000 horsepower 'and URGENT NEED FOR MORE CANADIAN WOOL It is imperative that Canada should produce more wool, aud every effort made to raise at least one million more sheep in the Dominion by 1943. Even in Normal times, Canada pro- duces only about one-quarter of the wool she requires. Under wartime conditions, with half a million fighting men to equip with uniforms, great. coats, blankets and other woollen articles, at least 85 per cent, of the wool needed has to be brought from overseas, largely from Australia and New Zealand. i EL With war developments now threat- ening the supply lines, Canada faces a serious situation--so serious as to call not only for compulsory reduction in the amount of wool allowed to be used for civilian purposes, but also for greatly increased numbers of sheep on Canadian farms and ranges in order that Canada may attain a greater de- gree of self-sufficiency in- wool. How the minimum objective of a million more sheep may be attained in Canada in 1943 is explained in the Pamphlet, No. 65, which has just been issued. The objective can be reached if every sheep owner will hold for breeding purposes all useful ewes and eatly ewe lambs of good quality that he can use in increasing his own flock, and, if after doing so, he has still good ewe lambs or useful aged ewes on hand, place them with someone else who could use them for foundation stock to increase his holdings, or to with sheep. To make sure of dis- posing of - these extra sheep to the st advantage, the owner should get in touch with the Agricultural Repre- sentative, Uxbridge, or the Livestock Representative of the Dominion De- partment of Agriculture before decid- ing to send to market éwes that may not place them with other breeders. tained by writing to the Pu ment of Agriculture, Ottawa. JUNIOR WAR WORKERS Special Wartime Production Series be useful for breeding stock, if he can- Special Pamphlet No. 65 ey be ob- blicity and Extension Division, Dominion Depart- There will ,no meetings for the summer months but we hope you will Dawne Heayn, (77) Honours. Joan Heayn (74) Honours Grade 11I--Pianoforte-- Helen Berenbaum, Lindsay, (78) H. At Musical Festival held in May: Barbara, Lenore and Ruth Green, Lindsay, came 1st in Class under 16 years. Trio "Mignon" (87) 1st class Honours, Barbara and Lenore Green also won 1st class Honours (84) -- duet -- "Bouraee", Bach, Shirley Berenbaum won 2nd place with 1st class Honours (83) in class under 8 years old--Skipping Along. Recruits Wanted Two Royal Canadian Artillery units in Toronto are now recruiting up to strength, They are the 7th Light Anti-Aircraft Battery and the 118th Field Battery. Major B. B. Osler, Officer Command- ing the 7th Light Anti-Aircraft Bat- teyr, says the chances for promotion in_ his outfit are good. His brother, Major P. S. Osler, commands the 118th. / Although both are artillery units these two batteries differ as much as a machine gun and a trench mortar. The 7th uses long barrelled anti-air- craft guns that hurl shells at a ter- rific rate.of speed high into the air. The 118th uses heavy, short barrelled field pieces that knock out tanks and pill boxes, The training that both units will re- ceive is interesting and diversified and their equipment is the largest type hot from the production line. BELGIAN DRAFT STALLION Caesar DeFand 5621 . Enrolment No: 3194 Property of 'Blake Johnson, NE EE Ea EEE at" Lawrence's Drug Store News "You Can SAVE With Safety at Your REXALL STORE" FLY TOX for Flies * 8 oz. 24¢. 16 oz. 43c. 32 oz. 13c. : TANGEL for deep sunburn Two sizes - 50c. and $1.25 REXALL FLY KIL "Powerful Fly Spray 8 oz. 29¢. 16 oz. 49c. 32 oz. T9¢. i NOXZEMA Skin Cream 'Three Sizes _19¢. 40c, $1.25 ANTI MOSQUITO CREAM "<A pleasant smelling ¢ Mosquito repellant Per tube 35c¢. NIVEA . Skin Cream and Skin Oil Two sizes 50¢, and 90c. » rei ee ae : TIT IN DAYS OF U NEEDS MAY Phone 41 pe the Strand Theatre UXBRIDGE, ONT. --Vacation Time is Show, Time-- Thursday, Friday, Sat. (This Week) John PAYNE, Sonja HENIE, in "SUN VALLEY 'SERENADE" See Sonja Skate, and Ski to the lovely: music of Glenn Miller--a new delight | : for all Also a COMEDY--Edgar 'Kennedy in| "HOME WORK" also Picture People. Saturday--2 shows at 7.30 and 9.80. pe Monday Tuesday, Wed, July 20-21-22 "Night at Earl ~ Carroll's" A great comedy Musical with a Bevy, of Chorus Girls, Music, Laughter.' also COMEDIES. