PORT PERRY, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 16th, 1942 hE Ll 98 Ve] PEA HANS FST BEAT 1 ah bo PR SLA LS E KB Fi athftaty for atoh 4] + «3 FPSO RPNIYS VLE WII RRS SA to) ay REIT He A : + / (AAS ARAN Sh PINES Ima A | KELSO Xf AEX MYs 5% 500 1a AS Nt SLR sp PN 7 i it bin ti Me rh t Aest e esti chica hn - rr pr BROCK THEATRE Phone 618, WHITBY Healthfully Air Conditioned Thursday, Friday and Saturday, / : JULY 16, 17 and 18, * Two shows at 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee at 1.30 p.m, & «The FLEET'S IN"| Dorothy Lamour, William Holden Eddie. Bracken, His Orchestra Plus Latest "Canada Carries On" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, JULY 20, 21 and 22. Last complete show at 8.20 The Lady has Plans with Ray Milland, Paulette Goddard Also a full length Feature Cartoon-- "MR. BUG GOES TO TOWN" in Technicolor COMING Next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, July 23-24-25, This Woman is Mine starring Franchot Tone, Carol Bruce, Walter Brennan, > " 5 J ._.--._. | .aooos PORT PERRY BAPTIST CHURCH HARDWARE Jimmy Dorsey and|jj a.m --Morning Service GEOPOLITIK -- HITLER'S PLAN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SE A he NOTE--1{ a paid-up Subscriber finds his or her name in small type i among these ads., that person will receive two War Savings | Stainps by applyng at the Office of The Port Perry Star, . 1 Don't Wait Until You're Half Frozen-- y THE CHURCHES. ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH "Rev. J. A. McMillan, Minister. »| 10 a.m.--Sunday School. PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH "Rev. W. C. Smith, Minister. = Sunday, July 19th-- 10 a.n--Sunday School, 11 a.m.--Jesus and the Gentile World 7 p.m.--The Gentleman, CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION ANGLICAN . Rector--Rev. William Stocks Sunday, July- 19th-- "Empire Day of Prayer for the Navy", 10 a.m.--Sunday School. '11 a.m.--Mating and Sermon-- "Qur Comrades on the Seas." : The Rector. Wednesday, July 22, at 2.30 p.m.-- Sunday School and Congregational Picnic at Stephenson's Point. Sunday, July 26th-- | 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 7 pm.--Evensong and Sermon. CHICK HATCHERY PORT PERRY Chick Hatchery HERBERT BROOKS Baby Chicks, Poultry, Eggs ete. EGG GRADING MAPLE LEAF FEEDS * Buy Next Winter's Coal at Once : i . Have your coal bins-illed this summer, so that # you will have no worry abdut rationing later on. Buy coal on the Government Credit Plan, giving up to nine months to pay. Ask for information from your-- : BLUE COAL DEALER REESOR'S FUEL & LUMBER v |B CREAMERY i Phone 73w PORT PERRY, ONTARI LR ; ERY 000% 0 A 10 SINR 00 000% SN Sh" PORT PERRY CREAMERY MANUFACTURERS OF Finest Pasteurized CREAMERY BUTTER and CHEESE ICE CREAM Phone 164, Port Perry JEMISON'S BAKERY THE HOME OF | GOOD BAKING i BREAD BUNS PASTRY FRESH, DAILY IN SEASONAL VARIETY "GENERAL MERCHANT DELIVERY--PHONE 98w 11 a.m--Morning Worship. 2.30 p.m.--Bible School Carnegie Hardware : COMPANY Radios, Builders' Supplies HARDWARE Furnaces, Plumbing D. Carnegie A. J. Carnegie Phone 61, Port Perry GROCERIES Superior Store Seasonable Specials : HILLCREST SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 20 oz. ..... prarstrererns 2le. WHEAT NUGGETS 3 quart box cen 2 for 17¢ ROYAL YORK CHOICE TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz. tin ........ 2 for 17c ROYAL YORK STRAWBERRY ~ JAM (with pectin) 32 oz. jar 32¢ Phone 162, Port Perry AUTO WRECKERS 7 p.m.--Evangelist Service Comel All welcome. DENTISTS DR. J. B. LUNDY DENTAL SURGEON, Office above Bell Telephone Exchange, North side Queen Street, Port Perry. Phones: Office 68w, Residence 68) W. A. Sangster DENTAL SURGEON Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Office Upstairs, over C. Sleep's Insurance Office. DR. H. H. ARMSTRONG DENTIST Leonard Block over Prentice's: Barbe: Shop. Phone 237, Res. 216 Port Perry . 2 LEGAL .| ARTHUR W. 8. GREER In attendance at my Port Perry office os Wednesday morning, and Friday afterncos of each week, or by appointment. Blong Block, Port Perry, Phone 2b PORT PERRY '(The 8rm of Greer & Humphreys is dissolved)' RUSSELL D. HUMPHREYS 244 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. BUY KING BUG KILLER FROM WES. CROSIER > General Merchant Phone-- Port Perry 86 r 11 SEAGRAVE, ONT. and Shoes, Hardware, etc. Groceries, Drygoods, Boots ART. JEMISON :: PROPRIETOR MEN WANTED NOW Many a farmer in. this district is at his wit's end as to how he is going to harvest his hay and other crops. p! Can you help? Do you know anyone who can? If so, fleas notify Miss S. Hortop, phone 25, Port Perry. o give such help now is practical patriotism. PIANO TUNING . . Piano Tuning Y. P. STOUFFER Repairs :: Moth Proofing Phone: Office 30; Res. 239 EPSOM Mr. Wm. Holtby and other relatives 4 in Je ga Nudd i . r. and Mrs, Clarence Niddery anc , The Epsom Euchre Club held its|Mr. and Mrs. Norman Niddery of 34th meeting in Memory Hall, Utica, | Trenton, were visitors at the home on Friday night, July 10th, Thereof Mr. and Mrs. L. Niddery on Sunday. were ten tables of euchre played. The| Rev. G. S. Gervan has gone on his Ladies' prizes donated by Mr. Cook|vacation so the Church Services will So < VETERINARY Ashenhurst were won by Mrs. L. G.|be withdrawn for two Sundays. Brown first, and Miss Aileen Brown,| ap Robert Holden of Oshawa, call- VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 44 . D. C. Mao Master, B.V.Sc. won by Mr. Whitlock Meyers, first and Port Perry (he Hall, prizes and all other expenses. } Alleen on as Sd ed on Mr. Arthur Orchard, last week. Mr. Eddie Steer, consolation. Mr. ingill Cook Ashenhurst presented the Club ; PRINCE ALBERT HOUSE FOR BALE Perry. Brick house, Scugog street, Port Perry, 7 rooms, all conveniences, ver- andah. Will sell cheap for quick sale, ;.. Apply to Walter Howsam, phone 118 r 2 or Chas. Howsam, 80 r 11, Port junelltf with $5 which was used for renting The next meeting of the Club will be held in Memory Hall on Friday, The Church has commenced its July 31st. The prizes are being do-|summer services at ten am. and is nates by Mew yy we it followed by Sunday School. ea. Ton y MISS Mpg, Brown and son Alan, along Joan MocDonsics Me, far] bison ad with-their friends Mr. and Mrs, Bert Ladi y Munro, Gentlemen, «9¢.|\wanpnamaker and sons, Toronto, spent ies provide lunch, Proceeds forl, couple of days last week at- the FOR QUICK DELIVERY! B. W. V. Fund "Mr . home of Mr, and Mrs. W. Martyn and Mr. and Mrs. N. S. MacDonald, other friends. me RED & WHITE svore Cherries This Week Montmorency and Black fresh from the garden, at low market price. This is Cherry Week. * SUGAR REGULATIONS For Preserving--1; lb. Sugar for 1 1b. of Fruit. For Jam--3; Ib. Sugar for 1 lb, of Fruit, Jam with Pectin--1} Ibs. Sugar for 1 Ib. of Fruit. Sugar Coupon No. 2 can now be used Certo 25¢c. Khovah Jelly Maker 15¢ Jars, Medium, $1.25 doz. Rubber Rings, 7c. per dozen. Zinc Rings, 27c. per dozen MEN'S STRAW HATS 25¢. 