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, (Next) : JACKIE COOPER, in Return of Frank James A great Western THOU SHALT NOT KILL! "A. M. LAWRENCE PHONE 49 720 Rexall swe 0 OO RELIABLE Insurance is essential WHATEVER YOUR INSURANCE HAROLD W. EMMERSON PORT PERRY NCERTAINTY BE, Consult Port Perry AUCTION 'SALE In the Estate of Andrew M. Bryant, Deceased There will be offered for sale b; public auction, on FRIDAY, the 14t day of AUGUST, 1942, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon by W. J. Sulley, Auctioneer, at his auction rooms at 344 Simcoe Street South, Oshawa, the following property, name- ly, the farm of the late Andrew Bry- ant, "deceased, being the south-west quarter of Lot No. 7, Concession 1, in the Township of Reach, in the County of Ontario, containing fifty acres more or less, on which is said to be erected a frame barn, silo, frame house and garage. : The farm will be offered for sale by the Administratrix of the Estate in order to enable her to pay the debts and -wind up the Estate and will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid and subject to the terms and con- ditions of sale which will be pro- duced at the time of the sale, For further particulars and condi- tions of sale, apply to Harris, Harris & Wallace, 41 Alger Building, Osha- wa, solicitors for the Estate. Dated at Oshawa this 26th day of go June, 1942, july 16° NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Tipp, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the above named who died at the City of Toronto on June | 11th, 1942, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned on or before Aug- ust 2nd, 1942, full particulars of their claims, i Immediately after August 2nd, 1942 the assets of the deceased will be dis- tributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. Dated at Port Perry, this 20th day "lof June A.D. 1942, Drive Carefully! HARRIS, HARRIS. & WALLACE, -- Port Perry, Ontario, Solicitors for the Whitmore, manship -- Grand Prize -- Mrs, Ted Port Perry Council APPOINTED CLERK-TREASURER pointed Clerk-Treasurer of the Corp- oration of Port Perry, temporarily, as such time as a permanent appoint- must be encouraged to use electric Dr. Dymond was appointed Medical Officer .of Health for the. Village | order to speed the manufacture of will not be less than 160,000 horse- power. This shortage, he warns, will -I have to be met by conservation and restrictions. In addition, scarcity of materials means that improvements not stop knitting. Bernard Koch. Anyone wishing wool, can obtain the same from Mrs. Lot 20, Con, 8, Uxbridge * Will stand at Gordon Fishley's Lot 20, Con, 14, Reach, for not vital to thé supply of_ adequate : service to war industries must be BORN postponed. The Commission takes the broad view that in addition to making avall- 1942, a son. HOPE--To Mr, and Mrs. Roy Hope, Scugog Island, on Saturday, July 11th, Thursday night throughout the. season of 1942 : TERMS--$10, due Feb. 1, 1043 ALSO SUFFOLK HORSE t: able the power supplies needed for the - maximum war effort, it must ensure that Ontario's valuable electric power is utilized to the, bést advantage. 1 Munitions plants, it is pointed out, power fully, and in many new ways McKinley. war supplies, on Tuesday. 5 DIED McKINLEY--At Brooklin, on Sat. urday, July 11th, 1042, - Carrie J. Raymes, beloved wife - of - Wilton 8. Interment wag made at Pine Grove Cemetery, Prince Albert, Stonehaven Envoy an. i Enrolment No. 4366, Color Golden Chestnut, 1900 lbs TERMS-- Samp as above horse July 30th above Estate. julyle Painting arrived, months to pay. : =. Call at our office, or Phone 240 w. your Spring Decorating. Phone 240w. Time for Re-Roofing and ~ A carload of British Columbia cedar shingles just :: We can supply you with any kind of E asphalt roofing, on an easy payment plan--twelve Full stock of J ap-a-Lac Paints for . LAKE SCUGOG LUMBER & COAL CO., LIMITED at [2 J "MEATS J 1306 0 DO 0 OO Phone 29w, Port Perry, for Quick Service, and Good Quality in 'CAWKER BROS, Family Butchers *