39c. $2.50 $2.75 Inlaid Linoleum Floors We have a large stock of Inlaids. Prices quoted installed in any room for Summer Wear. "DRESSES The Popular Martha Washington Dresses in a Large Assortment. F. W. BROCK & SON PHONE 43 PORT PERRY Auto Wreckers IRWIN TRIPP, Proprietor _ Cars bought for wrecking . Phone 814 {n attendance at my Port Perry office en Tuesday and Thursday afternoons of each week or by sppointment. : Queen Street, Port Perry, Phone #4 urposes. re of cars. Used parts for' BEAUTY PARLOR Lloyd and Jean and Mra, P, Luke at mark on your-order, ship by Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hooper's, Saint- CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPRESS field, on Sunday, - . Express Office at the Observer. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffery, Yvon- Phone 30 V. P. Stouffer, Agent ne and Mrs. K, Coates calling on rela- ; = tives and friends here on Sunday, FOR BALE Mr, and Mrs. Charles Clark, Ross Harris, Harris & Wallace have two and Marign at Scugog on Sunday. houses in Port Perry for sale: one on the sick list. Sorry to report Mr. John Christie Mr, and Mrs. A. Harper visited re- cently with friends in Queensville. 'Mrs. A. MacGregor spent the week- end with relatives in Toronto and Niagara Falls, ' Mr. and Mrs, S. Ireland and little son, of Timmins, are spending a few holidays with Mr. and Mra. F. Luke. GOOD MEATS Properly dressed and well kept Always available at reasonable price, by ordering from W. E. MacGREGOR, BUTCHER Phone 72w, PORT PERRY Phone 2iw, Port Perry L. Bond at $900 and the other at $1200, Will PRENTICE'S : be sold either for cash or on monthly -- BEAUTY PARLOR --| . cis. Phone 24. Skilled Opsrglor, Very moderate prices) FOR SALE SEEDS and FEEDS e specialize in-- Two Yorkshire Boars--one fit for Bonat Permanent Waves oo and Wave B0c| service. Apply to Jos. Forder and Shamp T5¢ Sons, Blackstock, Phone 197-6. Mrs. Murphy is in Ottawa having Mr. and Mrs, Hudson, Oshawa, at|gttended the funeral of her HWister Mr. John Bailey's Sunday. Utica, Pam and Bethesda Sunday Schools held a joint meeting at Beth- esda on Sunday. Mrs. G. Payne in Brampton one day last week, on Sunday; = '-- there. Jackson. utson, Mrs. Ingram, Toronto, spent the # week-end with her mother Mrs. D. M. | 5 Mr. and Mrs. J. Ellis, Toronto, spent | & Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Taylor and fam- | the week-end at the homes of her! ily at Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor's bio are, Messrs. Robt. and Russell! "HOGG & LYTLE Marcel ~~ - - LIMITED GRAIN & FEEDS Field and- Garden- Seeds All Kinds of Poultry Feeds Manicure 36¢ PERMANENT WAVES $1.95 and up Our work is up to a standard-- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howsam at RASPBERRIES! RASPBERRIES! Mr. and Mrs, Earl Howsam's recently. Pick your own'and- save dc, -box Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Prizeman and below market price. Order now. E. Hugh at Mr, and Mrs. Ray Medd's on Monday evening, Thompson, Port Perry. july16ut Mr, Gordon fiartin and lady friend - HAY FOR SALE ] of Oshawa and Mr. and Mrs. Al. Chris- Eight acres of Standing Timothy Sunday. tie at Port Perry and Caesarea on afternoon at his home here. her mother, Mrs. A. Bond. Mrs. F. Young and daughters, of Toronto, are spending the summer holidays with the former's sister Miss Barlow. ) ) Pte. M. K. Luke, Toronto, spent one H . Miss Violet Bond Is holidaying with i Cherry Sponge Cake. Saturday Special --"Polar Cakes" WE DELIVER _ Special Farm Supplies Phone 1, Port Perry Not down to a price. Phone 223, Port Perry ARTHUR PRENTICE, Prop. 'Myrtle Station Elevator H. H, GOODE Grains, Clover Seeds, : and Fuel General Farm Supplies g : C1 Clover Seeds, nd ge FOR WRECKING Rl LL. JELNOOn Agent) HIGHEST PRICES PAID Phones ~ Port Perey 120 rb and 12 ; Brooklin 88 £ 17 and 22 Phone--90 r 12 Arrange for your Spring requirements of Y Seed Orville Tripp | MANCHESTER, ONT. Auto Wrecker OLD CARS BOUGHT "CLOTHES CLEANING RADIO 7 SUITS BPONGED AND PRESSED '680 Cents SUITS CLEANED Dry Cleaned $1.00 .-C. P.ROLPH Upstairs, over Jomison's Bakery Expert RADIO Service PHONE 234 on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays only. Hay. Apply to Arthur Gilroy, R.R. Port Perry, Phone 107 r 12. Mrs. O. Roberts;sof Windsor, visited 21 Mr. and Mrs. L. Wagner at Mrs. P. % hg I ager her sister Mrs. Russell Butson- | Luke's on Sunday. JRL TNE WSN FOR BALE Brood Sows--Phone 86 r 2 or 94. 100 Hogs -- Suckers, Chunks, and ton at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howsam's Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Noble on the birth of a son. | . t~ Mrs. Dobson, Harold and CANADIAN WOMEN'S ARMY CORPS NEEDS RECRUITS ; Saturday: Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Dunn and fa-| Rapidly replacing more and moro {iss Lin- CHIROPRACTOR mily are spending a few days with Mr. J nen and relieving them for -combat W. J. KING "Now In Uxbridge, Ontario Maple Street Phone 64 r 18 Chirgpractor, Drugless Therapist ger's on Sunday. In Practice over twenty years. Meit, Women Over 40 Feel Weak, Worn, Old? Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality 7 Dom, wok. Eater . oF n McLean Radio Service | y iand Mrs, John Christie. } | duties, the Canadian Women's Army |" Mr. and Mrs. Cracknell, ns ah ot sea a Mr. Juan Rogers and Miss Bertha paign to increase the strength 'of the Fudger at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ro-| Corps is now under way. -- Trinity Barracks, St. George St, ex- , cept for the drivers, whose irregular ' PROSPECT live out on subsistence. When trained, the girls replace men 210 spendlug « few dugg) tiahoms keepers, draughtsmen, telephone op- ford last week and returned on. Mon- cians, dental nurses, drivers, cooks, day. mechanics, waitresses, canteen help- spent a couple of days at the home o gers. his parents. . shawa, home for a few days. Min Ads Moffett, of Carroll, Map.,| PORT PERRY SPORTS DAY, MONDAY, AUGUST 8rd. Mr. and Mrs. J. Neeson's on Sun C.W.A.C. girls in Torontd live at hours make it necessary that they Mr: and Mrs. Durham, of Toronto,| aq clerks, typists, stenographers, book- Mrs, Frank Martin motored to Mea- | erators, laboratory and ex-ray techni- 'Mr. Ernest Gilroy, of Fort" ele) ers, storemen, librarians and messen- Miss Mabel Niddery, R. N., of O- ~~ is visiting at the home of her uncle, PHONE 32 ICE Sold here in Bricks and Bulk Peanut Cookies. Gerrow Bros., Port Perr AFA ARORA AR MASS PRODUCTION SHIP BUILDING Workmen usin a giant driller on a tested steel hull plate at a British merchant ship buildjng yard. REAM FOR DESSERT | Fon 2 mp . A p7 EAT TNE RAG 2 A Oe or =. A, gi Raa, hr CF Neh 3) is a 3 =r